#ceg rp
musicempath · 4 years
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               yep! that’s me! ZO-STRADAMUS! ©
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bunchsanity · 5 years
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❝ God, I’m an I D I O T. What am I even doing here?                I got caught up in BUNCHSANITY again. I’m a MORON! ❞
                              || crazy ex girlfriend multimuse , penned by lane ||
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imnicenow · 5 years
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haven’t you heard? i’m NICE NOW. 
back at it again at krispy kreme. this is an independent rp blog for NATHANIEL J. PLIMPTON III from crazy ex-girlfriend as loved by bunny (new pen name, same old grandma). this is a sideblog to @y4yforme so expect follows from there! give this a LIKE or a REBLOG if you want to rp with an asshole who’s really trying to change himself for the better. he’s nice now, if you didn’t know. 
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yay4me · 5 years
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hi hello yes, back by unpopular demand -- 
this is an independent rp blog for GREG SERRANO from crazy ex-girlfriend as loved by bunny (new pen name, same old grandma). you might remember me as yayforme. i’ll be roleplaying both versions of greg on this blog -- the unhappy, alcoholic, angry at the world bartender and the recovering, happy to be here business student-turning-restaurateur. go ahead and give this a LIKE or a REBLOG if you’re interested in roleplaying! 
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
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                                      “We’re POLTER-GUYS.”
independent greg serrano and josh chan from crazy ex-girlfriend penned by nikki and jenna
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saturatedwood-blog · 7 years
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I’M HERE, STOP TALKING ABOUT DUMB STUFF. indie nathaniel plimpton from the cw’s crazy ex-girlfriend. penned by nikki. sideblog. 
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scurpuss-blog · 7 years
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        ❝ Is Greg super hot? ❞
                         ❝ Well, yeah, if you like ANGRY. Sure. ❞
                                                       ( Ind. Greg Serrano from the CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend )
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sexistterm-blog · 7 years
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         “What? Dude, no, I wasn’t  ---  I didn’t, like, laugh maniacally. Out loud.” Did she? She did. “That was a  ---  sneeze.”
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lucidads-blog · 4 years
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in the corner of the world, in the heart of the earth, lies a quiet island floating in a limbo. cobblestone streets and pristine buildings, bright green leaves with shiny fruit hanging about, somnilia is a haven for all sorts of people to find peace. for those wanting an escape from all the stress in your life… wouldn’t it just be nice to forget about all of your troubles ?
lucidfm is a multifandom appless rp that takes place in somnilia, a fictional island peacefully in the atlantic. what seems like a quaint vacation island seems to actually be hiding something a tad more… sinister. no one initially remembers anything about their past when they wake up in somnilia, having a complete set of falsified memories of their lives here, all with a job and a roof over their heads. both plot and character-driven, we hope somnilia is a dream come true for you !
check out the map !
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falskaoskita · 4 years
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Bisa Bayar Lewat Indomaret / Alfamart / BRI / wa.me/6281331747292 Follow : shopee.co.id/falskaoskita Bahan Tanpa Jahitan Samping HARGA (M)(L)Rp.85.000 (XL)Rp.90.000 COTTON COMBED 24s HALUS BUILT UP SABLON : RUBBER Kaos iwan fals UKURAN KAOS : M = (lebar 48cm) (tinggi 65cm) L = (lebar 52cm) (tinggi 68cm) XL = (lebar 55cm) (tinggi 70cm) XXL = (lebar 58cm) (tinggi 73cm) XXXL = (lebar 66cm) (tinggi 75cm) Follow : facebook.com/falskaoskita Follow : instagram.com/falskaoskita ALAMAT : jl. nangka No.14-4-84 wadeng, kec. Sidayu kab. Gresik - Jawa Timur (61153) CARA ORDER / PEMESANAN ONLINE : (1). Kirim Pesan Di INBOX WhatsApp : 081331747292 SMS : 081515747292 Shopee : falskaoskita Dengan format : Ukuran : ........... Jumlah : ........... Nama : ........... No. HP : ........... Alamat Lengkap : ........... Jalan. RT/RW. No. Rumah Kelurahan : ........... Kecamatan : ........... Kabupaten : ........... Provinsi (Kode Pos). (2). Kita konfirmasi Ketersediaan Barang dan Total yg harus di transfer. (3). Apabila dalam 1 x 24 Jam belum ada konfirmasi pembayaran, maka order kita anggap batal. (4). Barang akan di kirim melalui jasa Paket J&T, Keluar Negeri POS EMS INTERNATIONAL. (5). Terima kasih telah berbelanja di #falskaoskita - Barang akan dikirim kalau anda sudah transfer. - Ongkos kirim ditanggung pemesan atau pembeli. #iwanfals #iwanfalsvideo #iwanfalsfans #iwanfalsinfo #iwanfalsmania #iwanfalscover #iwanfalsfansclub #laguiwanfals #fals #falsday #falsmania #3rambu #tigarambu #oi #ormasoi #konseriwanfals #kasetiwanfals #videoiwanfals #kaosiwanfals #kaosiwanfalsonline #sweateriwanfals #hemiwanfals #jaketiwanfals #atributiwanfals #kemejaoi #shopee #jualkaos #kaosmurah #kaosdistro (di fals kaos kita) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEG-QFPDUMe/?igshid=foetukf75614
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adiwisaksonoadi · 4 years
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Masih ingat dengan kakek sugiono dari negara dei nippon yang punya banyak penggemar disini dan jadi pemersatu bangsa? Dalam pewayangan ternyata sudah ada tokoh seperti itu yang sangat mewakili. Mau tau kisahnya sila baca cerita di bawah ini. Happy reading.
