#chinese digital marketing agency
digitalcrewau · 2 months
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pubintlmedia · 10 days
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redferndigital · 11 months
The Future of Marketing: Leveraging Chinese Social Media
Discover the untapped potential of Chinese social media for your marketing endeavors. This comprehensive guide explores the future of marketing and how to effectively leverage Chinese social media platforms to reach a massive audience. Gain valuable insights into emerging trends, powerful strategies, and innovative techniques that will propel your brand to new heights in the Chinese market. Stay ahead of the competition and unlock the limitless possibilities of marketing through Chinese social media. Get started today and revolutionize your marketing efforts.
To learn more visit us: https://redferndigital.cn/
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Unlock the Power of Online Advertising: 5 Benefits You Can't Ignore
If people are found constantly hooked to their mobile screens, your business must be visible on that mobile screen. As a paid media agency, we are aware of the need to walk a fine line between driving organic traffic to your website along with paid advertisements. Your business marketing goals are sacred and they must be respected with utmost seriousness. In this article, we will discuss the top five benefits of online advertising for businesses, and why partnering with a paid media agency can help you maximize your results.
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Talk directly to your customers, escape the crowd
Online advertising platforms allow you to target users based on demographics, interests, location, and behaviour. This means that your ads can be more relevant to your target audience, leading to higher engagement and conversions. This point especially benefits the niche businesses who need to target specific, narrow market segments with unique needs. For example, pet photography business, gluten-free bakery, outdoor gear rental services etc.  
See your ads work the magic, live
Digital media powers your campaigns with accessible dashboards. They populate your ad responses in real time, making it easier for you to take immediate steps. Media agencies experienced in paid advertisements use sophisticated softwares to track the success of your campaigns running across different digital channels. They can also track the performance of your competitors' ads and adjust your strategy accordingly.
With data points as minuscule as the number of clicks, impressions, and conversions generated by your ads, better analysis can be computed for effective decision-making. This level of transparency maximises your return on investment (ROI). 
3. Suit your pocket, avoid overspending
Online advertising is cost-effective. it allows you to set a budget and only pay for clicks or impressions. This means you can optimize your ad spend and obtain more value for your money. This benefit allows us to test responses on experimental campaigns without taking the risk of losing a large investment. Moreover, it is far cheaper to create video campaigns for the web than for public broadcasts.
4. Perform your message, if you must
Online advertising can be more interactive than traditional advertising, which can help increase engagement and brand awareness. For example, a photography business can showcase its portfolio while talking about its features and costs. Niche tech products can convert their explainer videos into advertising. Moreover, customers and brands can meet each other with a tap of a button. 
5. Control your campaigns, limit failures
Advertising through digital media platforms offers flexibility and control over your ad campaigns. Create, modify, and pause your ads easily; fine-tune your audience targeting as per the response received; and adjust your budget as needed. For instance, if you are running a seasonal sale, you can create ads for that specific campaign and run them for a limited period. 
Partnering with a paid media agency can help you maximize the benefits of online advertising. Publisher’s Intenrationalè can help you create a customized strategy that aligns with your business goals, target the right audience, and maintain even the tightest budgets. If you're looking to leverage the power of online advertising, partner with our organization. We have expertise in all forms of digital media and unlock the potential of online advertising to drive results and grow your business.
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newsbites · 1 year
News from Africa, 19 June
Hage Geingob will host Danish PM Mette Frederiksen and Dutch PM Mark Rutte today in Namibia. Green hydrogen will reportedly be among the subjects discussed.
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2. Namibia's proposed visa exemption for Chinese nationals is a bilateral agreement that would benefit both countries, according to China's ambassador to Namibia, Zhao Weiping.
Some Namibian politicians have objected to the proposal, with opposition leader McHenry Venaani claiming it is a "hoodwinking process" for Chinese prisoners to come to the country, and aspiring presidential candidate Job Amupanda alleging that it involves a deal between the ruling party and China to garner support for next year's elections.
The proposed agreement's main goal is to attract Chinese tourists and help Namibia become competitive again after the Covid-19 pandemic, according to Namibia's minister of home affairs, immigration, safety and security, Albert Kawana.
3. Angola and Zambia signed a memorandum of understanding to enhance cooperation in information technology, including digital transformation, AI, and space technology.
The agreement includes the establishment of direct cross-border optical fibre backbone connectivity between the two countries, scheduled to happen this month.
The collaboration is expected to help improve the regulation of the Angolan and Zambian telecom markets and lead to improved coverage and quality of ICT services provided in both countries.
4. Namibia is embarking on a journey of digital transformation to modernize various aspects of the country's life.
The Department of Home Affairs, Immigration and Security recently announced the successful implementation of an online passport application system, a major step towards delivering home affairs government services through digital channels. Namibia is partnering with Estonia to bring government services online and gradually prepare citizens for the transformation ahead. The Vice Minister of ICT recognizes the importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) for African technology spaces, but stresses the need for a clear roadmap or strategy to ensure that solutions developed in Africa fit the lifestyle on the continent.
5. Nigeria has 71 million people living in extreme poverty and 133 million people are classified as multidimensionally poor, according to 2023 data from the World Poverty Clock and the National Bureau of Statistics.
6. The Bank of Namibia increased the repo rate to safeguard the dollar-rand peg and contain inflationary pressures, but this will severely impact consumers who rely on debt to survive.
The governor expressed empathy for people losing their homes due to rising debt costs, and urged the nation to find better solutions to keep more Namibians in their homes while maintaining financial stability.
7. The fighting in Sudan has caused a surge in refugees fleeing to South Sudan, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis.
The UN has called for $253 million in funding to respond to the crisis, but donations have been slow to come in.
The lack of resources and funding has led to inadequate food, water, and sanitation facilities in transit camps, resulting in malnutrition, disease, and preventable deaths.
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mariacallous · 10 months
Every software supply chain attack, in which hackers corrupt a legitimate application to push out their malware to hundreds or potentially thousands of victims, represents a disturbing new outbreak of a cybersecurity scourge. But when that supply chain attack is pulled off by a mysterious group of hackers, abusing a Microsoft trusted software model to make their malware pose as legitimate, it represents a dangerous and potentially new adversary worth watching.
