#brave woman trying to beat man viral video
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
शख्स ने की बदतमीजी तो महिला ने सिखाया कमाल का सबक! फिर किसी औरत के साथ नहीं करेगा ऐसी हरकत
शख्स ने की बदतमीजी तो महिला ने सिखाया कमाल का सबक! फिर किसी औरत के साथ नहीं करेगा ऐसी हरकत
एक प्रसिद्ध कहावत है, लातों के भूत बातों से नहीं मानते. आप अपने आसपास कई ऐसे लोगों को पाएंगे. ज्यादातर वो ऐसे लोग होते हैं जो दूसरों को परेशान करते हैं, प्रताड़ित करते हैं और किसी को चोट पहुंचाने का काम करते हैं. इन दिनों सोशल मीडिया पर एक वीडियो काफी वायरल हो रहा है जिसमें एक ऐसा ही शख्स नजर आ रहा है जिसने महिला के साथ बदतमीजी (Woman beat man trying to hurt her) की और उस महिला ने कहात को साबित…
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WebLouie MonsterMash AU
so I’m a big WebLena fan, but I’ve been doin’ a Rp thread with a pal and apparently in that one thread I can ship WebLouie (It helps that Lena does not exist in that world XD) I wrote a thing for my pal based on what we’ve been doing, so I figured I might as well share it here.
(just remembered the date and this isn’t a prank/joke anything just fyi)
Basically - AU where Webby is a mermaid, Louie finds her and tricks her into trading her expensive scales for “human treasure” (junk he finds) until guilt, feelings, etc. 
as for this storybit, we have a reverse little mermaid scenario going on, with Magica as the Ursula role, and...
It was like being in one of those lame fake haunted houses at one of those cheap amusement parks Donald used to take the triplets when he couldn't afford a real vacation – where the paintings were designed that no matter where you were, you could feel their eyes on your. It was kind of the same – only much, much scarier.
Though the woman was two-dimensional and little more than a shadow on the wall, Louie felt eyes all around him, all over him, as if he was being swallowed whole. He kept his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, hoping to hide his trembling. He didn't know why he was reacting this way – the sorceresses was a shadow and nothing more, she couldn't harm a feather on his head. Yet. Yet. There was this feeling of being dipped into subzero water, and even though his brain was screaming at his legs to run, they remained motionless.
“You must be nuts.” He finally said, sounding more confident than he truly felt. “I mean, have you looked in a mirror lately? You might as well have 'I'M A VILLAIN' tattooed on your forehead. I wasn't hatched yesterday, lady.”
“That's Magica De Spell to you, boy.” The ancient one sneered before pausing and remembering what she was trying to do in the first place. “A-hem... you're a businessman in the making, child, I know that for a fact. You know the ins and outs of deals, and the sort of deal I'm offering you is one you can't miss out on. I can give you your heart's desire, all for one coin.”
“Pass.” The cliches in her villain seduction actually did some good, as it pointed out how ridiculous this all was. With strengthened fortitude, he stuck his beak up, and began to walk away, feeling much better. “I'm not going to hand over Uncle Scrooge's most prized possession for some gold and jewels. I can get those on any adventure. Sure, it'd be nice to do it without risking my tailfeathers, but that's why I have brothers – as meat shields.”
He expected Magica to rant and rave about being denied, some “you'll rue the day” tossed in there, but when she spoke again, her voice was far too calm. “Whoever said I'd give you something shiny to toss in the money bin? Child... I can give you the girl.”
Louie froze. He felt his heart stop, his foot pointed up as he had stopped mid-step. Some sensible part of him said to keep moving and ignore her, but instead, he stupidly tried to play it off. “What girl?”
“Don't play dumb with me, boy, you know exactly what I'm talking about.” Suddenly she was right in his face – Louie yelped, stumbling backwards – wearing a thin smile. “You think I didn't come to you without research? I know all about the bubbly little mermaid that waits for you in the bay, day after day, as you trade trinkets for treasure. It's so sweet... in a disgustingly sappy sort of way.”
Now Louie felt his heart move again, except now it was beating so rapidly he thought it'd explode right out of his chest. He considered himself a master of manipulation, a trickster of truths, but in this moment he couldn't think of any way to spin this. “She's... she's just a friend. She's got nothing to do with this.” Run, run, run his brain pounded. But he didn't.
“On the contrary – she's got everything to do with you and I. Adorable creature, isn't she? If you're into that sort of thing. The way she dotes on your every word, willing to swallow whatever fabrications you invent, even mutilating her own body just to have your favor.”
“She's not mutil-” He cut himself off. This was a trap, and he was being lured in. It took solid effort to turn his head away, and his mouth felt dry. “Okay, so... so maybe I haven't exactly been the best friend to her. B-But I'm trying to change, and she knows it!”
“How noble.” Magica said dryly before continuing. “But is that going to be enough for you? The way things are can't last forever. Everything is against you.”
He knew better than to ask. He was smarter than this. He was also a young boy. “What... do you mean?” His eyes carefully slid back to the shadowy form.
“Where to begin?” Magica sighed, moving around him in a circle. “You know her dear devoted Granny hates your kind. The moment she finds out what's been going on,” she snapped her fingers, “goodbye girl. Then you have the family... oh, they'll adore your fishy friend, they'll be happy as clams to meet her. And she'll be delighted to meet them – because they're so much more interesting than you.”
Louie's fingers curled up in his pocket. He tried to come up with some witty retort or snappy comeback and couldn't.
“Scrooge McDuck, world's richest man. Donald, the brave adventurer. Huey, the brilliant scholar. Dewey, the hapless explorer. And then there's... you.” She feigned a sigh, pressing her hands together, before gesturing to him. “Louie, who can... do what? Con an innocent fish-girl out of her scales? Lie his way out of trouble he got himself into? Who spends his weekends snoozing on the couch watching bad TV? Oh, Louie, Louie, Louie... you're just so... dull.”
“Shut up.” It was weak and pathetic.
“Do you really think she'll want anything to do with you, once she's spent time with the amazing Duck family? You'll be yesterday's news.”
“Shut up...”
“She's all yours now, but she'll leave you for something better, just like good old mommy did-”
“I KNOW, OKAY?!” He suddenly screamed at her, feeling humiliating hot tears prick at the edges of his eyes. “You think I don't?! I think about this all the time! I know they're all cooler and smarter and braver than I am! I've got nothing, and she doesn't care! She's the only person who's ever just wanted me! She – she wants to listen to me, and wants to help me, even though I don't deserve any of it! She likes me, and I can't...” his voice broke, and in that moment he wanted nothing more than to find Uncle Donald and cry into his chest. This wasn't fair, none of this was fair. He just wanted to keep her as his own special secret, and that couldn't last forever. He wanted to have something he didn't have to share with his brothers, as he'd done all his life. “I can't... lose her...”
