#woman kicked harraser
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
शख्स ने की बदतमीजी तो महिला ने सिखाया कमाल का सबक! फिर किसी औरत के साथ नहीं करेगा ऐसी हरकत
शख्स ने की बदतमीजी तो महिला ने सिखाया कमाल का सबक! फिर किसी औरत के साथ नहीं करेगा ऐसी हरकत
एक प्रसिद्ध कहावत है, लातों के भूत बातों से नहीं मानते. आप अपने आसपास कई ऐसे लोगों को पाएंगे. ज्यादातर वो ऐसे लोग होते हैं जो दूसरों को परेशान करते हैं, प्रताड़ित करते हैं और किसी को चोट पहुंचाने का काम करते हैं. इन दिनों सोशल मीडिया पर एक वीडियो काफी वायरल हो रहा है जिसमें एक ऐसा ही शख्स नजर आ रहा है जिसने महिला के साथ बदतमीजी (Woman beat man trying to hurt her) की और उस महिला ने कहात को साबित…
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imaginesmai · 1 year
Once upon a fairy tale - Ubbe Ragnarson (4)
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Other parts: Once Upon A Fairy Tale Masterlist  
Plot: The soldiers’ attitude forces your father to make a decision, and you finally see an end to your engagement. Only that, when presented with the chance, you’re not so sure.
Warnings: mentions of the last chapter harrasment, death and blood.
Thankfully, his brothers weren’t far.
They never were when it was necessary, and that time wasn’t different. Ubbe was getting more worked up with each step, watching you try to get away from him. You didn’t listen, you never did. And that was something he hated about you. Because even if it felt nice to listen to other opinions, and you were kind of funny sometimes, it led to situations like that.
He had seen every look they gave you, had heard every word they said. Judging by how you looked down and said nothing, he guessed it wasn’t the first time. Ubbe knew you could outrun him anytime, and even put up a good fight against any of those men. But they were too many and it was too crowded, so he ended up catching you.
He watched as a nameless soldier tore your skirt, as he gripped your hair. He watched proudly as you kicked him in the face and tried to move on. And before he could develop more any of the feelings bubbling in his blood, he reached your side just in time to watch the soldier try and hit you.
That punch came from the bottom of his heart, where he kept locked any feelings towards the weeding, you and your presence. He knocked the man to the ground while his brothers took you between them.
When the rest of the soldiers noticed Ubbe, they all stopped cheering and became quiet.
Only the sound of bones hitting flesh could be heard.
“Ubbe” Hvitserk was on him suddenly, as the prince knelt in front of the unconscious soldier. “Ubbe, stop. It’s enough. It’s over”
He couldn’t stop, because if he did, he would have to face the situation. That his soldiers, the army he had raised in battle, where willing to do that to a woman. To you. He didn’t know what to feel apart from anger and disappointment, so he punched him once more.
“Ubbe. She’s fine”
When Sigurd put an arm on his shoulder, he finally stopped, looking at his brother. Blinking, he saw himself reflected in those blue eyes, that they all shared.
Hvitserk helped him get up and dragged him away from the unconscious soldier. No one helped him, not even the ones who were cheering with him moments ago. If he was lucky, he would be dead by then. If not, only a worse fate waited for him.
Ubbe turned around and saw you, with your ripped dress and stained cheeks, looking at him already. There was no disgust on your face, not fear, just a deep sadness that had you chocking back sobs.
Covering your mouth and nose with a shaky hand, you looked to the ground, your whole body shaking with silent cries. He guessed the soldier was dead, as no one would meet his eyes. Ubbe felt his split knuckles, the blood on his naked chest and face. Rubbing a tired hand across his face, he took a step towards you and nodded to Hvitserk. Without saying anything, the prince disappeared into the crowd to call for a servant.
They would clean the mess, they always did. And after hearing a few complaints from her mother, it would all end.
Thinking about her only made him angrier, so he tried to avoid it. Of course, she would try to something like that. Maybe not to the extent of you getting hurt or someone getting killed, but to make Ubbe realize others looked at you. Saw you.
“Come on” he spoke through gritted teeth, turning you away from the crowd.
That time, there were no inappropriate names or comments, no spits on the ground or laughs. Ubbe grabbed both of your shoulders and turned you around, away from the people. Everyone moved to let you through, and for some reason, he kept one of hands on you shoulder.
He hated how the peaceful, relaxed training had been stopped, but he couldn’t blame you. Not when he knew that it was his mother’s doing, when he knew it was her way of paying him back for not being at the port the previous day.
For the past year, he had been a witness of her mother’s low patience. She didn’t like you or your father more than Ubbe himself, but the longer he was unmarried, the less control she had on the castle. With Ragnar slowly drifting away and Ubbe taking more responsibilities, she had been relegated to a back-up plan. He was old enough to rule on his own, with or without a bride, and his mother hadn’t made an effort to fall on his good side during the years.
So, her last resource was controlling you and having access into your marriage. Or, at least, rushing the wedding and making sure she still had influence to control it.
“I can take it from here” you broke him out of his thoughts once you went back into the gardens, moving away from his hand. “Thank you”
“I’m not leaving you alone”
He could, and he should. A king’s value was built on respect, and he needed his army to understand that Ubbe didn’t tolerate that type of behavior. Not against any woman, especially if that woman were you. He had to deal with them and could only rely so much on his brothers, but he didn’t want you.
And the fact that you wanted him to leave only made him want to stay.
“I’m perfectly capable of – “you stopped to take a deep breath, blinking fast to stop the tears. “Of taking care of myself. You can go”
“Not so capable, it seems” he scoffed. “Why didn’t you listen to me? All of this could have been avoided if you waited”
“Waited for what? For my betrothed to walk me back to my chambers, because I can’t even do that much alone? That much I can still do on my own”
“And look at how well it ended”
You didn’t say anything else, just bit your inner lip to stop another sob. He watched you try and hold it together, and felt bad because he had no idea how to comfort you. Ubbe had caused you more tears than anyone else, and for each one you shed, he had cried two. Because that was your relationship.
Not you crying because something he hadn’t done.
Without saying anything else, you turned back and made your way to the chambers. Yours, his, or whoever they belonged now.
He followed you trying not to look at your ruined dress and with his arms crossed, so he didn’t feel the temptation of fixing your hair.
 “It is unacceptable, Ragnar! Unacceptable! You thank your son that – that blockhead is dead because if he wasn’t you’ll have my army knocking on your door by night time!”
Your bad luck proved to be abiding when, before you reached your rooms, your father found you. He had been looking for you apparently, as he felt responsible for the previous night argument, where you begged once more to go back home. Instead of finding you asleep or doing needle work, like you were expected to, he found you crying openly with your dress torn, a shirtless Ubbe behind you.
It was easy to forget that you were the daughter of a powerful king, when you spent nights taking care of him and were treated like a rag doll in Mercia. But you were, and in moments like that, your father proved his worth.
After taking his sword out in front of Ubbe and a rushed explanation, he had demanded an urgent meeting with Ragnar. By midday, you found yourself sitting in a velvet chair, in a room you hadn’t seen yet – the king’s personal chambers – with a new dress. Ubbe had changed too, and was standing next to his own father, in silence.
“I’ve been over indulgent with you, and you know it. Not showing up until now, turning away from the comments of other kingdoms. I was even willing to let the chambers situation pass” Ecbert pointed an angry finger at Ragnar. “But I will not stand here and watch my daughter be assaulted in your goddamn house! Where we are supposed to be estimated guest, not common peasants!”
“My friend, she couldn’t be – “
“Give a good reason not to go back to Wessex and call everything off” he ignored Aslaug, who was standing in a corner. “I’ve been more than patience, but I will not allow anything like this happen again”
The room was silent as both kings stared at each other. Even if your father was older, Ragnar looked worse. He had shaved all his hair, grown an untamed, long beard and had all but given up on appearance. Two kings that used to be big but now were withering away in their own way.
You looked down, because that was what you had always wanted. For something to happen that forced any of the parts to break the agreement. You had tried, both Ubbe and you had, but it just didn’t work.
Ragnar got up leaning against the table, and walked towards your father. They started at each other in silence, trying to come up with a solution. Because while Mercia only faced the indiscipline of a soldier, Wessex had been attacked. Back home, your dignity and integrity were worth wars, and what had happened that morning called for retaliation.
The only possible solution was breaking the engagement and go back to Wessex, or reach a peaceful agreement. You looked at Ubbe, who didn’t meet your eyes.
Part of you was glad he had reacted the way he did, but you knew the burden of guilt was on his shoulders. Maybe he didn’t know the man, maybe he did. Either way, he would have died sooner or later. And if he was still alive, your kingdom would be responsible and owner of his fate.
You were glad, because at least it had been quick.
“I’m sorry, Ecbert. I really am. What happened today is unacceptable and denigrate. My wife shouldn’t have left Y/N alone, and she will apologize, I can promise you that” Ragnar said. His voice echoed the room and Aslaug looked away, not expecting the blame on her. “But I beg you, for all our years of friendship, not to jump to a decision. Let us talk about this. There will be a hunting raid soon – “
“We have been humiliated and degraded since we came here. Why weren’t you at the port, Ragnar? What was so important that you couldn’t spare a morning to meet an old friend?”
“It’s been difficult times. I will tell you about them. Wait a week, until the hunting raid” Ragnar placed a hand on your father’s shoulder, and instantly his body relaxed. “Please”
Then, Ragnar looked at you, and you felt frozen in your seat.
Your relationship with Ragnar had changed through the years. At the beginning, he had humored your witty and attitude, winking at you when your father scolded you. When you were left in your rooms to think, he would casually walk by with a new book you had never seen. And when Ubbe and you got into a bad fight, he only laughed and ruffled your hair.
The good memories disappeared and he was gone. He didn’t accompany his family the last time they went to Wessex, and in Mercia, he was never around. When he was, it was in the company of a younger woman or around the edges, never talking to you.
As he walked closer, you were suddenly aware of how much time had gone by. How many years had passed since the original arrangement, how patient both kings had been with you and Ubbe.
Calloused, cold fingers cupped your cheeks and made you look up. His eyes, always blue, were then lighter than before, red-rimmed. The eyes of a sick man, you thought, that had seen too much. However unpleasant his face was, you found yourself returning the smile.
“I apologize, Y/N, for my wife and my people. They do not represent the country we are, and certainly not the country one day, if you want, will rule” he said, and everyone in the room looked at you. “I ask you too to wait a week. Let me undo the harm that has been done, think about it. And I promise, if by then you haven’t changed your mind, I will escort you myself back to Mercia and you will never hear from us again. As a king and friend, I promise”
Everyone waited for you to answer, and you realized that was what you had always wanted.
