#and our respective moms can't come out to help because covid
foxfairy06 · 6 months
HIIIII poookkksss its ollie, u banned me so ill yell at you on tumbllrrr <33333. YOU ARE A JOKKKE. "No cause i literally got diagnosed on the phone but ok hunn go off". okay sure, seriously doubtful because you could lie over the phone... did you know that... bet you didnt. anyway. like thats your reply to what u actually have to do to get a diagnosis, so your over the phone shit is actual bullshit. like its not covid no reason to do that, and also they need to see you in person and have you explain how your feeling aswell as your movements and the way that you respond to questions to get a diagnosis, or they will ask your family and friends or your teaching if they have noticed behavior that is needed for your diagnosis. so BULLSHIT BULLSHIT :333. Telling me to touch grass, god you so basic oml. also calling me a hypocrite when your a literal exclusionist , which you get to decide what is and isnt in the lgbtqia+ community is hypocrisy. from the merriam webster "a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings" and something you said in our messages, "The basis is lgbt topics. It's meant to be a place for lgbt exclusionists to gather" you say you support ppl of lgbtq but if they dont meet your criteria or if you dont think their queer you exclude them. thats hypocrisy. anyway hope you actually get the help you need so you can WAKE THE FUCK UP for you stupidity <3 which i will continue to state because my proof above proves it <3.
-ollie p.s you are still a ball of sperm we all are its not rude its a literal fact
p.p.s if you bring up what i said in the server here is a message i sent to you "i was spewing BULLSHIT" which you know is because i am a troll and i was gathering dirt on you pooks
p.p.p.s i have screenshotted all of out chats <3 karmas a bitch she is coming for you.
Karma for??? Being a good person? I didn't say anything rude, homophobic, or bad to you so you have no actual leverage here. That's like saying "i took screenshots so karma is coming for you<3" to the poor child you just harassed that eas being respectful and kind to you the whole time.
For those who don't understand, green text to the rescue!
> be ollie
> be sitting at your moms computer, bored
> decide your life isn't angry enough
> create an entire Tumblr spewing radmed shit thinking transmeds will follow you
> find a transmed with a server
> start saying super homophobic shit and harass everyone
> get muted for being homophobic and transphobic and harassing people
> message all the mods and call them names for muting your
> admit you were trolling then scream and cry at the owner for being transmed while calling him names and making strawmen and adhominem
> get banned
> still be a pissbaby who can't stop being angry with his life
> decide touching grass is too much
> go leave a novel of an ask under the owners Tumblr that makes several assumptions and zero sense then question their means of diagnosis.
For those who don't have context, i am trans, I am duosex, I went to a therapy place for free, and saw a therapist. He immediately started going through the criteria for dysphoria because I asked but we ran out of time. So I'm getting my diagnosis finished over the phone. It took me two appointments and $0 to get a gender dysphoria diagnosis. So stop acting like this is difficult or hurting anyone.
It's not hypocrisy to provide a safe space for a group and exclude people. You would provide a safe space for enben that has binary people in it? Because they aren't enby. Thus they don't need that space, and could fuck it up.
You're the hypocrite calling me names and crying and screaming at me calling me crazy. Seriously get some help. Therapy is an option. If you don't feel safe in your current mental state you could always check in at an ER and tell them you need help. You could also look around. Many places provide therapy for free. Utilize these resources and stop harassing strangers online. I hope that goes well for you.
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stars-inthe-sky · 2 years
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xoxo-bunnydumpling · 2 years
I spent an inordinate amount of time at the park today...sitting in my car, accidentally eating a huge bag of kale chips, contemplating climbing a tree (which is just the most California thing I've ever said) until getting out of the car to do so almost popped my hip.
I couldn't go home. Eli had a work from home day today (I suspect this will become even more regular as the locals refuse to get vaccinated and would apparently prefer to spread the freakin' plague than be uncomfortable for a few days). He's not going back in until after Mama's visit. He's terrified that, she too, will get COVID and die. I could have gone home, I wasn't forbidden and I live there so fuck it...but Eli has a ton of stuff to get done before we leave on vacation and he had already sent me a string of saucy texts suggesting he would make damn sure to be distracted by me if I came home.
("No, you can't eat me out just because it's your lunch break but I respect your hustle" is a response I had to send to him today)
For all his attempts at horny levity, I know that things are piling onto him. I can see the weight. My sweet and funny and outgoing softboi has been sagging under so many expectations, deadlines, and motherfuckery feelings. Aside from admin stuff that I can't help with, he's preparing to go live with story time, every Thursday and Friday from our living room starting next week...which thankfully I can help with but that's not today's work. No one else wanted to keep the program going in his stead and he refused to let it die...it's one that he started, and I believe him when he says he'll keep reading to these kids until they're 50.
