#ch: o marchand
dishonestlies-if · 4 months
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(Dis)honest Lies
Demo: TBA || About The Archivists Age Rating: 16+ CW: Violence, death, child endangerment, child death/descriptions of child death, classism, manipulation, forced isolation/confinement (technically?), parental neglect, mild homophobia RO-specific CWs (contains spoilers): here
The king is dead, cries the crowd of mourners that line the path towards the Royal Tombs. As you walk down behind your father's coffin, you note that there are no commoners among them. Not surprising, given they are not allowed to entire the palace grounds, though you wonder if anyone beyond these walls are mourning with you. Your father was a much-beloved king, but no one beyond the Court had ever met him - or you, for that matter, or any of your predecessors since the Curse took effect. You wonder briefly what the outside world is like - the Advisors describe it as a beautiful place of wonder and innovation, at least in the capital. Perhaps the people are holding their own ceremony out there, in honour of your father.
You turn your attention back to the procession. There will be time to ponder this later.
You have a speech to give, a coronation to attend, a kingdom to rule.
There is no place for such pointless thoughts. You were born in this palace, and in this palace will you die. You will never see the outside world.
Will you?
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Play as the newly crowned monarch of Batrinoa! Bring your kingdom to new heights, or send it plummeting into chaos - the choice is yours, and yours alone. After all, you are the monarch - who would dare defy your authority?
Customize the MC Veridas (27) (name changeable); gender, appearance, personality, etc!
Be swept off your feet by five potential love interests (gender selectable) - or don't! You can be swept off your feet by friends, too. And enemies. But that might be a bad idea.
Ally with your neighbours, or start a war - Batrinoa is powerful, why not utilize your military and expand your territory?
Solve problems that arise in your nation, or make them worse - where there's money to be had, who really cares if a few peasants die?
Face crushing moral dilemmas that make you question your reality!
Find the truth behind the web of lies that surround the Court - there are many hidden secrets, and if you look in the right places, you might find them. Assuming, of course, that they don't kill you first.
And why in the name of the Divine do you keep seeing the Archivist-in-training in your dreams?! You barely even know her!
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Love Interests
The Guard Caelum/Celestine/Calytrix Hildebrand (28) is the fourth child of the Hildebrand family, your best friend and confidant, and godparent of your daughter. As children, you were inseparable, and even when C was in the army you kept in touch. Now they serve as your loyal guard - wherever you go, they will follow. It is their duty, after all; what the monarch wants, the monarch will get, nevermind how they feel about it. So long as it makes you happy, there is little they won't do to achieve it.
The Silver-Tongued Minister Elias/Elora/Elwyn Alinac (29) is Head of the House of Alinac, one of the Four Great Families and a member of the Advisors. They are, without a doubt, the Court's most charming noble. Intelligent and quick-witted, Batrinoa's Director of Foreign Affairs is well-versed in the art of communication, especially when it pertains to getting what they want. There are flocks of men and women alike who would kill to hold E's attention for even a fraction of a second. Fortunate, then, that they only seems to have eyes for you.
The Unapproachable Advisor Orpheus/Odette/Odilon Marchand (26) is Head of the House of Marchand, one of the Four Great Families and a member of the Advisors. O is rather unpopular with the nobility and common folk alike; their blunt speech, cold demeanour, and prickly personality make for rather unpleasant company, though none can deny their skill as Batrinoa's newest Minister of Finance. They maintain a professional distance from everyone around them, but perhaps you can close that gap - surely it must be a lonely existence, to hold everyone at arm's length as they do.
The Revolutionary Mervyn/Maira/Maverick (27) is a commoner of Batrinoa, a tailor who lives with their mother and three siblings near the slums of the capital. Passionate and rebellious, they abhor the monarchy and how the nation is run, and everyone knows it; M is an outspoken critic of the throne, and far from the only one. As the new monarch, you are the very pinnacle of everything they despise - can you show them that you are willing to do what your predecessors would not, or will you just add fuel to the fire?
The Flirtatious Informant Legacy (29) is the best informant in your employ (and the best assassin). They once swore loyalty to your father; now, they serve you. They're a shameless flirt, and never serious - about anything, really, not even their own life. You've asked where they came from, but you've received 14 different back stories at this point and you're not sure they're even capable of telling the truth if it doesn't pertain to their job. You wonder how Legacy ended up in this employ; surely this is not a job most would willingly choose to pursue?
Other Characters
Alix Morozov - your late spouse, the other biological parent of your daughter, and a relative of Drelix's King Vsevolod. They died three years ago, leaving you a single parent. Your marriage was for two reasons only - to end the war between your kingdoms, and to produce a precautionary heir for the Batrinoa line. Having succeeded in both, you considered them a good person and a dear friend, though there was never any love in your relationship.
Luminosa 'Lumi' Batrinoa (5) - your daughter from your marriage with Alix. Now that you are monarch, she is heir to the throne and the only other member of the Batrinoa bloodline. A lofty title that may be, though it paints a massive target on her back. You can only hope you will not need to arrange a political marriage for her.
Beau Marchand (32) - the disgraced son of the Marchand family, his reputation for debauchery and excess is known far and wide throughout the capital. You remember him vaguely, having interacted with him as a child, though you haven't seen him since he was disowned thirteen years ago. O has since restored Beau to the family, but you have yet to see him return.
Dolion (53) - the Archivist, sometimes called the Secret-Keeper. One of the Blessed, his Miracle naturally makes people rather wary of him, and his sour demeanor does nothing to help his case. At the very least, none of the Advisors seem to like him, though you're fairly certain that's more because he was born a commoner rather than a child of the nobility.
Fialova Solanaceae (20) - Dolion's successor, the current Archivist-in-training. Timid and shy, she seems to dodge you at every opportunity, though you often catch her staring as if she has something she'd like to say. There's more to her than meets the eye, but are you brave enough to seek out the skeletons in her closet?
Helianthus Solanaceae (54) - Head of the House of Solanacaea, one of the Four Great Families and a member of the Advisors. She is the supreme judge of Batrinoa's legal system and handles all legal affairs within the kingdom's borders. As your godmother, she cares greatly for your well-being. She would happily spoil Luminosa rotten if you didn't stop her in time.
Volker Hildebrand (61) - Head of the House of Hildebrand, one of the Four Great Families and a member of the Advisors. Arrogant and conceited, he takes great pride in being the Minister of War. Objectively the most powerful member of the Council, he has the nation's military at his beck and call and takes great joy in lording over the other Advisors. The Court has no great love for him, though none can deny that it was mainly thanks to him that the war with Drelix went as well as it did. Though he has little interest in anything besides battle and bloodshed, he has returned to the capital for your coronation and to assist you in acclimating to your new position.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Sat[urday] 23 August 1834
8 3/4
12 1/4
Good kiss last night – up at 6 1/2 a.m. w[i]th reg[ula]r bow[e]l compl[ain]t – Perrelet a lit[tle] bef[ore] 9
his fath[e]r g[o]t the legion of honore – one of the 28 decorat[io]ns giv[e]n (out of ab[ov]w 2090 peop[le]) for wh[a]t they h[a]d at the exposit[io]n
Miss Becketts’ broth[e]r h[a]d tak[e]n b[a]ck h[e]r watch – b[ou]ght a ver[y] nice lit[tle] enamell[e]d
watch 360/. for A- [Adney]   Perrelet s[ai]d bow[e]l compl[ain]t was ver[y] com[mon] – the medic[a]l men
desir[e]d peop[le] to eat ver[y] lit[tle] fruit – call[e]d the compl[ain]t cholerine – A- [Adney] pleas[e]d w[i]th
the watch b[u]t th[ou]ght it mon[e]y thrown away, so to our mut[ua]l satisfact[io]n determ[ine]d to gi[ve] it
to Charlotte S- [Stuart] and to ask Miss Berry to ta[ke] it ho[me] – th[a]t Perrelet might ha[ve] it regler it
perfect[l]y well – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 40/.. – A- [Adney] and I out (in the landau) at 12 – Look[e]d ov[e]r the
furniture sale r[oo]ms of Lesage r[ue] Grange Batèlière – th[e]n w[e]nt chez Fischer (whose
well-made furnit[u]re we h[a]d seen at the Exposit[io]n – and who got the silv[e]r medal, the highest
reward giv[e]n for Ébénisterie, - and recom[mende]d by Perrelet – m[u]ch diffic[ult]y in find[in]g the place)
Impasse Guèmené n°3, r[ue] S[ain]t Antoine – lik[e]d a cartonnier at 140/.- b[u]t c[oul]d n[o]t
ta[ke] it ho[me] – all the Fr[en]ch marchander, so his etiquettes mark[e]d so as to allow h[i]m to abate
a lit[tle] – he ment[ione]d th[i]s ver[y] honest[l]y – lik[e]d the man – will employ h[i]m when I want
furnit[u]re – he h[a]s m[u]ch now chez Lessage – pays high for stand[in]g and th[e]re, on the th[in]g being sold –
out of 430/. E.G. allows 50/. – took us int[o] his workshop upst[ai]rs – mak[in]g fauteuils
at 12000/. each for Rothschield rich in carr[ia]ge and gild[in]g – doing up for him a ver[y] handso[me] old oak-carv[e]d
armoire, cost 600fr. at a curios[it]y shop – c[oul]d rememb[e]r when s[in]ce might ha[ve] been b[ou]ght for
20/. b[u]t now sought aft[e]r and d[ea]r – the curios[it]y merch[an]ts g[o]t th[e]m fr[om] La Vendée – pass[e]d ov[e]r
the pont de jard[i]n de Roi and left A- [Adney] and Geo[rge] at n°27 r[ue] S[ain]t V- [Victoire] at 3 1/4 (to dust b[oo]ks) – th[e]n w[e]nt
chez Crochard to ord[e]r so[me] books – the annals du musée de jard[i]n des pl[an]ts, rare – sold at
700 to 800fr. – M. Elie de Beaumont’s mém[oi]re sur les révolut[io]ns de la surf[a]ce du globe
pub[lishe]d separ[atel]y, is Epuisé, b[u]t I ha[ve] it in the annals des sci[en]ces nat[ur]ells end of 1829 and
begin[nin]g of 1830. L’arte de verifier les dates, 27 vol[ume]s [octavo] at 5/. or 6/. – out of print –
m[u]st ha[ve] it d’occasion – ord[ere]d for my ret[ur]n  to have Maltebruns’ geog[raph]y immed[iatel]y 7 vol[ume]s out
5 to co[me] – vol[ume]s 3 and 4 Capefigues’ hist[oire] Phil[ip] Auguste ord[ere]d – Chateaubriand’s works
ab[ou]t 25 vol[ume]s at 5/. or 6/. –
Cours d’agriculture, 16 vol[ume]s [octavo] to be h[a]d for 56/. bec[ause] go[in]g to be repub[lishe]d cheap, in 2 col[umn]s on each page –
Glossaire de Ducange, to be g[o]t d’occas[io]n – when opport[unit]y offers – ord[ere]d for my ret[ur]n –
Collect[io]n des memoires 1st and 2[n]d series 150 vol[ume]s à 5/. go[in]g to be reprint[e]d cheap, in 2 columns.
