#antonio salina
fabriziosbardella · 1 year
Hanno trovato il corpo dell’anziano che era scomparso sabato mattina dalla casa di riposo, era nella vasca della stalla sociale. #trovatoilcorpo #antoniosalina #arsie #casadiriposo #vascadellastalla #RSA #vigilidelfuoco #protezionecivile #soccorsoalpino #carabinieri #guardiadifinanza #fabriziosbardella
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elmartillosinmetre · 9 months
"Estos compositores crearon el estilo de Vivaldi"
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[Scaramuccia, de izquierda a derecha: Patrícia Vintém, Javier Lupiáñez e Inés Salinas. / DAVID MORALES]
Al frente de Scaramuccia, el violinista Javier Lupiáñez graba un CD de sonatas venecianas con dos inéditos de Albinoni
Tras su álbum dedicado a Pisendel, el violinista melillense Javier Lupiáñez graba inéditos de Albinoni en un nuevo disco con Scaramuccia, el conjunto que fundó en 2013 en La Haya, donde tiene fijada su residencia.
–El disco se titula La otra Venecia, ¿a qué se refiere?
–Hace un par de años, cuando estaba terminando mi doctorado, me escribió el profesor Michael Talbot, con el que tengo muy buen relación, para decirme que había descubierto dos nuevas sonatas de Albinoni para violín y continuo. Me las envió, pero no sólo las partituras, sino también un boceto de su artículo que se publicaría meses después. Quedé con el grupo, las tocamos y vimos que las dos sonatas eran estupendas. Decidimos grabarlas, pero eran sólo dos sonatas, ¿qué poníamos alrededor? Todo el mundo asocia Venecia a Vivaldi, pero él publica su Op.1 en 1705 y justo por entonces había muchos compositores más famosos que él y que le influyeron muchísimo. Y esa es la Otra Venecia, la de una panoplia de compositores que hoy día están a la sombra de Vivaldi, pero que en realidad fueron los que crearon su estilo.
–Formalmente, las obras parecen muy corellianas, ¿qué estilo se está desarrollando en Venecia, uno derivado del de Corelli o es un estilo propio?
–Estamos en un momento de cambio, en el que se juntan la vocalidad del XVII con el estilo instrumental del concierto y la figura del solista ya del XVIII. Cuando Corelli publica su Op.V en 1700 establece el modelo romano, que luego será copiado por todos los grandes de Europa, y aquí vemos algunos de esos rasgos en una de las sonatas de violonchelo de Gentili o en Bigaglia, pero en realidad se mezcla mucho la libertad creativa del XVII con esta escuela boloñesa y romana de Corelli. Aprecio una heterogeneidad de formas y estilos que me encanta y me sorprende. El mismo Gentili, en sus Sonatas de violonchelo y en su Capricho está mirando al XVII, pero tiene ya elementos de esa nueva música del XVIII. El primer Adagio de la Sonata en sol menor de Albinoni tiene todavía un carácter vocal, que parece derivado de sus óperas, pero luego se afianza ya un estilo puramente instrumental. Estamos asistiendo a la cristalización de la forma, que en aquel momento estaba todavía muy condicionada por la libertad característica del XVII, y eso le da una gran variedad a este repertorio.
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–¿Pesa entonces la ópera veneciana en esta música?
–Sí. Sin duda. El Adagio del Capricho de Gentili podría ser un aria de ópera y ese carácter vocal está también en los movimientos lentos de Albinoni, sobre todo en ese primer movimiento que le comentaba antes, un dúo entre el violín, que bien podría ser una soprano, y el bajo continuo, que podría ser una voz grave en una obra teatral. Pasa lo mismo en el primer movimiento de la Sonata de Caldara, un Largo de carácter vocal, pero de repente, el violín sube, se hace virtuoso y rompe radicalmente con esa vocalidad. Se está construyendo el lenguaje puramente violinístico que luego Vivaldi desarrollará y explotará como nadie, aunque lo vocal seguirá también ahí, no termina ahora.
–En los movimientos lentos, hay mucha vocalidad y en los rápidos mucha danza, ¿no?
–Algunos son puramente danzas, sí, aunque en otros casos tienen más el carácter de la fantasía, como en la Sonata de Caldara. Pero es que hay que tener en cuenta que todo estaba tramado: en un compositor de esta época estaba todo junto, la ópera, la danza, las posibilidades que estaba mostrando el instrumento, y lo aplicaban sin complejos de ningún tipo. Sabían perfectamente lo que era una corrente, una giga, y no necesariamente escribían una giga pensando en bailarla, pero el esquema lo tenían en la cabeza y lo disfrazaban más o menos. En Reali el movimiento lento tiene un aire de zarabanda, el final es una giga…
–¿Cuál era el destino de estas obras?
–Seguramente se interpretaban en cámaras privadas. Las Sonatas de Bigaglia las copió Pisendel y se las llevó a Dresde, por lo que es posible que sonaran en la corte. Gentili era concertino de San Marcos, es muy posible que en la misa tuviera momentos en que tocase como solista, y quizás esos solos salieran de sus Caprichos, no tenemos la certeza, pero Michael Talbot piensa que es probable que fuera así. Esta música sonaría en residencias privadas, pero luego podía aparecer en un teatro o en la gran basílica de San Marcos.
–¿La improvisación sigue siendo clave en su interpretación?
