#and if it goes too fast it starts smacking on the edges of other components or something istg
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Filed under: absolutely ridiculous dreams the Exarch had somewhere early in Shadowbringers. I think he earnestly means to carry her up all those steps and thence up the tower. Not a metaphor for the hubris and guilt he's carrying or anything, probably. Just a sweet pining dream for his warrior of light :)
huge thanks to @count-dadcula who stole Frog's face and this is his settlement of the lawsuit for doing so :P Very fair and reasonable and lovely vampire, honestly.
(I think the Exarch could lift Frog but wouldn't, and G'raha couldn't lift Frog but would try. G'raha lacks the centre of gravity that being made of rock gave him.)
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rainbows-fanfics · 5 years
Two Dearest Friends (Chapter 5)
Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, meets Sally, a ragdoll created by Dr. Finklestein. A friendship blossoms between them as he introduces her to the world outside of her tower. Sally is falling for him as their relationship grows into something more, and Jack finds the same is happening to him.
A story where the Christmas incident never happens, and Jack and Sally find their happiness on their own.
Pairings: Jack Skellington/Sally
"SALLY!" The ragdoll jolts in her bed at the sound of screaming. She peels the blankets off from her figure and stands up wearily. She knows who the voice belongs to and why he is yelling her name. Even if she made it back to her room without any issue last night, she knows her disappearance didn't go unnoticed. She is going to receive her punishment, any second now... The sound of footsteps makes her think twice. Her despair comes back when she sees Igor open the large door. He releases his grip on the steel and turns. He is twitching and fiddling around with his hands as per usual. "Master want to see Sally...Come, now!" He takes her blue hand in his gloved one and starts leading her. She is still in her pajamas, which is a raggedy version of her normal dress. She never wears her black heels to sleep, so she's able to feel the cold touch of the ground beneath her heels. It gives her chills and she feels everything in her go out once she steps into the Laboratory. Doctor Finklestein is turned to the entrance and waiting grumpily. Beside him is a metal template that she recognizes far too well. It's the exact surface he created her on. The same place she was first brought to life. The same one he uses to work on her whenever something is imperfect - or "wrong". In the pit of her stomach, she feels something fall. He must know she was gone last night. Why else would she be brought down here? Fink's small finger is tapping the end of his armrest until he sees his assistant bring her in. His glare is not kind. She can recognize his look of distaste from a mile away. She takes a step back to try and escape but is held down by Igor firmly. The small man has a surprising amount of strength, but then again, she doesn't feel very strong right now. As if she's going to break any second. "...Doctor...?" She asks nervously.
"I'm just performing a checkup, Sally. Nothing to worry about." She watches as Igor latches the belts on her body and as Finklestein tightens one. The template moves upwards before she is completely laying flat in front of the Doctor. He undoes one of her stitches and she flinches at the touch of his cold hand. It isn't usual for him to add touch-ups to her. Whenever he does, it's usually to fasten all of her stitches and make sure she has enough leaves inside her. Her suspicions are confirmed as he takes some of them out and observes them without a word. She taps the metal beneath her, suddenly feeling impatient. "How long is this going to take?" "You do not speak unless you are spoken to, do you hear me?" He snaps, making her deflate. He sighs before observing the leaf in his hand. "-Crispy, but not fragile. Good. In a few months I'll have to replace them." Igor scribbles some notes down on a clipboard. The Doctor continues the check-up without another word. Every now and then he glances at her and scoffs, but he continues to say nothing. During the examination, she starts to feel discomforted. It comes from somewhere in the pit of her stomach that gradually spreads to the layer just above her leaves. She twitches and begins to feel antsy. The Doctor holds her down firmly, passing a quick glance. He continues sewing her hand back on until he feels the rest of her body move. He throws down the needle in agitation and turns to her sharply. "Stop moving!" He orders. "I...I can't help it!" She defends weakly. "I feel-" "I didn't create you to feel. I made you to serve. Now either you sit still or I'll send you to your room right now." She goes silent and endures this feeling until he's finished. It's a very odd feeling, she finds. She's never had an issue before laying still for