#wechat ads
digitalcrewau · 2 months
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hyunrun · 4 months
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mccek · 1 year
tu mi sembri quello giusto perciò ti chiedo se ti farebbe piacere al sabato fare una sorta di podcast con domande chiaramente virtualmente ai blogger emergenti?
Non so se mi hai compreso oppure non so se hai qualche idea tu non è per sfruttarti e far pubblicità agli altri ma perché so che sei l’unico che mi risponderà ho provato a chiedere a due blog simili a te ma non mi cagano
Così tanto per dire, pensa uno come me a dirigere un podcast come quello di Fedex, non crederebbe ai suoi occhi delle cifre a otto zeri che potrei fargli fare.
Detto ciò, ti rispondo subito.
Mi hai un po’ stordito con questa tua idea ma a tutto c’è una risposta, almeno così dicono.
Fare un podcast vero e proprio sarebbe molto interessante, portando un po’ di blogger emergenti e non, però ghe voe i schei tosi, in ogni modo ci penserò su, perché potrei inventarmi qualcosa, magari anche di pessimo.
Rispedendoti un po’ frettolosamente penso che sarebbe più plausibile prendere dei blog suggeriti da voi, poi chiaramente ne sceglierò uno a settimana, e magari “condividerò” la cosa che più mi “attrae” del suo blog, spiegandone il motivo.
Oppure cosa che mi piacerebbe ancor di più è che questo blogger mi raccontasse la sua storia, no?
Pubblicità o meno non è importante, ne io ne loro facciamo soldi con tumblr perciò non c’è alcuna competizione.
Vediamo dai.
Magari non inizio proprio dalla prossima ma tengo a mente e prendo spunto da questa tua idea.
#AdOgniBlogIlSuoPerchè 🤔
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liu-anhuaming · 2 years
wait so my old language partner who i thought ghosted me back in april just messaged me on linkedin saying her wechat account got stolen and she tried to email me on my old university email in march, but i haven’t checked that email since last fall, which means i obviously didn’t see her email, so it turns out she didn’t actually ghost me lmfaoooo
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winwintea · 1 month
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PAIRING ▸ rich international student!zhong chenle x fem!reader (ft. yan an from pentagon, the8 from svt, yuqi from (g)i-dle, ningning from aespa, ricky from zb1)
GENRES ▸ social media au (smau), fluff, angst, drama, college au, rich kid au, explicit(?)
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, alcohol/drug consumption, portrayals of addiction, sexual jokes, sexual content, (nothing explicitly written out) toxic relationships, stalking, haechan slander 💔
SUMMARY ▸ zhong chenle is the owner of many cards. a black card? he owns that. he even has a stanford student id card. the one card he doesn’t own though? a green card. and if chenle plays his cards right, he just may be able to secure one by wooing you. or it could all fall through… who knows?
UPDATE SCHEDULE ▸ every other day (technically have been updating daily, don’t expect that to always happen though 😭)
PLAYLIST ▸ here!
TAG LIST ▸ at the bottom (send me an ask or request here if you’d like to be added! + those tagged will be in the tag list of all chapters of this series!)
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ this is the first smau i have ever written… so i hope i do chenle justice 🙏 this is heavily inspired by those “you have big eyes small face what’s your wechat” international student memes. + for those who aren’t familiar with the term “green card” refers to a permanent resident card in the us. you need to have a good reason to apply for one, and marrying a us citizen is one way to get one.
01. the plan
02. ran into the new love of my life
03. love rectangle?
04. refund date
05. inspector yuqi
06. brownie points
07. the world of the elite and broke, i guess.
08. apologies and conflicts
09. cheer up cookies <3
10. 1 plan(?) 3 idiots
11. the truth at last
12. the secret to smooth skin
13. she likes them vulnerable?
14. down bad plan
15. chorse
16. cursed alcohol
17. you look like an eminem
18. ignorance is (not) bliss
19. pinky promise
20. crush = psychosis?
21. all aboard the chen/n train!
22. the stage in between
23. the friendship rights have been revoked
24. i hope you pasta away
25. chatgpt has spoken
26. where’s haechan?
27. 168
28. burnt cookies
29. creme de la meow meow
30. what the dogs doin?
31. assigned seats
32. busted!
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gzteacher · 11 months
I'm still here.
I work for a school directly now and we've finished a school year.
