#ch: gabumon
otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure (Manga) - Vol. 5 (Final volume)
Okay, now that I've finished the manga (or, manhua I guess), I can safely say: don't bother! Reading this was a chore. The only thing I got out of it was the occasional nice bit of art or cheesy dialogue to laugh at. Other than that, they completely butchered the pacing/storytelling/essentially any charm the anime had. It's all par for the course with these kinds of money hungry releases.
Ch. 29
-Pinochimon calls TK "the boy in the ridiculous hat" which made me really look at TK's hat for the first time lol. It actually is kind of weird looking. My brain always read it as one of those winter hats with ear flaps, but giving it a closer look it's more like a hat that a cleric would wear in a JRPG or something. Why does it have a gem on it?
-Pinochimon's gun isn't censored in the manga! They didn't show TK holding a gun though, so I guess the original JP anime is still the most hardcore viewing experience lol
Ch. 30
-I simultaneously dislike the "the group breaks up" part of the story but it also feels necessary. It would be pretty unrealistic if everyone was just blindly gung-ho about being the "chosen children" for the whole series, so I like that it shows the inner doubt/turmoil.
-I had completely forgotten about that "spirit talks through Kari" bit. I don't think they ever fully explain what that is...? Very contrived.
Ch. 31
-Sadly they killed of Pinochimon in like two seconds which means we don't get to see his fight with MetalEtemon. That was like the only good part about Etemon coming back!
-For whatever reason, they decided to call the mecha version of Pinochimon's house "Housemon." Sure, why not. The part never really made sense anyways. I double checked the digimon fan wiki and the house is not considered a digimon in the anime. Continuity!
Ch. 32
-If Leomon can digivolve into SaberLeomon due to being "bathed in the light of the digivice," then there's no reason the kids shouldn't go around trying that on all of their ally digimon. Just sayin'
-In one panel, Machinedramon looked like he had a huge dick lol. I had to google a character reference to realize that it was his knee, oops...
Ch. 33
-This chapter was just one (or rather two) big battles. The action and drama was somewhat ruined by the cheesy dialogue. Tai literally says "Guys, rage against the machine!" and Machinedramon says "deus ex machina, fool!" What is this, an abridged series??
-WarGreymon looks pretty goofy with his armor shattered at the end there. I don't remember that visual being in the anime.
Ch. 34
-This chapter was terrrrible. They shoved like 5 episodes of content into 20-ish pages and nothing had any emotional impact. The whole "Matt and Gabumon in a cave" bit was especially weak. Matt's like "I'm sad," Gabumon says "you're not yourself!" and then Matt's like "Oop, you're right, I'm fine!" in about 3 panels. There's also a narrator textbox being like "we later found out that some evil force made Matt feel that way." Total waste of time. If they're not going to treat the emotional beats with respect, don't bother even adapting them.
-The fact that they gave Pinocchimon little voodoo dolls of the characters and then Piedmon has keychains that look pretty much the same. Pretty redundant...
-We were cheated out of LadyDevimon in manga form :'(
Ch. 35
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-Dull, rushed, anticlimactic and devoid of emotion. I sincerely hope no one read this manga before watching the anime, that would probably ruin the whole series for them lol.
-Since this was written post 02 Gennai is like "bye kids, the next batch of digidestined will take care of the rest!" I feel like that goes along with my whole "digidestined have to be a certain age and then they graduate" theory. Either that or the digital world is just nice and doesn't want to trouble the same kids twice? Who knows...
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atsoraasayoma · 3 years
Sorato Moment 1: The Digital Record: Realized, Ch 1 Excerpt:
Last to arrive was Yamato and Gabumon, Sora and Piyomon. "What kept you?" Taichi said turning around. Takeru could not help but chuckle inside his head as Yamato walked over coolly, the wolf-like digimon with a unicorn horn on his head Gabumon nipping at his heels. "Well...you know stuff happened," he said confidently. Sora put her hand over Yamato's mouth. "Don't tell them about anything," she scolded. "Don't you want to at least look like you’re being responsible? We don't have time to goof off." Her face had turned a slightly reddish hue. "Is that why your faces touched?" Piyomon said obliviously. "Yeah I saw so to from the bushes," Gabumon added. Yamato put his hand over the back of his head like he was trying to think of an excuse. Sora stammered, emotionally lost between the responsibilities and probably just how digimon don't understand human relationships or emotions. "Hey, you need to take this more seriously," Taichi said flustered. "Just 'cause you both are in a relationship now does not mean you can slack off." Takeru enjoyed the drama unfolding. At least the attention was a hundred percent off of him now. But Taichi seemed just a tad jealous... "Whose slacking off?" Yamato said, his hand curling into a fist. "Just cause we made out does not mean we're not working hard to! We needed a little break!" "Is that why you stopped for five minutes?" Gabumon asked. "Well," Sora stammered, "It was more like ten minutes," she barely made audible.
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adventure-hearts · 4 years
Oi, can you give me your thoughts on the affection that Sorato would show to each other?
This ask actually inspired me to write meta for the first time in a while! Thanks a lot, Anon!
So, a while back I read this book called The Five Love Languages. It’s about how  everyone expresses/experiences love in five main ways — words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, receiving gifts, and physical touch — and how this affects interpersonal relationships, especially marriage. 
The book’s thesis is that everyone has a primary and secondary "love language”; for each of them there are multiple “dialects”, or different ways of manifesting love. In order to have a healthy relationship, you need to identify your and your partner’s language, so that you can give each other what you need (*).
Me being me, I immediately started to try and identify the love languages of each DA character, and predictably gave a lot of thought to Sora and Yamato’s. Based on my notes on this book, here are my headcanons about how Sora and Yamato express affection!
Primary love language → words of affirmation
If you consider Sora’s conflict in the original series, it was all about how unloved and unappreciated she felt in the absence of being told she was loved by her mother; and later, the feeling of feeling unappreciated by others in general. 
