#alexander von wagner
random-brushstrokes · 9 months
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Alexander von Wagner - Queen Isabella's Farewell to Transylvania (1863)
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illustratus · 1 year
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The Chariot Race (detail) by Alexander von Wagner
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lux-vitae · 2 years
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The Chariot Race (detail) by Alexander von Wagner (1882)
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hzaidan · 3 months
01 Work, The Art of War, Alexander von Wagner's Self- Sacrifice of Titusz Dugovics, with footnotes
Alexander von Wagner (1838–1919)The Self- Sacrifice of Titusz Dugovics, c. 1859Oil on canvasheight: 168.5 cm (66.3 in); width: 147 cm (57.8 in)Hungarian National Gallery Titusz Dugovics or Titus Dugović (died in 21 July 1456) was the alleged identity of an unknown Hungarian soldier who was stationed during the Siege of Belgrade by the Ottoman Empire’s forces in Belgrade.  Belgrade was at this…
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lemuseum · 2 years
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opera-ghosts · 24 days
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Funeral of Siegfried Wagner. Back row: Friedrich Schorr, Carl Braun, Rudolf Bockelmann, Gunnar Graarud, Odo Böck. Front row: Alexander von Spring, Eduard Habich, Fritz Wolff, Lauritz Melchior and Theodor Scheidl; Bayreuth, August 30. 1930
Siegfried Wagner; Bayreuth, ?
Winifred Wagner; Bayreuth, ?
Richard Wagner in circle of his family and friends; Bayreuth, ?
Siegfried Wagner with Winifred Wagner and children Verena, Friedelind, Wolfgang and Wieland; Bayreuth, ?
Siegfried Wagner, Winifred Wagner, children Verena, Friedelind, Wolfgang, Wieland, conductor Karl Muck and Daniela Thode; Bayreuth, ?
Cosima Wagner; Bayreuth, ?
Richard Wagner; Bayreuth, ?
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bruntalism · 1 month
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The Chariot Race (detail) — Alexander von Wagner (1882)
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mordsfesch · 8 months
Heeey , kann ich mal was zum Tatort München fragen ? Ich habe mit fast 30 jetzt erstmals angefangen Tatort zu gucken . In der Mediathek sind ja nicht alle Folgen . Es gab doch mal diese blonde Frau ( Christine , Christiane ? ) die mal da gearbeitet hat oder ? Hatte die irgendwie so besondere Fähigkeiten wie Will Graham von den Thomas Harris Hannibal Büchern ? Die war am Tatort irgendwie auch so komisch und ist glaube ich irgendwann sogar zum FBI ? Fänds ganz lieb wenn mir jemand erklären könnte wer sie ist und was sie so kann ( und vielleicht warum sie weg ist , hätte sie nicht irgendwann übernehmen können ? )
Gibt es vielleicht ein Wiki oder so ? Danke :)
Hallo, Anon! Willkommen auf der dunklen Seite der Macht im Tatort Fandom!
Klar, kannst du mich was fragen, sehr gerne sogar :)
Diese blonde Frau, auf die du dich beziehst, heißt Christine Lerch (gespielt von Lisa Wagner). Wagner war das erste Mal 2010 in der Folge "Nie wieder frei sein" in einer anderen Rolle zu sehen [kleiner Edit, weil mich @carlomainzinger auf einen Flüchtigkeitsfehler hingewiesen hat. Danke nochmal]. Ihr Charakter Lerch hatte ihren ersten Auftritt etwas später in der Folge "Am Ende des Flurs" (2014) und war die Leiterin der Operativen Fallanalyse [Wikipedia]. Vorbild für die Rolle war Alexander Horn, der die Operative Fallanalyse bei der Münchner Polizei leitet, und die Redakteurin des Münchner "Tatort", Stephanie Heckner, bei der Stoffentwicklung berät [Das Erste].
