#anti destihelllers
Helllers/minions were so confident Jensen hated the brother centered finale (even though Jensen has always been about the brothers and their relationship) that they spend over 1,000 dollars in a Jensen meet & greet for Jensen to directly tell them he loved the finale
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jellyfishinc · 3 years
Destihellers/Minions/M*sha: SPN queerbaited us for 12 years!
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wincestpoughkeepsie · 3 years
I just saw a post, it was a fanart and it was “how it should have ended the show”.
It was the scene where Dean was dying and instead of Sam being there like it should be, was Castiel, and Dean “finally” expressing his love for Castiel I’m-
The show wasn’t about gay romance, it was about Sam and Dean fucking Winchester and their codependency. So I’m mad right now because I expected more support or at least less of this, I mean...why they keep doing it? The show is over so get over it huh. I didn’t expect this fucking shit about destiew. I’m a real bisexual female and that truly offended me. The message said shit like the writers and everyone in the show was silencing gay couples or some shit like that and I really wish I didn’t see that, man. And I’m not talking like a wincest shipper, because at first I didn’t ship them, I’m talking like a fan who liked the show in the first place because of Sam and Dean, because of the family business, you know, like normal people did. I wish people were more greatful and less dicks, huh. And I wish these assholes stop pretending they wanted destiew canon for representation, we don’t need representation and much less of a stupid angel using the body of a dead man, and an openly straight man. Fucking gross, man, you wanted two white men fucking each other for your fantasies? Watch porn, bitch.
So...yeah, this ruined my morning, thank you very much.
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I just wanna take a moment to say to those who are not in the spn fandom but might have heard of a certain "controversy" regarding a Spanish dub of episode 15.18 that there is no controversy.
What is happening is that a group of shippers in the fandom are mad that their fanon ship did not become canon and since it's a gay ship they are trying to claim censorship and pretend that they want representation.
The truth is that they don't truly care for those things, the just want validation for their fetishized white male ship. One half of that ship, Dean Winchester, has always been portrayed as straight and neither actor, writer, producers have ever implied he is anything other than straight. In fact it is the opposite, they have been vehemently clear about his sexual orientation. And when they have stated such they have been attacked and harrassed and even, in the case of the actor, been labeled as homophobic.
Those same people you may see across your dash or in tags praising Jensen Ackles (the actor who portrayed Dean for 15yrs) and saying that he was censored, that he wanted the ship to be canon and he was upset it wasn't, that he wants to redo the show to bring the character back and fix that- those same people, just two weeks ago, were calling him homophobic just because he didn't say I love you back.
This is not the first time they've done this, by the way, this is what they have done for years, they praise him and claim to love him when he says something they like but if he doesn't, if he points out that his character is straight or shoots down their little ship in any way they call him a homophobe, they try to tarnish his reputation, they harass him, they say he has no right or that his opinion on this character that he has portrayed for years has no validity.
However, in the same breath, they'll claim their true favorite M*sha Collins is the ultimate authority on anything he says regarding the character he portrayed, C*stiel, and all the other characters for the sole reason that he says what they like to hear and praises their ship.
I'm not going to go into details in this post on how they treat and act towards the second leading man of this show, and Jensen's co-star, Jared Padalecki who portrayed Sam Winchester but it would be remiss of me not to mention it; they have a vile hatred of him so big that they wanted to get him fired from the show, they harass him, they sent him threats, when one year he shared a sad post on his birthday instead of being concerned they mocked him and were happy, this is a man who suffers from depression in case you weren't aware, and that's just the tip of the iceberg! They have an all consuming hatred of him (that they deny!) all because he played Dean's little brother who was written from the very first episode to the very last one as the most important person in Dean's life, and because he is very close and important to Jensen in real life. They hate him so much some even want to boycott his new CW show, Walker, which has...wait for it...a gay character.
It should come as no surprise when I say that they also harrass, bully and send vile messages to those in fandom that don't ship their ship. Some even harrass their fellow shippers just because they're not as extreme in their shipping.
Let's talk about gay characters real quick because they'll have you believe SPN had none but that's not true Supernatural did have LGBTQ+ characters and some played major parts like Charlie, a close friend to the Winchester brothers, or Chuck who was actually God. It's not that the show had no LGBTQ+ characters, it's that Dean Winchester wasn't one of them.
But let's get back on track, what is this supposed controversy and is there any truth behind their claims that Jensen wanted the ship to be canon?
One thing at a time, the "controversy" is that in the Spanish dubb of the show Dean says "me too" to C*stiel after his love confession something he doesn't say in the English version of the episode. Now, the shippers are trying to claim that it makes their ship canon and that CW is homophobic and censored it that there is a secret scene that was cut out of the episode and the dubb is the real version of the epi.
