#weibo agency
digitalcrewau · 2 months
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bookshop · 1 year
pardon me i'm just overwhelmed by wang yibo (as usual)
— he has to battle his way up through the ranks of YG to get to debut, in another country, away from his parents, while barely a teenager, all while learning a second language, and he not only does it, but according to legend he and Lisa are the only two foreign idols in YG history to graduate the program with all As
— and then his debut gets canceled and he has to go back to China and Yuehua and restart his entire career without much support at all from his agency, and he just does it, he starts the grind all over and just fucking does it
— he isn't even Yuehua's first choice for Day Day Up's new host competition, and they submit him only because he speaks Korean and that's good for the show, but then Wang Han sees him backstage one day and sees how hard he's working on his dance routine and immediately knows that Yibo is their next host, and not only is he an incredible addition to the show, but he stays on DDU longer than he reasonably should given how massively famous he gets, and he's so beloved that when he returns for Hunan's 2022 NYE concert, the network rolls out the red carpet and treats him like he's their hometown son and Wang Han is like, "Our Yibo has come home" (And Luoyang is the girlfriend in the distracted boyfriend meme lol but ykwim)
— he has to submit his comp shots twice just to even get an audition before anyone takes him seriously for The Untamed!! Except then the moment they see him, they immediately know he's their Lan Zhan
— he's the "pretty idol" throwaway captain for SDC3 and you can tell this when you watch the editing for the first episode because the comments for Yibo are all about how hot he is, and he comes in last place after the first captain's dance, and it's clear nobody really takes him seriously, but then the second he opens his street auditions, the tone of the entire show changes and from then on, for the next two seasons, he is completely unstoppable, his talent and intelligence and strategic thinking and competitive drive are so raw and exciting to watch that he basically takes over the entire show, the ratings more than double from s2 to s3, his fandom grows even more massive, and the dancers all fucking LOVE HIM. like dude he wins street dance of china so hard that within three seasons he's basically co-producing it and he's literally given a writing credit.
— The director of Being a Hero doesn't think he's old or mature enough to play Chen Yu and then Yibo sits down and talks to him about why he wants the role and the director realizes that Yibo basically is Chen Yu, he's the focused hard-working persevering single-minded actor of his dreams, and Yibo winds up giving a performance so moving it makes the director cry and declare, "That? That's acting."
— he jumps from no ranking at all to 9th place to #2!!!!!! within TWO YEARS on the Forbes China 100 Most Powerful people list between 2019 and 2021
— Duhua famously didn't take him seriously or treat him well for most of their long contractual relationship, oh shit, because now according to YH's latest investor report for Q3-4 2022, he singlehandedly brings in 90% of the profit for her entire company, a shareholder, the "top talent," and the one who has to pay whenever Uniq gets together because he's "the boss"
— Yibo goes from being the SDC underdog to being so respected that when Da Peng is looking for a dancer to star in his street dance movie, he asks all the best street dancers what actor is capable of doing the moves, and they all unanimously tell him: Wang Yibo. Da Peng winds up telling the press on Weibo Film night 2022 that he wrote the whole movie for Yibo, and that "if there's no Yibo, there's no movie"
— Cheng Er, director of Wuming, claims he has no idea who Yibo is, and just decided to cast him in a supporting role in his film because he looks the part of a Republic-era spy. And then he sees Yibo act, and he sees Yibo immerse himself in the part, and he sees how hard Yibo is willing to work and how committed he is, and he rewrites his entire movie until Wang Yibo is the main fucking character; Wang Yibo, in his first major film debut, acts his way into the lead and earns rave reviews from across the globe, including the goddamn new york times
Every time you think people will have finally figured out that you do not underestimate Wang Yibo, you learn of some new example where Yibo, once again, has had to prove himself in an industry that perpetually writes him off and doesn't take him seriously at first — only for the people around him to be absolutely blown away by his talent and dedication and mesmerizing star power.