He took a few deep, shallow breaths, and then he felt ice under his face – Magica's fingers were underneath his beak, and she tilted his head up. “Oh, you poor thing... but don't you fret.” she cooed, as if she hadn't helped stick the knife into his chest. “Because I can make her yours... forever.”
Louie's eyes widened. There was the bait, and he'd all but jumped into it. He could practically feel her pulling his strings like a ill-painted marionette. “You...can?”
“Of course!” She released the hold on his beak, plastering herself against the wall. “Once my powers are restored, there is no limit to what I can do. For that one dime, I can make sure you two live happily ever after.” She reached into the ground, yanking up Louie's shadow – side note, he didn't know how she did that, and decided he didn't want to know – before creating a Webby shadow, tail-and all. “All you have to do is give me what I want, and I can make it so she only has eyes for you.”
The shadows of Louie and Webby smiled as if all were right with the world, laughing silently as they embraced, him swinging her around as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The real Louie clutched his chest. This was wrong.
“She'll be yours and yours alone.” Magica was beside him now, her cold touch on his cheeks, whispering to his ear. “No one will ever tear you two apart.”
As the shadowy version of his longing played out, memories flashed in front of Louie's eyes like a beautifully cut viral video. The first time he met her, her curious head popping out of the water and trying to snatch one of his feathers. Her little mouth opening in awe as he handed over one of his great “treasures”, which was really a plastic fork. Her deep eyes that sparkled whenever the sun began to rest on the shore.
No no no stop stop stop
“The... the dime is... Uncle Scrooge's... it's his memories.” Louie felt his entire body shake as he spoke.
Louie laying down in the sand and Webby running her webbed fingers through his head feathers, the ticklefights that had no clear winner, how she was somehow warm and cold when she rested against him as they watched movies on his phone.
No no no no no no i'm better than this I have to be better than this
“Memories are for the past, boy. What about your future?”
And then came a memory that wasn't a memory, it was a longing, so deep and powerful that it stopped his breath, as he saw her perfectly clear in front of him, wearing that sweet smile that rarely left her face, and he just – and he just – he wanted so badly – her hand gently taking his own, leaning in – stop stop no no – lips pressed -
“NO!” He shouted so loudly he felt his lungs strain, and at last he finally did run, in the opposite direction from the forbidden images, running so fast that the world around him became a blur, and he was determined to keep running until he was safe in the manor again no matter how much his legs ached.
Magica clicked her tongue, annoyed. But she wasn't wholly disappointed, no. This wouldn't be the last time they'd meet, and she'd seen the look in his eyes. She had planted a seed... and now all she had to do was wait for it to grow.
Because she knew – as Louie refused to tell any of his family where he'd been, instead scrambling to his room, falling to his knees as his body gave out, he pulled his hoodie over his head, rocking back and forth – because he knew -
“Hi, I'm Webby!”
“I'm really glad I met you, Louie.”
“Why can't you believe it? We're friends. I'd do anything for you.”
He had considered.
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high5nerd · 4 years
The Misadventures of Fanty and Loki---Chap. Five
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"Pretty please with sugar on top?" Fanty gave him her best puppy eyes, her lower lip quivering.
Loki growled and fisted his hair. She's been keeping this up for three days. It was getting annoying! She certainly wasn't giving up, and he hated to admit it, but he had to give her credit for pursuing a dream, even if it was insane. At the moment, Fanty and Xion brought Loki to a bakery called Peaberry's. Fanty and Xion, as well as the other four girls, came to this bakery if there was nothing left in the fridge or the pantry for breakfast. Xion very smartly suggested that they bring Loki along, so he could learn to be in a socializing area without him killing, torturing, knocking out, insulting….you get the picture. He was just to act like a normal human being.
It was actually very hard for him.
Loki Laufeyson is considered an Asgardian, no matter what his real heritage is. (Mostly because his real Jotun father is an a-hole, but that's not the point). Asgardians are educated and trained since they first grow out of nappies about bravery, war skills, tactics, culture, power, and who rules the realm. Loki's known all of it, and although faced with some differences like he's not as strong as Thor, his elder brother, he uses his cleverness and cunning skills to get him out of trouble and is a great expert in throwing knives. The point of me telling you this is that Loki never really socialized. Unless with his family or his enemies, fighting or eating or just talking, he'd read to his hearts content and learn more magic. That's the equivalent of a teenager only talking to family and friends on rare occasions, but then playing videogames in his locked room until midnight.
...Come to think of it, it sounds a lot like the author herself.
Anyways! This was Loki's chance to see the realm of Midgard with different eyes, mostly in the way that Fanty and Xion see it.
To be quite frank, it didn't start off so well.
The first thing that happened was that right when they walked in, a baby started screaming at the sight of Loki.
Fanty was scared out of her shorts, cursing under her breath at the startling noise. Loki stared, horrified at the baby as it sobbed and kicked his legs in fury to get out of the bakery, hell, even out of the state. The mother was confused, and tried patting his back but to no avail.
Xion looked at Loki, and was slightly calmer knowing he was wearing the green t-shirt and jeans he wore a while ago. But when she glanced at Fanty, she saw the pure terror in her eyes. Xion knew that Fanty somewhat believed that animals and babies can see evil or good auras, and she was afraid if the baby could tell if Loki was of the latter.
Loki glared at the baby finally, flicked his fingers in the direction of the infant and muttered a spell,
"For ditt angre, er du forstummet. En time du så være."
The baby's screaming stopped, and he looked so shocked at his silence that the mother thought he had an accident in his pants. Loki smirked, but quickly lost his smile when Fanty and Xion shot him a glare.
"No magic!" Fanty shook her finger, and Loki rolled his eyes.
Loki was brave enough to try a stuffed croissant with some tea, to which he seemed to like enough. Fanty knew he would have no problem adapting to the foods here, for who knows what Asgardians ate for meals.
"I hate to bring this up again-" Xion happily chatted between bites of a warm brownie.
"Then don't." Loki muttered, but Xion continued anyway as if he didn't say anything.
"But how were you capable to almost destroy an entire city?"
"Ooh! Ooh! I know!" Fanty's hand shot up in the air, as if she were an excited student. Literally, she was almost hopping in her seat. Xion couldn't help but giggle and pretended to be like the teacher, looking at all the other hands besides Fanty.
"Let the pupil tell you, she clearly knows everything about me." Loki sarcastically encouraged, taking a dainty bite of his croissant.