The truth is there is no secret scene or censorship, anybody who knows anything about dubbed and translated works knows dubbing is not known for its accuracy. And the "real version" of the epi is the one that aired in English, the shows intended language.
The script very clearly says Dean can't reciprocate.
And the thing about Jensen? They're just saying that because he stated in the past that there was something that didn't sit well with him in the finale and that he struggled with it but he has yet to go into details about it was that he struggled with, it could have just as easily been, and it's way more likely it was, that he wanted more scenes of the brothers having fun [he's always been a big fan of the brothers relationship] so those trying to claim that it's because he was censored from having his character proclaim his love to another male character are grabbing things out of thin air.
(To note: in the finale Dean actually does proclaim his love for another male character. He tells his little brother he loves him. It's a different type of love, yes, but I'm pointing it out cause some have been trying to claim that Dean can't say I love you or that Dean shows no emotion and if you believe that I implore you look up his death scene.)
Oh, and the claims they're making that Jensen wants to reboot the show to make the ship canon? Another baseless claim. Jensen, and Jared, have both expressed an interest in playing these characters again but that's it. At no point has he said or insinuated that it's because he wants to make a fanon ship happen. He played Dean for 15yrs, it was a major part of his life and a character he deeply loves and will forever be connected too, him wanting to someday return to play him again has nothing to do with that ship. And it's kinda insulting that they want to boil it down to that.
In conclusion, the d*stiel shippers are lying to y'all. There is no secret scene. There was no censorship. Dean is and has always been a straight character. Jensen was not upset that Dean didn't confess his undying love to C*stiel. Jensen Ackles is not homophobic. Jensen wanting to reboot or come back to the show, and play Dean, again has nothing to do with that ship. And d*stiel shippers, or to be fair hellers (that's what we call the extreme d*stiel shippers because I acknowledge there are some that just wanna enjoy their ship), don't actually give a damn about representation.
If you wanna talk about censorship and possible homophobia on CW's part focus on how they treat their actual gay characters.
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I just found out a heller made a blocklist of Sam and jared loving, bibros, wincest shippers, and j2 hats/shippers/fan blogs. AND I'M ON THE LIST!
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I'm not too sure what bs the hellers are up to this time but as someone who's a native Spanish speaker, who has watched shows and movies in both their native language and translated, hell as someone who has watched anime in both it's intended language and dubbed:
D*stiel still isn't canon
There's actually been a conversation happening for years about dubbing and how it tends to change the actual meaning or even change a whole characters personality because the translations are not perfect. It's why it's most often reccomended you watch something in it's original language and just read the subtitles.
An error in translation (if it's even an official translation), does not make your ship canon, it doesn't mean the scene was cut and changed or that there's a secret scene. I saw one trying to claim that the episode title is different, that it used a translation of the "original" title and that's proof the script changed, no. Titles tend to change in Spanish, sometimes wildly for example Home Alone - with the exception of Spain - is known as Mi Pobre Angelito (My poor angel), Grease is known as Vaselina (Vaseline) and Die Hard is known as La Jungla De Cristal (The Glass Jungle).
Oh, and 15.18 was not the final episode. Asking to re-make the finale would not get you a re-make of that scene you idiots.
In conclusion,
Your ship is still not canon
Dean is still canonically straight
Dean still said I love you to Sam but not your fav (even in y'alls beloved dub version he still didn't say it 😂)
Dean still doesn't love C because a dub is not canon
Sam and Dean still end up in Heaven together
Your fav is still dead
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I find it kinda hilarious that a group of people who have nothing better to do than point out we ship incest would think us wincest shippers would have a problem over the "baby brother" addition to the barn scene
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hi!! so i'm asking as a wincest shipper, don't interpret this as an attack, pls - why are you anti saileen? and do you know why hellers seem to acossiate with that ship? thanks in advance, love your blog!!
Because it was an unnecessary and forced romance that was shoved down my throat on the final season of a show that has never been about romance and took valuable time that could have been utilized better, and instead of taking the time to write an actual storyline for Sam during this final season the writers just pushed this relationship instead.
Hellers like it because they have always seen Sam as an obstacle to their ship and to them if Sam is in a relationship then Dean is free to be with C 🙄
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Every once in a while I notice a d*stiel shipper followed me and I become so confused, I mean good for them for apparently knowing how to use the blacklist function and I know I reblog and post about things other than spn but still what exactly of my blog says they’re gonna like it here; I’m a bibro, j2 loving, wincest shipper, who hates their ship, hates both their fictional (C) and non-fictional fav (MC), and dislikes 99% of them. 
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jellyfishinc · 3 years
Time for Some Spring Cleaning
My followers:
If any of you are currently in the 911 fandom and are also in the Supernatural fandom, AND are also one of the delusional idiots who thinks harassing an actor is how you get your way, do me a ginormous favor and unfollow and block me.