Piyomon best represents how words of affirmation is Sora’s primary love language. Actually, my theory is that all digimon partners do this, to some extent. Piyomon gives Sora exactly what needs to feel loved: telling her how much she likes and appreciates her, constant complimenting, cheering her up, making her talk about their feelings, etc. (at first, Sora was so unused to having this need met that Piyomon’s initial adoration made her uncomfortable). I also think Sora places so much importance in to what people say (or don’t say) to her that she’s prone to misunderstanding people when they say the wrong thing or don’t tell her what she wants to hear.
On the other hand, although Sora struggles with being on the receiving end of words of affection, she’s excellent at using it to show love to others. She’s the one who’s encouraging her friends, keeping morale up, and providing reassurance through gentle and encouraging words. There are dozens examples of this in the series:
“Piyomon, kakoiiii!”
Encouraging Miyako (02 eps. 02)
Calling everyone to to check in on them (tri. ch. 3)
I think it’s pretty obvious that words of affirmation are key for Sora.
Secondary love language → acts of service
If Sora struggles with her primary love language, she overcompensates with her secondary one, which is basically doing things for others. 
This is the side of Sora who nurtures, organises, protects, cooks, sacrifices herself for others, and generally takes care of other people’s needs ahead of her own. 
The downside of this is that Sora feels overwhelmed when she can’t respond to other people’s needs, and feels unloved when people don’t do things for her in return. 
Primary love language → quality time
I believe Yamato’s main way of expressing love is spending one-on-one time with the other person. Again, the classic image is when he sits alone with Gabumon playing his harmonica. It’s symbolic of the Crest of Friendship.
Lots of Yamato’s issues in the first series probably have to do with his parents divorce stealing a lot of quality time from him as a child (i.e. neglecting him emotionally), and how as a result, he adopted the opposing attitude “I’m fine on my own, in fact I prefer to be”. Which is clearly not true, and it soon becomes apparent that this lone wolf act is him denying his true self and his true emotional needs. His obsession with being around Takeru and his jealousy when he spends time with other people is perhaps another clue. Yamato is the kind of person who feels loved when he gets someone else’s undivided attention, even if not a word is spoken. 
Gabumon’s entire existence of pure devotion and loyalty to Yamato and all their scenes together as a duo is ample evidence of quality time being his main way of expressing love, but other examples include his desire to be close to Takeru all the time, staying with Jou at the restaurant, “Let her cry”, having a one-one-dinner with Taichi to cheer him up, etc. Yamato doesn’t let a lot of people in, so when he deigns to spend alone time with someone, you know it’s serious.
Secondary love language → words of affirmation
This is maybe provocative, but I also think words of affirmation are incredibly important for Yamato. However, this secondary LL is very undeveloped, both by his discomfort with verbalized affection in general and especially when it comes to his attempts to express love for others through words. 
Still, Yamato’s need for words of affirmation is shown not just by Gabumon’s innumerable pep-talks where he cheers Yamato up by telling him how much he loves him and says all those wonderful things about him. Other examples would include the entire Dark Cave saga (including helping Sora), many of his interactions with Taichi (Yamato’s oversensitivity whenever Taichi says something “thoughtless” is also an example of the importance he places on words; but also, “Thank you for believing in me”!), and even his music career (writing songs about feelings while a bunch of girls screams their adoration at him? He’s getting something out of it).
How do LLs work in the context of (romantic) Sora/Yamato?
I’d say the first conclusion I took from this is both Yamato and Sora struggle with, and at times suppress, their primary love language. Having this in common is important, because it shows how similar they are emotionally, and probably makes them better able to empathise with each other.
Another crucial conclusion is that they're both fluent in the same love languages. Quality time could just as well be Sora’s secondary love language, and Acts of Service could easily be Yamato’s. So here are to people who — when in a healthy, mature state — are in the same emotional wavelength and therefore are perfectly suited to give each other what they need.
Now we’re getting into headcanon territory, but I think of the reasons why this couple works is precisely that know the importance of using “words of affirmation”. Do note that this love language isn’t just about saying “I love you” and “You look gorgeous” and “Here’s a list of the 438479287 best things about you″. It’s much more about saying “You can do it”, “That was great!”, and even “Thank you”. In this sense, you can totally see how both would be emotionally fulfilled by giving and receiving verbal encouragement and appreciation form the other. 
I think this love language both the strength of the relationship  — being able to build each other up — and also their Achilles heel — if one or both of them fail to develop it.
It’s all too easy to imagine a situation were Sora and Yamato don’t use enough  words of affirmation with each other, creating a vicious cycle. Of course, as we’ve seen, this love language is something they both need to work on and learn from their digimon partners! 
Overall, I’d say Sora is probably better at it, with Yamato often struggling to put his love in words without being embarrassed; I think any grand declarations would be saved for special occasions. 
I think Sora would be great at responding to Yamato’s need for quality time. Like, of course she’d be perfect at making sure they spend time together despite their busy schedules, at planning dates and activities and getaways. And she’d would be patient enough to just sit next to him in silence, waiting for him to open up. Sora herself would also benefit from Yamato’s tendency to want to spend one-on-one time, especially if Yamato used this quality time to listen to her and talk about feelings. Still, problems could emerge if Yamato thinks Sora isn’t spending enough time with him. 
I also believe Yamato would be pretty good at expressing love through acts of service, I.e. doing nice and helpful things for Sora. This is the kind of boyfriend who can cook dinner, do the laundry, handle car insurance, and who’ll jump in the middle of a battle to save her life. Trouble could arise if Yamato actually forgets to do something, or if Sora finds herself overwhelmed trying to do everything on her own.
Finally, a word about the remaining two languages (gift giving and physical touch). Of course they are present in this relationship! They just aren’t the main ways they use to express love. Again, considering Sora has the Crest of Love, she’s fluent in all the love languages. 