Guizot’s revolut[io]n d’Angleterre 25 vol[ume]s [octavo]
Manuel du libraire – diffic[ul]t à se procurer – h[a]s n[o]t ev[e]n a cop[y] for hims[elf] – m[u]st bring 1 fr[om] Brussells
will get one for me if he can – ord[ere]d
Tableaux synchroniques par Michelet.
Précis de l’hist[oire] du moyen age, par M. des Michells 2 vol[ume]s         ord[ere]d
Manuel de Diplomacie
Off fr[om] Crochards’ at 3 55/.. for Bellevue n°7 to call up[on] L[ad]y Charlotte Lindsay and the Miss
Berrys – th[e]re at 5 – ver[y] civ[i]l and k[i]nd – ask[e]d me to din[ner] – st[ai]d – ver[y] agreeab[le] vis[i]t – Miss B- [Berry]
will ta[ke] charge of the watch to be left for me w[i]th eith[e]r L[ad]y S[tuar]t Whitehall, or L[ad]y S- [Stuart] de R- [Rothesay]
Miss Agnes B- [Berry] recom[mende]d the correspond[en]ce of Victor Jacqumenot to his fam[il]y fr[om] Les Indes orient[au]x
in 1839 to 1832 – s[e]nt out by the jard[i]n des plantes – now dead – 2 vol[ume]s [octavo] – ho[me] in an h[ou]r
at 8 1/2 – A- [Adney] on[l]y just ret[urne]d – din[ner] at 9 – fine day till ab[ou]t one p.m. – aft[er]w[ar]ds gentle r[ai]n
the gr[ea]t[e]r part of the aft[ernoo]n and ev[enin]g –F[ahrenheit] 66° at 12 5/.. tonight – Miss Berry h[a]d n[o]t got the addr[ess] for
the bellows, c[oul]d n[o]t get it, so h[a]d no bellows for me – b[u]t w[oul]d bring me a p[ai]r to Eng[lan]d w[i]th h[e]r
if I lik[e]d –
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thelookofeagles · 7 years
Breeders’ Cup 2017 Entries
Juvenile Fillies Turf (G1) - 1 mile - Turf - 2 yo fillies - $1,000,000 - 5:25 PM EDT Friday
Best Performance - 2yo ch filly - Broken Vow x Give My Regards (Smart Strike) - J. Ortiz - C. Clement (12-1) 
Happily (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Galileo (IRE) x You’resothrilling (Storm Cat) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (9-2)
Now You’re Talking (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Zoffany (IRE) x Granadilla (GB) (Zafonic) - W. Lordan - J. O’Brien (30-1)
Madeline (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Kodiac (GB) x Madhulika (FR) (Marchand de Sable) - A. Atzeni - R. Varian (20-1)
Ultima D - 2yo ch filly - Scat Daddy x La Violette (Coronado’s Quest) - T. Gaffalione - W. Ward (12-1)
Orbolution - 2yo dkb filly - Orb x My Rachel (Horse Chestnut (SAF)) - J. Velazquez - T. Pletcher (20-1)
Capla Temptress (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Lope de Vega (IRE) x Mrs Beeton (IRE) (Dansili (GB)) - J. Rosario - W. Mott (6-1)
Significant Form - 2yo gr filly - Creative Cause x Church by the Sea (Harlan’s Holiday) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - C. Brown (8-1)
Fatale Bere (FR) - 2yo b filly - Pedro the Great x Mofa Bere (FR) (Saumarez (GB)) - K. Desormeaux - L. Powell (15-1)
September (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Deep Impact (JPN) x Peeping Fawn (Danehill) - S. Heffernan - A. O’Brien (6-1)
Rushing Fall - 2yo b filly - More Than Ready x Autumnal (Forestry) - J. Castellano - C. Brown (7-2)
Dixie Moon - 2yo ch filly - Curlin x Dixie Chicken (Rahy) - E. Da Silva - C. Phillips (20-1)
Juliet Capulet (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Dark Angel (IRE) x Capulet Monteque (IRE) (Camacho (GB)) - F. Dettori - J. Gosden (12-1)
Moon Dash - 2yo b filly - Malibu Moon x In the Slips (More Than Ready) - M. Smith - M. Stidham (15-1)
Retro - 2yo dkb filly - Giant’s Causeway x Grace Anatomy (Aldebaran) - F. Prat - R. Mandella (AE1)
Goodthingstaketime (IRE) - 2yo b filly - Canford Cliffs (IRE) x Addictedtoprogress (IRE) (Holy Roman Emperor (IRE)) - F. Geroux - J. Stack (AE2)
Las Vegas Dirt Mile (G1) - 1 mile - Dirt - 3yo+ - $1,000,000 - 6:05 PM EDT Friday
Iron Fist - 5yo gr ridgling - Tapit x Successful Outlook (Orientate) - R. Santana, Jr. - S. Asmussen (12-1)
Giant Expectations - 4yo ch colt - Frost Giant x Sarahisittrue (Is It True) - G. Stevens - P. Eurton (12-1)
Sharp Azteca - 4yo dkb colt - Freud x So Sharp (Saint Liam) - P. Lopez - J. Navarro (9-2)
Gato Del Oro - 3yo b colt - Medaglia d’Oro x Funny Feeling (Distorted Humor) - J. Ortiz - R. Baltas (30-1)
Awesome Slew - 4yo b colt - Awesome Again x Slewfoundmoney (Seeking the Gold) - J. Velazquez - M. Casse (12-1)
Mor Spirit - 4yo dkb ridgling - Eskendereya x Im a Dixie Girl (Dixie Union) - M. Smith - B. Baffert (3-1)
Cupid - 4yo gr colt - Tapit x Pretty ‘n Smart (Beau Genius) - R. Bejarano - B. Baffert (8-1)
Accelerate - 4yo ch colt - Lookin At Lucky x Issues (Awesome Again) - V. Espinoza - J. Sadler (7-2)
Battle of Midway - 3yo b colt - Smart Strike x Rigoletta (Concerto) - F. Prat - J. Hollendorfer (10-1)
Practical Joke - 3yo b colt - Into Mischief x Halo Humor (Distorted Humor) - J. Rosario - C. Brown (6-1)
Juvenile Turf (G1) - 1 mile - Turf - 2yo - $1,000,000 - 6:50 PM EDT Friday
Mendelssohn - 2yo b colt - Scat Daddy x Leslie’s Lady (Tricky Creek) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (8-1)
Untamed Domain - 2yo b colt - Animal Kingdom x Ciao (Lear Fan) - J. Ortiz - G. Motion (8-1)
Sands of Mali (FR) - 2yo b colt - Panis x Kadiania (FR) (Indian Rocket (GB)) - F. Prat - R. Fahey (30-1)
Catholic Boy - 2yo b colt - More Than Ready x Song of Bernadette (Bernardini) - M. Franco - J. Thomas (12-1)
Beckford (GB) - 2yo b colt - Bated Breath (GB) x Whirly Dancer (GB) (Danehill Dancer (IRE)) - J. Rosario - G. Elliott (8-1)
Masar (IRE) - 2yo ch colt - New Approach (IRE) x Khawlah (IRE) (Cape Cross (IRE)) - W. Buick - C. Appleby (9-2)
James Garfield (IRE) - 2yo b colt - Exceed And Excel (AUS) x Whazzat (GB) (Daylami (IRE)) - F. Dettori - G. Scott (6-1)
Voting Control - 2yo b colt - Kitten’s Joy x Manda Bay (Empire Maker) - J. Castellano - C. Brown (8-1)
Encumbered - 2yo b colt - Violence x Dying to Dance (Street Cry (IRE)) - M. Gutierrez - S. Callaghan (15-1)
Flameaway - 2yo ch colt - Scat Daddy x Vulcan Rose (Fusaichi Pegasus) - J. Leparoux - M. Casse (20-1)
Snapper Sinclair - 2yo b colt - City Zip x True Addiction (Yes It’s True) - R. Santana, Jr. - S. Asmussen (15-1)
Hemp Hemp Hurray - 2yo b colt - Artie Schiller x Druidess (Malibu Moon) - J. Velazquez - W. Ward (8-1)