–Mi doctorado estaba destinado a encontrar el lenguaje improvisatorio de Vivaldi a través de un alumno suyo, Pisendel, que nos dejó manuscritos con anotaciones de las ornamentaciones que hizo en Venecia mientras estudiaba con Vivaldi. Son pistas muy buenas para entender la forma de improvisar de Vivaldi, lo que también nos guía hacia el tipo de improvisación que se usaba en la Venecia del tiempo. Una de las partes más divertidas de esta investigación es ponerlo todo en práctica y experimentar. Nuestro grupo tiene mucho de experimental. Probamos cosas y vemos lo que funciona y lo que no, y cuando no funciona profundizamos para entender por qué no. Intentamos aplicar todos estos conocimientos a nuestra forma de tocar, teniendo en cuenta que cada obra tiene su contexto. No es lo mismo la Sonata en sol menor de Albinoni, escrita en 1695, que la otra sonata, que es de 1716. Eso sí, la improvisación juega siempre un papel fundamental. Los compositores no concebían su música sin que fuera ornamentada en el momento de la interpretación. En Venecia descubrimos un lenguaje particular en la forma de ornamentar, un lenguaje muy rico, exuberante, que va más allá de lo que nos ha quedado en las sonatas de Corelli, con añadidos de notas que alteran la armonía, con acciaccature en el bajo y notas extrañas en el violín para ampliar el lenguaje armónico, por ejemplo en Bigaglia, que es más parecido a Vivaldi. Todo esto lo hemos aplicado en nuestra interpretación. Pero esto sólo es el punto de partida, porque lo fundamental sabemos que eran los afectos, los sentimientos, y eso es siempre muy subjetivo, es nuestra principal aportación personal. La investigación es una herramienta para conseguir eso.
–Este es el tercer disco de Snakewood, ¿hay un cuarto ya en cabeza?
–Tenemos varias ideas, y además queremos ampliar el sello para dar cabida a otros artistas. Vamos a grabar el disco de un violonchelista, Jacopo Ristori, con música italiana muy interesante de finales del XVIII. Y tenemos varios proyectos más. En cuanto a los propios, le damos vueltas desde que terminamos la edición de este. Seguiremos la línea de descubrir cosas. Michael Talbot me escribía hace muy poco maravillado por la cantidad de música desconocida que no se había tocado nunca y que está descubriendo ahora mismo, así que ahí tenemos terreno, y de momento es lo que más me interesa, no se nos va a acabar la mina de descubrir cosas. Más difícil me parece la selección. Por ejemplo, para este disco, reuní cerca de 40 piezas para acompañar las dos sonatas de Albinoni, con compositores por completo desconocidos, como Zotti, que fue copista de Tartini y trabajó con él, y descubrí una sonata que me pareció maravillosa, pero al final se ha quedado fuera. Ese trabajo final de seleccionar qué va y no va al CD es duro y difícil.
[Diario de Sevilla. 23-07-2023]
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enlacedelacosta · 2 years
Se activan protocolos de Protección Civil por Sismo de Magnitud 5.5
>>Hasta el momento no se reportan lesionados o afectaciones graves, por el fenómeno registrado a 41 km al noreste de La Crucecita, y la CEPCO mantiene monitoreo en las ocho regiones de la entidad
>>Hasta el momento no se reportan lesionados o afectaciones graves, por el fenómeno registrado a 41 km al noreste de La Crucecita, y la CEPCO mantiene monitoreo en las ocho regiones de la entidad (more…)
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fragrantblossoms · 9 months
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Oriol Maspons. Untitled (Photograph for the book "Walking through Las Hurdes", by Antonio Ferres and Armando López Salinas), 1960.
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blueangeldreamland · 6 months
upcoming protests: free Palestine
update oct. 27, 2023
-i found information from online (websites listed) pls make sure to double check a protest is available!! as I don’t follow specific accounts that post protests. * feel free to correct me on info *
-take note of days you are available to go and protests near you
-bookmark pages if you want more reliable updates and info
via answercoalition.org posted oct. 7, 2023
Saturday, October 28
Brainerd, MN
1:00 p.m.
Intersection of Sixth and Washington Streets (Across from the Historic Brainerd Water Tower)
Sponsored by: Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP), Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BLUE), and Brainerd Lakes Area Democratic Socialists of America (BLA DSA)
Portland, OR
2:00 p.m.
Lownsdale Square
Sponsored by: AntiwarMN, SJP, AMP
Sunday, October 29
Worcester, MA
3:30 p.m.
Worcester City Hall (455 Main St.)
Sponsored by: JVP Western Mass, Palestinian Youth Movement
via uscpr.org unsure date updated
Friday, October 27
HOUSTON, TX | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at John P McGovern Commons 6550 Bertner Ave
OMAHA, NE | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at 72nd & Dodge
PHOENIX, AZ | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at State Capitol Building 1700 W Washington St.
BOSTON, MA | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at Brewer Fountain, Boston Commons
ALBANY, NY | Friday, October 27th at 4PM at West Capital Park
NEW YORK, NY | Friday, October 27th at 6PM at Midtown Manhattan (register for exact location)
DENTON, TX | Friday, October 27th at 7PM at Denton Courthouse-on-the-Square
Saturday, October 28
HARTFORD, CT | Saturday, October 28th at 12PM at 800 Main St.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA | Saturday, October 28th at 1PM at Harry Bridges Plaza (Embarcadero)
DALLAS, TX | Saturday, October 28th at 1:30PM at Civic Garden 1014 Main St.
ROSEBURG, OR | Saturday, October 28th at 2PM at Fred Meyers on Harvard
MILWAUKEE, WI | Saturday, October 28th at 2:30PM at 920 North Water St.
NEW YORK, NY | Saturday, October 28th at 3PM at Brooklyn Museum, 200 Eastern Pkwy
PORTLAND, OR | Saturday, October 28th at 3PM at 121 SW Salmon St.