For your opinion to matter, for your rights to be recognized. You could say no and you were sure your father would pack your things before the sun went down. You would be home in time to see your own flowers grow, and you would be free to consider other options in marriage.
It was your call, to stay or go. And you had the chance to finally leave Mercia and Ubbe behind, what you had wanted since you met him.
You looked at Ubbe, who was looking at you. There was no way of knowing what he thought. You guessed he would be happy, finally free from a marriage he didn’t want, but he just started, no sign of emotion on his face. Then, you looked at your father, the opposite. He wore every emotion on his eyes.
He had done so much for you, and he was willing to enter a war against his only friend. His relationship with Ragnar was complicated, deeper than friendship, and you only wished you could find something like that in your life.
For him, and for everything he had given up in the last sixteen years, you were willing to wait another week.
“We can stay until the hunting raid”
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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ask-serendipity-sky · 11 months
But then again, why would tkkrs even hate on Jimin if half their ship is dating a woman and the other half would be participating in a raunchy video with a woman, if rumors are true.
When taennie was exposed, a small part of tkkrs stopped shipping them. Now they also want JK to be straight so Jikook won't be real. Even if it's confirmed taenmie are dating, they'll continue to hate on JM because possibility of Jkk still exists. If my ship isn't real then I don't want yours to be real too mentality. The only option would be JK is also rumored/ seen with sohee or whoever like taennie. Then maybe some of them will repent and leave jimin alone. Others ? May continue to harass him because they get this weird kick out of harrasing an innocent person whom they are sure won't clap back.
Tkkrs are mentally ill people, I'm not even kidding, by seeing all the things they say about JM. Their illness won't go away just because their ship sunk. Most of these people will turn Tae or JK solo and who's their common enemy? Again Park Jimin. It's almost sure tae and JK will get hate if Taennie is confirmed and JK gets sexy with a woman, so they can't bare to see Jimin being out of drama. So they'll throw him inside the fire too, probably bringing back player or fuckboy narrative. It happened several times already
1. Before there was this wide spread narrative about JM being fuckboy or player with multiple casual relationships - this was to support Jimin is straight and gucks multiple women while Tkk is a commited couple story. But then people was not able to connect that narrative with reality when Jimin was behaving like we all see. So slowly that kinda died down.
2. When Tae was seen smoking multiple times and his pics leaked from grammy backstage all kpop fandoms started jumping on him, his searches were filled with Tae smoking, Tae cigarettes etc and this fuckers dragged Jimin into it when he had nothing to do with the pic. And we had to clear 'Jimin smoking' searches.
3. When Taennie was exposed, ARMY started trending 'gendragon' as it'll automatically make Jennie GD real. While blinks started trending Bangmin real and tkkrs supported it and made it trend.
Now if they feel like their ship is sinking, they'll absolutely drag Jimin along with it. No doubt
Hi anon,
Ah yes yes! I forgot about the meltdown tkkrs had during the taennie things.
I do remember the Jimin fuckboy narrative. Y/n still believe it, though. They still want him to pull through and be that again -_-
Did you know that they really do believe that Jimin has children out there? Like real human children he fathered with various women. A rumor spread by tkkrs. They also believe all the dating rumors with various women...spread by tkkrs. And all that stupid nonsense...spread by tkkrs.
"If my ship isn't real then I don't want yours to be real too."
I just want them to leave him alone.
Thanks for sharing.
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shinydixon · 1 year
I don't get the "She can't see that they're using her, I'm worried about her safety" thing. She's a 26 year old woman with a perfectly functioning brain. She knows what she's doing, she knows who are they, she knows what they did. She chose to join them, she chose to make money under the same roof with bunch of creepy incels, misogynists and even a rapist who we don't know if he's really kicked out or they're pretending like that to protect their image. She's one of them now. There's nothing to defend.
If I step up and say I never dislike Grace and I've never said anything bad about her, her fans would jump on me saying "Yeah but did you say something about the harrasment? Did you defend her? If you watched it with silence than you're as bad as them" but Grace joining a "clan" which is almost the definition of misogyny, she's still an innocent baby who doesn't know anything about this big bad world. And she even used it like "I wanna do big things but I feel so small" DUDE YOU'RE 26 GET THE FUCK UP AND TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY FFS.
Well, a lot of her stans are not happy with it
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Dark!RAMARAJU × Reader
Requested by @zaddylokiandthorsimp
Warnings: Yandere themes, Manipulation, Harrasment (Not from Ram) and Ram (He's a warning in himself)
He walked beside Akhtar, both roaming the market, like lions looking for prey. His search ended when he finally saw her.
Her, oh sweet lovely her.
Her gold jhumkas shone under the sun as she bought some flowers from the vendor that had his shop beside Akhtar's garage. The pastel pink saree she wore perfectly hugged her body. A bead of sweat slid down from her neck and inside her saree blouse. He got a perfect view of her waist as she bent down to pick up some coins she dropped. Oh, how he wished he could run his hands up and down her waist as she begged for him. He pulled on Akhtar's arm as he gestured towards her. Akhtar smiled as he saw her. "Good choice, Anna" He said as he walked towards his garage as he saw a customer come in.
Ram still looked at her as she started walking away and saw another guy walk towards her. "I've told you so many times, I want nothing to do with you. Leave me alone." He heard her say as the guy tried to grab her hand. "But darling, I can't leave you alone. You must be getting so lonely at night. Let me fulfil all your desires." He grabbed her pallu when she tried walking away. Ram's blood boiled as he walked towards them to punch the guy but he didn't have to.
Y/N kicked the guy in the groin and when he bent forward because of the hit, she punched his nose before she went behind him, wrapping her pallu around his neck, choking him. "Don’t ever think of troubling a woman again. Ever." She let him go as he fell to the ground, nose bleeding, a crowd gathering around them.
"What are you looking at? Is there some kind of show going on here? Be on your way." She looked at the crowd as she gathered up her belongings. 'Oh', Ram thought, 'This was going to be so much fun.’
As soon as the crowd cleared, Ram ran towards her. "Hey!", He said as she turned around. "What?" She questioned, her tone irritated. "What you did back there was incredible! He definitely learnt a lesson in respect." He told her. "Oh, thank you. He needed to be taught that lesson you see, he had been chasing me for a week. He wouldn't cause trouble again." She smiled at him. 'Oh god. Her smile is beautiful. It will soon be reserved for me and me only.' He thought.
"Yeah. This country needs woman like you. Fierce and unafraid." He complimented her as he thought, 'And fun to tame'
"Oh, and also, you are really beautiful." His eyes discreetly checked her out. "Oh, thank you." She replied, "You are very good-looking yourself!."
"What is your name, by the way?" He asked. "Oh! Yes, I'm Y/N. Yours?" She shook the hand he had extended.
"I'm Ramaraju."
"Okay then, Ram, I'll see you around." She spotted her friend and left.
"Y/N" Ram breathed out.
@manwalaage @lil-stark @thewinchestergirl1208 @contemporarykafka @gauri-vishalakshi @aurora2238 @idrinktea-darling @itsfookingloosah @rambheem-is-real @adrakchutneyofficial @nerdreader @mayuriebubblie @darlingletshurttonight @redirection04 @zaddylokiandthorsimp @arcxmantula @nainawithspecs @alien-chicken-baby @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see @slurrrrp @miriseven @seherie @hissterical-nyaan @bromance-minus-the-b
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lgcmanager · 2 years
On SATURDAY, MAY 7, all the trainees are called to the cafeteria first thing in the morning. If any of them expected a surprise, the faces of KIM HYUNCHEOL, their COACHES and a LADY they are unfamiliar bursts their hope bubble rather quickly. The first ones to arrive can even hear the stranger complain to hyuncheol: “You know that if we didn’t have commitments with broadcast stations, I’d push higher to have this whole lot kicked out, right? There are hundreds, if not thousands, of kids as talented and good looking - if not more - than them. If the core is rotten, just throw the whole thing away and begin anew!” Hyuncheol’s reply is hard for anybody to decipher as his back is turned and voice low. Soon, their whispers cease and the staff members all turn to face the crowd. 
For once, Hyuncheol isn’t the one to address the trainees first; instead, he stands with his head lowered, hands behind his back. The coaches are all standing in similar poses. Only the woman steps forward and gazes coldly at the trainees. “My name is LEE HYEMI, I am part of a joint marketing and communication team in charge of not only promoting you, the trainees, to the public but also ranking your individual marketability. You see, the public portion of one’s marketability is just a small portion of what we look at. Internally, we also dig into your past and monitor your present for potential scandals and issues among other things.” She pauses here, making sure that everybody has understood the last part, her expression hardening as she keeps going. “While reviewing your files of the past several months, I’ve come to wonder: ARE ANY OF YOU FUCKING SERIOUS ABOUT THIS?” Even the staff members are surprised by the way she raises her voice. 
“In the YEARS I have worked in the industry, I have NEVER EVER seen this. Legacy Entertainment is YOUR WORKPLACE, not a DATING GROUND, the DORMS provided by the company aren’t YOUR PRIVATE PLAYGROUNDS NEITHER.” She takes a deep breath to calm herself down, cracking her neck to help lower her tension. “Due to prior commitment with our various collaborators, my initial plan of action couldn’t be applied, but remember that if this had been 3 years ago, you would ALL have been shown the door. Is that clear?” She pauses again, staring coldly at anybody who dares meeting her gaze. 
“We won’t take your phones yet, but for the next 6 months, they will have to be dropped at the door as soon as you come in. You'll also have to fill a diary everyday for the same period of time to mark your progress, your weaknesses, your motivations to be here and your growth plans. I will be personally reviewing those journals. For the next 3 months, all your free training and 1 on 1 training are cancelled and replaced with the following workshops: workplace ethics, sexual harrasement at workplace, idol private and public ethics. Anybody who fails those workshops will have to retake them until the teacher is satisfied with your performance. We haven’t forgotten the dorms issue; they will be closely monitored everyday by staff members. This is only a general warning, should any one of you even step the wrong way, I’ll add to your punishment.” She exhales loudly. “Finally, SON AIDEN ( @lgcaiden ), pack up your things and join us in KIM HYUNCHEOL’s office. The rest, you may go. Hopefully, this is our first and last meeting.”
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euphoniumpets · 4 years
helloooo! i just watched The Devil All The Time, and now i need some romantic Arvin x reader fluff, (and i come bearing some ideas id you'd like, but it's totally up to you!) maybe prompt 7, when Arvin used to get into fights often (before Lenora died), or prompt 1 and 45 after Arvin gets away and starts anew (maybe even both, with reader being the bonnie to his clyde from start to finish, who knows!). thank you so much, and if you wanna rant about the movie, i'm all eyes 👀
I- YES, THANK YOU, I NEED SOMEONE WHERE I CAN RANT THE MOVE. and yay, my first arvin russell fic. also, warnings: sexual harrasment. 