And this happens over and over and over again. And he just does the work, always, every time, without complaint, and every time the result is something surprising and unexpected and fantastic and such a mark of his incredible passion and talent
— and every time I think my heart can't possibly grow any more sizes over Yibo, he proves me wrong
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 1 month
Link Click Dance Musical Masterlist 🔍🕺
(for tips on navigating weibo check my first LC Musical Masterlist)
#街舞音乐剧时光代理人# <- 'Time Agents Hip-hop Musical' main hashtag. However, the content bleeds to an abundance of other tags like the general LC tag or the other ongoing LC Musical tag, so don't be surprised ><'
街舞音乐剧时光代理人出品方 <- official weibo profile of Dance Musical's producer. Lots of behind the scenes and promo photos and clips (tho after a while of scrolling their acc, weibo will ask you to log in 😔).
#LinkClickHipHopMusical <- twitter tag (mostly run by Santa fans, but they seem to be doing a good job at reporting the event ❤)
街舞音乐剧时光代理人 <- 'Time Agents Hip-hop Musical' specific tag (the 'diamond tag', weibo just has these ok?)
🕺🎶Staff & Supporting cast
Liu Ai, musical director - I don't think she has a weibo acc ><, but you can see her appear in rehearsal videos and during press conferences (she's the lady with curly hair and glasses)
Bunta Kawasima - choreography director (he also plays Liu Min, so all his links are in 'Actors' section), CHIBIUNITY director
李沫萱FeiJi <- weibo of Li Moxuan, composer and music producer (she appears in a rehearsal video, one with a v short hair)
CHIBIUNITY <- an entire linktree of a Japanese dance group. Some of its members perform in LC Dance Musical as backup dancers. To be specific:
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link to a video of them all doing a promo photoshoot ^^
Formatting note: their personal weibo profile & actor specific hashtag (the 'diamond tag', you find the most stuff here) + since some of the cast members are Japanese and/or have a widespread idol background, they also have non-chinese social media accounts 🙏
Lu Guang
Zheng Yibin - @郑艺彬工作室 郑艺彬
2nd weibo (Zheng Yibin Studio): 郑艺彬工作室 Instagram: @zhengyibin_moonlight Youtube: ZhengYibin郑艺彬 Moonlight Global Fanbase Twitter: @ZhengYibinM
Cheng Xiaoshi
Uno Santa - @赞多SANTA Santa赞多
Instagram: @santazanduo311 Youtube: SANTA DANCE Twitter: @santa_zanduo TikTok: santadance_
Qiao Ling
Zhao Jialin - @赵佳琳嘻 couldn't find it ;w;
Wu Lihua (Emma)
Shen Ni - @申霓申大霓 申霓
Liu Min
Bunta Kawasima - @BUNTA-CHIBIUNITY bunta
Instagram: @bunta04 Twitter: @b_peterpan
Zhu Ye (Emma's boss)
Liang Xiaomo - @梁宵默 梁宵默
Liu Min & Cheng Xiaoshi Understudy
Wu Wenjun - @_吴汶骏 演员吴汶骏
As for the 'understudy', TIL what it means:
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🔍 Additional tags
Zero-Generation零纪演艺 <- I think it's an entertainment agency connected to the Dance Musical cast in some way (for verification)
街舞音乐剧时光代理人首演 <- 'Premiere of Time Agents hip-hop musical' tag probably relevant only today, but I'll leave it here if anyone wants to ever revisit it ^^
#赞多出演时光代理人程小时# <- 'Zando performing as time agent CXS', tag focused on Uno Santa playing as CXS (tag for Clauses I guess ^^' For those who don't know Zando is a popular idol)
I'll try to add missing tags later 💪 And if you find any mistakes or a broken links, please let me know 🙏
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
wang yibo - asian film awards weibo update
#王一博# was nominated for Best New Actor at the 17th Asian Film Awardsfor the movie " #无名# ". It tells the story of the CCP's underground organization in Shanghai, dealing with Chongqing, Wang Jingwei's government and Japanese spy agencies until the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Secretary Ye, played by Wang Yibo, wanders among the three forces, and his delicate acting skills show the tension of Mission: Impossible and the character's inner struggle.
✧ March 10th‧The 17th Asian Film Awards Ceremony✧ Hong Kong Xiqu Center‧Simultaneous live broadcast on multiple platforms✧ Stay tuned and pay attention to the latest news!