Today, researchers on the Threat Hunter Team at Broadcom-owned security firm Symantec revealed that they'd detected a supply chain attack carried out by a hacker group that they've newly named CarderBee. According to Symantec, the hackers hijacked the software updates of a piece of Chinese-origin security software known as Cobra DocGuard, injecting their own malware to target about 100 computers across Asia, mostly in Hong Kong. Though some clues, like the exploitation of DocGuard and other malicious code they installed on victim machines, loosely link CarderBee with previous Chinese state-sponsored hacking operations, Symantec declined to identify CarderBee as any previously known group, suggesting it may be a new team.
Beyond the usual disturbing breach of trust in legitimate software that occurs in every software supply chain, Symantec says, the hackers also managed to get their malicious code—a backdoor known as Korplug or PlugX and commonly used by Chinese hackers—digitally signed by Microsoft. The signature, which Microsoft typically uses to designate trusted code, made the malware far harder to detect.
“Any time we see a software supply chain attack, it’s somewhat interesting. But in terms of sophistication, this is a cut above the rest,” says Dick O'Brien, a principal intelligence analyst on Symantec's research team. “This one has the hallmarks of an operator who knows what they’re doing.”
Cobra DocGuard, which is ironically marketed as security software for encrypting and protecting files based on a system of users' privileges inside an organization, has around 2,000 users, according to Symantec. So the fact that the hackers chose just 100 or so machines on which to install their malware—capable of everything from running commands to recording keystrokes—suggests that CarderBee may have combed thousands of potential victims to specifically target those users, O’Brien argues. Symantec declined to name the targeted victims or say whether they were largely government or private sector companies.
The Cobra DocGuard application is distributed by EsafeNet, a company owned by the security firm Nsfocus, which was founded in China in 2000 but now describes its headquarters as Milpitas, California. Symantec says it can't explain how CarderBee managed to corrupt the company's application, which in many software supply chain attacks involves hackers breaching a software distributor to corrupt their development process. Nsfocus didn't respond to WIRED's request for comment.
Symantec's discovery isn't actually the first time that Cobra DocGuard has been used to distribute malware. Cybersecurity firm ESET found that in September of last year a malicious update to the same application was used to breach a Hong Kong gambling company and plant a variant of the same Korplug code. ESET found that the gambling company also had been breached via the same method in 2021.
ESET pinned that earlier attack on the hacker group known as LuckyMouse, APT27, or Budworm, which is widely believed to be based in China and has for more than a decade targeted government agencies and government-related industries, including aerospace and defense. But despite the Korplug and CobraGuard connections, Symantec says it's too early to link the wider supply chain attack it has uncovered to the group behind the previous incidents.
“You can't rule out the idea that one APT group compromises this software, and then it becomes known that this software is vulnerable to this kind of compromise, and somebody else does it as well,” says Symantec's O'Brien, using the term APT to mean “advanced, persistent threat,” a common industry term for state-sponsored hacker groups. “We don't want to jump to conclusions.” O'Brien notes that another Chinese group, known as APT41 or Barium, has also carried out numerous supply chain attacks—perhaps more than any other team of hackers—and has used Korplug, too.
To add to the attack's stealth, the CarderBee hackers managed to somehow deceive Microsoft into lending extra legitimacy to their malware: They tricked the company into signing the Korplug backdoor with the certificates Microsoft uses in its Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher program to designate trusted code, making it look far more legit than it is. That program typically requires a developer to register with Microsoft as a business entity and submit their code to Microsoft for approval. But the hackers appear to have obtained a Microsoft signature through either developer accounts they created themselves or obtained from other registered developers. Microsoft didn't respond to WIRED's request for more information on how it ended up signing malware used in the hackers' supply chain attack.
Malware that's signed by Microsoft is a long-running problem. Getting access to a registered developer account represents a hurdle to hackers, says Jake Williams, a former US National Security Agency hacker now on faculty at the Institute for Applied Network Security. But once that account is obtained, Microsoft is known to take a lax approach to vetting registered developers' code. “They typically sign whatever you, as the developer, submit,” Williams says. And those signatures can, in fact, make malware far harder to spot, he adds. “So many folks, when they threat-hunt, they start by exempting things that are signed by Microsoft,” Williams says.
That code-signing trick, combined with a well-executed supply chain attack, suggests a level of sophistication that makes CarderBee uniquely worthy of tracking, says Symantec's O'Brien—even for those outside of its current targeting in Hong Kong or Chinese neighbor countries. Regardless of whether you’re in China’s orbit, says O’Brien, “it’s certainly one to look out for.”
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nickgerlich · 1 year
When Life Hands You Lemons
The semester is starting to wind down these days, especially for my grad students, whose term lasts only 13 weeks. It may seem like it is long at times, but it really is fast. And like many other semesters before, we have been treated to some very newsworthy, sometimes amusing, other times anger-inspiring, events that cause us to stand up and pay attention.

Like the ongoing worries over TikTok and whether it should be banished not just in individual states and on their government-owned devices, but nationwide. Australia just announced its complete ban on government-owned devices. In the US, in a rather odd come-together moment for the Right and Left, there is momentum to ban it here as well.

It’s just that TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, has more ammo in its case. The top apps right now for lifestyle and video editing are owned by them: Lemon8 and CapCut. Take that, you pompous lawmakers. We’re not just going to roll over and die.

CapCut is a handy tool for creating the reels that users post to TikTok or elsewhere. I only learned about it this last weekend from my oldest daughter, who said that “everyone’s using it” at the digital marketing agency she calls her professional home. Me, I use Mojo, which, for all I know, could be owned by ByteDance as well. She says it is much better than Mojo. I messaged Oldest Daughter yesterday about CapCut’s owner, and I could almost hear her gulp all the way from Dallas.

