#but ssshhh you didnt hear that
catboybiologist · 24 days
Smile reveal when? 🥺
The void beneath is beyond the comprehension of mortal minds
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mare-sanguis · 5 years
Winston x Monty, Part VII
Clay and his friend met up at Monets. He wanted to inform them about what happened- unaware that Charlie and Tyler were involved in it too.
The tension was undeniable heavy between them all. All this was finally over but they still had this weird feeling that maybe one day the truth would come out. So they all were extremely careful.
"So why are we here? And whats up with this dark bad mood?" Zach said, side-eying Alex.
"Justin and I have to tell you guys something." Clay answered.
"Well... Justin and I got a visit from somebody yesterday."
"Who?" Everyone in the round asked.
Justin sighed.
"Montys ex-lover. Winston."
All went silent. Alex whispered something along the line that this doesnt mean anything good.
Charlie nervously looked around, as well as Tyler.
"Guess you two arent the only one. He visited us too yesterday."
"What the heck?" Alex looked around.
"Why would he visit you guys?" Jessica asked, out of curiosity.
Clay shrugged. "I dont know- Justin doesnt know and I bet these two dont know either."
"But what did he tell you Charlie?"
"I dont know exactly. It was all a little cryptic. He said something along the line that its wrong to frame a dead person... he not literally said I should feel bad for it but it sounded like it. He implied it."
"Oh sounds like hes seeking for revenge? What about you Tyler?"
"Winston told me that he wanted to turn himself in. Because he realised that what he did was wrong."
Justin was silent this whole conversation. His mind drifted away. Away to what Winston had told him about Monty. So he didnt pay any attention to his friends.
"Justin- hey are you listening ?" Clays voice brought him out of his daydreams.
"Yeah- no- what?"
"You didnt told me what he told you. You just said he talked to you."
Justin shook his head.
"Nothingwe dont know already. That he had a pretty bad childhood."
Clay wasnt buying it, Justin knew.
Charlie took a deep breath.
"Hey uhm... theres something I wantedto show you. Winston gave it to me. This..." he placed an envelope on the table. "Its... its just weird."
Behind them, they could hear the door open up.
"Might if I join the loser club ? Clay invited me too and I thought I shouldnt miss the opportunity to see my old friends."
Scott said, pointing out the word "friends" as if it was something toxic. He than sat down on the empty chair at the end of the table.
Alex already looked pissed.
"What up with the mood over here? Somebody died again? As far as I can count all losers are together." He smiled, obviously joking around.
"No. Cut it with your bad jokes. We were in the middle of something." Alex said annoyed.
"Well. Continue. I wont interrupt." He shrugged and leaned back.
"Its not funny." Alex said again.
"Do I look like I want to joke around?"
They stared at each other for some seconds.
"Yeah well I know what youre thinking."
"Guys come on... stop this bullshit. We're here for something else." Clay raised his voice like the good mom he was.
Charlie opened up the envelope and pulled out one single uno reverse card.
"Oh? What'cha got there Charlie? This game doesnt work with just one card."
Scott scoffed- he just thought that this whole situation was kinda funny.
"Scott damn- shut the fuck up."
"Sorry." He shut up and started to analyze everyones reaction. Wow how he enjoyed seeing them confused like this.
"This was the only thing he gave me."
Scott just shook his head. Funny how they didnt know the one who gave Winston this card was sitting in front of them. No other than himself. Funny that this whole table was full of hypocrites. Luckily he never saw himself as one of their friends so he wasnt snitching on their back. He chuckled, a bit to loud. It didnt get unnoticed.
"Whats so funny huh?" Zach sounded like he was about to pick up a fight. Just because Alex was annoyed by Scotts presence.
"Maybe all of you are overreacting. Maybe hes just making fun of you."
"Scott... why the fuck are you even involved in this?" This was the first time Tony said something.
"Because Clay told me."
"Oh wow. Great." Jessica rolled her eyes.
"Dont treat me like one of your enemies- I did stupid things too but I'm sorry. I told you already. I tried to help to find the polaroid. I dont tell anyone."
"What ever."