Sebetulnya Trijata kecewa, yang tampak ganteng Raden Lesmana itu ternyata penjelmaan kera bangkotan Jembawan.
PERANG Ngalengka–Pancawati berhenti, Prabu Rama segera memboyong Dewi Sinta ke Ngayodya, “bulan madu” gelombang kedua! Sebagai ucapan terima kasih atas perjuangannya angkat senjata melawan Ngalengka, petinggi Pancawati seperti Sugriwa, Lesmana, Anoman, diberi posisi layak. Sugriwa misalnya, tetap menjadi patih, Lesmana yang anti wanita, ditunjuk menjadi Mentri Pariwisata & Ekonomi Kreatif. Di Ngayodya kini dia tengah sibuk dibangun gedung “Sapta Pesona” yang berbentuk mirip “organ tunggal” kaum lelaki.
Yang bikin repot justru Kapi Jembawan. Sejak revolusi Pancawati dia memang sudah tua, tampang Pancawati-nya kentara sekali. Karenanya ketika mau diberi posisi Ketua MA, diprotes rakyat. Umur sudah 70 tahun begitu, dikhawatirkan pikun dalam memutus perkara. Makanya sekarang Jembawan hanya diberi posisi Mentri Veteran. Semua urusan taman pahlawan dan uang pensiun veteran Perang Ngalengka, dialah yang membayari. Tapi ya itu tadi, karena mata sudah mulai kabur, uang Rp 20.000,- sering dikira Rp 2.000,- Akibatnya negara sering nombok.
“Demi pengetatan anggaran, sekarang Jembawan dipromosikan sebagai Ketua Veteran Pejuang Pancawati (VPP) saja,” usul Patih Sugriwa kepada Prabu Ramawijaya.
“Nggak tega saya. Biar saja dia berhenti secara alami. Diingu sakmatine ….!”, ujar Prabu Ramawijaya berbisik-bisik.
Memang begitulah watak Prabu Ramawijaya, gak tegaan. Maka biarpun masih banyak pejabat Ayodya yang malas setor LHKPN (Laporan Harta Kekayaan Pejabat Negara), hanya dibiarkan saja. Justru demikian perhatiannya pada Kapi Jembawan, kini dia ditawari untuk menikah, sehingga posisi Ketua Darma Wanita Kementrian Veteran tak terlalu lama kosong. Ternyata Jembawan tetap tidak mau, dengan alasan sudah tak berminat. Namun anehnya, di ruang kerjanya dia hobi buka situs porno di internet. Ih, munafik!
Sudah tiga bulan Prabu Ramawijaya mengemudikan negeri Ngayodya yang telah ditinggalkan selama 5 lima tahun. Namun Dewi Sinta belum juga tenang di istana keputren Ngayodya. Dia tak cocok dengan servis para pelayan istana. Dulu di Taman Argasoka, Dewi Trijatha selalu bisa menghibur dirinya. Kini, para pelayan kebanyakan tuntutan doang. Gaji sudah dinaikkan sesuai UMR baru Rp 4,2 juta, tapi kerjanya banyak ngerumpi dan main HP. Lihat tuh Limbuk – Cangik, gajinya habis buat beli pulsa.
