#anti elijah mikaelson
“borderline racist”
When did anyone in the vampire diaries or originals do anything racist??? Characters btw, not actors.
First season of TO: Klaus mocking Marcel’s whip wounds, them all staying in the plantation Marcel was raised in, Elijah constantly calling him boy, Kol’s aggressive behavior towards him
Not to mention the treatment of Bonnie, the fact that Katherine and the Salvatore’s had enslaved people, and that Damon was a confederate soldier.
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klayleyism · 1 year
a semi big rant about klayley
Since I'm bitter and bored i wanted to give a deep dive into klayley's relationship because no one gets them like i do
First things first, Klayley is NOT platonic and it's absolutely hilarious and obliterates Klaus's entire redemption arc to think so
We all know the main focus when it came to Klaus's character was the way fatherhood changed him/made him want to be better
The reason i said thinking klayley is platonic literally ruins his redemption arc which is basically the main plot of the show in many ways is season 2
Season 2 genuinely makes it impossible to say his relationship with Hayley was platonic,
1) Klaus was insanely adamant about Hayley not getting married, my guy literally wanted Jackson dead the second he got married to hayley lmao / tried to kill him after beating the dog shit out of him to stop him from marrying Hayley so it's safe to say the thought alone enraged him
2) his lame excuse for his jealousy was once again hope, because his ass can't admit he even cared for Hayley if his life depended on it , his excuse was " Jackson knowing about hope puts her life at risk" add to that the fact he literally murdered his biological father because he was terrified of the POSSIBILITY it MIGHT put his daughter's life in danger and mind you he actually loved his dad and was in tears when he killed him
3) he actually steps aside and lets Hayley marry Jackson, now Klaus paranoid Mikaelson who was gutted to kill someone he loves to protect hope from something that might or might not have happened actually allows the marriage to happen and let Jackson live even after securing the wolf army so Hayley won't hate him
If you say his jealousy was about hope and not mainly Hayley you're literally saying Klaus cared more about Hayley's feelings than his own daughter's life and more than having a good relationship with hope because after all his excuses he couldn't hurt Hayley and didn't want to lose her
That alone literally takes away so much from his character and it's a very dumb take
Now i personally believe he actually loved Hayley more than hope but that's a different conversation
But i still understand that he wouldn't put Hayley's feelings above his daughter's fucking life or above having a decent relationship with hope especially since he doesn't give a fuck about Jackson unlike with Elijah
And this is only one of the many proofs Klaus's jealousy was about Hayley therefore you can't pull the platonic card unless you want to butcher Klaus's character
Season one is Klayley's best season alongside season 2 tbh because if you watch it and still can't see how in love they were you should rewatch it
It also shows his jealousy was about Hayley and not the baby
You have Klaus ask Hayley about her interest in Elijah and is actually hurt by her response in 1x03
The moment he feels they're getting closer in 1x07 he bites his brother and leaves Hayley with him knowing damn well dementia would kick in and Elijah could seriously hurt/kill Hayley and that means his child that he made such a fuss about would die
Now if he didn't give a fuck about Hayley personally why the fuck would he put his child's life in danger out of jealousy
He then goes to lock her away from his family and assigns literal bodyguards to watch her likeeee that man was insane
What made me laugh was the way even after he bites his brother and puts Hayley and hope's life at risk because he's a
man child, Hayley was literally telling him she wants to believe in him and to not let HER down (5x08 flashback)
Like he throws a tantrum that could've gotten her and her baby killed and she's still telling him that despite him not giving her any reasons to believe in him she WANTS to , if not for her feelings for him why on earth would she tell a man Who almost killed her for wanting an abortion and almost killed her again out of jealousy that she's desperate to have faith in him
And now i do not in any way think choking her for wanting an abortion is okay and i do realize their relationship was initially very problematic
But the funny thing is that after he almost killed her for wanting said abortion she was fucking smiling and happy because he promised her to fix the air conditioning 💀
Like he got her giggling and kicking her feet after he almost killed her because he said he'd fix the air conditioning
Down bad is an understatement
We move to 1x11
In the middle of a literal apocalypse, everyone is losing their shit because the world's ending and Mr "i don't care about Hayley" is literally carrying food boxes with her because his ass couldn't watch her cry
What's funny is that he not only tries to comfort her but he actually gives her advice on how to make things right with Elijah
