#best home theater projector for the money
The Loneliest (1/2) • Aemond Targaryen x reader
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Summary: 1925. They say that the Sunfyre Cinema is haunted. Floris, your best friend and neighbor, warns you not to spend all your time there, claiming that a ghost operates the movie projector. Still, The Sunfyre is your home, as you seek comfort to escape the loneliness that marks your days. CW: 1920's au, mixes fictional & historical elements. I envision Westeros as a stand in for the U.K here. The idea of movie projectionist!Aemond came from watching the movie Pearl, although this isn't 100% based on that. Smut will come in part 2. Words: 3k.
They say the movie theater in the town of Dorne is haunted. 
They say it belongs to the heirs of one the wealthiest families in the European country of Westeros; four siblings who didn’t quite know what to do with their inheritance, so they spent their money importing pictures from the other side of the Atlantic. Regardless of whoever runs it, some said the movie business, despite its novelty, had no chance of lifting off after the war. Who could’ve had time for such banalities? 
Only lost souls, apparently. 
Lonely people seeking comfort in the dusty silver light that carries stories within it – desperately seeking a bit of magic in dark rooms to escape their isolated days. 
And you? You might be the loneliest of all. No family, no prospects, and a job at a sleazy pub that will run you to an early grave.
The Sunfyre Cinema still stands, for people like you, with its yellowish lights shining like a beacon of hope in the cold winter nights. 
Floris, your best friend and neighbor, warns you not to walk by yourself at night all the way to The Sunfyre. She’s often stayed with you when the midnight wind sounds too much like the cries of wounded soldiers she’s tended to. Those nights, bundled up by the fire with a warm cup of tea, she tells you stories of a ghost operating the film projector. 
"The ghost that haunts The Sunfyre", Floris calls it. "A creature like The Phantom from your favorite novel by Gaston Leroux." She’s recounted her tale so many times that she’s even started to spice up its details here and there.
Sometimes, the ghost was once a prince who had his eye taken out by his own nephews; others, the prince took his own eye as a gift for his grieving mother after having lost her husband to the Spanish Flu. Knowing your taste for spooks, she’s told you that he was the suitor of a witch, who asked him for his left eye as a proof of his devotion. 
You’re endlessly entertained, but in the end you can’t help but shake your head. You practically live in The Sunfyre and have never seen such an apparition. If there was truly a monster living in the projection room, you’d be the first to know. 
Almost every night after your work shifts, you either walk or ride your bike to the deserted town of Dorne to watch a picture. Rarely are there people there with you – mostly rows of empty dark velvet seats as your companions. Often, you’ve turned around towards the spear of light that emanates from the little booth at the very top of the room, trying to catch the shadow of the mysterious being your friend has told you about, but you see nothing. 
When the picture ends, you stay for a moment, fixing your hearing to detect a huff or a growl to indicate that there’s someone cooped up in there indeed, but nothing. There’s only the grainy static as the movie comes to an end, and the slide-and-click sound of the film roll being ejected. 
It’s as if the projector operates itself. 
Could there really be a ghost in there, after all? 
You really shouldn’t be out in the rain like this. Shouldn’t be spending your last coins on a movie ticket, but as you rush through the downpour, holding on to your raincoat for dear life, you cannot contain the excitement bubbling up inside you. 
You had this day marked on your calendar for weeks. The Sunfyre was going to project an adaptation of the Phantom of the Opera with Lon Chaney. The fact that the theater even bothered to import new releases despite you practically being their sole customer – at least the only constant one – amazed you. So you really, really, really couldn’t miss it for the world. 
Floris had insisted that it was irresponsible. That you weren’t going to have enough money left for your month’s rent, that you were gonna catch a cold if you went out on a stormy night. Yet, as reckless as it is, you don’t care. You had been looking forward to this from the moment you’d read in the newspapers that Carl Laemmle was producing an adaptation of the novel – and even more thrilled when you saw the poster for it at The Sunfyre. 
Floris was certainly right, but you were desperate for anything that would make your gray days seem a little brighter – desperate for any novelty to the lonesome routine that sucked the life out of you, morning by morning. Desperate for a way out of the countryside. Only the pictures could offer that escape. 
So you scurry out of the rain to shield yourself under the marquee of The Sunfyre, giddily paying for your ticket before making your way to the hall that has now become a second home to you. As in most nights, you’re alone despite it being a premiere, but this was to be expected for a monday night. 
The lights go down, and the ghoulish text of the opening credits immediately envelops you into an eerie atmosphere; a score of dramatic strings carries you to the first scene of the picture, showing a man dwelling along catacombs, unknowingly followed by a cloaked figure that hides in the shadows. 
You’re on the edge of your seat the entire time – biting your fingernails and grinning as you read each subtitle slide, following along the action and suspense all doubled over yourself on your seat. As if you’ll get any closer to the screen and be pulled right into the story. Especially when the character of Christine looms closer to the phantom as he plays the piano; she curiously eyes him from the back, hesitating on calling for him to turn. 
The camera shot changes quickly, just as she’s about to unmask him! And then! 
– the film jams, cutting the action, engulfing the hall in darkness. 
The spectral vibe of the film taints the room; the longer you spend in darkness as you wait for the projection to come back on, the more you tremble. The silence is so dense it could be cut with a knife; the distant sound of the storm being of no aid to your shivering. You hug yourself tight and repeat to yourself in your head – it’s just a movie, it’s just a movie, it’s just a movie. 
But an odd sound jabs at your mental spiral. 
A grunt. 
Followed by muffled curses and clanks – as if someone was struggling with the machinery in the booth upstairs. 
Tentatively, you turn in your seat, and your heart drops to the floor when you see a silhouette from a distance. 
Gulping down your courage, you rise from your seat and walk up the stairs, aiming to reach the top row seats that are inches below the projection booth. 
You rise to your tiptoes to peek inside the booth but a sudden flash of light blinds you. 
You recoil from the stab of light only to be met with the monstrous face of the Phantom after being unmasked. The frightful sight makes you plop back down onto the seats immediately, covering your eyes while you try to steady your breathing. 
From the space between your fingers you check for the scene to be over, and once you’re calm, curiosity stirs you to look up once more.  
What makes your breathing come up in quick pants is not the fear of the movie. 
It's the brief image of a man in the projection booth. 
Floris hadn’t believed you when you said you’d seen the supposed ghost. Not after she’d asked for you to describe him, and you found yourself at a loss for words. 
Alright, so you hadn’t really seen the man, merely his shadow. 
For all you know, it could've been an actual spirit in there. But it sparked a sense of determination, to see what the projectionist at the cinema looked like. 
You didn’t know why it compelled you so much. Maybe it was the deeply rooted ache in you to find a friend? To know more about the man who handled all the motion pictures you lived for? In your mind, he had the luckiest job in the world, and you wished to learn more about him. Floris, after all, didn’t share your interests. Found them odd, even though she always listened to you with great care 
“You’re always yearning for worlds that don’t exist,” she would tell you. “You’re so busy daydreaming about pictures that you’re going to miss what’s happening in the present. Embrace the real world, deary. It’s the only one we’ve got.” 
Two mornings later, you bike your way to Dorne, right before your evening shift at the pub. 
A silver-blonde woman in denim overalls, dirt-stained boots and a heavy wool coat was hiked up a wooden ladder, changing the names of the next features on the marquee. You recognize her as Helaena, for she normally worked in the ticket booth and greeted you with a kind smile every time – so pleased to see a regular, that she gifted you the pamphlets of the pictures you’d seen twice or thrice. 
You let her work, and instead wander around to the alleyway, until you stumble upon the door in the back of the cinema that had a sign hung up that read, ‘do not enter’. 
With fidgety fingers, you linger for a few moments, merely eyeing the door. 
What are you expecting to find anyway?, you ponder while chewing on your lips, over and over. Whoever lurked behind it most definitely wouldn’t want their privacy being intruded.  
Besides, what if you were banned from The Sunfyre for sticking your nose in places it didn’t belong? You’d rather be shot dead than risk not being welcomed in the one place that had become your sanctuary. 
But right as you’re about to turn the other way, the door opens. 
Both you and the man at the door freeze. 
The first thing you notice is a head of silver hair, before seeing the eyepatch over his left eye and a luminous violet-blue eye on the right – which looked big and hopeful until a frown cast a shadow over his elegant face.   
