#and his anger with Nick came from Nick foiling his early villain plans
daydreamerdrew · 6 months
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Wolverine, Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection (1989)
#/really/ not into this invented reason for Jake’s hatred of Nick#my earliest experience with the character is his appearances in The Defenders (1972)#there I remember his villain motivation being overall a vague dissatisfaction with society#that was apparently supposed to be because he was gay#and his anger with Nick came from Nick foiling his early villain plans#because Jake tried to follow in Nick’s footsteps in the army and it didn’t work out for him#and because Jake believed that Nick thought of him as weak#and we get a bit of that here with Jake wanting ‘to escape this big brother crap… to get a life beyond your shadow’#‘Who needs you showing up from nowhere with your certified war hero advice?’#and Nick approaching his brother getting into a relationship with a criminal by seducing the criminal in order to ruin their relationship#is interesting for Nick’s character#as is him feeling that the seduction went so well because he ‘acted in cold blood’#because when ‘you care for somebody you feel awkward stuff goes wrong’#considering how in the beginning of the book Nick was feeling bad about never making a serious genuine relationship work long-term#and not getting that ‘normal’ life with a family#and considering that Nick at least believes that he really cared for his brother but obviously really fucked that up#while it’s said in this book that Jake left the country to be with her and then became the villain Scorpio#of course in his previous appearances when he was Scorpio she wasn't there#and instead Jake was working with a sentient LMD of Nick that he emotionally abused#I just felt that that whole situation was wild and compelling and this explanation for it for Jake’s perspective doesn’t live up to it#I did like that when the new Scorpio villain showed up Nick thought deep down that it might somehow be his dead brother#and was disappointed when it wasn't#and I liked Nick’s insecurity about his age throughout this book#marvel#nick fury#jake fury#my posts#comic panels
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transboygenius · 5 years
SE4SON: Chapter 15
With the quartz quest finally completed, Jimmy and Nick decided to relax with their weird yet lovable friends for the rest of the day, after they had their short power nap. It wasn't fully dark outside yet, but that didn't mean they couldn't set a campfire and enjoy a good moose frank roast. Butterscotch was chomping his teeth into an oat cake Nick promised he'd bake. Diana roasted five franks on the same stick, Rodent Girl would roast cheese with her franks, and Benson kept burning his because he isn't sure whether his meat is done or not. While eating, Jimmy and Nick told them about stuff in the twenty first century. Nick usually tells scary stories around campfires, but it wasn't all that dark.
"The future is sooooooo weird yet very astonishing! Work is done more easier and fun is more fun! Tell me more!" Said Rodent Girl. "Okay. There's this little box, well nowadays most of them are pretty much flat and wide, with a window on it. It magically projects moving pictures that tell stories. It's called television. T.V. for short." Said Nick. "Ooooooooooooooh!" Wowed Rodent Girl, Diana, Butterscotch, and Benson. "Unfortunately, rarely anyone watches TV, in our generation, anymore. All the real fun happens on the internet!" "What is the internet?" Asked Benson. "It's a bit complicated to explain, so I'll try to keep it short and sweet. Opportunities are universal on the internet. You can only access it on a computer, with wifi. A computer looks similar to a TV, but has a 'typewriter' attached to it. You can play brightly colored games, do your shopping in peace, share your written diaries anonymously, and much more, and I'm gonna stop there cuz I said I'd keep it short and sweet. And also, some things on the internet are evil, but I won't go into that." "It sounds too good to be true! How do machines such as the internet even work? What, or who, is inside this box, anyway?" Asked Diana.
Jimmy responded with his techno babbling, explaining the full details of an open source system and how it operates. Nick had to cut him off, since his words brought nothing but confusion to his new friends. So like Nick, Jimmy decided to go short and sweet as well.
"*Sigh* Science. It's like magic, but manmade. And it actually works." "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Again, wowed Rodent Girl, Diana, Butterscotch, and Benson. "If you do get home and decide to visit us, could you bring me one of those cardiovasculars?" Asked Diana. "I want a fondue maker! A tub sized one! Make sure it comes with a year supply of swissssssss!" Screamed Rodent Girl. "Please, please! If there's anything I'd want more, get me a dishwasher!" Benson begged. "Houyhnhnm. (I just want a helicopter.)" Whinned Butterscotch. "Those things are very expensive." Said Nick. "Awwwwwwwww." The four of everyone moaned. "I can manufacture those myself!" Said Jimmy. "Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!" "But we shouldn't tamper with the timeline like that. The effect could be adverse." "Awwwwwwwww." "No fondue maker?" Cried Rodent Girl. "But, I can bring back some of my cooking. I'll even write down some recipes." Said Nick. "Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!"