And he's the Same person who has been whining about Hayley loving Elijah and how it's about "his child"
If he really didn't care about her he will not give a shit about Hayley being sad over something dumb in the middle of an apocalypse
And if it were about hope, the most logical thing is for him to not react because at the end of the day it works in his favor if Hayley and Elijah's relationship is ruined
So why on earth would he risk not having the relationship he wants with hope to help Hayley with the Same thing he's worried about just because she's sad
1+1= his jealousy was never about hope as much as it was about Hayley because he ends up choosing Hayley over and over again
And my 2nd favorite klayley moment in season 1 which is 1x20
Klaus is unhinged, now when hope's life was in danger that episode he literally says he'll "rip it out of her himself" and he's insane enough to do it but funny enough when Genevieve tells him that means Hayley dies he backs off instantly
He's literally presented with a choice between Hayley and hope and he chooses Hayley
Which takes me to the ultimate Klayley moment in the entire show that supports the fact he actually cared more about Hayley
The finale of season 1
His daughter gets taken to be killed, and he chooses to mourn Hayley's death
Something Marcel said about Klaus is that he's the best at mourning and taking action at the same time
Yet when his daughter could be sacrificed at any moment by those witches he can't move away from Hayley's corpse
Jesus,i repeat, his child was taken to be killed and he's so insanely in pain about losing Hayley that he chooses to hold her dead body as close to him as possible instead of taking immediate action
From night to morning he didn't do shit to save hope until Elijah's annoying ass came in with his dumb monologue
Now season 2 my beloved, i already explained why season two makes it impossible and very dumb to say they were besties which is why the writers never once in the entire show ever say or even imply klayley is platonic and Why one of the show runners straight up say they have a very complicated relationship/there's attraction
And Joseph Morgan talks about Klaus having romantic tension with Hayley
Now to one of my favorite parts of season 2 is the way the writers begin ruining haylijah's relationship and it's incredibly hilarious because i don't think even they realized it as much
We know that Klaus and Hayley aren't talking after giving hope away
We also know Hayley's not adjusting to vampirism and is clearly depressed
Elijah,the man she supposedly "loves" couldn't help her , he doesn't know what to say or do and she isn't even allowing him to help her
She's lashing out at him and pushing him away
And lmao because Elijah doesn't actually have a real connection with her he BEGS Klaus to talk to her and straight up admits only Klaus can understand her
I mean if you have to beg your brother to help the girl you love because even you can see they have a better connection with her than you do that's embarrassing
And also funny enough Klaus succeeds where Elijah fails
Hayley who was throwing a tantrum anytime Elijah breathed next to her was so eager to actually let Klaus comfort her after he hasn't talked to her in months
And where Elijah was upset that Hayley isn't the perfect girl who redeemed his brother that he put on a pedestal anymore he tries too hard to "fix" her
Meanwhile Klaus was taking her to kill witches to make her feel better and was literally proud of her😭
Showing who actually loved her for who she is
And mind you Klaus wasn't liking it when Camille was having her "rebellious vampire stage" yet he was smiling when he talked about the way Hayley brutally murdered people
Because he too put cami on a pedestal in a way just like Elijah did with Hayley
They both loved the version of cami/ Hayley they had in their head
Hayley who pushed Elijah away gladly welcomed Klaus's different attempts to help her
He didn't mind taking her to kill people if it made her happy but when that failed he pushed her towards leading her pack again
And she didn't have faith in herself, she didn't think she'd be a good leader but he still believed in her and only then she too finally believed in herself
Something that Elijah tried for months to do but failed and Klaus did it in less than a day
That's proof enough she valued Klaus above Elijah and cared more about what he thinks
And god season 2 was peak klayley angst
So in 2x13 hope is almost murdered by Finn/blown up in that explosion
Hayley decides to leave then as she should
But when Klaus asks her to stay she does
Like her ass was so in love with him that she ignored the fact hope could've died as a result of all the crazy family drama because Klaus wanted her to stay
That woman was down bad for him
In 2x12 Hayley had just broken up with Elijah and is supposed to marry another man and she was crying and throwing up because Klaus is not "letting her in"
Now me personally if i supposedly broke up with the love of my life to marry this new guy i wouldn't be crying in the woods because my ex's brother who tried to kill me twice because he's insane is pushing me away but I don't know about you
They're such good "friends" right?