"He was stupid enough to get an entire alien race to attack NYC so he could rule Midgard, but he forgot that there's more planetary frontier than just an expensive and showoff city and managed to get an entire race extinct. Oh, and the Hulk basically beat him up like a rag doll."
"LIES!" Loki objected, but knowing full well as truth.
"Really? Then what about this?" Fanty gave him a superior smirk and whipping out her ipod.
As if on cue, a viral video of Hulk slapping Loki around like a chew toy started, and to Loki's horror it caught his terrified face as the Hulk ultimately slammed him into the stone ground, causing the floor to crack around Loki's body at the sudden impact. Hulk walked off muttering, 'Pfft. Puny god.'
Xion snorted, "Aah! That was the funniest video I've ever seen since the cat playing the piano!"
"How do you know that is in fact real? What if someone acted it out?" Loki raised a brow, hoping it would trick Fanty into double thinking.
"Pfft, yeah right. The internet is always right!" Fanty said, turning the screen back to her.
Loki looked away, growling. "I thought this was supposed to be fun…"
"It is! Here," Fanty took his head in her hands and pointed his line of sight to a table far away from them, near the large window and the bookcase full of old books and recipes. "What do you see?"
A man was happily chatting with another woman, who looked interested in what he had to say and occasionally gave her thoughts to what he just stated, but often listened. They both wore simple sweaters and jeans, and the woman had long hair tied up in a bun. The couple were both enjoying a single plate of carrot cake, smothered in butterscotch syrup. Loki made a face. He's never been fond for romance.
"A husband and a wife, talking about their own matters. Why?" he looked back at her, but Fanty shook her head.
Loki was getting irritated. That was exactly what they were! Did Fanty not notice the thick gold rings on their fingers? Xion was interested at this moment, maybe even a little confused. What was Fanty planning?
"Look closer. Don't think about what they look like." Fanty suggested, whispering it so no neighboring customers would hear her.
Loki looked back in time to see the woman looked overjoyed at something, and then lace her fingers with his happily, and the man blushed while smiling.
"Love?" he looked back at her, and he could tell by Fanty's grin he was right.
"Fanty, what on earth is the point of this?" Xion asked, biting into her sprinkle cupcake.
"Yes, I am wondering the same question." Loki glared at her, not understanding her goal at all.
"You'll see. Look over at the guy behind the counter, the one with the facial hair." Emma gestured at the salesman with her head, since pointing is very rude.
Loki looked in the direction of the man, just in time to see him start laughing at something his fellow employee said. He was laughing so hard he had to hold his big stomach, getting flour and icing stains on his apron. The younger employee looked proud for making her boss laugh, and folded her pale arms happily that she was able to make someone smile. After her boss calmed down, he gestured to the pies, and the girl obediently nodded and continued cutting slices, both of them grinning at some joke she said.
"Amusement?" Loki guessed, starting to get where this was going.
"Good. How about that one over there? In the corner?" Fanty said, directing her line of sight in the fellow's direction.
He was sitting by himself, looking no more than eighteen himself. He had messy blond hair and quite a sad expression on his face, his hands jammed into his pockets as he slouched against his seat. The chocolate cake he ordered didn't seem to make him any happier. He looked lonely…
"Lonely…" Fanty caught that hint of compassion in Loki's voice.
Fanty fist pumped the air, her goal within her grasp! Xion looked at her in awe, getting where she was going.
"I get it! You're trying to make him see that mortals aren't just objects to be ruled over! That they're more than just mindless beings?"
"Eloquently speaking, yes." Fanty nodded, then turned to Loki proudly, "Ain't that right Lo-?"
He was gone.
Fanty looked around, feeling her heartbeat quicken with worry. "Loki?"
"Damn, not again." Xion groaned, slumping against the table so her head made a thudding noise against the table.
"Wait, no! Look!" Fanty jostled her to sit up, and pointed in the previously lonely dude's direction.
Across from him sat Loki, looking very serious and nodding as the boy talked to him, his expression of sadness ebbing away a bit. Loki looked as if he was understanding him a bit, and even went far as to make him at least smile by saying something Fanty and Xion could not decipher.
"I really hope he's not telling him to kill someone as revenge." Xion worried, biting her fork.
"Loki's pretty manipulative, but not that manipulative." Fanty gave Xion a knowing look, who still looked skeptical of that statement.
They watched Loki talk seriously with the boy some more, until finally, Loki stiffly gave him his hand and weakly smiled. The boy looked from his hand to his face, his eyebrows rising. He said something that made Loki's smile disappear, but then the boy grinned and shook his hand, regaining Loki's hesitant smirk. The boy said one more thing before running up to the counter, paying a couple of crumpled bills and ran out the bakery, struggling to pull on his jacket.
Loki strode back over, pride in his eyes. Fanty nodded at his face as he sat down, crossing his legs like he really was sitting in a throne.
"What did you talk about?" Xion asked, genuinely curious.
"Poor man has no job, so I convinced him to find one. Simple as that." Loki shrugged, but Fanty punched his arm.
"That's not it, come on! The whole story, you buffoon."
"Alright, geez!" Loki whined, "I told him that moping wouldn't help, and that he was a lot stronger than he took for granted. I said that his boss was unintelligent to get rid of him, and that he would be better off doing something more productive and hard working. The kid merely looked at me, and somehow he knew I was the 'crazed lunatic from New York'" he put this direct quote in between his bouncing fingers, "and that I was not as 'bad as he thought.'"
"Hm. Strange that he would react like that and not scream his head off and run away." Fanty pondered, and then snickered when Loki glared at her with a smirk.
"Um, excuse me?" came a timid voice from behind.
The three looked to see a tall girl with bright blue hair stand just a few inches from them, her eyes nervously peeking at Loki. She held a bobble head in her hand that resembled a lot like Loki himself, but more comical and with big black eyes.
"Are you Tom Hiddleston?"
"Who?" Loki asked, but Fanty slapped her hand over his mouth and beamed at the girl.
"Yes, he is! But don't tell anyone, because he's in character. We're just taking a break after shooting a scene for a movie." Fanty quickly said, kindly as to not scare the girl.
The girl with green eyes and blue hair beamed, "Oh, okay! So should I refer to you as Loki so you can stay in character?"
"N-!" Loki started, but Xion kicked him right in the crotch under the table, making him clamp his mouth shut at the horrid pain. His groan of pain was stuck echoing in his throat, and he finally wheezed out, "Y-yes."
"Cool," the girl looked back at Xion and Fanty, "And who are you guys? You aren't Jane and Darcy, right?"
"Oh uh…" Xion looked to Fanty quickly before getting an idea, "We're not! I'm Xion, Tom's actor's aid. This is Fanty, she's his secretary for the film."
