#ask clownxclowns
hysteriium · 5 years
Hello! I love that pennywise/reader nest fic you did, it was so soft and sweet ☺️would you consider doing the same reader/penny but with the reader finding out shes pregnant and pennywise doubling down on the nesting cuteness?
Thank you so much for the kind words! I’m really happy to hear you enjoyed it :,)) I tried my best with this one, though I’m not entirely sure it’s that good fsiduhfiusdhf regardless, I hope you enjoy! 
Trembling hands gripped the stick in front of you. The two pink lines glared at you in a malicious taunt. The cool porcelain your backside was firmly planted against was warm compared to the cold sweat which encapsulated your being. Horror couldn’t even begin to describe what you were feeling.
How, exactly, were you going to explain to your lover you were pregnant? A lover who also happened to be an eons old, extraterrestrial who feasted on the fears of mortals?
It was a good question, one you wished you had the answer to.   How was this even possible?
To put it simply, your thoughts were racing, juggling the non-stop stream of questions that threatened to flood and short circuit the entirety of your brain.
You needed air.
Slowly, you peeled yourself off the seat and tended to yourself, eventually exiting the enclosed space. Perhaps your eldritch mate had sensed your distress, because when you opened the bathroom door to exit, his looming form appeared, face partially cut off by the door frame.
While you would have found his sudden manifestation and his ongoing struggle with entrances comedic, today you were not in the mood.
“Fear doesn’t smell pleasant on you” were the first words he said to you.
You stepped closer to him, passing the door frame so you could look at him properly and you felt your mouth grow dry. With your jaw clenched and ticking wildly, you searched for something to say. Thinking was something that had suddenly become difficult.
His face morphed into a frown when it clicked just how uneasy you were.
“Pen, I, uh. I have something I need to tell you,” you felt yourself grow pale, the unpleasant feeling of dizziness took over. How would he react?
He tilted his head lightly and waited for you to continue.
“I’m pregnant.”
The silence, which had only lasted a couple of seconds, was powerfully deafening.  
“I am aware,” he said.
He planted his painted nose into the crevice of your neck, and you could feel the air from his nostrils against the flesh as he sniffed. He pulled back moments later, his head shaking and his bells ringing as he released a hiccuped laugh.
“You are scared,” he stated plainly like pregnancy was the most casual thing in the world.
“Do not be afraid, young one,” an arm snaked around your waist, pulling you into an embrace. His pointer finger, which trailed up your neck, stopped at your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
“For I will keep you safe.”
It had been days since you told Pennywise and even though he essentially knew before you had, he had smothered you. It was incredibly sweet, but then there was also a point where things went overboard, and perhaps today had taken the cake.
It was quite a shock when you returned home from work to find a large portion of your things gone. It was mainly from your room, the once cluttered, dare you say lively, area of space was reduced to a void of nothingness - cleared completely. To make matters worse, the dust that had silently accumulated over the past few days, due to your impressive collection of excuses to avoid dusting, had not vanished along with the missing items - the floating pests ever so present.
It didn’t take much to conclude Pennywise had something to do with it.
He was always implicated in something.
Said name spilled from your pursed lips, the call cutting into the silence.
As you blinked, he appeared right in front of you. His floating form defied all laws of gravity, and his face, which was plastered with a mischievous grin, became your salient view. It was as if he was lying on an invisible bed; the image of his tall legs kicking back and forth while his hands lifted his chin, cupping it sweetly, was a sight that made your serious demeanour difficult to maintain.
Playing the innocent act, huh?
You shot him a look, causing his smirk to grow impossibly larger.
“You called?” He giggled.  
He was in a suspiciously good mood…
“Penny...what have you done?”
When you blinked again, he was gone, only to find him next to you, your heights contrasted - comically so.
“What do you mean, little one?” He cheerfully stated, sustaining his clueless sham. He petted the top of your head as the word ‘little’ passed his plump lips, thinking that the oblivious air was enough to suppress bloating curiosity.
