#but hearing it from an OG solidifies just how much they enjoy working with each other imo
monarchisms · 2 years
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[from part 1 of the achievement hunter live: encore documentary | timestamp is 18:46]
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Episode 4 - "The show must go on" ~Kevin
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Mutiny: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630277130686742528/announcement
Mutiny Results: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630281668546134016/announcement-mutiny-results
Tribal Immunity: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630281797053415424/tribal-immunity-4
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Ellie mutinies to Heartless. Everyone is shocked as they saw her in a really good position on the tribe
Jessica mutinies to Heartless because she knows that she is next on the chopping block
Colin mutinies to Nobody to cause chaos. Ellie tells him to side with Kim, and he tells her and Dylan to protect Christina
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i'm sad colin left. but the show must go on 
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*All speculative prose (I do not know anything 🙃)* So I feel bad. I think Colin may have gone because Colin thought I was. The problem is he did not talk to me beforehand?!? Like Colin and were talking about it and then COVID and then the edit logic... And I was busy talking to people and the new tribe members. I hope I did not screw over Colin after hearing how it is over there. At least here *every* one is faking it. ...and he was gone. Not sure Colin will be happier there, but hope so. 
Ellie forms a bond with Emma and wants to work with her despite her messiness
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Pretty confident, I screwed over Colin. I apologize to Colin and to what I may have done to his game. I will feel guilty about this for a long time. Even if I am wrong, I still feel like I missed something with it being so crazy. Regrettably, Emma
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I can’t find an idol to save my life now lmao nor can I figure out how to stop failing a part of it 😭 We won the immunity challenge AGAIN! I’m really proud of the tribe for this one because it was such a pain in the ass 😂 There was also an opportunity to mutiny and Colin took it! The chaos pull was strong for him lol. I really almost went too, but I heard negative things about the guys on nobody tribe soooo that’s a no from me. Heartless Tribe gained two people, which gives me another shot at building bonds. This immunity challenge we’re doing now is really fun tbh. We have to complete units of Japanese on Duolingo! I think we can win this one. If we don’t, there are a lot of people to choose from 🖤
Emma gets really paranoid about all the people who are talking
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Fairly sure Dylan is holding the tribe in this challenge, but think Jessica will do a lot today. Weary of new people, of course, lol. They both are new to the tribe, and Ellie is super chill. We can talk about anything, so glad for her! Amy and I should have just done it. I do not think that this majority/minority wants to go tribal, and then the others do. So I am prepared for tribal. And I am staying silent to everyone else. The people playing in this are supposed to be my allies. I want this to be true. I wish I did not speculate as much as I do.
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Lord please keep me from losing my shit on Emma. She is legit the messiest person alive and I cannot wait to vote her out. She consistently sends the wrong people the wrong chats and then wildly tries to pretend the messages are meant for them. She’s always in everyone’s business about challenges and idols and freaking out if people don’t talk for a few minutes. I will say this. If it goes to tribal, this vote goes to Emma because I can’t deal with her stress anymore. 
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こんにちは !! Liking this new tribe. I wish Kim switched over. Things are going well I think. Need to talk to more people and find out the scoop of everything. Things seem calm? Probably because they haven’t voted anyone out. Hopefully we win the challenge because I’ve been learning Japanese all day and this girl is tired. 
Results: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630371332666867712/duolingo-results
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WOOOOO WE WON. I have to admit it does feel good to win. And why yes raffy, I will enjoy my night off. 
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Yay Kevin! Yay our whole Heartless Tribe! Just, yay!
Christina and Kevin did amazing! Super proud of them because I know they both worked hard/love languages. This Immunity Challenge solidified (maybe) some stuff with Kevin and Christina being in this for the tribe. I am just going to try and be cautious. This will likely fail. 😆 Ellie's amazing addition. I think, overall, we are relieved. Party!!! 🥳😴😎🙃
Emma believes Amy is lying to her about something, calls out people in the tribe chat, and gets increasingly frustrated by people not answering her within 5 minutes.
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Seriously hope Dylan/Kevin sent Colin over as a "spy" (since they have played together). I do think if I was faster as processing things that I would have made two different decisions, regardless of Colin's intentions. 1. Would have messaged closest allies and said I was going for sure. 2. Would have messaged Hosts I was going.
