#aom dc
noekozzz · 10 months
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A bit of sketches :3
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marshiir · 2 months
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never woke up, died alone
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1dewon3 · 2 years
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martyrbat · 2 years
jason todd is like a chili cup.
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sp00kygr33n · 7 months
I legit think that Invincible is one of the best superhero shows out there and not a day passes by when I don't think about this moment:
(It's a bloody screenshot so I'm putting it under but I have more to say!!)
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Like this is engraved in my brain. It's my fuckimg roman empire. It was just so brutal and ruthless and it was pure horror.
I mean. This show man. There are so mamy things that could make it feel cheap and all, like how the heroes are clearly a parody of marvel and dc characters, but it just hits so deep. This show is just so... raw? Like every episode I audibly gasp or chuckle and it has me on my toes.
The animation is great, the storytelling is incredible, and everything is so complicated emotionally. There are so many bad things happenng, but there are also so many warm moments. The relationships between the characters feel so real. THE CHARACTERS feel so real. Like. I don't know. I think it's just great, the whole show
I just saw episode 3 of season 2 so some spoilers below now!
I wanna talk about Allen's backstory because holy shit, THE IMPLICATIONS. Can you imagine being created to be this amazing hero, a hope for your people. And then in your adolescence you think you can actually do it, fighting off aome minor threats with ease. But then, you can't do WHAT YOU WERE MADE FOR. you go through your life thinking I was made to fight those viltrumites. I was made to win.
And then you lose. You can't actually do it. You're not strong enough.
So you're made into a glorified prking officer. And then even something so basic, you fail. You make a mistake. You check on the wrong planet.
Like, my self esteem certanly couldn't take that??
And also we got another great and fucking ruthless figt when the Viltrumites attaced my poor boy Allen. The way they took his eye out? His arm? How quick they were and how they didnmt even stop for a second? Just.... and how his girlfriend was just watching knowing she can't do anything????
The horrors. The horrors I say!
You could never get fights this good in live action and you can't convince me otherwise. No matter how good the special effects would be. The fights in this show work so well because they're animated. And I love that cause I love animation and this is clearly using your medium right.
Anyway all of that to say you should totally go watch Invincible cause it's so good. I love it so much. And I can't get anyone I know to watch it because they either don't like animation or don't like superheroes (do you get my struggle? Most of the things I love is animated superhero shit)
So pleasseeee go watch Invincible and if you want to talk about it hit me up
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Some of the survivors joining COA because they were inspired by DC, but mostly because of Lucky
Lucky Guy isn't a character that most would advise taking so far into the game, but Lucky was able to utilize both the character's weaknesses and strengths so well, and paired with DC's teamwork and communication, he was able to change people's views on using Lucky Guy
WAIT OMG...the AOM group being a COA group themselves thats just. Called AOM.
But what makes them different from the other teams is because DC TRAINED THEM.
Im just imagining AOM just trying to practice together and Orpheus comes in, 5 minutes late with this MANIC look in his eyes
"We've been waiting on you for hours (exaggeration), where the fuck were yo-!?"
"What if I told you I got DC to come practice with us"
Bro had connections (Him, Alice and Lucky were childhood friends) (sorry this got really self indulgent)!! First practice against DC they were all SO fucking nervous because. THIS IS DC. CHAMPION FOR 4 CONSECUTIVE YEARS. WHAT.
Wait omg..ALL OF THE TEAMS TRYING THEIR DAMN BEST TO IMPRESS LUCKY DURING PRACTICES...at some point everyone got into a slump before playoffs and COA managers or whatever's only motivation for them was going "alright whoever wins each match gets to practice with DC" and JESUS CHRIST EVERYONE KEEPS ON GETTING TIES
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postsofbabel · 7 months
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Hah imagine making fanart of a video series that's 11 years old haha who'd do that?
,,,,me, me did that
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Once again here to talk about when yts Spike n Barley played aom dc decided to make some stupid stuff of it. ლ(^o^ლ) So,,,yeah!!!!!