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mondstalgia · 16 days
Re the AiDi kissing/sniffling BTS scene: what do you mean by "they are ruining his career"? Who is "they" and why shouldn't I end their little lives?
Don't even get me started I am SO ANGRY. Okay so, Dian Dian took his girlfriend with him to their trip to Hainan where they held the NatLouis fanmeet (idk why and it isn't important why he did) anyway, they were sighted together at the airport and fans went rogue, going all "you betrayed us and Nat" (Nat was literally with them??) and "I spend so much money on you" ect ect all the crazy delulu shit. He then made a long post explaining how he wants to be authentic and not hide who he is and that he is also just a human being despite being famous (paraphrasing here). Overall it was a very mature, down to earth and honestly kinda poetic letter. A lot of Taiwanese and Chinese fans did not take it well. They labeled it as ignorant, as him rubbing his relationship into their faces..over all it was bad. His agency then made a separate post completely contradicting what he wrote in his letter (to 'save face' ig), basically stabbing him in the back by coming up with a lie of "she was just a friend and she was sick and he didn't want her to be alone so he invited her to come with them" which made no sense in the first place. It made things worse, fans ridiculed the situation even more, got even angrier. The agency ended up deleting their whole instagram. A week after Dian Dian made another post, this time a letter with a photo of him and his gf. It was really cute but also sad, he was announcing his relationship (along the lines of "of course she isn't just a friend, she is my girlfriend and I love her" so cutee) and basically he was asking people to stop the hate messages, especially toward her since she was not doing well mentally (hints of hurting herself) since the hate was so severe. Again it was written really mature, I was so proud of him. As to be expected, fans didn't take it well, claiming he was "blaming the fans" now even though he never did. Unfortunately both of his letters have been deleted and he was made to post a small paragraph of an apology. His company basically forced him to take back all his words and apologize to fans, it is horrible. Even now the haters think it was his idea to suddenly apologize and are still sending him hate, now thinking he's a hypocrite and that the apology seems insincere....it's all a mess and his agency has been nothing but unprofessional and unhelpful. So yeah "they" refers to the haters AND his agency. Chinese, Taiwanese and even Korean fans are being nothing but immature crazy people all over weibo and twitter, fansites have closed down, nearly 3K people unfollowed him and I don't even wanna know what everyone's saying online in detail.
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akookminsupporter · 1 month
Long story short:
There's been seemingly a coordinated smear campaign going on across weibo, Twitter, YouTube and other platforms. The focus right now is accusations of Bang Pd and Hybe being associated with the Dahn World cult.
People are saying GFriend and Le Sserafim were used to spread cult messages and they are trying to connect it to BTS through Cyber University (where many idols goes btw). Akgaes and antis are also going after individual members. Especially Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi.
This is one of the articles, written by one of the same Allkpop writers who dragged Jimin during FACE era: https://twitter.com/allkpop/status/1784464197868564781?t=sYUHfcXb-ceA_fJh1dchQA&s=19
BigHit came out with an announcement about hiring an external law firm to bring down whoever's behind this and spreading it. After this many of the original posters across Twitter started deleting their posts. But it's still everywhere.
Thank you for the summary of what's going on, Anon. Here's to you getting BTS concert tickets at a LOW price in 2025.
Okay, but I don't understand why this ended up with BTS being dragged into a mess that has nothing to do with them in the first place? This started with the lady from the coup, right? Why did BTS end up being the bad guys again? Why does BTS always end up being the villain of every K-pop story?
It makes sense that BigHit decided to hire an external legal team instead of using HYBE's or even their own agency's. Hopefully, they'll take action not only against people within Korea but also outside of it. It's about time BTS stopped being dragged into troubles that have nothing to do with them.
Also, people defending that lady just to attack BTS are truly pathetic.
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rainbowsky · 9 months
I heard about one of the supporting rôle characters acted in One and Only movie got caught in tax evasion scandal, I hope it doesn’t negatively affect the movie and especially DD
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Yes, Song Zu Er was reported for tax evasion. She played DD's love interest in One and Only.
