#also ilsa looks amAzing omg
paperrkites · 1 year
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benji benji benji BENJI BENJI
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kajaono · 10 months
Why MCQ is wrong when he says that Ilsa and Ethan would be boring as a love couple
Ilsa and Ethan, Rita Vrataski and Bill Cage. MCQ has a thing for couples who love each other but can be never together. And what happens after the movie ends is up to the viewer. That is of course perfectly fine and I actually also like it. Its kinda thrilling
And he wrote those couples so perfectly and nuanced. This is why I was so surprised to see how boring and bleak the love relationship was in Top Gun Maverick.
NOW knowing that he thinks established love relationships in action movies are boring, explains A LOT.
But I think in his whole „love couples in action movies are boring“ attitude he overlook something really important. The problem starts with Ilsa and Ethan being not a „one movie - will they/won't they“-couple. They have an established relationship over the course of three movies. They might have started as yet another one of MCQs "They can't be together“-couples but they devloped a dynamic. They proved that they work together really well. Not only as a romantic couple but also as indivual characters.
Especially the finale scene in MI6 showed how well Ilsa and Ethan can work together as an agent couple (without „omg, pleas keep save *sobbing* don’t hurt yourself *good boys kiss* ) but as real professionals and then switching to a tender love couple once the danger is over. And I think fans wanted that and nothing more for Ilsa and Ethan. No one wanted to see them going on dates, because eventually we are still here for Tom Cruise jumping out of airplanes because Benji is asking him to. What fans expected to get in Mi7 was a: Tender opening scene with Ethan and Ilsa (we kinda got that with the desert hug), then fighting together, maybe holding hands once (we also got that) then action - action - one anxious long and a nod - action - action - action - kiss - the end. Nothing more. Like The Old Guard f.e.
And I think that is the most confusing thing about this whole situation. There are AMAZING action movies out there with a romantic lead couple. The old Guard, ant man 2 (who are also aiming at an more adults viewers) and dare I to say, even Vampire Academy, the tv show? which yes, has a lot of love drama but it honestly boils down to: how can we be guardians, who put the mission above everything and love each other at the same time?“ and they find a solution. There is this beautiful scene in the final fight where Rose tells Dimitri to run, he shortly struggles, stands stills, looks at her, anxious, and then runs away. And we didn’t asked for more for Ethan and Ilsa
That MCQ appearently thinks Action love couples are boring tells us a lot how he views fictional love in general
Also, the moment where he decided he didn’t wanted to write a boring love relationship, the woman had to die. Not the man, the woman.. which …. Yeah they can not replace Tom Cruise… (yet) but either the woman dies first to give a man character motivation or is left as a mourning widow. Nothing else… wow, groundbreaking. We really haven’t moved a bit in female representation huh?
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ultralaser · 5 years
i'm just gonna go ahead and spoil the fuck out of hellboy 2019 bc it's awful and i can't think of a good reason not to
thomas haden church shows up as lobster johnson! but he looks ridiculous, like, a cheap halloween costume version compared to, say, the period costumes in captain america or wonder woman. and he has NO SET UP so he just comes off like a joke, it's not, oh this is a wierd noir pulp hero in **gotham city**, it's, lobster johnson, nazi hunter. is hellboy a world with cool superheroes, and if so, why isn't hellboy one of them? is he an x men now? idk it doesnt work tho
baba yaga shows up! she has a house on chicken legs that's rendered beautifully, but then she has one of the worst face prosthetics i've ever seen, it literally looks like a cheap monster mask from party city. so much for the grace and elegant spookiness of a doug jones suit, this baba yaga mask can't even lip sync well
guy davis kaiju demons show up! but they aren't, cool, they're just, they have as much screen time as the ogdru jahad in hellboy 04, but they show up and start just gruesomly killing ppl, like same with thr giants fight earlier on, the movie uses the r rating to push a lot of just dismemberment, disembowelment, graphic bodily harm, it's gross and mean and dumb and out of character for the comics. therr's the helicopter shot of the tall man walking through the tower bridge, then two bat demons fky up in front of him and tear someone in half and all their guts fall out. what? why
king arthur and merlin show up! merlin is, christian for some reason? and king arthur is boring. this sequence is nearly saved by ian mcshane's narratiom, but not really. witches bad, she created a plague but not, the plague? england is the most important place in history, blah blah, no. king arthur legend of the sword does more with excalibur as a magic artifact, and drunk merlin from transformers the last knight is way more compelling than Christian Merlin, warrior for god
they do the quick ww2 origin flashback, ala thomas and martha wayne, joe chill, pearls. kroenen is there and looks bad, ilsa looks fine, rasputin, tbh feels like they got the same actor who did a poor job in 04, he's generic in a boring way, the whole scene is unnecessary
okay, so, then halfway! through, after hellboy has been sent to england to help the rebel general from rogue one, and they name their perennial giant hunt 'the wild hunt', and they all betray hellboy and stab him with a bunch of spears, and are killed brutally by giants, and then hellboy brutally kills the giants, and is rescued by new girl, who talks to ghosts and was rescued by hellboy from being replaced by a fairy changeling (who is back, running around putting milla back together after king arthur dismembered her and locked her still-living pieces in boxes around england?), and hellboy both knows her from all along but also hasnt been back since, and knows shes a psychic but also hasnt seen her since she was a baby, depending on the scene?