“You’re not supposed to be here!” he grunts, “Can’t you read the sign?” 
You flinch and recoil from his harsh tone, heart dropping to your stomach. “I - I’m sorry! I was just – I was just leaving.” 
You shake your head and make a run for it, but before you know it he grasps your hand and pulls you back. “Wait! I’m sorry. I know who you are.” 
“You do!?”
He’s just as flustered as you, with a pretty pink blush spreading over his cheeks and neck. Despite his height, he seemed to be trying to make himself smaller, with one foot inside the projection room and the left side of his face leaning sideways, extra conscious of the eyepatch, wanting to hide it from you. 
“Of course I do,” the man continues. He looks tough and hardened by life which makes his tone of voice an utter contradiction – all soft spoken and eloquent, with an accent that betrayed his upper class upbringing.
 “You’re our best customer. Hells, you’re the reason why we haven’t even closed in the first place.” 
“I am!?” 
“Hmm.” He hums in affirmation and continues to stare. The lack of an eye didn’t make his gaze any less penetrating. 
“I’m Aemond,” he breaks the awkward silence, offering his hand back to shake, which makes you smile, and heat to spread from within. 
“Aemond Targaryen. Me and my three siblings own this place. Were you looking for something today? We don’t have a matinee scheduled – I should know, I’m the projectionist.” 
So the legends were true – it was the Targaryens who owned the theater. No wonder he didn’t sound like he was from the countryside. You’re so struck untangling his words that it doesn’t even faze you that you were standing right in front of the subject of Floris’ nightmares and your own wonder – the ghost. 
And, well, despite his pale skin he’s certainly no phantom. In fact, he’s rather handsome and regal-looking, even if he’s wearing nothing but a simple white shirt with sleeves rolled to his elbows, and black wool pants fitted around his waist with black suspenders. You shake your head once more, laughing to yourself as you search for a coherent reply from all the excitement you’re feeling. 
“No, not specifically. I��”
Should you confess that he was the reason you were here? Under any other circumstance, this probably would’ve been an idiotic thing to admit, but you figured, if you wanted to make a friend out of Aemond, you might as well be transparent from the start. 
“Well, I actually came by to see if I could speak to the projectionist.” You smile kindly at him, and delight in the way his eye widens in surprise, the way his stern lips tilt ever so slightly. “I wanted to thank him for the wonderful job he does. I…”
You look down with a little bit of embarrassment, but he leans a little bit to be on your eye level and nods, encouraging you to continue. 
“You see, I come here all the time, as you know,” you chuckle, “I suppose I wanted someone to chat about films with. I’m very passionate about them, and I’ve no one else to talk to.” 
It’s as if the gray clouds parted, bringing in a beam of sunshine shining right down on Aemond’s entire face, making his silver hair gleam and his crystalline eye twinkle as he grins at you – so wide, you can see a hidden dimple appearing on his cheeks. 
“You wanted to talk about films? With me?” 
You nod, finally offering your name – as you’d been too caught up admiring the man before you, you’d completely forgotten to introduce yourself. It makes him huff out a timid laugh that you instantly count as a win, as he steps to the side to let you into his little room. 
You soon note that the little projection room is far smaller than you had anticipated, though the size didn’t make for a messy space in the least. Every corner is neatly arranged; the walls are plastered with movie posters shelves full of film stock in their circular, metal encasing. 
When you turn, you sigh in awe, as if you were witnessing one of the wonders of the world: the film projector, mounted right before a tiny square from which the light filtered through and expanded onto the screen. You gravitate towards it, peaking through the window to look at the empty rows of seats below you. Of course Aemond would’ve noticed you, when he had this kind of panoramic view of the cinema hall. 
“It’s something to behold, isn’t it?” he murmurs from behind you. 
“It certainly is. You’re so lucky to do this for a living. I’m on my feet wiping tables and serving cuppas back and forth until my feet can’t take it.” 
He hums again – in what you’re quickly learning is a trademark of his – before you turn. You hadn’t expected to see a slight slouch to his demeanor, and that handsome smirk to have turned down, as if a cloud had passed through his face. A look to his left and you see it:  an individual bed with fuzzy looking blankets is pushed to one wall, 
“Wait, you live here? I thought –” 
“My father disinherited me and my siblings. Gave it all to my half-sister, his eldest from his first marriage. At first we didn’t know what to do with the money he gave us to keep us tamed, so we built this.  This is all we have now.” 
You can tell there’s more storming underneath his facade, but you refrain from asking. Instead, you murmur a simple, “I’m sorry. The war has been tough for everyone.” 
The last bit has you wincing mentally, feeling so lost as to what could be appropriate to say, weary of coming out too innocent and childish, when truthfully due to the isolation everyone endured during The Great War you feel like you’ve lost the touch for communication. Often at work you find yourself stuttering, unable to complete your sentences fluidly. Maybe it’s yet another reason why you preferred the movies. Anyone can understand images. 
Aemond seems to read you thoroughly, shaking his head with a half-smile before looking down. 
You wonder then if he had lost his eye because of the Great War. 
Wonder if he’ll tell you all his stories eventually. 
Aemond finally interjects your spiral of thoughts. “So what did you think of our newest feature?” 
“The Phantom!? I loved it! Thought it was terrifying actually, but so great.” 
Aemond shrugs, leaning against his movie shelf with his hands in the pockets of his suit pants. “It was alright. They definitely strayed from the novel to make some bits scarier. I found the make-up on Lon Chaney quite excellent, however.” 
Your chest warms, all self-consciousness from before vanishing, having found someone that speaks your language. 
Nearly all noon is spent with Aemond in the projection room, exchanging views about film and literature, and he even gives you a couple of pamphlets and flyers, after assuring him that it would be your absolute delight and pleasure to promote The Sunfyre at your workplace. You even tell him he’s welcomed there anytime he feels like it. It’s a bit of a trek from Dorne, and not an elegant place in the least –  much less for a Targaryen –  but at least the drinks were decent, and every now and again you were in charge of preparing the soup of the day, which, not to toot your own horn, was a favorite amongst patrons. 
After you’ve said your goodbyes, Aemond halts as you walk away, “Wait!” 
He turns inside the projection room and comes back to hand a little celluloid square to you. “Here.” 
You bring it up against the sunlight and feel giddy realizing it’s a still from the movie.  
“I cut this little bit when the film jammed.” Aemond confesses, making your heart swoon. 
“Won’t someone notice the missing scene?” 
He just shakes his head and smiles, “It must be only a second. No one will notice."
“Thank you.” You bring the delicate still to your heart and go on your way, completely missing the way Aemond was left gazing longingly at your figure for a moment before retreating to the confine of the cinema. 
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mmmichyyy · 6 months
weekly tag wednesday 🌸
thanks for tagging me @deedala !
which character from any media would you like to have as a father? keith mars, from veronica mars
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have? a cat i'm not allergic to would be nice
what is your Chinese takeout order? i don't order chinese takeout, i just eat whatever my parents make when i visit
what’s your favourite emoji? 🫡 and 😌
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house? home theatre with a projector and comfy bean bag chairs
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly? kim possible
what was your tumblr like when you first joined? i joined in 2010 when i was in high school and i wrote out my angsty thoughts about some guy i thought i was in love with, how cringe
what clothing style do you love but don’t feel compelled to replicate yourself? i can't pull off wearing jeans
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best? the college campus in community
what is your favourite piece of art? i have these two prints by lisa hanawalt and they're my fave art pieces in my apartment
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do you have a water bottle? i have two hydroflasks - one red one with a bunch of stickers for tea and another grey one with a handle when i go out
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave? there was only one bed lmao
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what’s the weirdest thing in it? i've been using the uniqlo moon crossbody bag everyone and their mom has. i don't think i carry anything weird, but I always need to have a keychain attached - right now it's a miffy crochet keychain
if you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be? no
what is a fanfic trope you didn’t expect to like and then very much did? that's between me and my ao3 history
do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian? i think he'll try but no lol
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house? carl, it's at the alibi now
tagging @lingy910y @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx @thisdivorce @whatthebodygraspsnot @spoonfulstar @gardenerian @michellemisfit @juliakayyy @jrooc @sam-loves-seb 🖤
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seancekitsch · 2 years
Scary Movies: Klaus x Reader fic
for @sheehalloween​
sequel to: I was Never Young
Warnings: cursing, references to dead musicians, takes place directly after the you look like death series but not really spoiling it, smooching a little but otherwise very tame for me
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Are you sure this is a good movie?” Klaus asks, perturbed, because he actually spend his own money on a ticket. You only told him this was a great horror movie and that screenings of it were rare. Its two in the afternoon on a hot Los Angeles afternoon.