He's very nervous though. I've never been nervous on camera or around toddlers but then again, I have been told I'm similarly chaotic so maybe there's just kinship there to kill the nerves. I am also nervous, coming up on my last week on the job...looking down at a long year of getting back into school and attempting to make myself marketable as something other than a cake wench but more so, having to meet my very fiesty future mother-in-law very shortly. Pretty serious shit, pretty fast.
But when I did allow myself to come home, and opened the refrigerator door in search of some cold brew...I'm met with JUST SO MUCH sour cream (and not quite as much cottage cheese but way more than I would normally buy which is none) that I can't help but laugh.
"Sweetheart...can I ask what the hell or no?"
Eli answers from the living room. "It's about to get Ukrainian as FUCK in here. We, as you would say, 'severely fuck with it'." He comes into the kitchen, picks me up, and sets me on the counter. "Are you hungry yet?"
I'm not. Too much kale. "Absolutely. How can I help?"
"Just stay off your feet and continue to gaze at me adoringly. I'm enjoying the ego boost."
I'd love to tell you I paid attention and took notes but I didn't. I threw my chef brain away and just watched. Listened. As he worked he told me how these things were his dad's favorites. That his dad was the one who taught him how to make them, to make everything...apparently Mama is not much of a cook. He, in turn, taught his oldest sister Karina, and together they tried to teach the youngest to no avail. "Whatever lovely woman Gabby ends up with, I hope she has a good sense of humor and an iron gut." This is the first time I'm hearing that Gabby is a lesbian, and I wonder what she'll think of my two moms. I start to piece together a family dynamic, a history, and wish so much I'd been able to meet the man who seems to have been so instrumental in shaping Eli into the treasure that he is.
"I told you before I felt like I didn't mesh with my dad. He seemed so foreign compared to my friends' fathers. And when you're young, you're too dumb to know how interesting and cool that is. If I could go back..."
He drops off again and stands with a knife in his hand, hovering over a potato. He wants to say something, he's just stuck.
So I ask him. What he would say.
"I would thank him. I told him I loved him a million times. But I don't think I ever thanked him...and he gave us the world."
And then he asks me the heaviest question I've ever been asked. One that no one has ever asked me before.
"When you thought you were dying...after your stroke when you really COULD have died...what did you think about? What was on your mind?"
"Red. I really only thought about Red, and how much I loved him."
He lays the knife down, and comes to stand in front of me. He brushes some tears away to kiss my cheek, and apologizes for making me cry.
"It's okay. I'd rather cry about it occasionally than never talk about it at all. I'll tell you anything, everything, just keep talking."
So he kisses me again, and returns to his potato. His father had a lot of favorites, and he still has a lot to say.
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I've been struggling with the idea that God is perfect and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Between covid and racial injustice, I've been finding it harder and harder to believe that God is perfect. I know that a lot of these issues stem from human actions, but I just don't understand why God lets it happen, or why God made us this way. The worst part is, I don't know who to talk to about this. I can't bring myself to tell my mom I believe God is good but not perfect. (1/2)
I told God how I felt as soon as I felt it, even though it feels blasphemous or something. I still believe that God is ultimately good, but if we are made in God's image and are so deeply flawed, how can God be perfect? I kinda think that God is ultimately one of us, just trying their best. (2/2)
Hey there, anon. Thanks for reaching out; I’m happy to hear you’ve been able to tell God about your feelings and questions, and I pray They will guide you towards the answers you yearn for.
I will be honest with you and tell you that I certainly don’t have all the answers about why there is so much suffering and pain in the world if 1) God is perfect / all-powerful and  2) God is Good, loves us and longs for our flourishing. It’s something I wonder all the dang time! In fact, I even have a poem about how the first thing I’m gonna ask God is why suffering exists. 
I’ll share what I’ve been able to find on this issue of God’s role or lack thereof in suffering (often called “theodicy” by theologians) and welcome you to the journey!
First things first, I recently responded to someone asking about whether it’s okay to question God by saying, yes! Indeed, asking questions of God and reconsidering what we’ve been told about God is a vital part of our faith lives and can enrich our relationship with God. 
So if you’re worried that it’s wrong of you to wonder about whether God’s perfect, that it’s blasphemy to consider it, see the ask for more on that.
One other thing I’ll also say before getting into the meat of this post -- I invite you to reflect on what you mean when you talk about perfection. What does it mean to you to hear that God is or is not “perfect,” or that a human being is or is not “perfect”? 
Is it about omnipotence and/or omniscience, God’s ability to know and see and control everything? (This is the idea I’ll be focusing on most in this post.)
Is it God’s sinlessness? When you wonder whether God isn’t perfect, is that about God maybe being able to make mistakes, to mess up, to be wrong?