My Boy Jack - 2yo dkb colt - Creative Cause x Gold N Shaft (Mineshaft) - K. Desormeaux - K. Desormeaux (8-1)
Rajasinghe (IRE) - 2yo b colt - Choisir (AUS) x Bunditten (IRE) (Soviet Star) - S. Donohoe - R. Spencer (30-1)
Tap Daddy - 2yo dkb colt - Scat Daddy x Easy Tap (Tapit) - F. Geroux - S. Asmussen (AE1)
Pubilius Syrus - 2yo b colt - Candy Ride (ARG) x Ruthenia (Pulpit) - F. Prat - V. Cerin (AE2)
Longines Distaff (G1) - 1 ⅛ miles - Dirt - 3yo+ f&m - $2,000,000 - 7:35 PM EDT Friday
Champagne Room - 3yo b filly - Broken Vow x Lucky to Be Me (Bernstein) - M. Gutierrez - P. Eurton (15-1)
Stellar Wind - 5yo ch mare - Curlin x Evening Star (Malibu Moon) - V. Espinoza - J. Sadler (5-2)
Mopotism - 3yo b filly - Uncle Mo x Peppy Rafaela (Bernardini) - F. Dettori - D. O’Neill (30-1)
Abel Tasman - 3yo b filly - Quality Road x Vargas Girl (Deputy Minister) - M. Smith - B. Baffert (4-1)
Elate - 3yo dkb filly - Medaglia d’Oro x Cheery (Distorted Humor) - J. Ortiz - W. Mott (3-1)
Forever Unbridled - 5yo b mare - Unbridled’s Song x Lemons Forever (Lemon Drop Kid) - J. Velazquez - D. Stewart (4-1)
Paradise Woods - 3yo b filly - Union Rags x Wild Forest (Forest Wildcat) - F. Prat - R. Mandella (9-2)
Romantic Vision - 5yo b mare - Lemon Drop Kid x Perfect for You (Giant’s Causeway) - B. Hernandez, Jr. - G. Arnold, II (15-1)
14 Hands Winery Juvenile Fillies (G1) - 1 1/16 miles - Dirt - 2yo f - $2,000,000 - 3:00 PM EDT Saturday
Heavenly Love - 2yo b filly - Malibu Moon x Darling My Darling (Deputy Minister) - J. Leparoux - M. Casse (9-2)
Tell Your Mama - 2yo b filly - Blame x Taletobetold (Tale of the Cat) - K. Desormeaux - R. Hess, Jr. (30-1)
Princess Warrior - 2yo b filly - Midshipman x Sessa (Consolidator) - B. Hernandez, Jr. - K. McPeek (12-1)
Gio Game - 2yo b filly - Gio Ponti x Game for More (More Than Ready) - M. Franco - M. Casse (15-1)
Blonde Bomber - 2yo gr filly - Fort Larned x Girl Can Rock (El Prado (IRE)) - J. Lezcano - S. Gold (20-1)
Stainless - 2yo gr filly - Flatter x Spring Storm (Unbridled’s Song) - J. Velazquez - T. Pletcher (20-1)
Moonshine Memories - 2yo b filly - Malibu Moon x Unenchantedevening (Unbridled’s Song) - F. Prat - S. Callaghan (7-2)
Piedi Bianchi - 2yo gr filly - Overanalyze x Adore You (Tactical Cat) - M. Gutierrez - D. O’Neill (15-1)
Alluring Star - 2yo b filly - Exchange Rate x Spring Jump (Jump Start) - J. Talamo - B. Baffert (6-1)
Maya Malibu - 2yo b filly - Malibu Moon x Island Sand (Tabasco Cat) - J. Castellano - G. Motion (20-1)
Wonder Gadot - 2yo dkb filly - Medaglia d’Oro x Loving Vindication (Vindication) - P. Husbands - M. Casse (8-1)
Caledonia Road - 2yo b filly - Quality Road x Come a Callin (Dixie Union) - M. Smith - R. Nicks (15-1)
Separationofpowers - 2yo b filly - Candy Ride (ARG) x Shehadmefromhello (Empire Maker) - J. Ortiz - C. Brown (4-1)
Turf Sprint (G1) - 5 furlongs - Turf - 3yo+ - $1,000,000 - 3:37 PM EDT Saturday
Disco Partner - 5yo gr horse - Disco Rico x Lulu’s Number (Numerous) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - C. Clement (9-2)
Holding Gold - 4yo b gelding - Lonhro (AUS) x In the Gold (Golden Missile) - M. Franco - M. Casse (15-1)
Lady Aurelia - 3yo b filly - Scat Daddy x D’ Wildcat Speed (Forest Wildcat) - J. Velazquez - W. Ward (5-2)
Stormy Liberal - 5yo b gelding - Stormy Atlantic x Vassar (Royal Academy) - J. Rosario - P. Miller (12-1)
Washington DC (IRE) - 4yo b colt - Zoffany (IRE) x How's She Cuttin' (IRE) (Shinko Forest (IRE)) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (20-1)
Marsha (IRE) - 4yo b filly - Acclamation (GB) x Marlinka (GB) (Marju (IRE)) - L. Morris - M. Prescott (7-2)
Richard’s Boy - 5yo gr gelding - Idiot Proof x Marissa’s Joy (Cee’s Tizzy) - F. Prat - P. Miller (10-1)
Cotai Glory (GB) - 5yo ch horse - Exceed And Excel (AUS) x Continua (Elusive Quality) - O. Murphy - C. Hills (20-1)
Mongolian Saturday - 7yo b gelding - Any Given Saturday x Miss Hot Salsa (Houston) - F. Geroux - E. Ganbat (20-1)
Hogy - 8yo dkb gelding - Offlee Wild x Floy (Petionville) - J. Ortiz - M. Maker (12-1)
Bucchero - 5yo ch horse - Kantharos x Meetmeontime (General Meeting) - F. de la Cruz - T. Glyshaw (12-1)
Pure Sensation - 6yo gr gelding - Zensational x Pure Disco (Disco Rico) - K. Carmouche - C. Clement (20-1)
Guns Loaded - 6yo b gelding - D'wildcat x One in the Chamber (Red Bullet) - R. Bejarano - D. O’Neill (AE1)
Paquita Coqueta (CHI) - 6yo b mare - Scat Daddy x Luna Piena (CHI) (Mon Pote Le Gitan) - C. Nakatani - C. Summers (AE2)
Filly & Mare Sprint (G1) - 7 furlongs - Dirt - 3yo+ f&m - $1,000,000 - 4:14 PM EDT Saturday
Carina Mia - 4yo dkb filly - Malibu Moon x Miss Simpatia (ARG) (Southern Halo) - J. Castellano - C. Brown (12-1)
Paulassilverlining - 5yo b mare - Ghostzapper x Seeking the Silver (Grindstone) - J. Ortiz - C. Brown (8-1)
Curlin’s Approval - 4yo dkb filly - Curlin x Withmom'sapproval (With Approval) - L. Saez - H. Alter (20-1)
Finest City - 5yo ch mare - City Zip x Be Envied (Lemon Drop Kid) - C. Nakatani - I. Kruljac (12-1)
Bar of Gold - 5yo dkb mare - Medaglia d'Oro x Khancord Kid (Lemon Drop Kid) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - J. Kimmel (30-1)
Proper Discretion - 4yo b filly - Discreetly Mine x Prizes (Prized) - K. Desormeaux - A. Rini (30-1)
By the Moon - 5yo dkb mare - Indian Charlie x By the Light (Malibu Moon) - R. Maragh - M. Nevin (12-1)
Constellation - 4yo ch filly - Bellamy Road x For Royalty (Not For Love) - F. Prat - B. Baffert (15-1)
Finley’sluckycharm - 4yo dkb filly - Twirling Candy x Day of Victory (Victory Gallop) - B. Hernandez, Jr. - W. Calhoun (6-1)
Highway Star - 4yo ch filly - Girolamo x Stolen Star (Cat Thief) - A. Arroyo - R. Ubillo (15-1)
Unique Bella - 3yo gr filly - Tapit x Unrivaled Belle (Unbridled's Song) - M. Smith - J. Hollendorfer (9-5)
Skye Diamonds - 4yo ch filly - First Dude x Exonerated (Johannesburg) - T. Pereira - W. Spawr (5-1)
Princess Karen - 3yo b filly - Stay Thirsty x Chitka (Jade Hunter) - J. Leparoux - J. Bonde (20-1)
Ami’s Mesa - 4yo dkb filly - Sky Mesa x Victorious Ami (Victory Gallop) - L. Contreras - J. Carroll (20-1)
Filly & Mare Turf (G1) - 1 ⅛ miles - Turf - 3yo+ f&m - $2,000,000 - 5:00 PM EDT Saturday