awhile, but now her body keeps moving and there's a tightening in her chest that makes her want to stand. The walls feel like they're moving in on her and she wants nothing more than to go outside, where there are no walls to suffocate her. The sound of the Doctor biting the end of thread gives Igor the signal to start unlatching her. She is propped downwards and is soon released from the binding. She nearly loses her balance once she comes into contact with the floor. She picks herself up with humiliation, but feels much better now that she's out of his grip. Finklestein's mood has obviously dropped. He puts the template back in place and discards the thread and needle, giving her a scowl behind his glasses. "Go into your room and start studying your mathematics. Come back down when you decide to finally listen to me. I expect you'll be behaving better." She says nothing, instead leaving the room and listening to the audible sigh heard after.  She fails to hear him smack his head in aggravation afterwards. As soon as she's in her room, she takes the books out from her drawers and reluctantly pulls out her homework along with it. She closes the door and starts to slip on her usual dress, her lips wobbling during the entire process.   -------------------------------------- She busies herself with homework for awhile before she grows bored. She visits the window to stare at the Skellington Manor in hopes she will see Jack's figure come into view. After several patient minutes of waiting, she doesn't find it. Which means she is stuck in this room without anything else to do. She sits on the edge of her bed and rests her head in her hand, thinking of what to pass the time with as to not leave her room too early and infuriate the Doctor. She suddenly gets an idea and jumps from her bed, heading for her closet and digging through the mess to find any books. She tries to look for an about Halloween. If Jack reigns the holiday, why shouldn't she know about it? Then she can understand what they were saying in that meeting and she can finally know the reason why everyone is so scary! When she finds that her selection has absolutely nothing on the holiday, she decides to take a step further. She slips out of her room and tiptoes her way into another smaller one, where she looks around delightedly. Finklestein keeps a small collection of books in the closet here so they won't take up any space in the laboratory. He's sure to have some books about it somewhere! Her black eyes scans the pieces of literature until she finds the word "Halloween". She grabs all them within sight and tucks them in the crook of her arm. She quickly darts back into her room and shuts the door quietly. The first thing she does is drop all of the books on her bed so she can look at them inquisitively. The first one is titled Props for Halloween. The others that followed it are History of Cat's Wails, The Undead Lives of Ghosts and The Components of Ectoplasm. Whoops! She grabbed that last one by accident.... Shoving the book underneath the bed, Sally picks the first one up and reads the first page. This one is about what decorations to gather for Halloween and their purposes. So this one isn't...quite about Halloween, but it's a step in the right direction! And that is all she needs. She lays down on her bed and is happy to indulge herself in this new world of literature. ----- "SALLY! WHERE IS MY BREAKFAST!?" She is on page 70 when Finklestein starts yelling from downstairs. She jumps at the noise and tucks the books underneath her mattress instinctively. She throws open her door and climbs down the ramps as fast as she can, only to find her irritated creator sitting at his X-Ray table waiting impatiently for her. "I'm sorry, Doctor." She bows her head, still catching her breath. "I...I was..." "I don't care." He mumbles, tapping his fingers on the table. "Just make me something. I'm afraid I'm going to disappear if I don't have any food soon." Sally obeys and makes her way inside the small kitchen. There is a cabinet in front of a small cauldron that sits beside 6 rows of shelves. They all have various spices and ingredients inside. Dried herbs and simple pepper, just to name a couple. It's her favorite place in the Tower, and she is almost always happy to go into it at anytime. Right now, however, all she wants it to go back in her room and continue reading about Halloween. She'll have to make this quick. She waits patiently for the water to boil and taps her foot impatiently by the time it's cooking. In a fit of frustration, she throws a couple of spices in before taking a bowl's worth out back to the Doctor. She finds him still sitting angrily with his lip quivering in disgust. She crosses her fingers as she gently sets the bowl down in front of him, taking a step back and waiting for him to dig in. He wants to keep glaring at her, but his hunger gets the best of him. He slurps down the soup in one go and wipes his mouth, his eyebrows raising in