Seriously, after finding out what's going on with Mr. Stark is because of hellers bleeding into the 911 fandom, I've had enough.
And don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
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Hellers wanna talk about censorship and the dub being proof of it.
Let me give y'all an actual example of LGBTQ+ censorship that involves dubbing, and how dubb does not take precendence over the intended language.
Disclaimer I'm not an expert on the discussed example show, I'm just somebody who grew up watching it.
Back in the 90's there was this little anime called Sailor Moon. Some of y'all have probably heard of it, it's what introduced many in the Western market to anime.
Incredibly popular it also suffered infamously of censorship and bad dubbing. A glaring example being the relationship between two of the characters Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. In the American English dubb of the show, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were introduced as cousins.
Thing is they were actually a couple! And since they were written and animated as a couple...it made for some very interesting watching in English.
The reason they were introduced as cousins instead of as the couple they were is because in the US at least, back in the 90's parents had nothing better to do than bitch about representation in children's cartoons claiming that kind of content was innapropriate for kids.
Now y'all will be happy to know that Sailor Moon has been re-dubbed and keeps Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune as the couple they were originally written as but the point of this example is:
So since Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were presented as cousins in a dubb version of the anime...does that mean they're cousins? No! They're a couple.
Are they a couple because there was some secret scene that fans uncovered and so the original creators/writers had no other choice but to turn them into a couple? No! That's how they were always intended.
Are they a couple because the fans decided they like the version were they're a couple better and so they did a campaign and changed everybody's minds? No! They're a couple because it's how they were written in the Japanese version aka its intended language. And that's why in the new dub they are kept and acknowledged as the couple they have always been.
LGBTQ+ censorship does happen. But that is not the case with d*stiel. A non-gay character being kept straight, a fanon gay ship remaining fanon is not censorship. You're just a bunch of entitled little brats throwing a tantrum but disguising it as giving a fuck about representation and trying to claim it's censorship.
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I just don’t understand how hellers can feel attacked by two brothers being soulmates and choosing to eternally love each other. How does that disrespect the lgbtq community in any way? I’d be less confused if they pushed for rep in shows like one tree hill where there’s too much het romance, but coming to a show that’s not about romantic love, and demanding representation here is just illogical to me. Especially when there’s hardly any show where romance isn’t given importance.
It doesn't. It has absolutely nothing to do with the LGBTQ+ community. They're just bitter Dean loved Sam more than anyone to the very end. 
As I have previous stated, a lot of them don't actually care for representation. If they did, they would focus on how actual LGBTQ+ characters are treated, they would support and promote shows that contain LGBTQ+ representation, they would, as you point out, ask and encourage representation from shows that actually are about romance (and they'd do it the right way because harrassment and threats ain't it).
They just use representation as a way to hide how toxic they are.
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Dotthinging on twitter is saying wincest isn't canon because Dean ONLY got to say ILY to his brother and that can't be no homo-ed but destiew's canon as it got no homo-ed. And this is after Dean says te amo in the spanish dub of the finale. She completely missed the point. Because of the finale's dub, her ship isn't canon in Spanish anymore, it's all platonic now, it was the same confession in both episodes. They can't play the spanish card anymore smh
Okay, first off they could never play the Spanish card cause as I have already stated and explained dubs are not canon. And after they tried to pull a whole controversy out of their ass they got stopped in their tracks by their own overlord who admitted it was an error so their ship was never "canon in Spanish".
Second, what kind of logic is that? It being "no homo-ed" not only doesn't make it canon it makes it the opposite.
As for the wincest, as beautiful as that I love you was that's not what makes it canon, what makes it canon is that moment + the 15yrs of codependency + Dean having a heaven full of family and friends but instead choosing to drive till Sam got there + Sam appearing right next to his brother when he arrived to heaven + Sam and Dean ending up in heaven together.
In conclusion, hellers are forever pathetic and some have the intelligent of a dust mite. Which is why you should never, ever, ever listen to them.
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Oh how the tables turn, now Samantha F. and Chad L. are scrambling to cover their asses, trying to act as if they didn't know what they were doing, and as if they didn't encourage and roleplay along with the hellers for some attention
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I love how hellers are all ‘you’re just mad because we won, you know wincest won’t ever be canon right?’ When a thing called emotional incest exists, which these boys are a big example of. These boys are so co dependent that they’ll throw the world away for each other. Dean never really likes any of sams girlfriends and gets in the way of the relationships. They literally can’t exist properly without the other
In the words of Zachariah:
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I get why d*tiel shuppers are willingly and desperately cling to Castiel's confession as them winning because they will never get what they really want. Which is Dean professing his unconditional love for Castiel, picking him over anyone and everything, making him his number one priority and generally be codependent with him. All the things Dean do for certain someone that d*tiel shuppers wish would disappear forever. I just laugh at them pretending a few pieces of food is a four course meal.
They are pathetic to the very end
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