ATLANTA, GA | Saturday, October 28th at 3PM at Georgia State Capitol (East Steps)
Sunday, October 29
NEWARK, NJ | Sunday, October 29th at 1:30PM at Newark City Hall 920 Broad St.
DENVER, CO | Sunday, October 29th at 2PM State Capitol West Steps 200 E Colfax Ave
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO | Sunday, October 29th at 2PM at CO Springs City Hall, 107 N Nevada Ave
AUSTIN, TX | Sunday, October 29th at 3PM at Texas Capitol
WATERBURY, CT | Sunday, October 29th at 3PM at City Hall 235 Grand St.
Saturday, November 4
NATIONAL MARCH ON WASHINGTON | Washington DC, November 4th, 2 PM. Freedom Plaza. Cosponsored by USCPR and other organizations.
cont. (The file is too big to show as a list)
dates protests for 10/28, 10/29, 10/30, 11/4 (my list updated to ones that are now available)
MAKE SURE TO DOUBLE CHECK ON WEBSITE FOR CORRECT DATES, TIMES, AND CITIES + LINKS (underlined cities have links to their info!!!!)
separated by major city and then date (some differences)
by major city
Washington, D.C. MARCH ON WASHINGTON 11/4 -- London, UK 10/28 -- Toronto, ON -- NEW YORK CITY 10/28 -- Austin, TX 10/29 -- San Francisco, CA 10/28 -- Portland, OR 10/28
by date
Atlanta, GA -- Dallas, TX -- Champaign, IL -- Roseburg, OR -- London, UK -- NEW YORK CITY -- Orono, ME -- Portland, OR -- San Francisco, CA -- Vancouver, BC -- Roseburg, OR
10/29 SUNDAY
Newark, NJ -- Austin, TX 10/29 TEXAS CAPITOL -- Colorado Springs, CO -- Denver, CO -- Irvine, CA -- London, UK -- McAllen, TX -- Orlando, FL -- Ottawa, ON -- Salinas, CA -- San Antonio, TX --Scranton, PA -- Toronto, ON -- Worcester, MA
10/30 MONDAY
Baltimore, MD --Manhattan, KS -- Albany, NY
boycott starbucks, mcdonald's, disney+ to support palestine
no buying day (economy free) nov. 18th worldwide boycott to free palestine
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pangeen · 1 year
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“ Salinas de Torrevieja “ // Jose Antonio Triviño Sanchez
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pwlanier · 9 months
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Porfirio Salinas
San Antonio Artist
Image Size: 7 1/4 x 5 1/2
Frame Size: 11 x 9
Medium: Oil
Circa 1928
"Blooming Cactus"
Vintage Texas Paintings
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Artwork showcase for Lady Asteria
I’ll keep this updated for any new or missed art and feel free to send me any art that you would like to be included! (If I’ve included your art and you wish for me to remove it please message me!)
‘Asteria Seated with Lyre’ from C5th B.C. currently in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
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‘Asteria, Leto, Apollo’ from C5th B.C. currently in Regional Archaeological Museum Antonio Salinas, Palermo (Far right)
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‘Pergamon Altar’ from C2nd B.C. currently in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin (Middle figure holding the torch)
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‘Jupiter and Asteria’ by Marco Liberi
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‘Asteria, titan of the falling stars and the mother of Delos’ by @pierianspring
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Unnamed by Yliade
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‘Asteria’ by Luisa Leal
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Unnamed by @dont-we-all-fall
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‘We could be stars’ by @jassandbearprints
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‘Quail’ by @asterias-fallen-star
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El fiscal afirma que 86 directivos cargaron 15 millones a Caja Madrid con tarjetas VIP
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01/10/2014 - 13:26 
La Fiscalía Anticorrupción ha pedido al juez de la Audiencia Nacional Fernando Andreu investigar a 86 consejeros y directivos de Caja Madrid que cargaron en sus tarjetas de empresa gastos privados, como estancias en hoteles, compras en el sector de la alimentación, almuerzos en restaurantes o retiraron efectivo, por valor de 15,2 millones de euros en el periodo comprendido entre 2003 y 2012. 
En un decreto el fiscal jefe de Anticorrupción, Antonio Salinas, incoa diligencias por posibles delito societario y de apropiación indebida sobre estos hechos y designa para su instrucción a los fiscales Luis Rodríguez Sol y Alejandro Luzón, después de que Bankia haya comunicado este posible uso irregular de las tarjetas al Fondo de Reestructuración Ordenada Bancaria (FROB) y este órgano trasladara la información al Ministerio Público.
El departamento de Auditoría Interna de Bankia detectó que varias tarjetas de crédito proporcionadas inicialmente por Caja Madrid y después por el grupo bancario a sus directivos y consejeros habrían sido utilizadas en algunos casos para fines no vinculados con su actividad profesional.Tales tarjetas fueron emitidas "al margen del circuito establecido con carácter general y ordinario" del banco y tuvieron una disposición de 15.249.300 euros las de Caja Madrid entre 2003 y 2012 y de 245.200 euros aquellas cargadas a Bankia entre 2011 y 2012. Esta entidad interesó la justificación de los gastos a sus ejecutivos y directivos, quienes procedieron a devolver el dinero, según fuentes de la entidad. 
Según esta documentación, a adelantada por el diario Expansión, tres consejeros ejecutivos y dos directores generales del grupo BFA/Bankia obtuvieron este privilegio, gestionado por el miembro del Comité de Dirección Ildefonso Sánchez Barcoj, aunque uno de estos consejeros no realizó ningún movimiento ni firmó el contrato de obtención.La tarjeta de Sánchez Barcoj facturó cerca de 90.900 euros; la de Rodrigo de Rato, unos 54.800 euros; la de Matías Amat, 42.000 euros; y la de José Manuel Fernández Norniella, 9.700 euros; mientras que la tarjeta de Francisco Servando Verdú no registró ningún movimiento.