In biblical Greek, the word “perfect,” τέλειος, is more about completion or wholeness. When the New Testament speaks of God being “perfect,” therefore, it’s about how God is complete, not broken up, not lacking any part of their “essence,” of what makes God God. How does this idea of perfection play into your idea of God as perfect or imperfect? Must God be all-powerful in order to be whole or complete? 
And what are the consequences of God not being perfect? Of God being less than whole, or of God being capable of messing up, or of God not having full control over creation? How does that impact us as beings created in this God’s image, and as worshippers of this God? All stuff I invite you to reflect on over time! But let me get back to the point of this post before I go too far down this rabbit hole! 
Time to share lots of posts with you that talk about this theodicy issue, this issue of God’s place in suffering:
This post offers a quick introduction to the issues at play in the question of theodicy -- including whether it’s possible to conclude that God is not as omnipresent or omniscient as we are told!
So, as you see, you are not by any means the first person to wonder whether God is “perfect” or omnipotent. 
This post goes into more detail about the idea of a self-limiting God. 
The asker to whom I respond is curious about how God’s omnipotence relates to human free will. I list out options for what we can believe about God based on the suffering we see around us -- that God isn’t actually all powerful; that God doesn’t actually care as much about us as we thought; or that God imposes limits on Her own power. 
Is [X bad thing happening] God’s will? -- more on God limiting Their own power because of how deeply They respect our free will. 
In this post, I describe my understanding of suffering as often being a result of God’s respect of our free will. I say that God grants humanity a whole heap of freedom. While yes, God has the power to control how every little thing turns out, we may reason that God does not exercise that power, does not choose to work as a puppetmaster over us, since that would mean that even acts of suffering are willed and caused by God. Free will gives us a hand in how events turn out.
This concept may be one you want to explore as you wonder why God made us as Xe did -- free beings who often misuse that freedom to harm ourselves or others, to exploit Creation, and so on. 
Is suffering a sign of us losing God’s favor? Does God ever turn Their back on us? 
To sum up that post, I argue that much of the suffering of the world is human-caused and systemic; to look at an issue and claim it means God is punishing us or turning God’s back on us denies our role in the suffering or the experiences of those who suffer for wrongs not their own. God is with us, God longs for justice and our freedom and prosperity, but we are the instruments that can work to end suffering both on individual and systemic levels. 
I think this speaks to your idea of God ultimately just being one of us and trying their best -- while that is not my own understanding of God, you and I share the idea that God is right here with us and struggling alongside us. 
A couple other posts of interest:
This quote talks about how God’s power doesn’t have to look like imperialist ideas of power -- if God is omnipotent, does that have to be about total control?
In this post I talk about how one reason many people, including many of the biblical authors, interpret suffering as a punishment from God or otherwise directly caused by God is that it helps them feel a sense of control over a situation that they are otherwise helpless to stop. There are other quotes about God’s self-limiting and co-suffering. 
A reflection on God’s place in grief
“Suffering is one of the places where God is most intimately present”
Hopefully exploring some of these linked resources will be useful to you as you continue to bring your questions to God! 
The last thing I’ll suggest to you since you are intrigued by the idea of a God who is ultimately one of us and just trying their best is to explore the humanity of Jesus, who is God incarnate as one of us. I’ve got a tag on #the human Jesus that can be a good place for you to start exploring! And you might enjoy how the Gospel of Mark really emphasizes Jesus’ humanity (as opposed to really honing in on his divinity). 
Feel free to come to me with more questions as you journey; it’s important for all of us to be able to share our questions not only with God but to be able to share them with one another. There is so much we can learn from each other. 
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I think often about what the last thing I say to some one before i die.
I don't know when ill die. If i make it home from the store.
So I tell my kid "I love you" every time and usually at our house some nonsense piece of advice so she knows i care
Kelly Ripa decided to stop talking to her kids because they womt hug her. What if she died tomorrow? She wants them to know their mom hated them because they wouldn't hug her? Because she wouldn't compromise. She's being childish. She's the adult. "Okay i realize you're at the age where hugging mom sucks and you're using this opportunity and taking advantage and i know you're exploiting it in a way that is hurtful to my feelings as a mom. And it is unnecessary. So let's find a decent ground. So now er have to have movie nights 3 times a week. Quit your jobs if you have to. But we're all gonna sit in the same room and watch the same tv and be together. No touching. Because i love you. You're my kids and thr most important thing to me" instead she's a childish cunt ass bitch.
Instead she may die tomorrow and purposely leave her children in a gutter of guilt and hate. That's disgusting Kelly Ripa.
Your children are the age where they can say they do not want to be touched. You need to fucking respect that. It took Quarentine for them to tell you? What do you do on Your daily alcoholic binges that makes them feel your touch is undignified?