“Sinuwun, saya mohon Dewi Trijatha ditarik ke sini saja. Hanya dia yang cocok melayani saya,” ujar Dewi Sinta di suatu pagi, habis keramas katanya.
“Apa dimas Wibisono mengizinkan? Lalu, status keemigrasiannya bagaimana? Sebagai turis kan dilarang merangkap bekerja,” Prabu Rama memberi pencerahan.
Untung saja Prabu Wibisono petinggi Ngalengka sekarang, tetap berhubungan baik dan menghormati Prabu Rama. Beliau tak berkeberatan putrinya ditransver ke negeri Ngayodya, asal statusnya bukan dianggap TKW (Tenaga Kerja Wayang). Prabu Rama tentu saja tak berkeberatan, bahkan nantinya Dewi Trijatha mau dipromosikan sebagai Menteri Urusan Wanita, lalu namanya ditambahi jadi Mien Trijatha. Soalnya dalam keseharian logat bicara Dewi Trijatha medhok banget, aksen dan tampang Ngalengka-nya sangat terasa.
Kabar bakal kehadiran Dewi Trijatha di Ngayodya menjadi sorotan pers. Ada yang mendukung, tapi ada juga yang mbengung (protes). Yang oposisi menganggap, kehadiran Trijatha sama saja menutup potensi SDM dalam negri. Kenapa “babu” saja musti impor? Lalu bagaimana dengan nasib Tukinem–Ngatini dari Slogoimo (Wonogiri), bila peluang kerjanya diserobot asing? Di samping itu, Trijatha kan masih keponakan Dasamuka, siapa tahu kehadiranya di Ngayodya justru menjadi mata-mata?
“Bagaimana ini Sinuwun? Media massa menolak Trijatha? Takutnya dia termasuk jaringan intelejen asing,” ujar Patih Sugriwa sambil nenteng koran Kompas.
“Jangan under istimate-lah! Baru impor Trijatha saja diributkan, bagaimana kalau saya nekad beli pesawat kerajaan?” jawab Prabu Rama sewot, masak soal pelayan saja kok dipolitisir.
Dewi Trijatha berhasil masuk Ngayodya. Jangan sampai jadi korban pembiusan di bandara, Anoman yang sudah lama kenal ditugaskan menjemput di “Bandara Dasarata”. Tak lama kemudian tampaklah Trijatha menyeret koper besar merk Polo, tapi keluar dari terminal kedatangan sambil menenteng tas kresek isi buah duwet. Katanya ini menu hobi Anoman. Namanya juga kera, meski telah menjadi petinggi Ngayodya masih saja gemar makan buah duwet.
“Lho, Anda masih ingat hobiku? Beli di mana ini?”
“Iki kiriman familiku dari Cabangbungin, Bekasi “ jawab Trijatha dalam mobil jemputan.
Dewi Sinta senang sekali bertemu kembali dengan Trijatha. Dua wanita cantik tersebut lalu bernostalgiaan. Di kala Sinta disekap di Taman Argasoka, Putri Gunawan Wibisono inilah yang selalu menghibur hati istri Prabu Rama. Andaikan saja Trijatha tak pandai-pandai merayu Prabu Dasamuka, tentunya sudah lama Dewi Sinta habis diperkaos Rahwana teroris di muka bumi.
Kapi Jembawan yang jarang baca koran, terkagum-kagum melihat penampilan putri cantik dari Ngalengka. Biasanya cuek bebek pada wanita, menyaksikan Dewi Trijatha yang putih dengan betisnya yang mbunting padi, celana kolornya mendadak tak muat. Tiba-tiba dia gandrung pada Trijatha, kepengin mengambilnya sebagai istri. Tapi meski posisinya jadi Menteri Veteran, dalam kondisi kera jompo dan penderita penyakit B-6 alias: Budheg, Beser, Buyuten, Buram, Brat-Brot (ngentutan – Red), siapa mau?
“Banyak jalan ke Roma, banyak jalan ke surga dunia….!” ujar Kapi Jembawan menghibur diri.
Di pagi nan cerah, Trijatha yang tengah santai di taman Argalawu, mendadak dipepet Raden Lesmana, yang berpenampilan lain dari biasanya. Dalam keseharian adik Prabu Rama ini kan dingin pada wanita, jaim, mendadak dia suka cag-ceg pada daerah strategis tubuh Trijatha. Sebenarnya risih juga, tetapi karena Lesmana memang tampan, lama-lama Trijatha hanyut.