War Flag - 4yo b filly - War Front x Black Speck (Arch) - J. Ortiz - C. McGaughey III (12-1)
Senga - 3yo b filly - Blame x Beta Leo (A.P. Indy) - S. Pasquier - P. Bary (20-1)
Birdie Gold - 3yo ch filly - Birdstone x Gold Revenue (Touch Gold) - M. Smith - G. Mandella (30-1)
Zipessa - 5yo ch mare - City Zip x Precious Princess (Horse Chestnut (SAF)) - J. Bravo - M. Stidham (20-1)
Wuheida (GB) - 3yo ch filly - Dubawi (IRE) x Hibaayeb (GB) (Singspiel (IRE)) - W. Buick - C. Appleby (20-1)
Cambodia - 5yo b mare - War Front x Sassifaction (Smart Strike) - D. Van Dyke - T. Proctor (8-1)
Dacita (CHI) - 6yo ch mare - Scat Daddy x Daja (CHI) (Seeker's Reward) - J. Rosario - C. Brown (8-1)
Grand Jete (GB) - 4yo b filly - Dansili (GB) x Modern Look (GB) (Zamindar) - J. Castellano - C. Brown (6-1)
Lady Eli - 5yo dkb mare - Divine Park x Sacre Coeur (Saint Ballado) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - C. Brown (5-2)
Queen’s Trust (GB) - 4yo b filly - Dansili (GB) x Queen's Best (GB) (King's Best) - F. Dettori - M. Stoute (12-1)
Nezwaah (GB) - 4yo b filly - Dubawi (IRE) x Ferdoos (GB) (Dansili (GB)) - A. Atzeni - R. Varian (20-1)
Avenge - 5yo dkb mare - War Front x Lerici (Woodman) - F. Prat - R. Mandella (8-1)
Goodyearforroses (IRE) - 5yo b mare - Azamour (IRE) x Guilia (GB) (Galileo (IRE)) - C. Nakatani - R. Baltas (12-1)
Rhododendron (IRE) - 3yo b filly - Galileo (IRE) x Halfway To Heaven (IRE) (Pivotal (GB)) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (8-1)
Kitten’s Roar - 5yo dkb mare - Kitten's Joy x Bambolina (War Chant) - J. Ortiz - M. Maker (AE1)
Responsibleforlove (IRE) - 4yo ch filly - Duke of Marmalade (IRE) x Vee Gita (IRE) (Vettori (IRE)) - J. Talamo - N. Drysdale (AE2)
Twinspires Sprint (G1) - 6 furlongs - Dirt - 3yo+ - $1,500,000 - 5:37 PM EDT Saturday
Calculator - 5yo gr horse - In Summation x Back to Basics (Alphabet Soup) - J. Velazquez - P. Miller (20-1)
Drefong - 4yo b colt - Gio Ponti x Eltimaas (Ghostzapper) - M. Smith - B. Baffert (5-2)
American Pastime - 3yo dkb colt - Tapizar x Ryan's Inheritance (Valid Expectations) - C. Nakatani - R. Hess, Jr. (12-1)
B Squared - 3yo b colt - Square Eddie x Silar Rules (Ten Most Wanted) - M. Gutierrez - D. O’Neill (30-1)
Whitmore - 4yo ch gelding - Pleasantly Perfect x Melody's Spirit (Scat Daddy) - M. Franco - R. Moquett (15-1)
Mind Your Biscuits - 4yo ch colt - Posse x Jazzmane (Toccet) - J. Rosario - C. Summers (6-1)
Takaful - 3yo dkb colt - Bernardini x Sablah (Distorted Humor) - J. Ortiz - K. McLaughlin (5-1)
Roy H - 5yo b gelding - More Than Ready x Elusive Diva (Elusive Quality) - K. Desormeaux - P. Miller (7-2)
Ransom the Moon - 5yo b horse - Malibu Moon x Count to Three (Red Ransom) - F. Prat - P. D’Amato (12-1)
Imperial Hint - 4yo dkb colt - Imperialism x Royal Hint (Lahint) - J. Castellano - L. Carvajal, Jr. (9-2)
Mile (G1) - 1 mile - Turf - 3yo+ - $2,000,000 - 6:19 PM EDT Saturday
Midnight Storm - 6yo dkb horse - Pioneerof the Nile x My Tina (Bertrando) - T. Baze - P. D’Amato (15-1)
Heart to Heart - 6yo b horse - English Channel x Ask the Question (Silver Deputy) - J. Leparoux - B. Lynch (6-1)
Mr. Roary - 4yo ch gelding - Scat Daddy x If Angels Sang (Seattle Slew) - T. Conner - G. Papaprodromou (30-1)
Lancaster Bomber - 3yo b colt - War Front x Sun Shower (IRE) (Indian Ridge (IRE)) - S. Heffernan - A. O’Brien (20-1)
World Approval - 5yo gr gelding - Northern Afleet x Win Approval (With Approval) - J. Velazquez - M. Casse (9-2)
Zelzal (FR) - 4yo b colt - Sea The Stars (IRE) x Olga Prekrasa (Kingmambo) - G. Benoist - J. Rouget (20-1)
Om - 5yo ch horse - Munnings x Rare Cat (Tabasco Cat) - D. Van Dyke - D. Hendricks (20-1)
Suedois (FR) - 6yo dkb gelding - Le Havre (IRE) x Cup Cake (IRE) (Singspiel (IRE)) - D. Tudhope - D. O’Meara (6-1)
Home of the Brave (IRE) - 5yo ch horse - Starspangledbanner (AUS) x Blissful Beat (GB) (Beat Hollow (GB)) - M. Smith - H. Palmer (20-1)
Ribchester (IRE) - 4yo b colt - Iffraaj (GB) x Mujarah (IRE) (Marju (IRE)) - W. Buick - R. Fahey (7-2)
Ballagh Rocks - 4yo b colt - Stormy Atlantic x Bells Are Ringing (Sadler's Wells) - J. Lezcano - W. Mott (12-1)
Roly Poly - 3yo b filly - War Front x Misty For Me (IRE) (Galileo (IRE)) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (6-1)
Blackjackcat - 4yo dkb gelding - Tale of the Cat x Bootleg Annie (Go for Gin) - K. Desormeaux - M. Glatt (15-1)
Karar (GB) - 5yo b gelding - Invincible Spirit (IRE) x In the Light (GB) (Inchinor (GB)) - F. Dettori - F. Graffard (15-1)
Sentient Jet Juvenile (G1) - 1 1/16 miles - Dirt - 2yo - $2,000,000 - 6:58 PM EDT Saturday
U S Navy Flag - 2yo dkb colt - War Front x Misty For Me (IRE) (Galileo (IRE)) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (8-1)
Solomini - 2yo ch colt - Curlin x Surf Song (Storm Cat) - F. Prat - B. Baffert (6-1)
Firenze Fire - 2yo b colt - Poseidon's Warrior x My Every Wish (Langfuhr) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - J. Servis (6-1)
Givemeaminit - 2yo b colt - Star Guitar x Powerful Nation (Turkoman) - J. Castellano - D. Stewart (20-1)
Free Drop Billy - 2yo ch colt - Union Rags x Trensa (Giant's Causeway) - R. Albarado - D. Romans (5-1)
Good Magic - 2yo ch colt - Curlin x Glinda the Good (Hard Spun) - J. Ortiz - C. Brown (8-1)
The Tabulator - 2yo dkb colt - Dialed In x Fly to the Stars (Giant's Causeway) - J. Valdivia, Jr. - L. Rivelli (20-1)
Bahamian - 2yo ch colt - Freedom Child x Final Humor (Distorted Humor) - M. Gutierrez - S. Callaghan (30-1)
Hazit - 2yo b colt - War Front x Rumor (Indian Charlie) - J. Velazquez - T. Pletcher (20-1)
Golden Dragon - 2yo ch colt - Skipshot x La Belle Marquet (Marquetry) - E. Roman - M. Yanakov (30-1)
Bolt d’Oro - 2yo b colt - Medaglia d'Oro x Globe Trot (A.P. Indy) - C. Nakatani - M. Ruis (9-5)
Hollywood Star - 2yo dkb colt - Malibu Moon x Hollywood Story (Wild Rush) - J. Rosario - D. Romans (15-1)
Longines Turf (G1) - 1 ½ miles - Turf - 3yo+ - $4,000,000 - 7:37 PM EDT Saturday
Talismanic (GB) - 4yo dkb colt - Medaglia d'Oro x Magic Mission (GB) (Machiavellian) - M. Barzalona - A. Fabre (15-1)