You beat them? Scream? They are probably the most thankful kids in the world that you finally shut up.
Don't think tree ain't telling on you because he is.
Now we Don't know what will happen ever.
What is dying with people? Old and children?
Knowledge. Information. Wisdom.
Old stories. Recipes.
Y'all going to the hospital -- you're missing out on the World's Greatest Gift -- you.
You're taking that from your kids and your great grandkids and your parents
Because you're scared. Because you're scared of the Great Unknown.
You know what the best medicine in the world is besides love?
Laughter. Y'all saw my xrays of the cancer in my lungs? Laughing makes me cough and miserable.
But you know what? I wouldn't trade those moments for anything.
And y'all purposely going to ICU. Where no one can hear your voice.
Can't hear you plan your own funeral.
Sing your favorite song. Or at least play it on the phones.
Can't hear you say"no girl i said "corn flour! That is corn starch!!" Watch you look at the can and then put it in anyway and hear you laugh behind them because you dam dumb.
"Oh!!" And watch you luckily be able to scoop it all or most out Or tell you what corn starch is. And why you put it is soup to make it thicker instead of flour. Then realize "dam you didn't do it wrong at all! Girl you are dam smart! Im sorry honey i still love ya! I'd still love you even if yoh ruined dinner!
That is what the world is missing out on.
This Quarentine bull shit. This lock them in the room like cages.
I'll go along with you call them all evil cause some really are.
But there comes a time that changes.
Our world don't stand still. It rotates on its axis every 24 hours we do a full blown spin.
The world don't slow down for nobody.
That's the truth.
Im not saying stop. The world don't stop for nobody either.
What I'm saying is play it smart.
You get a pilot with COVID-19 or someone immune to it. Dam go jump from the plane. Go bungee jumping.
If you're immune you're immune. Period.
The problem is Corona Virus. But if you are happy and having fun and your life is lit up how are you gonna get sick?
I am an immonology expert believe it or not. If you got a build up of happiness you're immunity is higher than others
Mine is not. I am not happy. I'd die on pneumonia in 5 seconds. That is why I already had the Corona Virus. You only get it once. So I am immune to both. And DNA4U will tell me that.
So i can bust all in a room of sick ass mother fuckers and be just fine. I can (slow) dance (for hours if I'm drunk) provided my back and hips don't eject me.
I can press my painful hip against a sick ass mother fucker's leg about to die in 2 hours to help me deal with my pain and let them die dancing in my arms.
Isn't that how you would rather die than hooked up to a machine alone, mute and unable to communicate?
Ventilators. Its a tube that goes in your mouth and down your throat. It can cause an even worse infection. And you can't talk. You can't breathe on your own. And it forces you to sleep because it's so much pressure you can't control your own breathing. Its one of the worst ways to live. And one of the worst ways to die. I've done both.
I'm not from some place higher than the rest of you.
Experience wise i am. Immunity for this particular thing i am.
Right now Marc Antony took all the cancer in my ribs and dropped it down to my hip. And it feels like a femur bone top. And it hurts like Hell. Mostly because I messed with it and i broke half it... Dude... It felt like a bone i didn't think it would. Every time i get up and walk it hurts. I have a fever now.
So y'all I'm not all I'm immune and better than you.
I almost fainted in the store today. I could cracked my head open and died. Dude i didn't expect that. I didn't feel fine but i thought it was stress not a health problem.
I don't know when I'll die. But i am told i will.
I was told in 2 weeks. But who knows. I don't.
So I'm not different than anyone else with COVID-19.
But i sure as Hell ain't going to the hospital to do it.
Not because they will probably kill me faster. And not because i don't respect them.
I really respect and love and treasure my personal doctors.
That's just not where I wanna be. Spending weeks and months in a hospital...
I'm not wrong.
And I'm not wrong about the rest of the world being better together in a community center to die while dancing. Or playing volleyball.
Or anything... Chasing each other with cap guns. Whatever.
Playing chess and checkers or BINGO.
The governments have it wrong.
The rest of us have it right
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I respect men and women who don't need other connections just to make them feel happy in their already steady homey relationships that don't make them happy.
Cause why the fuck would you want someone else who damages your intimacy and bondage with someone you said was your soulmate and that you take care of.
Everyone from back in the day knew cheating was a problem cause things either got worse, too comfortable, too easy, stressful with the kids/pregnancy/house or they just couldn't work out and ended the relationship.
Why does it seem so hard for people to accept that this person is damaged goods and is now damaging me....I need to let them go and be my own person and repair myself to NOT change or balance my needs out just to accommodate and keep somebody in my life....just because being alone doesn't sound all too great or they know they need three other people in the relationship just to feel wanted, appreciated, and loved in bed because they're a sex addict with self esteem issues, parent issues and trauma they need to heal from.