You would have offered to get his ticket, but you thought the look on his face when you snapped and you ticket materialized was funnier. He’s still not used to your snapping thing, something you don’t even have a name for, but his amazement is enough to encourage you to keep doing it. 
You’ve figured out his upbringing, you know who he is now, but you don’t say anything. Klaus will say something when he wants to, you assume.  You snap again to materialize a singular twizzler, and smirk at him as you place it in the soda you had him buy for you. This isn’t a date, there’s no reason for it to be. But it also isn’t a date. You’re both a little nervous for no reason and he’s paying for things when you know his money is going to dry up sooner rather than later.
The theater is completely empty, and the silver screen is still blank, perfect.
This is your favorite moment.
Klaus leads you to the back of the house and chooses seats directly in the middle.
“When—“ he stops, chews a bit of popcorn, “When my siblings and I used to sneak out and see movies, we figured out this was the best spot to sit! You can— you can see everything.”
You nod, biting off the top of your twizzler so you can use it as a straw. Of course it’s the best spot, and of course his family didn’t know that.
“You know why this is my favorite part of going to the cinema?” you ask him. Klaus fully turns his body towards you, giving you his full attention.
“Because before anything starts it’s just you and all the raw materials. You, the seats, the screen, the film canisters in the projection room.”
“That’s poetic,” Klaus laughs. His hairs gotten longer since the hot dog experience, and you think it suits him.
Another person, a lone man, comes in and takes a seat down closer to the screen.
“Damn, guess we can’t go at it in the back row now!” Klaus jokes, and you almost spit out your coke.
“Was that an option?” you ask, incredulous. And all he does is shrug as if to say he was down with whatever. You certainly hadn’t thought of him like that, and yet, now maybe you will. Something about the power of suggestion.
You have to nip that conversation in the bud, however, because the lighting dims and bathes you both in darkness. Klaus shifts down in his seat and prepares for the scariest movie he’s ever seen.
The projector whirrs to life and the film illuminates the screen.
“I thought you said this was a scary movie!” Klaus gasped when he realized what was playing. He leans over to you, intoxicatingly close, but you don’t lean back in.
“Gone with the Wind is scary. Look at how many slavers there are.”
Both of you cackle as loud as possible, and the one and only other person in the theater turns and glares at you both.
You run out of the theater laughing messes, tugging on each others sleeves and panting as you dart out of there. The intersection is weirdly empty when you exit, despite the lights of La Cienega at this hour.
“Have I ever shown you where I’m staying?” Klaus asks, but he knows he hasn’t. You’ve only met up thrice now since first meeting, and only in public.
You agree, and walk down the boulevard, your diet coke in its death throes and twizzler dying to finally be eaten. He stops at an intersection, and points across the street.
“Home sweet home!” he calls.
“That’s where you’re staying? That place?”
“Yeah, why? You know it?”
Before you is the legendary Alta Cienega Motel, green and beige and completely unassuming attached to a psychic’s parlor. 
“Are you kidding? You know what this. place was?” You're mind boggled that out of all of the things he knows, the wild random history and trivia, he doesn't know what this place is.
He cocks an eyebrow at you as you move closer to the building, urging you to continue. 
“Its only the last place in America Jim Morrison lived before he kicked it early!”
Klaus freezes in the crosswalk. 
Jim? His Jim? The lead singer of his favorite band.
“W-What room?”
“Thirty Two. I can't believe you haven't seen the shrine!”
He hadn't. He’d only seen the revolving door of people in and out of the room three doors down from his, sometimes twenty people in a day. He figured it was some kind of sex work operation and payed it absolutely no mind. Not his business. He’d only been thinking of Jim Morrison the whole time he’d been there, about mortality and his own gifts. He doesn't ever want to meet the man eternally eight years older than him. He’d already met enough heroes in this town and doesn't think he can take another. 
Its cute, the way he looks so dumbstruck. You grab his hand and pull him the rest of the way across the street towards his makeshift housing situation. He stumbles ahead and leads you up the little concrete staircase, passing the infamous room turned shrine on your way. Your neck cranes to keep looking at it, as if it calls to you like a beacon. 
“C’mon, scary movies my ass, I’ll find one for you...” Klaus mutters as he jingles the key in the lock, a dinky little pink puff ball adorning the key as well as the standard motel branded key fob. 
You're giddy as he gets the door open, a light electrical current growing beneath your skin as he pulls you in. The western sunset casting the entire room in an orange glow. Theres not much in the room that make it Klaus, but this just reminds you again that he’s a drifter in this town, unlike you who’d snagged in the canyon and never been free. A few crumpled take out wrappers, a full ash tray, a leather jacket, and a very fuzzy scarf thats incredibly out of season. 
“Make yourself cozy!” He calls, crossing the room to the small tv cabinet near the bed. You sit yourself at the little wooden table and snap yourself a cigarette to light while he plops himself down and crosses his legs in front of the screen. You take a deep drag while you watch him fiddle with all the buttons, fingers moving quickly and deftly as he tunes to box to what he’s looking for.
“Ah-hah! Found it, and it’s not too far into it!” He waves you over hastily, and you drop the cigarette and your soda to get closer. It’s the original night of the living dead, grainy and black and white on the old set. Probably edited for television, but its better than you idea, you have to admit. 
Klaus pulls you down to sit on the floor next to him, your thigh touching his knee and he leans his cheek on your shoulder.
“This ones my favorite,” he mumbles against you. His mouth is up against the fabric of your shirt, and you can feel it like a kiss .
“Mine too, I think,” you agree. Its not, but if you can figure out why exactly its his, it might become yours too. 
You watch most of the rest of the movie like that, sat on the floor and leaning into one another as the zombies start to take over. 
“Fuck, wait get up for a second,” you whisper in the now dark of dusk, your legs getting stiff as you move to sit on the bed, stretching your legs out straight before relaxing them. Klaus is quick to climb up on the bed after you, but he doesn't settle down right away. Instead, he just crouches and lets the glow from the movie illuminate his face.
“What’s up?” you ask, tilting your head slightly puzzled. 
“I...” he trails off, and then suddenly his lips are on yours.
Klaus’ lips are soft, if not a little scarred from him chewing on them, a habit you'd noticed of his when he doesn't have a drink or a smoke in his hand. He’s gentle, almost timid about the kiss. 
He pulls away slowly, as if wanting to hold onto the moment. His eyes remain closed as his lips, puffy, remain pursed. His eyes open, and that look in his eyes that tells you he needs a cigarette fills his irises. He yanks himself back, looking slightly scared.
“Wait,” you beg, and pull him back in for a second kiss. The second kiss, he’s more sure of himself. Klaus kisses back firmly, not roughly, but not as gentle as before. 
When he pulls away this time, he doesn't look panicked, he just leans himself back against your shoulder and turns his attention to the tv again. 
“Fuckin’ Gone with the Wind...” He chuckles. 
Fuckin’ Gone with the Wind, indeed.
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cinemagooey · 1 month
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I had a happy childhood - a middle-class upbringing, the ranch house in the 'burbs on a quiet street, bestie sleepovers complete with canopy beds and giddy secrets. My younger years weren't perfect -no one gets a pass from childhood traumas and tragedies. But overall it was an uncomplicated and sweet time in the 70's.
But as great as it was, I still needed escape. So I ran away from reality as often as possible in those early years, fleeing to the movies, my drug of choice.
A Saturday movie excursion was a life or death necessity for me. I would beg, cajole and bargain with my parents for ticket money and a ride to the theater. There in the solitude of a dark theater, the projector would roll and magic would unfurl like a shimmering kaleidoscope. I became lost in a land of imagination and wonder, mesmerized in a celluloid world of make-believe.