The gust of air that travelled from your nose conveyed your frustration with the orange-haired clown, “my things Penny, where’d you put everything?”
It was true that his beating around the bush had started to get on your nerves, but that quickly dissipated when his next words registered. A small, simple sentence that made your heart swell. The fluttering of your stomach was nowhere near a new feeling with him though, without fail, it always reduced you to mush.  
“A place safe enough for the three of us.”
More than touched by his gesture, you moved to speak. He saw you were about to, and thinking you were about to object (which you weren’t, for the record), he interrupted you, speaking up before you could.
“My dear, you carry my offspring. I won’t allow filthy humans to endanger that.”
You laughed.
“But Pen,” you whined, feigning hurt, “I’m a filthy human.”
You tried to lay it on thick, though it hardly worked. 
“My filthy human,” he hissed.
The sound of your joy, which penetrated the room, led to the upturn of his lips.
Then, he lowered himself into a crouch, his long slender fingers placing themselves upon your clothed stomach. They lightly traced the bump, a sweet caress as he moved his ear to your belly, listening for something. You weren’t far into the pregnancy at all, and while there was somewhat of a prominence, and morning sickness which had prompted you to take a pregnancy test days prior, you didn’t expect any movement from the part-alien, part-human hybrid inside you.
So when there was one, you panicked.
Pennywise had begun speaking in an entirely different language, whispering against you. It wasn’t anything you recognised, though it was beautiful, complex and entrancing. It was a language that was antediluvian, a forbidden wonder.
Moments passed as you found yourself lulled by his otherworldly expressions, that was until you felt the distinct, sudden jerk from within; a kick.
A surge of alarm nagged at you from the sensation, something the eldritch being before you picked up on.
“Calm, sweet thing,” he said, outlining comforting shapes against your stomach, “you are progressing well.”  
That fast!?
While everything was new to you, scary, upon exciting, you trusted Pennywise’s judgement. He would never willingly expose you to danger. So, you tried to shove your worry aside.
“Hey Pen?”
A hum, deep and distracted was your only response.
“Did you want to show me what you did with my things?”
The clown suddenly parted from you and leapt to his feet. Then, he bowed, an arm hiding behind his back while his other extended towards you, daring you to take his hand.
Another smile fought its way to the surface, the teeth you dug into your lip an attempt to suppress it.
You laced your fingers with his.
In an instant, you found yourself in an unfamiliar place. There looked to be a large crater in the middle of the room, large, black spikes protruding from the circular formation. It was darker than his usual den in the sewers but you were still able to see.
“What is this place?”
Pennywise glanced down at you, “it’s where I truly reside.”
“Truly? Like your real form?” you paused, looking up into his glowing eyes for confirmation, “can I see?”
He chuckled lightly, his thumb grazing the skin of your hand, “no sweet thing, for it would drive you mad.”
“Well then is there a way you won’t drive me insane?”
His brows scrunched in thought but quickly subsided soon after, “perhaps. There is another form close enough for you to comprehend, though that is for another day. Now, come.”
Thanks to the gentle guiding hands of your lover you were led through the shadows of the cavern. As you walked, you were quickly able to spot the area he was taking you to. A homely tinted light slowly lit up as you approached, displaying an extra special indent in the rocky surface of the wall. It was large and spacious, yet oddly cozy looking as the familiar objects filled your view. Your bed, which you didn’t even want to imagine how it got there, was looking particularly appealing.
With what you could only blame as conditioning, you failed to stifle a yawn. This immediately caught your mate’s attention because he stopped, turning around to lift you effortlessly. Your protests were swiftly put an end to by a curt hush, the silence communicating his win. You didn’t need to look up at him to know there was a playful smirk tugging at his lips - your stubbornness was a fire he loved to extinguish when necessary.  
When he reached the opening in the wall, he held you close to his chest, hunching to accommodate his large figure. He placed you on the bed with such delicacy, like a collector with a porcelain doll.