It sucks to see that even my best friend would have lowered her standards just to get the girlfriend title and she doesn't want to wait. But date other people and have sex with others till the right one comes.
It's like why even waste others people time like that and invest if you know this is some cheap ass "practice" relationship.
Yes she said that. And it made sense for me to question her because why? Just because you haven't had an official relationship at our age, mid twenties, doesn't mean you need to take an offer from somebody you expected to see you as wifey after just seeing your face and not even enjoying the time with him because you already knew he wasn't the one.
I need new friends. Cause as soon as she said he asked if his army friends could fuvk her too I would have cussed his ass out because it's disrespectful and disgusting.
And 3wks ago she said he had asked her was it OK to have sex with some other chick and she said yes. And then on top of that sent her pics of the other girl? Like wtfff and she kept saying she didn't think it was, but I was like how is that not disrespectful?
And he's supposed to making you the main??
But then she says, we've been snapchatting for 2mths and he hasn't took her out on a date yet or even talked on the phone with her...wtf.
Then come a week later, starting off his sentence with we'll meet up probably next week. And then asked to have sex with the SAME EXACT GIRL HE HOOKED UP WITH A 2ND TIME
and it pissed me off that she kept trying to make it seem like it was ok. And that he said he would still take her out but I'm like (in my head ) I'm like if he hasn't set a date, time, or place it's not officially and this white boy is playing you.
She didn't listen to me.
And I even asked her how long was he texting that other girl....she said 3wks.
I wanted to say it. But I said it to myself because I already been through being played by Jay, Taty and Terrell.
I know when somebody bullshitting.
I just hate when she tries to defend like she knows better than me and then it's like oops yea I should have left him alone.
I'm like duhhhhhhh dumb dumb but I can't call her that because she's sweet and sensitive like me.
And super stubborn to even admit how jealous she probably got because she called the girl ugly based on the pics she said she wasn't mad about that.
Why does she lie or try to force herself to bend like that and gaslight me to even try to blame it on me when I say it sounds like this, but then says nah, I don't think so. And why would he do that?
She believes every word they say and it's all bullshit. I got tired of Trying to tell her, so I stopped coming in to help aggressively like mom and became passive like my dad.
Cause I'm not going back on a rollercoaster. You are.
0 notes
A lot of control freaks are at risk. Mostly,control freaks
The ones that must invite evil into other's lives.
The mom that doesn't care her daughter doesn't like her fiance and feels it a mistake to have gotten engaged. But continues to push her daughter, even planning the wedding for her to force her to marry someone whom will be unkind to her
The moms that get limited money welfare or child support and goes and gets her nails and hair done and leaves the children in rags.
The moms that force their children to be perfect at all times, children never had the joy of feeling free. Mud between their toys without receiving corporal punishment aka an ass whipping.
The "friend" always pushing you into drug use.
The "friend" bullying you to go out every night calling you a nerd for wanting to do homework or eat dinner with family.
The teacher that stuffs more and more work down your throat with nary an encouraging word nor tone.
The principal that beats students so hard with paddles it can be heard through the halls of the school and the child not being able to sit pain free without days.
The doctor that doesnt listen to your symptoms and sends you home without proper care Because they are too busy and overbooked.
The dentist that applies a chemical to rot teeth so that they can get money from repairing what looks like cavities in xrays
The adults breaking bones in others because they're "too" drunk or high or much of an ass hole not to be selfish jerks.
Bullies. People that don't mean well but we trust with our souls and lives and they purposely push advice or decisions onto others who dont want them.
Someone who doesn't allow you to breathe freely.
"You don't know how to allow us to breathe. So let us breathe for you" The Ventilator response to idiots and jerks who think they rule the world and you aren't allowed to think or breathe for yourself. In response to the person whom says "you don't know how to breathe. Let me do it for you"
Breathing the same term as live.
Its a beautiful virus Corona and COVID-19
Ironically it affects most Zulululu aliens... And they are the ones that created it.
Welcome to Eaerth. 🌎
Co Ventilator ID (children & adults as age) 19
Those of us helicopter parents ... Co parent the child with the world and the child as age 19.
Those of us helicopter children .... Co parent the parent with the world and parent as age 19.
Thus you see the equation is equality between children and adults.
I by far have raised more children than any other teacher taught for a maximum of 60 years and done it better than them by treating them as adults.
62% of negative comments about the way i taught the NHRA children said I needed to tone down sexual abuse and other information i gave them, the problem is As Adults we Learn that we were sexually abused and People KNEW at that time we were young that it was bad. So i had to tell them each and every thing that could be bad. Because they asked.
They asked me an "adult" question. I treated their questions as they were planning to go play with another child's vagina and wanted to know what the abuse part was.