Entre los directivos de la caja de ahorros que disfrutaron de este privilegio, se encontraban consejeros nombrados por PP, PSOE, IU y los sindicatos. Entre sus beneficiarios, estaban el exvicepresidente del Gobierno Rodrigo Rato, el ex secretario del PP de Madrid Ricardo Romero de Tejada, el exsecretario de organización del PSM Antonio Romero, el dirigente de IU José Antonio Moral Santín o el expresidente de Caja Madrid Miguel Blesa, quien movió 436.700 euros. 
Según la documentación, no consta que los poseedores de estas tarjetas hayan declarado las sumas como percibidas en sus declaraciones correspondientes, por lo cual el FROB ha puesto a disposición estos datos de la Fiscalía Anticorrupción y ahora será estudiada por el juez Andreu en e marco de la investigación sobre la fusión y salida a Bolsa de Bankia.
¿Entre todos la tenían y ella sola se murió... la Democracia?
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bigmacdaddio · 1 year
Generation of 27
The Generation of '27 (Spanish: Generación del 27) was an influential group of poets that arose in Spanish literary circles between 1923 and 1927, essentially out of a shared desire to experience and work with avant-garde forms of art and poetry. Their first formal meeting took place in Seville in 1927 to mark the 300th anniversary of the death of the baroque poet Luis de Góngora. Writers and intellectuals paid homage at the Ateneo de Sevilla, which retrospectively became the foundational act of the movement.
The Generation of '27 has also been called, with lesser success, "Generation of the Dictatorship", "Generation of the Republic", "Generation Guillén-Lorca" (Guillén being its oldest author and Lorca its youngest), "Generation of 1925" (average publishing date of the first book of each author), "Generation of Avant-Gardes", "Generation of Friendship", etc. According to Petersen, "generation group" or a "constellation" are better terms which are not so much historically restricted as "generation".
Aesthetic style:
The Generation of '27 cannot be neatly categorized stylistically because of the wide variety of genres and styles cultivated by its members. Some members, such as Jorge Guillén, wrote in a style that has been loosely called jubilant and joyous and celebrated the instant, others, such as Rafael Alberti, underwent a poetic evolution that led him from youthful poetry of a more romantic vein to later politically-engaged verses.
The group tried to bridge the gap between Spanish popular culture and folklore, classical literary tradition and European avant-gardes. It evolved from pure poetry, which emphasized music in poetry, in the vein of Baudelaire, to Futurism, Cubism, Ultraistand Creationism, to become influenced by Surrealism and finally to disperse in interior and exterior exile following the Civil Warand World War II, which are sometimes gathered by historians under the term of the "European Civil War". The Generation of '27 made a frequent use of visionary images, free verses and the so-called impure poetry, supported by Pablo Neruda.
In a restrictive sense, the Generation of '27 refers to ten authors, Jorge Guillén, Pedro Salinas, Rafael Alberti, Federico García Lorca, Dámaso Alonso, Gerardo Diego, Luis Cernuda, Vicente Aleixandre, Manuel Altolaguirre and Emilio Prados. However, many others were in their orbit, some older authors such as Fernando Villalón, José Moreno Villa or León Felipe, and other younger authors such as Miguel Hernández. Others have been forgotten by the critics, such as Juan Larrea, Pepe Alameda, Mauricio Bacarisse, Juan José Domenchina, José María Hinojosa, José Bergamín or Juan Gil-Albert. There is also the "Other generation of '27", a term coined by José López Rubio, formed by himself and humorist disciples of Ramón Gómez de la Serna, including: Enrique Jardiel Poncela, Edgar Neville, Miguel Mihura and Antonio de Lara, "Tono", writers who would integrate after the Civil War (1936–39) the editing board of La Codorniz.
Furthermore, the Generation of '27, as clearly reflected in the literary press of the period, was not exclusively restricted to poets, including artists such as Luis Buñuel, the caricaturist K-Hito, the surrealist painters Salvador Dalí and Óscar Domínguez, the painter and sculptor Maruja Mallo, as well as Benjamín Palencia, Gregorio Prieto, Manuel Ángeles Ortiz and Gabriel García Maroto, the toreros Ignacio Sánchez Mejías and Jesús Bal y Gay, musicologists and composers belonging to the  Group of Eight, including Bal y Gay, Ernesto Halffter and his brother Rodolfo Halffter, Juan José Mantecón, Julián Bautista, Fernando Remacha, Rosa García Ascot, Salvador Bacarisse and Gustavo Pittaluga. There was also the Catalan Group who presented themselves in 1931 under the name of Grupo de Artistas Catalanes Independientes, including Roberto Gerhard, Baltasar Samper, Manuel Blancafort, Ricard Lamote de Grignon, Eduardo Toldrá and Federico Mompou.
Finally, not all literary works were written in Spanish: Salvador Dalí and Óscar Domínguez also wrote in French. Foreigners such as the Chilean poets Pablo Neruda and Vicente Huidobro, the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges, and the Franco-Spanish painter Francis Picabia also shared much with the aesthetics of the Generation of '27.
The Generation of '27 was not exclusively located in Madrid, but rather deployed itself in a geographical constellation which maintained links together. The most important nuclei were in Sevilla, around the Mediodía review, Tenerife around the Gaceta de Arte, and Málaga around the Litoral review. Others members resided in Galicia, Catalonia and Valladolid.