Rodent Girl came up to Nick and then hugged him deeply.
"Thank you, friend! I wish you two didn't have to leave!" Cried Rodent Girl again. "Well, it's only temporary when the next storm comes." Nick replied "I wish it never rained!" "What is going on here?" A familiar voice was heard.
Jimmy and Nick froze. Everyone turned around. Mitzi had returned from work again.
"We were just talking about fondue makers and broken hearts." Rodent Girl responded to Mitzi. "Interesting. Anyhow, I thought this over while at work, and I'd like you to know that I'm here to apologize." "Huh?" Both Jimmy and Nick. "Diana, I'm sorry for my behavior yesterday and for being so selfish. Oona, I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable with those rat puns. I'll try to resist making one ever again."
The two boys glared up at Mitzi, both with the same facial expression, and their arms crossed. After all the trouble and anxiety Mitzi put them through, they might moreover have their apology too. Mitzi glared back at the boys. She can tell they already knew she tried to foil their plan.
"How 'bout it?" Asked Mitzi. "Hmmmm, you did apologize. I think all's left to do is forgive and forget." Replied Diana.
Diana got up from her log and hugged her friend. Mitzi didn't show any sign of being crushed, that's because Diana was just wrapping her arms around her, without using any of her strength. Everyone was touched over this scenery except Jimmy and Nick. Mitzi is still a horrible person in their eyes, no matter how sweet the moment looked. She sabotaged their time machine, and she didn't even apologize to them. The boys are sick of having to content with her bull. Someone oughta do something about it. Nick lowered his head to Jimmy's ear, and whispered.
"I have a plan. I'll wake you up for it."
[*Early morning*]
The sun was beginning to raise, but everyone was still asleep. Mitzi had just finished a small breakfast, contesting of toast with jam and a black coffee, and packed her lunch ahead of time. She then took her plate and mug to the counter for Benson to wash. When she got there, she found a note laying around.
Mitzi, I want to talk to you about... uhhhhhhhh.... ...a thing. Come into the shed and we can discuss this, thing, in private. Diana. P.S. Why are you so mean to Nick and Jimmy? They're super cool!
Mitzi immediately rushed to the shed after reading the message. However, when she got there, all she found in the shed was emptiness. After that, the door slammed close, leaving the shed in pitch darkness. The darkness was short lived when a lantern lit up the room. Jimmy and Nick were there, guarding the door behind them. Mitzi's heart pounded in her chest.
"I KNEW IT! I knew thou were up to no good! Luckily, I had myself prepared! Now perish!" Screamed Mitzi, then held up a crucifix. "*Yawn* Like that's gonna work. We're not demons, lady." Said Nick. "Lies! Lies you tell! There probably is no future awaiting for your return! You're not like any of us! You dress funny! You talk weird! You're little friend talks even weirder!" "Leave Jimmy out of this! And I'm sorry we don't fit in the middle age description of 'natural fashion!'" "And what do you expect future people to look like? Time advances as it progresses, and humanity starts to improve! Actually, it's also getting worse, too. Demons are myths! Hoax! A construct of religious conviction!" Said Jimmy. "If you were demons, you'd still deny it!"
Nick was at his last straw now. He walked up to Mitzi, grabbed the cross, and threw it aside.
"We just wanna talk." "'Wanna talk,' that's what they all say! And before you know it, you're being taken away from your family and into their rebellion, where they soon strip to reveal their true form, and you realize your feelings have been toyed with this whole time! Then you spend the rest of your youth performing slavery labor under vile conditions that are hazardous to your health, fed only one bowl of gruel a day! A world where friendships were torn apart for survival, and nobody loves you there! I have lost one family, and I'm not gonna let you ruin this one!"
Jimmy and Nick hesitated for a moment. It sounded as though Mitzi explained her whole background story.
"What's with this silence?! Speak now!" Mitzi demanded. "Look; I'm sorry what happened to you, and your family, but you need to stop acting like a bitch." Replied Nick. "'Cuse me, demon?" "Ever since we first arrived, you've shown absolutely nothing but disgust towards us, regardless of how nice we've been! You even began to take your anger out on your current family!" "Hey! I apologized, didn't I? And I don't care if you have halos floating above your heads! I will not be suckered into another demon's false kindness!" "For the last time, we are not demons! We just wanna go home! I wanna take a hot bath! I wanna binge watch on CageFlix while laying in bed! I wanna blow my allowance on convenient store snacks with high calories! I DON'T wanna sacrifice some stranger's life to a cult! I know you've dealt with some horrible people, or whatever they were, in the past. We're not them! We want to see our families as well! Would it kill you to at least learn to know us better, instead of constantly judging us?! You might not make any new friends with this attitude!"
