hummgbrd · 4 years
To be seen and called as average, normal, ordinary, common and conventional to me is truly a mockery. I don’t settle for sameness. I would rather be known for strangeness, otherworldly, inexplicable, awkward, bewildering, appalling and the fact that those qualities threaten you to the point of madness is truly a compliment that even I can’t comprehend.
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medranochav · 6 years
white girls will trash you, expose themselves and then sit there bilwildered about why the truth hurts
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promptismania · 7 years
Promptis Fanfic!
Hey guys! So I have been writing this fanfic and I would live to get some feedback!
Chapter one: A Cold Wake-up!
Noctis Lucis Caelum sat quietly on his throne watching his little girl play with a plush doll, one very similar to the moogle doll that Iris had given him so long ago. To all others who looked upon the royal family, it seemed like Noctis was content just watching over his daughter, but inside he was having a furious battle with himself. He knew he should happy, everything was as it should be, but he just couldn’t shake the feeling that something was coming and it would turn his world upside down. I mean, I have everything I could ever want; a beautiful kingdom and a wonderful daughter- so there’s nothing to worry about, Noctis reasoned with himself. But the uneasiness persisted. Frustrated, Noctis let out a growl. What the hell! God, I haven't changed at all! What is wrong with me?
A small squeak abruptly brought his attention back to the playful child at his feet. Prima had jumped in fright at Noctis’s growl and fallen down a few steps, bumping her head against the railing. Immediately, Noctis scooped up her up and held her close to his chest. Tears sprung up in her baby blue eyes and she began to sob into Noctis’ shoulder. He knew at that moment, he had to put aside his frustrations and worries for this little girl. She was the future ruler of this kingdom, and soon to be the next oracle if Luna’s prophecy held. He couldn’t worry about stupid things... such as the hollow pit that now resided in his stomach.
Stroking Prima’s back, Noctis whispered “I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Whimpering Prima answered “It’s okay, daddy. My head just hurts!”
Noctis looked at her small tear stained face and he just couldn't stand it. He had never been good with people crying. He just never knew what to do or what to say, but with Prima, her tears hurt him the most. It was almost as if her pain became his own and he would do anything to make that pain go away. And that included spoiling her rotten if it became necessary. “You know what might help? Let's go get some ice cream. Just the two of us.” Noctis smiled warmly as Prima's face started to brighten.
“Really? I want to go! I want to go!” Immediately forgetting the bump on her head, Prima began to squirm out of Noctis’s hold. Noctic only sighed and sat her down, but before he could truly let her go she grabbed his hand and started to pull. Prima tried as hard as she could to drag Noctis towards the exit. But it was no use, he was just too big for her. "Daddy! Come on!" She finally whined.
“Okay, Okay! We’re going!” Noctis agreed. He could never really say no to Prima. It seemed no matter what, the mischievous child was going to get her way.
"Yeah! I want to go to Little Rockies! They have the coolest Moogy dolls!" She exclaimed, running to the servant door that was just left from the throne. Noctis loved using that entrance because it was so much easier to go in and out of without being hassled by his advisers of security measures. The second he walked out the throne room doors he would be surrounded by guards and escorted to where ever they wanted to go, but Noctis preferred to do the escorting himself. He was King of Lucis and had power beyond anyone's imagination, he did not need protection.
Prima had gotten so used to going this way that she automatically went to it, expecting Noctis to follow at her heels.
Smiling, Noctis watched her bound over to the door. Sometimes she reminded Noctis so much of Luna that looking at her made his chest ache, with her golden hair and the light that just seemed to radiate from her. Though no one could deny that she was Noctis's child. Prima had more then a few days where she refused to brush her hair and in true Noctis like fashion, her hair went everywhere. Noctis chuckled at the thought and felt the ache in his chest lessen. She may remind him of Luna but she provided a certain peace to his world. That peace had been scarce with the loss of the two people he had truly loved and he could still remember the day that a certain blondie left his life to let room for the future queen of Lucis.
After that, Noctis and Luna soon married and Noctis ascended to the throne. Finally King, Noctis with Luna at his side, rebuilt the world to its former glory. Though as the years passed, it soon became apparent that Luna’s Oracle powers seemed to overwhelm her body. It had been just three years after Ardyn’s death when Luna became gravely ill, and eventually passed away in the arms of her king. Her passing haunted Noctis’s dreams, making him relive the moment over and over again.
“Daddy! Come on! Let’s go!” Prima whined again, breaking Noctis out of his thoughts. She had ran back over to him and was tugging on his black jacket.