I never outgrew my love of cinema; it expanded exponentially. There's something about immersing oneself in a good story in the sanctity of of your own home or in a popcorn scented theatre that speaks to me and whisks me to my happy place. Something magic happens when we engage with cinema. The good ones either lift us up and sing to us, or wound our hearts in a sweet, interminable way. The bad ones have us shaking our heads at the fact that we'll never get the time back. Either way, movies grab us, whirl us around in a dizzying dance and then push us out in the sunlight, dazed at the experience.
Let's get into the good ones. Let's dig into some old fashioned hoopla about really great cinema.
I'll begin with one of my favorites genres:
J'adore foreign film. I'm never put off by subtitles and find these movies to be some of the richest, most sumptuous of all cinema. Foreign film connects us to the world. It gifts the viewer with an intimate window through which we peek into other cultures, other lands and native stories. We climb into the vivid imaginings of filmmakers, whose minds were cultivated and nurtured in exotic locales. It's a form of travel without costly airfare and jet lag, with the bonus of a good story.
Here are my top three recommended foreign films that I've viewed of late:
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A stunner of a movie resplendent with gorgeous cinematography, this 2021 film written and directed by Nathalie Álvarez Mesén unfolds in a tiny village in Costa Rica. Clara, a 40 year old with mental and physical disabilities, lives with her fanatically religious mother and niece Maria, a fifteen year old who gleefully prepares for her Quinceanera. Middle-aged, curious and child-like, Clara's life is spent communicating with the family's white horse, being a pawn to her mother's money-making schemes and watching Maria's life bloom as she stands on the sensual precipice of adulthood. When handsome Santiago arrives on the scene, wooing Maria in a forbidden way, something awakens in Clara and she decides that she wants what Maria has. With bold stubbornness and using mystical powers that lend an supernatural aura to the story, Clara sets out to claim it all in her own awkward, humorous way - with devastating results. Fantastical, shimmering scenes set against a backdrop of naked poverty make this movie sing in a way that made my soul ache, and the brilliant screenplay had me laughing out loud and alternately tearing up.
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Amazing performances by Wendy Chinchilla Araya as Clara and Daniel Casteñeda Ricón as Santiago, Maria's boyfriend and Clara's secret crush. This should have been a Best Foreign Film nominee (if not winner) at the 94th Academy Awards. It's not easy to find Clara Sola; I had to stream it with a Criterion Collection subscription, but it's worth digging around to unearth this hidden gem.
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Buckle up. Watching this movie is like taking a joy ride with your scary older cousin behind the wheel; you want to enjoy it, but instead you feel terrified and little like throwing up. That's the point of Jonathan Glazer's chilling masterpiece The Zone of Interest.
Rudolph is a rising star in the military. His wife Hedwig cultivates a home for their children on a quaint country estate. But this is no Leave It To Beaver redux. Rudolph is a commandant in Hitler's Nazi party and Hedwig's carefully built utopia lies just over the wall from Auschwitz, which Rudolph manages. So close is their little manse to the concentration camp that the family can hear the daily horrors of screams and gunshots, and the fiery glow of the gas chambers illuminates the evening sky. To these recurring abominations, the family turns a deaf ear and a blind eye as they go about their idyllic life.
This cruel indifference is what makes The Zone of Interest so harrowing to watch.
Rudolph prizes his lilac bushes more than the innocent lives he slaughters, and Hedwig engages in chilling acts of depraved apathy: haughtily accepting a fur coat that Rudolph gifts her (booty from a Holocaust victim), and hosting her mother in the garden as a prisoner can be heard pleading for his life from the other side of the wall.
Part of this movie's power lies in the fact that the viewer never sees the acts taking place inside the concentration camp - the brutal sounds of savagery overlaying a lush, bucolic setting is enough to horrify us.
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The Zone of Interest won both Best International Film and Best Sound at the 2023 Academy Awards. Sandra Hüller's performance as wife Hedwig garnered her a much-deserved Best Supporting Actor (female role) nomination.
This movie is an awful reminder of mankind's grotesque ability to normalize evil with unflinching apathy - especially in the face of cultural pressure or political brainwashing. It made me squirm as I pondered the nature of humanity. I've heard it said on several platforms that this movie is not for entertainment value; I agree. Instead, it's is an opportunity to turn inward and ask ourselves: could these types of horrors happen again? And if so, what would you do?
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Some have described Giuseppe Turnatore's 1988 Cinema Paradiso as a love letter to the early age of film. I would call it a slow, seductive kiss, beguiling us to remember the days when going to the cinema was an event.
Everything about this film is perfect - the heart-rending story centered around a small town movie theater, the lush cinematography capturing life in a dusty, Italian village and the trembling soundtrack that tugs at something soulful and primal. All this against the backdrop of cinema classics. It's a wistful salute to the Golden Age of Hollywood and a tender coming of age story in 1940's Italy.
In 1988 Rome, Salvatore Di Vita, a famous film director, learns his old friend Alfredo has died. He immediately flashes back to his childhood as an eight year old in the Sicilian village of Giancarlo, just after WWII. Salvatore's nostalgic flashback encompasses most of this sublime film.
Salvatore (Toto to the villagers), is a precocious child. His father dead, his mother overwhelmed with the everyday indignities of single motherhood, Toto finds escape at the Cinema Paradiso, sneaking in when the town priest sits alone in the empty galley censoring movies. Alfredo, the tired, middle-aged projectionist, is tasked with splicing out the offending bits before the villagers see it.
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Toto is mesmerized by it all and is madly curious to see how the magic happens in the projection booth. Through pluck and luck, Toto connives Alfredo into giving him a job in as his assistant and the two form a tight, familial bond that is the heart and soul of this film.
Toto is still manning the booth at 16 when he falls hopelessly in love and is called to military duty. Returning home a year later, Alfredo does something surprising and insidious that alters Toto's life forever.
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In modern day 1988, Salvatore returns to Giancarlo to attend Alfredo's funeral, and is bequeathed a package that sets up the last, flawless scene in this exquisite film.
Cinema Paradiso is a beautiful reminder of days gone by and things of old that once held meaning and sway over our lives. Before television, computers, the internet and iphones, there was a place where people gathered to be swept up, escape the banality of life and become immersed, briefly, in a world larger than their own.
And isn't that what cinema is all about?
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ybkstore · 10 months
best home gadgets 2023
In the fast-paced world of technology, every year brings a new wave of innovative gadgets that promise to make our lives more convenient, efficient, and enjoyable. As we settle into 2023, homeowners are once again treated to a plethora of exciting options that are designed to transform their living spaces into smart, efficient hubs. Join us as we explore the top home gadgets of 2023 that are redefining modern living.
1. Smart Home Assistants: More than Just Virtual Companions
Leading the charge in the realm of home automation are smart home assistants, the ultimate companions for multitasking homeowners. Devices like the XYZ Home Hub seamlessly integrate with other smart appliances, allowing you to control your lights, thermostats, and even security cameras with just a voice command. Whether it's managing your daily schedule or ordering groceries online, these gadgets are here to simplify your life in ways you never thought possible.
2. Intelligent Kitchen Marvels: Cooking Made Effortless
The heart of any home is the kitchen, and in 2023, it's getting a tech-savvy makeover. Imagine a refrigerator that can suggest recipes based on the ingredients it houses or a smart oven that can perfectly cook your favorite dishes with minimal input. These intelligent kitchen gadgets are designed to turn even the most novice chef into a culinary master, all while saving precious time in our busy lives.
3. Wellness-Oriented Living: The Rise of Smart Health Monitors
Health and well-being take center stage this year with the introduction of advanced smart health monitors. From sleep trackers that analyze your sleep patterns to smart scales that provide detailed insights into your body composition, these gadgets empower homeowners to take control of their health from the comfort of their homes. Stay on top of your fitness goals and overall wellness like never before.
4. Eco-Friendly Living: Smart Energy Management
As sustainability continues to gain importance, home gadgets that promote eco-friendly living are in the spotlight. Smart thermostats, like the EcoTemp 3000, learn your heating and cooling preferences, adjusting them automatically to optimize energy usage. Solar-powered charging stations for your devices and AI-driven energy monitors are also part of the eco-conscious lineup for 2023, helping you reduce your carbon footprint while saving money.
5. Next-Level Entertainment: Immersive Home Theaters
Transform your living room into a cinematic experience with the latest advancements in home theater gadgets. The UltraVision 8K projector boasts crystal-clear visuals that transport you into your favorite movies, while the SoundSurge 360 audio system creates a surround sound experience like no other. Get ready to host epic movie nights that rival the local multiplex, all from the comfort of your couch.