Die Bücher von Thomas Harris habe ich leider nie gelesen, deshalb kann ich dir nichts über irgendwelche besonderen Fähigkeiten sagen, außer dass Lerch keine besitzt. Eine Parallele zwischen Will Graham und Christiane Lerch ist allerdings ihr Beruf. Graham ist ein Profiler, der für die "Behavioral Analysis Unit" des FBI arbeitet. "Profiler" ist dabei die englische Bezeichnung für das, was in Deutschland als "Fallanalytiker" bezeichnet wird [BKA]. Die zwei machen also quasi das Gleiche, eine Tatrekonstruktion anhand von Analysen, bloß dass Lerch im Tatort darauf verzichtet, sich übermäßig in die Rolle des Täters zu begeben und auch sämtliche fantastischen Elemente vermieden werden. Die gibt es bloß in ein paar anderen München Folgen in Bezug auf Ivo, aber darum geht es hier ja nicht und das würde auch den Rahmen sprengen.
Genau diese Nähe zur Realität ist übrigens auch der Grund, warum Lerch als Charakter in der Folge "Die Wahrheit" (2016) fürs Erste zum FBI geschickt und somit aus den Folgen gestrichen wurde. Weil man Fallanalytiker nämlich nicht für die für den Tatort üblichen mutmaßlichen Beziehungstaten, also nicht jede Art von Fall braucht, kam die Figur nur selten zum Einsatz, was sowohl die Redakteurin als auch die Schauspielerin frustrierend fanden [Das Erste].
Was die Frage der Übernahme angeht, dafür scheint momentan Kalli Hammermann (gespielt von Ferdinand Hofer) infrage zu kommen. Lerch halte ich für unrealistisch, weil sie seit dem Abschied 2016 nicht nochmal in einer Folge vorkam und dann doch eher ein neues Team gegründet werden würde, schätze ich. Ich persönlich fänd es sehr schön, wenn Kalli bleiben würde und in die Fußstapfen seiner beiden Work Dads tritt. Hofer hat in Interviews bisher verlauten lassen, dass er durchaus daran interessiert wäre, weiterzumachen, wenn Wachtveitl und Nemec aufhören, und sich auch vorstellen kann, dass Kalli als Figur dieser neuen Rolle gewachsen wäre. Obwohl dafür der Charakter natürlich noch mehr ausgebaut werden müsste, aber ich habe noch einen anderen Ask bekommen, in dessen Antwort ich darauf etwas mehr eingehen werde.
Ich hab mal ein paar meiner Quellen hier verlinkt, aber solltest du noch ein bisschen mehr Recherche betreiben wollen, kann ich auch noch https://www.wiewardertatort.de/ und https://tatort-fans.de/ empfehlen :)
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briannas-casebook · 2 years
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On the 14th of October for our latest Animation Context class, we visited the Manchester Art Gallery. It is here that the painting that we discussed in last week's class, 1882's The Chariot Race by Alexander von Wagner is displayed.
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Along with this, there were several other paintings on display that caught my eye. For example, Waiting for the Coach by Edmund Blair Leighton. The detail and realism presented in the oil painting were so lifelike, some of the students mistook it for a colourised photograph.
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Another painting that fascinated me was the painting of the greek poet Sappho painted in 1877 by Charles-August Mengin. depicting the poet all in black, leaning on a rock with a somber expression, chest exposed. According to the plaque, "the painting has an intense sexual charge intended to appeal to male viewers visiting the officially endorsed Paris Salon exhibition. Its eroticism was legitimized for them by the meticulous finish of the fine brushstrokes and the scholarly reference to classical history".
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Furthermore, a tour guide leading a separate group commented that the reason for her melancholic expression and the dower tone of the painting itself, with the cold, grey setting of the windy rocks and the black robes Sappho wears, is due to the male artists projecting the stereotypes of sapphic women held by men such as himself. As evidenced in a few of her love poems and the fact there is no historical evidence to suggest Sappho ever showed any interest, romantically and/or sexually in men, it is accepted by most historians that Sappho was what we in modern times would label as a lesbian. In 1800th/1900th century Britain, not only was homosexuality considered a mental deficiency and a crime but it was also believed a woman who preferred the same gender would never truly be happy or fulfilled in a non-heterosexual relationship. Thus the melancholic look of Sappho evokes this deeply misogynistic, lesbophobic view. Ironically though, as two of my female classmates joked, this tired, rugged, and "goth" look the artist gave to Sappho to demonize her identity likely just makes her more attractive to a particular subset of women-loving women in modern times...