pleasure. This batch...actually has a kick to it! When he turns around, he finds his creation slowly edging back to the ramps. He doesn't want her to leave so soon. Not after making such a worthy meal! "Sally! Get back here!" She makes her way back with a sheepish smile and a slight blush, embarrassed that she is caught. "Yes, Doctor..?" She expects a scolding, but is instead returned with praises. "That was a fantastic soup, darling! What did you add to it?" "Oh! Um.." She rubs her arm nervously. What is she supposed to say? This is the first time he's ever talked to her in a positive manner. "...Just the same ingredients. Did I do something wrong?" "More like something right!" He exaggerates to the bowl. "Either you added more of something or you...or you..." ... *SMACK!* Without any warning, his head collides with the table. Sally steps back and holds a hand over her mouth in surprise. His glasses are still covering his eyes, but his mouth hangs open. She watches in shock for a full minute.  Slowly, she extends an arm and nudges his shoulder. He remained where he was. "D-Doctor..?" He falls limp. A scream involuntarily leaves her lips, and she covers her mouth as to not let anyone else hear. Is he still alive? Or, erm...dead!? She has no idea how things work and it makes her head spin just thinking about it. She runs out of the room and lunges herself into the kitchen. It must be SOMETHING she added! Wasn't he just telling her that the soup tasted better..? When her black eyes land on the empty Deadly Nightshade bottle, she knows this is her fault. She must have accidentally added it slipping the spices in at the last second. She grabs the bottle and turns it over to read the label on the back. "DEADLY NIGHTSHADE: THE EXTRA SPICE IN YOUR LIFE! Caution: May result in death, use sparingly." She throws the bottle back down and feels nauseous. She holds a shaky hand on the nearest rail. Igor must still be asleep if he hasn't checked the commotion by now. Which means he hasn't seen what she's just done. It won't be long before he's awake and will find that Sally poisoned Finklestein to death.... She leaves in the midst of her queasiness and runs outside the tower. She has no idea where she's going, but lets her legs take her wherever they want. All she wants is to get away from there. From the murder scene that she just committed. ------ She finds herself in the same place where she has been for these past few nights. The Graveyard and Spiral Hill. She finds it empty and sighs in relief. She can't handle any company  at this moment. All she wants to do is hide behind these graves and weep her soul out before admitting to committing murder... So that's what she does. She falls to her knees and clutches at her chest. A few sobs emerge from her lips as she leans against a grave. She doesn't know how long she spends like this, but it must have been long enough, as she no longer feels any tears coming from her eyes. Every part of her feels numb and she doesn't know what to think anymore. She may have been doing some bad things lately and didn't feel very strongly for Finklestein, but she never meant to kill him! At that moment comes a creaking sound. A long, exaggerated one followed by another sound of metal clanking against metal. Sally gasps and quickly conceals herself behind a tombstone. She waits for a few minutes before peeking out from the corner of the grave. She finds a small, ghostly dog she knows too well sniffing around. She is usually grateful to see him, but now she just wants to cry. His ghostly form only reminds her of the awful deed she has done.   An inescapable sob comes from her mouth, and Zero looks in her direction. "Arf?" She shuts her lips and hides her frame behind the tombstone again. When she hears him start hovering in her direction, she tries not to squeal as she bunches herself behind the grave. No, Zero...don't! "ARF! ARF!" She's found. He flies around her in circles and barks happily. She ducks further into the grave and attempts to motion the dog to go away. He only hovers closer and sniffs her hair. "Zero? Is someone over there?" At the sound of Jack's voice, she feels everything in her start to crumble. Zero barks in confirmation and wags his tail as he waits for his master to come. She, on the other hand, wishes that she was the one to pass over. A shadow is soon cast over both of them, causing her to look up. The skeleton is currently leaning over the grave, blinking once or twice as he stares at her. The despair on her face stops him from smiling. "Sally?" He asks. "Are you alright?" She sinks further into the grave, mumbling. "Please...leave me be..." Jack looks at his ghostly companion, who has a lost look on his muzzle. The two of them gaze back down at the ragdoll. She looks back in silence before starting to break down once more, letting out another sob. The skeleton jumps over the tombstone and lands right next to her, offering her his handkerchief. "Please," He asks, "-Let me