"Ah! Well, it's wonderful to meet you all." the girl blushed shyly, and then held out the bobble head, "Um...Loki? Will you sign this? Please?"
Loki blinked at the trinket in the girl's nervous hand, and then glanced up at Fanty. Her wide eyes and frantic nod meant, 'SAY YES YOU DIMWIT.'
He finally smiled up at her and said sweetly, "Of course, darling!"
Fanty didn't mean to, but she snorted on her drink and accidentally banged her knee against the table at the love name Loki gave the girl. Xion held back giggles at Fanty's predicament, and Fanty coughed on her drink, thumping her chest. The accuracy Loki had in the actor's voice was freaky! Really, it was beyond strange. But Loki and the friendly girl didn't notice her struggle for survival, for she was so nervous and hyped up that-who she thought was Tom himself-was signing her bobble head.
"There you are, dear. Have a good day. Bless you!" Loki said, beaming up at her.
"Thanks, To-I mean Loki!" the girl happily blurted, and looked down at his signature. She squealed and ran off, "He even signed it in Asgardian!"
That sent Fanty burst out laughing once the girl left, and Loki gave her a questioning look. Xion grinned and pressed for an answer excitedly, wondering what was so darn funny.
"You idiot! You signed your name in ancient runes?!" Fanty chortled, holding onto her stomach as she bent over from laughing.
Loki frowned, his act of the fellow Brit completely gone. "It is not ancient, the written language still thrives in Asgard along with Norwegian and English."
Fanty gasped, her laughter causing her sides to split. The last time she laughed like this was when Pitch was around and…
Loki was starting to get worried. Fanty's laughter died immediately, and Xion worriedly looked at her when her face became slightly gloomy. "What...what's wrong?" Xion finally asked, resting a comforting hand on Fanty's.
"Nothing...just thinking again." Fanty said, trying her best smile once more. "Come on, let's go home. I bet Loki will enjoy watching Snow White and the Huntsman or something!"
"Maybe Pan's Labyrinth?" Xion suggested, and Fanty nodded excitedly.
As they strolled back down the street towards the apartment, Fanty in the lead and Xion and Loki trailing behind, Loki asked a question quietly.
"What made her so sullen? Does she not fare well?" he asked, trying to hide the slight concern he had in his mind. He wasn't fond of making quick friends, and now that he's noticing it, Xion, Fanty and the others are becoming fast friends.
Which he wasn't used to at all. In fact, he wasn't even sure if he even liked the idea of befriending mortals. As a child he was taught that gods do not normally speak to the mortals unless to punish them, bless them, or hear their cry of help. Making friends with them was like breathing underwater. You're not supposed to do it because it's bad for you, at least that's how Loki thought at first.
But then again, he had to give the six girls credit. They were doing a fine job at getting rid of his biases of the Midgardian people, yet he still believed strongly that they needed an adequate ruler: himself. But so far he learned that they're not all the same, and guilt and regret was starting to slowly seep into him, making him realize his mistakes and have his mind think, 'I'll never do that again. Ever.'
"Oh, Fanty's just missing a friend, that's all." Xion sighed, rubbing her hands together to create warm friction against the cold wind.
"Who?" Loki pressed, not wanting to drop the conversation.
"Well, before you came Fanty was really close with someone named Pitch Black. We all were, but they were like best friends." Xion whispered so Fanty wouldn't hear his name.
"Ah. The Boogeyman. Hard to believe he would find a friend." Loki said lowly, and Xion nudged him in the ribs.
"Seriously, Loki. We haven't seen him in months and Fanty's worried that he no longer cares about us. But right now our focus is on you, Pitch can wait." she smiled up at him, showing what she said she truly believed in.
Loki blinked and looked back at Fanty, who was smiling broadly as they reached the door to the apartment. "Xion has a point! Maybe to make you feel special we could have a little movie night."
"Did someone say movie night?!" a girl with purple hair popped out from behind the hallway hydrangea, looking bright and cheery as usual.
Loki accidentally let a girlish scream leave his lips as he jumped, and Mystic laughed so hard she nearly toppled onto Xion, who was trying her very hardest to hold back troublesome giggles. Loki frowned, not liking the fact that Mystic scared the living daylights out of him. He folded his arms, waiting for them to stop, and finally they sighed their last laugh.
"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." Mystic waved off her prank, grinning at her success.
"What is with people and colored hair?" Loki muttered, throwing up his hands.
Fanty shrugged, "It's expresses our personality and it's awesome. Any other questions?"
Xion and Mystic proudly folded their arms, daring Loki to complain some more. He merely shook his head, a smirk threatening his lips. These girls were highly amusing...almost to the point he would actually start laughing.
"Not one bit."
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 6 years
39 of the best celebrity responses to Keaton Jones’ powerful video about bullying.
Last week, a Tennessee woman named Kimberly Jones posted a video of her son Keaton online. It went mega-viral.
The video, which has been viewed on Facebook more than 20 million times since posting, shows Keaton in tears over being bullied at school. There’s a sense of despair and helplessness in his voice that no child should have to feel, but too many have.
“Just out of curiosity, why do they bully?” a distraught Keaton asks his mom. “What’s the point of it? Why do they find joy in taking innocent people and finding a way to be mean to them?”
This is Keaton Jones, he lives in Knoxville and he has a little something to say about bullying.http://pic.twitter.com/coyQxFp33V
— Everything TN (@Everything_TN) December 9, 2017
The video clearly resonated with people — some who have been bullied, some who have been the bully — and within hours, words of support began to roll in from around the world, including some notes from some high profile people.
Hollywood has Keaton’s back.
Avengers Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo came up big for the little guy.
Stay strong, Keaton. Don’t let them make you turn cold. I promise it gets better. While those punks at your school are deciding what kind of people they want to be in this world, how would you and your mom like to come to the Avengers premiere in LA next year? https://t.co/s1QwCQ3toi
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) December 10, 2017
Little buddy, I was bullied when I was a kid. You are right #ItGetsBetter! You are my own personal super hero. Protect Yo Heart. You got a pal in the Hulk. https://t.co/fRTAENcmV4
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) December 10, 2017
As did Eleven from “Stranger Things,” offering her friendship.
Keaton, this is so accurate. Why do people do this? I think your sooo cool Keaton! I wanna be your friend ( but srsly) ur freakin awesome ❤️ https://t.co/LD7Q762bL9
— Millie Bobby Brown (@milliebbrown) December 9, 2017
The delightful Tom Cavanagh of “The Flash” voiced his support  for Jones and against bullies everywhere.