"I wonder..." Justin started. "Did he visited you too?"
"Winston? No. Why would he?"
"Because it seems like hes hunting everyone down who was involed in the drama surrounding Bryce or friends with Monty. And you two were pretty close."
"No. As I said. I doubt that he even knows about me."
Alex smiled for some brief seconds.
"How does it feel knowing hes dead?"
Scott looked straight at him.
"Wow Alex- chill." Zach laid a hand on his shoulder.
"No. I want to know- how does it feel to know he did something like that? Still being in contact with him after all. How does it feel knowing hes dead?"
Scott, still wearing a poker face leaned forward.
"I dont know why the fuck your so salty at me but... how does it feel to have blood on your hands? Knowing that you killed someone? Pinning it on someone else just because you dont want to pay the price?"
Now it was Clays turn to put a hand on Scotts shoulder.
"Ssshhh calm down. Both. For gods sake please."
"You know I thought you guys were decent human beings. What a waste of time- get your shit together." He stood up.
"Monty was a friend. And what he did was wrong. But that doesnt mean I cant be mad."
He then left the cafe.
"Will he shut up?" Alex sounded concerned.
"Yeah. He will" Clay just simply said.
It was late afternoon as they left Monets and went separate ways.
"Theres something you didnt tell me. You're hiding something."
"About what?"
"About what Winston told you."
"I already said everything."
"Didnt we swore not to have any secrets?"
Justin sighed.
"Look. We dragged someone who was already dead into something he never did and probably never could have done. Yes- I... together with Ani- planned this whole thing but know... I think it was wrong. But I wont turn anyone in."
"You didnt answer my question. What was it he told you?"
"Why are you so desperate to find out?"
"Because I'm trying to understand."
Justin sighed again.
"Winston is fucking mad at us for pinning the murdern on Monty. Thats why he does it. He loved him."
"Yeah but why would he love him? After all he did?"
"Clay how the hell should I know? I cant look into Winstons head but I guess he saw something in Monty we never did."
"Cant imagine that."
"Yeah and just because you cant means that no one else can? Winston told me about Montys childhood. That his father had a pretty creepy friend- this friend knew about Montys little secret. And took advantage of it. Winston told me that Monty was sexually abused too. After the assembly you damn well know that this is a touchy subject for me."
Clay just looked at him- he knew that Justin wasnt finished.
"I mean... it was wrong doing this to Tyler.... but wasnt it also wrong for a father to treat his son like this just because hes different and not living up his expectations? Is it ok for a kid to endure this all? That his father never cared? Monty was his own greatest enemy. Like Winston said he was much more weaker than me. I turned to drugs, eating up my pain. He let his anger free. So that everyone around him suffered to. It doesnt excuse his shitty behavior towards us all and the attack on Tyler... I just wonder if he would have beem able to change? With a better surrounding, better friends. A supporting family. You cant compare him to Bryce... or me. It doesnt work like that."
"Justin... you regret covering up what Jess and Alex did?"
"I dont know - I'm torn in two... I feel bad. Kinda. You understand?"
"I do..."
They went home together.
While Scott and Winston met at the police station.
Scott greeted Winston.
"You made it."
"Well sure- its imporant to tell the truth." Winston said.
"You know Clay invited me over to a meet up. I went. And I sae whom you gave the card to. Why Charlie?"
"... He deserved it. He snitched behind his back. And he was the last on my list anyway. He needed to see that everything comes back with a little bit more backfire."
Scott chuckled.
"What is this list even about?"
"I visited everyone who stood near him- more or less. Clay knew about Montys and my thing. Justin was friends with him. Charlie was the only person je trusted, Tyler his victim. And I visited Deputy Standall too. Just to clarify some things. Thought about visiting Alex and Jessica too but then I realised that they're going to be in trouble soon enough."
They walked towards the door.
"When we're finished there... Theres another thing I have to tell you..." Winston whispered.
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sending-the-message · 7 years
The Man Outside My House by Death_wish1990
This happened to my wife and 2 nights ago and it has been getting worse each night. Before anyone says to call the police or shoot the bastard, ill tell you now that the police cant help, we tried. I have a gun but i dont want to end up in prison for murder. The laws are so screwed up in our country i wont even try and risk ending up in prison for life. That being said i will get on with what has been happening and see if anyone else has ever experienced anything like this that could maybe help.
