#aleksander › isms
korolnichevoya · 7 months
redoing my tags part 1
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mel0dy-am · 9 months
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i have not yet showed tumblr my favorite of savant’s characters….ism. he’s goth and i’m all for it even tho i have a history of making art of him as a soft boi ^w^
also does anyone like savant. plz let me know :,)
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courtofmuses · 2 years
grishaverse tag drop
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serpentarii · 6 months
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M O R D L U S T ; the four horsemen of the apocalypse
❝"Come." And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from Earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him.❞ 
aleksander fox as war ; insurrection and slaughter ; WAR rides wreathed in fiery red. there is division to be sewn, blood to be spilled, foes to be felled. he stands on the BRINK of a world abandoned by the gods. those with power were simply born into it, CLAWING his way into their favor cannot be for nothing.
❝"Come." I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.❞ 
isme de lède as conquest ; crowned in triumph ; CONQUEST leaves naught but destruction in its wake. the promise of a golden age requires a firm yet GENTLE hand, and eight centuries ago his kingdom brought pestilence to the realms of men. and where there is desolation, there is PEACE.
❝"Come." I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.❞ 
voir vératre as famine ; mourning justice ; FAMINE is a warhammer in the face of a smallfolk's sickle. she has spent the whole of her WRETCHED life wanting under the reign of a church that detests her. the pieces fall, but the game remains the same. gluttony is a sin, but HUNGER is a prayer.
❝"Come." I looked, and behold, a pale horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hell followed with him. ❞ 
salem salicaire as death ; the fall of an empire ; DEATH is known by many names—sword, plague, beast, change. something must give if he is to regain his lost FAITH. but what is a man with no name, no legacy, and no grave? can you say he even lived, even EXISTED at all?
The Crown Prince of Cendrier has vanished without a trace. The dornenheit ravages the countryside while the King idles in his castle. Something lies dormant beneath the Grand Brinnaal Cathedral. The Kingdom of Falkenreik rots from core to flesh, Voir Vératre is certain it has to do with the anonymous letter she received calling her to slay the head of the Helemere Church. But when she receives the key to a greater mystery unraveling around her and a ghost from her past reemerges, she’s forced to confront a life she’d thought escaped. 
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@seasteading | @veneritia | @sourrcandy | @arkicts | @redrcbin | @diesatoru | @darkgazer | @inky-duchess | @kaatiba | @writeblrfantasy | @wildswrites | @morganwriteblr | @frvnwrites | @uraniawrites | @bayoucurse | @caradhraas | @birdskullz | @halcionic | @nallthatjazz | @ladywithalamp | @cannivalisms | @muddshadow | @sylhorn
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
special edition show i haven't really seen you complain and/or talk about in a while: 7 8 & 12 for julie&the phantoms, shadow and bone and the wilds
oof the wilds….. that was an ERA fr. also what are you TALKING about including shadow and bone as something i haven’t talked about in a while….. i’m IN my alina era rn…… well ok let’s do this
7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
for julie i don’t hate anyone but lowkey i kinda hate those boys on the grounds of the fact that before i watched the show every post i had seen about it was ONLY about the boys and i didn’t even know who julie was or what she looked like because no one ever talked about her despite her being THE TITULAR CHARACTER like come on besties… for shadow and bone i’m not involved in fandom for that but from what i remember seeing back when season one came out and people were talking about it was that there was SO MUCH discourse about kirigan/aleksander/the darkling whatever the FUCK i’m supposed to call that man. well that didn’t make me hate the character but it DID make me realize that fandom was annoying as hell. the wilds… idk i don’t think i hate any fan favorites in the wilds. i think some people went too hard for shelby and toni tho. oh actually and kirin. yes i know i participated in loving that guy. i’m different tho. i’m never the problem haven’t you heard….
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
i don’t think i know any fandom opinions about julie i’ve never really engaged with that. i assume though that there are people that ship luke and reggie and call julie a lesbian to push her out of the way. so that. no i don’t know that, i don’t know what i’m talking about I’ve just been around the block and i assume that’s a thing people in fandom do/did. shadow and bone…. well i think discoursing about whatever the hell his name is is dumb. i haven’t read the books yet but he’s well written enough in the show that there’s clear nuance we don’t have to do black and white morality discourse idk. as for the wilds…. when people were arguing about who we should ship for a potential third season and everyone was like omg martha and bo!! like. 😐 just say you want my girl martha to die goddamn. also true about every martha ship people tried to push. all of them would have been bad sorry. except maybe one. which i won’t say. unless….
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
well. JULIE. oh my god why does no one talk about julie ever it’s ridiculous she is the TITULAR CHARACTER…. like was i just in an insane bubble at that time or something?? well i still never see anyone talk about julie when they talk about the show so idk. idk but i love julie a lot she’s my favorite :) this is also true for alina but i’m definitely in a bubble for that one. hm idk what the widely disliked in fandom characters are in shadow and bone so i can’t really speak on this one. do people hate mal? i’m just guessing that based on his gale-ism, there’s probably people that hate him right? well EYE think he’s neat, he’s alina’s best friend, they’ve been there for each other nearly all their lives…. he’s a brave man but deep down he’d rather be taming horses…. i like him!!! and the wilds. well. i liked raf, nobody else liked raf, he had that problematic swag and those big brown eyes he was like a pathetic little lamb to me idk. also leah but i think people warmed up to leah in s2, more people didn’t like her in s1. so like we won on the leah front fr!!
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ohsaiints · 3 years
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general aleksander attends the spring fête
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korolnichevoya · 3 years
tag dump 1/2 !
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victoryclaimedmoved · 6 years
aleksander tag dump.