*7: Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise. // taken from this prompt list.
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‘‘Well, well, look who we have here,’‘ a whistle was behind you as you turned around with a fearful expression. it was almost nighttime, and you had finished your nightshift at the small diner you worked often before school to earn some extra cash. 
you tugged your jeans jacket that you got to borrow from your boyfriend, Arvin. You knew that he never liked whenever you would walk away from the diner alone and he would always made you company. but today he couldn’t because he had to help with his sister or something. 
walking alone on the streets were dangerous. especially at night. You had convinced Arvin that it was fine and you would be alright. 
‘‘You’re alright there, Darlin’ ?’‘ One of the unknown man asked you with a smirk. ‘‘Yes, I am fine,’‘ You told him. ‘‘What does a pretty little lady on the streets alone?’‘
‘‘I’m on my way home,’‘ 
‘‘Maybe we can give you a ride?’‘ One of them asked you as you noticed that the three of them started to approach closer to you. With an instict, you moved your body backwards with fear as you suddenly stopped, hitting your back against on the concrete wall. 
‘‘No, I’m good,’‘ You said as you could feel the lump in your stomach. You prayed inside your head that Arvin was going to find you and take you home. ‘‘Come on, darlin’, I’m sure that your parents can wait a little moment,’‘ One of them purred into your ear as he leaned in closer. 
you hitched with fear when you suddenly froze, feeling a cold hand sneaking into your skirt and squeeze your butt. In a surprise, you saw that the unknown man who was touching you, was suddenly knocked on the ground.
You looked at Arvin with a shocked expression when you saw him kick on the man before he went to the other guys. ‘’Arvin!’’ You exclaimed in concern when he landed on the ground. 
He grunted as you tried to save him from the other guys remaining. The fight continued before officer Lee approached. He had his light on them as the three guys ran way as they saw the cop. ‘’You guys alright there?’’ 
With wide eyes as you reached down on Arvin, you nodded. ‘’You guys better get home before it gets colder,’’ He told you before he disappeared. ‘’Come on,’’ You told Arvin before you two got into the car. 
Arvin smacked the car door as soon e got inside the car which made you look at him with concern. He breathed angirly as you saw the formed bruise above the left eye. He had his hands on the wheel as he kept glaring but stopped as soon he felt your hand touching his bruise. 
‘‘You alright there, love?’‘ You questioned him with concern as he chuckled slightly as he leaned in to your touch. ‘‘Shouldn’t I be the one who’s asking you that?’‘ He retorted back as you smiled sadly towards him. 
‘‘I’m fine,’‘ You told him as you tried to step closer into the seat, just to be near him. ‘‘I shouldn’t have let you be there alone,’‘ He muttered with a guilty look as he met your eyes. 
‘‘It wasn’t your fault,’‘
‘‘Why didn’t you stay at the diner before I could pick you up?’‘ 
‘‘The owner kicked me out, he’d say if i stayed there for long, i would be fired,’‘ You mumbled. You heard Arvin sigh. ‘‘Well, the next time, I will always pick you up from work, okay?’‘ 
‘‘Are you sure?’‘ You asked him with wide eyes. ‘‘Of course, I couldn’t bear losing the woman I love the most,’‘ Arvin told you. You smiled as you leaned towards him as you kissed him on the lips. 
‘‘I love you,’‘ 
‘‘I love you too, Darlin’,’’
shit, sorry for this piece of shit fic. 
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rukia-writes · 4 years
Can I request a scenario where Kruger's girl gets bullied and harassed by his fellow police officers in an alley then Kruger finds her and shows this other side of him where he's scary AF so his coworkers back off and leave, once they leave Kruger turns into this worried person asking if she's okay and if she's hurt then it ends with fluff? (Sorry this request is so long)
No one bullies Kruger’s girl. No, no. 😊✨ daddy Kruger to the rescue.
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✨Eren Kruger x reader✨
✨Setting: canon✨
✨Warnings: 18+, no minors, harrasment, sexual harassment, Marley police being dicks. Violence. Fluff at the end. Mentions of a pregnancy✨
It was late at night in alley way in Liberio as two ravenous dogs growled and jumped with malice being held back by two officers at a scared eldian woman. Being blocked by another officer who wouldn’t let her pass.
“Why are you out so late, girl?”
“Up to no good, I bet.”
“I just needed to get a few things for my baby.”
Replying back to the public security officer blocking her path, who simply eyed her up and down. The two dogs were growling and closing in on the woman who practically beyond scared at this point, seeing as how the two officers with their dogs weren’t controlling them very well.
“A baby? And just what does your baby need so late at night?”
“Just some things. I would like to get by please.”
The officer saw (Name) try to walk around him but he blocked her path by moving infront of her, then grabbing her by her chin and pulling him close to him. Much to (Name) freight and dismay, the other two officers simply chuckled and wolf whistled believing to know where things were going.
“Please, aren’t you a polite eldian and very nice looking too.”
The officer watched (Name) try to squirm out his hold but it was no good while the other two officers chimed in.
“She has a nice ass boss.”
“Her ass? Come on, her boobs are way nicer.”
Ignoring the two tried kicking her assailant in the dick but he blocked it and managed to put his arms around her with a wicked smile on his face and his eyes gazing at her breasts.
“Her boobs are nicer and they’ll be even nicer wrapped around my-“
The officer was cut off as his face was then bashed against a nearby brick wall by a taller and scary marleyan officer. The once blood thirsty heeled and sat obiendiently as the owners were in pure shock watching their partner land on the ground unconscious and bloodied. The figure simply turned to the other two officers with a infuriated look on his face.
“You two better fucking leave. Now.”
Kruger warned the two officers who did a hard gulp and ran for it, while Kruger whistled at the dogs and simply told them “Sic 'em” to which the dogs ran after the owners.
“Are you okay?”
Kruger turned to his woman with a worry look on his face and hugging her close to him. Nodding her head (Name) felt a wave of relief while nuzzling in Kruger’s chest.
“I’m fine, I just want to go home.”
Kruger agreed and walked (Name) to their home. The two began walking home hand in hand. Kruger blushed as he wasn’t a fan PDA but since there was no one in the streets he didn’t mind.
“Why were you out so late?”
Kruger asked while still blushing but he was looking at his lover with soft eyes. (Name) on the other hand smiled while turning bashful.
“Well...the baby was hungry.”
“Hungry? Oh, that’s why-“
Kruger then accidentally bite his tongue and stopped walking causing (Name) to worry now, as she rubs his arm with a smile still. Waiting for Kruger to compose himself.
“You’re pregnant?”
“I am, with your baby of course.”
Kruger wasn’t expecting for (Name) to be pregnant so soon, but he should’ve since they had been quite busy. Kruger took a deep breath and then kissed (Name)’s forehead.
“Are you in the mood for ice cream?”
Kruger saw the gleam in (Name)’s eye when he suggested getting her ice cream at a nearby stall.
“Yes, my hero.”
Receiving a hug from his girlfriend Kruger blushed a bit but hugged (Name) back. On the way back home, the two had ice cream while holding each other’s hand discussing plans on how to welcome their precious baby.
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I Like those Odds - Din Djarin x reader
Anon Request:  Hiya, love your work! Could you write about din standing up for reader who is being catcalled/ harassed?
A/N: of course! :)
TW: harrasment, one creepy guy, injuries, protective!Din and nervous! Din
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You had been Din’s travel companion for close to four years. The pair of you have been through anything and averything together. From fending off terrorists on Hoth, to the situation with Grief Carga and - what you and Din now called your Child, even though you and him and no romantic relations to one another. 
But four years travelling together does bring tension between two people. There had been times were you had caught Din looking at you through his vizor, and there were times were you also snuck a look at him, or your heart sped up with love and adoration for him when he was protective over you. 
But none of you ever dared to act on it. As much as The Child had tried himself, it was as if the galaxy wanted to keep you guys apart, waiting until the right time for one to confess to the other. 
Nevertheless, you wouldn’t exchange your little family of misfits for any amount of riches in the galaxy. The three if you had been through thick anf thin; at this rate, you couldn’t afford to stop living and travelling with them, not that you wanted too anyway. 
Both of you could’ve sworn that this - unpoken thing - between the two of you would never actually be spoken about until one warm spring day on the crowded marketplace of Tatooine. 
Your time on  the dessert planet was just meant to be a pitstop, buying more food, a few new tunics, and a crib for The Child- his ears were so big that he couldn’t fit in his old one, and had to sleep with you and Din on the cot. 
The three of you made good time, the baskets of tunics and food already in each of Din’s hands, as he offered to carry them. The child was cooing and turning his head to look at the world around him all at once, and his face showed nothing short of excitement as you held him to your side, his chubby fingers clinging to you. 
It was when you had completed all the errands that Din suggested that you sit in a small, street food bistro to have a quick lunch before returning to The Crest. You thought it was a good idea, and the child had been whining with hunger a few minutes ago. 
The child settled for some chicken and bone broth, and was already munching away, while Din just had some water through a straw and he’d picked a food suggested by the waiter to eat later on when you went back on the ship. 
Finishing your assorted roast vegetables, you asked Din “Anything else, Mando?”
“N-nope. I’m fine, promise.” He discreetly tried to move his hand to his waist were his laser gun was, but you caught wind of this, and raised an eyebrow. 
“Are you sure everything’s alright, Din?” you asked, slight worry in your voice and you wrapped your hand around one of his own. He squeezed it and answered “Yes. Please don’t worry about me, cyar’ika.” 
Chuckling, “You’re never going to tell me what that means, right?”
“Never, cyar’ika.”
“Well, I’m going to get some blue milk to go and then we can leave, alright?” 
He nods, and you push your chair back, walking over to the bar. Once there, you politely ask the elderly woman, who seemed to be of some alien species, for a glass of blue milk to-go, and she told she’d be a few minutes, with a kind smile. 
You rapped your fingers on the sandstone countertop, taking in everything. From the different languages spoken all around you, to the hot yet humid spring- early summer air. 
For the most part, you remained mostly unbothered, until a middle aged man, who seemed to be human at least, sat uncomfortably close to you. His shoulder touched yours, and every time that you moved slightly away, he moved once more to touch his shoulder to your own.
Fed up, you asked “Is something bothering you, sir?” you were annoyed and just wanted to grab your blue milk and leave with Din and The Child. 
“Nothingggg, nothinggg at all” his words were slurred, and you didn’t know if he was fully human or just drunk. Either way, the only thing going through your mind was that you have never been more uncomfortable. 