Had I not explained in exact and general terms as I did they could become sexual predators themselves.
That is how i dealt with the situation. Because I was too afraid they would say "that happened to me" So i treated them as potential abusers. Because I would have ended up back behind that candy shack shaking and hysterical losing my mind. So i put up a barrier between their possible pain and myself.
And educated them in how not to become a sexual predator.
Of those NHRA children, in that sexual awareness class, 13 children only 1 became a sexual offender, repeat rapist and it was Ben who refused to listen and usually sat at his desk drawing. Of the kids that paid attention 0 became sexual offenders.
And if you watched the video they clearly focused on Ben to show he was not listening to the content nor context.
Furthermore. I had to teach them all the ins and outs so if perhaps they were an unfortunate victim they would tell me and we would have the CIA investigate so it would never happen to them
I didn't know if they asked because they were thinking about bodies and various ways they could be touched or if they were asking because they had been touched that way.
So had i shut down any child's question with that's too much information and not have a male come explain it and never have the question answered. I knew i would slam the door in the child's face from self healing from abuse or preventing it from happening to them or to someone else.
They needed all the information available. To understand that if they are touched wrongly they have to know it was wrong and that they could get help. They deserved help and someone would help them.
If i said generally "if you are touched here here or here and you don't want to be and so you were molested" then we would have a shit ton more false rape reports out there.
More lives ruined for lack of information
More lives ruined for lack of information.
Treating every one as age 19. Old enough to smoke. Old enough to rent their own home. Old enough to have their own car. Old enough to know better and too young to care.
50 year old ... "Oh sonny I can't do that I'm too old" no ya ain't old lady. You can do it too.
5 year old ... "My mom says I'm too young but i know I can" then it's something that age isn't discriminatory about.
One common thing is Learning. A child can go to an University class. 7,852,931,862,985,301 people signed up for the free wellness class at Yale of those people 76% were under age 18.
Yale. A top Ivey League school. A University most people are aged 18 or more to attend.
13% were age 50 and above.
Two different people age groups vastly far from one another deciding they could do the same exact thing a 19 year old can do.
COVID-19 surviving.
We don't take away Granny's drivers license simply because shes old. She has the same rights to decide her driving benefits as a 19 year old.
No putting granny in a nursing home when she can still keep up her own residence. She has the same rights to decide where and when to live as a 19 year old.
No telling granny and our son who they cannot or can date. When our 3 year old says "my soulmate Is here. I want to introduce you and myself to her" then you go as if they were 19 years old.
COVID-19 that term will allow us surviving the Apocalypse to survive our world that is leftover.
Corona Virus. Time down with Our Spouse and children. The difference between a child and adult is the adult can drink a beer because they are over the age of 21. So in the state of COVID-19 we still respect you're fucking old enough to have kids and we can't tell you what to do.
Wahu Virus. Whahoooooo!! The world will be a better place everyday.
We didn't create the virus. Only the names and chose to not prevent the disease to be released but to be available to be spread.
Nathaniel is always ordering the release of Viruses in China and Hong Kong. I over heard his phone calls and wrote them here. Only 62% of you remember.
He wanted a job...
So it was apparently a code. So our CIA went into the computer and advised them to release it into the Wahu zip code. Meanwhile our CIA on the ground prevented and arrested the ones spreading the disease and only allowed 25% of the virus to hit its targets.
We knew it would spread naturally and the thing was to make a big deal instead of a big virus splash into our air and land.
The targets were outlying rural areas that we allowed. Not deep city but because it was air based we chose to allow the open air places to receive the diseases.
So in a place where 500,000 people would be exposed we closed that to an area where only 5,000 would be.
So while we chose to allow a virus to spread we already had magic done to allow it to kill only EVIL HUMANS. as aliens are not ours to kill...
Except as it progressed evil aliens took too much joy and wanted to do destruction, too. So that is when Wendy and her Team changed the virus to include also Evil Aliens who have no right to be on Earth.
As People became concerned as to how to not catch the Virus COVID-19 became the name.
We never wanted China to be held responsible nor it be called The China virus so we never called it Wahu. Straight to Corona. We said we would back fold it to why we chose that location in particular.
Nathaniel's Zulululu lab is in northern China. So it would been in China it was released. We made up a huge event that was top secret about anti government assassins... People like me would be attending in the millions. And so this way we manipulated the Zulululu to believe it was the best place when really we Jist liked the name and it would suit our purpose to educate for future reasons.
We had to shut down the world's government. And this was simple.
To prove i do have control of the world and we don't want Zulululu here at all or other aliens. They don't fit. They don't live well here. We don't mesh. We aren't friends.