help you." She wants to object, but takes the cloth from his hand, anyway. She dabs at the ends of her eyes, only getting a smudge of a tear away. She offers it back to him and looks at the ground solemnly, sniffling several times in an attempt to get it out of her system. He discards it in his pocket and leans closer to her. "Is something the matter?" His voice is so calming, as it always is. Her body relaxes as she hears it, but her mind is still all over the place. She feels guilty, sad, and she knows she looks like a mess. This has to be the most unflattering time she's been found by anybody. She can't gather the courage to speak and only continues to sniffle, bringing her knees closer to her chest and hiding her face away from his. She feels his presence beside her and slowly looks up, only to find he's taken a seat by her side. He looks down at her and smiles weakly. "I think you need the company." Zero yaps quietly in agreement as he hovers by Sally's other side. She looks at both of them and attempts to smile, but it drops before she can ever get it on her face. She cries only a little more before she feels numb again. Is it possible to be both cold and hot at the same time? That's all she can feel right now. "I didn't mean to," She whispers, more to herself than anybody. "I would never..." "Would never what?" She hears Jack ask from beside her. "What didn't you mean to do?" She shakes her head. He wouldn't understand the pain she's feeling. He wouldn't know what it's like to kill someone. He wouldn't ever do such a thing - she's sure he has never done anything wrong in his life. What would he think of her once he knows? Will she be taken and thrown in a jail? Will he disregard their friendship and never see her again? She couldn't blame him, she's a heartless murderer who deserves no compassion...She doesn't deserve a friend like him. The feeling emerges in her chest again, and she stands up abruptly, pacing around in a line. Jack and Zero watch her with wide sockets from the grave - their gazes following her back and forth. She tries to calm herself by bunching her hair in her hands as she paces around. Exerting this energy is helping, but she can't get her thoughts together. She mutters them aloud, trying to sort her mind in any way possible: "I may not have liked him, but he didn't deserve...I shouldn't have...I am such a horrible person. I don't deserve...oh, how could I have been so cruel?" "Sally?" "I should've paid attention to what I was doing...he's all I have. Well, Igor, too, but...no, no what am I saying? He's so awful to me! I may not have liked him, but...but was it right to do that? I don't-" A hand grips her shoulder and she stops in her tracks. She finally looks up and finds Jack standing in front of her. Her mind goes blank and she forgets all about what has her worked up. He slowly removes his hand and looks at her meaningfully, resting a hand on his own chest. "What's going on? What happened?" It looks and sounds like he's genuinely concerned about her. Her heart aches at this and she starts to bawl. "Oh, Jack...I've done something so horrible!" His face is of disbelief but she's sure it'll be changing in a second. She tugs at her fingers and braces herself to lose all of his respect, and what may come of it. "I...I think I killed the Doctor." He blinks a few times, his mouth opening and closing. "You - you what?" "I was making him soup and I accidentally slipped some Deadly Nightshade in and, and I think he's dead. He won't move and his eyes are shut and I don't know what to do." His face changes. "Sally-" She holds her head in her hands and cries again. "--I didn't mean to! I just wasn't paying attention! I would never-" "He isn't dead." She looks up slowly from her hands, blinking through her tears. "Wha...what?" He shakes his skull and gets closer to her. They're in such close proximity again she almost forgets what to say. She holds her hands together and processes this information slowly. He...isn't dead? But, how is that possible? And what would Jack know? He wasn't there! "But-but I saw him bang his head on the table! He wouldn't respond to me and I didn't feel him breathing anymore and-" "He's sleeping. You knocked him out cold, is what you did." He interrupts her nonchalantly. "You can't kill a dead man. You can put him to sleep, but his time was up long ago." She softens at his assurance and frowns. How could she have doubted him, even for a second? She feels awful for talking back to him like that. She takes a deep breath to settle her nerves. She decides she needs to take a seat and returns back to the grave, joining Zero and petting him to soothe her. "I understand you were worried, but really, he's fine. I promise you." The skeleton continues, sitting beside her again. "If anything, he'll just come back with a really bad headache. But he won't be dead. Well, not anymore than he already is, anyway." It makes sense, but it doesn't at the same time. "Jack, how do you know