“The name is Nia’arin, love. And I just think you’re beautiful.” he had a hand on the small of your back, the other one twirling a couple of strands of your hair with his other hand. 
You wanted to kick and cry and scream for Din to help you. You just wanted to go back to The Crest with The Child and Din and set up The Child’s new crib, accompany Din to his dinner, even if you couldn’t look at him while doing so. 
He pressed a kiss to the side of your hair and that was it for you. You let out a scream that was possible heard all throughout Tatooine and the next couple of systems over. 
The Bistro is silent, and all eyes are on the man who has caused you such misery in only the past couple of minutes. He seems to have gotten the message, but before he can escape, he bumps into-
Din. Thank the Maker. 
“Let go of the lady.” Din’s voice sounds dead serious, and if it sounded scary through the modulator, you didn’t want to know what his voice alone sounded like. The man immediately tore his hands off your body, and you swore you never felt more relief. 
Din’s hand, this time, moved to his gun on his waist without hesitation and pointed it to Nia’arin . “Apoligize. Or I can assure you won’t be around long enough to drink another bottle of booze.” 
“Hey you- Mandalorians or whateveh- I have never lost a bar fight. The odd’s you’ll win are the entire galaxy to one.”
“I like those odds. Now, which one of us is going to punch first?” Din said in a sort of teasing tone, one he only reserved for enemies. His gun was pointed into the man’s head, and he soon cowered away in fear. “Whatever, man. I didn’t even like her that much anyways.”
Turning on the safety on his gun, although hesitantly, Din put it in his belt once again, and didn’t budge from his spot until he watched the man be dragged out of the bar by the barkeeper, the sweet old lady who just happened to have your blue milk ready now. 
You thanked her, and Din grabbed both the baskets while you balanced the child on your hip, walking the stone and sand path back to The Crest. You were tense all the way, and Din didn’t say a word to you or The Child as the sun set on the both of you.
But a million and one thoughts raced through Din’s head. He should’ve ran the errands by himself, although your helped was never missed. He loved spending time with you and the Child, and sure. Maybe he was overprotective, but it was only because he’s lost enough in his life. His parents and family all ripped away from him. He now found a new family with you and The Child and would do anything to protect the both of you, even with his life.
Needless to say, he adored you. Those moments where he held you hand through his own gloved one, even if it was platonically, his heart beat faster and his cheeks were all red. Of course, he’d never let you know that. He’d rather put himself through the misery of raising The Child with you as a pair of friends that raising him with two parental figures that argued all the time, were distant, all because of the question- what if you didn’t reciprocate those feelings? Would you leave him and The Child? He couldn’t possibly ever do this on his own. He needed you. 
He came to an abrupt stop in front of The Crest, hand limping, and the baskets dropping to the floor. 
“I need to tell you something.” he said, his voice shaky and scared even through the modulator. 
“Yes, Din? What is it?” the twin suns of Tatooine cast a golden glow over you and The Child. And the only thing going through his head was that- he’d never seen anything look more perfect, more right. 
“I-” he could’ve sworn his breath was going to be cut off right then and there. But if he didn’t say it now, he might never. 
“I- back there, at the bar. It’s just- I can’t - It hurt to see you so miserable. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help.”
“Din-” you gave him a look of sympathy and love. You could tell he was really affected. “It’s ok. You had no way of knowing until I let out that scream for help, ok? It’ not your fault, it will never be.”
“I- I love you, cyar’ika. I’m so sorry.” by now, you let The Child crawl on the floor, his curious eyes darting between his parents as you two came face to face.
It was so close that in fact, if his helmet was off, you feel a warm breath on your face. His forehead comes to rest on yours. 
A Mandalorian kiss. 
You two pull part from each other, he grabs both your hands “Let’s go, cyar’ika. It’s been a long day. Hmm?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” You couldn’t keep the smile from your face and although you couldn’t see, Din was nearly crying with happiness. It may have taken a while to get here, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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aj-writes-here · 4 years
Could I request Levi's F! s/o that has nightmares about her leaving an abusive situation that result in her never feeling safe, and he has to comfort her? Sorry if too specific! They are therapeutic to me
Hello! Don't worry about it, the more specific the better😅 This one turned out a bit shorter than the others but I hope it is what you were looking for!
And by the way, if some of you have gone through an experience like this, please don't remain silent, you're not alone. Currently, this has been happening a lot in my country, we are fighting to make a change, and I wanted to let you know that there's always someone who you can trust, a teacher, a relative, a friend. You can even talk to me if you feel overwhelmed, or if you need to let out somethin, I may not be an expert on the matter but I can read you and support you. I want this blog to be a safe space for everyone, truly! 💚💜
In the Middle of the Night
[Warnings: mentions of harrasment]
Despite the moon shining lightly over the town, it wasn't enough. People were asleep, only a few animals were walking down the streets. y/n had been walking for long minutes, but the streets seemed the same as she moved forward. Is the third time I see that building, she thought. The only different thing was an alley. That alley. From one second to another she was almost pressed against a wall, and a man whose face she couldn't see was trying to get closer. She was strong, a soldier, she fought against titans, why was she feeling weak? She had no idea, but there she was, feeling his nose tickling on her cheek and his languid and disgusting hands were roaming on her waist and his mouth over her neck.
—Girls shouldn't be alone at this time, are you here because you want some company?
Words didn't come out from her mouth, she was shaking. She wanted to hit that bastard, but her body was an ice cube and all here articulations were somehow locked. His hands found a way inside her shirt, touching her skin. It was going to happen again. In a fast move, she kicked the bastard at the same time a scream left her lips.
At that moment, Levi woke up because y/n had kicked his leg, and since he was not a heavy sleeper he was already sitting on the bed, looking at y/n squirming on her side of the bed screaming things. Laying a hand on her shoulder, he spoke.
—Oi, brat. Wake up—He moved her but he didn't make it— y/n!—Levi raised his voice, and that did it. She sat up on the bed, looking around with lost eyes and sweat covering her forehead. Her breath was erratic, but somehow she felt calmer when she saw Levi next to her. Holding his stare for a couple of seconds, she threw herself into his arms, Levi holding her instantly.
—That shitty nightmare again?—He mumbled softly, caressing her back while she was holding his body tightly as she noded.
—Yes, it seems it will never go away—She answered with a shaking voice, the memories of that night were still on her head, that bastard trying to take advantage of her and even pushing her to the floor when she refused it.—I hate it—y/n said with a barely audible voice, feeling tears coming down her cheek— I can't even go to the market because I think he will be there.
—If he is, I swear I will break both of his fucking legs. And his shitty fingers one by one—Levi assured without stoping his attentions on her back. She had told him about that abusive situation, that time some random bastard had tried to touch her at that alley, and nightmares were still on her head. He looked at her and leave a lock of her hair behind her ear— I will always protect you, brat.
—I know. And I love you even more because of that—y/n smiled at him, her eyes still wet— It is just... It is hard to feel safe again, and I know I may never see him again, but... Agh, I don't even know how I can slay titans but I can't go to the fucking market, or a crowded place because I think he will be there.
—I know it is hard, y/n. And don't compare titans with those kinds of men, not even the ridiculous giant beasts have their brains as rotted as they do—He wished he could find that bastard, so he could make him pay. But right now, he didn't need rage, he wanted to calm her down— You can take your time to do those things again, there is no need to push yourself. Besides, I'll go with you all the time, clear?—His expression remained the same as he spoke—And you were brave, you told me about it and kicked his balls.
y/n smiled a bit, it was true. She had no idea how, but she had managed to kick his lower area and ran away. The woman lifted her head and kiss him slowly, as in thanking him for his words, and of course, because she knew he was going to be there for here no matter what. When their lips parted, she held him one more time, burying her head in the crook of his neck breathing his scent, a mix between fresh notes and his own scent. Levi was her home. Once he had stopped his actions on her back, he articulated some more words.
—Turn around.
She did as he said, laying on the right side of her body. No more than ten seconds passed when she felt his torso against her back, using his hand to hold her by her stomach and entangling her legs with hers, y/n felt her cold foot captive in between his calves. Levi left a kiss on her shoulder, and then another one on her neck.
—Your nightmares might be back, but I'll be here when you wake up, brat.—His voice was low, but somehow soothing. He knew how crappy nightmares were, and even the one that she had.
—I love you, Levi. I really do—She whispered, closing her eyes as trying to go back to sleep.
After a few seconds, Levi could feel her breathing being rhythmical, knowing she was asleep again. He used the hand he had over her stomach to caress the hair that covered part of her face, pulling it back softly and in a tender gesture that even surprised himself. He gave a kiss on the back of her head, and close his eyes. He had no intentions of going back to sleep, he just stayed there holding y/n against his torso, laying his hand on her waist one more time.
Time started moving forward, and her body felt relax against himself, he could tell she was dreaming about anything but not having that nightmare and tiredness started taking over his body. Pressing his lips against her shoulders one more time, Levi took a deep breath and tried to sleep for at least a couple hours. If she woke up again, he was going to be there for her again, and not only that night or when she had a nightmare, he was always going to be there by her side. There were no doubts.
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hedgefairy · 3 years
So I'm stuck in Berlin, which, you know, it could be worse, but I really wanted to edit that 18th century breeches video. Anyhoo, now I have time and nothing else to do, so here's
Bridgerton, Episode 2
Missed Ep. 1? Here you go.
We start off with a birthing scene, is it the Dukey? It's the Dukey! Daddy Duke does some patriarchal screaming and Mummy Duke promptly dies, because of course she does, we can't have a happy childhood for the brooding hero, c'mon!
Dukey also has a mistress (present day Dukey, not baby Dukey). Is that Opera Girl? I have real problems telling these people apart, especially the Bridgerbros. I somewhere read that it's something that features extensively in the books, them always getting confused for one another, but in the series it just comes off as "these guys all look alike". Make it a plot point or something, but without it being acknowledged on screen this just screams "we didn't know how to make white brown-haired Regency bros look distinct"...
Where, Dreadlock Gent Extra in the background again!
I'm just not a fan of the colour coding between Dukey and Daphne, she basically does a Wendy Darling closet cosplay (don't get me started on that stupid hair... Yet) and he's all dark colours, it's all light female, dark male, even with their overall colouring (her being whiter than brioche and he being a POC) and character (she's a perfect angel and he's super broody) and I just don't dig it. Give me interesting shit, not this obvious sleeping aid! Also, Daphne doesn't even wear a spencer, girl, it doesn't look like it's that hot outside and you look like you're able out in your nighty.