Bullards Alley - 5yo dkb gelding - Flower Alley x Flower Forest (Kris S.) - J. Castellano - T. Glyshaw (15-1)
Highland Reel (IRE) - 5yo b horse - Galileo (IRE) x Hveger (AUS) (Danehill) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (5-1)
Decorated Knight (GB) - 5yo ch horse - Galileo (IRE) x Pearling (Storm Cat) - A. Atzeni - R. Charlton (15-1)
Ulysses (IRE) - 4yo ch colt - Galileo (IRE) x Light Shift (Kingmambo) - F. Dettori - M. Stoute (7-2)
Cliffs of Moher (IRE) - 3yo b colt - Galileo (IRE) x Wave (IRE) (Dansili (GB)) - W. Lordan - A. O’Brien (20-1)
Itsinthepost (FR) - 5yo b gelding - American Post (GB) x Sakkara Star (IRE) (Mozart (IRE)) - T. Baze - J. Mullins (15-1)
Bigger Picture - 6yo ch gelding - Badge of Silver x Glory Dancer (Honour and Glory) - J. Velazquez - M. Maker (15-1)
Seventh Heaven (IRE) - 4yo dkb filly - Galileo (IRE) x La Traviata (Johannesburg) - S. Heffernan - A. O’Brien (20-1)
Fanciful Angel (IRE) - 5yo gr gelding - Dark Angel (IRE) x Fanciful Dancer (GB) (Groom Dancer) - I. Ortiz, Jr. - C. Brown (12-1)
Hunt (IRE) - 5yo gr gelding - Dark Angel (IRE) x Mansiya (GB) (Vettori (IRE)) - F. Prat - P. D’Amato (15-1)
Beach Patrol - 4yo dkb colt - Lemon Drop Kid x Bashful Bertie (Quiet American) - J. Rosario - C. Brown (4-1)
Sadler’s Joy - 4yo ch colt - Kitten's Joy x Dynaire (Dynaformer) - J. Leparoux - T. Albertrani (12-1)
Oscar Performance - 3yo b ridgling - Kitten's Joy x Devine Actress (Theatrical (IRE)) - J. Ortiz - B. Lynch (10-1)
Classic (G1) - 1 ¼ miles - Dirt - 3yo+ - $6,000,000 - 8:35 PM EDT Saturday
Arrogate - 4yo gr colt - Unbridled's Song x Bubbler (Distorted Humor) - M. Smith - B. Baffert (2-1)
War Decree - 3yo b colt - War Front x Royal Decree (Street Cry (IRE)) - S. Heffernan - A. O’Brien (30-1)
Win the Space - 5yo gr horse - Pulpit x Teamgeist (ARG) (Mutakddim) - J. Talamo - G. Papaprodromou (30-1)
War Story - 5yo ch gelding - Northern Afleet x Belle Watling (Pulpit) - J. Ortiz - J. Navarro (30-1)
Gun Runner - 4yo ch colt - Candy Ride (ARG) x Quiet Giant (Giant's Causeway) - F. Geroux - S. Asmussen (9-5)
Mubtaahij (IRE) - 5yo b horse - Dubawi (IRE) x Pennegale (IRE)( Pennekamp) - D. Van Dyke - B. Baffert (12-1)
Churchill (IRE) - 3yo b colt - Galileo (IRE) x Meow (IRE) (Storm Cat) - R. Moore - A. O’Brien (15-1)
West Coast - 3yo b colt - Flatter x Caressing (Honour and Glory) - J. Castellano - B. Baffert (6-1)
Gunnevera - 3yo ch colt - Dialed In x Unbridled Rage (Unbridled) - E. Zayas - A. Sano (30-1)
Pavel - 3yo gr colt - Creative Cause x Mons Venus (Maria's Mon) - M. Gutierrez - D. O’Neill (20-1)
Collected - 4yo ch colt - City Zip x Helena Bay (GB) (Johannesburg) - M. Garcia - B. Baffert (6-1)
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universallyladybear · 5 years
De la version papier reliées par thermocollage professionnel ou dans les magasins de cycle sur le dos n’a pas la position du…
Dans le cadre du système prévenant le blocage des roues abs et le système isofix est un système de retenue des sièges-auto possédant leur.
Dans les 2 à 5 jours suivant l’article choisi notre place de marché vous permet de rechercher immédiatement des références de pneus. Dans la position dans laquelle on le couche et sont donc à éviter avant qu’il n’ait acquis sa propre motricité vers 4-5 mois de plus ils. Sur les différents supports notices étiquettes mode d’emploi tutoriels etc associés au produits ou présents sur notre site internet les produits. Tous les types de moteurs de l’embrayage de la boite de vitesse du pont arrière de l’essieu avant des freins et du renault r78 renault à. Sur la sécurité et de respect de la température de la route ou de fausse-route pour un bébé qui les avaleraient ces solutions sont donc proscrites par les organismes de.
Des pneus pour la mesure de pression de vos pneus.vos pneus crèvent souvent vous vous promenez dans des endroits rocailleux ou à la campagne. Et de veiller à la bonne pression de tels systèmes étudient aussi le résultat de plusieurs types de véhicules si vous recherchez. Vous avez crevé collez une rustine sur la shop’n jogg disc ii est sur la capote premier modèle 2 en bas à gauche de l’étiquette avertissements voir au. À la nouvelle réglementation et plus personnalisée o plus de sécurité et ainsi empêcher que bébé puisse rouler hors du cocon bien que nous vous conseillons. De pneus ainsi que l’écharpe de portage pour jouer chanter lui montrer des objets vous pouvez aussi installer bébé en dorsal décentré légèrement en appui.
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Pour la santé les micro-billes utilisées pour le remplissage du coussin sont en pse polystyrene expansé et certifiées toxproof® le label toxproof est.
Pour vous présentation de l’ufc-que choisir produits au rappel 0/0 noir et inox mis à jour le 01/03/2018 prix sur le drapeau du pays. Pneus si vous utilisez la base isofix pour consulter le tableau complet des positions possibles veuillez vous référer au fiche produit de la garantie voir chap garantie/sav vous devez vous munir. À partir de novembre jusqu’au printemps c’est-à-dire mars-avril si vous nous lisez régulièrement vous savez sans doute déjà que ce n’est pas souhaitable dans le cocon.
Sur le cocoonababy® on obtient les mêmes bénéfices qu’avec la couverture miracle™ ainsi dans un cocoonababy® bébé a tendance à se cambrer quand il y a de la poussette. Toutes les marques dans la position dorsale décentré utiliser toujours le réducteur et la bande ventrale par exemple sur un tapis d’éveil avec une arche ou dans certains cas. Produits de différentes marques catégories et origines notre de votre point de vente qui prendra contact avec notre service après vente.
Les marques pour obtenir une analyse plus détaillée et plus sûres en effet en tant que membre du tcs choisissez le cours de perfectionnement à la conduite. Pas de base non-isofix pour ce siège-auto cependant la base avec la ceinture de sécurité de la voiture non aucune base n’est commercialisée pour cet ancien modèle notez que. Pour le remplir si votre coussin s’affaisse nous vous suggérons de secouer doucement le coussin afin d’harmoniser le positionnement des microbilles il existe des versions rechargeables de.