it doesn't...hurt the dead?" "Well, I used to use Deadly Nightshade myself when I couldn't get any sleep. I got plenty, but I decided it wasn't worth the migraines I'd get in the morning." She feels better. Not from knowing he was still alive, rather, that she hadn't killed him. If she used a whole bottle on Finklestein, then he should be asleep for quite awhile. Not that she's proud of it - but that means she has a lot of time outside today. And since Jack's here, well...she doesn't want to spend this time without him. She lightly taps his arm, and something beats repetitively in her chest when she gets his attention. She lowers her head humbly. "Thank you for telling me that...it is very relieving to know I didn't, you know..." He looks at her with a smile and shakes his skull softly. "When you said that, I couldn't believe it. Not just because it's, well, physically impossible for the Doctor to die again, but you didn't seem the type at all. You're more sweet than you are vengeful." A nervous feeling surfaces in her stomach as her cheeks warm at his words. She gulps it down and tries to keep her thoughts straight, not to accidentally overthink his words. He was just being friendly with her. Nothing more, right? She gets her mind off of this by suddenly changing topics. "I hope you don't mind me asking and all, but I sort of, well, wanted to ask you about Halloween?" He perks up at the subject, turning his body so he faces her fully. At least she knows she has his attention. "Oh? What is it you would like to know?" "Well, I just started to read about it and, um, I wanted to know what-what it's about."   The question is dumb and even she knows it. She flushes and inwardly hopes he won't think any less of her for it. Instead of mocking her like she assumes, he falls silent. He stares at her for a moment or two before looking away and pressing a finger against his jaw. "Ah - forgive me. I'm just not...used to hearing that question. It's been awhile." He clears his throat. "Well, in a nutshell, Halloween's a night where creatures of all kinds come out and scare." "But why?" Jack smiles. She is curious -- he likes that. "I could go on and on about that. I wouldn't want to bore you." "Oh, no! I don't mind! The Doctor doesn't let me study Halloween, so I really want to know." "Doesn't let you..." He repeats quietly before shaking it off. "-Well, we do it because it's fun and it's what we all do best. Everyone celebrates it because it's a night full of fear, fright, and candy." She recalls something about that in her book. "Is that what trick-or-treating is for?" "Of course! Children dress up and gather candy, or they cause mischief like ours do." He rolls his eye sockets. "I'd say children are more on the peaceful end of the holiday - but scaring is for, well, boys and girls of every age!" She looks at him curiously, the smile starting to grow on her lips. "And how...do monsters scare?" The skeleton looks really happy talking about this, and sounds so passionate. It's engaging beyond words. "Usually we scare by using our surroundings or making loud noises...but you can frighten people just by talking. It all depends on what we're good at." "You're a lot more informative than the books I've read." She admits, engaged in his words. "I haven't even scratched the surface yet, Sally. There's a lot more to Halloween than what I've said. I mean..." He scratches his skull. "I wouldn't be King of a holiday I knew nothing about." "I guess that's true." As they continue to sit there, she realizes just now how much she wants to know about this "Halloween". It fascinates her. How such grotesque and horrifying creatures come out of their way to scare the wonder that was the living, and do so many interesting things. And she wants to hear Jack talk more about it - listen as his words get faster and his breaths become short. She feels something tingling in her body, but it isn't the same feeling she had with Finklestein earlier. This one is comfortable and warm and doesn't make her want to leave. She gets too hot and stands, deciding to move to a different place. She approaches a tombstone and notices its flat top, perfect to sit on. "Can you help me up here?" She asks him. The skeleton doesn't question it. He picks her up - far too easily - and sets her atop of the tombstone as requested. The ragdoll holds onto its side before sighing in content. She looks up to find Halloween Town in all its glory across from them, the lights of the windows of every building shining brightly. She looks at all the disfigured shapes and tries to imagine the monsters behind them, what they could be up to not locked in their rooms... Jack stands beside her and rests his arms on the tombstone next to hers. He gazes in her direction and notices her smile has fallen. He follows her eyes and realizes she's staring at the silhouette of Finklestein's Tower. He attempts to read her expression and notices she's chewing on her lip, squeezing her legs together. She