When it comes to physical affection / PDA, I think almost everyone in the fandom agrees this isn’t a couple who would be very demonstrative in public. I don’t think they would regard touching/kissing/sex as the predominant way of showing love and intimacy. I’m sure they’re a very affectionate couple (in private), but dealing with emotions would be the main dynamic in the relationship. 
Similarly, I doubt gift giving would be a huge thing outside of special occasions. I myself headcanon that Yamato is a not a great present giver, and if Sora was feeling ignored, there isn’t a diamond ring in the world that would make up for it. 
Well, this was a long tangent. I hope it answered your question, Anon! I’d be curious to see other people’s opinions, too.
(*) NOTE:
There are a bunch of quizzes to discover your own LL, but according to the author, the way to identify someone love language is by asking:
a. How they express love and appreciation for others; b. What they request more often; c. What they complain about.
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darkjanet2 · 3 years
Drusilla's Soul Ch. 15 Part 2
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” said Drusilla.
As Drusilla thought of how crazy seeing dragon-like creatures flying closer attacking and eating whatever in their paths, a sound of explosions hitting the creatures. Clouds of smoke covering the creatures’ eyes, helicopters, jets, and tanks arriving at the scene attacking the creatures’ support covering the civilians there.
"The Army, Navy, and Air Force?" said Matt.
"Wow, we're saved, what powerful weapons," Drusilla said sarcastically.
"What is your issue?" Matt asked.
"Think about this for a moment— a magical creature or whatever type these beings are in this world attacking or eating people, common weapons shouldn't have any effect and it doesn't look like it does either! So what happens when something is provoked???” Drusilla asked.
"What are you getting at?" Matt asked, raising his eyebrow.
"What happens when an animal is provoked?" Drusilla asked.
"They become more aggressive, probably attack or eat whatever is in the way," Matt said.
“What the hell are they, anyway?” she asked.
“They’re called Digimon,” he answered.
“Digi-what?” Drusilla had no idea what that was.
"Digimon-Digital Monsters," Matt replied.
"They’re Digimon, okay, so monsters???" Drusilla asked.
"Yes, from the Net," Matt replied
"What's the Net???" Drusilla asked.
"The Internet," Matt said.
“Those Digimon came out of the internet!?” shocked Drusilla.
“Here, I’ll tell you,” Matt explained and pointed to Digimon. “That Digimon resembles a dinosaur is DarkTyrannomon. And those other creatures are Devidramon.”
“So they came to attack the real world?” asked Drusilla.
“Precisely,” said Matt.
Another creature was running by, a yellow-skinned lizard-like Digimon wearing a dog-like blue and white pelt fur, a horn on his head, and a long tail. Its belly is sky blue with symmetric pink motifs. And its eyes were red.
“Matt!” shouted the creature. Matt turned his head to who was running by.
“Gabumon!” smiled Matt.
“Watch out! He’s going to attack you!” cried Drusilla.
“It’s okay! He’s a good Digimon,” said Matt.
“Uh, is he a friend?” she asked.
“Yeah, we’re partners. I’ve met him since I was in a Digital World,” said Matt.
“Digital World?” she asked.
“Lady, you should go find somewhere safe. Matt, let’s Digivolve,” said Gabumon.
Matt nodded, he took out a strange device from his pocket and a brilliant white light engulfed his partner.
Gabumon Warp Digivolve to… MetalGarurumon!
Gabumon had digivolve to MetalGarurumon, it was a combination of beast and cyborg Digimon. MetalGarurumon has blue skin with deeper blue stripes covered in light blue armor. MetalGarurumon was equipped with a boomerang tail, blade wings, and long-range missiles making him one of the most deadly adversaries in the Digital World.
Drusilla just stood there with her mouth open wide and her eyes widened like saucers. Matt chuckled at this. “You’re surprised, huh?”
“I’ve never seen the weirdest creature in my life!” cried Drusilla.
“Matt, take this woman to safety. I’ll take care of DarkTyrannomon,” said MetalGarurumon.
“Right. C’mon,” said Matt, he grabbed Drusilla’s cool hand and took her somewhere safe.
‘Why is her hand so cold?’ thought Matt.
They just kept running until they found the parking garage. The space was mostly empty, and there were few cars in here.
“You stay here. I have to help MetalGarurumon.” said Matt.
“No way. I have to help them.” said Drusilla.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I’ve always wanted to help people. I helped the helpless,” said Drusilla, determined.
Matt was confused about what this woman was talking about. Was she helping people? She didn’t have a Digivice nor a Digimon. So why did she want to help people?
They heard a peal of female laughter behind them, they turned around to see the feminine fallen angel-like figure skin-tight outfit, tattered wings, and a mask covering her face. Her skin was pale white, while her eyes and claws were red, and she was wrapped around in a long chain.
“Well, well, what do I have here? A lovely couple all by themselves." The creature smirked with her licking her lips and walked over to Matt and Drusilla.
“Who the hell are you?” Drusilla demanded.
“That’s LadyDevimon,” Matt said.
“Ah. So a human heard about me. That makes you a DigiDestined. Well, since your partner is busy, this is going to be fun." She replied walking towards the two of them.
Drusilla sneered, “Yeah, I don’t know what DigiDestined is, but I have to come to fight you one-on-one.”
LadyDevimon chuckled, “Oh, you’re tough for a human." Ladydevimon replied. She charged at Drusilla, but Dru blocked her attack. LadyDevimon stumbled backward until she stood her balance.
Drusilla turned her head to the teenage blonde. “Your name is Matt, right?” she asked.
“Uh, yeah,” Matt replied. He was shocked that the woman had amazing strength.
“Then go. I’ll take care of this bitch" said Drusilla.
“But you’re human! You can’t fight against a Digimon!” Matt protested.
“Didn’t I tell you? I’ve always helped the helpless and I know how to fight. Blade-Sensei taught me this.” Drusilla said. “Now go!”
Matt wanted to argue with her, but he had no time to waste.
“Alright, but be careful,” said Matt, as he ran off.
“Aw, you’re letting your boyfriend run away,” said Ladydevimon. She threw her chain at Matt, but Drusilla caught a chain.