6. Security Reinvented: Smarter, Safer Homes
Home security gets an intelligent upgrade in 2023, with gadgets designed to keep your home safer than ever. The Sentinel 5 security system utilizes AI to distinguish between true threats and false alarms, ensuring that you're always aware of what's happening in and around your home. Paired with smart doorbell cameras and keyless entry systems, these gadgets provide peace of mind, whether you're at home or away.
In conclusion, 2023 is undoubtedly a remarkable year for home gadgets that cater to various aspects of modern living. From transforming your kitchen into a high-tech culinary haven to ensuring your home is both energy-efficient and secure, these gadgets are redefining the way we interact with our living spaces. As we embrace the future, these innovations remind us that the possibilities are limitless when it comes to making our homes smarter, more efficient, and enjoyable.
Investing in these top-notch home gadgets of 2023 is not just about keeping up with the trends; it's about embracing a lifestyle that is more connected, more sustainable, and more comfortable. Say goodbye to the hassles of traditional living and welcome the future with open arms—and the best home gadgets that it has to offer.
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leddancefloor · 1 year
A Guide to Audio Visual Installation
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Audio visual installation involves a variety of technologies, including sound systems and video screens. It is a crucial component of many entertainment, educational and business environments and it’s essential to maintain and update the technology used.
AV installation companies are responsible for installing and maintaining a variety of audio and visual devices, including video monitors, projectors, speakers and microphones. They also work on designing and implementing systems that improve the user experience.
The best sparklers for wedding companies have a strong engineering and quality control focus and operate according to industry standards. This means that the products they provide are well-designed and reliable. It also means that they have the expertise to design and implement solutions that meet a client’s needs, budget and objectives.
Common LED Panels screen installation projects include installing conferencing systems, live broadcasting and streaming equipment, and web based applications. These types of installations are critical to a company’s success because they allow organizations to communicate and collaborate remotely.
Conference conferencing is a popular and practical way to connect professionals from different locations, and an audio visual installation can help make it more affordable and convenient to conduct these meetings. The conferencing equipment can include digital displays, cameras and microphones that allow participants to share information and discuss issues without having to travel in person.
A video wall is another common AV installation that utilizes multiple screens to display information in large spaces. These screens can be arranged to suit the room and can also be used for security monitoring or to show live footage from surveillance cameras.
The audio visual industry is growing rapidly as people move away from traditional meetings and toward video conferencing. A growing number of workers are working from home or from anywhere else in the world. These trends mean that there is an increased need for AV technicians who can install and maintain the technology used in remote offices and conferences.
AV installation jobs can be found in a wide range of industries, from businesses in the movie industry to commercial equipment rental and radio and television broadcasting. It is also common for AV technicians to work for colleges and universities.
Audio Visual Technician salaries vary by location, but the median salary for an AV technician is $46,630 annually. This is an above average salary, which can be more than enough for an AV technician to make ends meet. Look for more facts about events at http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/learner-english/venue.
If you are interested in becoming an AV technician, you can start by completing an AV technician training course and then gaining on-the-job experience. This is an excellent opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the field while working on real projects, as well as making some money while you’re learning.
In addition, you can also work with local community theaters and community access TV programs to get experience and build your resume. These are great places to learn the ins and outs of this career, as they often have many pieces of equipment that need to be maintained, installed and repaired.
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letsshoponline4 · 3 months
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Elevate Your Home Entertainment with a Budget-Friendly Home Theater Experience! 🎬🍿
Looking to transform your living room into a cinematic haven without breaking the bank? Say hello to the ultimate solution – a budget-friendly home theater setup! 🏡🎥
Gone are the days when experiencing theater-quality entertainment meant splurging on expensive gadgets and installations. With the right approach, you can create a captivating home theater experience that rivals any blockbuster screening. Here's how:
Smart TV or Projector: Invest in a quality yet affordable smart TV or projector. Look for Today deals and discounts to score the best value for your money. Opt for a screen size that fits your space and viewing preferences.
Sound System: Enhance your audio experience with a decent sound system. You don't need to empty your pockets for a top-of-the-line setup. Consider budget-friendly soundbars or bookshelf speakers paired with a subwoofer for immersive sound quality.
Comfortable Seating: Comfort is key when it comes to enjoying movie nights at home. You don't need fancy recliners; a cozy sofa or even floor cushions can do the trick. Make sure everyone has a clear view of the screen for maximum enjoyment.
Ambiance Lighting: Create the perfect atmosphere with ambient lighting. Dimmable LED bulbs or smart lighting strips can set the mood for movie nights, enhancing the viewing experience without burning a hole in your wallet.
Streaming Services: With a plethora of streaming services available at affordable prices, you can access a vast library of movies and TV shows without the need for expensive cable subscriptions. Choose the platforms that offer the content you love and enjoy unlimited entertainment at your fingertips.
DIY Decor: Get creative with DIY decor to give your home theater a personalized touch. Hang movie posters, add decorative cushions, or even build your own concession stand for snacks and drinks. The possibilities are endless!
Family Fun: A home theater isn't just for movie buffs; it's a space for family bonding and entertainment. Plan regular movie nights or gaming sessions to make the most of your setup and create lasting memories with loved ones.
By implementing these budget-friendly tips, you can transform your living room into the ultimate home theater without breaking the bank. Sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in a world of cinematic bliss – all from the comfort of your own home! 🍿✨
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jackysbrandshop · 4 months
Elevate Your Entertainment with Jacky's Brand Shop: Where to Buy Samsung Smart Projectors in Dubai
In today's fast-paced world, technology continues to redefine our way of life. One area where innovation has made a significant impact is home entertainment. If you're a Dubai resident looking to enhance your viewing experience, you'll want to explore the latest Samsung Smart Projectors. And when it comes to finding the perfect projector, Jacky's Brand Shop is your one-stop destination. Here's why you should consider buying Samsung Smart Projectors in Dubai from Jacky's Brand Shop.
Cutting-Edge Technology
Samsung is renowned for its commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology, and their smart projectors are no exception. These state-of-the-art devices combine cutting-edge features like 4K resolution, HDR support, and advanced image processing to deliver an unparalleled viewing experience. With a Samsung Smart Projector, you can enjoy your favorite movies, sports events, and gaming sessions in stunning clarity and detail.
Unmatched Variety
At Jacky's Brand Shop, you'll find an extensive range of Samsung Smart Projectors to choose from. Whether you're looking for a compact model for your bedroom or a high-end projector for your home theater, they have it all. Their selection includes portable projectors, ultra-short-throw models, and everything in between. No matter your requirements, Jacky's has the perfect Samsung Smart Projector to meet your needs.
Expert Guidance
Choosing the right projector can be a daunting task, especially with the myriad of options available. Fortunately, Jacky's Brand Shop has a team of knowledgeable experts who are ready to assist you. Their friendly and experienced staff can guide you through the selection process, ensuring that you make an informed decision based on your preferences and budget. They understand the importance of choosing the right projector, and they are committed to helping you find the perfect fit for your home.
Competitive Pricing
Jacky's Brand Shop is known for offering competitive prices on all their products, including Samsung Smart Projectors. They regularly run promotions and discounts, making it even more affordable to upgrade your entertainment setup. When you buy from Jacky's, you can rest assured that you're getting the best value for your money.
Convenient Location
Convenience matters when it comes to shopping for electronics. Jacky's Brand Shop has multiple locations across Dubai, making it easy for you to visit their stores and explore their range of Samsung Smart Projectors in person. You can test the projectors, ask questions, and make an informed decision without the hassle of traveling long distances.
Online Shopping
If you prefer the convenience of online shopping, Jacky's Brand Shop has you covered. Their user-friendly website allows you to browse their entire selection of Samsung Smart Projectors from the comfort of your home. You can compare models, read customer reviews, and place your order with just a few clicks. Plus, they offer secure payment options and reliable delivery services, ensuring a seamless shopping experience.
Warranty and Support
When you invest in a Samsung Smart Projector from Jacky's Brand Shop, you also get the assurance of excellent customer service. All projectors come with manufacturer warranties, and Jacky's provides reliable after-sales support should you encounter any issues with your purchase. They are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with their products and services.