can't still be worried about him, could she? Sally doesn't move her eyes, having a strange feeling that just looking at Jack will cause her to lose her composure. She tightens her grip on the stone as she crosses her legs, holding in a breath. She hears him move over to the tombstone she's sitting on, and sees his hands resting on the side of it out from the corner of her eye. She uses the rest of her strength not to look away from the distance. "I understand we haven't had much time together, and you may not trust me yet, but believe me when I say I'm here for you, Sally. Not as the Pumpkin King, but as a friend." He notices her posture loosen. "-I hope you aren't afraid to tell me anything." "Of course not, Jack..." Her voice cracks. She can feel herself trembling. "I wouldn't...ever..." "...Sally?" His tone is so soft and...gentle. It sounds so understanding even if she gives no implication that anything is wrong. It crumbles her to bits. She gathers the strength to finally look at him. He is looking at her in concern again. She realizes now that the tears are slipping out from her eyes. He comes closer to her and feels around in his suit, presumably searching for his handkerchief. "I didn't mean--" He searches his pockets. "I'm sorry if I-" "J-Jack?" He stops what he's doing so he can look at her. She's unsure why she called his name, but she's relieved to see his eye sockets. This is the man who owns the mansion she gazes at when she's lonely -- the one she thinks about all the time when she's not worked to the bone. The man who, for the longest time now, she believed would never care about her. She brings her arms out slowly, not noticing how much she is shaking. Very weakly, she manages, "...Can you help me down?" He frowns. With some reluctance, he comes forward and brings her into his hands. When he takes her, he notices her arms wrapping around his figure and holding him close. Even when he's about to put her down on the ground, her grip tightens in refusal to let go. Then he hears her sniffling and feels something wet fall on his undershirt. "Oh." His arms come off her uncertainly before coming on her back. "Oh, dear..." Something flutters in his rib cage for a moment. He pats her back very gently. It feels so...odd. Not the fact that she's crying, but...her embrace. He can't recall the last time he was held -- or holding -- anyone. His sternum grows cold the longer he listens to her. He's at a loss for words, but when he finally comes to, she's already letting go and dropping herself carefully to the ground. As her arms slide off his shoulders, he feels something unusually cold engulf his body. "I'm sorry..." She looks away. "I..." "I don't think things are fine." He feels the wet imprints on his shirt. "Are they?" He gets her to smile, but very faintly. "I suppose they aren't." "Look, if there's anything going on, I can-" "No, you-you don't have to worry about me." She shakes her head. "Thank you for just being here." He frowns, partly in disappointment. Before he can say anything more, they both hear screaming coming from the direction of Halloween Town. It's loud enough that it causes a murder of crows to fly off into the orange-colored sky. "SALLYYYY!" They look up from the Graveyard in unison. She switches her weight to the other foot and looks around. It's clear she's nervous to go back, and even though he feels their business is a little unfinished, he knows the right thing to do. He can't have her out here in the cold crying all night, but he has the fuzziest feeling that something isn't right back at her home, either... He can hear the fear in her tone. "He's looking for me." He places his hand on her shoulder, wanting nothing more than for his friend to be okay. "It's alright. Let's tell him you fetched me to check and see if he's okay." "You don't have to lie for me..." "Believe me, it's the least I can do." She takes a relaxed breath and smiles, letting him lead her out of the graveyard. Back to the prison she absolutely despised, but with him by her side, she feels no reason to be afraid. --------------------------------- That feeling diminishes when they find a very-angry-looking Finklestein on his doorstep. He has an ice pack placed on top of his head and is scowling at anyone that comes by. When his eyes land on Sally, he opens his mouth to holler again, but then sees the tall skeleton by her side and shuts it silently. Jack leads Sally up the stairs and meets with the Doctor. The ragdoll looks at the two with worry until he gives her a smile. His assurance relaxes her and she holds back a loving sigh. While the Pumpkin King explains their "story" to Finklestein, he notices it all...the way she's ogling at him and he keeps looking back at her. Things were starting to smell like dead fish, but all he can do is nod and send him on his way, promising not to ground her for poisoning him and agreeing this was all just an "accident".
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