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And then there’s Lemon8, the new social media app that is designed to take on both Instagram and Pinterest. But in the case of Lemon8, it’s only new to the US. Launched in 2020 to little fanfare, ByteDance kept it in limited circulation until now.

And now we know why.
Lemon8 is not an exact Instagram clone, however, focusing—at least for now—on fashion, food, wellness, and travel, among other general interest topics. Like BeReal, it shuns pretense, and urges users not to stage photos like many we see on Insta. The site also encourages users to include direct links to where viewers can buy featured products.
My question now is whether a ban on TikTok would also include a ban on Lemon8 and CapCut. And even if it does, what’s to stop ByteDance from continuing to roll out new apps to dodge federal bullets? Will it boil down to banishing all Chinese-owned apps, like Pinduoduo and Shein? This could lead to war, you know.
Which makes me begin to wonder if all this pomp and circumstance, this drum-beating, is an exercise in futility. Short of erecting a massive firewall around us, like the Chinese do to keep out western media, there’s little that can be done. Worse yet, it leads to frustrations among the people, especially when we live in a place that espouses First Amendment rights and freedoms. Fire up the VPN, as I have said before, and hope you don’t get caught. I hear that Chinese citizens can be in serious trouble if they do so. The last thing we need is a similar clamp down.
The other part of me wonders how people can continue to absorb so many social media sites. I am not opposed to the development of new ones at all. It’s just that there are still only 24 hours in the day, and I have a hard enough time just attending to Meta’s Facebook and Instagram. I have work to do, you know. Heck, my LinkedIn looks like a ghost page. I guess if I were looking for a job, I’d hop on it.
All of which means we are continuing to slice the market into ever smaller pieces, and as long as it can be done profitably, new sites will continue to roll out. Stir on the controversy of Chinese ownership, and Ima gonna have things to write about for a long, long time.
Let the user beware. There may be someone in Beijing looking over your shoulder.
Dr “But Still I Must Check It Out“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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bizpronet · 1 year
Gem4me MarketSpace Investments - Low-Risk Investments
Digital technologies are now used everywhere and it is impossible to imagine life without a smartphone and access to the internet; these things that have become commonplace for us largely determine the attractiveness of assets on the global market.
Digital assets are tangible and intangible assets that are used to generate additional income in the expectation that they will increase in value in the long or short term.
It is innovative digital technologies that largely determine the investment attractiveness of stocks of companies, especially high-tech companies.
The mobile technology sector is an unprecedented growth leader among innovative investments. Many companies involved in telecommunications, instant messaging and streaming services have become very attractive to investors.
The leading companies that own the world's most popular messengers have increased in value tenfold over the past 10 years.
Messengers and the services they support are changing the future of communication and business.
Messengers are becoming the new ecosystem!
Messengers are experiencing intense growth both in terms of user numbers and functionality.
The audience of the world's largest messenger, WhatsApp, has grown 16.5 times since 2013 to more than 5 billion users. Its competitors: Telegram, WeChat, Snapchat and Viber – are also growing.
In recent years, the nature of communication on messengers has changed: it has become more emotional – simple text correspondence has been supplemented by visual images (smiley faces, stickers, filter masks, etc.) and the apps are increasingly being used for business communication.
Many companies have started to use messengers as a way of communicating with customers to answer questions and give instructions promptly. It is not convenient for all customers to call a contact centre, and instant messenger consultations allow them to find the answer to a question quickly. Many companies are expanding non-voice communication channels. This allows customers to get help as quickly as possible and also reduces the workload on the contact centre.
The functionality of the messengers themselves is also becoming more complex - trends in this direction are set by the Asian leaders (Korean KakaoTalk, Chinese WeChat and Japanese Line), which, in addition to communication, provide users with services such as online games, banking services, ordering a taxi, delivery of products and goods from online stores.
One of the leaders in innovative mobile technology is the Gem4me messenger, which offers high quality communication and unique services for communication and business.
Gem4me is an innovative premium multifunctional messenger from the creators of the world-famous messenger Viber!
Gem4me MarketSpace is a relatively new service (development started in 2016). It was created when giants such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber and other platforms were already operating in the market. This helped the Gem4me developers to analyse and avoid the mistakes of their competitors.
The Gem4me application is a global mobile service that combines a messenger with the MarketSpace marketplace. This means that people can not only communicate on this platform, but also place advertisements, make purchases and follow the latest news, all on an international scale. This solution has made Messenger very attractive in the business environment.
Today the platform – Gem4me messenger + MarketSpace marketplace is the perfect tool to run business. Whether you own an online shop, restaurant or pizzeria, car dealership, delivery service, travel agency or run a business in any other industry, you're missing out on a lot if you don't use Gem4me App for your business.
Funding is carried out on a venture capital basis and is available to anyone with any income and from any country in the world.
Anyone can become an investor and get a solid Profit. The minimum amount to be invested is €151 and the return on investment starts at 1000%.
Even from € 151 you get a magical chance to start your journey into the world of Big Money.
Messengers & marketplaces are a billion dollar business. And those who own it are the owners of a multi-billion dollar fortune.
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The best Low-risk investments for everyone - Gem4me Investments.
Find out how you can become very rich and successful by investing in Gem4me MarketSpace Invest!
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Chinese bombers armed with anti-ship cruise missiles flew near Japan
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/28/2022 - 7:25 PM in Military
The China People's Liberation Army (PLA) allegedly flew with bombers armed with far-range supersonic anti-ship missiles over the Miyako Strait, which separates the Japanese islands of Miyako and Okinawa.
The Japanese Ministry of Defense recorded the flight of Chinese bombers on June 23. The day earlier, Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi expressed concern about Chinese and Russian warships, at least 16 sailing near Japan, the Russian agency Interfax reported citing the South China Morning Post.
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Two Chinese H-6J bombers belonged to the PLA Navy, and the third, an H-6K, belonged to the PLA Air Force (PLAAF). The H-6Js carried eight YJ-12 missiles, and the H-6K bomber carried electronic warfare equipment to block enemy radars.