In conclusion, if you're in the market to buy Samsung Smart Projectors in Dubai, look no further than Jacky's Brand Shop. Their commitment to offering the latest technology, an unmatched variety of projectors, expert guidance, competitive pricing, convenient locations, and excellent customer support make them the go-to destination for all your entertainment needs. Elevate your home entertainment experience today with a Samsung Smart Projector from Jacky's Brand Shop and enjoy the best in visual innovation.
So, don't wait any longer. Visit Jacky's Brand Shop or explore their online store and find the perfect Samsung Smart Projector to transform your home entertainment setup. Buy Samsung Smart Projectors in Dubai with confidence and experience entertainment like never before.
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trendyprojectors · 6 months
VEVOR Inflatable Movie Screen Review – Pros & Cons – 20FT Inflatable Projector Screen
If you want to buy a big screen for your projector, please check this Vevor 20-feet projector screen. It is a nice screen because it is very easy to use, very easy to wash in water, has many good features. It is made of the high-grade Oxford material, and it is quite easy to inflate and deflate. It comes with a powerful air blower, which can be used to inflate the screen. It also comes with all the required accessories. Therefore, if you need to buy a large size projector screen, which is priced reasonably, you must buy this projector screen as well.
I wrote the key pros and cons of the Vevor projector screen, so it would be easy for you to know its hidden characteristics. Based on the pros and cons, I can say it is a nice quality projector screen, which is quite easy to use. It inflates and deflates very easily, and comes with a powerful 350w blower. However, I admit that the blower is a bit noisy. Overall, the Vevor 20 feet projector screen can be the best value for the money.
KEYWORDS – vevor projector screen, vevor double sided projector screen, 20 feet projector screen, #vevor #vevorscreen #vevorscreens #vevorprojectorscreen #vevor20ftscreen #20ftscreen #20ftprojectorscreen #moviescreen #20feetprojector screen, VEVOR Inflatable Movie Screen 20FT Inflatable Projector Screen for outside with 350W #AirBlower Inflatable Screen #OxfordFabric Material Blow Up Screen for Outdoor Movie Supports Front/ #RearProjection 
MINI PROJECTORS AuKing 1080P Mini Projector - https://trendyprojectors.com/auking-1080p-mini-projector-review/ ClokoWe FHD projector - https://trendyprojectors.com/clokowe-1080p-mini-projector-review/ DRJ 720P Projector - https://trendyprojectors.com/drj-9500l-portable-projector-review/ AAXA LED Pico Projector - https://trendyprojectors.com/aaxa-pico-wireless-projector-review-pros-cons/ KODAK Luma 150 - https://trendyprojectors.com/kodak-luma-150-pico-projector-review/ AKASO WT50 Pico Projector - https://trendyprojectors.com/akaso-wt50-pico-projector-review/
BUDGET PROJECTORS TMY V08 1080P Projector - https://trendyprojectors.com/tmy-9500-lumens-projector-review/ CiBest Native 1080P Projector - https://trendyprojectors.com/cibest-9500l-native-1080p-projector/ AuKing 1080p mini projector - https://trendyprojectors.com/auking-1080p-mini-projector-review/
4K PROJECTORS ViewSonic PX701-4K UHD 3200 Lumens (3840 x 2160) - https://trendyprojectors.com/viewsonic-px701-4k-projector/ BenQ HT3550 4K Home Theater Projector - https://trendyprojectors.com/benq-ht3550-4k-hdr-projector/ LG GRU510N 4K UHD (3840 x 2160) - https://trendyprojectors.com/lg-gru510n-4k-uhd-cinebeam-laser-projector/
PROJECTOR SCREENS 120" 16:9 HD 4K Indoor Outdoor Projector Screen - https://trendyprojectors.com/lejiada-120-inch-foldable-projection-screen/ Vamvo Portable Projector Screen  - https://trendyprojectors.com/vamvo-120-inch-portable-projector-screen/ AAJK Outdoor Projection Screen 150 inch - https://trendyprojectors.com/aajk-outdoor-projection-screen-150-inch/
POPULAR VIDEOS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cmjs7B6sZ2M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqk8NnRJdJA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttHOpnG6NgI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k71W3GPSDLk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhkIIuUvsR0
MISCELLANEOUS PYLE-PRO Universal Laptop Projector Tripod Stand - https://trendyprojectors.com/pyle-pro-universal-laptop-projector-tripod-stand/ VIVO Universal Adjustable Ceiling Projector Mount for Regular and Mini Projectors - https://trendyprojectors.com/vivo-white-projector-ceiling-mount/ Projector Screen Paint - https://trendyprojectors.com/paint-on-screen-digital-theater-white-projector-screen-paint/ Please subscribe to my channel - https://bit.ly/3Cf73yL Buy me a coffee - https://bmc.link/dtralexY
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gharpedia2023 · 7 months
Finding the Best Budget-Friendly Big Screen
Hey there, I'm here to help you understand how to get yourself a huge, touchy-feely screen that won't break the bank. Think of it as a massive tablet you can touch, swipe, and have lots of fun with. So, let's dive in without the techy jargon!
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What's a Giant Touch Screen?
It's like your phone or tablet, but giant-sized and super interactive. You can play games, draw, watch shows, or teach stuff with it. It's not just a screen; it's a fun way to do things.
Why Should You Get One?
Learning: If you're a teacher or a student, this is like a magical board where you can draw and learn things easily.
Work: You can use it for business stuff, like showing your ideas, just like you do on your computer.
Entertainment: It's like having your own movie theater. Watch your favorite shows and play games on it!
Creativity: If you like drawing or designing, you can do that too. It's like a canvas that never runs out of space.
Getting a Big Screen on a Budget
Set a Money Plan: Decide how much money you can spend. Having a budget helps to find the best deal.
Look Around: Check out different stores or websites to see how much they ask for it. Sometimes, you find good deals online.
Used and Renewed: Don't forget to think about buying one that was used before but got fixed and looks new again. It's like buying a cool, second-hand book.
Discount Hunt: Keep an eye out for special sales during holidays or when the school year starts. Sometimes, you can get lucky!
Open-Box Items: If you're okay with stuff that was used for display or returned, you might find a bargain.
Ask Friends: Talk to your friends or family, they might have ideas or know where to get a good deal.
Try Less-Known Brands: The big names cost more. Sometimes, smaller brands offer good stuff at a lower price.
Think Extra Costs: Don't forget about other costs, like getting it set up, warranty, or stuff to make it stand or hang on the wall.
Hear from Others: Before you decide, read what people say online. It's like asking your buddies about their experiences.
FAQs: Your Questions, My Answers
What's a giant touch screen?
It's a giant, interactive screen, like a big tablet. You can touch, swipe, and do fun stuff on it.
Why do I need one?
It's like a big tool for learning, working, having fun, and getting creative.
How do I get a budget-friendly one?
Decide how much you can spend, check different places, consider used or renewed ones, and keep an eye out for deals.
Are used ones trustworthy?
Yes, if they're fixed up nicely, used ones can be great and budget-friendly.
Can I watch TV on it?
Absolutely! It's like having your own movie theater at home.
Can I play games on it?
Yes, many of them support games, making gaming even more fun!
Can I use it for work?
Sure, it's like having a big screen for meetings and showing your ideas.
Do I need help setting it up?
It's usually a good idea to get help setting it up to make sure it's safe and works well.
What do I need along with it?
Depending on your plans, you might need a stand or wall mount. And don't forget a warranty for peace of mind.
Can I draw on it?
Absolutely! It's perfect for artists and doodlers. You can create digital masterpieces.
Is it easy to use?
It's super easy, just like your phone or tablet, so no worries there.
Can schools use it?
Many schools use them to make learning more exciting and interactive.
Do I need special apps for it?
Some have their own apps, but you can often use it with regular computer apps too.
Can I use it for video calls?
Yes, you can use it for video calls to connect with friends and colleagues.
What's the difference between this and a smartboard?
They're similar, but this is like a huge touch screen, no projector or extra screen needed.
Do they come in different sizes?
Yup, you can pick the size that fits your space and needs.
Can I connect my phone to it?
Most of them can connect to your phone, so it's like magic sharing.
How long do they last?
They last a few years, but it depends on how much you use and take care of them.
Will I have to pay a lot for upkeep?
Not much, just keep it clean, and maybe update the software sometimes.