There aren't a lot of details out about the situation, but here's what I've heard so far (unverified, mostly from media reports):
She was reported by a former employee (apparently there are serious consequences for false reports, so this type of allegation is more worrisome than, for example, the government finding irregularities they want her to explain)
Her official fan club issued a statement claiming the accusations are false, and that her and her studio are cooperating fully with the investigation
She was connected to three companies that shut down, and something about those dealings was suspect
There were potentially other financial transactions that were suspect
The types of things she is accused of are difficult to detect and would likely not have come to light if she hadn't been reported
Her former agency claims no ties with her since November 2022, and claims no knowledge of her financial affairs
Her family has been in charge of her finances since October 2020
Officials have announced that an investigation will be taking place
Posts about her have been removed from multiple endorsement brand, media and TV official Weibo accounts (this is typical in situations like this)
It's not yet known what sort of an impact this will have on her career or on the projects that she has taken part in. In situations like this, it's typical for projects to get held back at the very least. If she's found guilty then she could end up being removed from projects before they can be released. It could potentially be a big mess.
If this had come out prior to One and Only's release it would have been a much worse nightmare. Thankfully the film is already out there, so at least it has reached audiences and made back at least some of its budget.
I would be surprised if this scandal impacted the international release (in terms of the upcoming release in Cambodia and the Philippines on 6 Sept, for example), but it's possible it could. I think the more likely concern is that it might impact the release to streaming platforms once the theater run is over.
It's really impossible to say what will happen. Everything depends on how long the investigation takes, whether she's found guilty, and how deep any cuts to her projects end up being if she's found guilty.
We will just have to be patient and hope for the best.
Edit: more on this here.
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usafphantom2 · 5 months
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China warns 'military spotters' who may go to prison for posting photos online
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/21/2024 - 22:32 in Military
In the era of open source intelligence, one of the main ways for Western experts to maintain control over China's armed forces is through the analysis of photos of new People's Liberation Army equipment published online by enthusiasts and amateur photographers.
The publication of photos of military ships or aircraft captured outside the ELP facilities or of commercial flights near sensitive areas has become a common vision in recent years, as China quickly modernized its forces. And "military fans" spread the word to the general population on social networking sites such as Weibo, with hundreds of millions of active users.
But not anymore.
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The new Chinese aircraft carrier Fujian, with the model of a J-35 jet on the flight deck.
In a WeChat post in December titled: "This is a legal hobby, but you must be very careful," the Ministry of State Security of China said: "Some individual military enthusiasts seriously endanger national military security by illegally obtaining information about national defense and disclosing it on the Internet."
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"Focusing on military airports, ports, national defense and military industrial units, they drove or picked up ferries or planes that pass through designated routes and photographed clandestinely with telezoom lenses or drones," said the post of the highly secret civil espionage agency.
Repeat offenders can be arrested for up to seven years, although "primary or occasional offenders" can only receive a warning, according to the agency, which oversees intelligence and counter-espionage both in China and abroad.
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Commercial aircraft that took off from Pudong airport, flies over the Jiangnan shipyard.
The alert comes at a time when Chinese leaders are increasingly focusing on ensuring national security in a number of sectors, especially as tensions with the United States increase.
For example, the agency only launched its social media account at the beginning of this year - dedicated to warning citizens about the risks of exposing China's secrets to the outside world and calling on them to join their fight against espionage.
The case of the new aircraft carrier
According to the spy agency's post, the images posted online can show the progress of the construction of warships or aircraft, while revealing operational and technical details of Chinese military equipment. The post specifically mentioned the new aircraft carrier as an area where safety could be compromised.
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China's newest aircraft carrier, the Fujian, has been a frequent target of amateur observers while being prepared at a shipyard in Shanghai. The Jiangnan shipyard, where the works are being carried out, is close to the flight routes of Pudong International Airport, Shanghai.
In November 2023, the Paris-based defense news site Naval News reported that Fujian had begun testing its advanced electromagnetic catapult system, based on videos published on Weibo, apparently taken from a Pudong passenger plane.
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“Related images taken from passenger planes have become a common source to track the progress of several important programs (of the ELP Navy),” Naval News reported.
Fujian is certainly a remarkable program for the ELP Navy. The 80,000-ton warship, the largest military ship ever manufactured in China, is considered a rival of the newest U.S. Navy aircraft carriers of the Gerald R Ford class, one of the few other aircraft carriers to use electromagnetic catapults to launch aircraft.