The YJ-12 is considered the deadliest anti-ship missile in China, thanks to its range and speed. The missile has a range of more than 400 km and the warhead can reach its target in 30 seconds, making it difficult to intercept, and can be launched from land, sea and air. Previously, Taiwanese media reported that these missiles are more effective than air defense systems on U.S. aircraft carriers.
Tags: Military AviationPLAAF - China Air ForceWar Zones - China/Taiwan
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Tecnam and Leonardo offer the P2012 Traveller for special missions on the market
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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trendingreportz · 17 hours
Automotive 3D Printing Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Automotive 3D Printing Market Overview
Automotive 3D printing market is expected to reach $1.8 billion by 2026 at a CAGR of 11.1% during the forecast period 2021-2026, owing to increasing research and development activities and innovations which is strengthening the automotive industry worldwide. Similarly, with a huge capital investment in automotive technology, several manufacturers are focusing on light weight vehicles to decrease the fuel consumption and low emission. Among all the R&D activities, 3D printing in automotive has come up with a rapid pace and gaining attention in the global automotive industry for rapid prototyping. According to the Chinese Passenger Car Association (CPCA), demand for electric car is growing progressively. This is due to the rising development of lightweight automobile parts utilizing 3D automobile printing technologies. The Chinese Government has rendered the development of additive manufacturing technologies a priority in the region. International companies are urged to create subsidiaries, although some domestic companies are also driven by government policies. Collaboration with other industry leader companies to incorporate various technology such as stereo lithography, selectrive laser sintering and digital light processing into their manufacturing process and create innovative product innovations would help them achieve strategic edge over their competitors.
Automotive 3D Printing Market Report Coverage
The report: “Automotive 3D Printing Market – Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Automotive 3D Printing market
By Material: Metals, Polymer, Others (Ceramic and Glass) By Technology: Stereolithography, Selective Laser Sintering, Electron Beam Melting (EBM), Fused Disposition Modeling, Laminated Object Manufacturing, Three Dimensional Inject Printing, Others By Application: Prototyping & Tooling, Manufacturing Complex Components, Research, Development & Innovation, Others By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others), Europe(Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, SK, Aus and Others), and RoW (Middle east and Africa)
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Key Takeaways
Automotive 3D printing in North America is growing at significant rate owing to the stringent governmental regulations regarding automobiles and auto parts are regulated through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 
The exceptional growth prospects of the electric vehicles market is a major growth factor for the 3D printing automotive market owing to its importance in electric vehicles. 
The automotive OEMs are partnering with the leading 3D printing companies like Stratatsys, Shining 3D, SLM Solutions are largely concentrating on the technologies like stereo lithography, fused deposition modeling, and Laser sintering.
Automotive 3D Printing top 10 companies include Stratasys Inc., 3D System, Materialise NV, Renishaw PLC, SLM Solutions, ExOne, Envisiontec Inc., EOS,   Arcam AB, Autodesk, Inc., among others.
Automotive 3D Printing Market Segment Analysis - By Application
Manufacturing complex components is growing at a highest CAGR of 12.1% in the forecast period. Complex components with internal cavities require multiple subcomponents held together by a variety of processes in the standard subtractive manufacturing process. As 3D printing is in nature an additive, it can create identical parts as single objects, allowing for less inspections and improved efficiency in the workflow. With Additive Manufacturing, designs with complex geometries only distribute build material where conformity with automotive performance standards is strategically necessary. 3D-printed pieces often weigh less than half of the weight of their cast or machined counterparts. A single click away from the mouse dramatically attenuates the design process with on-the-fly alterations. Moreover, early adopters used one-of-a-kind printed prototypes for wind tunnel testing in the automotive industry. In addition additive Manufacturing processes provide cost-effective alternatives to traditional automotive component manufacturing, especially complex and unique parts. Further additive manufacturing helps companies to create complex designs that require fewer parts for these components to be produced. As a result, companies may reduce the assembly time and also experience a decrease in quality problems. Delphi, an Irish tier 1 supplier to the automotive industry, used a metal 3D printing method known as Selective Laser Melting to produce a single piece aluminium diesel pump. With this, the company achieved a remarkable reduction in the number of parts available for the pump, thereby avoiding a few post-processing steps and simplifying the assembly process. The end result was a finished product of higher quality as it reduced the low-time fluid and is less vulnerable to leakage, with lower manufacturing costs. Hence these factors are analysed to drive the market in the forecast period 2020-2025.
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Automotive 3D Printing Market Segment Analysis - By Technology
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) in automotive 3D Printing is growing at a CAGR of 13.5% in the forecast period. Selective Laser Sintering is an additive manufacturing or 3d printing technology that can be used for processing many types of materials such as polymers, metals, ceramics, and composites to create complex parts. It's areas of applications include automotive, aerospace tooling, biomedical as well as architecture. In addition SLS technology based 3d printing helps in building much stronger and durable prototypes than other technologies, thus causing its demands over applications ranging from low volume production to rapid prototyping of automotive parts and components. Such factors have been helping this technology towards boosting its growth in the 3d printing automotive market in the forecast period. Moreover, this technology has been considered to be one of the fastest as well as widely used 3d printing  process due to it scalability of printing multiple automotive parts simultaneously, thus maximizing the build space for the auto manufacturers.  Due to this, auto manufacturers are able to build high amount of parts and fixtures within less time intervals, thus boosting their productivity standards. Since this technology has been helping in reducing additional costs for automakers, many major automotive companies have been highly shifting towards adopting selective laser sintering 3d printing for building vehicle parts more easily along with cost efficiency. As a part of this, recently FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co. Ltd, a joint venture between FAW Group, Volkswagen and Audi revealed about producing prototypes for more than 5,000 parts a year deploying laser sintering technology. Further deployment of 3d printing technology across the automotive industry helped in reducing the overhead operational costs along with speeding up the design iteration process, thus driving its demands in the automotive sector in the forecast period 2021-2026.