Notes say "Horrid Featherington dresses, the spoon is def. not silver", which yes, antagonist fashion, and ffs, send the underpaid intern who didn't go get strappy shift Ersatz tops to a thrift store for some decent silverware. I can lend you some of mine, but ugh, really, its not that hard. The budget was obviously there.
Do we finally get plot? Eloise the Spirited goes walking with Penny and her hair just... isn't,and yes, she wants to go to uni (of course, because she's not like other girls™, don't get me wrong, YES, but I'm a bit tired of modern ideas being shoehorned into historcal settings because there is so much cool historical feminism and equality discourse and I'd love to see some of that in mainstream-ish popular culture), but Penny is very preoccupied with Cousin's pregnancy.
Of course Daphne's and Dukey's super clever ruse works like a charm, tons of suitors flock to Daphne's parlour. Lord B (you remember, her super asympatico brother who is a straight-up hypocrite) is super agitated about it.
Is that Dreadlock Gent in with the suitors?
Lord B continues to be a bitch about Horrid Suitor™ (who still has a broken nose which I very much approve of).
Oooh, shirtless boxing! AND gossip! Enter Lord B(itch) who of course wants to throw hands with Dukey. I really like Dukey's boxing bro, and the breeches. I want those! Well, I kinda made some, but the notes are from when I was just making them, so, err, yes. The notes also say "bad defense work, boring footwork" and I'm not sure if I meant Dukey or Lord B, but let's just assume it's both.
More Baby Dukey flashbacks! Daddy Duke sucks. So. Much. Let him kick an actual puppy already, we get it. Fun fact: When I hear Hastings (which is Dukey's last name, but I didn't bother remembering) I automatically think of the battle.
Yay, Penny visits cousin who's all rapunzeled up in her room for being pregnant. Turns out, lol, she got knocked up because church was so boring she started flirting with a guy and they totally hit it off (I'm not sure if it's canon, but I like to think they got it on in one of those confession boxes - idk if that's the term, I'm not catholic - or behind the organ or something juicy like that). Oh god, I hope they don't kill off the baby daddy because he's a soldier.
I refuse to believe in the existence of those high heels on the feet of that acrobat.
Lady B gets invited by the Queen and elatedly let's Daphne wear the family diamonds.
I just noticed that it's just Gossip Girl meets Pride & Prejudice. Ugh. I mean, that could have been a really good thing, but no.
Cool Old Lady™ (aka. Lady Danbury) calls Dukey out for dressing so drably. I like her.
"Make yourself terrifying" is a fucking cool piece of advice.
Oh, look, Dukey and Daphne are having fun while Horrid Suitor™ looks on, and Lord B tries to intervene like the little bitch that he is. Turns out Horrid Suitor™ is horrid inside and out and still insists that Daphne basically contractually belongs to him and I just don't have enough middle fingers for that shit.
We get another flashback of how horrible Daddy Duke is.
So the two women who are not into the whole (tiringly chemistry-free) romance thing are Eloise and Penny, one of whom walks like she's trying to emulate a seventy-year old with back problems and the other is the only non-thin person on screen aside from Horrid Suitor™ (and of him I suspect that it's to underline how very unattractive he's supposed to be). It feels all a bit very caricature-ish?
Horrid Suitor™, who has a shiner now from both Daphne and Dukey (I approve), tries to blackmail his way into marriage. It's just so laughably evil? What's this subtlety thing people keep talking about?
Wait, Eloise smokes? Yay! I mean, I don't encourage that, but in this case it's actual rebellion against the perceived ideal woman. Also, it explains her voice. Also, middle Bridgerbro gets a fucking line! WTF! I wasn't prepared for this! Their interaction is really sweet, I think its my favourite so far in the entire series.
Is the portly guy at court meant to be George IV? He's not. Aww. Also, cocain and/or snuff. Queen Charlotte is being ominous and braggy.
Enter Horrid Suitor™'s mum for gossip, because of course he's not only unsightly, of bad character, a sexual harrasment on legs and all the stuff, he's also a mama's boy. Which is bad, I suppose, because it implies unmanliness and being soft, which has so many unfortunate implications in itself. Ugh.
Cousin gets a line!
Eloise feat. bad "tomboy" hair (I feel personally attacked for some reason) and Daphne have a conversation about how they are super traumatised by their mother giving birth to their siblings.
Some of the background dresses look really bad.
Dukey and Daphne switch to first names, that's SO ROMANTIC! Aaah, the chemistry! (no.)
Ooooh, so Dukey not marrying is his revenge against Daddy Duke. His bloodline dies with him. Also, he just hadn't met Protagonist Girl yet, so it would have been such a waste, right?
And this concludes Ep. 2, which had surprisingly little in terms of annotations. I could delve more into the unfortunate implications of Horrid Suitor™ being a mama's boy but I'm still writing all of this on my phone and I need a break. So,
To be Continued.
Probably soon, because the trains still aren't going.
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armve1ns · 4 years
Kinda getting tired of dysphoria kicking my ass, then seeing ~AFAB non-dysphoric she/her enby femmes~ get grouped in with me.
I hate that these people could possibly get me kicked out of irl trans spaces, despite the fact that they're clearly cis.
I'm in a support group for trans people and allies. A third of the group is just people who think they're trans cause they don't mind being called they/them sometimes. The difference in experience is staggering.
"Im having a really bad week for dysphoria, and my surgeon isnt calling back soon enough" -Trans man, mid-transition
"Im transitioned to where dysphoria doesnt affect me as much, but im trying to stay stealth at work for fear of being harrased or misgendered." -Trans woman, post transition, working in a blue collar field
"Im in the closet, and im terrified of coming out, but my dysphoria wont let me stay closeted for long" -Trans woman, in the closet, pre transition
"No one knows i use she/they pronouns. They only use she, which is fine, but i find it hilarious they think im a cis, and not q*eer lol" -AFAB NB woman
Folks who ID as non-binary do experience certain struggles, but those without dysphoria* have absolutely nothing in common with trans people. I wish people wouldn't lump us together. It's exhausting.
*As of now, the science points to the non-binary brain being an impossibility. I do, however, view the identity of NB as valid, but as a cultural label rather than a gender. Due to NB being cultural rather than neurological, those who identify with the label don't have to have symptoms such as dysphoria in order to be valid as non-binary.
Now don't mistake me, cultural labels and identities are important, deep, and very natural for humans to have. They're just separate from neurology.
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thehyunnie · 4 years
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behind masks; samo
hirai momo and minatozaki sana, one of the most clever robbers living in korea. they were never caught even once, maybe the masks they wear were a benefit. both were rivals because of always stealing the same things as the other. suppose fate was playing with them.
today was a normal day for momo, no robbing or any sort. she was just strolling around the not so busy road of seoul. the surroundings were quiet, only the noisy crickets were the source of sound. well, not until a sharp shriek of what sounds to be a woman was heard nearby to where she was walking, she followed the source of sound that leaded to a dark narrow side of a building, there she saw a defenseless pink haired woman getting sexually harrased by a perverted old man.
even tho momo was a robber, she still somehow cared about the people around her, mostly the people who had no courage to stand up for theirselves. kinda like momo.
there her anger rose up. she ran up to the both of them punching the man continuesly until he fell down to the cold cement, but that doesn't stop momo from beating the guy up.
"fucking pervert!" she shouted at him before giving one last strong punch in his hideous face, she stood up kicking the guy's body. "get out of my fucking sight! now!" the guy had no choice but to follow the girl or else he would get killed early. once he was out of their sight the peach walked up to the pink haired beauty. her brown orbs shone against the bright moon, she looked so vulnerable.
warmth. that's what she felt at the sight. the proximity of their bodies wasn't even that close to feel the girl's breath fanning over her, yet she felt warmth.
"are you okay?" momo asked ever so softly, afraid the girl might be traumatized after the incident. which is most likely to happen.
but no, the girl was still able to flash a heart melting smile at the peach whilst nodding.
"yeah, thanks to you." not gonna lie, but momo's heart was beating loudly for the girl. but little did she know, the girl she's with was also experiencing the same thing.
"is that so? then have a nice evening." and with that, she left the girl. and she regretted it. she hated herself for leaving the girl alone, not even asking the girls name. she felt guilty even until she got back home. even until she was about to close her eyes and fall asleep. she had the girl always in her mind.
she had the girl already in her heart.
after that faithful night momo encountered with that pink haired woman, the girl's image never left from momo's head. she was too inlove with a person she barely knew already.
momo was currently robbing a jewelry shop, minding her own business when suddenly the white masked woman appeared, leaning on the entrance just like any other day of trying to piss the peach off.
"trying to steal what i'm stealing again, huh." momo stated rolling her eyes behind the black mask she's wearing.
"you sure do know me well. " the white masked woman smirked as she was about to run towards momo, but suddenly out of nowhere got hit hard on the back of her head with a baseball bat, causing her to lose consciousness and collapse on the white tiles.
the man who hit her ran towards momo ready to hit her, but momo being well trained and strong. she defeated that whimp in just a matter of seconds. just like the white masked woman, he blacked off.
she began to do her business again like nothing happened, filling her bag with all sorts of jewelry and money. as she finished she wore the straps of her bag and began to walk, her feet passing by her nemesis' unconscious body.
"i can't just leave her, right?" she asked herself, heaving a deep sigh before taking the girl in her arms, carrying her bridal style. the girl's cap accidentally fell off from her head, revealing her pink braided hair. which was oddly familiar, momo just shrugged her thoughts off and took the cap. proceeding to walk to her car before the both of them gets caught.
momo placed her on the backseat, laying her on it. then went to the driver's seat. she took off her mask first throwing it to the seat beside her along with the bag consisting all the things she stole, driving off to their destination.
the ride was very quiet. since momo didn't put on some music because the girl behind her might wake up, plus she's sick and tired of listening to "yes or yes" all the time.
the peach can't believe she's taking her nemesis to her home. was it a good idea? what if she kills her? what if she tells everyone where she lives? several minutes of pondering and what if's has passed and they were now infront of momo's lovely home.
she got out off the car taking the white masked woman's body out to carry. once they got in her home, she plopped the girl on the couch. and just as she did she examined her. the peach got curious on what her nemesis looked like so she carefully and gently took the white mask off. whilst successfully removing it, the girl woke up. both eyes widened upon seeing each other.
"you?!" the both of them said in chorus.
"you're that girl?!" the white masked woman asked. that was more like a statement. momo repeated what she said.
they can't believe they were crushing on each other who are rivals. they're minds can't process on what they've just discovered.
"so... what's your name." the pink haired girl asked. breaking the deafening silence.
"me-i uhh... i'm hirai momo. y-you?" the latter said stuttering, looking down. the pink haired girl giggled at momo's cuteness.