“Tumben-tumbenan. Biasanya kan acuh saja,” sindir Trijatha.
“Stt, aku baru minum Irex…!” jawab Lesmana sambil terus beroperasi.
Trijatha yang baru beranjak dewasa, dirangsang oleh Lesmana yang agresip penuh inisiatip, akhirnya jadi lupa daratan. Di taman keputren, dengan bertabirkan potongan triplek, dia meladeni segala nafsu dan aspirasi arus bawah Lesmana. Tapi sial, belum juga tuntas tas tas, ketahuan oleh Anoman yang sedang patroli. Melihat keluarga raja berbuat mesum dalam pertamanan, langsung digerebeg. Lesmana yang tengah berada di “langit lapis tujuh”, mendadak dihadiahi aji maundri, sehingga berubah wujud menjadi Kapi Jembawan.
“Lho kok Lik….,” Anoman terpekik model dhalang Ki Anom Suroto-an.
“Ssst, jangan bilang-bilang ya!” pesan Jembawan kerepotan membetulkan celana.
Gemparlah kraton Ngayodya. Maunya Prabu Rama kabar tersebut dipeti eskan saja, tapi kadung masuk breaking news di Metro TV. Koran-koran yang sedari dulu anti Trijatha, menulis judul headline segede gajah: Skandal Trijatha – Jembawan terbongkar, tamparan bagi Prabu Rama.
Meski pisik Jembawan jelek, Trijatha terlanjur kesengsem pada kera jompo yang bisa “kungfu” di ranjang itu. Makanya dia pasrah saja saat dinikahkan di KUA dan dapat dokumen ganda, ya buku nikah coklat-hijau, ya Kartu Nikah lengkap dengan berkode-nya. Tapi karena Prabu Gunawan Wibisono emoh menjadi wali, terpaksa menggunakan wali hakim. Namun bagi wayang oposan, perkawinan Trijatha – Jembawan dinilainya sebagai perkawinan politik Ngayodya – Ngalengka.
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scttleforme-blog · 7 years
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i’m right here, in flesh and blood and self-hate.  settle for me, in a sad way, darling, it’s FATE. —  an independent greg serrano of crazy ex-girlfriend.  written by nikki. © 
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temeraaires-blog · 7 years
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 2 Song Starters
SUPER long post and some  a lot of these are nsfw. Feel free to change pronouns/names/do whatever. 
Theme Song
I’m just a girl in love.
I can’t be held responsible for my actions.
I have no underlying issues to address.
They say love makes you crazy.
Love Kernels
I can live for days off a single “you really listen to me.”
I’m like a sexy fashion cactus.
But how do I know he loves me?
I guess the only way to prove it is through abstract symbolism.
He gives me love kernels.
If you read between the lines he’s saying “I love you.”
I’m the most important person in his life, next to his friend.
God, I’m thirsty after all that popcorn.
Whatever you got, baby, I’ll take it, baby.
Your house smells like lemon.
I’ll take it.
It’s a stretch but I’ll take that too.
______ is now played by a broom on a stand.
We’ll do our best with what we have.
We Should Definitely Not Have Sex Right Now
We should definitely not have sex right now.
I need time to reflect.
I’m in a really weird place.
There’s no reason to have sex again. But I’ll be ready to go again in ten.
Maybe This Dream
When I was a little girl, I felt like a princess.
I thought my dreams would come true, but then as I grew, the world was all like, "Nope.”
Maybe this dream won’t end in disgrace.
Maybe this dream is in reach.
Maybe this dream won’t be like my vibrator, breaking when I need it most.
Maybe this dream will finally me feel like I deserve a dream.
Greg’s Drinking Song
There’s joy and there’s glory more than you can think.
Yes, this is what happens to me when I drink.
I pee my pants!
Wow, I did not know it was that bad.
Chase down the regret with some gin for good luck.
I puke on my cat.
Poor little ____ did not expect that.
What happens when, I try to have one it just turns into ten.
That wasn’t a woman?
No, it was a bush.
So that’s where that scar comes from!
But he’s breaking his cycle and making a push!
He’s quitting his drinking.
I Could If I Wanted To (Reprise)
Whoop de frickin’ do.
My best friend is sleeping with my ex behind my back.
Who cares? I don’t.
But I could if I wanted---
Ping Pong Girl
I could tell she’s the most perfect girl who’s ever existed.
Oh man, look at her pong that ping.