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Friday was so crazy! I'm still in shock over Colin switching tribes, that was so unexpected. I really liked getting to know him. Also I don't really like the new People. Ellie seems sweet but she really is too sweet, it's almost ingenuine. Jessica just seems rude. I mean she waited until 2 days after switching to this tribe to talk to me. I had to talk to her. Like, who does that? Especially after mutineeing from a tribe. You should be on high alert. Jessica is a no bueno for now, but we'll see.
Ellie wants to work with Emma as they bonded over their similar chaos energy. She realizes that a lot of people are after Emma due to her messiness in general
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Missing kin hours :(( Still I really like my new tribe!! Everyone is nice and I don’t think I’d be the target, rn it seems like Emma has a target on her back which kinda sucks cause I like her a lot but it’s better than me!
Emma leaves even more alliance chats that she created on a whim.
Tribal Council: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630458005478129664/tribal-council-3-nobody-tribe
Mutiny: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630277130686742528/announcement
Mutiny Results: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630281668546134016/announcement-mutiny-results
Tribal Immunity: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630281797053415424/tribal-immunity-4
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Ellie mutinies to Heartless. Everyone is shocked as they saw her in a really good position on the tribe
Jessica mutinies to Heartless because she knows that she is next on the chopping block
Colin mutinies to Nobody to cause chaos. Ellie tells him to side with Kim, and he tells her and Dylan to protect Christina
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A mutiny. OF COURSE ITS A MUTINY! I'll absolutely say i wasn't expecting it but those were some bold decisions. Ellie i wasn't entirely surprised by HOWEVER Jessica mutinies and my heart skips a beat. It was ths game move she needed to make 100% because even if i potentially wanted to keep her , i wasn't going to a tiebreaker for her . Someone mutinied feom the heartless tribe and i wonder if they felt on the outs of they're just here to infiltrate. Who knows
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Not surprised at the outcome at tribal tonight. I really did like John and enjoyed chatting with him, but for the sake of safety in numbers, he had to go. What I’m surprised is that Ellie jumped ship! Not so much Jessica, but Ellie has a good thing going for us. We will see how things pan out now that we’re divided 4-8!
Colin goes to work socializing with a new group. It’s going to be tough since those 3 are tight. He needs to crack a wall somewhere
Results: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630371332666867712/duolingo-results
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I honestly feel responsible again for losing the challange!!! A 2??!?!?! Here I thought we were gonna average something much lower. But honestly, I didn't have much time to work on it as I spent the majority of the day at work. I think at this point our allience will vote together and unfortunately Colin will be the casualty. He shouldn't have mutinied...
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Look i get that is part of this whole process but DAMN . Why does my tribe have to attend all the tribals. It's kind of demoralising tbh . 
Colin wanted to target Jordan, but has switched to Daniel. Kim wants to flip, but doesn't want it to tie. Jordan wants to flip on Kim since they have two rewards. The spice is going to be flavorful
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OKAY so I need to walk you guys through my decision to mutiny. because on surface level it seems really dumb. I'm here to explain to you why its ALSO dumb on the deeper level. i'm a messy ass bitch. I have played DOZENS of these games and I've never taken a mutiny before, so honestly this was mostly about new horizons and trying new things! BUT ALSO. Ellie mutinied. and I NEED to be able to play my game without Ellie. I had good connections on my og tribe with Christina, Kevin, Dylan, and Amy. I hope that distance will make the heart grow fonder and they will realize how much they actually wanna work with me when I'm not there!! I gave them sufficient warning and tried to smooth things over so it wouldn't be awkward when we are reunited. My ultimate plan is to just survive until merge and then make a powerhouse trio of me, Christina, and Dylan. Dylan and I can be strategic masterminds, while Christina and I can also help maneuver us socially. After coming onto the Nobody tribe, I'm honestly not impressed. Kim seems okay but a lil dry, Jordan is barely around and also a lil dry, and Daniel is actually really fun to talk to, but doesn't seem invested game wise. I think i need to get Jordan out by painting him as a challenge threat. I think I'll try to make an alliance of Kim and Daniel. I really just need them to protect me. Losing this challenge SUCKS. I kinda wish Christina and Dylan had thrown for me. but I didn't expect them to and I'm not surprised they didn't. I think my name is absolutely on the chopping block because everyone else seems comfortable, but I fully intend to put in WORK to make sure I stay. if I can make it past this, this will be a huge talking point on my resume for FTC. I'm starting early. Wish me luck!! xoxo. 