In all honesty, you hadn’t realised how tired you were until your head hit the softness of the pillow. The smooth touch of cotton sheets kissed your skin, and your body sunk into the embrace of the mattress, encouraging you to surrender to sleep.
When the bed dipped next to you, a sudden breeze hit your heavy body. The unexpected draft sent shivers through you, as the blast of air was followed by a material - warm and furry. It was draped across you, then tucked while the tickle of what you believed to be Pennywise’s hair, brushed against your face softly. He was huddled into your side, his head resting near your stomach.
Ever since he had found out you were pregnant, the cryptid had never strayed far from you, especially from your growing belly. He couldn’t go a few minutes without showering it with affection.
Along that train of thought, he was also extra protective. If someone even thought of bothering you, they were never to be seen again.
Ah, the perks of having an alien mate.  
As a way of thanks, you dove one of your lazy hands into his fluffy locks, and like a cat, he leant into your touch, pushing against it. His eyes became half-lidded at the feeling, eventually shutting completely. He cozied into you, wriggling slightly as a hand rested on your stomach. He soon drifted off into slumber.
You promptly followed.
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hysteriium · 5 years
Hi can I request a pennywise x reader where they're in a relationship so he builds a nest in his stage, box thingy for her? (it's made up of stolen blankets, coats and pillows)
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(A/N): I really loved this request, it’s really cute and wholesome!! :,) I had so much fun writing this and I kind of got carried away. I hope you like it anon! Also, requests are open! So if anyone wants to send me a request, I’m more than happy to oblige! 
Pairing: Pennywise x reader
Word Count: 1323 words 
Warnings: Floofy stuff
Walking with purpose, you stumbled upon what you were looking for - the entrance to the sewer. The tunnel itself was hard to miss and protruded from its reinforcements, an almost beckoning aura to it. Though, that may have just been because of what lives there; IT’s pull was magnetic. 
As you entered, your hands gripped onto the coarse stone, climbing. Crouched and armed with a torch, you continued on. The further you walk, the more you’re surrounded by the cold, and the more you’re plunged into darkness. Your arms, covered in goosebumps, dart to your chest, curling as they attempted to halt the sudden gust of wind from producing a shiver. Cold and damp described the place you found yourself in; the absence of light boulstering the claustrophobic blackness. All you had to rely on was the thick cylinder in your hand, its beam your only form of guidance. 
“Penny?” You called. 
Drip, drip drip.
Receiving no answer, you started to become more conscious of the trudge sloshing around your legs. Though you were well acquainted with the sludge that heavily coated the floors of the tunnel, and throughout the sewer, you found it increasingly difficult to repress the gag building up in your throat. You assumed it was something you couldn’t get used to - or perhaps you were - just very, very slowly. The churning sensation in your stomach only worked to reinforce this. 
“Penny!” You repeated, a scowl forming its way onto your face when again, there’s no response. 
Drip, drip drip. 
The stink of sewage, a prominent force in a place like this, suddenly evaporated, a sugary, almost sickly sweet scent taking its place. 
Cotton candy. 
A fragrance so distinctive it was hard to forget, and instantly, you knew it was Pennywise’s doing. A small smile found its way to your lips as you realised this. It was his own way of helping you. 
It wasn’t hard to follow the aroma, the repulsive odour of greywater uppercutting you when you took a wrong turn. Eventually, through trial and error, you started to recognise where you were and in response, you picked up your pace, that is, until you felt something stop you. 
The grip was firm, latching onto your shoulders. It caught you off guard, the movement had come out of nowhere, forcing you to jerk. The culprit released a mischievous cackle when they noticed this. 
Rolling your eyes, you turned and came face to face with your lover. His amber eyes burned into your own through the darkness, propagating throughout your body like a disease. The butterflies in your abdomen prompted you to wrap your arms around him and he returned the embrace, his face choosing to rest against your neck. It wasn’t long after when you heard a noise; distinctive and feline-like. The sensation reverberated against you as you leaned against his chest. Pennywise continued his affections as he nuzzles into you, nipping at the flesh playfully and you quickly find yourself in the main section of the sewer - where he resided. 