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The photos of the alleged catapult test gave Western analysts an idea of how the ELP Navy is progressing in preparing the aircraft carrier for commissioning and active service.
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Image of the Fujian catapult tests.
And these images are not the first of Fujian to appear online.
In April 2023, the state broadcaster CCTV announced in a report that in November 2021, Mr. Luo, a "quite renowned" military enthusiast, was sentenced to one year in prison after his arrest by the Shanghai National Security Department for photographing the Fujian aircraft carrier.
Luo used a drone capable of shooting long-range and high-resolution photos, the report said.
Recently, new images on Chinese social networks began to appear with means of censorship.
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How the US deals with images
It is not only China that is suspicious of what amateur military observers can do to reveal confidential information.
U.S. law says that the President may designate certain military facilities and equipment as prohibited to image makers.
"It will be illegal to make any photograph, sketch, image, drawing, map or graphic representation of such vital military and naval facilities or equipment," unless due permission is obtained before, states the U.S. Code. Offenders can be arrested for up to one year in prison.
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Near the famous Area 51 in Nevada it is possible to see signs that do not authorize photos and the use of drones.
Of course, the military can sometimes use open source intelligence to their advantage, said Carl Schuster, former director of operations of the Joint Intelligence Center of the U.S. Pacific Command.
After photos of a supposed model of China's next-generation stealth fighter appeared online in September, Schuster told CNN that “given the location of the aircraft carrier and the likelihood of operations on the deck being photographed or filmed, the PLA [Navy] can see value in inciting speculation about Fujian's future air wing,” just to give opponents something to think about.
Source: CNN
Tags: ChinaPLAN - People's Liberation Army Navy / People's Liberation Army Navyaircraft carrierspotters
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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timotey · 19 days
Okay, take this with a grain of salt, I'm selling as I bought it on X, but this is apparently the 1st casting director of Fu Shan Hai and he went off on Cheng Yi's stans who slandered Huang Junjie on Weibo like whoa! He didn't mince his words at all, reminding them of how many times Cheng Yi's been treated unfairly int he past, how many times their actor faced the same treatment they're subjecting HJJ to right now. And he told them to stop harming other actors.
Also, HJJ's agency warned Cheng Yi's stans off, telling to stop or they would sue them for slander.
It seems that many people behind the scenes are really rooting for HJJ and want him in this drama. I honestly wonder who HJJ's backer is because this is highly unusual. There must be someone with really big balls behind the boy. I think it's going to come down to a power play now, who has the bigger clout...
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meraki-yao · 6 months
Taylor just arrived in Shanghai (as in he's landed and finished customs and stuff) and fans are asking him to sign stuff
I would have put the photos they took that I got from Weibo but they're not really flattering and I don't know why, as handsome as Taylor always is, his hair looks like he just ran through a hurricane 🤣🤣🤣 (also the photos have been passed around so much that we don't know who the op is)
Is this a thing in other places? We call it 接機 (airport pick-up, literally "catch"-"plane"), and it's really common to pick up and sort of meet celebrities at airports. It's really problematic and has caused accidents in the past, but it's not illegal and most fans still do it. (I personally condone it, and so do most celebrities and their agencies) There are RWRB fans who apparently waited at the airport for him since this morning (it's 19:40 here now)
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mobiused · 8 months
wait what did you get wrong?
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Eric / Yoon Doyeon really is the same man in the thread - I made a mistake, sorry. It was really hard to find correct information, and the only thing that pinned down Doyeon to any of the past (Yoon Doyeon is a common enough name so I assumed it was a mix up) was 1 picture I found on Weibo. We shouldn't be company stans and blindly trust businessmen that have pasts we don't know about and should never believe that people are good just because we want to believe they are.
But I just want to say that on the other hand...
it is still true that Yoon Doyeon has never been a CEO of a Kpop company. Alpha Entertainment was a Singaporean talent agency that opened up a Korean branch, and Yoon Doyeon was CEO of this company. That doesn't mean he was particularly involved with SKARF, nor that he was responsible for any of the horrible things that the management inflicted on SKARF members.