Everyone is targeting each other and it’s about to be a big ol mess
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I know it should be a no brain-er to who's going home tomorrow but i honestly do see the value of keeping Colin . We've bonded and i honestly do think he can be an ally for me moving into a merge. But it would require someone else to pull off because i don't want to piss off either Daniel or Jordan or potentially both if i vote against them
Colin attempts to talk with people about the vote, but no one responds back to him. Things are looking bleak as Kim as voted early for Colin. “I was talking to Kim this morning and basically all he said was he didn't think jordan and daniel would vote for each other. I hope Kim will at least let me do firemaking”
Colin shifts gears and tries to get Jordan to flip on Kim. However, Jordan is too scared to talk to Daniel about it, fearing it might ruin their relationship. So, he seemingly backs out on it. Colin grows increasingly frustrated with the fake back and forth. He doesn’t view Daniel as playing his own game as Daniel seems to do whatever Jordan wants him to do
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Lost one of my core members to a mutiny, now lost the challenge. Our tribe has 4 members, two of which I believe to be close allies, one being the new member who mutinied from the other tribe, and of course myself. Kim, one of my allies, has been winning rewards throughout the game which scare me a bit. I’ve been getting along with our new member pretty well and it’s made me consider trying to find a way to vote out Kim so we can keep Colin around and just get rid of those rewards. I don’t think Dan would trust me anymore if I threw out an idea like this though so I don’t know if there’s a way to make it happen. However, I think I’m still leaning towards voting out the new member and at least trying to stay three strong. We will see if I feel the same tomorow.
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im so sad. why did i take the mutiny. I'm really about to get voted out bc no one is even TALKING to ME all three of my new tribemates have expressed interest in keeping me and said that we had vibed really well. but now here I am, 4 hours before tribal, with absolutely nothing. No one talking to me. No names thrown out. They're going with the easy vote. I don't understand why. I can protect them going into merge!! they're going to be at such a numbers disadvantage, and I can be a bridge to the OG heartless tribe if I make it. But they don't wanna give me that chance. I'm so frustrated. 
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I’ve really been trying to find a way to keep Colin but I just don’t think it’s gonna be worth it for me to risk my current friendships. I’m too nervous to even consider mentioning the option to either of them for fear they will just blow me off entirely after that. I do think I would have more fun if I kept Colin around, but it may be short lived. A blindside would be super spicy right now but we will see...
Tribal Council: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630458005478129664/tribal-council-3-nobody-tribe
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0 notes
survivormontenegro · 5 years
Prejury Rites of Passage
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Ali - The undisputed Subway Queen. Somehow, other than maybe JJ, you have ended up as maybe the most talked about player this season, your legacy lives on. Your tribe PSAs about your feelings on the vote were legendary, and I genuinely really enjoyed talking to you. If you are still looking for closure, from my perspective, the reason you left the game was because while we had greater conversations, I’m not sure how much you had talked to the others, and you targeted who was someone who was already well-connected in Mitch, and who was also someone I didn’t want to see go. With that said, you remain a legend, the original robbed goddess of the season, and in Tumblr Survivor: Sandwich Royalty, I can’t wait to watch you snatch first place.
Benj - You were really nice but just didn’t talk much! Queen of subway, queen of stacking sandwiches, queen of telling us you scored over 50 but actually scored 0. We still talk about that iconic moment.
Caeleb - I’m sorry I never got to meet you. The way people talk about you is iconic, so I can only imagine that you are actually are. 
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Ali - You will without question not remember this, but you played in my first ever season! You were inactive, and basically didn’t message anyone, but you wrote a confessional that I still remember about me being annoying and wanting me to shut my mouth. It seems you knew the truth of my annoying ways before the rest of the cast, so perhaps you are the wokest one of all.
Caeleb - I messaged you about corn. And then we never talked again, and that’s why I think I got your vote. But you seemed really fun, I just wish I got to know you more. 
Tom - Hi pal it’s me Tom uhm it was nice to meet someone that i would have never met in my real life as you are into drag so it was nice talking to you for the small portion you were in the game
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Ali - Jared, you are the OG crackhead of the season, and I honestly miss you for it. You were such a king, and a pleasure to talk to, but I think from jump you were playing super hard, and spreading stuff back and forth which I think got a lot of early attention on you? So I think when info spread about the Budva idol being found, and about the Mitch vote, people found that frustrating and wanted you out, which played onto my own fears of you playing hard, so I got on board. With that said, I was genuinely very sorry on a personal level to see you go, as I know you had a lot more game in you, and I look forward to seeing you play another game, because you defo DEFO should.
