#bia & lucia you guys were right
wasithard · 4 years
Do you know that Percabeth quote about never being able to go to the sea again?
“Gods forbid she ever had to break up with him. She’d never be able to visit the sea again without remembering her broken heart.”
can we just discuss how annabeth assumes breaking up with percy would break her heart. she doesn’t say “she’d never be able to visit the sea again without thinking of him” she says that visiting the sea would remind her of her broken heart. she can’t imagine a world in which she and percy are no longer together and she isn’t heartbroken about it, because the thought is so absurd that complete devastation would be the only rational way they’d stop dating. 
tl;dr me, crying in the club: yes anon i remember that Percabeth quote
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purple-fireflies · 3 years
So I just started watching bia...I'm a little over halfway through season 1 so I don't know the entire plotline/character arc that's going to happen to everyone, but I did feel like getting some thoughts out about the plotlines and characters.
(For reference, I'm currently on s1 ep 59)
So, let's start with the protagonist - Bia.
First off, I think that Bia and Soy Luna have this in common: I don't loathe the main character with all my being, and on the contrary, I like them. Bia has a very real trauma and a good plotline, but above all that, she's human. She makes human mistakes and she grows. That's evident in how she tries to overcome her trauma (although I think they could've gradually built it up a little more than just having her flip a switch at Cyber Gold and going "Oh silly me, I should sing again"). At first, I wasn't a huge fan of binuel. I felt like they were rushed in the beginning and didn't get a chance to develop their relationship before being thrown into the Romeo and Juliet plotline. However, now I really like them (ironically) after they broke up and were trying to build their relationship back up. I loved their interactions and they're dorks in love and its adorable.
Then we have Manuel.
He's a piano player and I have to like him because, you know, we piano players gotta stick together. But no really, it takes a lot of skill to just self-learn piano itself but Manuel also learned theory on his own??? yes he used an app but like THIS IS A BIG THING. So he's obviously got talent and is so modest about it? Not to mention, his personality is just so good. He's sarcastic but he's also sweet. I love his relationship with Victor especially, they're so close and just trust each other with everything and I love it. He always fought for Bia, and stood up for her and oh he trusts her unconditionally. Also his whole storyline with actually being Victor's & Alex's brother was just-
For Disney, that was surprising ngl.
(I may go into the whole plot thing with Antonio, Paula & Lucia in another post)
Switching directions from the main protagonists, let's move on to the side characters?
I love Chiara and I love Celeste but for different reasons. Chiara is just so sweet and a breath of fresh air in all of her scenes. Celeste, I love because I relate to her on so many levels, but (Idk if this is an unpopular opinion or not) I didn't want her to like Jhon. She spent so much time hating him and she's so smart I just feel like she deserves someone better (and they kissed like right after he broke up with Daisy that's...).
Speaking of Daisy, I have never loved a character more. She had so much character development, from pretending she liked things she hated just to get a guy to heading a movement to be yourself. And she's so non-toxic it's amazing. I love everything she stands for and I pray that they don't undo her awesomeness.
Of course, when one talks about Daisy, one needs to talk about Pietro. PIETRO IS JUST THE MOST ADORABLE CINNAMON ROLL AND NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED AHHHHHHH. He's just so funny and he's so thoughtful and also very transparent (I guessed from ep 1 that he liked Daisy *smug face*).
aNyWaY, I have loads more to say about this show but I think it'll be better if I split it up into 3 parts.
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dimpled-rapper-stan · 6 years
⭐︎🔠Alphabet Tag🔠⭐︎
I was tagged by @poutypuppybaekhyun​ thanks honeypie~ 💕
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 people you would like to know better.
(A)ge: Holding onto the last moments where my age ends with “teen”.... in other words Imma be 20 in a few months YEET
(B)irthplace: Saint Lucia, a wee island in the Caribbean. I’m not there right now tho. I’m studying abroad currently.
©urrent time: 3:04pm
(D)rink you had last: A very watered-down Mountain Dew from KFC... 
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(E)asiest person to talk to: @connie-the-marshmellow​ @thelimited-unlimited​ and @pandashounen
(F)avorite song: At the moment... Tear - BTS. That shit goes HARD.