Automotive 3D Printing Market Segment Analysis- By Geography
Automotive 3D printing in North America is growing at significant rate of 12.2% CAGR through 2026 owing to the stringent governmental regulations regarding automobiles and auto parts are regulated through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  Such regulations are related to improve the vehicle safety standards as well as reduce the vehicle emissions. Such factors have been creating high deployments of electric vehicles in the country, in order to comply with such laws, thereby boosting the market growth of 3d printing technology. Moreover, rising growth of automobiles has caused the various automakers to shift towards advanced technologies in order to increase mass production of vehicles more efficiently within lesser time intervals along with reducing fuel consumption. As a part of this, one of the major U.S auto manufacturer, General Motors had invested in Autodesk’s software with 3d printing in effort to produce lighter vehicle parts through mass reduction and parts consolidation. Deploying of such lighter auto parts eventually helps in cutting the high fuel consumption costs for the customers, thus driving the automobiles demands. Such initiatives have been helping in boosting the growth of 3d printing in automotive market in the forecast period 2021-2026.
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Automotive 3D Printing Market Drivers
Impressive Growth of Electric Vehicles 
The market for electric vehicles is growing all across the globe, however, the electric vehicle market growth in China is quite significant. The exceptional growth prospects of the electric vehicles market is a major growth factor for the 3D printing automotive market owing to its growing importance in electric vehicles. 3D printing is seen as a solution by the OEMs in the global market. The automotive OEMs are partnering with the leading 3D printing companies like Stratatsys, Shining 3D, SLM Solutions are largely concentrating on the technologies like stereo lithography, fused deposition modeling, and Laser sintering. These technologies have high experience on the creating cost effective and composite parts that aid to improve the efficiency of the vehicles. 
Growing Investments in 3D printing or additive manufacturing 
Global 3D Printing Automotive Market is gaining traction due to the huge funds towards research and development of manufacturing technologies and materials. New manufacturing processes are being deployed to satisfy the increasing demand of consumers. The automotive companies are poised to lead the technological transformation in manufacturing. In April 2018, BMW invested $12m in a new additive manufacturing campus, Located Munich, Germany. BMW states that it is already using additive manufacturing to make prototype components in Shenyang (China) and Rayong (Thailand). Going forward, it plans to integrate additive manufacturing more fully into the local production structure of China and allow small production runs for customizable components. The HP and Guangdong companies have disclosed a new production-grade Additive Manufacturing centre in Dali, Foshan China. The venture in 10 HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D printing systems and is HP’s largest deployment of production-grade 3D printing in the Asia Pacific. Chinese State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) and Privately Owned Enterprises (POEs) together have planned to operate in China by establishing joint ventures involving foreign. The JVs in particular have an advantage in leveraging their global platform in creating vehicles, particularly for the Chinese market.
Automotive 3D Printing Market Challenges
Low speed Production
Additive manufacturing is facing speed of production challenges, which limits mass production potential. Advances are being made in additive manufacturing processes such that companies can create reliably unique parts and mass produce them and create custom parts for individual markets. The additive manufacturing technique is a game changer in industries where higher production costs are outweighed by the additional value generated by the manufacturing technique. However, the automotive industry is a high volume industry that requires great production speeds to make profits. The low production speeds of the additive manufacturing technique is seen a major impediment for wider adoption of the manufacturing technique in the automotive industry. In an attempt to tackle this challenge, high speed additive manufacturing has become an important area of research.
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Automotive 3D Printing Market Landscape
Technology launches, acquisitions, Expansions, Partnerships and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the automotive 3D printing market. In 2019, the market of automotive 3D printing industry outlook has been fragmented by several companies.  Automotive 3D Printing top 10 companies include Stratasys Inc., 3D System, Materialise NV, Renishaw PLC, SLM Solutions, ExOne, Envisiontec Inc., EOS,   Arcam AB, Autodesk, Inc., among others.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches
In 2020 Rimac launched the Rimac Design Challenge. The winning design was the Rimac Scalatan, a spectacular concept by Max Schneider which offered a unique window into what our world and the transport industry could look like in 2080. The car comes with an aerodynamic carbon-nanotube graphene outer surface that sits on top of a generative-design chassis made from 3D printed titanium graphite.
In June 2019, In order to make the benefit of advertised fuels available to widely valued consumers around the world, HPCL has figured out the solution by offering aftermarket fuel performance enhancing additives in compact small pouches. Vinner Petrol Plus and Vinner Diesel Plus will be available on the market in different sizes of pouches.
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digitalcrewau · 2 months
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newstfionline · 22 days
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Summer 2023 Was the Northern Hemisphere’s Hottest in 2,000 Years, Study Finds (NYT) The summer of 2023 was exceptionally hot. Scientists have already established that it was the warmest Northern Hemisphere summer since around 1850, when people started systematically measuring and recording temperatures. Now, researchers say it was the hottest in 2,000 years, according to a new study published in the journal Nature that compares 2023 with a longer temperature record across most of the Northern Hemisphere. The study goes back to the year A.D. 1, using evidence from tree rings. The average temperature from June through August 2023 was 2.20 degrees Celsius warmer than the average summer temperature between the years 1 and 1890, according to the researchers’ tree ring data.
A wildfire has forced out hundreds of residents in Canada’s oil sands hub of Fort McMurray (AP) Hundreds of residents in four neighborhoods in the southern end of Canada’s oil sand hub of Fort McMurray, Alberta, were ordered to evacuate with a wildfire threatening the community, authorities said Tuesday. Fort McMurray has a population of about 68,000, and a wildfire there in 2016 destroyed 2,400 homes and forced more than 80,000 people to flee.
Trade Frictions (NYT) U.S. President Joe Biden unveiled a new slew of U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports on Tuesday. The White House cited “unacceptable risks” posed by Beijing flooding the global market with cheap products. Around $18 billion of imported goods will be affected, including electric vehicles, semiconductors, steel and aluminum, critical minerals, medical products, and solar panels. Beijing immediately vowed retaliation. “This action will seriously impact the atmosphere of bilateral cooperation,” the Chinese Commerce Ministry said. Biden’s announcement signals the latest escalation in a trade war that began under Trump and has since become a key campaign issue ahead of the November U.S. presidential election.