The Tendencies of '27:
The name "Generation of 1927" identifies poets that emerged around 1927, the 300th anniversary of the death of the Baroque poet Luis de Góngora y Argote to whom the poets paid homage. It sparked a brief flash of neo-Gongorism by outstanding poets like Rafael Alberti, Vicente Aleixandre, Dámaso Alonso, Luis Cernuda, Gerardo Diego and Federico García Lorca.
Spanish Civil War aftermath:
The Spanish Civil War ended the movement: García Lorca was murdered, Miguel Hernandez died in jail and other writers (Rafael Alberti, Jose Bergamin, León Felipe, Luis Cernuda, Pedro Salinas, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Bacarisse) were forced into exile, although virtually all kept writing and publishing late throughout the 20th century.
Dámaso Alonso and Gerardo Diego were among those who reluctantly remained in Spain after the Francoists won and more or less reached agreements with the new authoritarian and traditionalist regime or even openly supported it, in the case of Diego. They evolved a lot, combining tradition and avant-garde, and mixing many different themes, from toreo to music to religious and existentialist disquiets, landscapes, etc. Others, such as Vicente Aleixandre and Juan Gil-Albert, simply ignored the new regime, taking the path of interior exile and guiding a new generation of poets.
However, for many Spaniards the harsh reality of Francoist Spain and its reactionary nature meant that the cerebral and aesthetic verses of the Generation of '27 did not connect with what was truly happening, a task that was handled more capably by the poets of the Generation of '50 and the social poets.
A statue dedicated to the Generation 27 Poets is now in Seville in Spain. The inscription on the monument translates as 'Seville The poets of the Generation of 27'
List of members[edit]
Rafael Alberti (1902–1999)
Vicente Aleixandre (1898–1984)
Amado Alonso (1897–1952)
Dámaso Alonso (1898–1990)
Manuel Altolaguirre (1905–1959)
Francisco Ayala (1906–2009)
Mauricio Bacarisse (1895–1931)
José Bello (1904–2008)
Rogelio Buendía (1891–1969)
Alejandro Casona (1903–1965)
Juan Cazador (1899–1956)
Luis Cernuda (1902–1963)
Juan Chabás (1900–1954)
Ernestina de Champourcín (1905–1999)
Gerardo Diego (1896–1987)
Juan José Domenchina (1898–1959)
Antonio Espina (1894–1972)
Agustín Espinosa (1897–1939)
León Felipe (1884–1968)
Agustín de Foxá (1903–1959)
Pedro García Cabrera (1905–1981)
Federico García Lorca (1898–1936)
Pedro Garfias (1901–1967)
Juan Gil-Albert (1904–1994)
Ernesto Giménez Caballero (1899–1988)
Jorge Guillén (1893–1984)
Emeterio Gutiérrez Albelo (1905–1937)
Miguel Hernández (1910–1942)
José María Hinojosa (1904–1936)
Enrique Jardiel Poncela (1901–1952)
Rafael Laffón (1895–1978)
Antonio de Lara (1896–1978)
Juan Larrea (1895–1980)
José López Rubio (1903–1996)
José María Luelmo (1904–1991)
Francisco Madrid (1900–1952)
Paulino Masip (1899–1963)
Concha Méndez (1898–1986)
Miguel Mihura (1905–1977)
Edgar Neville (1899–1967)
Antonio Oliver (1903–1968)
Pedro Pérez-Clotet (1902–1966)
Rafael Porlán (1899–1945)
Emilio Prados (1899–1962)
Joaquín Romero Murube (1904–1969)
Pedro Salinas (1891–1951)
Guillermo de Torre (1900–1971)
José María Souvirón (1904–1973)
Miguel Valdivieso (1897–1966)
Fernando Villalón (1881–1930)
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alphaman99 · 11 months
in just 2 years
Craig Bergman
June 5, 2022  ·
H/T to Barry and Tim for posting this share.
This is an active effort to disrupt the food supply.
Almost ALL of these "Fires" have been ruled "Accidents or Unknown Causes".
Here is the full list. NEARLY 50 since Joe Biden's team Stole the election.
That is ONE "Mysterious" fire every other week for TWO STRAIGHT YEARS !!
If you know of any missing please add them below.
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Feb 5th, 2021: Wisconsin River Meats processing facility destroyed by fire in Mauston, Wisconsin.
Feb 15th, 2021: Bonanza Meat Company goes up in flames in El Paso, Texas
Feb 22nd, 2021: Shearer's Foods Food processing plant explodes in Hermiston, Oregon.
Feb 22nd, 2021: Fire destroys Deli Star Meat Plant in Fayetteville, Illinois.
March 17th, 2021: Nestle Food Plant extensively damaged in fire and new production destroyed Jonesboro, Arkansas.
March 19th, 2021: Walmart Food Distribution center catches fire in Plainfield, Indiana.
March 24th, 2021: Major Fire at McCrum Potato Plant in Belfast, Maine.
March 29th, 2021: Maricopa Food Pantry burns down 50,000 pounds of Food destroyed in Maricopa, Arizona.
March 31st, 2021: Rio Fresh Onion factory damaged by fire in San Juan, Texas.
April 13th, 2021: Fire destroys East Conway Beef & Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire.
April 14th, 2021: Taylor Farms Food Processing plant burns down Salinas, California.