Can I use it like a whiteboard?
Yes, you can use it for drawing and writing, just like a fancy digital whiteboard.
Is it easy to move around?
It can be tough to move once it's set up, so choose the spot wisely.
What if something goes wrong?
If you have problems, contact the maker's support or the place you got it from.
Can I use a pen with it?
Many support pens, so you can draw and write neatly.
Do I need the internet all the time?
Nope, you can use most features without the internet, but some need it.
Do they come with a guarantee?
Lots of them do, so check before buying for peace of mind.
You don't need to be a tech wizard to find a budget-friendly giant touch screen. Remember to set your budget, compare prices, look for used or renewed options, and keep an eye out for deals. Read reviews, ask for advice, and you'll soon have a fantastic, interactive screen in your life. Have fun shopping!
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ultimea · 8 months
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Can Laser TVs Replace Traditional TVs?
When television first appeared, people might not have imagined that square boxes of monochrome images would not only evolve into color displays, but also grow in size to fill an entire wall.
Laser TV projectors are often marketed as TV replacements because they can deliver huge images at a short distance and take up less space than any TV. It’s hard not to be intrigued by the idea of swapping a clunky big-screen TV for a small box and still getting a 100-inch (or even 150-inch) image.
Laser TVs are slowly gaining momentum as a favorite for home theater entertainment. However, the question is, can a laser TV replace third-generation TVs as the centerpiece of the living room?
What Are Laser TVs?
At a minimum, a laser TV is an ultra short throw projector powered by a laser light source, with a built-in sound system consisting of one or more speakers. With image sizes ranging from 90 to 150 inches, they’re a plug-and-play alternative to a big-screen TV — and way more affordable on an inch-by-inch basis. Why lasers? They’re far brighter and last a lot longer than conventional LEDs and high-pressure bulbs. The very best IMAX theaters use laser projectors — sometimes two at once.
Laser TVs are now within the reach of almost anyone shopping for a large TV, and they offer several advantages over their flat-panel cousins.
What Are the Advantages of Laser TVs?
Laser TVs (Like the ULTIMEA Thor T60) are changing the face of home entertainment, surpassing LED TVs. These cutting-edge devices deliver undeniable benefits:
Adjustable screen size: By adjust the distance between the laser projector and the wall, the adjustable screen size can give you up to 150-inch viewing.
Stunning Colour Accuracy: Laser TVs reproduce lifelike colours, offering vibrant and immersive viewing experiences.
Deep Blacks: Offering superior depth of colour, laser TVs enhance contrast and detail.
Energy Efficient: Reduced Power Consumption: Lasers significantly cut power use, making these TVs eco-friendly and cost-effective.
Increased Viewing Angle: Wider Viewing Angle: Laser TVs outshine traditional LEDs by providing quality viewing from various positions.
Excellent Cost Value: When it comes to getting more for your money, a laser TV can provide more value per square inch. You can get a much larger TV for less than you could with a traditional LED TV.
How Are Laser TVs Different from Other Types of Projectors?
Most projectors are designed to display large images on a flat surface from a distance. They are often suspended from the ceiling or placed near the back of the room, making them the home theater equivalent of commercial movie theater projection systems.
Laser TVs can achieve similarly large image sizes, but they project from a much smaller distance — usually 15 inches or less from a wall or screen.
Which Is The Best Option For You? Laser TVs or Traditional TVs?
If your priority lies in the clarity and resolution of the images, then your best buy may possibly be the OLED TV. However, if you’re interested in having the biggest screen in your living room, immersive sound and imagery, as well as the ability to bring this entertainment with you to any home and any room, then look no further than a laser TV.
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dougjounes · 8 months
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I understand the elitist tone of saying moviee should be watched in theatres, but I genuinely do think movies should be watched in theatres. I saw some people getting mad at Villeneuve's comments about IMAX, and my first reaction is yeah they do kinda suck but I don't think he's wrong. There is something about a massive screen, a group viewing and "supposedly" perfectly calibrated sound/picture that is actually really important. If the first time I watched 2001 was outside of an IMAX theatre I don't think I would or could have appreciated it nearly as much. When I saw Blade Runner 2049 on opening night in a packed theatre and the credits rolled there was an eerie silence and for two minutes before anyone dared to move. Tenet is genuinely the only movie to make me scared of a gun going off. These are all experiences I don't think you can get at home without having the money or space for a decent sound system and a BIG 4K tv, and how many people want or can have either of those things.
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Nobody can afford to see every movie in theatres, and not every movie will be playing in a local cinema once it stops it's intial run and this is where I side more with the descenters. IMAX is big and square. Most tvs are niether of those things. Not to go on a back in my day tirade but I remember when you bought a blu-ray and the aspect ratio would change to try or completely fit the whole IMAX picture into the release, but since the streaming takeover they've given up. Most home releases keep a consistent aspect ratio for the whole runtime. I think maybe it confused the average movie goer and I get that, but in the streaming era people buying physical copies want the closest thing to a "true" experience as they can at home. Not even providing an option means these movies are largely incomplete unless you have the means to see it during its intial run at one of the few IMAX screens in the world.
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Yes IMAX video on regular TV's look weird but when you start repeating the cycle of PAN and SCAN VHS then we have a bigger problem. There are better examples of how much you lose not seeing some of these movies in IMAX especially DUNE, and that I think is what's unexcusable. The best and the only are two separate things. Disney has started to put out IMAX cuts onto DISNEY+ but completely ommit them from the dvd releases. Your mom or your dad might not think they care but when you lose so much of the frame and context they might actually relize that they do actually like it when they see the full thing. That's irrelevant though because you just don't have that option, even if you spend thousands of dollars to get as close as you can at home you will never be able to because of some studio bullshit.
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That's the goal though. They don't want you owning it. Even after you buy your 4K collector's edition, they want you running back to the theatres for the release because you being the savy film enthusiast know that's the only way to actually watch the full movie. They don't want your one purchase, it's not enough, it's never enough. History repeats itself. First VHS and now this, do I think we will ever have studio concede? I don't know, it's possible but not for decades. All the media people consume is wide not square, TV's got wider to accommodate the content. Projectors aren't really an issue if you have a home theater the screen can grow and shrink. We have had rolling TV's for awhile, maybe that's what's next. TV's that roll up to accommodate square IMAX movies and roll back for eveything else but some wacky tech like that isn't something people are going to even start to want until half the movies coming out are filmed in IMAX. Even then most movies and tv that's coming out is mixed for 5.1 by default and it's been that way for a long time even on streaming but I will bet most people listen to it on something that is stereo or mono.
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fortunehometheatre · 9 months
Elevate Your Entertainment and Home Automation Experience with Fortune in Hyderabad
Are you looking to transform your home into a modern smart space where entertainment meets convenience? Look no further! Fortune, the premier projector store in Hyderabad, offers not only a wide range of projectors but also the best home automation services in the city. Let's dive into how Fortune can help you elevate your home entertainment and automation game.
Fortune: Your One-Stop Solution for Projectors
Fortune, located in the heart of Hyderabad, is your go-to destination for all things related to projectors. Whether you are a cinephile looking to create a mini theater in your home or a business professional in need of top-notch presentation equipment, Fortune has got you covered. Here's what makes Fortune the best projector store in Hyderabad:
Wide Selection: Fortune boasts an extensive collection of projectors from renowned brands, catering to various budgets and requirements. Whether you're looking for a compact portable projector or a high-end home theater system, they have the perfect solution for you.
Expert Guidance: The knowledgeable and friendly staff at Fortune is always ready to assist you in choosing the right projector. They can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision based on your specific needs.
Product Quality: Fortune is committed to offering only the highest quality projectors, ensuring that you get the best value for your money. They stock products from trusted brands, known for their durability and performance.
Affordable Pricing: While Fortune offers premium projectors, they also have options that cater to different budgets. You don't have to break the bank to enjoy a cinematic experience at home.
After-Sales Support: Your purchase doesn't end at the point of sale. Fortune provides excellent after-sales service, including installation assistance and maintenance, ensuring your projector continues to perform at its best.
Best Home Automation Services in Hyderabad
But Fortune is not just about projectors; they're also the best destination for home automation services in Hyderabad. Here's why you should consider Fortune for your home automation needs:
Comprehensive Solutions: Fortune offers a wide range of home automation services, including lighting control, smart thermostats, security systems, and more. They can turn your home into a smart, efficient, and secure space.