That doesn't mean he *isn't* responsible. I genuinely don't know the extent of his culpability.
But just to be clear, nothing in the articles shared in that thread implicated Doyeon, in any of the mistreatment/abuse. It only suggested that the managers and 'staff' were involved; this reminds me of how LOONA's managers were abusive, how Jaden Jeong was directly involved in some of the dieting decisions, and how Lee Jonghyun was *not* involved in any of their mistreatment and the members liked him very much, gave him a surprise bday party of their own volition, Vivi called him to say she loved him, and the members saw him as a father figure - the members only spoke positively about him in comparison to other staff they've shaded, and still loved a fair few of the BBC staff despite the rotten apples that made their careers hell.
Honestly I'm still confused about the CTD / Super8 fact, because both Hyunjin and Doyeon said this was Doyeon's first ever project where he lead the group, and he only started the company because Hyunjin asked him to and inspired him to try something new. I really don't know where or how Super8 comes into this. If anyone has more info on this beyond what Hyunjin has talked about (I haven't seen any solid info beyond a cursory look that seemed to be just twitter stans talking) I'd appreciate it.
You might be wondering why I'm bothering to defend Yoon Doyeon after the fact. It's simply because I think in order to respect the girls I think it's important to acknowledge the reality of how the company is treating them in the present. Like I said before, the staff have been helping Yeojin repair her relationship with food, encouraging Hyeju to eat freely, buying Hyunjin everything she needed in her apartment, very actively involved them in every step of the album, etc. The girls have explicitly expressed gratitude to the company and how truly happy they are in comparison, like Hyeju actually enjoying the US tour this time round unlike last time, and the company haven't been tooting their own horn either, like the old LOONA TVs that were very focused on image management.
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To not trust the girls and how positively they are speaking of the company is honestly just disrespectful to their experience to me. Like you can be cautious, understandably, but to discount what the girls are saying just because you have so little faith that things could be good for them... it just irks. That doesn't require us to, like, stan Doyeon himself of course though...
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eventuallyaugust · 1 year
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updated january 11 kst:
big hit has revealed a behind-the-scenes video and photos of txt’s hyunseol! check them out below:
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updated january 11 kst:
january 11, after big hit entertainment officially revealed their new group’s name, txt, as well as the first member, hyunseol, the agency opened the group’s official homepage. the page opens to the meaning of tomorrow x together — “you and i, different but together. we explore one dream.” — and shows a countdown to the next group member reveal.
the agency also dropped some additional information on hyunseol: at 19 years of age (international reckoning), she is the oldest of the group and is an incredible singer.
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original article:
are you ready for big hit entertainment’s new group?
it has now been officially confirmed that big hit’s new group will be named txt! the name stands for tomorrow x together, and according to the korean version of the name, it is pronounced as “tomorrow by together.”
the news was shared on january 11 at midnight kst, after an exciting countdown began the day before. The countdown website also included the text “you & me” and “you and i, different but together.”
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the agency has also introduced txt’s member hyunseol through a fun introduction film and photos! the ending of the video includes morse code for the word “future.”
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after it was announced last year that the agency is preparing for the debut of a new group, there’s been much excitement and speculation about what’s to come.
according to unconfirmed reports from november, multiple industry sources have said that the new group has six members, five boys and a girl, with an average age of 17. there’s a lot of attention centered on the group because they’ll be big hit’s first group since the global sensation bts, and it’s reported that they’ll have a different concept than bts.
you can now follow txt on twitter, instagram, facebook, youtube, weibo, and youku!
what do you think of this first look at txt?
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rsieqwrpivate1 · 23 days
BLACKPINK Members Profile: Jisoo
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Stage Name: Jisoo (지수)
Birth Name: Kim Jisoo (김지수)
English Name: Veronica Kim
Nicknames: Chi Choo, Jichu
Position: Lead Vocalist, Visual
Birthday: January 3, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Birthplace: Gunpo, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Height: 162 cm (5 ft 3¾ in)
Weight: 44 kg (97 lbs)
Blood Type: A
MBTI Type: ISTP (Her previous results were INTP, ESTP & INFJ)
Representative Animal: Bunny 🐰
Instagram: sooyaaa__
Weibo: sooyaaa__
Youtube: 행복지수 103%
Spotify: JISOO’s Playlist
be: 행복지수 103%
Spotify: JISOO’s Playlist
Jisoo Facts:
– She was born in Gunpo, a city in the province of Gyeonggi, South Korea.