Jimmy was paralyzed by Nick's words. Not because they sounded empowering, but the way he summed up Mitzi, it reminded him of someone: Himself. Jimmy's always making enemies. He's only eleven years old, yet he managed to mold himself the biggest rouge's gallery more than any existing hero ever had. Like Mitzi, he has also been suckered by his own villain's schemes occasionally. This has developed some trust issues with the boy genius. If a villain were to say they wanted to redeem themself, or he met with a person who looked slightly sinister, he feels that someone isn't worth trusting. However, Tee turned out to be redeemed, even though Jimmy protested at first. Maybe he should start acting like a real genius and look into his facts. After all, he learned to trust Nick after he opened up to him.
Mitzi tried to think of a good response to Nick's lecture, but she just couldn't find the right words. She didn't know what to say, yet she won't accept that she's been defeated. Despite how angry her expression looked, she spoke in a calm tone,
"I have to go to work."
Nick turned to Jimmy, thinking he'd know how to reply to that. The boy genius only shrugged. They might as well just let her go. After having approval from Nick, Jimmy stepped out of the way to let her through. After Mitzi reached the door and opened it, she shot Jimmy and Nick one last glare for the day. When she exited the shed, she slammed the door behind her. Jimmy was worried she might try to vandalize their time machine again, but then Nick let him know that he hid it somewhere she can't find it. The two boys took their lantern, and their leave. As they walked back to the barn, Jimmy still thought about what Nick had told Mitzi earlier. The taller boy began to notice his friend's concerned look.
"You alright there, Jim?" "Huh? Oh. Yeah, I'm okay. I was still thinking about... ...persuading the king." "Persuading the king?" "Yeah. We talked about it the other night, remember?" "Yes, I remember. I still think we're walking on thin ice here. We're talking man of the hour, the one who owns a whole world surrounded by these four walls." "Psychology, Nick. Psychology." "How do we get to him? Walking into a domain of a powerful authority figure sounds pretty difficult, if you look at it my way." "Sneaking into the king's jewel mine didn't seem like a problem to you." "I know, but we're facing the king up close, and who knows how many guards he owns?" "Will you stop worrying, okay? You have to trust me on this. It takes an IQ of 215 to butter up even the most stubborn-est fascists. Our new friends, minus Mitzi, have done so much for us, I think we oughta pay them back." "Yeah, you have a good point. I'm still a little doubtful, however." "If it makes you feel any safer, we'll take Diana along with us." "Bringing along a 6'3 lady with a well-built body that puts Jet Fusion's biceps to shame sorta makes me feel a little safer. But you know what will make me feel safest?" "Being armed?" "Staying right by your side."
Jimmy grinned at Nick. If this mission will cost them their lives, Nick would rather die next to his best friend than to die alone. It fills the boy genius's heart with warm passion. Wait, why do I even feel this type of passion? ...to a boy? The two headed into their barn. They were still a bit drowsy from waking up so early, around 4:00 am, waiting for Mitzi. They didn't know what time she left for work at. Nick put out the lantern while Jimmy got cozy in his hay bed. Nick did the same after he was done. They soon closed their eyes and drifted off. Their rest was then put to an end by the rooster's cry. Nick got pissed.
"I SWEAR TO GOD, I'm gonna pluck you, bread you, and dip you into piping hot oil!"
After everyone finished their breakfast, which Nick prepared himself, Jimmy went over the "Persuade King Jason Proposal" with Diana.
"You wanna call a meeting? With King Jason?!" Asked Diana. "Yes, precisely." Replied Jimmy. "Absolutely not! You haven't yet met with this sir! Frankly, I haven't either, but you know what this man can do! No wait... You know what this man can pay his men to do! Any mere peasant who is't dares to file a complaint to the king, shall--" "...be hanged. Yes. We got the message. Like 1,000 times. We know. The dude's got a hanging fetish." Said Nick. "And it's not 'filing a complaint,' it's a work of mindset. Otherwise known as psychology. For example, monkeys are easily influenced by positive reinforcement. These primates are as disobedient as they come, but you can charm them with the giving of a banana. And since human and monkey DNA only differ by two percent, I could definitely pull the same principle on some dumb king." Said Jimmy. "Hmmm. Not bad. Sounds very intriguing! That could work!" "Of course it will! That's science-" "Oooooooohhh, I almost forgot. We have no bananas, and bananas won't be shipped to the village until next Tuesday. I wonder how he feels about pears." "It's not about the bananas. It's about the principle!" "Oh. That. Wellllll, I still protest! Something tells me that getting King Jason to talk seems very testing! The man is a stone cold tyrant!" "Is there any laws against inducing the king?" "No? At least not yet." "Has anybody ever talked to him? Other than his own royal subjects?" "I don't know. Nobody knows what happens behind those closed doors." "Then we might have a shot in this!" "I still object! It's far too dangerous up in that kingdom, and I won't let you! Nobody, and I mean nobody, has ever succeeded in overthrowing the king, and is ever heard from again! As your guardian/landlord/best friend, I order you to stay put! You are not going to visit King Jason, and that's final! You hear me? You two are not- Ah, the heck with it already. You boys are just gonna continue being stubborn anyways. Not like I can just talk you out of this." "Sounds to me you need a lesson on psychology." Said Nick.