Integration Expertise: The team at Fortune has expertise in integrating various smart devices and systems, ensuring seamless communication and control through a single platform. Say goodbye to multiple apps and remote controls cluttering your home.
Customized Solutions: Every home is unique, and Fortune understands that. They work closely with you to design a customized automation solution that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences.
Energy Efficiency: With Fortune's home automation services, you can reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills. Smart lighting, climate control, and energy monitoring systems help you make your home more eco-friendly.
Remote Access: Control your home from anywhere in the world with Fortune's remote access feature. Check security cameras, adjust lighting, and more, all from your Smartphone or tablet.
In conclusion, if you're in Hyderabad and looking for a projector store that offers not only top-notch projectors but also the best home automation services in hyderabad, Fortune is the company to turn to. With their expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, they will help you create the entertainment setup and smart home of your dreams. Visit Fortune today and take the first step towards a more connected and enjoyable living space
For more details:
+91 970 452 2833
+91 964 236 9264
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projector0 · 11 months
Discovering Budget-Friendly Multimedia Projector Prices in Sri Lanka
In today's digital age, multimedia projectors have become an integral part of various industries and applications, offering an immersive visual experience for educational institutions, businesses, entertainment venues, and more. As the demand for high-quality projection solutions continues to rise in Sri Lanka, Projector.lk has emerged as a leading provider, offering a wide range of Multimedia Projector Price in Sri Lanka. This article delves into the world of multimedia projectors in Sri Lanka, highlighting the offerings and value provided by Projector.lk.
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Projector.lk understands the diverse needs of its customers and aims to cater to a wide range of requirements. Whether you need a projector for a classroom, conference room, home theater, or any other application, they have you covered. Their collection includes an extensive range in of Multimedia Projectors Sri Lanka in from renowned brands, ensuring high-quality performance and reliability.
One of the key advantages of choosing Projector.lk is their commitment to providing affordable prices without compromising on quality. They understand the importance of cost-effectiveness, especially in the business and educational sectors. By offering competitive pricing, Projector.lk ensures that individuals and organizations in Sri Lanka can access state-of-the-art projection technology without exceeding their budget.
Purchasing a multimedia projector can be a daunting task, considering the numerous options available in the market. However, Projector.lk eases this process by providing expert guidance and support to their customers. Their knowledgeable team is well-versed in the latest projector technologies and can assist you in selecting the right projector based on your specific requirements, room size, ambient lighting conditions, and desired features. This personalized approach ensures that customers make informed decisions and receive projectors that best suit their needs.
Projector.lk values customer satisfaction and strives to provide exceptional after-sales service. They offer comprehensive warranties on their products, providing peace of mind to customers. In the unlikely event of any issues, their dedicated support team is readily available to assist and resolve queries promptly. By prioritizing customer service, Projector.lk establishes long-term relationships built on trust and reliability.
Projector.lk understands that convenience is paramount when purchasing a multimedia projector. Hence, they offer efficient delivery services across Sri Lanka, ensuring your projector reaches you on time and in perfect condition. Additionally, they provide professional installation services, ensuring that your projector is set up correctly and optimized for the best viewing experience.
As the demand for multimedia projectors continues to grow in Sri Lanka, Projector.lk has positioned itself as a trusted provider offering competitive prices, expert guidance, and reliable after-sales service. Their commitment to customer satisfaction and value for money has made them a go-to destination for individuals and businesses seeking top-quality projection solutions. Whether you require a projector for educational purposes, business presentations, or home entertainment, Projector.lk is your one-stop solution, unlocking the world of multimedia projectors in Sri Lanka.
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yu-pruitt7072 · 1 year
5 Reasons Why a Smart Projector Should Top Your Home Automation List
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As a home automation expert, I highly recommend adding a smart projector to your list of must-have devices. Not only does it enhance your home entertainment experience, but it also offers a range of other benefits that you may not have considered. In this article, I will explain why a smart projector should be at the top of your home automation list.
1. Versatility
A smart projector is a versatile device that can be used for a variety of purposes. Whether you want to watch movies, play games, or give presentations, a smart projector can do it all. It can be used indoors or outdoors, and can project onto any surface, including walls, ceilings, and floors. This versatility makes it a great investment for any home automation system.
2. Convenience
With a smart projector, you can enjoy your favorite movies and TV shows without having to leave the comfort of your own home. You can also use it to stream content from your favorite streaming services, such as Netflix and Hulu. This convenience saves you time and money, as you no longer have to go to the movie theater or pay for cable TV.
3. Energy Efficiency
A smart projector is also an energy-efficient device. Unlike traditional TVs, which consume a lot of energy, a smart projector uses LED technology, which is much more energy-efficient. This means that you can enjoy your favorite movies and TV shows without having to worry about your energy bill.
4. Customization
A smart projector also offers a range of customization options. You can adjust the brightness, contrast, and color settings to suit your preferences. You can also connect it to your home automation system and control it with your voice or smartphone. This customization allows you to create the perfect home entertainment experience.
5. Future-Proofing
Finally, a smart projector is a future-proof device. As technology continues to evolve, a smart projector can be easily upgraded to keep up with the latest trends. This means that you can enjoy your investment for years to come, without having to worry about it becoming obsolete.
A smart projector is a versatile, convenient, energy-efficient, customizable, and future-proof device that should be at the top of your home automation list. It offers a range of benefits that traditional TVs simply cannot match. So, if you want to enhance your home entertainment experience, I highly recommend investing in a smart projector.
Article Source: None
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jessicaaaa0989 · 1 year
4K Projectors: What Are They and Are They Worth the Investment?
With the ever-increasing demand for high-quality entertainment and immersive experiences, 4K projectors have become a popular choice for many people. These devices offer stunning image quality and can transform your home into a cinema-like environment. However, before investing in a 4K projector, it's essential to understand what they are and whether they are worth the investment.
What is a 4K Projector?
A 4K projector is a device that can project images and videos at a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, which is four times higher than the standard 1080p resolution. The increased resolution allows for more detailed and vivid images with more accurate color representation, giving viewers a truly immersive experience. 4K projectors come in different types, including home theater projectors, gaming projectors, and business projectors, with varying features and capabilities.
Benefits of a 4K Projector
One of the primary benefits of a 4K projector is the stunning image quality. The increased resolution ensures that every detail in the image is clear and sharp, making the image look more realistic. This, in turn, provides an immersive experience that is hard to replicate with other display devices.
Another advantage of 4K projectors is their ability to display a larger image size than traditional TV sets. This means that you can enjoy a cinema-like experience from the comfort of your own home. Furthermore, 4K projectors are versatile, and you can use them for different purposes, including gaming, watching movies, or presenting work-related presentations.
Investment Value
One of the most significant drawbacks of 4K projectors is their price. They are typically more expensive than regular TV sets, and the cost can vary depending on the brand, model, and features. However, despite the high price tag, 4K projectors are still worth the investment for several reasons.
Firstly, 4K projectors have a long lifespan, making them a sound investment in the long run. Most projectors can last up to 20,000 hours, which means you won't need to replace them for years. Additionally, 4K projectors are more energy-efficient than traditional TV sets, which means you'll save money on your electricity bills.
Secondly, 4K projectors provide a unique viewing experience that is hard to replicate with other display devices. The large screen size and stunning image quality provide a cinematic experience that is unrivaled. This is particularly beneficial for movie enthusiasts and gamers who want to take their experience to the next level.
Thirdly, 4K projectors are versatile and can be used for different purposes. For example, you can use them for movie nights, gaming, sports events, or even for work-related presentations. This versatility ensures that you get value for your money as you can use the projector for multiple purposes.
Factors to Consider Before Buying a 4K Projector
Before investing in a 4K projector, there are several factors that you need to consider. These include:
4K projectors offer stunning image quality, a unique viewing experience, and versatility. Despite their high price tag, they are worth the investment as they have a long lifespan, are energy-efficient, and provide a cinematic experience that is hard to replicate with other display devices. However, before investing in a 4K projector, it's essential to consider factors such as screen size, lumens, contrast ratio, price, brand, model, and room size and layout. By considering these factors, you can ensure that you get the best value for your money and enjoy a truly immersive viewing experience from the comfort of your own home.
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