April 19th, 2021: Azure Standard nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire in Dufur, Oregon
April 21st, 2021 : plane crashes into and destroys General Mills Factory near Atlanta, Georgia
4/30/21 Monmouth Smithfield Foods pork processing plant
725/21 Memphis Kellogg plant
8/13/21 JBS beef plant
8/24/21 Patak Meat Company
7/30/21 Tyson River Valley ingredient plant
10/21/21 Darigold plant
11/15/21 Garrard County food plant
11/29/21 Maid-Rite Steak Company
12/13/21 San Antonio food processing, West side Foods
1/7/22 Hamilton Mountain poultry processing
1/13/22 Cargill-Nutrene feed mill. Lacombe, La
1/31/22 Winston-Salem fertilizer plant
2/3/22 Wisconsin River Meats
2/3/22 Percy dairy farm
2/15/22 Bonanza Meat Company
2/16/22 Indiana Louis-Dreyfus soy processing plant
2/18/22 Bess View Farms
2/19/22 Lincoln premiere poultry
2/22/22 Shearer's Foods potato chip plant
2/28/22 nutrient AG Solutions
2/28/22 Shadow Brook Farm & Dutch girl Creamery
3/14/22 Wayne Hoover dairy farm
3/16/22 Walmart Distribution Center
3/16/22 Nestle hotpockets
3/28/22 Maricopa AZ food plant
3/30/22 Maine Pentecost McCrum potato chip plant
4/1/22 Rio onion processing plant
4/13/22 East Conway Beef & Pork
4/13/22 Taylor Foods processing plant
4/13/22 Gem State Processing
4/14/22 Salinas food processing plant
4/18/22 Azure standard organic foods
4/21/22 General Mills plant
5/27/22 Forsman Farms Minnesota: 200k chickens burned to death
Food shortages are happening because they are planned.
Oil prices because the BIDEN GOVERNMENT:
Ended Domestic Fracking. Stopped, closed, and abandoned, 22 Pipelines. Sanctioned Russian Oil. And reduced the world wide supply by 55% in his first year.
And These fires? ARSON. INTENTIONAL !!
FIFTY in two years? Better believe it. They are KILLING you.
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orbleglorb · 9 months
🥛🍨🍎 for gwen because i love a girl with problems. 🍒🍑🧅 for honey nut alpha supreme my beloved. 🥐 for both because i'm mentally ill about homelands
link to the ask game !!
hiii ty for all the asks :D im sorry this took a while. as you can see, there was a lot
🥛 [MILK] What is your OC's relationship with their biological parents like? What about their relationship with any non-biological parental figures?
oh. ohoho. so. gwen's family is complicated.
to fully understand the picture, we have to go back like 3 generations. maría elena and jose salinas were blessed with a family of supernatural talents and cursed with every single member of that family suffering (which usually leads to their death). maría elena and jose are exempt from this, but all of their descendants are affected by it. they have three children: ana rosa, carlos, and martín. ana rosa can mend anything, carlos can control water, and martín can alter other people's emotions (and, later on, control them). all three of them have kids as well: ana rosa and her husband have two daughters, paula (can talk to animals) and gabriela (is virtually indestructible). martín and his wife have one daughter, laura. and carlos and his wife have twins, diego and ramiro. the curse struck first when the twins were about 8 months old. carlos and diana (his wife) hire a babysitter, a trusted family friend, so they can go on a date. they get interrupted in the middle of it when a police officer notifies them that the babysitter drove her car into a lake. diego was sitting on a bench outside the lake, completely dry and unharmed, and ramiro was never found. although there's no body, he's presumed dead, because like, he's fucking 8 months old. he can't fend for himself. if someone took him they probably have bad intentions.
a month or so later, in a completely unrelated event (sarcasm), an unidentified baby is found in a dumpster outside a denny's in san antonio by an overnight employee. for reference, the salinases live in oregon, on the washington-oregon state border. san antonio is in texas. the baby is taken to the hospital, and he's relatively unharmed, but all of his organs are in weird places. but he's functioning fine and surgery for babies sucks so they don't do anything about it. he is adopted by a couple in a small town outside of san antonio named salvation. the couple names this baby william.
william grows up and moves to oklahoma for college and to get away from his shitty family, meets mallory, marries her, and has a family with her. they have three children: connor, gwen (she's a trans girl but i haven't given her a deadname or anything), and christopher. and then the curse hit super hard. connor gets almost killed & is replaced by a doppelganger. christopher and mallory are killed by the doppelganger. gwen is almost killed by the doppelganger. the doppelganger fucks off before the police catch him and he is never seen again.
so, now i can answer this question! gwen is immensely attached to her father. after being almost killed, she would freak out every time he left without her. even if it was just, like, to take the trash out. she was incredibly close with her mom and just kind of has a void where her mom was that she doesn't want to replace. which worked out fine, when her dad didn't want to date anyone, but now he's... kinda got something going on with a guy down the street. they're not dating but they kinda obviously have Some Feelings there. and she claims that she's not pissed about it and that she's fine with it but she's so mad and she is not ok with it. she views her relationship with william as them vs the world and it's really terrifiying that that might change. the guy, matt, is like, a decent guy. he's also a vampire but he was only turned in like 2012 or whatever. and nobody knows that. matt's super nice and fun and has no idea why this teenage girl that lives near him just glares at him all the time. but as he gets closer to william, he does try to also get closer to gwen, but she's keeping him at arms length. except like. she doesn't want to even touch him so she's using a 10 ft pole.
at some point, william has to do a dna test for medical reasons (my dad, who is also adopted, did this as well, so i am not just pulling this out of my ass, although it kinda sounds like it). william made an impulsive decision to opt in to see his family, and then regretted it. he worried the entire time it was processing. he finally got the results and a lot of his bio family members were on there. and ofc gwen was along the ride for this whole saga so she starts looking some of them up. she finds some newspaper clippings about gabriela's stunt actor days, paula's obituary, an instagram account for marco, and... absolutely nothing for diego, who is listed as william's brother. so she does a lot of digging and eventually comes across a social media site that has an account for him. she has to make an account to view anything, and it asks her some weird questions (definition for edgirst, name at least flower native to a certain zipcode, Your Best Friend, and your relation (if any) to someone on the site). she gets 3/4 questions wrong but it lets her in b/c she's related to diego salinas. and everyone else on the website is super confused, because she's not supposed to be here, this is only for ppl from viallston, but she's related to diego, which means there's a good chance ramiro is alive, etc etc etc. but this other kid on the site, alejandro, sees a new person and decides to torment her a little. except if there's one thing gwen can do, it's commit to the fucking bit, so they get along great. alejandro isn't a parental figure but they definitely act like siblings together and it's really helpful for gwen.