Diana then went to go fetch Nick his suit of armor, and his fake badge.
"Wait, what about me?" Asked Jimmy? "What about you?" Diana asked back. "Don't I get a disguise, too? Even if it's not a suit of armor, I'll take anything as long as I can blend in with the people. I may get a lot of stares out of this wardrobe." "Let me see what I have."
Diana looked around the hut to find something Jimmy could put on and it fits. If the boy genius walks out into the village wearing his modern civvies, he'll stand out like an alien to them. These are the type of clothes that almost got Jimmy and Nick burned at the stake. Diana eventually returned with a tiny wizard's uniform, in velvet rat, plus a hat.
"This was the only thing I could find in your size, Jimmy. It used to be Rodent Girl's Halloween costume from last year, but then shrank after Benson washed it." "How many of Rodent Girl's costumes do you keep?" Asked Nick.
Instead of complaining, Jimmy just accepted the costume, since it is his only option. Like Nick, he wore it over his clothes. It was very comfy, and it smelled like lavender. Nick envied him. Although the costume may look too small for him, he would like to make a trade.
"That costume also comes with a fake beard, if you like! Let me go grab it-" Said Diana. "Noooo, it's fine! And besides, we really should be leaving right now!" Replied Jimmy. "Ah, yes. Onward to destiny! We have a date with the king! And young man, may I ask you one more question before we head out?" "What is it?" "How do you make your hats fit?"
So Jimmy and Nick made it to the village, riding on Butterscotch's back. Jimmy sat front, while Nick was behind. Diana led the way. "Why hello, Albert!" Diana greeted a gentleman working behind a poultry stand, who had a wooden prosthetic arm. The man ducked under the counter and placed a "closed" note on top.
So, this was the village, Jimmy thought. The town had a historical aesthetic to it. It felt like walking into a Vincent Van Gogh masterpiece. This was suppose to be a horrible economy run under capitalism, but it gave off a pleasing atmosphere. It was so relaxing without any cars present, or the scent of their engine fumes. The architecture didn't look very ancient at all. Suddenly, a white rabbit, the same one from before, hopped in the way of their trail. The fluffy rodent startled Butterscotch, which caused him to kick his backside up in the air. Jimmy held on tight to the back of the horse's neck, but Nick launched off, and landed in a wheelbarrow of paint.
"My fabulous dazzlingly set of shiny paint! I hope you can pay for this, son!" Said the man, who had been dragging the wheelbarrow.
Nick got silver paint all over his armor, coating him completely. He tried to wipe it off, but it appeared to have dried so quickly. Nick looked up at the angry man. He ran back to Butterscotch, climbing onto his back and making a break for it. Diana just stood there, looking at the angry paint salesman.
"I don't know these children, I swear." Said Diana. "Hey! Hey, you two! Jimmy! Nick! Slow down and wait for me!"
22 minutes later, they entered the high class part of the village, which means they are getting closer to the kingdom. It was the same as the middle class, but much cleaner. There were so many dukes and duchess around. Everyone was neatly tailored and spotless. They were also all Caucasian and thin. Some men smoked pipes, while some women carried toy dogs. Whenever they'd catch a glance at Diana, Jimmy, and Nick, they would stuck their noses up in the air and then walk away. Suddenly, Nick started to feel superstitious.
"Jimmy, I think someone's following us." Said Nick. "The king's ruling classes?" Asked Jimmy, feeling a little worried. "No, just some little girl."
Jimmy looked back, but found no one there.
"You probably mislooked it as something else. I don't see any little girl." "But... You're probably right. After all, I did say 'I think' someone was following us. Not to sound corny, but it was probably just my imagination. We've been living in this hell hole for over a week, and now I may be loosing my mind." "Sometimes homesickness can have a huge impact on one's mental health. Don't worry, Nick. You'll be fine. Home is much closer than you think."