Noctis smiled down at her and nodded his head, he could think later. Right now his daughter needed him more and that’s what mattered the most.
Suddenly the throne room doors burst open, and his attendant rushed in. The man looked like he had just run a marathon, huffing and puffing, he barely managed to get out the apology for his abruptness. Noctis had never seen his attendant so bent out of shape; whatever Auxilium had come to tell him must be serious if he was this urgent about the news.
Finally catching his breath he bowed to his king and gave his report. “Your Majesty, I do apologize again for my interruption, but there is someone here to see you.”
Noctis just stared at his attendant, confused and annoyed. This is what he had to tell me? Why is it so important that some random citizen is here to see me unannounced? He thought to himself bitterly.
“Thank you Auxilium, but I am currently attending to more important matters right now. Please tell our guest that I am unable to meet with them.” Noctis stated briskly.
“But your Majesty, I really do insist that you…” Auxilium started, but Noctis just held up his hand and the gesture silenced him immediately.
“That will be all.” Noctis firmly stated.
Looking like wanted to say more but deciding against it, Auxilium backed slowly out the way he came.
Prima, who had been silent through the whole affair gave a little whimper and took his hand. "Daddy, that wasn't very nice."
A feeling of shame coursed through Noctis. He had only been thinking of spending time with his daughter, but in the end he had just shown her the one thing he feared and hated. That their was a cold darkness in himself that he could never escape from. Not for the first time, he feared that he was spreading it to the only light his world held.
Kneeling down, he took both of her small hands in his. “I know. Promise me if I’m ever mean like that again," he gave her a small smile and then continued, "you’ll give me a time out, okay?”
Her smile was all the answer he needed. He was just about to suggest that they should continue to go get some ice cream, when a rustling sound caught his attention. Quick as lightning, Noctis scooped up Prima and turned around just as a black form came flying down from the ceiling. A sword, which had once belonged to his father, appeared in Noctis' hand and he pointed it at the masked intruder's back.
The masked man groaned and began to slowly to rise. “Uggh, that really hurt!” He hissed.
Bilwildered, Noctis first instinct was to lunge, but with Prima in his arms, that wasn’t an option. He instead proceeded to go to the next course of action. “Who are you? What are you doing here? If you don’t answer me in the next second, there will be hell to pay!” Noctis threatened.
The masked intruder finally took notice of Noctis standing there with his pointed weapon. He immediately put up his hands, and was just about to say something, when Noctis caught a glimpse at his eyes. They were a light blue and had a bright look to them that Noctis would know anywhere...
Also here is the link to the rest of the story! http://archiveofourown.org/works/9347414/chapters/21173459 
I would love to get a lot feedback!
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marketingmiss · 6 years
A quelques heures au nord de San Francisco – une fois passé les très touristiques Napa et Sonoma Valley – se trouve le comté de Mendocino, un magnifique petit bout de Californie qui ressemble à la Bretagne.
Plutôt que de partir au nord de l’état, nombre de voyageurs et de locaux préfèrent descendre au sud, vers Santa Cruz, Monterey et Carmel ou encore Los Angeles. Mendocino est donc une destination plutôt confidentielle qui vaut de parcourir les 3 heures 30 de route qui la sépare de San Francisco. Falaises façon Etretat, plages ou vignobles, cette région est un condensé de ce que la Californie fait de mieux ! Parfait pour un road trip de 3 jours à la fin de l’automne.
  VENDREDI – Anderson Valley
MATIN – Départ de San Francisco sur les coups de 10h. On commence le road trip en traversant le Golden Gate Bridge (toujours sympa) puis direction le Nord de l’état en passant par Marin County, Petaluma et Santa Rosa. A mi-chemin, bifurquez sur la 128 à la hauteur de Cloverdale. C’est là que les choses intéressantes commencent, à l’entrée de la Anderson Valley.
Changement radical de paysage. Nous voilà au milieu de petites collines couvertes de vignobles aux feuilles rouge-orangées. C’est l’automne, enfin. On nous avait recommandé de faire ce voyage en été mais on ne regrette pas notre décision, la vue est incroyable. Après 30 minutes de virages, de montées et de descentes, on arrive sur la plaine, le coeur de cette vallée viticole.
APRES-MIDI – Plus authentique et moins touristique que la Napa Valley, la Anderson Valley fait penser à nos régions. Ce sont des émigrés italiens, arrivés vers 1890, qui ont planté les premiers pieds de vignes et développé cette activité.