‘Nightmare scenario’ forecast calls for significant flooding in already-soaked Texas and Gulf Coast states (AP) Rounds of fierce storms and gushing rainfall are raising the risk of dangerous flooding late this week for millions in the already-waterlogged South. Double-digit rainfall totals between 20 and 30 inches over the region in recent weeks have soaked the ground and left rivers swollen, priming the flood threat to extreme levels. More widespread heavy rain Thursday and Friday is only going to make matters worse. The forecast calling for extreme rainfall rates and repeated rounds of storms is creating a “nightmare scenario” for the Gulf Coast, according to the Weather Prediction Center. “Significant and considerable flash flooding is likely as a result, as multiple inches of rain fall in a matter of a few hours.” A Level 3 of 4 risk of excessive rainfall that could trigger flash flooding is in place from eastern Texas, through Louisiana and into western Mississippi Thursday, according to the WPC.
Argentina reports its first single-digit inflation in 6 months as costs hit home (AP) Argentina’s monthly inflation rate eased sharply to a single-digit rate in April for the first time in half a year, data released Tuesday showed, a closely watched indicator that bolsters President Javier Milei’s severe austerity program aimed at fixing the country’s troubled economy. Prices rose at a rate of 8.8% last month, the Argentine government statistics agency reported, down from a monthly rate of 11% in March and well below a peak of 25% last December, when Milei became president with a mission to combat Argentina’s dizzying inflation, among the highest in the world. Although praised by the International Monetary Fund and cheered by market watchers, Milei’s cost-cutting and deregulation campaign has squeezed families whose money has plummeted in value while the cost of nearly everything has skyrocketed. “People are in pain,” said 23-year-old Augustin Perez, a supermarket worker in the suburbs of Buenos Aires who said his rent had soared by 90% since Milei deregulated the real estate market and his electricity bill had nearly tripled since the government slashed subsidies. “They say things are getting better, but how? I don’t understand.”
France prison van attack: Huge manhunt after prison officers killed in ambush (BBC) A search is underway in northern France for armed assailants who killed two prison officers and wounded three others in an ambush on a prison van, freeing a 30-year-old inmate and drug dealer known as “The Fly.” The incident marks the first time on-duty prison workers have been killed in France since 1992. The prison van was transporting inmate Mohamed Amra from a courthouse to a jail in the Normandy region when the hooded assailants—arriving in two vehicles—rammed into the van near an expressway toll booth and opened fire. The ambush came the same day a French Senate committee report found drug-related crimes are spreading across France, igniting gang wars.
Slovakian prime minister in life-threatening condition after being shot (Bloomberg) Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico suffered life-threatening injuries after being shot multiple times in public, the first assassination attempt on a European leader in more than two decades and an incident that underscores the deep polarization in the country. Fico, 59, was rushed to the hospital and remains in “very serious” condition following an attack by a 71-year-old man during an appearance away from the capital.
Russia Detains Senior General, Widening Military Purge (NYT) Russian security agents detained a senior general early Tuesday, widening a purge of the country’s sprawling Defense Ministry amid President Vladimir V. Putin’s broader shake-up of his government. Lt. Gen. Yuri Kuznetsov, who oversaw the ministry’s personnel department, was detained on an accusation of “large-scale” bribery, Russia’s Investigative Committee, a federal law enforcement agency, said in a statement on Tuesday. His detention came after Mr. Putin unexpectedly removed his long-serving defense minister, Sergei K. Shoigu, from his post and replaced him with a member of his economic team.
Singapore’s Riches Grew Under Its Leader. So Did Discontent. (NYT) Singapore was once known as an affluent and strait-laced city-state. Today, it’s a glitzy international destination. It has hosted Taylor Swift concerts and Formula One night races. And it is substantially richer, per capita, than the United States. That transformation happened under Lee Hsien Loong, the Southeast Asian country’s third prime minister. He made Singapore even more prosperous by largely following the semi-authoritarian and free-market model pioneered by his father, Lee Kuan Yew, the country’s first leader. On Wednesday, Singapore gets a new leader for the first time in nearly 20 years. Mr. Lee, 72, is handing the office to his deputy, Lawrence Wong, 51. Their People’s Action Party has governed Singapore continuously for over six decades, and has had astounding successes. But there are concerns that the vaunted “Singapore model” is failing more and more people. Singapore is one of the most expensive cities in the world, but it does not have a minimum wage. Housing prices have surged, and many Singaporeans say social mobility has dropped considerably. Others complain that freedom of expression is still tightly controlled, if less so than before. The strains are exacerbated by the need for overseas workers; about 40 percent of Singapore’s nearly six million people are not citizens.
France imposes emergency in Pacific territory of New Caledonia as violent unrest turns deadly (AP) France announced Wednesday it is imposing a state of emergency in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia for at least 12 days, boosting security forces’ powers to quell deadly unrest that has left four people dead. The emergency measures will give authorities greater powers to tackle the violence, including the possibility of house detention for people deemed a threat to public order and expanded powers to conduct searches, seize weapons and restrict movements, with possible jail time for violators. France’s government also rushed hundreds of police reinforcements to the island, where pro-independence supporters have long pushed to break free from France. The Interior Ministry said 500 additional officers were expected on the archipelago to bolster 1,800 police and gendarmes already there. More than 300 people have been injured since Monday, when protests over voting changes pushed by Paris turned violent.
Overlooking a dark history, tech companies are flocking to the Middle East (Washington Post) Two years ago, Andrew Feldman couldn’t find Abu Dhabi on a map. But like many Silicon Valley leaders, the artificial intelligence entrepreneur has been wooed by the promise of Middle Eastern partnership and money. He’s among a generation of tech founders and investors quietly pilgrimaging to the sovereign wealth funds of the gulf states, pursuing deals with authoritarian regimes. Some tech entrepreneurs and venture firms once shunned Middle Eastern funding. But Middle Eastern money has become the most powerful geopolitical force in the tech industry virtually overnight. “The Khashoggi era is over,” said a prominent venture capitalist. “Everyone I talk to is either going to or coming back from the UAE—the same way we used to swing by Sand Hill Road,” said Feldman, referring to the street that’s home to Silicon Valley’s storied venture capital firms.