Benj - You were one of my favs from the start and was hoping to go further with you but unfortunately you got a bit too messy! Hope u can do well in future games tho!
Caeleb - The only thing I know about you is that Mitch said, “that’s what you get for targeting me” at your tribal. At least I think it was. 
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Ali - I LOVE YOU. I doubt you remember me also, but I remember talking to you during Tumblr Survivor: Solomon Islands, both your first season and one of the first seasons which I followed in this community. It was very full circle seeing you play this season, and I was super disappointed to see you go so early, but obviously OG Durmitor saw how iconic you were and didn’t want to compete!
Benj - WILLOW MY QUEEEEEEN. Literally the only person I was friends with before this season and it sucks that once again we never got to play with each other :(( After you left I knew I had to make it far for you I hope youre proud u were robbed!!
Caeleb - I am sad, I really liked Willow. She was undeniably sweet, and she really wanted to do better than her last time in Kuwait. I really wanted to help her out with that and when JJ told me to vote Willow and Willow wasn’t around to make a countermove I knew it was too late. BUT I miss Willow and her super sweet heart, and Benj and I talk about how we had to do well for her honor. 
Tom - Robbed honestly kinda sad that u left but unfortunately that’s where majority went 😢
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Ali - Okay this season has had many upsetting moments. However, I believe maybe the most upsetting was you sending the picture of the blue wig you wanted to wear in a lip sync challenge to the OG Budva tribe chat. Seeing you wear it the following round, and be sent home right after, was so upsetting, that wig was truly CURSED. You were also kinda cracked apparently, but we were gonna be fellow bad bitches of the tribe which I loved (I may have also voted for you one round but… let's forget about all that NNNN)
Benj - You were iconic in the music vid challenge but we just didn’t have as good of a connection that I found with the new Durmitors on the tribe which is why I ended up siding with them ://
Caeleb - Noah was some guy. He has a vibrant personality and had an interesting mentality towards survivor. It seemed like he was willing to make big moves, and to my favor that didn’t end up working out for him. Regardless, his strategy was unique and his energy was intense and colorful. 
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Ali - Okay… JJ, hnnngh let’s buckle in. First off, can I just say, apparently you showed your mum my intro, and she said I was a mess… so your mum gets me as a person. Otherwise… you were actually crazy, some highlights being when you wanted to call me when I was coming back from a night out with friends and with them in McDonalds at 5am, or when you wanted to call me 0.5 seconds after I left my prom. In general, while I found you super frustrating lowkey and didn’t particularly appreciate the pseudo-threats you made to my game, I know you genuinely mean well, and hearing stories about your activities in a car park aside, are a good soul really. Just… no more constant calls.
Caeleb - JJ was some kid. When he wanted to call every day in Durmitor I told my friends that I was going to be really upset if he beat me in this game, because I didn’t like that we were calling for hours on end every single day. However, he did include me in talks and was always kind to me, and it actually took me by surprise when I found out that everyone felt that same unease about him. I think that attests to his strength if he were to make it post-merge. Early on that creates a big target, but this could’ve come in as a strength long-term.
Tom - eek cracked legend, as much as you drove me up the wall with all your plans it was cool to reconnect since tengaged uhm say gday to your mum for me and just a tip for next time it’s a marathon not a sprint ❤️
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Ali - You were the Siri to my Alexa. While I initially assumed you would potentially be first boot, you became… such a legend, and the way you would message me about votes, while terrifying was also iconic. I also heard you were recruited by Dennis, who is also a king, so if Dennis stans, we do too. Apparently you kind of disappeared/gave up, which is a shame, since I think Siri could’ve fought on and been amazing.
Benj - Challenge beast!! You always put in the best effort that I have seen in chals and sad u vanished at the end hope ur ok!
Caeleb - We had some really fun discussions about his gaming career and the different gaming communities he’s apart of. I honestly thought our connection was pretty friendly and enjoyable, I kinda wish we had kept up our communication after the Noah vote. 
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Ali - Evan, you were a really sweet guy and on a personal level, I loved talking to you. I think your fate was somewhat sealed by you telling JJ he was going to go home the first swap round, in that it kinda eroded trust in you, and alienated you from the other six members of the tribe. With that said, I do want to apologise to you, for not being around during the second day of the challenge where we had to unscramble the names of the survivor players, and for not helping out enough; it was clear that challenge would determine your fate, and I wish I had done more.