Hayley taking hope away was literally about Klaus pushing her away again
After she agrees to stay with him she threatens to leave if Klaus ruins it with her one more time
And when he gets too paranoid in s2 and pushes everyone including Elijah away and then takes the blame for Aiden's death only then she leaves
She literally gets fed up of forgiving him and giving him second chances and decides to abandon Elijah(again she's supposed to be "in love") and Rebekah who protected hope for months and leaves the Mikaelsons behind because she felt like she lost her connection to Klaus
Proving Klaus was more important to her than Elijah and the Mikaelsons as a whole
Also it's deliciously angsty how Klaus was so terrified of Hayley leaving him that he tried to turn her pack against her so that she has no option other than staying with him
Yet his fear of losing her is what ends up driving her away
It's also confirmed by one of the show runners that Klaus did all that drama later on to save Hayley from dahlia
Dahlia wanted Hayley dead and even when she decided to leave him after he considered her family and was ready to do anything for her he still chose to save her life and convinced dahlia to curse her instead
Now Klaus is fucked in the head if that man wanted real revenge he would've killed Jackson and her entire pack but he still spared them because not even after her betrayal could he manage to actually hurt her feelings that way
Now to say my last piece especially about the other dumb ships
And more into Miss Hayley's perspective:
Hayley's reasons for "loving" Elijah is that he was kind to her/is a good person (exact same reasons she loved Jackson)
And it's something Hayley herself admits, when Klaus asks why the sudden interest she says "he was kind to me" she says she thinks Elijah is in no way like Klaus and is "better" in 1x07
All superficial dumb reasons that show she doesn't know Elijah and only romanticized the idea of him because Klaus was both horrible and unavailable
In season 4 she talks about how she was pulled towards Elijah cause he made her safe at a Time she WAS scared of Klaus
She's literally having a dilemma in season 4 and breaks up With Elijah after entering his mind
She faces Elijah when he first turned and had absolutely no control over his blood lust
Seeing him fall off the pedestal she put him on shatters her perception of him and makes her partially aware of the delusion she was in
Yet despite everything Klaus has done which is genuinely way fucking worse given that the real Elijah never did and would never hurt her in any way
She was still risking her life for him at every possible chance knowing she has a Whole daughter
In season 5 , we know Klaus was dropping dead bodies like it's nothing, he was massacring people to the point rumours about him losing his mind started to float , you can imagine how bad it was
And Hayley was still defending him😃
He literally abandoned her and their daughter for YEARS and when hope was rightfully upset, Hayley still sided with him and her big excuse was that "but he's really sad☹️"
Lmfao she broke up with Elijah because he's not the knight in shining armor she thought he was but when Klaus was going on murder sprees she sends him letters telling him she misses him
And he never read her letters, she kept writing to him knowing damn well he's just gonna return them
She loved him that fucking much
Now I've already talked about how Hayley very obviously loved Klaus way more than she ever loved Elijah
He was a safe choice/ placeholder for Klaus
She chose Jackson over him, she straight up says she would chose Jackson over Elijah again in season 3
She valued having a decent relationship with Klaus over Elijah in season 2 by leaving his ass because she was having an imaginary divorce with Klaus
Elijah only fell for her because he saw her as his family's and most importantly Klaus's savior since she carried his child
He at first loved her out of nowhere and for no fucking reason yet without his memories of his family and despite already meeting her and having a somehow intimate moment with her he ends up killing her because he cared more about Antoinette
Proving ultimately the only reason he "loved" her is his weird obsession with his brother
And when he didn't remember his family he chose Antoinette over Hayley despite having met her before
Klamille was decent,
Klaus was genuinely irritated when she started to not act like the version of her he "loved" as a vampire and he Said shit like "this isn't you" despite enjoying that same "darkness" in Hayley
The ship lacked more development/screen time and it's obvious she was put there as just a love interest
She didn't contribute to his character at all
The only, i repeat only characters to actually change Klaus were Hayley and Hope
Klaroline, lmao , can't believe i have to talk about them but god the shippers are insufferable and delusional
Klaroline's entire "relationship" is on the same exact level as tvd klayley before all the development on the originals
He's infatuated with them both except with Hayley it was explained and made sense ,