“First of all, he is not my boyfriend! I’ve already got a boyfriend back in America. Second of all, I don’t have a partner or things like that. And thirdly, I am a vampire with a soul.” Drusilla explained as she cracked her knuckles and dash in front of Ladydevimon. Ladydevimon lost her footing when Drusilla appeared in front of her that she had no time to react and felt a fist plowed into her stomach. Ladydevimon's eyes widened in horror.
Drusilla kicked LadyDevimon's head, sending her sailing into a cement wall. LadyDevimon growled and she raised her arms up.
Darkness Wave!
A flock of bats surrounded her as they bit and scratched at her body. She winced in pain as she enveloped herself in an aura and a shock wave burst blasting the bats away and hitting Ladydevimon back a few feet. Drusilla’s face transformed into vampire mode. Her eyebrows were heavy, ridges marred her beautiful face, her eyes turned blazing yellow, her fangs lengthed.
"Huh, didn't see that coming," Ladydevimon responded.
“You should've never underestimated me," Drusilla replied as she blurred behind her. Ladydevimon felt her arm be pulled behind her back. She screamed in pain.
"What’s wrong? Thought you were a powerful Digimon fighting against a vampire,” said Drusilla, she began to break limb to limb as she cried in agony. LadyDeviomon had had enough of this. She started to glow.
She exploded with a black aura to get off of her as Drusilla backed up covering her eyes. LadyDevimon appeared in front of the vampire and struck her to the wall. Drusilla winced and groaned in pain as she was trying to regain her balance.
“Now you shall perish,” said Ladydevimon, her left hand transformed into a long, sharp spear. “Don’t worry, I will make this quick. Die!”
She charged at her with her spear laughing maniacally, Drusilla saw her coming as she shut her eyes, she was done for!
Just when LadyDevimon shrieked in pain, something hit her from behind. She turned her head where did the attack come from. It was a beautiful feminine angel figure, long blonde hair wearing a white bodysuit that covered half of her body with white high heels. She had several dove-like wings, wore a helmet with wings covering her eyes, she wore a Holy Ring on her left ankle and the pink ribbon above her.
"YOU! HOW DARE YOU!" Ladydevimon shouted.
Heaven Charm!
A massive light cross sent towards LadyDevimon, she screamed in agony as her flesh began to charred away as bits of data started to fade into the air. She growled when Angewomon extended her left arm and from thin air. Light line as she pulled the line back transforming into an arrow.
Angewomon released the arrow and shot Ladydevimon in the chest. Her body exploded with data. LadyDevimon was defeated.
Drusilla quickly reverted her beautiful human face, however, her face had minor cuts and she was badly injured.
Just when two kids arrived in the parking garage. One boy and one girl.
“So, Matt told me the woman was fighting LadyDevimon. I thought he lost his marbles for a second." The blond said while walking over to this woman. “Hey, are you okay?”
Drusilla weakly opened her eyes, her visions were blurry. The blond boy was wearing a bucket hat, a yellow and teal long-sleeved shirt with a high collar, a pair of teal shorts, dark purple socks, and green boots with grey soles.
“I’m better than okay, young one,” said Drusilla, she started to get up but she lost her balance when TK caught her falling from the ground, she was unconscious.
“Hey!” TK cried. “Ma’am, wake up! Wake up!”
Drusilla was unresponsive and she might have fought a battle with LadyDevimon.
“Kari, we have to get her to the hospital,” said TK.
“Okay, we need to get her there. Angewomon, you think you can carry her?" Kari asked her partner.
Angewomon nodded, “Of course. Let’s take her there.” She picked her up into her arms and took her to the hospital.
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toko-ton · 4 years
Kizuna novel ch.3-4 notes
Ch. 3:
- Back in chapter 2, when Yamato asks the 02 group to investigate Menoa, Ken mentions that he's heard of her, and he specifically says that he knows she's a prodigy who skipped grades to get into college early and has a doctorate and some patents. I didn't think of it until I realized that she's actually close in age to the Adventure kids, but the part about skipping grades reminded me of this:
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I wonder if maybe Ken first heard about Menoa because people insisted on comparing him to her back when he was the Kaiser?
- Menoa wasn't blocked from entering the Digital World, so presumably anyone with the tech to open a gate can go there, regardless of whether they have a Digimon partner or not. Which means that partner Digimon do cease to exist in both worlds when their bond disappears, because otherwise, she'd be able to reunite with Morphomon.
- I know it's supposed to be a serious scene, but it's almost comedic when Taichi and Yamato brag about having the edge in numbers and experience as Greymon and Garurumon finish off Eosmon, only for Menoa to casually snap her fingers and summon an entire swarm.
- Menoa indirectly explains the origin of Eosmon's name. She spent years trying to bring Morphomon back, but failed trying to bring the data to life. Then on the day the mysterious aurora appeared three months ago, she was suddenly able to create Eosmon, who was presumably named after the aurora. (I'm kind of surprised that the book doesn't point out that Eos and Aurora were equivalent Greek and Roman goddesses. I guess they assumed that people already know that?)
- If Menoa only made Eosmon three months ago, why has Imura been investigating her for years? It's never hinted that she did anything illegal or even unethical before that point, unless people have a problem with her trying to create a Digimon.
- Sora is the only one of the original Adventure kids missing from Menoa's neverland. Even without Koushirou's list, Menoa knows who all of them are, so I guess it must have already been too late by the time Menoa tried to send an Eosmon?
- If Menoa and Eosmon can't reunite people with Digimon partners who have already been lost (or at least illusions of them), then this scene confirms that Meicoomon did come back to life at some point.
- Menoa insists over and over that all the Chosen are there of their own free will, no mental influence involved, but the fact that they all turn silent and emotionless with glowing red eyes makes that a little bit difficult to believe.
