#but not in the “aww jealous is so cuuute” way because thats weird.
cloudcountry · 1 year
NRC'S PAINT CHIP PROJECT! — green with envy
"wanting to be special to you. wanting to be the only one you touch. wanting you."
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You were Malleus’s first true friend.
He treasures you in every form, in every mood you come to him in. There’s a glow about you when you’re happy, a cloud around you when you’re upset, and a flame around you when you’re angry. There’s a myriad of other emotions he sees in you, disgust and love and amusement and awe and calmness and anxiety, and each one is more fascinating than the last.
He wants to draw every single one out of you and see how you deal with them. He wants to pick you apart and know every single thing about you because it seems wrong not to know.
But others know.
Others know you just as well, if not better than he does, and it irritates him.
There’s a small, immature part of him that feels the urge to summon lightning and strike down his competition because that’s what they are, right?
He believes humans call his emotion jealousy. He wasn’t aware he could feel something this gut-wrenching, but he supposes you’re such a curious little thing that you’d spawn feelings like this within him without even knowing.
That’s true, you don’t know what you do to him, do you?
Naivety doesn’t suit you.
He wants to be your first friend. He wants to be as special to you as you were to him. He doesn’t want to lose you. No one has ever touched his heart the way you can, and Malleus knows nobody else will ever get as deep into his soul as you did.
You dug your way through the towering stone walls with your own two hands, and the second you broke through, the whole wall he'd built over centuries and centuries crumbled completely. He wishes you weren’t so kind. He wishes your presence wasn’t so comforting and he wishes there was a feasible reason to hate you because he can’t stand being this dependent on you.
You would tell him that you’re not the only kind person in the world.
As Malleus sees you talking and laughing with friends that are him, he hopes you’d be wrong.
He doesn’t want to feel this jealous feeling ever again.
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