At that point Klaus knew of Caroline and he didn't give a shit which is Why it's dumb how he didn't give a fuck about her and attempted to kill her but out of nowhere had a crush on a random 18 year old he didn't know anything personal about, and throughout their entire "thing" he still never got to actually know her which is Why he thought having a simple life wasn't "enough" for her even tho she chose the said simple life with Tyler over him
She even celebrated his death at some point lmao
Klaus was never in love With Caroline just like he wasn't immediately in love With Hayley (!on the vampire diaries)
Now with Hayley he acknowledged how attractive she is the moment he saw her on tvd 4x03
She challenges him and he admires her courage to stand up to him when he first gave her her nickname
What makes klaroline not exactly special and on the same level as tvd klayley is that A not only does Caroline makes it perfectly clear she didn't like him or the "bad boy" type anymore after what Damon does to her
I mean even with how horrible Damon was she still forgives him and they become "friends"
It's who she is, she had plenty of time and chances to seek Klaus out and she didn't even after years of Stefan's death
She has compassion for him after seeing his struggles as a parent and it makes him worthy of something a bit better just like she admits she forgave Damon because she found a common ground with him (Loving Liz)
Now tvd Klaus whose life and his loved ones lives were in danger when the cure was out
And only Hayley could get him to Katherine and the cure and he was still so weirdly gentle When "interrogating" her even she questions it and he admits it's because it's her(basically she's hot lol)
She has insanely valuable information he desperately needs as his life depends on it and he was flirting with her instead
He could of used his knowledge of her real origins as a way to get her to talk because she hasn't told him shit yet but he instead tells her that randomly and then let her go
So saying Klaus loved a crush more than the woman he came back to the city to save knowing it can cause an apocalypse and chose to mourn her death over saving his daughter's life is way too insane
In conclusion Klayley>>>
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cancerian-woman · 8 months
Even though we barely saw him and he’s dead. *glares at Davina and Lucien*
Do you think Finn would have treated Marcel more kindly than any of the rest of the Mikaelsons?
Tbh, yes and no I think Finn & Marcel would’ve taken some time to be friends.
Marcel is still similar to Klaus/Elijah in how he behaves towards people & values those who are loyal to him vice-versa. Marcel’s approach is different you treat people well and they’ll respect you back. However, Marcel is arrogant and enjoys being a vampire, getting his hands dirty. Finn wouldn’t admire that in Marcel really since he doesn’t enjoy those qualities in his own siblings. Both are outcasted and seen as villainous by the Mikaelsons so I can see them getting along there. Marcel would still be on defense with Finn since he is a Mikaelson at the end of the day. Same applies with Finn since Marcel has that Klaus/Elijah mentality. I could see Marcel trying to understand why Finn hates immortality so much as someone who does value his immortality. Marcel would probably show Finn the fun-side to vampirism. I do think if Finn was around when it came down Marcel vs. The Mikaelsons, he would’ve stood on Marcel’s side or played a part in setting them up. You would think Kol would’ve been on Marcel’s side since Freya&Elijah sacrificed his girlfriend but….Finn did enjoy the things he did with Freya, i think the big part is making sure Finn feels valued same with Marcel.
That being said even if Marcel/ Finn had varying opinions & fell out. I don’t see Finn acting the way his family did. Like throwing Marcel’s slavery in arguments or going on about how he was never family, a mistake etc etc...(Klaus,Elijah,Kol..) Not considering him family or a friend or valuable period (Hayley & Freya…)
Thank you for the ask!
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melmedardasworld · 9 months
Unpopular opinion (maybe)
Finn and Kol having this profound insight of always and forever promise just because the others didn't want them to die (and they died anyway) didn't have the impact as the writers thought it did. Kol literally complained that it was Klaus’s vow that haunted him, so he was not included in all of that, and Finn definitely wasn’t
The first time they died, the only one who really shed a tear or at least looked distraught for a couple of hours was Rebekah. Elijah didn't give a damn and Klaus was already over it because he was focused on ruining Forwood/Tyler once more. We only had Rebekah call the MFG out about killing her brothers because they were being annoying and acting as if Rebekah didn’t have all the reason in the world to loath them. Realistically, the whole gang (aside from Bonnie I’d say) should have been dead and done by either Klaus, Elijah, or Rebekah, and Kol (depending if he was still alive), but the plot armor was strong. The minute Finn was killed, Klaus should have made Damon an example for Stefan to show that he meant it (cool what if), but then the show would be over I guess. This was a bit of a tangent and I’m sidetracking.