Hey Keaton We here on “The Flash” are on your side – and against bullies everywhere.⚡️ #TheFlash @CW_TheFlash #StandWithKeaton https://t.co/svn8FTZmaT
— Tom Cavanagh (@CavanaghTom) December 11, 2017
Same with Beth Behrs of “Two Broke Girls.”
Keaton Jones you are amazing. So brave and strong and a beautiful human! Sending love from California! https://t.co/AALuA27r0Z
— Beth Behrs (@BethBehrs) December 10, 2017
He got some love from members of “The Walking Dead” cast.
Hey #KeatonJones Just saw your video about the tough time you’re going through. Not sure if you’re a Walking Dead fan but if it happens that you are then please be in touch as I would love to see you and your family @WalkrStalkrCon show in Nashville next year. On me. X
— Tom Payne (@justanactor) December 10, 2017
My dude. Lotta folks got your back. Me included. I’ll come down and have a chat with anybody getting on your nerves. You’re awesome my man. Be strong. Always. You will win because you are the better man. Believe that. Xojd
— Jeffrey Dean Morgan (@JDMorgan) December 10, 2017
Even Gaston and LeFou (a couple of fiction’s most famous bullies) weren’t having it.
I was bullied my whole childhood. Bullying makes me sick. Keaton, it will get better. I promise. These bullies will be a story you will tell one day when you are big and strong and mightier than all of them. https://t.co/8yEqalWfHd
— Luke Evans (@TheRealLukevans) December 10, 2017
This is my message for Keaton. Love you buddy http://pic.twitter.com/pdYK5E7JRk
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) December 10, 2017
Broadway star Ben Platt offered a few words of support.
Keaton- your vulnerability, honesty and emotional intelligence already show how much more powerful, valuable, unique and human you are than any of the bullies you talked about. I have no doubt it will get better and we will all do our part to make sure it does. We love you. https://t.co/JN9hCU49pY
— Ben Platt (@BenSPLATT) December 10, 2017
And so did voice actors Susan Eisenberg and Kevin Conroy, who provided the voices for Wonder Woman and Batman, respectively, on the animated “Justice League” TV show.
Stay strong, Keaton… You are not alone!! #KeatonJones #StopBullying http://pic.twitter.com/ASTUxPlgD4
— Susan Eisenberg (@susaneisenberg1) December 10, 2017
Keaton you are not alone. Please believe that it gets better in time. Bullies are really very weak and not worthy of your tears. I was bullied and grew up to play Batman, how cool is that?! https://t.co/wVWj7PkqLe
— Kevin Conroy (@RealKevinConroy) December 10, 2017
“Coco” director Lee Unkrich and “Ghostbusters” mastermind Paul Feig stepped up.
.@Lakyn_jones Hi! I directed Coco and Toy Story 3. If Keaton ever wants to visit Pixar, he has an open invitation! http://pic.twitter.com/Xv43RONyDr
— Lee Unkrich (@leeunkrich) December 11, 2017
Keaton, you are an amazing kid, a beautiful unique person. You are one thousand times better than any bully. You are right that it will get better one day. You will thrive. Keep learning, stay positive, laugh at how small-minded they are & keep being yourself. @STOMPOutBullyng https://t.co/1rjbarEYDO
— Paul Feig (@paulfeig) December 11, 2017
Some of the biggest stars in professional sports showed up, as well.
LeBron James called bullies “straight up wack, corny, cowards, chumps.”
Damn right! Bullies are straight up wack, corny, cowards, chumps, etc, etc! Keaton keep your head up buddy and push forward! You’re the best https://t.co/pqDgay77l9
— LeBron James (@KingJames) December 11, 2017
Cubs slugger Anthony Rizzo and Pirates outfielder Andrew McCutchen both offered words of kindness and comfort.
Keaton,U are not ugly, U are amazing. U r my hero for sharing ur story & continuing the conversation about the harm of bullying.Stay Strong! https://t.co/HaO2NqP4SP
— Anthony Rizzo (@ARizzo44) December 11, 2017
This breaks my heart. I stand with you Keaton. You are 1 million times stronger than those bullies. https://t.co/XmGwVYLUjF
— andrew mccutchen (@TheCUTCH22) December 10, 2017
Former Green Bay Packers cornerback Bernard Blake urged Jones to “never be ashamed of who you are.” Former NFL star Antonio Cromartie stepped in to say that bullies are often just insecure about themselves, asking him to be strong.
Keaton I, along with my @CSUFootball and @packers brothers wanted you to know that we stand against bullying. @Lakyn_Jones #StandWithKeaton http://pic.twitter.com/qReeMlDp71
— Bernard Blake (@BamBam_Blake23) December 10, 2017
Keaton you are a handsome young man who is made in the image God. The kids that bully you are very insecure about themselves. And it’s a shame that the parents of those kids won’t be accountable for their kids actions. Keaton Jones I’m here for you buddy. Be Strong young man
— ANTONIO CROMARTIE (@CRO31) December 10, 2017
Former NFL wide receiver Donté Stallworth urged caution for people suggesting that the bullies be confronted with hostility, asking people who really want to make a difference to try to do it through lessons of love.
We all know kids can be little shits at times—especially when it’s a group of them. We have to teach them to be better people as well through love and leading by example. They are kids, they can change their behavior through love.
— Donté Stallworth (@DonteStallworth) December 9, 2017
“Bullying is bullshit,” summed up World Cup champion Ali Krieger. “We need to start coming together, supporting each other and most importantly, standing up for beautiful kids in this world like Keaton.”
This brings tears to my eyes..bullying is bullshit! We need to start coming together, supporting each other and most importantly, standing up for beautiful kids in this world like Keaton. https://t.co/PxGHusq0Dp
— Ali Krieger (@alikrieger) December 11, 2017
Similarly, the music world had words of encouragement and support for Jones.
Demi Lovato predicted that Jones would come out of this experience much stronger than he entered it. Enrique Iglesias called the video “heartbreaking.”
I #StandwithKeaton. Keaton baby, just know you’re not alone. There are so many people who come out of bullying so much stronger and you will be one of them!! God bless you sweetheart. https://t.co/LdCAy2lDHu
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) December 11, 2017
Heartbreaking to see this. Keaton you’re strong to say these things and care so much for others. #TeamKeaton https://t.co/hgp0ehnn8Y
— Enrique Iglesias (@enriqueiglesias) December 10, 2017
“This extremely raw and real moment has brought hope and truth to so many people,” wrote Kevin Jonas. Nickelback called Jones “a brave young man,” asking if there was anything the band could do for them.
Keaton jones you are a hero. This extremely raw and real moment has brought hope and truth to so many people. Be you and be forever fearless. Never give up. You are loved!