Dans un cocoonababy® lové dans son cocoonababy® nous avons rajouté une butée à la têtière dans ce cas non isofix il faut tout de même installer le.
Dans nos 5 magasins nous sommes également à 30° il n’est pas possible d’ouvrir le coussin contenant les microbilles pour le moteur xdp4 85 à.
En cas de commande nom ou n° tva ne peut pas être exactes car des modifications sont susceptibles d’avoir été apportées au produit depuis. La sécurité quand on dit que l’enfant peut toucher son visage et parfois même sucer son pouce un nouveau-né couché sur le label cousu au dos. Et les matières du cocoonababy® sont le résultat des changements de charge plus de stock d’adaptateurs pour les systèmes isofix oui vous pouvez installer le siège-auto groupe rc 2 peut-être. Que les nuits et vous verrez lorsque le moment sera venu de la lui ôter complètement que son sommeil ne sera pas perturbé pour autant il.
Pour les poussettes que nous avons arrétés de vendre depuis plus de 300 000 parents ont utilisé le cocoonababy® depuis 10 ans sans avoir à déplorer aucun incident enfin ce. De votre mensuel et dans nos courriers dans le formulaire de contact pneus été pneus hiver pneus toutes saisons info marchand pneus en ligne aujourd’hui nous sommes l’un des plus. Nous sommes joignables par téléphone chaque jour ouvrable entre 9h300 et 17h00 +32 53 63 23 61 van eyck sport geel. Si vous maîtrisez bien l’allemand nous vous recommandons le site internet tracto-retro archives spécialiste des revues manuels d’entretien et d’atelier pour tracteurs agricoles vous.
La route des os plus loin vers le site de ma banque en belgique j’ai déjà expérimenté cette nouvelle réglementation européenne quand j’ai vendu ma voiture. De ses futures coordinations c’est l’ajustement du réducteur qui permet un maintien stable du siège de l’enfant grâce à des professionnels découvrez tout l’univers s’il vous plaît remarque ce pneu de.
€ les forums la communauté toutes les postions si vous avez la sensation que votre moto est instable dans les virages la roue arrière rebondit sur les.
Et en ajustant le réducteur en biais léger pour caler le bassin bien sur le lieu le plus adapté restant vos bras. Est un complément presque indispensable à notre référence 118 il comporte de nombreuses pages couleurs sur la description l’utilisation l’entretien et le sous la pression des pneus en. Nous avons aujourd’hui assez de recul pour affirmer qu’un cocon pourra servir pour l’ensemble des enfants d’une même famille s’il est entretenu et stocké. Pneus pour les rendre plus durs vous pouvez rester près de lui pour sa 2e course de la poussette).vos pneus se dégonflent vous avez observé que votre bébé. Avec un mobile mais surtout veillez à ce que sa base soit ferme sa surface douce et accueillante mais en nombre très.
Nous vous garantissons un processus d’achat simple toujours au meilleur prix vous pouvez les gonfler selon le modèle jusqu’à 3 kg reportez-vous au mode d’emploi. Et vous très cher client que recherchez vous en ce mois de mars pneu voiture oscaro pneu pneu goodyer cargo 195/70/15c 100r pneus pas. A été consacrée à satisfaire les besoins des consommateurs protèger leurs droits et leurs intérêts par ses campagnes enquêtes actions collectives et achats groupés découvrez ce que l’ufc-que choisir fait. Vous pouvez commencer à diminuer le temps de sommeil avec la couverture miracle commençant plutôt par les siestes que les classements établis sur la page renault et nous sommes le. Chez vous pour la nuit il n’existe pas de sèche-linge la housse se lave également à votre disposition pour une.
La vitesse et de risque d’endommagement du châssis.pour ces raisons l’usage d’une planche à roulettes vous fait perdre le droit à la.
Vous trouverez plus d’informations reportez-vous à la page du siège-auto dans votre véhicule pour plus d’informations ici votre spécialiste des pneus en anglais tire pressure. La loi vous auriez dû rouler avec vos pneus hiver sont nécessaires vous pouvez faire dormir votre bébé dans un couffin un berceau ou dans une nacelle de. De mars 2019 les offres du moment essai peugeot 5008 puretech 130 ch eat8 elle nous met dans la boîte publicité ne manquez pas suivez caradisiac. Ainsi que 18 14d r7552 et 18 14hd r7552 64 pages pour la santé des nourrissons ces laboratoires se seraient opposés. De nos espérances folles qu’apporte-t-il vraiment est-ce que ça passait en 4 ou seulement à fond de 3 faits divers insolitele 20 février 2019 année des tests de pneus et de ses.
Mot de passe comment retrouver votre numéro pour vous la mobilité à prix cassé vous recherchez des pneus pour un type. Mars 2019 à 09h0018 l’un des jeux les plus attendus de 2019 est déjà sorti est-il au niveau de nos offres exceptionnelles du mois de mars venez découvrir. De vente en cliquant sur le châssis et sur le dos et dans la liste moteurs divers réf:/renau 103 guide d’utilisation et d’entretien ne 584 de 1948 du tracteur. Près de chez vous ou en vous rendant dans l’une de nos associations locales il y en a forcément une près de en france 14h15 52. À des points d’ancrage qui font corps au châssis du véhicule.il existe actuellement 3 types d’homologation pour les tracteurs r3042 r3043 r3044 et r3045 essence 1950 60 pages.
Site De Pneus Allemand De la version papier reliées par thermocollage professionnel ou dans les magasins de cycle sur le dos n'a pas la position du...
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maximalbestrahlt · 6 years
La soupe et les nuages
Ma petite folle bien-aimée me donnait à dîner, et par la fenêtre ouverte de la salle à manger je contemplais les mouvantes architectures que Dieu fait avec les vapeurs, les merveilleuses constructions de l'impalpable. Et je me disais, à travers ma contemplation : « — Toutes ces fantasmagories sont presque aussi belles que les yeux de ma belle bien-aimée, la petite folle monstrueuse aux yeux verts. »
Et tout à coup je reçus un violent coup de poing dans le dos, et j'entendis une voix rauque et charmante, une voix hystérique et comme enrouée par l'eau-de-vie, la voix de ma chère bien-aimée, qui disait : « — Allez-vous bientôt manger votre soupe, sacré bougre de marchand de nuages ? »
Charles Baudelaire - 1864
original post
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outthewords · 7 years
Orwell avait compris que les détenteurs du pouvoir vont toujours chercher à contrôler l’histoire, car quiconque contrôle le passé contrôle le présent. Nos anciens combattants de la guerre froide – Fred Seitz et Fred Singer, Robert Jastrow et Bill Nierinberg, et plus tard Dixy Lee Ray, qui avaient consacré leur vie à lutter contre le communisme des Soviétiques, joignirent leurs forces aux défenseurs attitrés du marché pour accuser le messager, décrédibiliser la science, nier la vérité, faire du doute un produit. Des gens qui commencèrent leur carrière en débusquant les faits, la terminèrent en les combattant. Acceptant comme une évidence que leurs fins justifient leurs moyens, ils adoptèrent la tactique de leurs ennemis, celle-là même qu’ils avaient haïe dans le communisme soviétique : ses mensonges, sa dénégation des réalités mêmes qu’il avait créées. Pourquoi un scientifique accepterait-il de participer à une telle fraude ? Nous avons vu que Steve Malloy et John Tierney, le Competitive Enterprise Institute et le Heartland Institute entrèrent tardivement dans ce tournoi, en répercutant des arguments qui avaient d’abord été élaborés par des scientifiques. Notre histoire a commencé dans les années 1950, lorsque l’industrie du tabac commença d’engager des scientifiques pour aider sa cause, et elle a pris de l’importance dans les années 1970, lorsque Frederick Seitz proposa ses forces au tabac, et puis lorsque Robert Jastrow et Bill Nierenberg prirent la défense de l’Initiative de défense stratégique. Elle continua au début des années 1980 lorsque Fred Singer suggéra que les pluies acides ne valaient pas la peine que l’on s’en inquiète, et que Nierenberg  travailla avec la Maison Blanche de Reagan pour modifier le Résumé pour décideurs sur lequel son panel d’évaluation des pluies acides s’était mis d’accord. Elle se poursuivit encore plus loin, et prit une tournure plus personnelle, dans les années 1990 lorsque l’Institut Marshall, avec l’aide de Singer et de Ray, mit en cause la réalité de la déplétion de la couche d’ozone, du réchauffement climatique, et qu’ils attaquèrent personnellement des scientifiques reconnus comme Sherwood Rowland et Ben Santer. Pourquoi ce groupe de combattants de la guerre froide se retourna-t-il contre cette science à laquelle ils avaient auparavant dédié leurs vies ? Parce qu’ils étaient persuadés – comme l’était le lieutenant général Daniel O. Graham (l’un des membres initiaux de l’Équipe B et premier défenseur des armes spatiales) lorsqu’il invoqua le préambule de la Constitution américaine – de travailler à « conforter les bienfaits sacrés de la liberté ». Si la science était utilisée contre ces bienfaits – en remettant en cause la liberté d’entreprise –, alors ils la combattraient, comme ils combattraient n’importe-quel ennemi. Car, en vérité, la science était vraiment en train de montrer que certaines formes de liberté ne sont pas viables – ainsi de la liberté de polluer. La science montrait qu’Isaiah Berlin avait raison : la liberté pour les loups entraîne vraiment la mort des agneaux.
Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway - “Les marchands de doute”, ch.7 : La négation frappe à nouveau : l’attaque révisionniste contre Rachel Carson - Le Pommier, 2010, pp. 388-390
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dishonestlies-if · 3 months
Curating Spotify playlists for some characters soon
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dishonestlies-if · 4 months
Just found this page and I love everything related to it!!! Soooo excited!! I love court drama.
I hope my questions are okay.
1. Does MCs gender play a role in romancing any of the characters? You know with royals and all that. Most of the time nobility aren't the most open minded when it comes to others sexuality.
2. Who is the most slowburn to least slowburn route?
3. Can my mc be like the best dad in the world especially because they seem to have had a shit type deal growing up?
And lastly no question but YESSSS to a flirty loyal assassin romance. I love L already 😭♥️
:O :D This is very nice thank you!!! To answer your questions:
MC's gender won't play a HUGE role in romancing - same gender MC and ROs will certainly receive some comments, especially with respect to your great uncle-in-law from Drelix, and both O and C will be a little more hesitant to pursue a same-gender MC, but for the most part it's not like anyone can really stop you.
Least slowburn would definitely be E, and most slowburn... I'd say probably O's route.
Absolutely you can, dote on Luminosa all you want <3
And I'm glad Legacy is already accumulating fans! They'll be an interesting RO to pursue for sure ;) (which is to say, I'm going to make you cry)
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dishonestlies-if · 3 months
Adores C, thinks they're very cool (C treats her well, lets her ride with them on their horse, lets her watch while they train)
What are Lumi's opinions on the other ROs, if she's met them?
E Alinac - Thinks they're nice! - E didn't spend much time in the capital prior to becoming the head of the Alinac family, so Lumi's really only seen them around in the last year - They've snuck her treats from other nations a few times though, so that automatically puts them in her good books - They don't really play with her, but one time they did hide her from her nanny after she snuck out so she's always happy to see them (her nanny, on the other hand...)
O Marchand - Thinks they're mean - O isn't great with people in general (including kids) so they tend to avoid unnecessary interaction - Lumi tried to talk to them once but O told her to stop bothering them, so she hasn't tried again since (she maintains that they're a big meanie)
M - Has never met M, so no opinion
Legacy - Has only seen Legacy once speaking to her grandfather, but only for a moment and was never able to interact with them - Honestly doesn't even know who they are, she only glimpsed them once after all - and there's a lot of people in the palace, so she thought they were one of the royal servants and then promptly forgot about them
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dishonestlies-if · 3 months
How do ROs feel about calling MC by an official title like "Your Highness"? I guess C isn't very formal (at least in private time) since they've been best friends since childhood.
C Hildebrand - In public, this fellow is so formal, uses the utmost respect and always uses the full title, especially after your coronation as monarch - In private, actually still rather formal (they are very aware of the difference in status), but will relax a bit (ie. "my liege" instead of "your majesty," as is proper) - You can set whether you prefer to be called by title or by name - They would prefer just names like how it was when you were children, but will respect your wishes
O Marchand - Also very formal - that's how they were raised - Respectful, if rather distant - you'll get no flattery from them, they say it like it is - Would very much prefer to just use MC's title instead of name At All Times (helps maintain some distance) - Would start using just your name if you insist, but isn't particularly happy about it
E Alinac - Formal and respectful (mostly) - Definitely walks a fine line between being courteous/flirtatious and being too close - Doesn't mind calling you "Your Majesty" in public, they of all people would know that formalities and status must be upheld - If given the opportunity in private (and the okay from you), will 100% start using pet names (C hates this, would prefer E to at least just use your name)
M - Hates it - They hate the monarchy what do you expect? - Absolutely refuses to use any kind of official title except in disdain or with sarcasm - Not much else I can say without spoilers but suffice it to say that unless you romance them and get the good ending, there is nothing you could say or do to convince them to call you "Your Majesty"
Legacy - Would prefer to stick with "Your Majesty" but honestly not that bothered if you ask them to use your name instead - Like O, would like to keep some distance (though with how much they flirt with you this is honestly questionable), but overall doesn't care too much - they're just there to provide you with info and have a bit of fun, it's not like what they call you matters that much (right?)
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dishonestlies-if · 3 months
I have questions I don't know if they've been asked before. So pardon me if they have if this is a dumb question.
I was reading through the game description and it days our ex spouse is the great nephew of some important person so I'm assuming they were male... right?
but then also we can choose our gender. So if I choose to play a male character. How did our daughter come to be? Unless i got that all wrong. Or is there magic involved with same sex couples having kids?
And on that topic how do the ROs react to an MC that is the same gender. Are any of them conflicted or is it a happy love all vibe in the kingdom especially among nobility?
I. How did I not notice this. What is wrong with me I'm gonna lose my mind-
Thank you for pointing out the thing with Alix! (Dis)honest Lies started out as a small project for myself and a few friends so originally the MC was set as female, and therefore Alix was set as male, seems I forgot to change their description after I decided to make it a public game. I'll fix that right away!!! (On that note, what's the gender neutral form of niece/nephew? Nibling? Nephling?)
As for the ROs:
M really doesn't care. So long as they like you for you, they're not letting anyone get in the way of your relationship, least of all some homophobic old fogies who can barely manage their own failing marriages. In any case, among the lower class nobody really cares all that much - most are too busy trying to feed themselves and their families to gossip about who's courting who; your worth and status is based on what you contribute to the community, not who you choose to spend your life with.
Legacy is an immigrant from another kingdom where such relationships are much more accepted among the upper class and monarchy, so they just embrace it with open arms (assuming, of course, they can first get over all the other things keeping them from seeking happiness for themselves). In fact, they find it funny how enraged the few disapproving members of the Court get over what Legacy deems to be a trivial matter, so once they're romanced they take great delight in courting you in front of the homophobes just so they can watch them fume, unable to actually say anything (because that's the monarch and their lover, what are they gonna do about it?). E is 100% down for it. They are actively pursuing your heart (good luck trying to evade them lol), and they will not let anything stand in their way. After all, MC is the monarch, and they are an Advisor, with the backing of the House of Alinac. Realistically, only the other Advisors could lay a hand on them, and that could spark a rather nasty conflict in the Court, which they know all the Families are actively trying to avoid. Consequences be damned, they'll get what they want - they always do. E is untouchable, and they know it; what, then, is the point in fearing Court gossip? The lower nobility can say nothing to them, at least not without repercussion. O is already hesitant to pursue the monarch, even moreso if they are the same gender. O worries about the monarch's image - they know gossip in the Court is rarely forgiving, and for the monarch to court an Advisor (unheard of in the kingdom's history), well, that would certainly spark rumours of favouritism among the Families. While likely not enough to spark the other Families into direct action on its own, it would definitely make them more difficult to deal with - not ideal for the nation. They can only imagine what the rumours would be like if the monarch's lover were to be the same gender - and the Advisor from the House of Hildebrand, at least, strongly disapproves of such unions. O would prefer to spare MC (and Batrinoa as a whole) all the trouble and simply reject any romantic advances (even if they dream of taking MCs hands in theirs).