This was me at one point trying to find an apartment in China:
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I was legit considering living in a hotel because of this. I posted on WeChat explaining the situation and the secondhand embarrassment my local acquaintances experienced moved two in particular to step in and help me find a place to stay.
I didn't want to talk to the school's HR because she was hounding me about why I didnt have a Chinese girlfriend. She asked with her whole chest during the interview if I was changing jobs because of a woman.
Even as a fluent Chinese speaker, going to those housing agencies and watching them call up landlords and explain to them that a foreigner wants to rent, only to overhear the landlord asking "white? or black?" was never not embarrassing.
Everyone was all "dial 123456 and report them!" Tried that. I was all automated prompts which then lead to an app I had to download but then couldn't use because I didn't have a Chinese ID. No surprise, honestly, but was worth the shot I guess? (A lot of institutions are designed on purpose to be exhausting. You can know this in a place like China because they'll tell you straight up: If you wanna complain about is, dial this number. Good luck lol)
It was only luck that the person who reached out to help me was the random gym trainer who added my WeChat after searching for a place to workout literally 2 days prior.
Fast forward to now. School's out. Typical shenanigans: students making accidentally racist microaggressions. One kid commented that "it doesn't look right having a teacher who should be a rapper or basketball player; I don't think you're professional and can't take you seriously." And after the whole apartment malarkey, I could only give him a look, shrug my shoulders, chuckle at his inbred ignorance and keep teaching. Too tired to give the you-probably-haven't-learned-this-about-yourself-yet-but-you're-racist talk. It's 2020something, I'm saving my energy.
I'm just here to save up to leave. That's all. I now have friends in a different country and I'm working to collaberate with their career endeavors more intensively.
I'll be out of here soon enough. Just need to get a few things in order.
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cleolinda · 11 months
Under Musk's tumultuous tenure since he bought Twitter in October, the company has changed its business name to X Corp, reflecting the billionaire's vision to create a "super app" like China's WeChat.
In a post on the site at 12:06 a.m. ET (0406 GMT), the social media platform's billionaire owner added: "If a good enough X logo is posted tonight, we'll make (it) go live worldwide tomorrow."
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
CPN : ZZ’s mysterious driver & Web’s “selfie”
So I thought about whether i should talk about this or just leave it be. Cause i did mention the mystery driver in the August CPN post but I kept it vague and left minimum information. Because at the time, it sounded so galaxy brained and that it’s something that will never be what we want to be. And that’s fine. There are a lot of cpns/speculations/interpretations that are barely plausible and even us, we know it’s not possible, hence the term “clowning”.
this is one tho is making all of us go 👀.
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( isn’t he the most gorgeous man ever? i don’t blame wyb for wanting to fetch him or visit. )
If you’ve been in this fandom long enough, you’ll know that sometimes the most nonsensical clues will become key points in the future. or those impossible cpns will (sometimes) sooner or later become more true.
This incident is a great example of that…..
For ZZ’s LOCH filming, there are proxy shooters who wait outside the site and film when ZZ arrives and leaves. Their clue is the car he uses but i don’t think he was ever photographed coming in or out like what happened with SBMS. That time, you can physically see him leaving/arriving to the hotel back entrance. There are photos and videos.
So 8/13, the same thing happens and cpfs noticed that the driver looked peculiar. It’s not his face per se, but what’s on it (p2).
We were clowning that it’s WYB with his helmet but it doesn’t look like his usual one. It’s too covered up.
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At the time it was full on clowning. Would he really do this? Were other drivers photographed before and what did they look like? Is this the first time this mystery driver popped up? I haven’t seen the answer to that so that’s why i’m questioning it too. Maybe XZ does not want any part of the team to be recognizable.
A piece of the puzzle is added tho because of the Selfie WYB shared. As displayed above, we are putting it side by side. So is this him confirming our clowning? What are the chances that we were speculating about him wearing a different kind of helmet ( as the driver ) then he pops up with this selfie in particular.
Is this another coincidence? 🤡🤡🤡🤡
It’s also giving this vibe. His photo when he celebrated ZZ’s birthday and drove to where he was. Did he take this photo for the same purpose?
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There is also a cpn going around based on XZ’s workday, it ended 20:20 and then WYB posted 20:39 so did he post it for XZ to see after work?