"guess i'm not the only one foreign. i'm minatozaki sana." she stretched out her hand, giving a toothy smile. momo was still dumbfounded that time and couldn't take it to shake. so sana just retrieved her hand.
'maybe momo didn't like being with her enemy.' sana got sad at thought.
" thanks for saving me, again."
"sure." both locked eye contact, blushing when it took longer than before.
"i should- i should get going now-"
"don't." momo immediately cut her off.
"stay the night, with me."
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iamcrimelord · 5 years
Bloodborne: Ardenti Sanguine Chapter 2
It was two days till the night of the hunt and Daigo decided to go down the streets and survey the city. The first thing he noticed was that they simply LOVED statues. Most of them of shrouded figures that seemed to be weeping and wailing. He shook his head as he laughed. The city was certainly full of life. Brewers with barrels upon barrels of blood wine, medicinal wine, and so forth lined the streets. People were drinking it and at one point, he could have sworn that a mother was feeding her child with milk mixed with blood in the bottle. On another street corner a group of mates were drinking blood booze out of tankards, talking, cheering, and carrying on as though there was not a care in the world. Across the street on the opposite, a group of richly dressed men were seated around a table at a fancy tavern smoking cigarettes and sipping what he could only assume was blood wine from more elegant looking glasses. Everywhere in this city he could see the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the men and the women all drinking blood like it was water. There was one nagging question though in the back of his mind he could not shake however since he had read about blood ministration the night before. Where was all this blood coming from? His thoughts were disrupted however when he came close to a tavern called, “The Black Rose.” The wooden sign that held the name was clearly old though well maintained, and the windows were also tinted by time. His tongue felt a little dry so he decided to go in and see what was available. 
When Daigo entered the tavern he could see a very diverse group of drinkers indeed. There were your yoeman workers and farmers, volunteer hunters, and official hunters of the workshop. There were even a pair of choir members on the upper balcony that was on the inside of the tavern. All in all it looked like a good place to kick up ones heels and relax. He saw the bar and walked over to it, took a seat and looked at the drinks available. There was Blood Whisky, Blood Bourbon, Blood Wine, Blood Mead, Blood Absinthe?! That last one was truly surprising, what sort of sights and sounds did one see with blood laced absinthe? The Bar Maid came up to him and winked. “So Brother, what shall it be?” 
She was a very pretty woman. Buxom, long auburn hair, freckles, and mocha skin. Daigo grinned and leaned back a bit. “How about the blood wine? I’m feeling like treating myself tonight.” She nodded and left with her smile still on. 
Daigo leaned back and inspected his fingernails when suddenly two people sat side by side of him. “So...you a brother of the church mm?” one of them said. Daigo looked and saw a broad shouldered man with no hair or eyebrows but a thick goat beard on his chin. He was dressed in scruffy leather and had a folding saw on his hip and a blunderbust on his back.
“Come to rub elbows with us common folk eh?” Said the other man. He was tall, pretty much wearing a poncho made of some rough tarp that covered most of his body, save for his ragged pants and mud stained shoes. 
Daigo rapped his finger nails on the counter top and grinned. “Mm.....in a manner of speaking. I’m new in town.” 
The goat bearded hunter chuckled, his laugh showing he was missing more than a few teeth. “Well, well, welllllll......fresh meat from the church? how exciting....” 
Daigo kept up his friendly smile. “Indeed.” His right arm was hidden beneath the shoulder cape of his outfit...but he flexed it into a fist. He knew what was about to happen. 
The Tall hunter shifted his arm and rested his own hand on his weapon. “Yeah...we love it when you knobs from Cathedral Ward come down here and strut around like a peacock. Gracing us with a vision of your holier than thou arses.” 
Daigo saw his drink appear...the bar maid looking far more nervous than before. She quickly put space between herself and the situation that was developing. Daigo took the glass and downed it in one go....it was quite smooth and the blood gave it a surprisingly nice aftertaste. “Well if you want to see my ass, I suggest asking your sister first for permission, she might get jealous otherwise.” 
The Tall hunter shrieked in anger and pulled out his weapon, a surprisingly elegant butterfly sword. He kept the blade folded in but tried to use the shaft as a blunt club. Daigo quickly leaned back and fell out of his chair as the tall hunter smacked the goat faced hunter right in the jaw, sending a few more of his teeth flying out of his mouth. Daigo fell on his back but then rolled back to get into a better stance. The other patrons got up quickly, and a circle formed around the three men as the other patrons began to cheer on the fight. The Bar Maid looking furious left to get help. The Goat faced hunter rubbed his jaw and then cracked his neck. “WATCH WHERE YOU’RE SWINGING!” he shouted. 
The Tall Hunter looked at Daigo and spat. “I was swinging for the nancy here!!!” he and the goat faced hunter got off their stools and took fighting stances. Daigo simply chuckled and with his right arm he brushed back the shoulder capes and had them folded behind him. His Wooden Right arm revealed for the masses. The two hunters looked at it in shock and a small degree of fear. “The Hell is that?” the goat faced hunter asked. 
Daigo cracked his knuckles. “This...was a gift from a very old friend. But as far as you two are concerned, this is the instrument of your incoming ass beating.” The two hunters looked at each other, the goat faced man drew his saw and the two rushed Daigo. He flexed the hand on his right arm and the thorns that made up his fingernails on that arm extended into claws, which he then swiped across the face of the goat faced hunter on the right. With his left hand he then grabbed the tall hunters wrist that had been swinging for his head and twisted it hard, causing the tall hunter to drop his weapon. He then let go and with expert speed did a sweeping leg kick that knocked both men on their backs. Daigo quickly grabbed the butterfuly sword and in an elegant display of form and skill whipped the blade around himself quickly before pointing the now exposed blade right into the goat faced hunters face while Daigo had drawn his pistol and pointed it at the tall hunters face. The two men held up their hands in surrender and Daigo was just about to pull the trigger when he heard a whistle being blown. 
Daigo turned his head to the sudden noise and saw a team of constables in the door way. Led by a man with long blonde hair and holding a simply MASSIVE buzz saw blade on his back, and what appeared to be a mace in his hands. “Now whats all this then?!” he shouted. The Bar Maid approached his side. 
“These two men harrased my customer and intended to do him harm!! ....But it seems he was able to dispatch them himself...” She said with a good bit of surprise. 
Daigo nodded. “I just wanted a drink Constable. Nothing more.” 
The man nodded and then looked at the crowed of people who were watching. “Right then! Now listen very closely to me...We are all hunters of the city of Yharnum. From the farmer to Vicar Laurence Himself! All of us, are in this together. Now I’ve heard repeated reports of this in the past of church brothers being accosted by ruffians in this part of the city. And I tell you now, IT WILL...NOT...DO! If I hear any more reports  of drunken brawls, street muggings, or so forth, I will lock down this entire section of the city and establish STRICT rules and a curfew for the area. AM I UNDERSTOOD?” the other patrons nodded quickly. Many averting their eyes. The choir members however watched from above...with heavy invested interest in their fellow church member. The constable nodded and then looked to Daigo. “Brother, is there anyway we can make this up to you?” 
Daigo looked at the constable for a moment, then down at the tall hunter. “This is a nice sword. I’m keeping it.” He then turned and walked past the constables and out into the street. He left the tavern thinking it should be a day or two before he returned. But in the meanwhile, he had a nice new weapon to add to his armory. He twirled the sword around in expert fashion as he walked down the street, but was stopped by a call from behind. “Excuse us brother, might we have a word?”
Daigo turned to see who was calling him and saw two choir members approaching him. Walking Canes in hand. He performed one final flourish and then stuck the weapon into the back of his belt. “How can I help you...fellow brothers?” he asked with a friendly smile. 
The Choir Members smiled, but that was all he could see of their faces, those smiling mouths. Both looked exactly the same to each other. The one on the left spoke. “I must say it was very impressive seeing you handle those two brutes. They are hunters of no small reputation. Tell me...where did you train?” 
“Oh I simply learned on my travels. There is no greater mentor than experience.” Daigo said. 
“I see.” The Choir member said. “Well I say, if we had a few more brothers like you in the church we’d not need to rely on such....crude instruments.” He said with a smile. 
“Well that’s the thing about crude instruments.” Daigo replied. “They’re low maintenance and don’t require constant cleaning...unlike other more...delicate tools.” He said with biting friendliness. 
The choir members eyes may have been hidden, but the contempt in his voice could be heard. “Yes well.....we each have a roll to play dont we?” 
The other choir member spoke up. “Forgive my friend here, he tends to be much more direct in his opinions than other choir members.” 
“Well I’ll take that over pretenses any day.” Daigo said. 
“Of course” the second choir member said. “Why lie when honesty is far too much fun?” 
“Quite.” Daigo said. 
“Well...I hope todays events have not soured your view of either the city or its citizens.” The second choir member said. 
Daigo focused a bit more on the second choir member, and noticed that their lips were rose bud shaped and had a bit of gloss on them. “Well milady, it takes more than a tavern fight to spoil my view of things.” 
The Lady Choir member chuckled. “well good. I would hate to see someone with so much potential leave us so suddenly.” 
Daigo grinned and stroked his beard. “Well.....perhaps a guided tour of the city would help me find a new found appreciation for its ........wonders.” he said with a playful grin. 
The Lady Choir member laughed softly and held out a hand. “Well..anything to aid a brother of the church.” Daigo smoothly took her arm and the two walked side by side down the street. The firm scowl of the other choir member they left behind unnoticed by the pair. 
Later that night the two were having dinner in Cathedral Ward enjoying a balcony seat with a view of the whole city, the gently rising moon, and the beautiful lake that rested next to the city. They had walked the length and breadth of the city taking in the sights and sounds of all that Yharnum had to offer. And now they were ending the day with each others surprisingly delightful company. “So Tell me Sister,” Daigo said. “What are nights of the hunt like?” 
She sipped some blood wine and sighed gently. “I dont know. Choir Members are not allowed to participate.” 
“Why is that?” He asked. 
“Because choir members are researchers looking into how to elevate the mortal coil of man. A brute is easy enough to replace, there is not a lot of training involved. But a researcher who dies takes all of their knowledge and discoveries with them.” Her voice seemed to betray the bitter sweet sentiments she had about that. 
“Sounds like your a bit disappointed by that.” He said. 
“Well, only as much as a child might be disappointed that they cannot actually slay a dragon. My strengths are in academia not martial prowess as you or the hunters have.” 
Daigo sipped some wine and thought about that. :But you know....the thing about a body of flesh is...things that are weak can be made stronger....and minds that are ignorant can be filled with knowledge.” 
An amused smile kissed her lips gently now. “Are you proposing we exchange lessons?” 