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(G)rossest memory: Okay so this one time I was sitting at the front of a bus right... Heading to school one morning, I was in like high school at the time, and this woman and her little daughter were sitting next to me, the kid was probably like 7? 8? I dunno. So anyways, the kid starts getting carsick and then starts vomiting on the floor of the bus... fam I thank the good Lord up above for my quick reflexes cuz I bunched myself up to the side real quick and not a drop touched me. Had I not done that, it probably would have landed all over my shoes... and it’s not like I was wearing designer shoes or anything, nah. It’s just that my shoes were kinda soft material sneakers so that puke would have soaked into them and my socks like a damn SPONGE.
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(H)ogwarts house: Not the biggest HP fan but I feel like I’d either be Ravenclaw or Slytherin... I’unno.
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One Hoe, I mean Wonho(e), I mean Wonho. Yeah, I’m in love with Wonho.
(J)ealous of people: Nah, mama always raised me to be a humble bean.
(K)illed someone: None that can be proven. 
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(L)ove at first sight or walk by again: I feel like it’s half and half for this one. I’m part hopeless romantic so I could see myself in the “love at first sight” situation, but I feel like if you’re actively trying to get my attention you’d definitely have to walk by again a few times because I am CLUELESS.
(M)iddle name: Amber, Thalia, Annick. In that order.
(N)umber of siblings: Technically none that are (completely) blood related. I have 1 half sister and 2 half brothers and many friends that I call my brothers and sisters.
(O)ne wish: I wish, I wish with all my heart... that human beings had a little more empathy and compassion dammit.
(P)lace you want to live: To be honest... I kinda wanna live in London.
(Q)uestions you’re asked the most: “Is that your real hair?” Yas bish.
®easons to smile: I exist and as a result I can see the beauty in the things around me.
(S)ong you last sang: Move - Taemin. It’s stuck in my head.
(T)ime you woke up: Today? Around 10/11ish I think.
(U)nderwear color: Black
(V)acation destination: I highkey wanna go to Italy but also Japan.
(W)orst habit: I have the attention span of a damn broken stick I swear I can never get anything done or be completely consistent with things.
(X)-rays: My left ankle. That in itself is a funny story so shoot me an ask if you wanna hear that.
(Y)our favourite food: Anything with meat. Also RAMEN.
**Extra Questions**
Ultimate Bias: I say it’s Namjoon. It may look like it’s Wonho but he’s my boyfriend. Namjoon is my Ult. Two different things. 😂
Ultimate Bias Wrecker: Please click here and enjoy my ranting.
Favourite Kpop Song: At the moment it’s Tear - BTS
First Kpop Song: Mr. Simple - Super Junior
Favourite Kpop Album: Between WINGS - BTS, Face Yourself - BTS, MADE - BigBang and The Connect - Monsta X.
Favourite Kpop Ship: 2Jae man, they’re so precious, I love.
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Hard or Soft Stan: Have you seen my tags? I’m a hella hard stan with a little soft sprinkled in 😂😂
Favourite Kpop Company: Uhhhhhhh... YG? Because reasons...
Backstory of How I Got Into Kpop: Okay so basically back when I was in highschool my main hoe/bestie and my mom-friend/bestie came to me and showed me the mv for Mr. Simple and I was like oh shit this is pretty lit and the choreo is popping. (I’m in love with dancing so that’s a big bonus when I see some on point choreography) Then I went home and looked into a few more Super Junior songs and MVs and I was hooked on them for a while until school came weighing down on my back like a [censored, possibly offensive joke]. Then a few years later around the middle of college those same two besties came to me again with BTS - Blood, Sweat & Tears and I looked at Jimin like 👀 how you doing? And then I saw Joon’s fine ass and I was like 👀👀 well hello thurr... Then they showed me Not Today and I saw grapemon and I knew he was the one. It was bias at first second sight.... and from there I just dug deeper and deeper into the world of K-pop and now I’m like an ultimate multifandom dumpsite.
I’m tagging; Imma leave this one open to all who see it. Feel free to tag me, I’d love to know more about you guys.
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