CPFs also noticed it’s taken from wechat camera. So meaning he sent it to someone else and yet again, we got leftovers. You could actually argue that “selfies” or things he shares on his weibo now are “leftovers”. I actually like that. He did not take a selfie or film a video with the intention of “posting for fans”. He probably shared it to xz or his circle of friends and decided why not share it on his weibo + fans.
Bonus is in today’s episode of SBMS there is this scene. Shengyang was looking through drawings of what looks like a moto goggles (?). LOL. The universe is really joining in on the clowning. Does WYB know this scene will come up the next day? Hmmmmmm…
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It’s one of those things that is the reason why so many people are drawn to this pairing and fandom in general. Candies like this are why more and more people, even to this day, are becoming cpfs. We don’t even have to make “brainwashing” packages. You can’t even make these up. It just happens.
Disclaimer: I know the implications and dilemma of taking candies from these proxy shooters who make their lives hard. Tho the entrance of the shooting site is a public space and they know LOCH crew is in there, it’s still not an excuse to camp out. If you think about it, these paparazzi are the reason why the mystery driver have to dress like that instead of a normal person. So yeah. I understand if people don’t wanna eat this candy because of that or feel 50/50 about all of this.
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cockroachparty · 3 months
Chinese VS Taiwanese Warrior Cats Editions
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Though written in the same language, the Chinese and Taiwanese Warrior Cats editions are like night and day!
I picked up the Taiwanese The Last Hope edition (right) on Abebooks last year. I just received my Chinese copy of Forest of Secrets (left) today, and I was surprised to find out that these books were produced (as far as I'm aware) in different countries!
The way the allegiances are laid out, the way the pages are bordered, and even the illustrations within the books are all different!
Personally, I think the Taiwanese cover is so, so much better. It's more inspired and overall way prettier to look at. The Chinese cover looks like our English covers but somehow... worse. The Forest of Secrets cover isn't too horrible, but the Into the Wild cover is um... nightmare fuel, to say the least? Look it up if you want, but Firepaws face in that cover looks all but curious and ready to adventure out into the great unknown
From here on out, just so there is no confusion, Chinese version will remain on the (left) side, and Taiwanese version will remain on the (right) side.
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I love that the Taiwanese version has a different type of art on the back! So much more creative and fun to look at compared to the bare Chinese version, which is just the front covers art with a green filter slapped on it
*For those wondering, the QR code on the Chinese edition takes you to the Chinese WeChat website... for whatever reason.
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The Chinese version looks quite bare compared to the Taiwanese version so far. Just adding the border makes it look all the more finished!
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This is just a random page from each of the books. I prefer the Taiwanese borders artwork much more compared to the Chinese one. Really not digging the realistic style they went for.
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And, of course, best of all, the illustrations that come up every now and then within the books! I like both versions, but i do prefer the Taiwanese one a bit more because of the sharper and cleaner lines.
The scene on the left is depicting Cloudkits apprentice ceremony, and the scene on the right is Brokenstar attacking Beetlewhisker for trying to leave the Dark Forest.
Overall, I'm happy with both purchases! Though i was heavily criticizing the Chinese edition, I'm still very happy I got it! It's a very nice edition to my ever growing Warriors collection.
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jamneuromain · 27 days
Never thought this would happen to me even if I have endured the last two months' effort of trying to find a job
-which, an offer is *was* on its way, or so I thought
On March 17th, I applied for a English teaching position that requires "Master Degree" in English. The HR personnel of the Uni (Like, an actual Uni, instead of some crappy, illegal educational workshop) reached out to me in two weeks, on Apr. 1st, saying that I'm qualified for this position and invited me to the online interview a week later.
This is an esteemed university in the local province, one that can rank top 3 based on its reputation.
On Apr 7th. I presented thirty minutes of my curriculum design and delivers a small demonstration of how I would teach the class, after that, the panel of six raised a copious amount of questions that dragged the interview towards an hour.
By then, I thought this was going very well.
(Apr. 9th) At the end of that week, I asked for the result of this interview. The HR said they have one more interviewee to do.
(Apr. 12th) Finally, HR shared the delightful news that I have passed their one and only interview, that they have started the process to issue an offer.
(Apr. 19th) And then another week, I asked whether they had news on the offer, and the HR said "I'll go ask". And not another word.
(Apr. 23rd) The uni had announced a few of its positions being filled. So I asked again. This time, HR said, they had filed the papers and handed them to the School, which means that the next step would be the uni HR office.