Caeleb - This boy was an icon. I do think he was kinda robbed. Sure, he was paranoid, but TS is just a cluster-f of emotions so like who can blame him. He made crazy connections and always told people that they were his number one. Honestly, I believed him when we were on the same tribe. Either he was goofing me just as he was everyone else, or he actually did trust me. I hope it was the latter!
Tom - oh Evan you really uhm got unlucky with this vote off, I feel like you were so good in the game just unfortunately  loyalty kicked your ass :( it was lovely meeting you and hearing about you and your gf cute ass relationship 
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Ali - Okay, as you said to me, I definitely, definitely have some explaining to do. I genuinely loved our personal conversations throughout this game, but I also have felt since round two of this game, that you were a threat of astronomical proportions and needed to go sooner rather than later. Your win in the lists immunity challenge solidified this, and I consistently considered you a major threat through both the tail end of pre-swap and during the swap. When the merge vote happened, and an opportunity opened up to both remove you and separate you and Jason as a duo, it was an opportunity I had to capitalise on. I genuinely am so sorry for how dirty you were done, and I also hate that you weren’t even on jury, but I hope you can at least take something out of how well you played, while you were in the game.
Benj - Omg Ian I think that you think I voted you/knew about your vote off when really I had no idea you were one of my favs from the start to talk to and it sucks you left so soon before we got to truly play together :((
Caeleb - I got to chat with him for like 3 days, but he seemed like such a sweetheart. We couldn’t talk game because we were both being told that we were on the opposite side of the votes, and it seemed smart to stick with our respective groups. Regardless, our chats were pleasant, fun, and kind, and I honestly could have seen myself working with him throughout the season and going far with him if things were just different. We were pitted against each other, and sadly that’s the way it is 
Tom - ahh bromigo honestly by far the most robbed of this season I’m so sad you couldn’t be apart of jury because you deserved it, I’m sure we’ll keep talking after this game and I just want to say thank you for being such an amazing ally and friend probably the person I enjoyed speaking too the most
0 notes
andrewuttaro · 5 years
New Look Sabres: 2019-2020 Schedule
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Reviewing next season’s Buffalo Sabres Schedule was the first blog of New Look Sabres last year. It was full of mediocre to hardly passing jokes and double entendres. I wasn’t necessarily new to blogging, but I knew I was committing to a very regular blog and had some jitters about it. I’m not saying my writing has grown enormously since then, but I’ve figured out some stuff. Looking back on how I looked at this past season’s schedule is both delightful and disappointing. It’s delightful thinking we all were in for the thrill of the ten-game winning streak and we didn’t even know it. I had a little angry tangent about the Pittsburgh Penguins in last year’s schedule analysis and not only did we get a fun win off of those guys during the win streak, we beat them in their house in a barnburner. What fun that was! On the other hand every time I speculated about the playoffs it sorta burns in retrospect. I looked at the last seven games of the season as the opportunity for a fun, grade-A F1 duel for a playoff spot against mostly teams that didn’t qualify for the playoffs the prior season. Little did I know that those last games would be hard to watch waiting for a Head Coach firing. Enough reminiscing! The grass is always greener on the other side! What does the future hold? How does the 2019-2020 NHL Schedule set the table for the Buffalo Sabres 50th season?
To begin with: the Global Series. Playing regular season games on another continent is a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing because it’s fun to have your team get that kind of attention for however short a window on top of the general fun of watching your favorite players travel to a foreign country. It’s a curse because that’s a lot of extra travel and exhaustion for games that matter the same but are more difficult unnecessarily. I’m all for growing the game, particularly in a place like Stockholm, Sweden where, if this league ever does ever expand to Europe, will certainly be a target market. However it would be nice if those games either didn’t matter in the standings and or were in the preseason. The Buffalo Sabres will take on the Tampa Bay Lightning in two games November 8th and 9th. Rasmus Dahlin’s Instagram will be very fun I’m sure but for a team who has struggled to get good starts to their season a lot this decade, playing two games on another continent in November isn’t ideal. Two out of four games against a high-powered divisional rival will be absolute wild cards. That said, they’re going through it too and crazy as it may sound, Tampa wasn’t the hardest divisional opponent this past season. So that’s something. The Global Series isn’t the only different thing on the schedule. Since the day the Draft started actually we’ve known the first two games of the season. Buffalo starts on the road at Pittsburgh before returning for a home opener against the newly PK Subban-ized New Jersey Devils on October 3rd and 5th respectively. That’s a fun Saturday night not just because of Subban but the Devils also have this year’s first overall pick in Jack Hughes. Hopefully there are some equally fun Sabres players to talk about at that point, but this many months out the visitors are the more interesting part. Neither of those teams will be cakewalks to start the season but neither are impossible. This is the first season in a while neither of the first two games of the season involved a hated divisional rival. Speaking of divisional rivals: games against the seven other teams in the Atlantic Division are remarkably evenly spread out. Excluding eight division bouts in November each month has four or less excluding April of course. That high concentration gives me an interesting idea of focusing all the divisional trash talk into one month: Atlantic Division Hate Month! It’s a working title.