Little did Nick know, he wasn't seeing things. Someone was following them. But worry not. It isn't a foe.
Later, they finally found the castle. It wasn't easy to miss. Like every fairytale castle, it was surrounded by a moat, and the only way to get through is from the drawbridge, which is the opening to the castle. Nick was fascinated. Jimmy was more "meh." After all the supernatural stuff he's seen, a castle just doesn't bring him excitement. Abruptly, the four jumped behind some bushes as a couple of knights marched in an organized party, towards the castle. The drawbridge then slowly descended for them.
"Well, this is our stop. Diana, if we're not back within an hour, feel free to do.... ...what you do best." Said Jimmy. "Roger! And Godspeed to you boys!" Replied Diana, saluting the two. "Hurry, Nick. We have a bridge to catch!"
Jimmy and Nick sneaked into the party by blending in with the other knights. Jimmy hid underneath Nick's cape. As the bridge opened, everyone marched forward. The boys were able to make it inside without being suspected. None of the knights even questioned Nick's height difference. As the party continued to marched to their assigned duty, or wherever they're off to, Nick stopped in his tracks. Him and Jimmy were now alone in the main hallway.
"Okay Jimmy. We've made it."
The boy genius removed himself from under Nick's cape.
"Wow." Jimmy's voiced echoed throughout the empty room. "Okay, we've seen the king's castle. Let's go back now." Nick replied, who then tried to make an exit. "Nick! We can't! The door's already shut! And haven't you forgotten what we're here for?"
Jimmy offered Nick his hand. The tall boy became hesitant, and was blushing from the inside of his helmet. The boy genius wants to hold hands with him?
"C'mon. We've made it this far."
Nick then accepted the boy genius's offer, and let him take his hand into his. This gesture somewhat lessened Nick's fear. It reminded him how he had promised he'd do anything for Jimmy, no matter what the circumstances. His love for Jimmy helps boost his confidence. It's the same love that helped him pull through that quartz mission. Good thing the helmet came in use, because the boy genius doesn't notice Nick making a goofy, affectionate face behind it.
Hand-in-hand, the boys searched all around the castle together, opening any door that might lead them to the king, while dodging servants and royal guards. The first door they opened brought them to the kitchen, where the new cook was preparing a fowl that looked like it were still alive. The second door they opened was to a music room, although what the orchestra was practicing didn't sound like music to them. The third door was a showcase for art, full of more fantasy paintings and statues Jimmy and Nick wished they could've unseen.
"This place is huge, Nick. The king could be anywhere in this castle." "From what I've learned from all those stupid movies, kings usually sit on their butts all day in those big rooms with the stained glass windows. Do you know where that might be?" "I don't know. I've never been in a castle before. At least, not like this one. *Flashback to eight year-old Jimmy in a bouncy castle*"
Without being aware of their surroundings, they accidentally bumped into King Jason's chancellor, Richard.
"What the bloody hell are you two doing here?!" Asked Richard. "We- We're with the authority of the king!" Nick then pulled out his fake badge as proof. "If you were, I'd already know that by now! And you certainly wouldn't need to present your badge!"
The chancellor then seized the badge from Nick.
Richard took the paper badge and tore it up. Scared, Jimmy and Nick held onto each other in their arms.
"Now confess or see to the king! What are you really here for?!"
Nick responded with,
"We're banana salesmen."
Richard dragged Jimmy and Nick into the main throne room. They got what they wanted. There was King Jason, in the flesh.
"Sire! I caught these two spies wandering around your domain, posing as your authorities!" Said Richard. "That's not true! We're only here to call an appointment with the king!" Replied Jimmy. "Nobody is allowed to see the king unless on his own term!"
The king was ready to blow his fuse. Not because of the spy matter, but because Richard brought it up in the middle of his reading time. Just then, when King Jason set his eyes on the new troublemakers, he was rather surprised, like he knew them from somewhere. He put on his monocle for a moment to get a better look at the boys. It can't be. I see it, and I don't believe it. Them? A long silence filled the room.
"Sire?" "Richard! Receiveth thy filthy mitts off of the lads!" "Huh?" "Did I stutter? NOW!"
Richard released the two young boys from his grip. He expected King Jason would be angry, but not at him. Now, the king can be very merciless, regardless of what age a person is, but what did he see in these "spies" that brought him into a change of heart? King Jason smiled widely. It was more of a forced smile then a modest one. Jimmy and Nick were left confused. They thought they'd have to suffer the consequences after what they've been caught doing. Instead, the king decided to just let them off the hook easily. But why?
"What can I do for you, gentlemen?"
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