(May 10th) No word. No news at all. The anxiety was killing me. So I phoned the University HR office, and was given the reply that the papers still hadn't got to the University level, which meant they were still in the School level.
I phoned the number of the hiring officer on the hiring ad. A woman picked up the phone and told me: We are holding another OFFLINE interview. Are you available on the 17th?
I was puzzled and asked: But I thought the online interview was the only interview needed? And I passed it? Why is there another interview now?
The woman said nothing. Only that "Someone will contact you regarding this information"
I'm like: Okay. Can you send me the address of the offline interview via Wechat?
And then a few minutes later, she said "Maybe not 17th. Definitely a Friday. Could be 24th."
I was so puzzled.
And the HR that initially contacted me told me an hour later: "Can you come to our uni for the interview on 31st?"
-- by then, my attitude is "okay. just another interview. no biggie"
(May 11th) And today, at nine o'clock in the morning.
The HR said: "Don't come on 31st."
I asked "why?"
HR: "Because our dean wants a doctor instead of a master"
I asked: "But your hiring add says master and above?"
HR: "Yes ... but we want a doctor, you see. And uh... there's a new doctor candidate cv in our hands."
I asked: "but I AM QUALIFIED. AND passed the interview. And you handed in the papers to hire me? I'm literally given an oral offer by you?"
HR: "Well ... things change. Good luck!"
Now, I have contacted the HR personally earlier today, ensuring what I have suspected. They have this "other candidate" that is neither stronger in academic records, nor in the interview/mock teaching process, only better than me in the sense of a more powerful relative. That's why they wanted me to go to the Uni for OFFLINE interview in the first place, so that "the other candidate" could win "fair and square". - They could easily give the other candidate the score of 90% while giving me a 60% "Well, your performace is not as good as his", so that they could justify the hiring process of this other candidate. But then considering an offline interview would require a camera and recording, they thought "Oh F- oh no Jam could easily outperform this poor bastard". So, "THINGS CHANGE GOOD LUCK"
The point of this rant is not that I think schools, unis, or whatevs should only hire me. No. But all I'm saying is, they have promised me an offer (in oral form, I sadly add, so that no legal way of punishing them), and in the duration of a month, they have stalled, dragged, even thought of a malicious way of "allowing me to go to their university just that they could say no to my face", changing dates and time, wasting my time and money (a lot of it, I might add, I have turned down two offers for this uni, just because they PROMISED - i am an idiot, I know), torturing my mind and triggering my anxiety because they delayed, and delayed again, and they did it without remorse.
Look, after two months of trying to search for a job, actually, nearly NINE, if you count the previous months where I worked towards the exams to get a job. I have been rejected/ghosted/ignored over four hundred times, and I accept them. I truly do. I don't expect HRs to spend their time carefully going over each applicant. I also don't expect every CV I send out there would be replied with a job offer. I'm fine with the results I get, and I have my conscience intact. That's fine by me.
But what I don't tolerate, is the fact that they have purposefully wasted my time for a whole fucking month, giving me false hope, promising me an offer and then denied it from happening.
Goody-news for them, those who wanted to stuff another dude by their ridiculous "connections". I don't care that guy they want to replace me with is some dean's nephew or some director's son. I'm fucking stubborn. They have stepped over the wrong line and as long as I live and breathe, I promise them, I will have my eyes over this position, and dare they put one person in it, I will send a report letter to the authorities, and let's see if their recruiting speed could compare to my ctrl+v.
This is a game they have started, but they don't get to decide whether it's finished or not. I don't care whether they want to continue. They are fucking playing.
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jowi8597 · 3 months
A summary of Hengdian rumour and bjyx responsibility
Let's make a quick summary of the recent events. On 18/02/2024 one of the bxgs spread the rumour about Yibo's location based on Douyin app's bug and this made a basis to link Yibo's name to a very horrible and dangerous rumours about AI/DS infection. On 20/02/2024 Yuehua made a statement that they filed a report to police about this slander.
Where does this rumor come from and how can it be connected to Yibo?
Here is the chronology:
1. The base of the rumour is this Weibo post from 15/01/2024 (male celeb, born 1995, partners in Hengdian):
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2. The original rumour was spread on 31/01/2024 (celeb infected H/I/V):
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3. Rumour spreading - 6/02/2024, infected celeb treated in Beijing
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4. Rumour spreading - 13/02/2024
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5. Rumour spreading - 16/02/2024 (wife added)
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/"takeout" - sleeping around/
6. Meanwhile a few celebrities were linked to the rumour, mainly it was actors: Xu Kai (born 1995, for many years filmed in HD) and Wu Jing (filmed in HD, wife; antis even used his old photos from the hospital).
