#been showing them and a few more of my friends wips via dms and thanks for the positive feedback y'all
talietikasero · 7 months
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this is about 85% done i'm sure of it
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stitch1830 · 3 years
do u ever have fandom friends that love the same fandom as you, or ship the same ship you do? It kinda makes me sad when I slowly see them converting to another fandom, or fangirling over another ship that's just eh for me. I know it's their blog and they can choose whatever fandom they like and ship any ship the choose, but it's still sad thinking that you may lose a friend you met through the things you both love
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask!
And I actually haven’t had that happen yet, I’ve only really been on Tumblr and into fandom since this year, and the pals I’ve made I’ve been fortunate enough to chat with them outside of fandom as well. But I do have a bit of that fear when it comes to losing mutuals to other fandoms. ATLA and my ships have brought me lots of buddies and mutuals, so if anyone moved on from ATLA, I do worry that we won’t have anything in common anymore.
That’s been the nice thing about making Tumblr friends, though. We come together for a common interest, and as we grow and find new interests, we want to share them with our mutuals! I’ve gotten into quite a few shows and bought some books based on their recommendations, partly because I wanted to, and partly because I want my mutuals to share their favorite books/shows with me. We’ve got ATLA in common, why not other shows?
That can be hard though if you genuinely don’t have the desire to look at any other fandoms, which I get. I didn’t consume any new content after ATLA revival just because I didn’t want to! So, there is a chance that we lose fandom friends when others move on… it stinks, but interests change, sadly. :/
For those that may be sad that I will lose interest in ATLA or Taang or Tokka or Zutara or any of my other ships, feel free to chat with me whenever about them! The thing about Taang and Tokka is that there isn’t a lot of content being made and no one really chats about them with me anymore. So… it’s hard for me to keep gushing about them when no one has any headcanons or questions haha! But, I’ve still got Taang One Shots every week for the rest of the year, I’ve got some modern AU Taang stories that have been posted and continuations to make, Taang week is around the corner, and so is Tokka week, actually! And Zutara Mini Bang, that’ll be fun! :D
I’ll do my best to always answer questions about ATLA, to write for them as long as I have inspiration and WIPs in the works, and to chat about ships even if/when I find new ships and fandoms to love. I’ve got anon on for asks, so people can always keep things anonymous there, and if you wanna chat via DMs, those are always open too!
If you’re worried about mutuals or users leaving, I can’t say that they’ll do the same, but maybe one day you’ll find the same interests again and you can strike up more conversations again! :)
Thanks again for the ask, Anon! I hope it works out for you and your fandom friends and hope you have a great day! :)
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