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theshaddowedsnow · 2 years
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I posted 14,578 times in 2022
That's 14,578 more posts than 2021!
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Longest Tag: 121 characters
#theyre tbe group of pettiest people out there and they didnt immaditaely go 'the avengers hate you so we'll support you'?
My Top Posts in 2022:
Big dramatic reveals are Great, even a casual "Yeah I know" is Great
But hear me out
Bernard finds out Tim's identity not because he figured it out, not because Tim was injured or truth serumed or whatever.
No, be finds it out because Jason got annoyed one family dinner that he couldn't make a death joke and just made one
In front of Bernad and loudly
And Bernard is like: wait what?!?!?!?!?!?
224 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
Bruce: What is your intentions with my son?
Billy, panicking because Damian and Jon and him are on a Super Secret Kids Only Mission: Uh, I'm taking him and Jon out on a date!
Clark, zooming over at the speed of a panicked father: Jon is going on a date and he didn't tell me?!?!
Billy: *internally* Robin and Superboy are going to kill me
238 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Bernard had known a long time. He had known since High school who Tim was. It wasn't hard to figure out, and while Tim went great lengths to hide it, if you knew what to look for, it was easy to sniff out.
So, when Tim sat him down in their now shared apartment, Bernard was prepared. Be was going to let Tim tell him himself, when he was ready.
"Look, I should have told you sooner, I know I should have," Tim sighed, messing with the sleeves of the sweatshirt he had stolen from Bernard back when they first started dating. "I'm just... I never dated someone who didn't know before we dated."
"It's alright Tim," Bernard soothed.
"I know you're a vampire" "I'm Red Robin"
The two stared at each other. Neither spoke.
"Bernard what the hell?"
"I thought it was obvious!" Bernard defended. "Wait, you're Red Robin?"
"You thought I was a vampire?" Tim gaped.
350 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
Y'all ever think Billy just casual hints he's a foster kid/homeless to the Leauge?
Like, they don't know Marvel's identity, but things just kinda Hint At It?
Like Superman and Marvel are evacuating civilians and like... Marvel not only remembers the homeless exist, reminds Supes they exists, and knows all the poteial Aves they are? And all be says is he gets it and doesn't blame Supes because "if I didn't have experiences like them I would have forgotten too" or aome line like that?
Or just how much get gets along with Jason? Like even post-ressurection Jadon. The two talk for hours about the best spots they've squatted or how Captain Marvel of all the Justice Leauge appreciates what Jason is doing. Like, he may not fully approve of the method, remember he's still an idealist and a kid, but he understands the motivation and reason for it and behind it.
Or he just casually mentions he's an orphan and "grew up in some rough spots before finding my family."
Stuff like that.
353 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tim: things my conspiracy boyfriend let's me do; listen to his theories and comment on them
Tim: things he will not let me do; suggest an even wilder theory on the same topic
570 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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should i venture into the world tomorrow and take the train and see ladybird in dc . all alone
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
I juat fot aome really nice boots so this popped into my mind what if Slades bf was like 2 inces shorter than him and then got platform boots that made him taller than Slade and was like "you're tiny now :D"
lmaoooo Slade is 6'5" or 1.95 meters tall, which is already taller than a lot of guys in the DC Universe, even fellow superheroes. Slade finds it hilarious and still takes you down anyway
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
it's a shame that it's one's vocal performance ended like that because i actually liked it better out of the two :c i'm in love 3000 with junhoe's voice for that song, god i need a full cover from him or i will die. i have no real thoughts on the mayfly vocal performance, i'm not interested in ballads and i don't particularly care for any of those guys (except eunkwang he's funny asf but vocal positions are lowkey boring IM SORRY feeling controversial)
i liked ikon's pretty savage cover for the hype aspect of it only. weirdly enough i also loved junhoe the most there too, his opening line was charismatic and catchy enough to get me interested. bobby didn't stand out that much this time in terms of energy/presence but damn if that bit of acting "scared" (that's what i'm getting from it anyway, lisa is supposed to be the queen of the jungle so that's bound to get one intimidated in this context lol), anyway that little portion of mock acting was so absolutely entirely precisely incomparably perfect and funny and cute i just about replayed that part fifteen times. admittedly lisa could've done more but at least she was there ig. the ending part of the performance didn't pack the same punch as their previous grandiose (?)(idk english) finales but i'm fine with it.