But, yes, we see that Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah were closest of the three, yet they expected Finn and Kol to just prance along with all their whims. For what? A promise that, in the end, didn't include the WHOLE family and was just a line they used to make them feel guilty so that Klelijah's dynamic could progress, but mostly Klaus's happiness could be satisfied because of Elijah's guilt. Also, the vow was only made between K/E/R after they burried Esther. It was said Finn and Kol fled in TVD but then in TO we see the five of them running together with Elijah supposedly holding them together and refusing to have them split from each other.
I really, really wished we had more about the Mikaelsons when they were human and how their personalities played out once they were vampires and were heightened.
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pinkhysteria · 2 years
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“After you ripped my heart out, all you represent to me is death. After what happened to Hayley, Hope sees you the same way.”
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DNI: TVD Edition
You think that Klaroline was the healthiest and most well-written relationship on the show
You think that Matt Donovan was the worst and most annoying character on the show
You say that Bonnie Bennett was unfairly treated but then have the audacity to say that Elena Gilbert, Katherine Pierce, Vicki Donovan and Hayley Marshall weren’t done dirty at all and deserved everything they got
Jeremy Gilbert was genuinely your favourite character
You think that Elijah Mikaelson was a noble and moral person just because he wears suits and talks down to anyone who doesn’t share his blood
You thought that Damon Salvatore’s horrible actions were justified because he stalked and obsessed over a girl who was clearly into his brother
You think that the Mikaelson’s ( mainly Klaus and Elijah’s ) cruelty was completely fine because they pUt FaMiLy fIrSt, when they constantly daggered each other and had an unhealthy obsession with their technically teenage sister’s love life
You think that Vicki Donovan, an extremely troubled young girl with bad family issues and a drug problem, deserved to die at the hands of a 160 year old monster because you found her problems annoying
You don’t think that Katherine Pierce deserved any sympathy, despite her enduring a borderline abusive father, having her child ripped away from her, being banished and sent to an unfamiliar country in disgrace, being taken advantage of by two men who then tried to murder her, having to be on the run for hundreds of years, falling in love with a man who she had to leave, being captured by hunters, having the man who once loved her fall in love with her doppelgänger, having the cure shoved down her throat, being hunted by a 2000 year old psycho, start the agonising process of quick aging, becoming suicidal and trying to jump off a clock tower, having her daughter die in her arms, going to hell whilst Klaus Mikaelson went to heaven and never having anyone truly care about her for an extended period of time unless they wanted to get in bed with her
You hate Elena Gilbert but stan one or both of the Salvatore brothers and/or Caroline Forbes
You think that Rebekah Mikaelson was whiny for wanting love outside of her toxic ass family
You think that post s4 Elena Gilbert was better than s1-s3 Elena Gilbert
You can’t tell the difference between disliking Tyler Lockwood because of his often pig-headed personality but still sympathising with him due to Klaus’ mistreatment of him and believing that his character had no flaws and that Forwood was a great ship with no issues whatsoever.
Hope you agree with at least some of these opinions, might do a part 2 as I have many more views on tvd.
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vicontheinternet · 10 months
Elijah still give me the ick from when he kept call marcel boy and refused to use his name. What is this the 1960’s.
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amigasaurus143 · 5 months
It's disgusting how (TO) Elijah stans act like he's such a kind and great brother, and that he sacrificed so much for all of them. It's like yall forget he repeatedly helped Klaus dagger their siblings, prefered Finn and even Kol dead, even Rebekah did fare that well but at least better than them. He's the reason Klaus was able to do all of the horrible things he did. To their own family. You claim he's loyal, where was his loyalty to them. Everyone would have inevitably been happier if Klaus and Elijah hadn't been there.
This obviously does not include TVD version of Elijah (season 2-3), he was an angel who actually did love and care for all his family above all.