Around 10.00 pm my wife and decided to watch a movie before going to bed. our daughter was in a deep sleep and we thought we could actually watch a movie without being interupted. WE made popcorn and i rolled a few cigarettes so when we stepped out to smoke it wouldnt take forever. Anyway, we are probably a half an hour in when i decide to pause and step out for a smoke.
The night was especially dark tonight, no moon because of cloud cover, you couldnt even see any stars. There was barely breeze and it seemed as if all animals were sleeping. It was dead quiet. About half way through my smoke i could of sworn i heard what sounded like a soft chuckle. My head snapped over to our treeline that was directly behind the garage. I didnt see anything so i squinted and listened as best as i could. I swear you could hear a pin drop it was so quiet.
"Babe come on!" My wife Blurted from the window.
I jumped about 5 feet and the air and yelped like a hurt puppy.
"Jesus Christ Carol! You scared the shit out of me!"
My wife laughed hysterically and i guess if i would of seen how bad i reacted i would've laughed pretty hard to.
I put my smoke out and came inside laughing a little at myself while my heart was still beating out of my chest.
"Ready nancy?" My wife teased.
I laughed and waved her off and we continued our movie. A little further into the movie and i heard pebbles or something hitting the glass.
"What the hell is that?" I paused the movie.
"What?" Carol seemed annoyed at me pausing it during a good part.
"Listen." I whispered.
We both sat there for a good 30 seconds until we heard it again. We looked at each other confused and listen more carefully. This time the noise was a little louder and we both got up to go investigate it.
It sounded like it was coming from our side window behind the garage. The same area where i thought i heard a chuckle. We shut off the lights so we could see outside and thats when my heart dropped into my stomache.
"Dan...Dan what the hell?" Carol sounded as terrified as i felt.
There was a shirtless man standing on his hands... upside down smiling huge. I mean his smile was so huge it looked like his lips should be split wide open. His teeth were abnormally large and didnt look human they where so square. Then there were his eyes, they looked wide open like someone on meth or some sort of drug. I didnt feel like it was drugs he was on though, he looked completely and utterly insane and it was the most terrifying thing i have ever seen.
"Quickly Carol for gods sake call the police." I whispered as quietly as i could.
She nodded and slowly started to back out of the room. There was no way the man could see us we were in the pitch black room and there was an outside light on. But it was like he heard and slowly shook his head no. Never losing that huge smile.
"Carol go!" I whispered a little more frantically this time.
She hurried to her phone and i sat there paralyzed watching this crazy man. How in hell did he stand on his hands like that without wobbling or anything. I turned around and seen my wife on the phone and felt relief at least seeing her on the phone.
When i turned back i nearly shit my pants. He was inches from the window still on his hands and still smiling.
"Holy Fucking Christ!" I shouted and fell on my butt i was so startled.
I turned around for like 5 seconds and somehow he hand walked all the way to the window. Then he shook his head no again and actually spoke. But this was no mans voice. It sounded like a mixture of a child and a cat is the only way i can describe.
"They cant help you.hehehe" Then faster than any one could handstand walk he went into the woods.
I ran into the living room where Carol was and seen her sitting with her hands in her face crying.
"Please tell me they will be here soon." I stuttered.
"They will be here in less than 10 minutes.." She said sobbing uncontrollably.
I hugged her tight and we waited...
Pretty shortly after we seen headlights coming and when we did we heard a weird howling noise outside before the police pulled in. We told them what happened and they looked at us like we were pulling a prank or something. They still checked everywhere but found nothing and left shortly after.
Whatever that man was on i hope he never comes into my house. We have seen him since then but he only watches. I will post an update if anything else happens, which i am positive will. I think this man has something sinister for my family and i have to find someway to protect my family.
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fanficwithyn · 7 years
Sing For Me - Fred Weasley X Reader
A/N: This’ll be my first imagine in this account. There were no requests this just came to my mind.