7. Antis tried to link Wang Yibo to the rumour (the reason given - YH's stocks falling) but they couldn't find any connection because Yibo wasn't in Hengdian for years. Later it was found that these "worried shareholders" were all Xiao Zhan's fans in disguise.
8. On 17/02 producer Zhang Huijia posted about the rumour and added some points: two words, surname started x
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9. On 18/02/2024 (morning) bjyx shippers spread the rumour that Yibo was in Hengdian (because of the Douyin app's bug that showed the several kilometers distance on Yibo's post; this kind of tracking other accounts' location is impossible on Douyin).
Wang Yibo's Official Fanclub refuted the location rumour quickly.
Weibo changed the hot search from "Wang Yibo refuted" to "Wang Yibo’s fans refuted". (manipulation of the importance of the statement).
10. Despite the obvious fact that the information about Yibo's location was a baseless rumor, the antis took advantage of the situation and started to connect him to the Hengdian rumor.
Only a few hours later on 18/02 the account Deerdearlove started to spread rumors that the infected celeb is Yibo.
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The rumours were spread by antis and Xiao Zhan's fans on different apps, mostly on WeChat and Douyin. Antis used the photos of the supervision team from the hospital of Fuyang City to mislead people.
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11. On 18/02 (evening) producer Zhang Huijia spread the rumour that the infected celeb is Xiao Zhan (look at the receipt in pos. 8) and the attacks on Wang Yibo intensified.
Xiao Zhan's fans spread rumors on Weibo.
12. 20/02/2024 Yuehua posted a statement that they filed the report on police about the rumour and slander.
Actor Xu Kai also filed the police report.
Conclusions: bjyx responsibility
Analyzing the above chronology, we can easily come to the conclusion that bjyx's responsibility for linking Hengdian rumor to Yibo is obvious.
According to the above chronology we know that until 18/02 Yibo's name was not associated with this rumor due to his lack of connections with Hengdian at that time. By publishing a baseless rumor about Yibo's location, bjyx directly influenced antis' movement and thus directly contributed to actions that harmed Yibo and could damage his reputation.
If it weren't for the quick action of the Offical Yibo fanclub (remember - the only fanclub authorized by YH to deny rumors), the damage could have been even greater. Interestingly, bjyx constantly try to undermine the credibility of this fanclub, which may contribute to the creation of doubts even about the Hengdian rumor itself.
Surprisingly, bjyx completely ignore or even deny their responsibility and blame only the antis and Xiao Zhan's fans who spread it. But the question is: would it be possible without bjyx participation?
The cause and effect relation between the rumour about Yibo's location and linking the Hengdian rumor to him is obvious and should not be subject to any discussion. If bjyx were honest and moral people, they would admit their mistake and apologize to the person who was harmed (Yibo) and I really expected them to do that.
Yet neither of them seem to have the moral courage or decency to admit that their action had truly serious consequences. If they really don't see anything wrong with their behavior, it only reflects poorly on them as people who don't care about Yibo and his good name, and the only thing that matters is the candy chasing and their own pleasures (and honestly, that's what I think).
There is also a second possibility. Some suggest that the "location rumour" was staged just to link Yibo to the Hengdian rumor. Looking at the density of the HD rumor in the time leading up to the bjyx rumor, one might wonder if there isn't some truth to it. Especially since bjyx does not admit to the mistake, which only introduces more questions about the suspicious purpose of their actions.
I leave the final conclusions to you.
Ps. Due to the limited space of the post, I couldn't publish all receipts. Feel free to dm me if you need more proof.
While writing this article I tried to be consistent with the facts. But if you see any mistakes, please dm me.
Thank you!
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rainbowsky · 10 months
Hi , hope you are doing great these days
I have a little question. What is the meaning of bjyx reaching 4 million. How can you measure that?? That means c turtles 4 million??
This is in reference to a previous post.
Hi Anon, I'm well, hope you are too! 😊
Yes, the BJYX supertopic reached 4 million members recently, which is a big milestone.
While it's a big milestone, we need to keep it in perspective. That supertopic by no means represents the full picture of turtles in China. Not every turtle is going to be on Weibo, and not every turtle who is on Weibo will be following the supertopic.