She does it for herself and that puts my fears to rest.
She’s so aloof it borders on cold. And that’s what makes me want her.
Nothing’s hotter than a chick who’s good at sports.
She scored a thousand points!
I think I love her.
Ping pong shows she has control of her body, but it doesn’t threaten my masculinity like basketball or hockey.
She’s like Serena or Venus
She’s so indifferent. It makes me want a tangible commitment.
The Math of Love Triangles
What’s a girl to do when she’s stuck between men?
I wasn’t really listening
The center of the triangle is little ol’ me!
So I need to decide which man’s more acute.
Those are good puns, but please pay attention.
We’re starting to suspect you don’t sincerely want to know about triangles.
Is this a triangle?
No that’s a shoe.
No that’s you.
So I’m a triangle?
What? No!
Ooh, are you erect?
That’s really erect!
We’re tired of all your tangents.
You all deserve a kiss.
Lady, we’re all gay. We get nothing out of this.
It Was a Shit Show
I love you, yes.
The thought of staying is so enticing.
Then stay.
When you speak, my knees get weak.
I can’t believe what I’m sacrificing.
But let’s get real. We know the deal.
Darling, let’s not tiptoe.
This thing we had was not just bad. It was a shitshow.
We can’t undo, can’t make amends.
Disfunction is our lingua franca.
We can’t unscrew each other’s friends.
There’s hard to get, then there’s neglect.
To say it’s fate, you’d have to be a bit slow.
Not to be crass, but this sucked ass.
This was a shitshow.
We have chemistry, of course. But that’s a formula for divorce.
Oh what the hell, let’s get a hotel.
Life is short, and we’re not getting any younger.
But after sex what happens next...I mean, in the long run. Not just fatigue and hunger...
And when you say that I should stay, that’s exactly when I should split, though.
Though I won’t forget, I won’t regret.
Though I won’t forget, I won’t regret this beautiful, heart-stopping, breathtaking, life-changing…..
We Tapped That Ass
We tapped that ass all over this house.
Sometimes him. Sometimes me. Though never simultaneously.
But one of us was hitting it, usually.
That bed is really uncomfortable!
Right? It’s like a prison cot!
What? Too cheeky?
A little to the left/right
Wait! No, you’re doing it wrong. I’ll do it myself!
Barkeep! What’s on tap?
How much more tapping could one ass endure?
Thought Bubbles
Well, I don’t mind being alone.
I’m not afraid of what enters my mind when I’m so low.
I’m perfectly capable of taking of advantage of this time.
No, I don’t mind being alone with my thoughts.
That’s a bad thought!
I don’t like that thought!
What happens if I go to hell?
Chill out.
If I can’t hit the gym how will I ever be a good father?
When my friends and I stick together there’s nothing we can’t do.
I specifically mean we’re going to stage a coup.
Squad goals!
A dystopia around our friendship
There’s a really exclusive sushi place that never lets us in.
Let’s just go home and drink rose.
I put drugs in the water supply.
Aww, I love Hocus Pocus.
Stuck in the Bathroom
Get me out of here!
Tonight was already super weird and now [you’re/she’s/he’s] stuck in the bathroom.
I have a deceptive amount of muscular strength thanks to my amazing core.
Her little bird arms aren’t going to do anything!
Whoever renovated this house did a terrible job!
I can’t believe it took us that long to come up with the most obvious solution.
Research Me Obsessively
Hey, what are you doing for the next, like, thirteen hours?
Don't do anything healthy. Don't be productive. Give in to your desire.
Find out everything you can about me
You Go First
We used to be there for each other, every second
I really wanna tell you that I'm sorry!
I really wanna tell you that I am the worst!
I just want to say I miss you every day!
This is almost entirely all my fault here. But you gotta admit it's just a tiny bit your fault too.
Sometimes you can be really passive aggressive!
Sometimes you can be really self-involved.
Go ahead and say you're kind of sorry! So I can say "Oh, no, no, no, please!” Just like I rehearsed!
If you open the door, I'll apologize so much more.
[But] You go first!
So Maternal
Parenting ain’t harrowing, demanding or traumatic!
Step aside ladies, give your babies to a Carol Brady level matriarch.
Low expectations - Raise ‘em up!
You know, I guess I just instinctively get how to be a mom and that's what sets me apart from other "mothers."
Damn, I’m so maternal!
Duh! What was I thinking?
Can’t believe I couldn’t see it all along.