I'm not living on a planet that always deems killing and war necessary. For Some one to try to gain control like sport while hurting my friends I allow to live here, this is my planet it wasn't created by any another than me and Alex. Marc is a star from a collapsed galaxy. Its a long story. But we are a 3some.
When Venus was attacked. We allowed them a safe Haven. We invited them and changed our world to include them
Those some aliens that attacked Venus live here now.
I allowed them and all aliens from 1777 to 1977 to prove they have the ability to sustain their alien life here. Only 1 planet has proven they had the ability.
In the film Virgin River i once again visited to notify the leaders of Zulululu they needed to evacuate inn 1979. They instead said they would change me to rule the world. So i took that challenge. It is now 2020. And they have failed. All alien life has failed.
In the film you'll see I do things my way. To prove they are wrong and do not deserve a place on my planet.
You'll see i do allow friendly conversation and warmness between the community and I.
I get tired of the lying bitch ass mayor and i do strike her with a heart attack. You'll see me extra extra pissed off in those episodes.
So review those and realize I'm totally fucking pissed. Especially when i am standing in her living room after.
But i still remain friendly. I even bring the bitch her dam mattress down.
But i wanted to kill her and didn't. I could had but th3 point was to tell her to quit lying. She figured out who I was fairly early on and abandoned the baby to distract me. I was a trophy to be kept In the neighborhood. Not someone to listen to.
Look at Chloe's eyes. She's certainly of an alien quality..
I also knew what they were up to.
If you watch it seems things take abrupt turns ... Its research. Knowledge gained from patterns and observations.
Like now i watched and right away knew who was lovers. But it is not revealed until i figure it out then. So when she brings out the divorce I had only realized it after going into,her bedroom that the cabin was hers. And doctor had already yelled at her about me staying in his cabin. So in her bedroom I realized they were at one time living together due to her decor. And photos on the night stand on his side of the bed...
Point is we ghosted into alien communities refusing to leave to ask them to leave. Walked and existed in their communities as we did in our own with our True Loves, family and friends.
We proved they had not adhered to guidelines.
And this is why we have WWIII.
Because they are still here.
In the film you'll see phones like now to show them what we could be provided and would provide their home planets with to communicate on.
When they refused we took all our stuff away. And left them with nothing. If we replaced a TV with one of ours... When i left. They had nothing left. I took what was mine in a fit of rage. And didn't return what had stood there before.
We provided them with these items via magic 1-4 months before arriving so they would not suspect a stranger.
The first time we hadn't and in 1979 it was the second time we attempted to help them gently understand they needed other leave.
That is why what you see now in WWIII is so cold, calculated and done. Pissed off. No 2 ways. Fuck you do what i say.
33 years extra i tried different ways. Their recommended ways. To allow them one last chance..
Now in my mind these bitches are all dead. Cause im gonna kill what they live in and eject their souls.
Currently our galaxy is in a black hole. So they can't find us and how to return. Any Galaxy in a Black Hole means if you try to enter you will be killed upon sight..
No "are you lost can i help you?" Instant death.
And our planet is in a black hole within the black holes. It has been since 1817. That is why the only planet we see is Venus because we brought it with us.
Otherwise we could see almost every planet and moon in existence but we don't.
Because of rude ass alien invaders.
So with the Corona Virus we made rules that have punishment of death attached if they are not followed precisely.
To further protect us in the future.
"What's your parenting plan?"
"COVID-19 and if we don't do it we will die"
Aliens will think again about settling in if for some reason they happen to make it to Eaerth.
Then we ruthlessly kill aliens "that wasn't age 19" no second chances..
Loop hole is all ages are treated as 19. So if they do treat us as age 19 because they studied before trying to invade...,well that happened to so and so when,they were 10 --- "we are informed you treated him like a 10 year old. You must be executed immediately"
19 at age 10. 10 at age 19.
You see? Air and water tight.
No one is fucking with our planet again.
Simply they will learn to stay the fuck off.
Don't worry m I break this down to nano if ever we're invaded.
But I built it beyond xyano to prevent it.
So we will be okay.
Work on being safe and taking care and enjoying life. Memorizing your new parental models of COVID-19
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Church is traumatic and there's weapons.
5 CIA churches decided to let local police do a SWAT raid attack entrance into their churches.
They made a mistake.
Church going men grabbed up their children to hold them and protect them.
Women rushed to the ends of the aisles in their Easter best dresses and silk polyester pants and high heels, perfected like only God could do make-up, little pill box hats with the veil on the elders, and started shouting "NO" and grabbing hymnals (books with all the song words inside so everyone can sing along) and Some even the Bibles yelling, "God Forgive Me, we can't let this happen" at the same time.
I'm quite sure y'all are all forgiven for throwing a Bible or 20 during these trying times in order to protect your family.