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so-sick-of-17 · 2 years
I am watching the originals now and I’m the episode where Marcel “dies” it is so fucking infuriating. Elijah had just been a part of destroying the soul of a teenage girl. He put his family over her and in doing so killed his brothers girlfriend. For once Klaus chooses peace when there is a threat. His son is grieving the death of said teenage girl and is a threat but is also family to Klaus and he knows he has been a terrible father and while he is scared, he doesn’t want to actually hurt his son and tries to stop him. Elijah just killed him. Klaus is grieving and angry and incredibly upset with Elijah. His brother just killed his son. Then they have the audacity to have Hayley ( maybe 2 hours after he died ) tell Klaus that he should forgive Elijah because Elijah is upset and has forgiven him for the things he has done. What?! And then it is turned into a romantic moment for Hayley and Elijah. Now is when they do that? It’s so stupid!
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philtatosbuck · 2 years
something about the way certain people can’t stand marcel’s “arrogance” and think he’s worse than the mikaelsons and elijah should have “gotten revenge” on him after season three for what he did ... Something About Those People.
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azurecanary · 1 year
Friendly reminder that Marcel had every right to do what he did in the TO S3 finale. It was a culmination of everything bad the Mikaelsons did to him. Starting with Klaus being a shit father (fight me) and ending with Freya and Elijah sacrificing Davina, and was further justified by Elijah killing him.
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Taking a small moment to share a thought:
People seem to be so upset when I say I don’t believe that Klaus or Elijah really deserved anything.
But let’s think about it here, shall we:
— Klaus abused all his siblings, whether y’all want to admit it or not.
— Elijah enabled that. Wittingly or unwittingly, his allowance of Klaus’s behavior after appointing himself his brother’s keeper enabled Klaus’s actions.
— Elijah was at least on a path towards being right when he wanted to stop the ritual and Klaus, but then he fucking gutlessly flipped.
— Klaus physically assaulted (at the bare minimum) every single woman he was with. Every. Single. One.
— Klaus also killed every single love his siblings had. And Elijah did what about it???
— Klaus was out here mocking Marcel’s enslavement and whip wounds.
— These two were literally living in the plantation Marcel was raised in???
— Elijah straight up just encouraged Hayley to have an emotional affair while she was married to Jackson? Sorry but that’s *exactly* what season two was like 🤷‍♀️
— I love Hayley but she was absolutely complicit too, like she should have known better I’m sorry.
Truly I don’t think those two deserved to have happiness until their behaviors changed, and I would have been all for them actually EARNING their redemptions.
Because let’s be real: all of the family issues would’ve been avoided if Klaus would have fucking left his siblings alone and Elijah actually did what he said he was going to do.
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klayleyism · 1 year
Hayley when Elijah isn't the perfect moral gentleman she put on a pedestal:🤬😠
Hayley when Klaus is murdering people and cutting her and hope off for years
*writes him letters to tell him that she Misses him and doesn't regret a thing while still defending him*
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cancerian-woman · 8 months
if there was anybody that treated Marcel like he was disposable(all of the Mikaelson of course) but heavily Hayley and Elijah
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ambroselaveau90 · 5 months
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Free-spirited Desmond loved history and the myths of old but after losing his grams,dark forces manifest within him which lead him to learn that he comes from a line of sorceresses and inherited the mystical gifts of his many ancestors.
Though as he uncovers the secrets of his past,blood-curdling horrors converge on the city threatening to consume it forcing him to go on a journey that he never anticipated in hopes of killing the sinster forces,that have haunted his lines for generations but he must come to terms with who he is or become the wicked witch that history painted her as.
(Here are the main ocs for my main book series Millennium Of Hellfire,that takes place in a one universe,where the Vampire Diaries and other series like American Horror Story and Teen Wolf can crossover in one sacred timeline.These OCs are main characters because they are the next generation of characters that were killed in the original two series(The Vampire Diaries and The Originals)and want to make their loved one's killers suffer.
Caleb Mclaughlin as Desmond Jameson(The Wicked Witch Of The East)
•Son Of Annalise Lestrange and Elias Brannick
•Son Of Baron Samedi and Lilith Ediom
•Tie to the Vampire Diaries=Aja Holmes,she was the leader of the twelve witches that Caroline Forbes killed to save Bonnie Bennett from killing her.She was his mother's younger half-sister.
•Tie to the Originals=Katherine(Katie) and Daruis Malchance,they were siblings in the French Quater Coven that owned the Jardin Gris Voodoo Shop.Katie was murdered by Klaus Mikaelson to futher his plans of dismantling his adopted son's kingdom.Daruis was murdered by Hayley Marshall after he refused her request to locate her daughter,Hope Mikaelson after her father,Klaus Mikaelson sent her away with his sister,Rebekah Mikaelson.They were his father's younger half-siblings.