Ch. 4:
- Eosmon start popping out of internet-connected devices all over the world and attacking Chosen. Despite Hawkmon warning that it's probably a bad idea, Miyako uses her laptop to try to find information on what's happening in the confusion, and of course, she only ends up letting another one through.
- Yamato must have given them a partial explanation at some point, since Daisuke knows enough to guess that the Digimon they're fighting are Eosmon. Likewise, Iori worries that the chaos means that something has happened to Yamato and the others, but they're too busy fighting off Eosmon to do anything to help.
- The entire 02 team seems to be calling Yamato "Yamato-senpai" now, or at least Daisuke, Ken, and Iori all do. (I don't think Miyako ever says his name, so I'm not sure about her.)
- Taichi and Yamato are hiding, uncertain of what to do. After some encouragement from Gabumon and Agumon (who says he gets the feeling that they'll be with Taichi and Yamato forever), the two of them resolve to fight. Taichi, who had been wearing his old goggles around his neck, finally puts them up on his head and says "We'll show them the bonds we have. Let's do this!"
- The kids with Menoa are back to playing with their Digimon, and still acting extremely creepy: The children gazed at Menoa with eyes filled with adoration. Perhaps she seemed like a goddess or Madonna to them.
- Daisuke and Ken don't evolve Paildramon or Imperialdramon even though the 02 team is having a rough time fending off all the Eosmon. I guess Yamato must have warned them to avoid unnecessary evolutions, even if he didn't say why? They're much too upbeat to have been confronted with the full truth.
- This just occurred to me... The Eosmon aren't invisible, so back in chapter 1, how did one of them steal Ayaka's consciousness in the middle of a restaurant without being seen?
- After Eosmon defeats Omegamon, the other Adventure kids restrain Taichi and Yamato to keep them from running to Agumon and Gabumon (Hikari and Koushirou for Taichi, and Takeru, Mimi, and Jou for Yamato), and then their partners start attacking the two.
- As soon as they come to their senses, Hikari and the others return to their present-day appearances. Koushirou is fascinated by the evolved Eosmon, and Tentomon has to exasperatedly remind him that he really doesn't have time to stand around lost in thought.
- Menoa lost her partner when she got into college... because she wanted to be self-sufficient? It looks like they're trying to portray partner Digimon as existing solely for the kids' personal growth, and that's why they disappear when the kids are sufficiently mature? I'm not a fan of the idea. (Just to be completely clear, the the scenes of the Digimon disappearing strongly gave me this impression, but it isn’t explicitly stated anywhere. So it’s entirely possible that this isn’t what the creators intended.)
- I mean, I don’t think that the sudden and traumatic loss of one of your closest loved ones is a good metaphor for the struggles of becoming an adult.
- I'm also not fond of the way it reduces the Digimon to literal props for the kids, in-universe, even if the original anime never did a particularly good job of treating them as individuals.
- "Menoa! I'll save you!" Taichi yelled. Yamato shouted, "Your choice wasn't a mistake!" "But even if a choice leads to something happening..." "We have to live in the future we chose!" (This dialogue would work better for me if the kids had any meaningful choice in the first place. Menoa was going to lose Morphomon before long, no matter what she did.)
- "We may not be able to change fate*..." "But we can change our destiny**!" * 宿命 = absolute, unchangeable fate ** 運命 = destiny/fate in general (Why are they so sure that losing their Digimon is the latter and not the former? What makes Taichi and Yamato’s refusal to accept the loss of their partners optimism, while Menoa’s is just denial?)
- Sorry if this has been a little too negative! I do like Kizuna overall, especially for the character interaction. I’m just disappointed in this particular element of the plot.
- I’ve now finished the book, and they never do explain the aurora that allowed Eosmon to come to life. I wonder if it’ll be brought up again if there’s a sequel?
- I can’t think of anything else I want to comment on right now, so just in case anyone reading this hasn’t seen it yet, I’ll link to Onkei’s summary again:
It’s much more comprehensive than my notes here (especially since I tried to focus on things that weren’t already covered there), so if you haven’t already, go read it!
- Also, I’ll be glad to answer any questions about the story (if I can), so if there’s anything you’re curious about, please feel free to ask!
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 - Volume 1
I'm doing things slightly out of order here, but I'd like to get to all the side stuff that came out prior to Tamers before I move on from Adventure. This is the first Digimon manga that came out (aside from C'mon Digimon which is contained within this release) so it'll be interesting to see those humble beginnings.
-So I guess this is some alternate universe version of season 1? (Or maybe like a beta version?) The plot feels a little similar to Digimon World where digimon are a battling v-pet IRL and the main character gets sucked into the digital world solo.
-In this version of the story, Taichi has a V-dramon. Unclear so far what level digivolution a V-dramon is or if it's related to Veemon. Zeromaru is a dumb name...
-Goggles AND a cape? That's a bit much Taichi...
-I like how doofy Gabumon looks in this. The digimon are way more cartoony and expressive so far.
-Full color and actual, red blood!? This manga looks fabulous on my tablet <3
Ch. 2
-More Digimon World vibes. The Holy Angel Castle looks a lot like the ice castle that you can only enter if you have a vaccine digimon in the PSX game...
-There's a "should digimon have human partners?" element here that we haven't really seen in the show yet. I feel like this question is inevitable for most mon series.
Ch. 3
-Okay, I'll admit, I didn't see the pun in "Zeromaru" (maru is another way to say zero) until this chapter. I hate the name slightly less now.
-A Tonosama Gekomon and a HolyAngemon are a pretty bizarre combo lol
-I really love the art style in this actually. Chibi-mode Taichi was adorable in this chapter and the colors are really nice as well. I wish we got more full-color manga releases like this one!
-So Demon is gonna be the big bad in this? That's kinda nice actually cuz he got majorly short shrifted in 02. Seems like his design is completely different here. Kinda looks like Ogremon...
Ch. 4
-I kinda like how the wild digimon get names in this. Since every digimon from the same species seems to be pretty much identical, giving them names allows me to become more attached to them.