A supertopic is a lot like a Facebook group or a subreddit or something like that - maybe more like a cross between those things - and not all fans are into that kind of social setting.
A lot of fans hang out in other areas of the internet, such as Douyin (Chinese TikTok) or Bilibili (Chinese YouTube, sort of), in private WeChat groups or other apps or online spaces. There are probably some that don't really spend a lot of time in online communities, as there are turtle groups in China that like to meet face to face.
It's really impossible to know how many turtles there really are in China, but probably more than are in the supertopic.
As for how BJYX supertopic membership is measured, it's right there on the front page of the supertopic for everyone to see. Looking at that page, as of this ask response you can see that there have been another 22 thousand new turtles added since the supertopic passed 4 million a couple days ago.
A related post about the Chinese fandom can be found here.
You might also find my masterlist post helpful.
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argumate · 1 year
Censors also targeted essays about the pivotal early 20th century political figure Yuan Shikai. March 10 marked the 111th anniversary of Yuan Shikai’s election as the president of the Republic of China, an election Beijing-based historian Zhang Lifan called “a serious drama worthy of the name; [this year’s election] is a farce.” Geremie Barmé, who translated Zhang’s commentary, added that Yuan’s own rule quickly devolved. Netizens have been drawing comparisons between Yuan Shikai and Xi Jinping since at least 2018. The comparison has given birth to the pun “the second-coming of Yuan Shikai” (二次袁 èrcìyuán) which is a homophone for “Anime, Comics, and Games” (二次元 èrcìyuán). WeChat articles intimating a comparison between Xi and Yuan are tightly censored. Even a “this day in history” article on Yuan’s 1912 election that made no overt or implicit reference to the current era was censored after it was published to WeChat. Despite such tight controls, some Yuan Shikai comparisons flew under censors’ radar. In the aftermath of Xi’s unanimous election, netizens began sharing a 2018 essay from Shanxi Television’s WeChat account on Yuan Shikai’s fondness for Tianjin’s famed Goubili “A Dog Wouldn’t Touch ‘Em” steamed buns. “Steamed Bun Xi” is perhaps the longest enduring of Xi’s many censored nicknames. 
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aworldforastage · 1 year
great beauties of danmei
In most danmei novels, at least one partner from the main couple is one of the greatest beauties, or good-looking enough to be an actor or celebrity. I thought it would be fun to write about a few great beauties whose reputation for beauty have really left an impression on me.
(All artwork in this post are from the audiodramas.)
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from historical danmei: Shen Zechuan from Qiang Jin Jiu
古风大美人:沈泽川 《将进酒》
李建恒魂不守舍地念着:“你可没跟我说过,他长这个模样……” Li Jianheng mutters as if entranced, "You never told me, that he looks like this ..."
No one left an impression on me quite like Shen Zechuan, who has a smile worth more than thousand teals of gold, according to his boyfriend. Everyone who has ever met him can't help but praise his appearance, from seasoned playboy Li Jianheng to serious general Qi Zhuyin; even semi-reluctant future father-in-law Xiao Fangxu has to agree that he is stunning.
Shen Zechuan gets his looks from his late mother, who is also famed for her beauty. Even decades after her death, people remember her and can recognize her son based on the similarity. Their resemblance draws out old acquaintances to unveil her backstory, which becomes an important clue to the current plight facing our heroes. Literally advancing the plot with his beauty has seared Lanzhou's reputation into my mind.
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from fantasy danmei: Pheonix aka Chu He from Lantern: Reflection of the Peach Blossoms
玄幻大美人:凤凰 aka 楚河 《提灯映桃花》
“你不录吗?”李湖一边咳血一边道,“你哥的法相被称作天道十大美景之一,很难得呢。”说着艰难的打开微信开始发朋友圈。 "Aren't you recording?" Li Hu says while coughing up blood. "Your brother's canonical form is known as one of the Ten Most Beautiful Sights in Heaven, it's a very rare treat." With great difficulty, she opens WeChat while she talks, and starts posting to her shared Moments.
Pheonix's admirers range from a Wisdom King in Heaven to the Demon Venerable in Hell. He is so beautiful that there is an entire affair every time he shows his true form in the human world, and he doesn't hesitate to use it to his advantage. One time he shows up in his true form to rile up an entire bar so he can slip a drugged drink to his (ex?) husband. Another time he shows his true form to humans hoping to win a bet, but the human is too stunned by his beauty and fainted.