— kevin jonas (@kevinjonas) December 10, 2017
“Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.” Stay strong Keaton, you’re a very brave young man and a lot of great folks have your back. @Lakyn_Jones if there is anything we can do for Keaton, please let us know. #StandWithKeaton #StopBullying
— Nickelback (@Nickelback) December 11, 2017
Justin Bieber and Snoop Dogg posted words of support on Instagram. “The fact that he still has the sympathy and compassion for other people when he’s going through it himself is a testament to who he is,” said Bieber.
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 10, 2017 at 7:20pm PST
Say lil Man U gotta friend in me for life hit me on dm so we can chop it up love is the only way to beat hate 👊🏾☝🏾
A post shared by snoopdogg (@snoopdogg) on Dec 10, 2017 at 7:50am PST
Anti-bullying activists, models, and YouTube sensations all got in on the act as well.
Monica Lewinsky offered a few kind words, saying that she’s sorry Jones is being treated this way, saying that other kids “would be lucky to be friends with [Jones].”
keaton, i’m so sorry you’re being treated this way. you don’t deserve one ounce of this pain. they would be 💫lucky💫 to be friends with you. it’ll get better. #KeatonJones #KeatonJonesIsAwesome https://t.co/IZoJQ60eY2
— Monica Lewinsky (@MonicaLewinsky) December 10, 2017
Model Mia Kang said Jones is her “absolute hero,” offering to fly out and visit him at school for lunch.
Keaton Jones you are an absolute hero. Anyone know how I can get in touch with this kid? I’ll fly out n have lunch with him at school any day. https://t.co/FmTqdvh8hK
— Mia Kang (@MissMiaKang) December 10, 2017
Logan Paul offered to chat with Jones on FaceTime and send some gear his way.
Hey @Lakyn_Jones I messaged your mother yesterday about Keaton… send me a DM, let’s get me on a FaceTime with Keaton and get him some Maverick gear 🤗
— Logan Paul (@LoganPaul) December 11, 2017
Politicians across the political spectrum offered words of kindness and courage.
Senator Bob Corker (R-Tennessee) thanked the young man for his courage, and Representative Joe Kennedy III (D-Massachusetts) asked others to look to Jones as a positive example.
Keaton, I know Tennesseans and people across our country join me in saying thank you for your courage. Bullying isn’t acceptable, especially in our schools. We’re all with you! #StandWithKeaton
— Senator Bob Corker (@SenBobCorker) December 11, 2017
We can all learn from Keaton Jones. #StandWithKeaton #StopBullying https://t.co/VkiN5cMWCO
— Rep. Joe Kennedy III (@RepJoeKennedy) December 11, 2017
Responding to an offer from UFC head Dana White to visit the organization’s headquarters, Donald Trump Jr. offered the Jones family a place to stay. Jane O’Meara Sanders of the Sanders Institute urged action over platitudes, calling on the country to “stand up to bullies — in our schools and communities, on social media and in politics and the White House.”
This boy is incredibly brave and the video really got to me. @danawhite, If he takes you up on your offer to see UFC Headquarters, I would be honored to host him and his family at our place if they need somewhere to stay. https://t.co/EWx05o0yI0
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) December 11, 2017
💔 It will only “get better someday” if we ALL stand up to bullies – in our schools & communities, on social media & in politics & the White House. Keaton & every other child, teen & adult deserves to be defended against aggression. Please speak up. 💔 https://t.co/JCMPsaBjMd
— Jane O’Meara Sanders (@janeosanders) December 10, 2017
Media personalities joined the chorus with offers of support and workplace tours.
Jemele Hill and Sean Hannity offered Jones and his family tours of ESPN and Fox News, respectively. NBC’s Stephanie Ruhle pointed to Jones as a motivation for a more honest, brave, and kind world.
Hey Keaton, unfortunately you aren’t alone. A lot of kids are bullied, but they will be so uplifted by your courage. You’re a hero, young man. You are treasured and valued. Let me know if you’d ever like to visit ESPN. You can be my special guest. https://t.co/N8mkUTYnEy
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) December 11, 2017
If someone can get to me the name of the school, the principal, school board members i will gladly make the calls myself and fix this. Also if anyone knows Keaton and his parents, i will gladly fly them to NYC to be my guest & visit Fox News. https://t.co/uFyp2r2Yn7
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) December 10, 2017
At a time when hate wants to reign supreme, let #KeatonJones be our #mondaymotivation – be honest, be brave & be kind. Have a great day at school Keaton! #yougotthis
— Stephanie Ruhle (@SRuhle) December 11, 2017
HLN’s S.E. Cupp shared a story about being bullied as a child, saying, “It’s got nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.” Sunny Hostin, from “The View,” ended with a reminder that “being different makes you special.”
Keaton buddy, I was bullied just like you. It’s got nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. We love you, little man. Your squad’s BETTER than theirs! 👍🏻💪🏻😘 https://t.co/Z4U0soTCcT
— S.E. Cupp (@secupp) December 10, 2017
The bullies are the problem Keaton. Not you. Always remember being different makes you special. @Everything_TN https://t.co/K9VBbrYSQx
— Sunny Hostin (@sunny) December 10, 2017
It’s wonderful to see so many people, from so many backgrounds, come together in support of this one boy.
It’s worth remembering, however, that he’s not the only child in the world being bullied.
According to StopBullying.gov, 28% of U.S. students in grades 6 through12 have experienced bullying. 30% of students have admitted to being a bully to others. School bullying creates a hostile environment not conducive to learning and puts students’ physical, emotional, and mental health at risk.
If Keaton Jones’ story inspired you to take action, check out the StopBullying prevention toolkits for students, parents, teachers, and community members.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2AdMv6B
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2zUwbqq via Viral News HQ
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 6 years
39 of the best celebrity responses to Keaton Jones’ powerful video about bullying.
Last week, a Tennessee woman named Kimberly Jones posted a video of her son Keaton online. It went mega-viral.
The video, which has been viewed on Facebook more than 20 million times since posting, shows Keaton in tears over being bullied at school. There’s a sense of despair and helplessness in his voice that no child should have to feel, but too many have.
“Just out of curiosity, why do they bully?” a distraught Keaton asks his mom. “What’s the point of it? Why do they find joy in taking innocent people and finding a way to be mean to them?”
This is Keaton Jones, he lives in Knoxville and he has a little something to say about bullying.http://pic.twitter.com/coyQxFp33V
— Everything TN (@Everything_TN) December 9, 2017
The video clearly resonated with people — some who have been bullied, some who have been the bully — and within hours, words of support began to roll in from around the world, including some notes from some high profile people.
Hollywood has Keaton’s back.
Avengers Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo came up big for the little guy.