-Only just realized that I don't really know why Etemon is called Etemon. I tried googling it and the Digimon wiki's explanation didn't really help...
-Pretty wild that Gabo said "God is gone" lol. Also, Digi-world creation myth confirmed.
-The manga's McGuffin was introduced: V-tags. I'm guessing the "V" is for "Virtual," but if you're going to call everything "digi" that seems to go against the branding a bit...
Ch. 5
-Okay Gabo's incessant "You guys need to act more concerned!!" gag is getting really annoying. He says it like every 3 pages!
-I had no memory of Deltamon so I thought he was new, but I guess he appeared in an 02 episode? He's really ugly. Also, how many samey dino digimon designs do we need!?
Ch. 6
-These chapters are super short and since a lot of them are battles, they take like 2 minutes to read. Perfect for young kids I guess!
-That triceratops with pecs was pretty cursed.
Ch. 7
-When the digimon are hurt their skin cracks like they're made of plastic or something. Kind of a weird choice...
-Another thing that differs between the manga and anime is that we see Taichi perform first-aid care after fights. The anime doesn't really show a lot of wounds in the first place and usually the digimon just rest to heal.
Ch. 8
-I was surprised to see MarineDevimon who doesn't appear in the anime until 02. I wish I knew more about which chapters of this came out when because it apparently came out over the course of 5 years (1998-2003) -- Edit: this info is thankfully on the wiki
-In this chapter Gomamon says that Triceramon being a data-type means he's a "good" digimon. In the anime they said that even virus-types can be good. So maybe that's more of a prejudice than a fact? (Or it's just different in the manga).
-Gomamon is so baby in this!
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Ch. 9
-This manga reminds me of Yu-Gi-Oh! season 0 where everything is just slightly off.
-The digimon are more blatantly programs and apparently if you go inside them it's just a neon void? Also, I guess the 01 in the manga's title is a reference to binary.
-Let's see how much random stuff the digivice can do in the manga. So far it allows you to scan digimon for their HP and to communicate telepathically.
Ch. 10
-Already 2 out of 5 tags collected which means that this tag collecting thing is probably just one out of many arcs.
-For some reason the official release goes up to chapter 10 for volume 1 but the fan scans go beyond that? I'm going to stick to the official release because 10 is a nice clean end point.
This manga seems pretty typical for a game/anime-tie in for young boys. The chapters are very easily digestible and nothing too deep happens. The magazine it was serialized in, V-Jump was also home to things like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Dragon Ball and Dragon Quest, so the demographic is pretty clear. I'm really enjoying the artwork mostly. I wish there were more character moments but the reoccurring cast is pretty dinky at the moment. Let's see where this goes!
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toko-ton · 4 years
More from Kizuna ch.2
Notes for the rest of the chapter!
(Direct translations in bold.)
- Interesting that Koushirou jumps immediately to comparing the loss of their partnerships to literal death. (At this point, I'm still not clear on what exactly happens when time runs out, or whether the Digimon actually die? Everyone is acting like it's a death sentence.)
- It sounds really boring when I translate it, but the 02 crew are adorable in the scene where they break into Menoa's office. Armadimon opens the door by slashing the card reader with his claws: The lock opened with a click. "Bingo!" Miyako said happily, snapping her fingers. "You can open it like that?" Ken said with admiration mixed with disbelief. Iori maintained his poker face.
- Daisuke's reaction to Menoa's office: "Man, there’s nothing but books." (What was he expecting from a university professor?)
- Miyako's attention is briefly caught by a knickknack partially made of amethyst, and she thinks to herself that Menoa has good taste. That plus this piece of artwork makes me wonder if Miyako might be into rocks and gems as a hobby?
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- "So is it true?" Taichi asked Gennai, his voice subdued. "I'm afraid that there have already been cases of partnerships being dissolved." "Why didn't you tell us something so important?" "People don't deliberately discuss their lifespans, do they?" Gennai replied. Taichi lowered his head. He was right, it was that kind of thing. (Seriously? They couldn’t come up with a better excuse than that??)
- "When our partnership dissolves, what will happen to us... to Agumon?" "The Digimon will disappear." (So they're not using the word "die." When he says "disappear," I guess he means from both worlds? It shouldn’t be such a big deal if they get to continue their normal lives in the Digital World.)
- Gennai finally says "But if you still have infinite possibilities..." and then doesn't bother finishing the sentence. Even if Taichi didn't seem to be listening, couldn't Gennai have tried a little harder to give him a hint, if there's any hope?
- The guys meet up in the hospital bathroom in order to avoid surveillance cameras, and Yamato gives the other two burner phones to use... but Taichi has his smartphone on him the whole time. Doesn't that defeat the point?
- "Hey, Gabumon, I'm just as glad that I met the others as I am that I met Taichi. Hikari and Tailmon, Takeru and Patamon, Jou and Gomamon, Mimi and Palmon, Koushirou and Tentomon, Sora and Piyomon, Yamato and you." "And Taichi and you," Gabumon added. "It's all thanks to Taichi I got to meet everyone." (The entire conversation is really heartwarming! I included this part because it's unusual to hear the Digimon talk about humans other than their own partner. Though come to think of it, Agumon also interacted a lot with Meiko in tri.)
- Agumon and Gabumon seem to think that they'll be okay even if they're no longer partners with Yamato and Taichi: "The time we spent together won't disappear." "No." "I'll never forget," Agumon declared. (Do they not know what's really going to happen, or are they just going to return to the Digital World after all?)
- Sora feels a bit jealous of Mimi traveling around the world.
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darkjanet2 · 3 years
Drusilla’s Soul Ch. 17 Part 1.
Los Angeles, Ca 7:15 PM, Wolfram & Hart
A brown-haired man was typing on a computer as he was doing his research. His name was Lindsey McDonald and he was a lawyer of Wolfram & Hart.
He heard a phone beep.
“Mr. McDonald, we have your visitor here. He wanted to speak with you”, said the lady on the intercom phone.