– Jisoo has an older brother (named Kim Junghoon) and an older sister.
– She trained for 5 years (2011 July).
– Jisoo was the third member to be revealed.
– She can speak Korean, Japanese and basic Chinese.
– According to Jennie (V Live App), Jisoo doesn’t speak English (because she’s embarrassed to do it) but she can understand it very well.
– Jisoo is called “Man Heart’s Destroyer” and “Boy Crush”.
– Jisoo’s Chinese zodiac sign is Dog.
– Jisoo can play the drums and the piano.
– She has a 4D personality.
– Her shoe size is 235mm.
-Her fans often call her the unofficial sub rapper of BLACKPINK, after her rap in Pretty Savage(2020).
– According to Jennie, Jisoo is the mood maker of the group.
– Her ‘My Sweet Home’ Merch character is a bunny, named SOOYA.
– Jisoo has a dog named Dalgom.
– Her favorite number is 4.
– Jisoo loves the color purple.
– Jisoo really likes Pikachu (she has a lot of Pikachu merchandise).
– Jisoo is a white belt in taekwondo.
– Regarding food, she can eat almost everything (except organs), but she especially likes rice.
– She is close friends with Twice’s Nayeon (since trainee days) and with Red Velvet’s Seulgi.
– Jisoo was an Inkigayo MC (starting from Feb 5 2017 to Feb 3 2018).
– She had a cameo appearance on KBS’s ‘The Producers’.
– She acted in HISUHYUN’s ‘I’m Different’ MV, EPIK HIGH – ‘스포일러(Spoiler) + 헤픈엔딩(Happen Ending)’ MV.
– She appeared in different CFs such as Samsonite Red CF with Lee Minho (2015), Nikon 1 J5 CF (2015), Smart Uniform CF with iKON (2015, 2016), Angel Stone CF (2015),  LG Stylus2 CF (2016).
– Jisoo ranked 78th on TC Candler “The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2019”.
– Jisoo ranked 26th on TC Candler’s “The 100 Most Beautiful Faces of 2021”.
– Jisoo, Rose, and Lisa all prefer cute guys over sexy ones. (Blackpink Live Radio Interview)
– Jisoo said if she was a guy, she would date Rose because she would sing her songs. (AIIYL v-live)
– Jisoo had a cameo appearance in Arthdal Chronicles.
– In August 2020, she was confirmed as a leading actress for drama  Snowdrop.
– Jisoo debuted as a soloist on March 31st, 2023 with single album “ME”.
– On August 3, 2023, it was reported that she’s dating actor, Ahn Bohyun, both of their agencies confirmed the relationship.
– On October 24, 2023, it was revealed that the couple has since broken up due to their busy schedules.
– Jisoo’s ideal type: Someone who is really into her or who smiles pretty.
Show more fun facts about Jisoo…
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bentosandbox · 1 year
1 to 7 👀
take a guess before opening this (it's kind of long)
so actually when I rb'd the post I was thinking about Hoshichen tehe was it obvious (I don't actually hate it... I like it even..but I'm very particular about their dynamic) but I kind of have 3 other ships I basically feel same-y about
Their standard(??)/popular depictions basically have 'Webtoon CEO with yaoi hands harassing/forcing themselves on naive powerless guy' kind of vibes to me (This applies to a lot of Lapptex too I think) basically if you turn the 'bottom' into a kyaa noo stop type of girl with no agency...goodbye forever
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
See top but I guess more specifically Specrene: specter is treating her like a actual pet bird to torment/tease than a fellow humanoid(?) until the end of her op rec where she finally kind of acknowledges irene as a fellow 'human' like whaa
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Hoshichen but they're also like more than that to me im just going to quote my friend here and hope it suffices
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uhh like. they know that they'll never get the other's full background and theyre (may be begrudgingly) fine with that (as opposed to chenswire thats like mutually 'i already know everything about you why are you still pretending otherwise' in all actions but speech)
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
man idk honestly lol... but i also rarely unfollow people over this kind of stuff usually I just mute words or just go hm interesting i guess (scroll past)
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
see top I think they're all popular/the 'default' ship (except for specrene)
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
see top (and below...) chen sir is cringefail but not like a hollywood damsel please....