THEN finally daniel dae kim's ben daimio shows up, and he's NOT EVEN IN THE BPRD, he's with british intelligence, and he takes hank's anti-mutation polyjuice serum from days of future past to repress his were-jaguar form, and he has a special gun designed to KILL HELLBOY because he doesnt trust him not to be the actual devil, despite, HIMSELF, being cursed with a monstrous destiny
the scene in the trailer with hellboy, new girl, and daimio on a bprd mission, with hellboy punching daimio to activate his hulking out? THAT'S IN THE **SIX MONTHS LATER** EPILOGUE. the movie ENDS with the three of them finding abe sapien
so this whole thing? is a fucking ORIGIN STORY. it is EVERY SUPERHERO MOVIE FROM 78 TO IRON MAN TWO, it is ONE HERO, ALONE, IN A WORLD WITH NO OTHER HEROES. it's not even the x-men because they're not recruiting hellboy to join their team, it's like if the x-men were just xavier and logan and a nunch of fbi guys.
meanwhile, ddk and new girl are both americans doing british accents, david harbour is still playing hellboy as a 75 year old teenager, and ian mcshane, bless him, is just playing ian mcshane
also, just, i think the intent was for harbour to play it as the stone right hand is just really heavy? but it ends up looking like a cosplayer who misjudged the weight of his prop hand an hour into the con. i want to say del toro did a better job of making it look like, this is actually hellboy's hand, and not, this is ron perlman wearing a wierd prosthetic.
and also, amazing advances in prosthetic technology aside, why didnt they just get dave bautista, if they wanted surly hellboy, or dwayne johnson, if they wanted comic accurate charming hellboy, because neither of those dudes would have needed a muscle suit. hellboy ends up (AGAIN) looking like one of the fucking dwarves in the hobbit, who wore fat suits to look like they were built like john rhys davies, but if they turn their head wrong you can see their prosthetics floating like trump's wig
have the balls to give him his wierd jawline from the comic, or don't fucking bother
okay, okay. OKAY. so, you guys remember the BLOOD TORNADO from blade one, the 'original ending' on the dvd where frost turns into a whirling vortex of blood, and they superimpose the dorff's torso just kind of leaning out of it? and it looked awful both because it's super fake anyways but also unfinished? so, there is an EXTENDED scene where professor mcshane comes back as a ghost, and it's ian mcshane's head pasted onto a super fake ectoplasm tail coming out of new girl's mouth (which also, gross), and they forgot to give him a neck, and he's naked? and it's awful and only not laughable bc, frankly, ian mcshane is a treasure and spends the whole moving swearing a lot
and honestly, the most annoying part is that hellboy 19 cribs the ending from hellboy 04 where hellboy is about to give in to his cursed destiny and join team evil, until some white dude says 'no, stop, you have a choice thanks to your father'
hellboy popped into our plane in 1944 and it is 2019, dude is SEVENTY FIVE YEARS OLD. he is smarter than this shit, or at least, old enough to know better. i'm half his age and i can tell when someone is not negotiating in good faith.
and at least in 04 he was doing it to save liz, in the new movie witch milla ALREADY KILLED IAN MCSHANE and it still takes ghost mcshane to cuss hellboy out back to team good, talking him into using EXCALIBUR to rekill her instead of, destroying the world
and do they reconcile that EXCALIBUR was the key to the hellmouth, that hellboy pulling the sword from the stone started the biblical apocalypse? that england is the villain here? no, they joke that now hellboy is king.
