anamor-lyne · 2 years
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Yesterdays #drinks and #diner @ #bamboa #funtimes with the Medicals 🙌🏾 sipping #cocktails #sangria and shots 🤭 #saturdaynightfun now #backtowork https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfi2_32Mv2U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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444names · 6 months
Names generated from kitchen utensils and common snake names
Andadder Apeebisk Apeel Apermsnake Apper Asideratth Asnake Assnake Astcutter Astersnake Asuntater Balder Bamboa Bamisknife Bashake Birdoutch Biscopher Bishviper Bisknife Bissorin Blacher Black Blacup Blamba Blamell Blandper Blangnel Blassorf Bleafviper Bledadle Blessnake Blice Blinell Blingser Bloser Blosesnake Bloutter Blunake Blunboon Blunder Blunnees Bluntnoill Boack Boacke Boarter Boish Boodsnake Boomsnake Boopfor Bownife Bradder Bradknife Brater Bresnake Browboach Brownel Brubber Bruitviper Bulacon Bultsnake Buriscron Bursnadder Busher Busss Butter Buttler...
Caker Callsnake Caper Carrowcon Carterrowl Casheed Cashsnake Castera Cater Caterce Catter Catthoover Catula Cheadder Cheeboars Cheesnake Chings Chingtill Chiper Chnossnake Chola Cholfske Choll Chonsnake Choon Chork Chwhiper Clecon Clemolack Coacksnake Cobrever Cobrotter Cobrown Cobrownife Cobster Cobstoser Coldsnake Colle Comambag Comer Conder Coner Congs Congsnake Congsp Copfora Copsnake Corchor Coreeneyel Corfboa Corksnake Corneyel Corsnake Cradder Crater Cratter Creensnake Creesnake Crondper Crowinder Crowl Curle Derboa Dercer Desedsnake Dester Diamba Diper Doutter Dwarfboot Dwaton Dwatork Dwatsnake Dwatter Eggpier Eggpiever Eggpitcher Eggpitcoll Eggpoop Eggra Eggracler Eggray Eggreater Eggrer Eggresnake Eggsepper Eggsnake Eggtiger Eydiamba Fadder Fieviper Filer Fillongs Filobra Fisher Fishiper Fisssor Flounake Flyin Flyinder Foodsnake Foonsnake Foover Foray Foresnake Forfboa Forsnake Foxsnacke Funboa Funda Funter Gardsnake Gartder Garth Glotater Glove Glown Goper Gradder Gralle Gratsnake Gratter Greamboon Greastra Greel Gresssnake Grever Grewer Grictor Gring Griver Heedsnake Hognosnake Holicke Honbambag Honda Honedadder Honmoutton Honsnake Hopheever Hopher Hopsnake Hormounder Hornsnaker Horsnake Keatholer Kewinake Kindadder Kindboa Kindper Kingcon Kingtrice Lacke Ladlerboa Lameggs Lastra Leator Lemon Lerver Londewer Lottoknife Lyrew Mamboa Mamer Mamsnake Mandper Matosnaker Matsnake Meafviper Meashis Measnacher Meatomslin Meatsnake Meatter Metknife Metkning Metter Mettler Metviper Mezzacke Moccake Monsnake Moodsnake Moongcors Morater Morcer Mounake Moutter Nifter Niger Nutcra Nutcup Nuttentath Nutter Palsnake Parsnake Parter Partsnake Pashviper Pasider Pasnake Pasnaker Paspoula Pastryba Patgreebis Paton Patonsnake Patsnake Patter Pattoreel Pedsnaker Pensnake Perainake Persnake Perve Peseda Pesna Peter Picer Pider Piebirdoll Pieboa Piesnake Pinbasiner Pinbeatter Piper Pizzacke Poacke Poacker Poomanake Pooner Poong Poongsnake Pooper Poopher Poover Pot-hoper Pothake Potter Potters Poull Poultsnake Puffall Pythadder Pythork Queelotter Quefsk Quefske Rachopher Racooviper Raddersna Randbowl Rapercer Rapper Rastra Rater Ricke Rotatter Rowboack Rownwater Ruitknife Ruitviper Rushsla Salder Salmviper Salsnake Sanake Sanakeebra Sanda Sandbotter Sander Sandercer Sandeser Sandper Sandueezer Scaper Scatsnake Scisk Scresnake Scrownife Seandper Sedler Sedsnake Sepasurice Sesnake Sessork Siderch Sinedsnake Sinsnake Sknife Sknifter Slonbot Slosnake Smomatgra Smork Smoursnake Spatheel Spicke Spier Spinake Spoopper Spootsnake Sporeel Sportambag Sportena Spot-hon Spotath Spothadder Spounters Spviper Stedviper Stork Strybacke Sunake Suntara Surinsnake Surivenake Tartarter Tatercer Tigsnake Tingpinba Toknife Tokniger Tondadderd Torcer Torksnake Tortsnake Track Tradder Tratoser Tratter Treamba Treater Treatter Treeda Treel Treeler Tresnake Tresticke Tricke Trubber Trybra Trybracks Trybraings Trypier Trypine Trypiner Trypiper Trywhiper Twiger Twinelbach Twings Vipeel Vipefske Waratter Warler Warsife Wartder Water Waterd Wateyel Watomated Watsnake Watter Whicer Whindboa Whined Whipeel Whiper Wolacon Wolder Woodsnake Woot-hop Worksnake Wortsnake Zebird Zeboa Zebroll