Aujourd’hui, vous pouvez vous arrêter en bord de route pour visiter les différents domaines viticoles et déguster une très bonne sélection de Pinot Noir, spécialité du coin avec les vins alsaciens (!). On était en retard pour notre visite chez Navarro Winery (recommandé par un semi-pro du pinard) du coup le déjeuner est passé après 🙂
Ici, les viticulteurs sont super agréables, l’ambiance est détendue, tous les locaux viennent boire un petit coup au comptoir et les bouteilles sont beaucoup plus abordables qu’en Napa Valley (à partir de $22 dollars). Bref, on adore.
Dans le coin, les deux restaurants à ne pas manquer sont Stone and Embers et the Bilwildered Pig. Bonus: si on avait pu passer une nuit dans la région, on aurait choisi sans hésiter le Boonville Hotel !
En fin d’après-midi, on a repris la route 128 jusqu’à rejoindre la mer et la fameuse PCH1 pour Mendocino.
Pour bien finir la journée:
Une bière locale dans le très beau bar d’époque 1900 du Mendocino Hotel
Dîner au comptoir du Patterson’s Pub, repère irlandais pur jus. Il faudra faire la queue !
  SAMEDI – Mendocino et Fort Bragg
MATIN – Réveil matinal dans notre belle petite chaumière au milieu de la Redwood Forest, chez Margie, propriétaire de The Mendocino Farmhouse. Mention spéciale pour le délicieux petit-déjéuner fait maison et servi minute, prit devant le feu de cheminée du salon, meublé dans un parfait style “campagne anglaise”.
En route pour Fort Bragg, on fait un premier à Point Cabrillo Lighthouse. En sortant du parking, prenez les chemins en terre sur la droite pour faire le tour du parc, à flanc de falaise, jusqu’au phare. Le plus bel endroit de la région !
APREM – Après cette balade dans les champs, direction Fort Bragg pour voir:
La ville et ses boutiques, mignonne mais sans plus
Glass Beach, pour son sable fait de petits morceaux de verre (oui oui)
Le pont en bois, ancienne route des locomotives
Juste après Glass Beach débute le MacKerricher State Park. En partant de la plage, continuez à pied en suivant le bord de mer jusqu’au pont, c’est de tou-te beauté !
Shopping chez Dot&Twine (un peu comme si Etsy avait une boutique) et Splendiferous ❤
Si vous avez encore le temps, choisissez un des 200 parcs nationaux du coin pour une balade en forêt ou en bord de mer. Parmi les options: Navarro River Redwoods state park, Mendocino Woodlands, Jug Handle, Russian Gulch…
Attention les restaurants (et tout le reste) ferment tôt! Pour bien finir la journée :
Petit Grand verre de vin dans un canapé face à la cheminée de la très belle McCallum House.
Fish&chips directement sur le wharf de Fort Bragg, pendant que les pêcheurs nettoient les crabes de la journée. On recommande Sea Pal Cove ❤
Tournée générale à la North Coast Brewing Company pour une bonne bière locale
  DIMANCHE – Pacific Highway 1
MATIN – Bagage, écharpe et parapluie, on quitte notre cabane au fond des bois, non sans embarquer deux petits muffins tout chauds sortis du four en cas d’en-cas.
Premier stop de la journée à Mendocino. Le village est tout petit et hyper mignon avec ses maisons blanches de style Nouvelle Angleterre, ses quelques boutiques et son centre d’art, où tous les hippies du coin viennent vendre leurs créations quand ce n’est plus la saison de la récolte (de weed). On était déjà passé plusieurs fois mais pas de jour… dommage qu’il pleuve !
On repart ensuite sur la Pacific Highway 1, en longeant la mer. La météo est digne de la côte Est: vents froids, mer agitée et brouillards. Magique.
En route, premier arrêt à Elk pour un chez Queenie’s Roadhouse Cafe et une balade à la Greenwood State Beach.
Deuxième stop à Point Arena Lighthouse, un phare du début du siècle dernier, sur un petit bout de terre désertique.
Après 3 bonne heures de route, troisième stop pour le déjeuner au wharf de Bodega Bay. La meilleure option du coin, c’est un crabe au comptoir + un verre de blanc chez Spud Point Crab Company, avant de rentrer à San Francisco…
Infos pratiques pour Mendocino :
Le guide du New York Times
Quelques clichés par la photographe Hej Doll
Le guide du Lonely Planet
Guide de voyage - 48h entre #Mendocino et Fort Bragg, Californie. A quelques heures au nord de San Francisco - une fois passé les très touristiques Napa et Sonoma Valley - se trouve le comté de Mendocino, un magnifique petit bout de Californie qui ressemble à la Bretagne.
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