They tried to explain why they were there, the Preachers, too. But them church folk overran thr church on override alert, got up on the pulpit stages behind the police in riot gear and marched them out.
Then (some) men (mostly white) :*/ finally joining in after the crowd past their row to keep pushing the police to and out the door.
Those straggler police got dragged by any limb grabble out to the door and tossed out.
Demographic the churches were about 45% African American and 50% white and 5% other mix. With extra CIA visiting of light appearing and assumed to be white skin color to protect anyone in the church. And yes in some cases the police. Just to fall over the police man so the church people stop attacking and kicking and punching the police. If it occurred. Which it did not and so they ended to only need to protect and soothe our church members.
So in 2008 we designed it so yesterday i didn't remember. But they told me this morning so. None of them will be in the mental hospital but 22 will be or will have been at the physical hospital for evaluation and treatment.
Hey i forgot and i told them to stay the Hell out... So definitely y'all should listened! Now you know when you need a back up force immediately -- you call the church!! Call the church.
They just need a stack of books them schools aren't using! No guns needed.
Out of 10256 church goers only 7 needed medical treatment. But 4 was for COVID-19.
Out of 731 police force 22 needed immediate medical care requiring a hospital transport via ambulance.
16 needed a helovac (helicopter ambulance) for broken ribs and such.
Y'all church people could done a little bit better. But i see Y'all was trying to be gentle. And that's okay because we do need our police force to live another day.
Now 100% of African American woman verbalized for them to leave by loudly stating so and/or physically letting them know they meant immediately.
18% not per church but overall did not make a physical attempt and most were single moms or attending church alone.
84% of white woman also did the same with 22% not making a physical attempt more so because their men did.
Now this is where it is sad and it reflects the slavery and bigotry and racism in our world.
Only 71% of African American men attempted to remove the police forces,
However 92% of white men did stand up to protect the church people. 3% did not physically respond.
Of the African American men, 22% of the 71% So math y'all. 51% did not physically respond to their church being raided by police force. 82% was due to fear.
51% of African American men did not physically respond to attack. 29% did not verbally ask them to leave.
Y'all that breaks my heart.
But i know with a Good Black Man comes good Wisdom and so they were protecting and shielding the children. And watching for any thing going awry, getting real weird.
It is predicted 93% of those men would had stood up and physically made themselves seen and shouted loud at least if anything real weird started going down that was preventable... Or like some One from the church fell or had a heart attack or was pulled to the side to be raped. And of those at least 2/3 would physically left their children to assist if they wete nearby.
Unfortunately for the police, the 5 churches had a good 15 minutes to discuss what if scenario if the church was invaded. So the church goers had a mental mind to fight.
If they hadn't its an estimated 20% more destruction from more people.
In every single of them 5 churches one person stood up and said "let's protect our black men. I know mine is so afraid all the time "what if the police do this or that?" I don't want him to fight, i will" one white woman but 3 black men and one white man stood up and said that the Black men were often the sole supporters financially of their families and and so they needed to protect the financial ability of the black men just in case they got arrested.
(The 2 whites were CIA and were directed to if no other church person said to protect them)
And so then the churches took hand rising polls with Their eyes closed and heads down about fears they didn't admit to anyone but God himself for extra prayers. Was the idea. Not an actual research project.
And the police force filled out the same exact questions on a piece of paper whether or not they attempted three event or not in order also for prayers -- no names were to be included except by choice.
When they handed in the forms, the leader or representative wrote the names on the forms of the person handing it in or who they were turning it in for.
To receive special training or help where the officers would admit to only God where they needed help in their personal and professional lives.
I requested it. Then I demanded it. Then it was done.
You all need to know that person you handed your paper to turn in, knew why and they did it because they love you and care. And more over they respect you. And they want the best in the world for you
I did NOT pay them money to do something you were not aware would occur, officers.
Mathematically, you were raiding a church. I think y'all might need some help or extra religion.
So in a different way, those police forces WILL, true to my word, get mental help.
And yes this was a boy of a family charged with the Challenge of going to church the very first time. And I specifically requested a video like this and the little boy is the Winner of $3,000!!!!
We also had a little girl who got swatted on the rear for standing in the seat to see better but pulled her dress up so unfortunately we couldn't show it, not only did she win a seat on her daddy's arm, she also got $3,000!!!
Then 3 more children who also suffered our child hood realities (gently) whom all got $3,000 each!
And that's not all!!! Each family got a specially built Motorcycle from Jesse James from our West Coast Chopper's shop with 3 interlocking side cars!!!
And enough gas for it to be loaded down and used as a primary vehicle for 15k miles per year for 15 years!!!
My Easter Dinner is ready and I must go!
Happy Easter!!!
Those churches have more treats coming up from their preacher's next week!!
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