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lilecorrea · 4 years
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Curta e Compartilhe @cervejabamboa @solponta e concorra ao sorteio de #bamboa na TV Web @pontaporainforma no Show de Prêmios @lilecorrea @lucianadeoliveirapp @emersonblancomiranda www.fb.com/pontaporainforma (em Ponta Porã) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7glkBdpoaJ/?igshid=euic4kzfmakv
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kaahfabiane · 4 years
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Mais uma pra coleção! #bamboa #puromalte 🍺😋 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6yEgn7pCdiCraV-BpD4WvcxurPw1Bk8czdJ5A0/?igshid=159kxftydshwm
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oosteven-universe · 3 years
The Courier in Liberty and Death #1
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The Courier in Liberty and Death #1 Zenescope Entertainment 2021 Written by Ralph Tedesco Illustrated by Oliver Borges Coloured by Fran Bamboa, J.C. Ruiz & Maxflan Araujo Lettered by Carlos M. Mangual    The long-awaited sequel to 2017s hit comic book series is here!     When Eve returns to Liberty - the stronghold where she was raised - she reconnects with her brother who works for a ruthless gang leader named Gillings. And when old debts are asked to be paid in the form of murder, Eve must find a way to save not only her brother, but her soul.     Oh my goodness we should never wait this long again lol.  One of the best things about this franchise is that while it’s set in a post apocalyptic setting and they have these primals which appear to be humans who have become zombie like creatures that are evolving.  It takes on a much different look, tone and feel than what we’re used to seeing and that is one of the major factors that sets this apart from the crowd.  Also while I criticise Joe for his writing, he really does need to stop, Ralph is improving with every outing.  He has the hang of bringing the reader into the story, generating interest and engaging the reader so that they want to keep coming back.  If you need a great example of this then look no further than the opening to this book, it brings us in and makes us think and then it draws into the main body of the story beautifully.    I am thoroughly enjoying the way that this is being told.  The story & plot development that we see through how the sequence of events unfold as well as how the reader learns information is presented extremely well.  With how we see this being structured and how the layers within the story emerge it continues to build up suspense and intrigue with each turn of the page.  The character development is amazing to see.  With the dialogue the way that the characters act and react to the situations and circumstances they encounter continue to flesh them out in ways we can relate to.  The pacing is spot on and as it takes us through the pages revealing this arc’s story and the twists & turns that will keep your adrenaline pumping it goes above and beyond expectations.  With how we see everything working together to create the story’s ebb & flow is beautifully done.    This has a classic comic book style to the interiors and it works so incredibly well.  The linework that we see with its varying weights and even techniques being utilised to create the detail work we see is sensational.  