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serpentarii · 11 months
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M O R D L U S T ; flower symbolism 
aleksander fox as the rusty foxglove ; 
— foxgloves were historically known as folk’s gloves, as they were believed to grow on faerie soil. in the language of flowers they signify insincerity, ambition, intuition, and secrets. they are lethally toxic.
isme de lède as the queen of the night ; 
— the queen of the night, or cereus, is a rare flower that blooms only one night a year and wilts before dawn. it symbolizes luck, perseverance, ethereal beauty, and the value of the fleeting nature of life. 
voir vératre as the false hellebore ; 
— false hellebore is at once highly toxic and yet also an herbal remedy, though it is incompatible with many other herbs. legend states that alexander the great died of hellebore poisoning. 
salem salicaire as the purple lythrum ; 
— lythrum is supposedly named for lysimachus, friend and eventual successor to alexander the great. the flower represents seeking peace and tranquility, and at the same time blood and gore. 
The Crown Prince of Cendrier has vanished without a trace. The dornenheit ravages the countryside while the King idles in his castle. Something lies dormant beneath the Grand Brinnaal Cathedral. The Kingdom of Falkenreik rots from core to flesh, Voir Vératre is certain it has to do with the anonymous letter she received calling her to slay the head of the Helemere Church. But when she receives the key to a greater mystery unraveling around her and a ghost from her past reemerges, she’s forced to confront a life she’d thought escaped. 
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@seasteading | @veneritia | @sourrcandy | @arkicts | @redrcbin | @behel1ts | @darkgazer | @inky-duchess | @kaatiba | @writeblrfantasy | @wildswrites | @morganwriteblr | @frvnwrites | @bayoucurse | @caradhraas | @birdskullz | @nallthatjazz | @ladywithalamp | @cannivalisms | @muddshadow | @sylhorn | @mortallynuttyqueen | @halcionic
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ohsaiints · 3 years
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the yuriy siblings
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noizecode-blog · 7 years
The Beat (Original Mix)
Grab The Beat (Original Mix) Here! — Provided to YouTube by Base79
The Beat (Original Mix) · Savant
℗ SectionZ Records
Released on: 2012-10-07
Unknown: Aleksander Vinter
Auto-generated by YouTube.
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serpentarii · 9 months
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The dramatis personae of Mordlust live unwelcome on the fringes of Falkenrisch society, whether that be due to race, class, culture, or religious upbringing. The exact kind of people you'd find attempting to dismantle the duplicitous Church and chew through the chains that bind them.
aleksander fox ; human . he/him . bisexual ; born a hayseed boy from a village so small it didn't appear on any maps, he ABANDONED his home at the age of twelve. now he's found his place as the upstart LAPDOG of the wealthy and newly ennobled HOUSE OF OSPIRIN. isme de lède ; cigne . he/him . panromantic demisexual ; the missing heir to the throne of CENDRIER. he has known many suitors and lovers throughout the centuries he's lived. a warrior, a swan, a prince so IMMACULATE the poems written of him bring TEARS to even stone statues. voir vératre ; schneekind . she/her . lesbian ; the BASTARD daughter of a human mother and an estranged cigne father, she has known only the detested existence of a SCHNEEKIND. it is her cigne blood that allows her to transfigure using the FEATHERED CLOAK. salem salicaire ; human . he/him . aromantic asexual ; a human, or so they say. an omen hound in human form, so they BELIEVE. even he is not quite sure of what he is or where he came from. a FOUNDLING with no prior memories and no FAITH in any gods or saviors.
Aleksander Fox's chance at unending fortune comes when he steals and sells the feathered cloak of the Swan Prince. It falls into the hands of Voir Vératre, an assassin hired to kill the head of the Helemere Church, all while working against a painful ghost from her past. 
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@seasteading | @veneritia | @sourrcandy | @arkicts | @redrcbin | @behel1ts | @darkgazer | @inky-duchess | @kaatiba | @writeblrfantasy | @wildswrites | @morganwriteblr | @frvnwrites | @bayoucurse | @caradhraas | @nallthatjazz | @ladywithalamp | @cannivalisms | @muddshadow | @sylhorn | @mortallynuttyqueen | @halcionic
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serpentarii · 21 days
character voice tag
tagged by ; @veneritia (hi maddie 🥰)
rules ; rewrite the line of dialogue from the person who tagged you into the voice of your OCs (you can include a short beat of action to help establish character if you want) pass on the tag with a new line of dialogue ! my line is "what do you want from me?"
aleksander ;
"How may I be of service?" (if he likes you)
isme ;
"I cannot promise to offer what you seek, but on my honor as a cigne and the Immaculé of Cendrier, I shall aid you in any way I can."
voir ;
"Have I grown a second head or do you intend to tell me why you keep staring at me?"
salem ;
tagging ; @writinglyra, @lexiklecksi, & @vorskra your line is "i'm afraid"
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serpentarii · 2 years
character theme/intro tag
rules ; list songs that would play when your characters walk into a room 
tagged by ; @inky-duchess ty & sorry this took so long !! 
voir ; écoute chérie - vendredi sur mer 
salem ; wild side - ali 
aleksander ; people i don’t like - upsahl 
isme ; in stori stif and stronge - daniel hart 
tagging ; @veneritia, @helioselene, @sourrcandy, @seasteading, & @ikilledmyocs
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ohsaiints · 3 years
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                                                                               . . . . THE MOST FEARED OF GRISHA’S , HEARTRENDERS
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ohsaiints · 3 years
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everybody's  lookin'  for  a  come  up,  and  they  wanna  know  what  you're  about me  in  the  middle  with  the  one  i'm  lovin',  we're  just  tryna  figure  everything  out
we  don't  fit  in  well,  cause  we  are  just  ourselves i  could  use  some  help,  gettin'  out  of  this  conversation
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