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
I wouldn't say hate but I used to be really ehhh on
1) Mos/Fia because (see top) but I love fail mostima and cringe fia I'm glad GA showed how pathetic the two of them can be
2) I kept seeing Lin/Swire with (see top) dynamic and i was like goddamn you guys did it to hoshichen and now them too COME ON.. JUST BECAUSE SWIRE APOLOGISED ONCE EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS BACK TO BEING QUEEN BITCH RIGHT AFTER uhh anyway. there was this weibo post I saw when Lin was announced that like awoke something in me it was kind of like a drabble or something...? basically something like 'lungmen quad is so nice because you have 2 police(chen & swire) and 2 underworld people(lin & hoshi <ex tho) so the dynamics is like wowww!! honestly it was kinda hard to read lol but it was basically like canon compliant imagining about after swires kidnapping when they were kids, they fractured fr fr because chen was like im going to 1000% train while lin feels awkward since swire got kidnapped by underworld guys or sth and her family and therefore she herself is part of the problem and it ended with the both of them butting heads while thinking "why wasnt it me that saved her back then?" (cause it was hoshi right lol) and i just went like MANNNNN. it's like the core of my wuxia/gufeng AU that's collecting dust in my folder sorry if that made no sense
3) hoshichen but see below first and then come back; JP fan interpretations just hit different man the biggest reason why i still eat this ship sometimes
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
see top but especially for HoshiChen because i don't really care for the other 3 ships lol. people depicting Hoshigummy like average yaoi mafia boss that forces themselves on the MC without an ounce of respect for either party when shes like actually perfect(to me...)
omake/bonus chart i made a while back before WWB dropped
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hope nobody gets mad over my opinions though lol enjoy whatever you like even if its ooc!!! peace and love on planet terra
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accio-victuuri · 1 month
wang yibo - xinhua news agency weibo update
On the occasion of the May 4th Youth Day, @UNIQ-王一博wishes all young friends a happy holiday! I invite you to talk about the most unforgettable melody of youth and the stories it has accompanied you through.
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coochiequeens · 1 month
If someone wants a baby so badly they are willing to commit fraudulent acts that could follow the kid for life, they shouldn't have a kid in the first place.
HONG KONG (Reuters) - China's National Health Commission said it was investigating a hospital in the southwest megacity of Chongqing for its alleged involvement in surrogacy, which is illegal in China, after wide circulation of the issue on social media.
The incident comes after a series of official investigations last year related to the issuance of fake birth certificates at a time when China is trying to boost its birth rate.
Chongqing Angel Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital has been cooperating with illegal surrogacy agencies, a post on Chinese social media platform Weibo said on Sunday.
Surrogate mothers would use forged ID cards to give birth in the hospital and forged birth certificates would be made after the babies were born, according to the post, made by a user called Shangguan Zhengyi, who describes himself as a volunteer fighting child trafficking.
A team had been set up to investigate and verify the situation, the local Chongqing health committee said in a statement on its website on Sunday in response to the post.
"Once verified, it (the hospital) will be dealt with seriously in accordance with laws and regulations."
Chongqing Angel Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital did not immediately respond to a faxed request for comment.
The Weibo post on the hospital was one of the top trending items on Monday, drawing hundreds of comments.
"This industry always seems to have existed," said one comment by a user called Wensheng. Another user called XJ said: "This is an industrial chain, not something that can be accomplished by one person."
China said last year it would "severely crack down" on illegal activities related to the use of assisted reproductive technologies such as the buying or selling of sperm or eggs and surrogacy.
It suspended a hospital and judicial institute in Wuhan in November after they were accused of surrogacy and issuing fake paternity results.
Birth certificates are required in China for obtaining household registration and are necessary for vaccinations, medical insurance enrolment and application for a social security card.
(Reporting by Farah Master and the Beijing newsroom; editing by Lincoln Feast.)
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