I mentioned briefly off the top this is the Sabres’ 50th anniversary season. Surely more promotional nights will be announced after I post this but already we’ve got a couple fun oddities listed. The home opener will feature a pregame ceremony featuring past Sabres Captains. If that shit doesn’t look like a fucking illuminati induction then it ain’t doing enough. Also potentially cult-like: “Founders Night” December 2nd against the Devils… why are the promotions with big cult potential both against the Devils… hmm, I’d bring a crucifix to both if I were you. How about we chase that with some normal stuff: there’s a California road trip in October, there’s a potentially weak stretch of teams down the last ten games of the season that we’ll waste the opportunity and be long out of the playoffs by. I don’t know how you feel about the San Jose Sharks but there’s a rare home and home series in late October against them. If you’re the kind that likes to have a Sabres game at the epicenter of a day getting trashed there are a couple real gems in the schedule. For drunks who I’m going to insist travel safely there is a home and home back-to-back with the Toronto Maple Leafs Black Friday and the Saturday following Thanksgiving. I’m imagining a big drunk family enjoying that, just enjoy safely. You don’t want to be hungover on a Saturday evening watching that second game. New Year’s eve features a game against Tampa and January features a road game in Nashville on a Saturday night that would be tempting for even the most sober among us. If you’re more the lawful type like myself and prefer your non-alcoholic juice beverages in the afternoon you’ll be disappointed to hear there are only 3 Saturday games at 1pm. One of those is a game in Stockholm and the other two are on otherwise uneventful nights in the dead of winter. Take that how you will. Before we get to the strategy of the schedule its worth noting that at the posting of this article we have been royally teased. The team twitter account posted the 50th Anniversary patch in the current navy with navy OG logo after a row of that same logo in royal blue, red and black with the goat-head, and navy with buffaslug. There’s no real explanation for those except “Journey through the decades.” Sabres twitter immediately responded with the wounded optimism our team may actually do something cool. It’s hard to say exactly what that means. My heart tells me decade-themed nights where they wear the jerseys from those decades, but my head tells me tribute videos and special guests with some pricey auctions. We’ll see what it actually means. Here’s to hoping I guess.
So does the schedule help or hurt the Sabres prime goal of Lord Stanley’s Cup? Yeah, I know the best teams win no matter how tough their schedule is but let’s all be honest here: these guys need as much help as they can get to break the playoff drought. I’d say this season’s schedule is the most favorable to help the club as it’s been in years. It starts with October in which your toughest opponent is… the Sharks? The Habs? Ok, so there is a challenging opponent by last season’s standards sprinkled in, but the thirteen games of the season’s first month look to be a great early barometer for where the team is at. It’s not crazy to imagine our boys in blue and gold getting nine, ten, maybe even eleven wins in October. That would be the best start to the season in many years. There’s a lot of time off in November because of the Global Series so even if it’s not a flaming start they have time to figure their new coach out early. We’ll see a lot of our division’s elite that month: Tampa, Boston and Toronto. Getting wins against them will go a long way to building confidence if Ralph Krueger is the motivator we’ve been led to believe he is. December will be decisive per usual with the Western Canadian road trip preceding the trip to the Stanley Cup Champion St. Louis Blues. With some luck the two matchups against Boston after Christmas will provide an opportunity to solidify genuine hope before the halfway mark at Game 41 the last day of the calendar year. Most of the Sabres’ toughest matchups and series of matchups come after the bye-week next season. That bye-week will be the third week in January. If the Sabres are still in close contention for a playoff spot by the time they take on the Leafs at home Sunday, February 16th then hopefully we won’t be singing the same sad tune come April. That’s my optimistic strategic view of it, the wheels are still apt to come off pending a lot of stuff happening between now and then. I want to insist I’m being optimistic not unrealistic. I’m trying to see opportunities and the challenges. It’s easy to be pessimistic, especially with so little of the promised “roster surgery” occurring right now but this blog is a fan blog, not another raincloud engine like much of Sabres Fandom right now. Come here for your optimistic takes, you know the drill.