Don’t know what was going through my mind!
I’m just like -- ugh! God, I’m so stupid.
Looking back on old times. Like that one time. And that other time.
It’s so obvious!
Who’s the New Guy?
Who's the new guy? I don't trust him
Do we really need a new guy this far into the season? And by "far into the season" I mean it's almost fall.
He's suspiciously good looking. In ways that normal people are not
Is this someone new we're gonna have to grow to care about?
Why should we root for someone male, straight and white?
We’ll Never Have Problems Again
We’ll never have problems again!
It's only smooth, smooth sailing from now on…
We used to have problems but now they're gone.
Do you remember, back when we had problems?
Man, that was annoying.
But now our love has magically solved [our problems].
And there won't be any more [problems] in our future at all!
Fine. I guess I’ll just Soul Train out of here.
The first test failed but that’s ‘cause it wasn’t true love. 
They say obsession biologically lasts four years at most but science doesn't apply to us.
Remember That We Suffered
But before you feel too great...remember that we suffered!
But we sing in a minor key to remember that we suffered!
Being happy is selfish!
You have no idea what pain is!
When I say 'we' you say 'suffered'!
Santa Ana Winds
Hello there, it's me.
I make things weird
That's science for "a pain in your asses"
They just got Santa Ana winded!
I'm a prankster. Tee-hee-hee-hee.
I just wanna see what will happen
You're looking really guilty
That kiss was all your fault!
I just reveal your deepest wishes and fears
So it's you, ________. It's not me who is super weird.
You ruined everything.
Let’s Have Intercourse
Unfortunately, I want to have sex with you
I don't know what happened
For some reason, you're now on the top of my to-do list
Let's get this over with so I can focus on other tasks
Just pretend I'm seducing you
Let's quickly have intercourse so I can move on with my life
Once we do it, it'll be like “Well, that's what that was like.”
I mean, obviously you want to, too
Just super quickly have intercourse
Sometimes my body wants things that my mind does not
My body wants things that make my mind go, "Uh, body, what?"
We're animals It's unfortunate.
So come on, let's contortion it!
I won't be back to normal till I see what your nipples look like.
Until we stop wasting time talking 'bout it and we super quickly, it'll only take a second, have intercourse.
Good thing I happen to have an old condom In my wallet
You’re My Best Friend (And I Know I’m Not Yours)
You’re my best friend, and I know I’m not yours.
And that’s okay.
I’m not your best friend.
I’m okay.
Friendship doesn’t have to be a two-way street.
I don’t need a shoulder to cry!
Your best friend is somebody else. But I get it.
I love you like a sister and you love me like a second cousin.
I said it’s okay! Really!
Man Nap
It’s a man nap!
Time to nap like a man!
Life is so tiring when you’re a man.
It’s exhausting being so damn strong.
‘Cause when a man gets older, his testosterone starts getting low.
Tell Me I’m Okay, Patrick
You represent the outside world because you don’t know me.
No pressure, but I seriously need to know.
‘Cause I think I’m fine ______, but I’m only, like, forty-three percent sure.
I’m sorry that I yelled.
Tell me I’m okay.
Period Sex
It’s period sex.
Put down a towel, party till it’s dry.
Are those sheets expensive?
I’ll Venmo you back for your sheets.
I hope you can get those sheets again.
What a Rush to be a Bride
Can you believe you snagged him?
Forever you will have him standing right there by your side.
I’ve been picturing this day since I’ve been a little girl.
Why veer from the classics?
Rebecca’s Reprise
You’ve gotten everything you’ve ever wanted.
It turns out magic exists.
Everything in the past will just fade away.
I’ll never have problems again.
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lucidads-blog · 4 years
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in the corner of the world, in the heart of the earth, lies a quiet island floating in a limbo. cobblestone streets and pristine buildings, bright green leaves with shiny fruit hanging about, somnilia is a haven for all sorts of people to find peace. for those wanting an escape from all the stress in your life… wouldn’t it just be nice to forget about all of your troubles ? 
lucidfm is a multifandom appless rp that takes place in somnilia, a fictional island peacefully in the atlantic. what seems like a quaint vacation island seems to actually be hiding something a tad more… sinister. no one initially remembers anything about their past when they wake up in somnilia, having a complete set of falsified memories of their lives here, all with a job and a roof over their heads. both plot and character-driven, we hope somnilia is a dream come true for you !
check out the map ! 
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falskaoskita · 4 years
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