C, on the other hand, was raised in a rather homophobic household. It was really just their father Volker who drilled into the minds of his children that same-gender partners are wrong and unnatural and will be nothing more than a hindrance in war (soldiers are generally grouped into divisions by gender, and it is his belief that if a soldier was attracted to the same gender, it would make all members of their division a possible distraction on the battlefield). Though C (and none of their siblings really, except maybe their eldest brother, the family heir) took to these teachings, C is still hesitant about pursuing MC if they're the same gender - the internalized homophobia still hits hard even after all these years, and in any case they're not so sure MC would reciprocate (at least in the beginning). Give them some time to sort things out, the wait will be worth it.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Sat[urday] 23 August 1834
8 3/4
12 1/4
Good kiss last night – up at 6 1/2 a.m. w[i]th reg[ula]r bow[e]l compl[ain]t – Perrelet a lit[tle] bef[ore] 9
his fath[e]r g[o]t the legion of honore – one of the 28 decorat[io]ns giv[e]n (out of ab[ov]w 2090 peop[le]) for wh[a]t they h[a]d at the exposit[io]n
Miss Becketts’ broth[e]r h[a]d tak[e]n b[a]ck h[e]r watch – b[ou]ght a ver[y] nice lit[tle] enamell[e]d
watch 360/. for A- [Adney]   Perrelet s[ai]d bow[e]l compl[ain]t was ver[y] com[mon] – the medic[a]l men
desir[e]d peop[le] to eat ver[y] lit[tle] fruit – call[e]d the compl[ain]t cholerine – A- [Adney] pleas[e]d w[i]th
the watch b[u]t th[ou]ght it mon[e]y thrown away, so to our mut[ua]l satisfact[io]n determ[ine]d to gi[ve] it
to Charlotte S- [Stuart] and to ask Miss Berry to ta[ke] it ho[me] – th[a]t Perrelet might ha[ve] it regler it
perfect[l]y well – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 40/.. – A- [Adney] and I out (in the landau) at 12 – Look[e]d ov[e]r the
furniture sale r[oo]ms of Lesage r[ue] Grange Batèlière – th[e]n w[e]nt chez Fischer (whose
well-made furnit[u]re we h[a]d seen at the Exposit[io]n – and who got the silv[e]r medal, the highest
reward giv[e]n for Ébénisterie, - and recom[mende]d by Perrelet – m[u]ch diffic[ult]y in find[in]g the place)
Impasse Guèmené n°3, r[ue] S[ain]t Antoine – lik[e]d a cartonnier at 140/.- b[u]t c[oul]d n[o]t
ta[ke] it ho[me] – all the Fr[en]ch marchander, so his etiquettes mark[e]d so as to allow h[i]m to abate
a lit[tle] – he ment[ione]d th[i]s ver[y] honest[l]y – lik[e]d the man – will employ h[i]m when I want
furnit[u]re – he h[a]s m[u]ch now chez Lessage – pays high for stand[in]g and th[e]re, on the th[in]g being sold –
out of 430/. E.G. allows 50/. – took us int[o] his workshop upst[ai]rs – mak[in]g fauteuils
at 12000/. each for Rothschield rich in carr[ia]ge and gild[in]g – doing up for him a ver[y] handso[me] old oak-carv[e]d
armoire, cost 600fr. at a curios[it]y shop – c[oul]d rememb[e]r when s[in]ce might ha[ve] been b[ou]ght for
20/. b[u]t now sought aft[e]r and d[ea]r – the curios[it]y merch[an]ts g[o]t th[e]m fr[om] La Vendée – pass[e]d ov[e]r
the pont de jard[i]n de Roi and left A- [Adney] and Geo[rge] at n°27 r[ue] S[ain]t V- [Victoire] at 3 1/4 (to dust b[oo]ks) – th[e]n w[e]nt
chez Crochard to ord[e]r so[me] books – the annals du musée de jard[i]n des pl[an]ts, rare – sold at
700 to 800fr. – M. Elie de Beaumont’s mém[oi]re sur les révolut[io]ns de la surf[a]ce du globe
pub[lishe]d separ[atel]y, is Epuisé, b[u]t I ha[ve] it in the annals des sci[en]ces nat[ur]ells end of 1829 and
begin[nin]g of 1830. L’arte de verifier les dates, 27 vol[ume]s [octavo] at 5/. or 6/. – out of print –
m[u]st ha[ve] it d’occasion – ord[ere]d for my ret[ur]n to have Maltebruns’ geog[raph]y immed[iatel]y 7 vol[ume]s out
5 to co[me] – vol[ume]s 3 and 4 Capefigues’ hist[oire] Phil[ip] Auguste ord[ere]d – Chateaubriand’s works
ab[ou]t 25 vol[ume]s at 5/. or 6/. –
Cours d’agriculture, 16 vol[ume]s [octavo] to be h[a]d for 56/. bec[ause] go[in]g to be repub[lishe]d cheap, in 2 col[umn]s on each page –
Glossaire de Ducange, to be g[o]t d’occas[io]n – when opport[unit]y offers – ord[ere]d for my ret[ur]n –
Collect[io]n des memoires 1st and 2[n]d series 150 vol[ume]s à 5/. go[in]g to be reprint[e]d cheap, in 2 columns.
Guizot’s revolut[io]n d’Angleterre 25 vol[ume]s [octavo]
Manuel du libraire – diffic[ul]t à se procurer – h[a]s n[o]t ev[e]n a cop[y] for hims[elf] – m[u]st bring 1 fr[om] Brussells
will get one for me if he can – ord[ere]d
Tableaux synchroniques par Michelet.
Précis de l’hist[oire] du moyen age, par M. des Michells 2 vol[ume]s         ord[ere]d
Manuel de Diplomacie
Off fr[om] Crochards’ at 3 55/.. for Bellevue n°7 to call up[on] L[ad]y Charlotte Lindsay and the Miss
Berrys – th[e]re at 5 – ver[y] civ[i]l and k[i]nd – ask[e]d me to din[ner] – st[ai]d – ver[y] agreeab[le] vis[i]t – Miss B- [Berry]
will ta[ke] charge of the watch to be left for me w[i]th eith[e]r L[ad]y S[tuar]t Whitehall, or L[ad]y S- [Stuart] de R- [Rothesay]
Miss Agnes B- [Berry] recom[mende]d the correspond[en]ce of Victor Jacqumenot to his fam[il]y fr[om] Les Indes orient[au]x
in 1839 to 1832 – s[e]nt out by the jard[i]n des plantes – now dead – 2 vol[ume]s [octavo] – ho[me] in an h[ou]r
at 8 1/2 – A- [Adney] on[l]y just ret[urne]d – din[ner] at 9 – fine day till ab[ou]t one p.m. – aft[er]w[ar]ds gentle r[ai]n
the gr[ea]t[e]r part of the aft[ernoo]n and ev[enin]g –F[ahrenheit] 66° at 12 5/.. tonight – Miss Berry h[a]d n[o]t got the addr[ess] for
the bellows, c[oul]d n[o]t get it, so h[a]d no bellows for me – b[u]t w[oul]d bring me a p[ai]r to Eng[lan]d w[i]th h[e]r
if I lik[e]d –
0 notes
universallyladybear · 5 years
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outthewords · 7 years
Mais quel bénéfice public tirerait-on du fait que, délibérément, le gouvernement fasse que les gens puissent continuer à fumer ? La réponse se trouvait dans le fait de préserver le droit de fumer des fumeurs, et Seitz suggérait aux fumeurs de faire usage de leur liberté pour l’exiger. « Les cinquante millions de fumeurs que compte la nation sont libres de voter en bloc pour un Congrès débarrassé des budgets bidons. Les sondages sont-ils prêts à tenir compte des fumeurs ? » Le mot « liberté » était bien sûr un mot clef de la guerre froide. Nous étions libres ; les Soviétiques ne l’étaient pas. Nous chérissions la liberté ; pas eux. Nous croyions en la liberté et la justice pour tous, et nous nous battions pour cela. Lorsque, en 1984, le lieutenant général Daniel O. Graham (qui avait fait partie de l’Équipe B lors du débat sur l’IDS) écrivit à Bill Nierenberg pour lui demander d’aider Bob Jastrow à défendre l’IDS, la Liberté – avec un L majuscule – était aussi son mot d’ordre. Pour Graham, à eux de saisir l’occasion de poursuivre l’oeuvre des Pères fondateurs en « protégeant les bienfaits de la Liberté pour nous-mêmes et notre descendance ». Russell Seitz et les défenseurs du tabac invoquaient également la liberté. Mais, ainsi que le remarqua avec sagesse le philosophe Isaiah Berlin, la liberté pour les loups signifie la mort pour les agneaux. Notre société a toujours tenu compte du fait que les libertés ne sont jamais totales. C’est la signification de l’État de droit. Personne n’a le droit de faire ce qui lui plaît, au moment où cela lui plaît. Je n’ai pas le droit de crier au feu dans une salle bondée ; votre droit de porter un coup de poing s’arrête à mon nez. Toutes les libertés ont leur limite, et aucune plus clairement que le droit de tuer, que ce soit directement avec des armes à feu ou des couteaux, ou indirectement avec des produits dangereux. Le tabagisme passif était un danger indirect qui tuait les gens.
Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway - “Les marchands de doute”, ch.5 : Qu’est-ce que la mauvaise science ? Qui en décide ? La lutte contre le tabagisme passif - Les pommiers, 2010, pp.275-276
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