Daigo nodded. “Indeed....I lack knowledge of the city, and you wish to fight in the hunt do you not?” 
The mask may have hid her face but he could see she was clearly thinking about it. “All right...then let us make an accord. I will instruct you and you will train me.” 
Daigo smiled and nodded to that, toasting her with his wine. The two clinked glasses together. “Though we simply cannot call each other brother and sister.” 
“Agreed” she said. “I am Morganna Du Loch.” She said, taking off her head piece to reveal a strikingly beautiful woman with blond hair, saphire blue eyes, and ivory skin. 
“And I am Daigo Gwyn Belfir.” He said. 
“Pleased to meet you Daigo.” She said. 
“The Pleasure, Morganna...is mine.” He said with a grin once more. 
Meanwhile in church headquarters, Laurence was pouring over his texts and manuscripts from Byergenwerth. Sketches of eyes, tentacles, and other mis matched limbs of various sorts were detailed in his books. Behind him as he researched, was a mural showing the moon, and in front of it...a tall whispy figure of bone and tentacles could be seen, descending on a field of white flowers. “There must be a way to contact him.” He said. 
Hey guys, just wanted to thank you so much for reading todays chapter. I just want to give a quick shout out to my friend @i-am-wyrmdrake who has been an absolute champion for me this year. Things were pretty rough at the start of 2019 but now that I’m back on my feet I just want them to know that I really appreciate all that they have done for me. Keep rocking on amigo mio! 
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On the Dobson Debacle:
Ok where do we start?
Well let’s try from the beginning.
An artist (darkvioletcloud) made an answer comic answering one of the most infamous comics made by Andrew Dobson, the most commonly known as the Lesbian kick, in his comic the artist made the point that with violence you will not convince anyone to stop being a boigot, and that kindness an civility can bring an actual change.
Andrew Dobson didn’t like that. This resulted is back and forth conversation of making multiple posts because Dobson blocked the artist so he didn’t have a way to actually speak to Dobson directly, in those Dobson defended his position of responding with violence against intolerance and demanded the comic to be taken down because he didn’t approve of the message it carried while having his characters in it. Furthermore Dobson also made a post in his facebook about this situation, a post that the artist cannot answer without outing themselves as transgender.
This is a very generalized summary of what happened, it doen’t contain all the details, but if tou look for the original comic, in the notes you’ll find all the information that you need (except for the facebook post, that is somewhere else, but it can be checked in Dobson’s own facebook).
Now what I will say is my opinion, and only my opinion. This is not a callout post nor a witch hunt and I will not codone nor foster any kind of harrasement to any of the parts involved.
1. Violence
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Dobson mentions the Nazis, but just saying that being violence helped stop the Nazis misses the context in which this violence happened (WWII) and the reasons Nazis rose to power in the first place (the defeat at WWI, the rise of communism and the political and economical instability of the Weimar republic), the Nazis might seem like an easy target but they are actually a huge deal and shouln’t be used lightly.
That asside Dobson’s stance also has a flaw: i doen’t solve the problem. It’s true that boigotry will never go away, but if we’re kind and patient to people that hold boigoted views we can make them drop those views, instead violence just rainforces their worldview, and while the might disapear from the public eye, the boigoted people will still be boigoted.
Also the last paragraph is acan be contested with the Civil Rights Movement and the legalitzation of gay mariage, events that didn’t need of violence to obain civil rights
2. Censorship
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As we can see Dobson wants the comic taken down as he didn’t grant permision to the use of his characters and he doen’t like the message the comic carries, but since the comic is a transformative work done with the intent of making a critique of the original comic it falls under fair use so no permision is needed for this comic to be made. Therefore the only thing remaning is that he doesn’t agree with the ideological stance of the comic, which menas he’s trying to remove a piece of media becuse of idelogical reasons which is cencorship.
Also worth noticing that in any moment Dobson’s character is used to spread the artists views, only the artists own OCs are used for that.
3. Hypocrisy
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In here I highlighed the parts that I will adress, I the first image Dobson says that he believes he is being “dunked on” by the people who are believe in civilty, so he’s making himself the victim of an injust persecusion, essentially he’s trying to create a victim narrative. But later on in a coment he makes the accusation that the artist is using his identity as a tool to create a victim narrative as a part of a plot to make him look bad.
Also he constatly mentions that he didn’t give permision for his character to be used that way, but at any moment he mentions is he asked permision to the real woman that in his comic recieves the kick in the face to be caricaturizated.
4. Blackmail
Upon learning that Dobson had made the Facebook post, the artist asked to delete it becuse he couldn’t debat him there without outing himself to a lot of people. Dobson only had this to say:
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I don’t think there is much to add here.
5. Misgendering
I’m putting a space and a content warning about misgendering to cover my bases and avoid problems, also if darkvioletcloud feels uncomfortable with the image I will be more than glad to change it for a link or remove it completely.
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So in the facebook coments this comes up, one might think well this might be an accidental slip up. But then come the excuses:
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There is no way Dobson could’ve missed his gender as it was stated in the Original Post of the comic, unless he didn’t read the post at all and acted purely in reaction to the ideological message of the comic. But that is not possible. Why?
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This post. If you go to the facebook post and check the dates, this post is made before the one wher he misgenders the artist. So he was aware that the artist was a trans-man. I don’t know it it was a slip up or not, but his behaviour afterwards of being called out for it leaves a lot to desire.
The logical this in here would’ve been owning up to the mistake and correcting it, not trying to weasel out of the fact that you misgenderd someone. Specially if like Dobson, you pride yourself to be a LGBT+ supporter.
6. Conluding remarks
I’m summarely disapointed with Andrew Dobson, if he didn’t like the comic so much he should have ignored it, instead he acted out and caused a snowball efect to the sitation we have now.
As for Darkvioletcloud, the artist, his comic was permited within the Fair use doctrine, and at any moment slanderd or directly insulted neither Dobson nor his characters so he doesn’t deserve the stressful situation he has been put. If anything he only deserves out positvity and suport.
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That Explains Everything-Platonic!Wonder Woman Imagine
Requested: No
Warnings: some creepy imagery and mild violence
A/N: The tone is similar to Percy Jackson but I promise I’m not plagiarizing. Wonder Woman belongs to DC Comics 
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   Even though Principal Adams was trying to seem as intimidating as possible while telling Mom exactly why I’d been sent to the principal’s office for the fifth time this week, I couldn’t stop staring at the mole on the old lady’s chin. It got bigger and grayer every time I saw it and legend had it, the more kids she kicked out of the high school, the bigger it grew. Her gray hair was tied into an impossibly tight bun at the nape of her neck and the cheap powder that she thought made her look a bit younger actually accented her jowls and the veins in her neck. I couldn’t keep my eyes off them as she spoke-----it was like watching a Saw movie: it was horrible but I couldn’t look away.
   “I am so sorry that Y/N got into another fight. It won’t happen again,” Mom said in a pleading voice.
   “Well, it definitely won’t happen for the next two weeks because your daughter will be suspended,” Principal Adams said.
   “What?” I exclaimed.
   Principal Adams glared at me  but her thin gray eyebrows raised in surprise. “You need time to think about your actions. All these outbursts of violence will not be tolerated at Bradford Academy, especially since this specific one resulted in Mr. Benson’s arm being broken.”
   Mom whipped around to look at me. “You broke a boy’s arm?” 
   “He started it! He wouldn’t stop calling me a giant or a freak. He was harrasing me, that’s what I was trying to tell Principal Adams! I told him that if he didn’t cut it out, I’d break his arm. He didn’t believe me.” I smirked at the thought of that little weasel Jackson screaming just two hours ago when I snapped his arm in two.
   Mom sighed and faced Principal Adams. “Again, I apologize on behalf of my daughter, but I know she is not a liar. Is anything being done about Mr. Benson’s behavior?”
   “He is a victim but I will speak to him about leaving girls like Y/N alone.”
   “Sure,” I muttered with an eyeroll. 
   “Y/N!” Mom hissed.
   A million more sharp words ran through my head but I decided to keep my mouth shut. If I kept talking, Principal Adams would make sure I didn’t graduate and the last thing I needed was to go to another private school in DC or spend another year in this stuffy hell. After seventeen years, Mom still hadn’t figured out that no matter where I went I would always be a freak. I was six-foot-one and strong but no one could tell when they looked at me. I was always stronger than the boys, a fact they hated, and they would bully me until I fought back. Even though I did get sent to detention or the principal’s office often, I refused not to defend myself. Mom would tell me to let it go and ignore them but she didn’t understand how boys were only encouraged when I ignored them. Dad suggested putting me into sports to get rid of my aggression and I was good at sports, but boys still bullied me. It was actually during a game of soccer in gym class that this Jackson incident occurred and he was angry that I’d scored three too many goals on him. Usually, I was able to ignore him and keep my calm, but when he put his hands on me, I snapped.
   Ten more minutes of polite berating later, Mom and I were walking down the glorious steps of Bradford Academy. A couple of stick-thin blonde girls giggled as we walked passed them, apparently amused by the fact that I looked so uncouth in my uniform of a pleated black skirt, gray button down and blood red vest. It was a comically beautiful day with the sun shining, the sky clear and blue, and a cool breeze. 
   “You are on such thin ice here, Y/N. You need to get your temper in check.”
   “Yeah, my temper’s the problem,” I muttered.
   Mom paused and turned to me. “Obviously it is. Everyone gets bullied, Y/N, but they don’t always end up in the principal’s office or suspended.”    “I defended myself----it should be Jackson who’s in trouble, but that will never happen because he’s a rich white boy.”
   “Lower your voice,” Mom hissed.
   Mom was a socialite of DC, lunching with first ladies and other women of the like. She was the vision of upper class and I was the thorn in her side. It wasn’t like I asked for her and Dad to adopt me.
   She glanced around as though to make sure there weren’t any spies before she continued. “The Bensons are an extremely important family and they could ruin your father’s career. Who knows how he’ll react to this.”
  “I’m sorry I’m such a burden, Mom.”
   “I didn’t say that.” She pursed her lips. “Just...take a cab home and we’ll talk about this later.” 
   On the cab ride home, I knew that Mom and Dad thought of me as a burden. They’d taken pity on me when they adopted me and probably hoped that Dad would be more appealing to politicians once they’d groomed their new daughter into a social butterfly. While I behaved as well as I could at their important functions, I couldn’t help but be irritated when people gawked at me and men made off-handed comments about how they’d like to see how many times my legs would wrap around them. 
    I hated being stared at and I wished just for once to fit in and be normal. 
   Finally, the cab pulled up to the town house and I paid the guy before wandering inside the massive place. Original Picassos and Rembrandts hung on the wine-colored foyer walls and classical music filled the house. I slipped off my shoes and set them in the shoe closet.