OMG and i forgot merlin shows up again to tell hellboy HE IS LITERALLY DESCENDED FROM KING ARTHUR. his human witch mother fucked satan in the 1600s and gave birth to hellboy in hell, and then four hundred years later rasputin and the nazis summon him to earth as he's still a baby. does this make sense? no. is it comics canon. idk, who cares, it's BAD.
this movie is B A D in almost every way, it is amazing how bad it is. it is clearly a 'gritty' remake of the 2004 film, not in any way a new take on the comics. there are FIFTEEN YEARS of new bprd comics put out since that film for these guys to riff on, and they are still fundamentally misrepresenting beloved characters while also just, making up new bullshit.
but when del toro did that, it was del toro's cool bullshit. this is hellboy from the guys who said 'lets have jaime rape cersei on joffrey's tomb'
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paper-blots · 7 years
Well, I’ve really already been back the last two posts, but… TECHNICALITY.
(Also I published this 12 days after I was planning to publish it, so… I’m back. AGAIN!!)
Anyways, this month- for reading- was KIND OF more successful than most other months? I read SEVEN books which wasn’t as high as I hoped, but oh well.
One of them was a DNF, but I’m still COUNTING IT, OKAY.
And………. this month for blogging was not the best. Whooooops I had SO MANY HIGH PLANS FOR THIS BLOG and then it went #lolnope.
I read seven books this month, and… two of them were 2018 ARCs my ARC schedule isn’t the best..
                       Night of Cake and Puppets by Laini Taylor ★★★★★
Omg I love Laini Taylor so much and THIS WAS SO CUTE I CAN’T EVEN. Zuzana was one of my favorite characters in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series *intense screeching* [review]
The Epic Crush of Genie Lo by F.C. Yee ★★★★★
I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH. This was a re-read, by the way. BUT I COULDN’T HELP IT. [review]
These Dazzling Heights by Katharine McGee ★★★★★
Ahhhhh I totally forgot why I gave the first book three stars. This was so dark and twisty and the characters were so gray and I loved and hated all of them. (Which might seem like a bad thing. It isn’t.) [review]
Freefall by Joshua David Bellin ☆☆☆☆☆
This was a DNF, since I kept on losing interest in the story the more I tried to read it. It just didn’t really captivate my interest??? [review]
The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert ★★★★★
THIS WAS SO DARK AND I LOVED IT. IT’S SO CREEPY AND I WAS FREAKED OUT BY SOME OF THE TALES. Can we just discuss Finch though? I loveeeed Finch.  [review]
Nice Try, Jane Sinner by Lianne Oelke ★★★★★
Okay, but Jane Sinner was such a relatable character. She seemed “cold” and “uncaring” to everyone else but really, she had feelings. And she was hilarious to read. The format was also so unique! I loved it.  [review]
They Both Die At The End by Adam Silvera ★★★★★
This was really good. Can I just tear up over the ending. I mean, I expected more, I guess?? It wasn’t as captivating as I thought, but it was still super deep and the main characters were fun to read. [review]
Looking back on it ALL OF MY READS ARE FIVE STAR READS. Except for Freefall. But let’s ignore Freefall. EVERYTHING ELSE WAS FIVE STAR. I am happy with my non-pickiness for this month???
Anyways, my favorite book this month was probably THE HAZEL WOOD. It was so breathtaking and I read it in one sitting (even though I do that with like, every book haha.)
[these pictures are stolen from my instagram]
[which i almost never post on #oops]
                          I did a LOT of book trading this month. (I think I now have a bookmail obsession??)
I HAVE SO MANY ANTICIPATED READS AHHH. I’m just going to list all of them and not do that bullet point thing where I list a comment about each of them since there’s so many. 
[sorted by release date]
                                I actually had a lot more, but WordPress image formatting IS SO HARD?? There’s no way to list a bunch of images in a row?? (If anyone has tips please help me.)
Five posts total.
One (big) un-official hiatus, in which I didn’t post for two/three weeks.
And then one random post in the middle of nowhere!