Your eyes work to adjust to the sudden light, as Pennywise’s tower of stolen goods dominates your view. The tower, with all its twisting and turning, was truly a sight to behold, and it was something Penny was extremely proud of. Whenever you’d show interest in an item, he’d shake, ringing his bells as he revealed the story behind the said item. Everything had a story, and for a creature who had lived for eons, he had plenty. 
Letting out a giggle of surprise as Penny grabbed you by the hips in your moment of admiration, he threw you over his shoulder. His strong arms held you in place as a gloved hand rested on your lower back, your happiness echoing off the walls of the sewer. It’s an antithetical phenomenon considering the context. 
“I have something to show you, little one.” 
You barely had time to process what he said before you’re in the air. A gasp’s ripped from you and you cling onto you eldritch mate. His leap is preternatural and exhilarating all in one as he lands onto his infamous stage. When landing, he plops you down next to him, the warm, ambient orange glow encapsulating the both of you. The drapes and decorations which hung from the beams above were scattered around the platform, creating an almost magical scene.
“What is it, Penny?” You said, shooting a smile up at him.
“Patience,” is all he replied with, as he grips your arm and pulls you along to the left wing of the stage. 
When he stopped, he looks down at you expectantly and you furrowed your brows in response, trying to search for anything that stood out. It didn’t take you long, with your gaze falling onto what looked to be like a wooden construct. When you stepped closer, you’re able to identify it as a makeshift bed. It’s quite spacious considering, and as a replacement for a mattress, a collation of coats and blankets were used. Nestled neatly beside were even more blankets, while pillows were placed invitingly on top of the coat and blanket mound. 
For a DIY project, it actually looked really comfortable. The thought of your mate stealing collecting materials with the intention of it being for you, followed by the thought of Pennywise getting frustrated while building like it was from IKEA made you smile. It was a strange thought; while you’re grateful and it’s enough to make your heart sing with joy, it’s also something you wouldn’t expect from the literal eater of worlds. 
“Oh my God, Pen! This is amazing!” You turned around to give the clown a beaming smile, one with which he reciprocates, his buck teeth displayed. 
A childish excitement seemed to overtake you and you grab your lover’s hand towards the bed. Careful not to mess anything up, you made yourself comfortable. Pennywise, once he managed to miraculously fit all his lanky limbs into the box, forcibly grabs onto you, wrapping himself around you - arms and legs included; preventing you from even thinking about leaving. Knowing better than to resist, you gave into him. 
“Good girl,” he cooed, the action of relinquishing pleasing him greatly. 
A sweet, dreamy sigh left your lips, the warmth emitted from the being next to you fortifying the feeling of satisfaction and comfort. If you ever had a bad day, you knew Pen would always be there for you, able to make the worries melt away. Although he may have a strange way of showing it, he really did care for you, more than you could ever conceptualise. 
This was your safe haven. 
“Hey, Pen?” 
You’re just barely able to look up at him, pushed into his chest like a pillow. He opens one of the golden eyes he had previously so lazily fluttered shut. As a silent prompt to continue, he peered down at you. 
“I love you,” you blurted out. It was crazy. You knew. Loving the eater of worlds, a being that was practically immortal, a being that had the power to crush you in the blink of an eye, destroy your very existence and drive you mad. Everything about it was batshit insane, but you couldn’t change how you felt. The way he made you feel was unexplainable and ethereal all wrapped into one. 
He chuckled. 
It’s not a forced one, filled with malice and condescension, it’s not the laugh you’ve heard him use when trying to scare his victims; sadistic and mocking. 
It’s genuine. 
Never before had you seen him so gentle and affectionate. He maneuvered his hand to hold the back of your head, pushing you into him once more. Wordlessly, he placed his lips upon the top of your head, the purring returning stronger and louder than ever. 
The kiss was enough to communicate what he meant.
It was his unspoken way of saying: 
‘I love you too.’ 
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