🍨 [ICE CREAM] How does your OC compose themselves in stressful situations?
she acts super composed and organizes EVERYTHING. she spends a lot of time obsessing over how to fix it but still knows how to act put-together, until she doesn't and she snaps and everything crashes.
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else?
her dad. her friend arthur is a close second. but she loves her dad and would do anything for him
ok. the rest will be under the cut. because this is long
🍒 [CHERRY] Who is your OC's perfect companion?
ummm haven't heard about artemis in a bit but they're good for each other i think! they both know how to commit to the bit, they compliment each other well (personality-wise), and they both have similar qualities and values. also there's a lot of fun angst of honey falling in love with a dogboy while having a trauma-induced phobia of dogs
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
cooking for ppl
🧅 [ONION] What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
dogs. especially being surprised by dogs. all of the guys know this b/c johm tried to surprise everyone with brand new mascot barke fever and she was inconsolable for like an hour and a half
both of them:
🥐 [CROISSANT] Where is your OC from? How do they feel about their homeland? Where are they now?
Gwen: she's from oklahoma and she's moved around a little bit. oklahoma was fine, but it was heavily christian, and her family is so... not christian. she would go to church events just to be able to socialize outside of school (this is something i did as well). her dad has a lot of trauma with christianity (re: salvation, tx) so he was Weird about it. she liked some of the people but she wasn't attached to oklahoma. they live in new york now, and she feels a lot more comfortable in her own skin so she's better at socializing & feels better in general. besides, she's not known as the weird girl whose brother killed her family! she's just gwen! she loves it here
honey: from the appalachian region in eastern tennessee. she loves the woods. she loves being outside and in nature. she can't be in memphis for very long without getting snappy and upset. she actually doesn't live in memphis, she lives on a farm a while away. she doesn't like cities and gets claustrophobic in them. she knows several parts of the mountains like the back of her hand. she knows the local wildlife and they know her. she loves appalachia and it loves her back
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docpiplup · 2 years
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Drama "intimista y generacional" que se narra desde el punto de vista de tres personajes femeninos (una madre y dos hermanas), la historia, escrita por el propio Viruega, recoge algunos de los temas que atraviesan su filmografía: la complejidad de las relaciones paterno-filiales, la vuelta al hogar, los fantasmas de la infancia y los surcos invisibles que el paisaje de la niñez deja en el alma.
En 'Amanece', dirigida por el almeriense Juan Francisco Viruega, donde el "hipnótico paisaje" de Almería se fundirá con las "emociones de sus protagonistas", un viaje al sur(este) del país enciende la mecha de una historia en la que "la complejidad de la naturaleza humana y la decadencia del amor", apuntan desde la producción, dialogarán con "paisajes de la tradición cinematográfica" del Desierto de Tabernas.
Si en el cortometraje 'Postales desde la luna' eran dos hermanos los que regresaban al hogar familiar, aquí es una pareja, Alba y Martín, la que emprenderá una "huida hacia delante" tras el punto de inflexión que en su relación supondrá el hallazgo de un cortijo aislado en mitad del desierto poblado por muebles y objetos en venta, "reliquias pertenecientes a relaciones rotas" que transmiten "la nostalgia por un sentimiento ya agotado".
 La película, cuyo el diseño del título se juega con una pita y un sol sobre la segunda a que dibuja una suerte de indalo, mostrará al espectador una "pequeña radiografía" de las relaciones sentimentales en la actualidad, que tras "completar las primeras etapas del ciclo natural de una pareja" parecen condenadas a estancarse, "por la carencia de proyectos en común, por la dictadura del deseo capitalistas o por la inseguridad como fruto de las carencias afectivas durante la infancia". 
Reparto: Aura Garrido, Iria del Río, Isabel Ampudia, Rebeca Sala, Antonio Araque, Sebastián Haro, Rafa Jiménez y Antonio Gómiz. 
El rodaje terminó el pasado mes de junio, y se realizó íntegramente en escenarios en la provincia de Almería, algunos rincones del Parque Natural Cabo de Gata-Níjar, como la playa de Los Escullos, La Isleta del Moro, Aguadulce, Roquetas de Mar (localidad natal del director), el Arrecife de las Sirenas, las balsas de sal de Las Salinas, la playa de las Amoladeras, la playa de Torregarcia, el desierto de Tabernas, el rancho Malcamino’s, la Casa Rosa de Rioja, Gérgal, Nacimiento y Vélez-Blanco.
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pwlanier · 9 months
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irio Salinas
San Antonio Artist
Medium: Oil
Circa 1930s
"Irish Flats"
Vintage Texas Painting
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gobqro · 2 years
Posiciona SECTUR a Querétaro como destino turístico-deportivo-enológico
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Con éxito se llevó a cabo la octava edición de la carrera Xtrail Bernal-Viñedos, efectuada con el apoyo de la Secretaría de Turismo para posicionar a Querétaro como destino turístico-deportivo-enológico en México. En esta ocasión se rompió récord de participación, con más de mil 500 corredores de 23 entidades de México y de países como Francia, Bélgica, Brasil, Inglaterra, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, España, Estados Unidos, Paraguay y Venezuela.