Stay strong, Keaton. Don’t let them make you turn cold. I promise it gets better. While those punks at your school are deciding what kind of people they want to be in this world, how would you and your mom like to come to the Avengers premiere in LA next year? https://t.co/s1QwCQ3toi
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) December 10, 2017
Little buddy, I was bullied when I was a kid. You are right #ItGetsBetter! You are my own personal super hero. Protect Yo Heart. You got a pal in the Hulk. https://t.co/fRTAENcmV4
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) December 10, 2017
As did Eleven from “Stranger Things,” offering her friendship.
Keaton, this is so accurate. Why do people do this? I think your sooo cool Keaton! I wanna be your friend ( but srsly) ur freakin awesome ❤️ https://t.co/LD7Q762bL9
— Millie Bobby Brown (@milliebbrown) December 9, 2017
The delightful Tom Cavanagh of “The Flash” voiced his support  for Jones and against bullies everywhere.
Hey Keaton We here on “The Flash” are on your side – and against bullies everywhere.⚡️ #TheFlash @CW_TheFlash #StandWithKeaton https://t.co/svn8FTZmaT
— Tom Cavanagh (@CavanaghTom) December 11, 2017
Same with Beth Behrs of “Two Broke Girls.”
Keaton Jones you are amazing. So brave and strong and a beautiful human! Sending love from California! https://t.co/AALuA27r0Z
— Beth Behrs (@BethBehrs) December 10, 2017
He got some love from members of “The Walking Dead” cast.
Hey #KeatonJones Just saw your video about the tough time you’re going through. Not sure if you’re a Walking Dead fan but if it happens that you are then please be in touch as I would love to see you and your family @WalkrStalkrCon show in Nashville next year. On me. X
— Tom Payne (@justanactor) December 10, 2017
My dude. Lotta folks got your back. Me included. I’ll come down and have a chat with anybody getting on your nerves. You’re awesome my man. Be strong. Always. You will win because you are the better man. Believe that. Xojd
— Jeffrey Dean Morgan (@JDMorgan) December 10, 2017
Even Gaston and LeFou (a couple of fiction’s most famous bullies) weren’t having it.
I was bullied my whole childhood. Bullying makes me sick. Keaton, it will get better. I promise. These bullies will be a story you will tell one day when you are big and strong and mightier than all of them. https://t.co/8yEqalWfHd
— Luke Evans (@TheRealLukevans) December 10, 2017
This is my message for Keaton. Love you buddy http://pic.twitter.com/pdYK5E7JRk
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) December 10, 2017
Broadway star Ben Platt offered a few words of support.
Keaton- your vulnerability, honesty and emotional intelligence already show how much more powerful, valuable, unique and human you are than any of the bullies you talked about. I have no doubt it will get better and we will all do our part to make sure it does. We love you. https://t.co/JN9hCU49pY
— Ben Platt (@BenSPLATT) December 10, 2017
And so did voice actors Susan Eisenberg and Kevin Conroy, who provided the voices for Wonder Woman and Batman, respectively, on the animated “Justice League” TV show.
Stay strong, Keaton… You are not alone!! #KeatonJones #StopBullying http://pic.twitter.com/ASTUxPlgD4
— Susan Eisenberg (@susaneisenberg1) December 10, 2017
Keaton you are not alone. Please believe that it gets better in time. Bullies are really very weak and not worthy of your tears. I was bullied and grew up to play Batman, how cool is that?! https://t.co/wVWj7PkqLe
— Kevin Conroy (@RealKevinConroy) December 10, 2017
“Coco” director Lee Unkrich and “Ghostbusters” mastermind Paul Feig stepped up.
.@Lakyn_jones Hi! I directed Coco and Toy Story 3. If Keaton ever wants to visit Pixar, he has an open invitation! http://pic.twitter.com/Xv43RONyDr
— Lee Unkrich (@leeunkrich) December 11, 2017
Keaton, you are an amazing kid, a beautiful unique person. You are one thousand times better than any bully. You are right that it will get better one day. You will thrive. Keep learning, stay positive, laugh at how small-minded they are & keep being yourself. @STOMPOutBullyng https://t.co/1rjbarEYDO
— Paul Feig (@paulfeig) December 11, 2017
Some of the biggest stars in professional sports showed up, as well.
LeBron James called bullies “straight up wack, corny, cowards, chumps.”
Damn right! Bullies are straight up wack, corny, cowards, chumps, etc, etc! Keaton keep your head up buddy and push forward! You’re the best https://t.co/pqDgay77l9
— LeBron James (@KingJames) December 11, 2017
Cubs slugger Anthony Rizzo and Pirates outfielder Andrew McCutchen both offered words of kindness and comfort.
Keaton,U are not ugly, U are amazing. U r my hero for sharing ur story & continuing the conversation about the harm of bullying.Stay Strong! https://t.co/HaO2NqP4SP
— Anthony Rizzo (@ARizzo44) December 11, 2017
This breaks my heart. I stand with you Keaton. You are 1 million times stronger than those bullies. https://t.co/XmGwVYLUjF
— andrew mccutchen (@TheCUTCH22) December 10, 2017
Former Green Bay Packers cornerback Bernard Blake urged Jones to “never be ashamed of who you are.” Former NFL star Antonio Cromartie stepped in to say that bullies are often just insecure about themselves, asking him to be strong.
Keaton I, along with my @CSUFootball and @packers brothers wanted you to know that we stand against bullying. @Lakyn_Jones #StandWithKeaton http://pic.twitter.com/qReeMlDp71
— Bernard Blake (@BamBam_Blake23) December 10, 2017
Keaton you are a handsome young man who is made in the image God. The kids that bully you are very insecure about themselves. And it’s a shame that the parents of those kids won’t be accountable for their kids actions. Keaton Jones I’m here for you buddy. Be Strong young man
— ANTONIO CROMARTIE (@CRO31) December 10, 2017
Former NFL wide receiver Donté Stallworth urged caution for people suggesting that the bullies be confronted with hostility, asking people who really want to make a difference to try to do it through lessons of love.
We all know kids can be little shits at times—especially when it’s a group of them. We have to teach them to be better people as well through love and leading by example. They are kids, they can change their behavior through love.
— Donté Stallworth (@DonteStallworth) December 9, 2017
“Bullying is bullshit,” summed up World Cup champion Ali Krieger. “We need to start coming together, supporting each other and most importantly, standing up for beautiful kids in this world like Keaton.”
This brings tears to my eyes..bullying is bullshit! We need to start coming together, supporting each other and most importantly, standing up for beautiful kids in this world like Keaton. https://t.co/PxGHusq0Dp
— Ali Krieger (@alikrieger) December 11, 2017
Similarly, the music world had words of encouragement and support for Jones.