U.N. staff member killed in attack on car marked with U.N. flag in Rafah (Washington Post) A U.N. staff member employed by the U.N. Department of Safety and Security was killed Monday while traveling in a U.N. vehicle from Rafah. He was Waibhav Anil Kale, 46, an Indian national who began working as a U.N. security service coordinator in Gaza last month. The shots that killed him “came from a tank in the area,” a spokesman for the U.N. Secretary General said, noting that only Israel operates tanks in Gaza. The car was marked with a U.N. flag, and Israeli authorities had been informed of its movements.
Biden advances $1 billion in arms for Israel amid Rafah tensions (Washington Post) The Biden administration informally notified congressional committees that it planned to move forward with more than $1 billion in weapons deals for Israel, U.S. officials familiar with the matter said. It’s a major transfer of lethal aid that comes a week after the White House paused a single shipment of bombs because of concerns over the immense civilian toll of a planned offensive in Rafah. The decision underscores the administration’s reluctance to defy pro-Israel donors in the Democratic Party who criticized Biden’s decision to withhold the weapons shipment. It’s also another indication that attacks by Republicans asserting that Biden had imposed an “arms embargo” on Israel bore little connection to reality.
For Netanyahu, Gaza’s ‘day after’ must wait (Washington Post) Israel Defense Forces chief of staff Herzl Halevi has bemoaned Netanyahu’s lack of commitment to a “day after” plan in the Gaza Strip that would help reckon with the security and political vacuum in the war-ravaged territory. Halevi echoed the frustrations of many Israeli security officials, who see Hamas fighters resuming operations in areas of Gaza where they were supposed to have been neutralized. “As long as there’s no diplomatic process to develop a governing body in the Strip that isn’t Hamas, we’ll have to launch campaigns again and again in other places to dismantle Hamas’s infrastructure,” Halevi was quoted by Israel news network Channel 13 as saying during private meetings over the weekend. “It will be a Sisyphean task.” Netanyahu and others in his right-wing camp have vowed the total defeat of Hamas and the dismantling of its military infrastructure. But a growing body of experts, as well as senior diplomats, doubt that Hamas can be fully vanquished—and fear the excruciating toll exacted on Gaza’s civilian population as Israel attempts to do so. “Right now, we are in a status of almost a stalemate,” Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said Tuesday in reference to the rounds of indirect talks that his and other governments attempted to mediate between Israel and Hamas. “There is no clarity of how to stop the war from the Israeli side,” Mohammed pointedly added, while warning that the scale of destruction in the territory was so vast that it could lay the grounds for a “new wave of radicalization” if not enough is done to rebuild and invest in Gaza.
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invertedwork · 1 month
Navigating the Digital Tides: Unveiling the Dynamic Landscape of Digital Marketing Services in Malaysia
In an era where digitalization reigns supreme, businesses are compelled to adapt swiftly or risk being left behind in the competitive fray. This transformation has propelled Malaysia's marketing landscape into the digital realm, birthing a vibrant ecosystem of digital marketing services. From bustling metropolises like Kuala Lumpur to the quaint towns dotting its landscape, Malaysian businesses are harnessing the power of digital marketing to carve their niche in the global marketplace.
The Rise of Digital Marketing in Malaysia
Gone are the days when traditional marketing methods sufficed to capture consumer attention. The advent of smartphones, social media platforms, and e-commerce has revolutionized how businesses connect with their target audience. Recognizing the potential of this digital revolution, Malaysian businesses are increasingly embracing digital marketing services to amplify their brand presence, drive customer engagement, and boost sales.
Diverse Array of Digital Marketing Services
The realm of digital marketing services in Malaysia multifaceted landscape encompassing various strategies tailored to suit diverse business objectives. In Malaysia, digital marketing agencies offer a plethora of services ranging from search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing (SMM) to content marketing, email marketing, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Each of these services is meticulously crafted to resonate with the Malaysian audience while aligning with the overarching goals of the business.
Cultural Sensitivity and Localization
One of the defining aspects of digital marketing in Malaysia is its emphasis on cultural sensitivity and localization. With a diverse population comprising Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous communities, Malaysian businesses must navigate cultural nuances adeptly to establish meaningful connections with their audience. Digital marketing agencies leverage cultural insights to tailor campaigns that resonate with specific demographics, thereby fostering a sense of inclusivity and relevance.
Harnessing the Power of Social Media
Social media has emerged as a powerful catalyst in the realm of digital marketing, offering Malaysian businesses a direct conduit to engage with their audience in real-time. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn serve as virtual marketplaces where brands can showcase their products, share compelling content, and foster meaningful interactions. Digital marketing services in Malaysia leverage social media to amplify brand awareness, drive website traffic, and nurture customer relationships, thereby fostering brand loyalty and advocacy.
E-Commerce Revolution
The proliferation of e-commerce has redefined consumer behavior in Malaysia, with an increasing number of consumers opting for the convenience of online shopping. Digital marketing plays a pivotal role in driving traffic to e-commerce platforms, optimizing the user experience, and facilitating seamless transactions. From targeted advertising campaigns to personalized email newsletters, digital marketing services empower e-commerce businesses to enhance their online visibility and maximize conversions.
Data-Driven Decision Making
In the realm of digital marketing, data reigns supreme. Malaysian businesses harness the power of analytics to gain invaluable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. Digital marketing agencies employ sophisticated analytics tools to track key performance indicators (KPIs), measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and refine strategies for optimal results. By leveraging data-driven decision-making, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts, allocate resources judiciously, and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving digital landscape.
The Road Ahead: Embracing Innovation
As Malaysia continues its journey towards digital transformation, the landscape of digital marketing is poised for further evolution. Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) are reshaping the marketing paradigm, offering new avenues for creativity and engagement. Malaysian businesses must embrace innovation and agility to navigate this dynamic landscape effectively, seizing opportunities to captivate audiences and drive sustainable growth.