P.S Oh and near the ending please listen to the song 🎶Near or Far by Us The Duo but in the cover of Jess Conte🎶
Today is like any other day in Hogwarts. Bright sunny day, leaves swaying on top of the trees and class going smoothly.
….Or maybe not.
“Stop it!” You whisper-screamed at him. Earning only a teasing smile from your boyfriend Fred. He keeps on sending you flying notes on your seat that just says random letters everytime Snape isnt looking. You tried to ignore it but everytime you do the parchment just bumps with your head before falling limply on your desk leaving you with no choice but to glare and look at his way.
You were just praying for Snape not to notice the flying notes in the room. You swore you’ve had enough of Fred and his disturbance eversince your 1st subject with him today. What is up with him??
You finally gave up, closed your eyes and sighed as annoyance took you in. You bewitched the parchment paper to be caught on fire, only y/f/n accidentally nudged your arm and accidentally Snape’s cloak caught on fire.
Snape grunted in surprise and put out the fire with a spell. Your eyes grew wide and panic began to swell in you.
“Who.. was.. responsible.. for this?!” Snape asked with venom on his tongue. Before he could even finish his sntebce you are alreasy readying your coffin.. just in case. You cursed Fred mentally. Suddenly all eyes were on you and Snape pursed his lips as you found the voice to speak. “I-I’m sorry, Professor. I-I did'nt mea–”
Snape held his hand up to stop you from talking. “Well, I suppose it wouldnt hurt to have four hours of detention tonight will it, Miss y/l/n?” You were speechless and your mouth hang open in shock. FOUR HOURS?! ‘Merlin, that’s exhausting! And I wouldnt even be attending Quidditch practice tonight! The championship is in 3 days!!’
When you didnt answer, Snape looked at you in the eye and raised his left brow. “Y-yes, Professor, m-most certainly.”
After Potions you quickly get out of the room. Fred, trying to catch you in the sea of students rushing out of the room, came running towards you while calling your name. “Y/n! Y/n!” He finally reached you and tapped your shoulder; hearing him panting. “Blimey, love, I’m really sor–” “Get lost.” You said whilst giving him a stoic expression on your face and stalked away from him.
It isn’t entirely his fault why you had to have detention with Snape and you know that your friend has a fault too but he was the root of it all! If he hadnt just bugged you so much you wouldnt have dared to send him a burning parchment paper.
At dinner you saw Angelina, Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, and walked up to her. “I’m sorry, Angelina, I know, I know, it’s just this once I promise. I’ll be on the field tomorrow.” You told her pleadingly. She just sighed and said “Fine. But tomorrow is tomorrow.” And she walked away.
After talking with Angelina, Fred tried to approach you but you pulled your friend faster to the other end of the Gryffindor table and sat, ignoring Fred. He did feel guilty. He just want to let you know he was really sorry.
“Ugh" You sat down on the dining table beside y/f/n, putting both your hands on your face. "I still can’t believe I’m having four hours of detention!” You ranted to y/f/n. "I know. And I'm really sorry about what happened. It's partially my fault." He/she said. "I dont blame you. Don't worry. Though, really you were a part of it" you said as you look at him/her and smiled. He/she just brushed it off, shook his/her head and laughed.
It was finally time to go to the dungeons. You were right, you are to clean a rather quite large room without using magic.
“If you are done with time to spare you will spend another detention with me tomorrow night to complete the four hours. Do you understand?” Then Snape gave you the cleaning materials. “Yes, Professor.” Snape turned his heel away and closed the heavy door. ‘Well then… I just have to work slow. I cant manage to have detention again tomorrow.’ You thought to yourself. You sighed and start scrubbing the floor.
It would just be quite easy since your mother is a muggleborn and you know bits on how to clean without using magic. Only, Snape came back after a few minutes and ordered you to remove too, the rust from the metal things inside the room. And that made you even grumpier than you already are.
Walking back to the Common Room was hardwork. Your legs strained from having to stand for hours dusting the tall cabinets and paintings. You found the warmth and the atmosphere of the common room peaceful so you decided to just sleep there instead of going up to your dorm room(which would add to your leg strain). You lay at the sofa and plopped a pillow under you head. In no time you fell asleep.