And then I did an interview. Which was new. I never had done an interview with an author before on this blog!
(I don’t think I’m planning to do any more interviews because.. well.. it’s MUCH MUCH harder to make them snarky and sassy and witty.)
The Scribbler’s Challenge (which was hosted by the lovely MAY/M8)
I had so much fun doing this! I met Sarah, a likeminded person who I am friends with!
Some reading challenges. Which I slightly failed at.
#TheReadingQuest & #ARCAugust // these were NOT successful, due to the fact that I didn’t really feel like actually looking at my score, since I didn’t really do that well anyways.
Well, I finally did that blog button thing! (By the way, it’s not a swap. It’s just a feature of all the blogs that I LURVE.)
I accidentally posted it as a post instead of a page??? Welp. Here’s the page now!
I’m going to be more laidback on my schedule.
Let’s face it, guys. THE SCHEDULE?? NOT WORKING FOR ME OK.
Ilsa talks about how we always feel like our blog is a potato and how we’re never 100% satisfied with it. (If you are, then.. how???)
Elise reviews History is All You Left Me and she gives a more personal take on it, since she connects to one of the main characters.
Marie returns from her break from blogging… and the aesthetic pictures from her trips are GORGEOUS.
Madeline talks about rating and reviewing books & how you can overthink it sometimes.
Analee talks about how unrealistic life in YA books is compared to reality and honestly girl, sAME.
Jackie mini-reviews a bunch of books! And she FINALLY read Cinder.
Lia talks about the perfect reading spot. Which is obviously VITAL info for all bookworms.
May tells us all of her secrets on how she’s an amazing and perfect blogger. SERIOUSly. HOW DOES SHE DO IT.
Mikaela wonders if blogging discussion topics can get old and overused (and the answer is YES, my friends. At least in my opinion.)
                              THEN AGAIN I ONLY HAD FIVE POSTS TOTAL. *bangs the side of my own head*
You might be wondering, “Julianna, what did you even do on your smol unofficial hiatus that no one really cared about?”
And to that I answer, “LEAVE ME ALONE YOU STALKER.”
Just kidding.
I just did some studying and prepared for school! This September, I… well, I got bitten to death by mosquitoes since THEY KEEP ON APPEARING IN MY HOUSE HOW DO THEY GET IN???
(Seriously, it’s a problem. I’m slightly starting to wonder if there are mosquito eggs somewhere in my water bottle.)
(That’s gross.)
Well, I also went on a trip to my older sister’s (who is ~10 years older than I am!) in the city. Not New York City. Jersey City!
I also bring you… pictures.
This is a picture of the harbor/bay/whatever it’s called. It was so fun walking there, and also these pictures aren’t the best quality I’M SORRY.
Also: we ate out on my birthday! We went to this super small authentic Mexican shop, and we got these beef quesadillas that were SO GOOD AH. Also their chips and salsa are SO GOOD that we ordered more. I took no pictures of that because… I WAS EATING IT, OK?
We also went to this expensive ice cream shop, and it was so cute! I mean, I’m probably never going to go there again since it was like, $5 for one of those small cups but STILL THE AESTHETICS.
(Also they had really unique flavors like Jackfruit and Sourdough which was super cool.)
My younger sister got Mint Choco Chip, my older sister got this Chocolate Mountain thing, my brother got blackberry, and I got lychee! I AM THE UNIQUE ONE HA. Lychee ice cream is seriously SO. GOOD.
My sister’s apartment was also honestly SO CUTE AND AESTHETIC. She had this GREAT view of the city (her floor is in the 20s). And it was so nice to stay there for those three days ahhhh. She had a bunch of succulents around her house WHICH WERE ALL DYING (howww?) but it was still super cute!
Anyways, enough of my rambling for over 1k words. <big>HOW WAS YOUR AUGUST?? </big>(even though this is a super late post, please forgive me.)
(Also I’m super sorry that I haven’t caught up on SO MANY of your blogs that I absolutely love, my friends. I’LL PROBABLY BINGE THEM AT SOME POINT DO NOT WORRY.)
    August Blotted Recap // Unofficial Hiatus + Smol Life Updates HELLO. I'M BACK. Well, I've really already been back the last two posts, but... TECHNICALITY. (Also I published this 12 days after I was 
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