So there it is: our look at another Sabres campaign, the 50th one in fact. Recent history tells us otherwise, but the time is right for this club to finally take off. The post on Free Agency will come out late next week or the week after; maybe by then we have some more of the birds we need to actually take off. Before we see any W’s or L’s on this schedule we’ll need to go through what will hopefully be another busy offseason. If not, we will have a very interesting Offseason Retrospective at the end of August… one way or another. Hey, if this season sucks yet again we at least have the powerful drug of nostalgia and special promotions to distract us! Dear God, I hope its not another shite season but no matter what, come here for your fan reaction content on the Sabres. Like, comment and share this blog with your friends and family. Think of it this way: New Look Sabres is what you feel being a Sabres fan, not necessarily the smartest thing you think. For those of you who are new to this, I do try to sprinkle in some intelligent takes, but this blog is really about the beating of Sabres fan’s hearts. I hope we can beat together this season! Let’s go Buffalo!
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Development Camp is going on now at Harbor Center and I could emphasize all the draft picks new and old who are there but instead I’m going to show my Niagara University Purple Eagles pride and point out Niagara winger Eric Cooley! This will also be the extent of my coverage of Development Camp unless something monumental happens.
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placebonut · 4 years
So I finished FFVII: Remake and I have thoughts! Need to record my first impression before I read what everyone else thinks and potentially have my opinion warped beyond recognition! 
Overall, I enjoyed it. But maybe a “re-imagining” is a better description, as it looks like it’s shaping up to be a new story. I’ll need to play it again to fully understand all that wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, though. FF games tend to get a bit abstract and confusing for me toward the end, so that’s not a criticism, just my reality lol.
+ Wedge lives! Apparently Biggs, too, but I have different thoughts about that… Even though they’re essentially the same, Wedge happened before knowing what the Whispers are, and that capital ‘D’ Destiny is fighting to stay on track by smothering all potential divergents, so it was a nice little surprise for me that Wedge survives. I’m even satisfied with how it happened. Like, he’s in the middle of sector 7 when the plate falls, but just through sheer luck gets knocked into a secret underground lab, which I now get to explore? Cool!
+ Johnny lol. No longer “childhood friend”, but still very entertaining. Though that scene where Cloud straight-up intends to execute him while he’s bound and blindfolded is a bit… Uh? I feel like it was supposed to be telling me something about Cloud’s character, but doesn’t really seem consistent. He’s got an attitude, and is very often moody and rude to people’s faces, but that moment is next level cold. That scene also implies that Avalanche aren’t killing all of the Shinra troopers they fight. I’ll just accept “fantasy” as the explanation for how they manage that!
+ Cloud being recognised in Shinra tower. Though does the Kunsel name-drop mean that some of Crisis Core canon will be included? I mean, they basically did a frame-by-frame reanimation of Zack’s last stand, but he doesn’t have the CC scar so I assume no Angeal. Lots to unpack, but I just enjoyed the moment. It makes sense that someone would remember him!
+ I think Madame M’s main role is to replace the .. violation? that Cloud experiences in the OG Honey Bee Inn. She’s still pretty much forcing him to have that hand massage, but at least he just hates that he likes it, rather than being actually super uncomfortable in a hot tub full of strange men. I feel like they steered away from the old homophobic humour and instead embraced some fun, gender non-conforming characters. I’m very straight and cis though, so maybe there’s nuance I missed. No named Shinra employees in the private HB rooms though?
+ Tifa!! I don’t think they’ve actually made changes to her character, but you just get so much more time with her, and I’m able to love her in a way I never really did in OG. My OG first impression was that she was needy, and annoyingly timid at the worse times. Obviously she gets a lot of character growth, but I could never shake that initial impatience I had with her, and the rivalry with Aeris (who the game clearly pushes you to like) just left me with a criminal under-appreciation for her. Remake Tifa is a goddess! Her voice actor is great, which definitely helps. Her empathy, compassion, and generosity are showcased really well in lots of scenes, but she’s still such a badass! I love how she’s always the one to catch Cloud when he’s falling off of something, but my absolute favourite moment is when she steps out of the mist to offer Aerith her hand, “we found you”/”I guess you did..” Had me clutching my chest.