Fred came down from his dorm room to check on Y/n in the dungeons when he noticed a figure laying down in the sofa. He moved closer to it. When he recognized his girlfriend’s face he sat before her and softly touched her hair and cheeks. He felt more guilty than he did earlier that day. She looked so delicate with the orange light coming from the fireplace. He kissed her forehead as Y/n opened her eyes sleepily and stared at the man before her.
Fred smiled sheepishly at her. She doesnt feel angry at him anymore instead she just want to hug him until she falls asleep. “Love, I’m sorry. I really am. I was an idiot. I shoul–” “Ssshhh.. I’m not mad at you anymore.” You closed your eyes and began drifting off to sleep when you felt arms around your body carrying you.
Fred had brought you to his dorm room placing you gently on his bed. You felt him silently getting to bed beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist while he caress your hair and nose. You slowly opened your eyes and said “Fred?” He looked you in the eyes and smiled a little “Yes, love?” “Could you sing for me?” He blinked a few times before he processed what you asked of him “What..?” “You heard me. Please?” You asked smiling a bit. He chuckled to himself and brought his lips to your nose. “Well then, I don’t guarantee that my voice will bring you good dreams.” You chuckled. “Just a precaution” And he kissed your nose again.
“*cough* *cough*” Fred then started singing quietly
🎶I’m here you’re there but your love is with me everywhere I go this i know I’m near you’re far. Drivin’ away in your little car but my love will follow you everywhere🎶 He paused to take your hand and kiss it.
🎶Best believe I’ll make mistakes but love won’t stop it has no breaks🎶 He then kissed your forehead.
🎶So don’t you worry ‘bout a thing you had my heart you had it from the start🎶 And finally kissed your lips.
All throughout the song you can’t help but smile. Was this really the guy who put you to detention? Your tiredness seemed to be sipping away with his words and touch.
“Don’t worry, Y/n, next time I will make sure you won’t be the only one getting detention.” He smiled then winked at you.
A/N: I hope you like this! ❤ I don’t own the music but the writing is mine. I changed the order of the lyrics a bit but it’s still the original.
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catboybiologist · 27 days
Transition journal and measurements update for April!
Spreadsheet is update for April:
And uh. Huh. I don't have much to talk about, to be honest.
I feel like I've finally reached the "steady state" of my transition. I've found an injection dose that works, T is suppressed, I don't have levels to confirm it but as far as estrogen levels are concerned, I feel like they're pretty good and a test would confirm that. My measurements are continuing to trend in femme directions, but they don't tell the full story. I think my body shape has changed a lot visually as well- eg, chest measurements are from fuller, more well formed breasts, my upper body is actually becoming smaller (I talked about this last month as well, there's a few cartilaginous areas that I think have actually shrunk) and everything is just... good!
Socially, I've come out to a lot more people, but its still not 100% "public" information, and I still boymode on the daily. That's gonna change really soon- probably by the end of June.
I guess the only big question left is when I want to start progesterone. Its 100% something I want to do, and my provider has said she can prescribe it whenever... but idk. I'm worried about starting too early. As you might be aware, its recommended to wait 6 months on E to start progesterone. This is because progesterone receptors are only expressed (produced) by your cells when they are signaled by E to do so. If there's no receptors, the progesterone will remain unbound, and is more likely to be metabolized into the potent androgen DHT. There's also anecdotes that its best to wait until you've gotten as much breast development from E as possible before starting prog, and idk. I wanna be cautious. I'm being patient with this.
All of this is unfounded, and largely anecdotal, so take it with a grain of salt.
So I still have no idea when I want to start. Probably not for another couple months. I want to see how far I can get on E alone.
So uh. Yeah. Idk. I don't have much to say. Things are going smoothly, and steadily. I'm taking my summer off but have shit to finish up in lab before then. Once that happens I'll probably actually try to get some nice creative works out, including work on the stuff I've written, and that fully-outlined, partially-scripted podcast I've sidelined for... jesus christ, almost a year now.
Anyway. Toodles.
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