I am a huge fan of the way we see the faces and facial expressions here and how much emotion and feelings they convey.  I love the fact that backgrounds are so important to this story and how well they are utilised throughout the book.  The way they work within the composition of the panels to not only bring us depth perception, a sense of scale and that overall sense of size and scope to the story but they add this extra layer of impact when it’s needed or just when a little more zing when you least expect it.  The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels show a strong, talented eye for storytelling.  The colour work is great to see!  How we see the various hues and tones within the colours being utilised to create the shading, highlights and colour work is superb. ​    I am super impressed with the quality and level of storytelling in this issue.  To see the growth in writing from Ralph is one wonderful and this creative team makes this feel like a viable and interesting world is stellar.  This is a richly filled world with interesting characters and a dynamic that says if you aren’t a hunter then you are prey, whether it’s in the society you live or on the highways and byways you’d best sleep with one eye open.
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hugotarcisio · 4 years
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Ta ai.uma parada sensacional, comemorar seus 40 anos e ainda alavancar uma causa solidária!! A querida e MaluKinha dr. Malu Quesada abraçou essa causa!! Com uma live inteira c Bom Jovi (que ela ama de paixão) e a arrecadação de produtos e donativos a diversas causas!!! Abaixo toda a descrição e orientações para participar e curtir essa live de resoonsa!!! A banda Rotor aceitou um convite muito especial meu, para participar do seu “Aniversário Solidário” onde estara apresentando o Bon Jovi Cover este sábado, 27/06 as 17h direto do Rotor Studios transmitidos no nosso Canal, https://Youtube.com/rotoroficial Além do Rotor teremos Participaçōes mais que especiais de outros artistas: Gui Mucare e Al Mesquita (Aueba), Joel Soares (Creedence), Marco Fracaroli (Bamboa), Maria Clara (Matinê), e mto mais... Ingresso Solidário - Pedimos a todos que colaborem com o "Ingresso Solidário", toda renda arrecadada irá direto para as Voluntárias do Câncer de Barra Bonita, qualquer quantia será mais que bem vinda!!! Estaremos recebendo tbem doações de cestas básicas e mantimentos no Rotor Studios dia 27 a partir das 14h, estaremos recebendo tbém sacos de rações para gatos e cachorros que serão distribuídas entre grupos dedicados! Associação Voluntariado de Barra Bonita - Grupo de Prevenção e Voluntariado do Câncer CNPJ: 02.271.157/0001-87 Banco do Brasil Ag: 0896-6 Cc: 694-7 Para a galera de Sorocaba e região, sigam a Dra Malu no instagram @dramaluqr para ajudar as 3 entidades de Sorocaba beneficiadas, Grupo Terapia do Riso, Lar Casa Bela e Wod do Bem Estaremos postando aqui no evento detalhes de como participar, abaixo a conta para o Grupo Terapia do Riso! Grupo Terapia do Riso CNPJ: 11.109.256/0001-58 Banco Santander Ag: 4739 Cc: 13002825-4 Divulguem, participem, doem, divirtam-se!!!! Patrocinadores: BandUP - Cervejaria Pirata - Deck do Gordão - Paddock Hamburgueria Sorocaba -Sagrado Boulangerie Sorocaba (em Sorocaba, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB6cAdSJYX6/?igshid=mearjo1xp2v5
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djfabiodias · 6 years