+ The immediate friendship between the girls is sooooo nice compared to the competition they pose for each other in the OG. Even as early as the sewers, when they’ve only just met. Maybe it’ll come later, but I kinda don’t even feel like Tifa expresses all that much romantic interest in Cloud. She’s not jealous of Aerith, and while it’s clear she worries about him and cares what he thinks, she’s certainly not hopelessly in love with him… At least not yet.
+ Voice actors did a better job than I expected tbh. Some awkward attempts to mimic Japanese vocalisations, but that’s always a problem with anime dubs. Hojo’s last scream of laughter really solidified the ‘crazy scientist’ bit. Barret was way funnier and less cringey than I thought he’d be. Marlene is cute as a button! Aerith is a bit high and breathy, but the pitch actually makes her probably the easiest to understand since the background music always seems a bit too loud when they’re talking. Cloud, Barret, but especially Sephiroth, I really struggled in parts to understand. I think Sephiroth was even murmuring things in that final battle, probably just related to his special attacks since all important dialogue had subtitles, but I’m sure I could hear his voice but could understand literally nothing!
+ Music and graphics, obvs. Man, everyone and everything is just so dang pretty!
Didn’t like, or maybe just didn’t understand?
- Sephiroth. I employed some real mental gymnastics to explain to myself what I was seeing, and I mostly succeeded until the very end. Okay, so like, his first appearances I rationalised as being PTSD hallucinations or something. Also, in a real-world sense, I read somewhere that the OG director used the movie Jaws as inspiration for how they introduce him slowly, showing only the destruction he leaves behind to create tension, but it’s 20 years later and he’s an icon in video game and anime culture, they can’t play the same tricks and expect the same result. This game only features the initial Midgar part of the story which he wasn’t originally featured in, so gotta find a way to give the fans some service. Alright, that makes sense, I can accept that.
But then it became clear he’s using the clones to actually communicate with Cloud…. huh. Well, okay, I guess there’s no reason why he couldn’t have always been able to do that. He’s much more interested in Cloud than I think he should be at this point, but if he’s trying to organise Reunion, and I suppose Cloud is the only one resisting, I can make it work: if he’s aware of the clones, then he’s aware of Cloud. It makes no less sense that he’s always been able to connect with them, than him suddenly being able to out of nowhere or only deciding to start at a plot-convenient moment. I always assumed it was Cloud’s proximity to Jenova that triggered the whole series of events in Shinra Tower. That she, and by extension Sephiroth, “wake up” while he’s there. But if Sephiroth has actually been conscious the entire time, maybe Cloud just showed him exactly where to find her, so he’s coming to get her. It’s complicated, but I think I follow.
I don’t know why he’s on the other side of the Destiny storm, though. Really, why was he even there? Is he working with or against the Whispers? And I can’t make sense of his invitation for Cloud to join him. Join him in what? Reunion, still? Sephiroth’s OG plan can benefit only Sephiroth, so what is he even offering? I’m going to have to play it again and pay closer attention to what he says. I did like Aerith standing up to him. One of my favourite OG lines, “the future isn’t just yours!” is reflected nicely. Also, “screw him!”
- Roche. Whyyy? Track record for inventing new SOLDIERs isn’t good, just leave it alone!
- Biggs lives. So, we only witness him waking up after everything has gone down, which is why I reacted differently to his survival than Wedge’s. Basically, it doesn’t make sense. First of all, physically, for him to have survived all that fire and falling. Secondly, it seems to contradict what we know about the Whispers: they interfere when the characters are at risk of taking a path they don’t want, ie. different from OG storyline. Why wouldn’t they have done something? If they’re powerful enough to revive Barret because “it wasn’t his time”, and injure Jessie so Cloud has to join the Reactor 5 bombing mission, surely they could quietly kill off somebody who is “supposed” to die, especially if he’s already most of the way there. So then it’s really Wedge they should have killed off! He’s where the chain begins: I assume he’s the one who finds Biggs and brings him back to Elmyra, since Biggs never would have known who she was, and Wedge only knows after surviving the plate fall. Does having defeated the Harbinger Whisper mean that not only future changes are possible, but past? Anyway, it’s all a bit convoluted, and tbh feels a bit cheap, too. Why not bring back Jessie, while we’re at it? Their OG deaths had a motivational impact on Barret and co., and also drives home the evil of Shinra for the player, who might not have cared that much about unnamed deaths, however plentiful. It makes the plate fall a more personal tragedy, since we’ve spent time with these characters.
- Low-key disappointed I didn’t get to see Avalanche’s secret hideout underneath Seventh Heaven.. But at least I got to play some darts.
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