beesinspades · 9 months
i'm rereading what i've got of my saint amaranth zine fic and. what if i cry. what then
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maepop · 2 days
another deduction star another violetta doesnt win the vote THROWS TABLE
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woetoy · 4 months
You're being petted so much by this ask.
I'm doing a funny wiggle going "awuwuwuwu" rn
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amevello-blue · 1 year
(Falling From Dawn page 3 spoilers if anybody actually cares btw) (also under a readmore for pretty major body horror (no gore tho!!) and eye contact!!)
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there he is
the fucked up little shadow guy
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heres a lightened version for better visibility btw!!! please tell me all your thoughts about him 🥺🥺🥺
He's got SPIKIES
free himb 🥺
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atoriv-moved · 5 years
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picture time!
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apollyna-archive · 7 years
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some dogs. they both look pretty friendly to me!
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norwoodsuites · 3 years
it’s so funny to me that the white person who told people i (a poc), falsely accused someone of racefaking (they actually did), tracked me down so soon after remaking to block me hdfjgdhjgfhd
sorry about your racism
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silminadilah · 5 years
Let (me alone) it go.
Aku lagi ada kerjaan depan komputer dan urgent hari itu kudu selesai. Lalu terdengar suara Syafa manggil, "Teh Silmi ada dimana?" Lalu sejurus kemudian dia muncul didepan dan ngajak main, bahkan lebih buruk dari dugaan, dia mau main gambar zombie di komputer.
Hadudu, not this time teteh Syafa :') rasanya ingin bilang gitu, tapi anak kecil mana bisa dikasih kayak gitu langsung diam, paling mereka akan merengek dulu meski ujung ujungnya nerima. Tapi aku gak mau jadi bad guy :'( sering ngerasa bersalah kalau nolak main sama mereka. Lalu muter otak, dan akhirnya nemu alasan buat ngeles sambil memperpanjang waktu biar aku kelarin apa yang aku kerjain di komputer. Sambil ngetik dan mindahin file, kubilang "eh, mana coba hafalan an naziatnya udah sampai mana? Kan kamu gak sekolah hari ini, nanti ketinggalan dong hafalannya" lalu? Gagal lah, gue aja males ditanya ditagih kek gitu wkwk.
Oke ganti mode, lalu gw mulai baca basmalah sampai beberapa ayat awal surahnya lalu bilang, "aduh teteh lupa, apaya lanjutannya" padahal aku udah siap siap kalau dia bilang, "buka aja aplikasi my quran di hp teh Silmi terus liat lanjutannya" kan ngeselin kalo gitu dia jawab dulu, tapi ternyata dia malah jawab lanjutan ayatnya :") lalu aku bersemangat lanjutin dan dia berperan sebagai pengoreksinya.
Gininih emang nge treat orang yang punya 'pride' berlebih, emang kadang harus memposisikan diri sebagai orang yang kurang dan membutuhkan bantuan dia. Ah sungguh padahal biasanya aku males sama jenis orang kek gini meski dia cerdas, tapi Syafa gak bisa aku abaikan, She's just a lill gurllll and a way too smart somehow. Baca baca mendidik anak dengan fitrah malah kadang bikin aku nangis karena yesssss gue pengen di treat kayak gini dulu tuh bukan disuruh sendiri ngapa ngapain atau hal lainnya yang gak sesuai dengan karakter anak.
Lah malah kemana mana wkwk. Akhirnya? Alhamdulillah file aku beres dan aman, lalu Syafa bisa main komputer dan hafalannya sudah sampai batasnya wkwk, bahkan dia antusias buat rebut mushaf dari aku dan lihat sebenarnya ayat lanjutannya apa. Dia juga gemash ingin benar saat aku benerin makhorijul hurufnya, awuwuwuwu. Happy aqu. Jadi gak harus bilang "mainnya nanti aja ya teteh lagi perlu komputernya sebentar.." yang akhirnya kadang malah bikin aku gak karuan karena ditungguin nyelesein kerjaan dan dia juga sambil nungguin ngelakuin hal aneh ato ngerengek, alhamdulillah tidak begitu :') Padahal awalnya ingin bilang, let me alone, sebentaaar ajah. Tapi akhirnya jadi, yaudahlah kamu maunya apa, sini kita arahin kemauan kamu wkwkw.
Terima kasih sudah menguji kesabaran dan ngajarin cara mengalihkan kamu teteh Syafa! Semoga gak moodyan ngafalinnya ya ^^
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
awuwuwuwu the wifi decided to bitch out and all the progress i had so far just got plucked out of existence, like even the progress i already saved somehow got snatched away too ( ; ﹏ ;)。
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apocalypsegay · 6 years
okoye: was rdy to kill her own damn husband for her nation
the avengers: awuwuwuwu we cant kill our favorite robot to save the entire universe :(
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5-is-a-tux-blog · 6 years
❝🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨💛 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨❞ You're getting one back ;)
awuwuwuwu I'm soft x) 💕
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ahiddenpath · 7 years
(1/2) I really like your fanfic Seeking Ressonance, its my favorite fic from you! And one of the things i like the most, is how you connect the story / chapter with a musical concept that the concepts arent obvious/so known! About the story, i really like to see the struggles now, and what i would like to see happen is the characters really finding ways to make things work out for them. For me, thats what means seeking resonance -
Pt 2 and my response are below the cut :)
(2/2) (...) learn ways to understand your struggles and work on them, getting that feel of peace and relieve, because you are trying your best for things to work out. Doesnt mean everything will end up fine and happy, but as long as you have hope, work, and lean on people everything will be fine. I dont know if this helps... Im looking foward to see more chapters! :)
Awuwuwuwu you are so sweet, thank you!  Your words are helping me to understand my own story more, lol XD  
What I’m starting to realize- and what is making me question the story so much- is that somehow, SR became sort of...  An essay on how I think romantic relationships should work between adults hidden beneath a story.  The emphasis is on my ideas about compatibility, what separates someone you’re dating from a life partner, and treating your partner with maturity and respect.  
But now that I’m a few years older, I realize that the individuals have to make things work on their own before they worry about compatibility and life partners.  Something in me is stepping away from emphasizing who ends up with whom and looking at the individuals and their problems, and now I’m struggling to find my story again.  Thankfully I have plenty of personal threads to follow for each character, but I’m trying to select the right ones and focus on individuals.
Which isn’t to say that the romance angle will vanish; the focus will shift, is all.  Thankfully, most of the characters are at low points where that shift will feel natural, I think?  
Anyway these messages are great and I appreciate them so much.  Thanks for helping me put my thoughts into words, that’s very helpful for me!  Thank you
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pumbastuck · 10 years
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finally decided on ehlyne's blood color y wy
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