•Main Mikaelson=Freya Mikaelson.Due to a prophecy spoken by Isabel Logroño,she prophesied that her line would grow stronger and stronger,culminating in the arrival of a single Bruja that would be powerful enough to vanquish many evils,which include her and her family for her sister's death and betrayal in 1701 during the Spainsh Inquisition.Two hundred and ninety-nine years later,her prophecy came to pass,when her descendant Desmond Jameson was born in the New Millennium.But before he was born,Freya had learned of his existence from the Seer,Ivy after she had met Annalise after they consecrated Daruis to the Ancestral Well.
After his birth,Annalise and Elias had taken their son away and for five years,they moved around to evade Freya and her Coven along with the vampires and hybrids,sent by her brothers.But after settling in Upstate New York,they were finally found by Freya's Coven after their cloaking spells were broken and that same night,all of them were killed in a fire,but unbeknownst to the Mikaelson Family,the child survived with the help of his aunts,Marielle and Estelle.To this day,Freya believed she had put to the Logroño Prophecy to rest,but Desmond is out there,ready to burn her at the pyre for her crimes against witchkind and against his family.
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Xolo Maridueña as Marcos Salazar(The Big Bad Wolf)
•Werewolf(Lycan/Blooded One)
•Son Of Isabella Salazar and Carlos Correa
•Tie to the Originals=Carlos Correa(He was the third oldest sons of Benito Correa the First.Like his siblings,he had been living his life as a untriggered Blooded One for decades until they had the chance to take back the New Orleans but in 1997,Carlos met a werewolf of different kind,a Lycan named Isabella Salazar.After their lustful meeting,they soon fell in love and got married in the span of five months.But a year later in 1998,their son Marcos Correa was born.
To make sure that the baby was kept away from their enemies,he was deemed dead at his birth and was made to live at the Guerrera Mansion while his parents mourned him publicly.But in 2000,Marcos had begun to show signs of his Lycan heritage but Isabella didn't want her son to deal with this until he was of age.Before they could find a witch to bind him,a witch and her son had approached the Guerreras.They had told the witch to leave but she told them,that she knows about Marcos and his condition,so they let them in their home.
Carlos watched as Francesca and the witch named Annalise talk about her services,while Isabella watched her son and Marcos interact but Annalise had turned to Carlos and asked them in return that,Marcos would marry her son Desmond,a witch from the Dalliencourt bloodline of witches,when they came of age to create a unified pack/coven.His brothers were mortified at her request but Carlos could see the boy's connection,he knew from his wife,that Lycan have mates unlike his kind and that Marcos had growled at his uncles when they attempted to touch Desmond and he even grew claws to protect him from them.Francesca had told their brothers to stand down and she asked Carlos what he wanted to do with Annalise's request,and he agreed as Isabella smiled at him.With that,the first spells that Annalise performed for them,was binding Marcos's Lycan side and boundaries within their home.But before they left,Annalise had warned Isabella and Carlos that Francesca might be the reason their family will end.They had taken her words in and but Francesca was able to get enchanted moonlight rings and gave them to her brothers.
They each killed their bodyguards and due to this,they activated their werewolf gene and then used their newly-gained werewolf abilities to attack the vampires,including Elijah Mikaelson resulting in the majority of the vampire community of New Orleans dying from werewolf bites,Francesca also handed the still-pregnant Hayley over to the witches in exchange for the moonlight stones, as the witches were intent to sacrifice Hayley and her part-witch daughter on their Ancestors's orders.
After gaining the moonlight stones,Francesca and her brothers,along with their Crescent wolf ally,Oliver,leveraged their new physical power into more political power over the city and gained control over the supernatural factions of the French Quarter.