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Durante la ceremonia de premiación, efectuada en el marco de una verbena en el Jardín del Arte de Ezequiel Montes, la coordinadora de Proyectos Especiales de la Secretaría de Turismo, Erika Contreras Moreno, señaló que con eventos como este, Querétaro reafirma su presencia en el escenario deportivo-enológico también a nivel internacional, al contar con participantes de diversos países. “Porque Querétaro ofrece a nuestros visitantes, lo mejor de México. Ofrece vivir experiencias únicas e inigualables; recorrer nuestros viñedos, entrar a las cavas y disfrutar del ambiente único que sólo se puede encontrar en nuestra Región de Vinos, sin lugar a dudas, es algo que sólo podemos encontrar en nuestro estado”, señaló la funcionaria, con la representación de la titular de la SECTUR, Mariela Morán Ocampo.
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La competencia regresó al municipio de Ezequiel Montes luego de dos años de suspensión por la pandemia, y se corrió en cuatro modalidades: Discovery (5 kilómetros), Brave (10 km), Intrepid (15 km) y Legandary (21 km). Se trata de una experiencia unica, pues la carrera inicia en los callejones de Bernal y el trayecto incluye cavas y viñedos de Freixenet, De Cote y Viñedos Azteca, ubicados en Ezequiel Montes. En su momento, el delegado de Turismo en Ezequiel Montes, Martín Zambrano, agradeció a los patrocinadores y participantes por hacer posible la carrera, e informó que durante este fin de semana la ocupación hotelera en el municipio llegó a 90 por ciento de las mil 300 habitaciones disponibles.
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Los ganadores del primer lugar fueron: Erika Rodríguez Espinosa y Ángel Manzo Mendoza, en 5 kilómetros; Alejandra Sarmiento Aguilera y Emiliano Orozco Sarmiento, en 10 kilómetros; Fernanda Moreno Villanueva y Octavio García Téllez, en 15 kilómetros, y Mariana García y Osvaldo Soto, en 21 kilómetros. A la premiación asistió el director de Xtrail México, Diego Olvera Mendoza; Miguel Ángel González Galván, director del Hotel Boutique Casa Mateo, patrocinador del evento; el delegado de Turismo en Bernal, Armando Flores Feregrino, y Emanuel Zamorano Salinas, en representación del presidente municipal de Tequisquiapan, José Antonio Mejía Lira, entre otros.
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renee-writer · 2 years
Passing along . . .
In case you were too distracted by the latest distraction, notice what they are trying to distract you from in the first place.
Feb 5th: Wisconsin River Meats processing facility destroyed by fire in Mauston, Wisconsin.
Feb 15th: Bonanza Meat Company goes up in flames in El Paso, Texas
Feb 22nd: Shearer's Foods Food processing plant explodes in Hermiston, Oregon.
Feb 22nd: Fire destroys Deli Star Meat Plant in Fayetteville, Illinois.
March 17th: Nestle Food Plant was extensively damaged in the fire, and new production destroyed Jonesboro, Arkansas.
March 19th: Walmart Food Distribution center catches fire in Plainfield, Indiana.
March 24th: Major Fire at McCrum Potato Plant in Belfast, Maine.
March 29th: Maricopa Food Pantry burns down 50,000 pounds of Food destroyed in Maricopa, Arizona.
March 31st: Rio Fresh Onion factory damaged by fire in San Juan, Texas.
April 13th: Fire destroys East Conway Beef & Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire.
April 14th: Taylor Farms Food Processing plant burns down in Salinas, California.
April 19th: Azure Standard nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire in Dufur, Oregon
April 21st: plane crashes into and destroys General Mills Factory near Atlanta, Georgia
4/30/21 Monmouth Smithfield Foods pork processing plant
725/21 Memphis Kellogg plant
8/13/21 JBS beef plant
8/24/21 Patak Meat Company
7/30/21 Tyson River Valley ingredient plant
10/21/21 Darigold plant
11/15/21 Garrard County food plant
11/29/21 Maid-Rite Steak Company
12/13/21 San Antonio food processing, West side Foods
1/7/22 Hamilton Mountain poultry processing
1/13/22 Cargill-Nutrene feed mill. Lacombe, La
1/31/22 Winston-Salem fertilizer plant
2/3/22 Wisconsin River Meats
2/3/22 Percy dairy farm
2/15/22 Bonanza Meat Company
2/16/22 Indiana Louis-Dreyfus soy processing plant
2/18/22 Bess View Farms
2/19/22 Lincoln premiere poultry
2/22/22 Shearer's Foods potato chip plant
2/28/22 nutrient AG Solutions
228/22 Shadow Brook Farm & Dutch girl Creamery
3/14/22 Wayne Hoover dairy farm
3/16/22 Walmart Distribution Center
3/16/22 Nestle hot pockets
3/28/22 Maricopa AZ food plant
3/30/22 Maine Pentecost McCrum potato chip plant
4/1/22 Rio onion processing plant
4/13/22 East Conway Beef & Pork
4/13/22 Taylor Foods processing plant
4/13/22 Gem State Processing
4/14/22 Salinas food processing plant
4/18/22 Azure standard organic foods
4/21/22 General Mills plant
Food shortages are happening because they are planned. It seems we are already at war, but most don't realize it yet...
Either that or food is just really, really explosive. So far, my fridge hasn't caught fire yet, though, so I have my doubts.
Copied and pasted:
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