Demi Lovato predicted that Jones would come out of this experience much stronger than he entered it. Enrique Iglesias called the video “heartbreaking.”
I #StandwithKeaton. Keaton baby, just know you’re not alone. There are so many people who come out of bullying so much stronger and you will be one of them!! God bless you sweetheart. https://t.co/LdCAy2lDHu
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) December 11, 2017
Heartbreaking to see this. Keaton you’re strong to say these things and care so much for others. #TeamKeaton https://t.co/hgp0ehnn8Y
— Enrique Iglesias (@enriqueiglesias) December 10, 2017
“This extremely raw and real moment has brought hope and truth to so many people,” wrote Kevin Jonas. Nickelback called Jones “a brave young man,” asking if there was anything the band could do for them.
Keaton jones you are a hero. This extremely raw and real moment has brought hope and truth to so many people. Be you and be forever fearless. Never give up. You are loved!
— kevin jonas (@kevinjonas) December 10, 2017
“Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.” Stay strong Keaton, you’re a very brave young man and a lot of great folks have your back. @Lakyn_Jones if there is anything we can do for Keaton, please let us know. #StandWithKeaton #StopBullying
— Nickelback (@Nickelback) December 11, 2017
Justin Bieber and Snoop Dogg posted words of support on Instagram. “The fact that he still has the sympathy and compassion for other people when he’s going through it himself is a testament to who he is,” said Bieber.
A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on Dec 10, 2017 at 7:20pm PST
Say lil Man U gotta friend in me for life hit me on dm so we can chop it up love is the only way to beat hate 👊🏾☝🏾
A post shared by snoopdogg (@snoopdogg) on Dec 10, 2017 at 7:50am PST
Anti-bullying activists, models, and YouTube sensations all got in on the act as well.
Monica Lewinsky offered a few kind words, saying that she’s sorry Jones is being treated this way, saying that other kids “would be lucky to be friends with [Jones].”
keaton, i’m so sorry you’re being treated this way. you don’t deserve one ounce of this pain. they would be 💫lucky💫 to be friends with you. it’ll get better. #KeatonJones #KeatonJonesIsAwesome https://t.co/IZoJQ60eY2
— Monica Lewinsky (@MonicaLewinsky) December 10, 2017
Model Mia Kang said Jones is her “absolute hero,” offering to fly out and visit him at school for lunch.
Keaton Jones you are an absolute hero. Anyone know how I can get in touch with this kid? I’ll fly out n have lunch with him at school any day. https://t.co/FmTqdvh8hK
— Mia Kang (@MissMiaKang) December 10, 2017
Logan Paul offered to chat with Jones on FaceTime and send some gear his way.
Hey @Lakyn_Jones I messaged your mother yesterday about Keaton… send me a DM, let’s get me on a FaceTime with Keaton and get him some Maverick gear 🤗
— Logan Paul (@LoganPaul) December 11, 2017
Politicians across the political spectrum offered words of kindness and courage.
Senator Bob Corker (R-Tennessee) thanked the young man for his courage, and Representative Joe Kennedy III (D-Massachusetts) asked others to look to Jones as a positive example.
Keaton, I know Tennesseans and people across our country join me in saying thank you for your courage. Bullying isn’t acceptable, especially in our schools. We’re all with you! #StandWithKeaton
— Senator Bob Corker (@SenBobCorker) December 11, 2017
We can all learn from Keaton Jones. #StandWithKeaton #StopBullying https://t.co/VkiN5cMWCO
— Rep. Joe Kennedy III (@RepJoeKennedy) December 11, 2017
Responding to an offer from UFC head Dana White to visit the organization’s headquarters, Donald Trump Jr. offered the Jones family a place to stay. Jane O’Meara Sanders of the Sanders Institute urged action over platitudes, calling on the country to “stand up to bullies — in our schools and communities, on social media and in politics and the White House.”
This boy is incredibly brave and the video really got to me. @danawhite, If he takes you up on your offer to see UFC Headquarters, I would be honored to host him and his family at our place if they need somewhere to stay. https://t.co/EWx05o0yI0
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) December 11, 2017
💔 It will only “get better someday” if we ALL stand up to bullies – in our schools & communities, on social media & in politics & the White House. Keaton & every other child, teen & adult deserves to be defended against aggression. Please speak up. 💔 https://t.co/JCMPsaBjMd
— Jane O’Meara Sanders (@janeosanders) December 10, 2017
Media personalities joined the chorus with offers of support and workplace tours.
Jemele Hill and Sean Hannity offered Jones and his family tours of ESPN and Fox News, respectively. NBC’s Stephanie Ruhle pointed to Jones as a motivation for a more honest, brave, and kind world.
Hey Keaton, unfortunately you aren’t alone. A lot of kids are bullied, but they will be so uplifted by your courage. You’re a hero, young man. You are treasured and valued. Let me know if you’d ever like to visit ESPN. You can be my special guest. https://t.co/N8mkUTYnEy
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) December 11, 2017
If someone can get to me the name of the school, the principal, school board members i will gladly make the calls myself and fix this. Also if anyone knows Keaton and his parents, i will gladly fly them to NYC to be my guest & visit Fox News. https://t.co/uFyp2r2Yn7
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) December 10, 2017
At a time when hate wants to reign supreme, let #KeatonJones be our #mondaymotivation – be honest, be brave & be kind. Have a great day at school Keaton! #yougotthis
— Stephanie Ruhle (@SRuhle) December 11, 2017
HLN’s S.E. Cupp shared a story about being bullied as a child, saying, “It’s got nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.” Sunny Hostin, from “The View,” ended with a reminder that “being different makes you special.”
Keaton buddy, I was bullied just like you. It’s got nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. We love you, little man. Your squad’s BETTER than theirs! 👍🏻💪🏻😘 https://t.co/Z4U0soTCcT
— S.E. Cupp (@secupp) December 10, 2017
The bullies are the problem Keaton. Not you. Always remember being different makes you special. @Everything_TN https://t.co/K9VBbrYSQx
— Sunny Hostin (@sunny) December 10, 2017
It’s wonderful to see so many people, from so many backgrounds, come together in support of this one boy.
It’s worth remembering, however, that he’s not the only child in the world being bullied.
According to StopBullying.gov, 28% of U.S. students in grades 6 through12 have experienced bullying. 30% of students have admitted to being a bully to others. School bullying creates a hostile environment not conducive to learning and puts students’ physical, emotional, and mental health at risk.
If Keaton Jones’ story inspired you to take action, check out the StopBullying prevention toolkits for students, parents, teachers, and community members.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2AdMv6B
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2zUwbqq via Viral News HQ
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