During the four month time jump,the Guerrera werewolves had been controlling the city.Under their rule,any vampire who entered the French Quarter was to be killed on sight, and the pack had made an alliance with the witches,led by Cassie Harrison(who was possessed by Ástríðr Mikaelson),who had agreed to make the wolves more moonlight rings.Taking advantage of the fact that their own moonlight rings weakened Klaus during every full moon,Francesca and her family/pack decided to seek out the white oak stake and kill the Originals once and for all, not knowing that Klaus and Elijah, with help from Hayley, Marcel, Joe and Josh, had their own plans to strike back once the full moon hit its apex.Francesca sent her lackeys to the Mikaelson compound to subdue Klaus,where Hayley and Elijah killed every werewolf(except for Oliver)who invaded their home.Meanwhile Klaus went to the Guerrera mansion,where he proceeded to kill all of the Guerrera's wolves and Francesca's brothers,which include Carlos.
But as Klaus killed everyone else in the home,he checked the last open room to see nothing but a room for a little boy and with pictures of Carlos and Isabella with pictures of Marcos as a baby before he died.He left as he was reminded of Hope and giving her up to keep her safe.But unknown to him,Isabella and Santiago,Marcos's personal bodyguard stood in the room with her son in her arms.As Santiago pulled a gun at Klaus,Isabella stopped him before he vamped away.Meanwhile Francesca,fearing for her life, fled before Klaus could kill her,only to be attacked and killed by Hayley on the road as she was fleeing town.
A few days later,Santiago and Isabella was able to find Francesca and buried them in their St.Ailbhe Cemetery but before they left,she found a femur bone in Benito's grave with a old note that spoke of the Guerrera's guarding the bone since their family were known as the Navarro Family before the survivors changed their names to the Guerreras to escape Klaus Mikaelson's fury in the 1700s and that bone was one of the keys to a great evil buried in New Orleans called the Hollow.
After the funeral and taking her son to New York City,Isabella married Santiago after falling in love with him and Marcos took his mom's name as he grew up amongst his mother's pack.
Main Mikaelson=Niklaus Mikaelson(Read Above)
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Sebastian Croft as Selwyn Wicker(The Prince Of Darkness)
•Original Vampire(Enhanced/Upgraded)
•Son Of Elodie Flemming and Christopher Wicker
•Twin Brother to Drusilla Wicker
•Tie to The Vampire Diaries=Elena Gilbert and the Petrova Bloodline(Isobel Flemming was born as the older sister to her younger Elodie in 1967.Unlike her sister,Isobel,Elodie was the party popular girl,while her sister was perfect A student and their parent's golden child while Elodie was ignored by them.
While she was fourteen,she met her sister's boyfriend John Gilbert and told them both about vampires,which sparked their curiosity and dedicated their life's work to supernatural research.
Elodie helped Isobel hide her pregnancy from their parents and helped her deal with giving up her daughter,her niece,so she could have a better life in 1981.While Isobel attended Duke University,she got accepted to Whitmore,where she studied folklore and parapsychology.During this time,she also met Christopher Wicker and eventually married him,in 1992,their son William was born.After earing her degree in 1993 and becoming a full-time teacher,she mentored underneath Shelia Bennett,who told her of witches as well.But everything changed in 1996 when she got call from their mother that her sister was dead.Despite not having a body to bury,they bought a headstone and a grave for her.Elodie mourned her sister and never forgot her,even though a relative named Katherine sent her money over the years as a favor to Isobel's memory,even though it stopped in 1998 after Katherine left a final payment.Later in 2001,she give birth to Selwyn and Drusilla in London,England.
Years later,in 2021,the family had decided to take a trip down to New Orleans but during the trip,their parents had quickly canceled it due to meeting someone from their past.As they drove out of New Orleans,their car was suddenly thrown off the road,as Selwyn helped his sister and brother out of the car,he was mortified to see his mother being drained of blood by a man in a suit with their father at his feet.William told them to run but Selwyn tried to stay but his sister grabbed him to run.The last time he heard his brother were his blood-curdling screams as they dragged themselves into the woods.
But as they dragged their injured bodies into the woods,they were soon found by a redheaded woman named Eve Bloom.She asked them if they wanted to be strong enough to avenge their family and they both consented to her question.Without a spilt second,Eve sired them as they died to their injuries.
After completing the transition,Eve helped get their family cremated and decided to mentor them after Aya Al-Rashid offered to recruit them into the Strix,since they wanted to kill the one murdered their family,Elijah Mikaelson.
Main Mikaelson=Elijah Mikaelson(Read Above)
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Tags:@deafchild2000 @cancerian-woman @l0nelykai for more that are interested.
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Me remembering that Defan and Klelijah are dead
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