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Nesta quinta(vépera de feriado) tem May e Karen + Barão e Mauá +🎧 Dj Fábio Dias na festa de 3 anos das @amigasvipbrasilia. E aí, vai ficar de fora? Primeiro lote quase no fim! 💥 . Pontos de Venda: Óticas Diniz | www.furandoafila.com.br | SEM TAXA Dallas Bar(terça a sábado de 9h as 17h) . 🍻 OPEN BAR de Skol Beats para Elas das 20h as 23h⠀⠀ 🍻 Cozumel e Antárctica por 5$(cada) até 00h 🎂 Aniversariante do mês FREE até as 23h com nome na lista. Sem acompanhante! Envie o nome para [email protected] até as 18h de quinta. Informações: 3297-7987/98578-6968(Whats). . . #djfabiodias #tevejonapraia #pinkelephant #dallasbar #baladabrasilia #nabaladadf #bamboa #djsbrasilia #housemusic #festa.surreal #napraiabsb #garotacarioca #baladabsb #baladatop #vidadedj #alok #vintageculture #funkbsb #noitebrasilia #euamobrasilia #bsbnabalada #showbsb #festasembrasilia #festasbsb #noitebsb #bsbfriends https://www.instagram.com/p/BovKgCfnp26EAMTwHZSd1vT2uqAoqetFL-ht2A0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tk5dqk3unuln
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Faça o que te faz bem, sem fazer mal a ninguem. Já faz algum tempo q sigo essa religião. Não queira pras outras pessoas aquilo q vc não quer pra vc. Doe amor...Doe afeto ! O mundo já tem críticos demais para poucas ações comunitária. . .Boa noite meus amores ...Tenham todos uma noite de paz e bons sonhos😘😘😘😘 . . #saude #paz #amor #fitnessmodel #fitness #strong #treino #dieta #jejumintermitente #lowcarbbrasil #arnoldclassicbrasil #brasil #goiania #bsb #aguasclaras #bamboa #gym #panicat #segueoplano #barrigazero #tbt
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anamor-lyne · 2 years
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Finally! Sisterdate with @lichen81 🙌🏾❤️ 👯‍♀️ #funtimes at #bamboa in the sun eating 😌😋 sipping on #delicious #cocktails 🤤 #diner at #mesiba was oké too 😏😉 #sunandcocktails #perfectcombo 🙏🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdkzxi5sOKw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tiagomirandacantor · 7 years
O melhor Pop Rock Autoral de Brasília (humm ele se acha...rsrs) além de clássicos nacionais e internacionais de pop rock, mpb e reggae! A melhor opção desta quinta! Gente bonita e música boa! Couvert com presença confirmada: Paga só R$ 6,90. Enviar nomes para: [email protected] OU confirmar presença no evento: https://www.facebook.com/events/312763809172890/?ti=cl Participações especiais dos meus amigos Guto Sant'Anna (The Voice) com sucessos internacionais e Humberto Macyel com as melhores do Sertanejo! Imperdível! Confirme sua presença no evento: https://www.facebook.com/events/312763809172890/?ti=cl. Couvert para quem confirmar presença no evento ou nome por email: Paga só R$ 6,90. Email: [email protected] #plantandoasemente #bamboa #quinta #musica #musicaboa (em Bamboa Brasil)
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sarahangelstyling · 5 years
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In the fabulous brand BAMBOA 
Clothes are decorations on the actual beauty...
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the-lions-rack · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Bamboa Oklahoma burn-thru tees x 2. NWOT.
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girlsnout · 3 years
Pokémon concept: bamboa
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pbboutique · 4 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: NWT BAMBOA AZTEC PRINT 3/4 SLEEVE TOP.
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rodrigoquintela · 4 years
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Primeira foto de 2020! 😃 (em Bamboa Brasil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6xRtLKFGjXAaWxbx0OIqF7b0jikvPKtMl2Tfk0/?igshid=tio2dp7u5f9b
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hotspotjes · 5 years
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#bamboa #oost #amsterdam #oost #restaurant #food #diner SMAAKCOMBINATIES AAN DE AMSTEL Bam Boa is in de korte tijd dat ze aan de Weesperzijde…
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