skz was fine, i was confused about the whole deadpool and ant-man thing, not because i don't know what their deal is but because i couldn't understand if they were supposed to reference both of them or only one of them. also i always forget if deadpool is supposed to be dc or marvel. i'm a huge marvel fan but i didn't like deadpool (shocker!) and i never know shit about him. ant-man though, ant-man i fuck with. anyway.
so far, i found skz's performances to be kinda forgettable. like you watch them and it looks nice ig, but nothing really sticks. the stage i actually liked most from them was the rap collab stage and that wasn't even them as a whole group but it had the most straight-forward concept and narrative imo. the remix also wasn't the best i think, even fan-made mash ups on yt can be better than this come on 😭 the gun use was fun but extended longer than necessary. all in all a pretty tame stage i'd say based on all the crazy shit we've seen so far
the only reason i liked mayfly's vocal stage more is because of eunkwang and i am not ashamed to admit it. i like 'em funny and talented, what can i say. also how on earth do you spell june/junhoe's name???? the subs on the episode say june but everyone in my asks is saying junhoe is this a stage name thing??? somebody help me i just want to get this man's name right!!!
the fact that bobby does not care enough to bother with any of this is honestly getting me through. im still laughing at his 'oOoH nOoO' (dramatically puts head in hands) when they lost the rap stage, the man does not give a single fuck. i love it.
i got a lot more of people's personal opinions this time around and it's interesting to see that the structural problems that i notice when i do these analyses are also noticed by other people; i know that other artists/designers/people who think too much about these things will know what im talking about but there's always a part of me that's like "....does this actually affect the experience for normal people or am i just crazy" and the answer is yes i am crazy but also people do notice! even if there's a difference in articulation. but yes, both these stages had some structural issues, which is what made them not as gripping as some of the other stuff we've seen so far. also yes grandiose is a word you could use there haha.
this is the catch with using a preexisting property, you're gonna confuse people no matter what! there's definitely a way they could have kept the comic book/superhero theme without actually implying existing characters, especially with the glut of superhero content im pretty sure everyone and their mother could probably guess from bright spandex outfit. it also could have been a fun place for there to actually be aome original design work! im likely to be in a hate-hate relationship with the jype styling team because come on!!! you can do so much better!!!
none of these stages have replay value for me, so im just here sitting on my hands fidgeting and waiting for next week. ok that's a lie i have a lot of sewing i have to do but metaphorically im sitting on my hands.
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mcusocial · 6 years
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request: If you dont mind can you maka an Tom Hardy inatgram post, something like he hr open about his wedding and wife by post a PICTURE who is an german tennis player. And who just wont the France open, and if ita okay for you to add aome marvel and dc actor, mean they are r3ally shocked and Tom Holland who used 5o ha 3 a chris on her.
i hope you like it 💗
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postsofbabel · 8 months
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I'm finally gonna fuckin work on the Aom vs Aom DC script n I'm just sitting here dumbfounded cuz I've left it 4 so long due to lack of motivation. 🫂
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wepurge-rpg · 6 years
Vengo a pedir foros basados en Marvel y/o DC, por favorrrr. Qué no sea Age of Miracles, que hace como un mes me registré pero está más muerto que mis ganas de trabajar. // Muerto? pues sabe en que foro te registraste, nuestra actividad esta normal, desde que tengo uso de razon, creo que solo eres de esas personas, que hacen ficha, les dan color y luego esperan que les llueva rol de la nada, asi que por favor evita tus malos comentarios, en AOM estamos mas que activos.
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