In conclusion, the realm of digital marketing services in Malaysia is a vibrant tapestry of innovation, cultural sensitivity, and strategic prowess. As businesses continue to harness the power of digital marketing services, they embark on a journey of discovery, engagement, and growth in the digital age. With creativity as their compass and data as their guide, Malaysian businesses are poised to chart new territories and unlock limitless possibilities in the dynamic world of digital marketing.
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adrurisama · 1 month
Adruri Sama: Unveiling Market Trends through Buffett is Investment Attitude
Against the backdrop of global economic integration, the choice of investment strategies appears more critical than ever before. Adruri Sama of Excellent Finance Academy points out that while Buffett reiterated his reliance on the US market at the recent shareholders' meeting, he also hinted at potential interest in the Canadian market. This not only reflects the astute judgment of a seasoned investor regarding market depth and geographical strategy but also provides a glimpse into future global investment trends.
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Shift in Global Investment Focus
In the global financial market, the United States has long been a significant hub of capital. However, with the changing global economic landscape, the shift in investment focus has gradually become an undeniable trend. Adruri Sama notes that despite Buffett is reaffirmation of the core position of the US market, his potential interest in the Canadian market reveals the cautious attitude of seasoned investors when selecting overseas markets. Buffett is past investments, such as reducing holdings in Chinese BYD and showing interest in the Canadian market, reflect evaluations of long-term growth potential and market stability.
The Canadian market bears many similarities to the United States in many aspects, offering lower barriers to market entry and a relatively familiar business environment for US investors. For investors like Buffett, choosing to invest in a country with a similar business environment and cultural background to the domestic market can effectively reduce the risks of international expansion. This strategy not only ensures the safety of capital but may also lead to unexpected returns due to the close geographical and economic ties.
Impact of Financial Technology on the Stock Market
The rapid development of financial technology has had profound effects on global stock markets. Adruri Sama suggests that financial technology has not only changed the way transactions are conducted but also redefined investor behavior patterns and market operating mechanisms. For example, the introduction of blockchain technology has increased transaction transparency and efficiency, while the application of artificial intelligence in asset management and investment decisions has greatly enhanced the accuracy and personalization of these processes.
One key impact of financial technology is the enhancement of market inclusivity. Through digital platforms, more individual investors can enter the market at lower costs, which to some extent changes the investor structure and capital flow patterns of the market. Furthermore, financial technology also facilitates the liquidity of global capital, allowing funds to circulate more quickly worldwide, which is a significant boon for international investors.
However, Adruri Sama also warns of the risks that the development of financial technology may bring. The rapid iteration of technology may lead to some market participants being unable to keep up with the changes, thus facing the risk of marginalization. Moreover, financial systems highly reliant on technology may appear more vulnerable when facing cybersecurity threats. While financial technology brings innovation and convenience to the market, investors and regulatory agencies need to approach these emerging technologies cautiously to ensure the stability and security of financial markets.
Future Investment Outlook
In the face of the ever-changing global financial environment, Adruri Sama presents profound insights into future investment trends. As international political and economic situations continue to evolve, investors need to adjust their investment strategies more flexibly to cope with various complex situations that may arise. For investors, it is essential to focus not only on the short-term performance of the market but also on long-term trends and potential risks.
Adruri Sama points out that sustainable investment will become a future trend. With increasing global attention to environmental protection and social responsibility, investing in green energy and socially responsible companies not only meets ethical standards but may also yield good economic returns. Additionally, with technological advancements, there will be more innovative companies and industries emerging, providing new investment opportunities in these areas.
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ratlifflindholm02 · 1 month
SM Entertainment - Your One-Stop Destination For Unmatched Korean News
Within the rapidly evolving world of digital media, SM Entertainment has emerged as a number one supply for complete SM엔터테인먼트 . This high-notch platform affords a big selection of news articles, protecting every part from politics and economy to entertainment and culture. As a dependable and consumer-friendly news site, SM Entertainment continues to make waves in the net news community. Content: 1. A comprehensive range of news classes SM Entertainment presents a various collection of news categories to cater to the pursuits of its readers. A few of the favored categories include: - Politics: In-depth analysis of political developments, authorities insurance policies, and worldwide relations. - Economy: Coverage of the latest monetary tendencies, market updates, and business news. - Entertainment: Gossips, celebrity interviews, film and drama evaluations, and updates on the K-pop industry. - Culture: Insights into Korean traditions, customs, and arts, including music, theater, and visible arts. - Sports: News about Korean athletes, groups, and upcoming sports activities occasions. 2. Quality news content material and reliable sources SM Entertainment is devoted to offering correct and up-to-date news stories sourced from reputable Korean news agencies and journalists. The site maintains a strict editorial policy to ensure that the content material is reality-checked, verified, and introduced with out bias or undue influence. 3. User-pleasant interface and straightforward navigation The SM Entertainment webpage is designed with the consumer expertise in thoughts. Its intuitive interface and straightforward-to-use navigation make it simple for readers to search out the news content they're on the lookout for. The platform additionally affords a search bar, allowing users to shortly find particular articles or subjects. 4. Multilingual assist To cater to its diverse world viewers, SM Entertainment offers news content material in a number of languages, together with English, Chinese, and Japanese. This feature makes the positioning much more accessible, allowing a broader vary of readers to remain informed about Korean news. 5. Breaking news alerts and email newsletters To ensure that readers by no means miss an important update, SM Entertainment presents actual-time breaking news alerts and customizable e-mail newsletters. Users can signal up to receive notifications in regards to the latest news stories, as well as newsletters that summarize the day's top news. Conclusion: In a world the place staying knowledgeable is more essential than ever, SM Entertainment has established itself as a premier supply for reliable and comprehensive Korean news. With its diverse range of news categories, dedication to accuracy, person-pleasant interface, multilingual help, and breaking news alerts, SM Entertainment is the best site to get the most recent happenings in Korea.
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yevlptyltd · 2 months
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