   “Roberta, I’m home!” I called. “And I will be for a while. I’m feeling pasta for dinner tonight, is that good?” 
  When the kind-hearted housekeeper didn’t respond, I got a little nervous. Roberta always greeted me when I came home and would offer me cookies and other comfort food as I told her about my issues of the day.
   “You are different, Y/N, and people cannot stand different,” she would say. “But different people make life interesting and those who keep bothering you are jealous because they will never be anything but boring.”
   It was cliche but it also made me feel better. I needed a double dose of it in that moment more than ever and I couldn’t help but get fidgety.
   “Roberta?” I called again.
   I wandered further into the house as a sense of something not being right creeped up behind me. My steps got lighter and lighter as I approached the kitchen. That was where I found Roberta: lying on the ground with blood seeping out of her chest. Her paled face was wrenched in agony and fear, as though she’d seen the most awful thing before she passed. I gasped and fell to my knees as I rushed to her.
   “Roberta, oh no, oh my goodness, how did this....what did this,” I whispered as I tried to clot her wound and listened for a pulse. When there was none, more tears crept to my eyes. “No, no, Roberta, no.”
   That was when I heard it: a hissing laugh that sounded like pure evil. It caused me to whip my head around and my eyes widened as I stared at the beast. The thing was crouched over and big, bigger than me. Its entire body was covered in black slime and its hands were claws that looked like butcher knives. What would have been a face was long and blank white eyes stared at me. Its mouth was wide and when it grinned, it revealed eight rows of razor sharp teeth. It looked like something out of a nightmare but rather than be afraid, I was furious. Quickly, I stood and grabbed a big knife from the island. The beast let out another loud hiss before charging at me. I waited for it to get close enough before I lunged and drove the knife into its engorged stomach. It cried out even though the knife didn’t go in. I managed to dive between its legs and run in the opposite direction, but it was right behind me. I started running up the stairs and turned to slash the knife across the face, but it slapped the knife out of my hand and scratched at my shirt, tearing the whole front open. 
    “AHHHH! SOMEONE, HELP ME!” I screamed. 
     Then, it hissed something in a language I didn’t understand and shoved me so hard that I soared all the way up the rest of the stairs and landed with a thud on the second floor. The adrenaline coursing through me allowed me not to feel anything as I scrambled to my feet and tried to run again, but my right foot felt weird. That was when the beast caught up to me and slashed at my back, causing me to cry out and fall on my knees again. I rolled over and it stood over me. I was frozen in fear, but I didn’t want to give up without a fight. I lifted my left foot and kicked it as hard as I could in the stomach. It screeched as it went flying back towards the staircase. I straightened up and what I saw next made my eyes widen. A golden length of rope wrapped itself around the monster’s entire body and it screamed as the rope tightened. The rope tightened hard enough for the monster to turn into a pool of black slime that was splattered all over the first half of the staircase.
    My breathing got harder and harder in spite of my relief that the monster was gone. I supposed it was because of all that energy I used trying to fight it off.
    A moment later, none other than Wonder Woman was standing at the top of the staircase, decked out in full uniform, and her gaze was on me. She looked even more powerful in person.
   “Y/N?” she asked.
   “Wonder Woman? How...how do you know who I am?”
   “We’ve had our eye on you for a while, and please, call me Diana.” She walked over to me and knelt down. “Your ankle doesn’t look very good.”
   “My associates and I are always looking for more people to join us and you are a person of interest,” Diana said as she slipped off my shoe to get a better look at my ankle. 
   “Your associates?” My eyes widened in realization. “You mean Batman and the Flash?”
   “Amongst others.”
   I shook my head. “This can’t be happening right now.”
   “I can assure you that it is certainly happening.” 
   Diana helped me to my feet and I showed her to the nearest bathroom so she could help me fix up my ankle. She had a surprising gentle touch as she examined my ankle.
   “It’s just a sprain, I’ve broken it before.” 
   “Still, you need to be in the best possible shape if you want to be one of us,” Diana said as she wrapped up my ankle.
   “Wh...why would you guys want anything to do with me? I’m just a teenage girl and I’m pretty sure you don’t need someone who’s super good at sports.”
   Diana hesitated from wrapping my ankle as she looked up at me. “You don’t know.”
   “Don’t know what?”
   “Y/N, demons like the one who was in your house don’t just go after humans----they take orders from someone more powerful than they are.”
   I frowned. “That was a demon?”
   “And one of the more vicious ones.”
   “So, if I’m not human, then what am I?”
    Diana raised an eyebrow. “You’re a smart girl, I thought you would have figured it out by now.”
   I nearly told her that I’d done less than well on my last calculus pop quiz but I decided not to, curious as to where she was going with this. 
   “You’re an Amazon, Y/N.”
   In short, I was stunned. I always knew that I was adopted----my hair was y/h/l, y/h/t, y/h/c and my parents’ weren’t. I had y/e/c and neither of them did. I was tall and they were average but still short compared to me. I knew that I belonged to a different family but not an entirely different species.
    I shook my head. “No, that’s impossible. Amazons are a myth created by Homer and a bunch of other Greeks.”
   “Do I look like a myth? Zeus brought me to life with my mother and your case is similar.”
   “How is this possible?”
   “Centuries ago, there was a war between the Amazons and Ares. He tried to take over our home, Themyscira, but we refused to let him. Though we defeated him, one of his men managed to take you from your mother’s home and bring you to earth. Your mother spent her whole life searching for you.”
   “So, she died?”    “Yes, she got sick and passed on, but I am sure she would be proud of you-----not many untrained Amazonians could have fought off a demon as well as you did.”
   It still felt like a sucker punch to the gut knowing that I would never meet my birth mother, but at least it explained why I was so different from everyone else.
   “How did you know where to find me?” I asked.
   Diana smirked. “Well, we look for people who can do extraordinary things and just a few weeks ago, you saved a little girl who should have been crushed by a car.”
   I nodded at the memory. Mom and Dad had managed to convince the local newspapers to spin it as one of those adrenaline stories, but adrenaline didn’t cause teenage girls to stop a moving car with their bare hands as it sped towards a little girl in the street. They were both so upset with me that I didn’t think they would speak to me again, but what I was supposed to do, let the little girl die?
   “They said it was an adrenaline rush but I knew it wasn’t. I’ve always been pretty strong.”
   “As all Amazons are,” Diana said. “You are also faster and taller, which also fall into being an Amazon. I was planning on speaking to you today but fortune had it to where someone sent a demon after you so you got to see me like this.” She gestured to her uniform.
   “I don’t understand why someone would send a demon after me. I get into fights on a daily basis, but I don’t see how that would constitute someone conjuring up a demon and sicking it on me.”
   Diana’s expression turned grave and serious. “That is because someone else knows you are an Amazon and knows how much you are capable of. I must say that I see it as well and the only way I can help you and protect you is if you join me and my associates.”
   I was stunned. Wonder Woman was asking me to join the Justice League? I just found out I had powers but had no idea how to use them. How useful was that going to be to a team of super powerful and experienced individuals? 
   “Shouldn’t you be looking for someone more experienced?” 
   “No, me and Mr. Wayne agreed that you would be a great addition once you were trained.”
   “Mr. Wayne, as in Bruce Wayne? How do you know him?”
   Diana shook her head. “I’ll explain that all to you later but I am giving you an opportunity to not only protect yourself but all humans. You will no longer have to fight off idiots who attack you for being different.”
   “How did you---”
   “Like I said, we’ve been watching you for a long time now.” Diana rest her hand on my shoulder. “It is your decision, but if you do stay, you must know that you put not only your life but the lives of everyone around you in danger.”
   Immediately, my mind went back to Roberta. I could only imagine how frightened she was in her last moments and I didn’t want to think about what would have happened if it had been Mom or Dad. Even though they didn’t understand what it was like to be me, they did their best and I loved them. It petrified me to even think that they could have the same fate as Roberta. Plus, they wouldn’t have to worry about their little girl getting into so many scraps and getting expelled. As part of the Justice League, I would have no choice but to get into scraps for the better of mankind.
   “I’ll go with you but I have to say goodbye to my parents, arrange a funeral for my housekeeper, and clean up the mess that demon left.”
   Though it all didn’t necessarily happen in that order-----my parents came right after I finished cleaning the mess-----my transition into becoming a member of the Justice League was fairly smooth. At first, my parents refused to let me go until Diana appeared from cleaning up Roberta and putting her body back in her bed. Diana helped me persuade them that this choice was for the best, but I promised not to leave until after Roberta’s funeral. Two weeks later, Diana and I were walking into Wayne Manor. It was even bigger than the pictures suggested and Alfred directed us to the BatCave, where Mr. Wayne was sitting in front of a giant computer and multiple screens. It was hard to focus anywhere since there were cool black, bat-related gadgets every where. 
    “Mr. Wayne, Diana Prince and Y/N Y/L/N are here,” Alfred said.
   Mr. Wayne turned around and he was even more handsome in person in an older man kind of way. He stood up straight and wore a white button down shirt tucked into steamed gray pants. He moved with authority and shook my hand. 
   “It’s nice to finally meet you, Y/N,” Mr. Wayne said.
   “Really? It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Wayne. I can’t believe that you’re Batman.”
   He smirked. “Please, call me Bruce.”
   “I mean, I can kind of believe it and am a little annoyed I didn’t figure it out sooner.” I blinked and instantly regretted my words. “Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to----”
   “It’s fine, Y/N, I just hope no one is as acute about it as you are.” He released my hand and turned to Diana.
   “You said she’s eager for training?” he asked.
    “Extremely and she’s a natural at fighting,” Diana said.
   “Good. We’ll start training tomorrow at five.”
    “In the morning?” I asked.
   “Is that a problem, Y/N?”
   “No, not at all, Mr. Way---I mean, Bruce.” 
   Bruce stared me down for a second. “You know, there is a certain amount of dedication that is required to be a part of this team. If I sense that you are not a fraction dedicated, I will ask you to leave, no matter what Diana says.”
   “That won’t be an issue,” Diana said.
   “I understand that this is serious, Bruce, and I am ready to do whatever it takes to prove it.”    “Good, I’ll see you in the morning.” 
   Morning training turned out to be even worse than it sounded. Diana and Bruce took turns tiring me out, kicking me, punching me, and knocking me onto my butt in general, but I refused to give up. There was no way I was going back to being that freak girl in DC. That fueled me to get better every day and practice with Barry, Cyborg, and Diana. Eventually, I got so good that I knew that Bruce was proud of me and wanted to smile every time I took down a villian in the field, but he never would----he had a reputation to protect. 
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