Even his friends and coworkers rush to get photos of him. In one of those instances he is a literal baby phoenix, which is a incredible sight in of itself as well.
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from modern danmei: Yan Mingxiu from Professional Body Double
现代大美人:晏明修 《职业替身》
陈英看周翔和蔡威都在看对面的广告,她也看了看,然后赞叹道:“怎么一个男孩子能长得这么好看呢,太好看了。” Chen Ying sees that Zhou Xiang and Cai Wei are both looking at the ad across from them. She also takes a look, and exclaims, "How can a boy be this good-looking, far too beautiful."
Even after years of working alongside beautiful celebrities, Zhou Xiang is immediately drawn to Yan Mingxiu's good looks during their first meeting. Anytime anyone comments on his appearance, it's definitely an amazed compliment. In-universe, Yan Mingxiu becomes a famous actor who isn't very expressive or good at (or even enjoy) acting, which has led the fandom to conclude that he must have earned his fame by coasting on his extremely good looks.
The author herself has crowned Yan Mingxiu as the best-looking out of her 188 Club. If he can beat out Chinese-German mixed-race superstar pop singer Song Juhan (from Years of Intoxication), then his face must be something truly special.
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bonus: most contested couple in danmei : Chu Mingyun vs Su Shiyu from Jun You Ji Fou
各有千秋:楚明允 vs 苏世誉 《君有疾否》
“楚爱卿虽也漂亮,但眉眼太妖冶艳丽,不是朕喜欢的那种。” “Chu-aiqing is also beautiful, but his features are too provocative and glamorous, which is not the type I like."
Chu Mingyun's reputation for beauty is well-known in the Capital, inspiring even men to lust after him. People meeting him are often shocked that the famed general is beautiful like a woman. A visiting princess nicknames him "Beautiful Gege" right off the bat, and even Su Shiyu himself calls Chu Mingyun an extraordinary beauty.
However, when compared to Su Shiyu, there is definitely room for debate. The Emperor thinks Su Shiyu has the most beautiful face conceivable, but concedes that Chu Mingyun is also beautiful though his features are too flamboyant for his taste. (I will never not laugh at the conversation above in which he says this to CMY's face.) Noblewoman Lu Qinghe prefers Chu Mingyun, feeling that Su Shiyu's kind of beauty feels too distant and untouchable. I can only conclude they are both breathtaking but in very different ways.
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
SBMS Clowning Series ☀️ v.1
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I’m placing these in one post. These ones linked + other minor ones from the past few days since the drama’s premiere.
yibo and shengyang similarity “when what you love becomes a career.” , covernat, them as the sun and pechoin ad spotted in sbms.
• XZ studio posted a video where shengyang was doing some hand tricks with Shengyang’s card. It was pretty sus to me cause it looked like something WYB will do. I can think of a few ways that he can show off SY’s ID card without doing this but he chose to do it that way. Is he influenced by WYB? Maybe he’s been watching Bobo do this a couple of time. Or WYB is teaching him to do it. We know how they like to try what the other’s hobby is. 🫶🏼
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• In one of the SBMS BTS, GG is show drawing lots of sketches which is in line with his character. But it brings is back to those LRLG entries where it said that ZZ likes to draw for WYB.
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• One of Shengyang’s work bag is something that is especially designed to also hold a motorcycle helmet. Hahahahahahaha! Why!!!!! I really have a feeling that Shenyang and WYB will get along cause they have similar styles. Do you think XZ was looking at stuff WYB was using and thought SY could use it? Of course not the expensive ones but more of the “look”.
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• THEM!!!!!! I don’t care! They will always have amazing chemistry 🤍🤍🤍
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• In one of the “letters” Shengyang left, there is a drawing that is obviously by XZ. CPFs have discovered that this is from an emoji and we think that it’s one of his favorite emoji pack to use, enough that he drew it.
It reminded us of the skull emoji (p2) WYB uses and that specific one, where it sort of “bows down” is what was captured that he used to reply on wechat. So they use different emoji packs, but the same action? Lol.
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I will make a separate post if something comes up that stands out to me, if not, it will be in a Volume 2 post. tbh, this is not the first SMBS CPN post cause we had ones from the wrap. GG really feeds us well. ^^
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rongzhi · 2 years
WeChat Work
English added by me :)
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