Throughout the gallery, there were several signs and plaques that ask questions and encourage viewers to reconsider the subtext of certain paintings in the gallery, how the social and political landscape of the victorian era informed it, and how it may affect or feed into harmful biases of today.
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A notable example of this is the "feminist revision" plaques created in 2015 by cultural activist Anne Louise Kershaw, documents created for the first feminist takeover of the Manchester Art Gallery. Placed next to the regular plaques that describe the gallery subjects in a neutral and formal manner, these feminist revisions bring up and expose many of the overlooked or purposefully hidden ugly sides of these classical art movements, such as in the body and form gallery, which highlight paintings where artists explored the human body. The feminist revision points out how not only is there an imbalance of male-to-female artists work displayed in this section, with only two female artists represented, but also how the nude figures, particularly the female figures, are portrayed with overly perfect idealized bodies that reflect male-centric beauty standards of women. The female figures serve mainly as an excuse for the male artists and viewers to create and consume content that objectified and commodified (an idealized version of) the female body. Points which the "unbiased" and "neutral" regular plaques often overlook or leave out.
Adding to the provocative points of the feminist revision is the use of highly informal language not often, if ever, seen on informational plaques of this type. With men or male artists being described as "fellas", women, female artists, and subjects described as "ladies" and other uses of slang such as "obvs", "proper dodgy" and "aces". The result reads more like an informal social media post on the subject of classical art than a formal informational plaque. This, of course, was likely tongue-in-cheek and very much intentional on the part of Kershaw, who used this informal use of slang to deconstruct the typically formal and neutral language used in informational plaques used in art galleries, but also could've been used to intentionally provoke a response, thus drawing attention to the points and the conversation of these feminist talking points at the heart of the plaques.
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Other paintings that caught my eye aesthetically were India House and The Water Baby.
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I was drawn to the misty, impressionistic, and dreamlike style of India House, and there was something about the imagery of the baby in the clam in The Water Baby that sparked my imagination.
before I left the gallery, I was informed they sell a small book containing images of many of the gallery's paintings, so I bought that to use as a reference or for future inspiration in creative projects.
I felt this visit to the gallery was very fulfilling for me as an artist, not only to be able to see such captivating works of art in person but also to gain a new critical and nuanced perspective on these works through some of the thoughts from staff signs and even the heavy-handed feminist revision plaques.
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datenarche · 4 months
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carter-1234 · 5 months
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Alexander von Wagner 1863
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jamieroxxartist · 8 months
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Today #Sept4, our Fun Friends in the #RomanEmpire would have been getting down because today would have been the first day of the #LudiRomani until 19 September.
*The Chariot Race, c.1882 (oil on canvas) by Alexander von Wagner (Bridgeman)
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illustratus · 1 year
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The Chariot Race (detail) by Alexander von Wagner
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wweallresultspage · 1 year
WWE Monday Night Raw Results - May 15, 2023
1. Shinsuke Nakamura def. The Miz in 10:01
2. Mustafa Ali def. Akira Tozawa, Angel, Apollo Crews, Baron Corbin, Bronson Reed, Cedric Alexander, Chad Gable, Dexter Lumis, Dolph Ziggler, Elias, Erik, Humberto, Ivar, JD McDonagh, Johnny Gargano, ma.çé, mån.sôör, Matt Riddle, Otis, Ricochet, Riddick Moss, Shelton Benjamin, Von Wagner, and Xyon Quinn in a WWE Intercontinental Championship #1 Contender's Battle Royal in 12:35
3. Dominik Mysterio def. Xavier Woods in 11:05
4. Sanga & Veer def. Drake Thompson & Lavar Barbie in 1:51
5. Raquel Rodriguez def. Chelsea Green in 3:44
6. Damian Priest & Finn Bálor def. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn in 20:59
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hzaidan · 3 months
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Titusz Dugovics or Titus Dugović was the alleged identity of an unknown Hungarian soldier who was stationed during the Siege of Belgrade by the Ottoman Empire's forces in Belgrade…
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Belgrade,Paintings,Alexander von Wagner,War,History,fineart,Ottoman,Titusz Dugovics,Zaidan,Arthistory,Biography,Artists,footnotes,
01 Work, The Art of War, Alexander von Wagner's Self- Sacrifice of Titusz Dugovics, with footnotes
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lemuseum · 2 years
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