“Send him in,'' he said.
A platinum blonde man walked into his office, he wore a black leather duster, black shirt and pants, and black combat boots. He was in punk style.
“Ah, Spike. It’s great to see you”, said Lindsey.
“ How do I go about hiring you blokes? I’ve got a job that’s right up your street”, said Spike.
“What do you need?” he asked.
“I want to find Drusilla’s whereabouts, she still has a soul and I can use that to my advantage", Spike said.
"Over at Wolfram & Hart anything is possible, but only if you can pay our fee it's a business, not a charity", said Lindsey.
"You get the money, but you get half up front only the rest when the bloody job is done", Spike said.
The brunette man looked at Spike and grinned.
"Sounds like we have a deal then, Mr. Spike," The man said.
"It is a deal as long as we have it clear that you get paid the rest of your money when you finish the job," Spike said.
Spike turned to walk out around the office.
"The money, Spike? Do you believe that Drusilla is a hero?" asked Lindsey, mockingly.
Spike slammed his fist on Lindsey’s desk and yelled, “SHE IS NOT A HERO!!” with his angry vampiric face.
Lindsey calmly smirked, “Alright, calm down.”
Spike calmed down and reverted his human face.
“Now you want to know where Drusilla is, I heard she’s on a mission trip to Japan. But she won’t return and it has been 2 weeks for her mission,” said Lindsey.
“Then I knew she still had a damn soul and always helped people. I want to call up Deacon Frost to remove the soul. I’ll have my minions arrange the ship and I will also contact Angelus.” said Spike.
“Well, perhaps I can call Angelus to invade Japan, and I bet he will terrorize this country,” Lindsey smirked, evilly, and began to call Angelus.
Angelus at The Standard, Downtown LA
Angelus was on the phone and he was told to be prepared to take a trip to Japan, and he knew Drusilla’s whereabouts.
“Alright, I’ll be there.” Angelus hung up his iPhone 11 as naked Darla wrapped around his bare torso, resting her chin on his strong shoulder, caressing his strong arms, kissed his cheek.
“He found Drusilla. She’s at Odaiba,” said Angelus.
“Do they find out?” asked Darla.
“He said that Drusilla was on a mission trip, now we can hunt her down. Deacon will be able to extract her soul and she will work with us together again,” said Angelus.
“What are you planning to do, Angelus?” asked Darla.
“I can make her insane once more. Get dressed, we’ll get a ship.” said Angelus.
The Next Morning Odaiba, Japan 5:34 AM
Drusilla was released from the hospital and got her prescriptions of Zoloft and Opana from the pharmacy. She was at the Dai-Ichi Hotel Tokyo Seafort for a room to stay. She was FaceTiming her friends staying at her house to see how they were doing. Drusilla told them about the situation where evil Digimon attacked the city and she had a battle with LadyDevimon when she tried to kill her, then a beautiful angel arrived in the nick of time and pulverized the demon. The two kids came to rescue her before she blacked out.
“You were in the hospital?! Are you okay?!” shocked Britney.
“I’m fine, my body feels a little sore, but I’m fine. So how are you doing? Did you treat Jade well?” asked Drusilla.
“Yeah, we fed her, groomed her, and played with her. Jade was doing very well,” said Britney.
“That’s great. Where’s David?” she asked.
“Oh, he went to the pet store to buy more cat food,” Britney explained. “So anyway, how long have you been in a coma?”
“About two weeks and I haven’t returned until next month. When I entered the concert, the creatures were called Digimon. Those kids were talking about rampaging the city. The military tried to shoot them down, but they did not affect them. And Matt has a partner named Gabumon, then he took out the strange device and flashed light onto Gabumon, transformed into a metallic wolf!” exclaimed Drusilla.
“No way!” exclaimed Britney.
“Yes, way. Besides, Matt guided me to the safe place to take me to the parking garage. He told me to stay here, but I denied it because I want to help people even if he thought I was a human.” said Drusilla.
“Did you reveal the truth you’re a vampire?” asked Britney.
“No, I don’t want him to know my secret. But he was surprised that I had superhuman strength and I’d had to deal with this LadyDevimon chick,” said Drusilla.
“And did you go vamp?” asked Britney, incredulously.
“Yes, while he was away, two of us started to fight. Fast forward, LadyDevimon was about to finish me off, and it hit something behind her, a beautiful angel appeared in the parking garage and annihilated her. I thought it was crazy, but she saved my life.” said Drusilla.
“I knew this was your guardian angel,” said Britney.
“I know, but I didn’t pray. I think this angel is a Digimon?” asked Drusilla.
“I doubt it,” Britney said. “Well, I’m glad you’re okay. I thought Japan was pretty cool, but that was crazy that Digimon attacked the city,” said Britney.
“Yeah. Don’t worry, they are rebuilding them right now.” said Drusilla.
“Well, alright. Rest up, Dru. Hope you come back safely.” said Britney, smiled.
“I will. Bye, Britney.” Drusilla hung up her phone, laying down on the bed, and groaned in exhaustion.
“Goddamn, that was the hell of a week! I can’t believe I redeemed myself for starting a battle with LadyDevimon.” Drusilla sighed, sat up from the bed, and walked to the table where the bag of prescriptions lay.
She opened the bag and picked out two vials: Zoloft and Opana. The pharmacist told her to take one pill of Zoloft in the morning and take one pill of Opana in the afternoon. She took out the paper and read it. She followed the instructions and read about the warning and side effects.
Drusilla opened the vial of Zoloft and took one of these pills, it was a blue pill of 50 milligrams in her hand and put it into her mouth, and swallowed it. Then she downed it with Sprite, that pill she swallowed that went through her esophagus.
Suddenly her body and mind felt relaxed, less anxious, less irritable. Zoloft might decrease fear, anxiety, unwanted thoughts, and the number of panic attacks. She had never felt this before, her mind went clear. She could let go of her painful past that Angelus murdered her family, and knowing that Angelus was already dead.
After that, she took a second vial of Opana to treat her severe pain after surgery. She swallowed it and then she downed a Sprite through her esophagus. Now her body felt more relaxed, her pains were reduced. She felt a little wobble, so she went straight to bed and began to sleep to rest up to her body.
In the Digital World
It was cold and snowy out there, even the aurora borealis appeared to be a beautiful color of blue, green, and violet. There was a beautiful ice castle with a castle-like structure of blocks of ice up the mountain. The groups just walked up to the mountain, finding it beautiful, with the green grass on the ground that also had beautiful flowers sticking out. And that's despite having some snowy spots as well. All while in the snowy mountains of the Digital World, which had them wondering how the grass and the flowers were able to grow here. But they didn't dig for answers since it could've been their magic for all they care.
“Where are we?” asked TK.
“I don't know, but this place looks magical, it's so beautiful and romantic, isn't that right, Ken?” asked Yolei, coyly.
“Uh..yeah, sure,” said Ken, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“I wonder what this place is?” said Kari.
“It's an ice castle where the wise Digimon reside,” said Cody.
“How did you know that, Cody?” asked TK.
“Well, there's a board with a description,” said Cody.
“What? Is it some kind of tourist spot?” asked Davis.
“C'mon guys, let's get in standing here won't get us anywhere,” said TK.
They walked up to the mountain and went inside the beautiful ice castle just like a crystal, which had all its doors and walls made of mirrors.
“Whoa... Seeing up close this place is amazing,” said Yolei.
“Yeah, but why does it look so empty and strangely quiet..?” asked Kari.
“Let’s see what the brochure says, it said today is the day of the ice festival so Digimon around here is busy preparing for the palace,” said Ken, holding his chin in deep thought.
“Aah...I see... No wonder why it's so quiet here, but wait a minute, where did you read that?” asked Davis.
“Here, it's on the brochure,” Ken took a brochure out of his pocket.
“What?! A brochure? In a place like this? Is it a tourist spot?” surprised Davis, widened his eyes.
“Yes, is it,” suddenly a voice caught their attention, it was a blue ogre Digimon with unkempt white long hair, pointed ears adored by earrings, a single horn on its head, and an icicle jutting from each of its shoulders. It's known for having its mouth open nearly all the time with an exaggerated lower jaw similar to Violator and has fang-like tusks on its upper jaw like a traditional Oni.
It wore a black loincloth with a belt, black belts on its right arm, nothing on its left arm, blue bandages on its right leg, and black belts on its left leg. It carried an icicle as a weapon. It had a
skull and crossbones on its left arm below its shoulder icicle, metal studs on the knuckles of its left hand, and a scar on the back of its right hand.
“Who are you?” demanded Davis.
“I’m Hyogamon, the guardian here,” said Hyogamon.
“ICE PUNCH!” He attacked them with his powerful fist emitting the icicle coming right at them.
“Look out!!” Davis cried as he and the group dodged his attack, the icicle shards embedded in the glass walls.
“Davis, time to Digivolve!” said Veemon.
Davis nodded and he began to activate the device.
“DIGIARMOR, ENERGIZE!” Davis yelled out.
The flame engulfed Veemon, imagining Agumon, Greymon, MetalGreymon, and WarGreymon. Veemon grew taller, covered with armor flame-like design, the blade protruding out of his mask, claws, and feet.
Now the four of them yelled out, “DIGIARMOR, ENERGIZE!”
“FIRE ROCKET!” He shot fireballs from his fist at Hyogamon with a critical hit, suddenly there were more Digimon who appeared in the castle, an ovoid mirror Digimon was dressed in green robes and hat, and it was wielding a fan. And there were other Hyogamon that appeared in the battle.
“Looks like we’re outnumbered,” said Ken.
“What should we do?” asked TK.
"We should regroup and come up with a plan," said Ken.
“No way!” Davis said as the others looked at him. “We can do this!”
"If they're gaining forces, we must divide their power by separating them from one another." Ken said.
“Ken is right, we have to gain an advantage somehow." said TK.
“I have an idea, what are the digimon ranks? From there we can solidify a plan to separate them." said Kari.
“Good plan.” said TK.
“Enough talk. Let’s see if we can take you on. SNOW PUNCH!” Hyogamon shot a snowball from his fist as Flamedramon threw a fire which caused the snowball to melt.
“ROSETTA STONE!” Nerfetimon flashed a pink light from her back and shot a stone at Mirrormon which the mirror caused to crack.
“SHOOTING STARS!” Pegasusmon fired the stars at the army of Hyogamon and Mirrormon.
“MIRROR’S REVENGE!” It reflected Pegasusmon’s attack, the shooting stars traveled back towards Pegasusmon.
" W-what?!" Pegasusmon said in shock
The shooting stars sliced Pegasusmon as he yelled and fell backward onto the ground. He lied on the ground, with eyes shut, looking hurt.
“Pegasusmon!” TK cried as he ran towards his partner.
“Be careful! They can reflect your attacks!” warned Ken.
“How do we beat them? They’re so many of them!” cried Yolei.
Davis had a bright idea, “Let’s fuse them together so we can beat them.”
The group agreed, their partners de-digivolving and re-digivolving and fusing together to evolve them into another Digimon.
“Charge!” Hyogamon shouted to his comrades to charge at them and be prepared to attack.
“DESPERADO BLASTER!” Paildramon fired his machine guns at the army of Hyogamon and Mirrormon.
“STATIC FORCE!” Silphymon fired a static orb and blasted at them.
“KACHINA BOMBS!” Shakkoumon fired clay disks from its waist and all the army was pulverized.
Now the battle was cleared, they ran the path through the corridor, all the Digimon were locked up in a dungeon.
“Hey, travelers! Help us!” cried Penguinmon.
“What happened?” asked Cody.
“We lived in peace in this castle, we were attacked by Hyogomon and Mirromon and taken to the dungeon. And AncientWisemon has taken over the castle,” said Pengimon.
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