#cinder knightley
shandzii · 1 year
Who are Sam and Gab’s boyfriends??? I is VERY curious
Me if being silly with my friends' OCs was a job: 💰💰💰💰💰💰
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Noc and Gab met while on the job and things got sillayyy 🤭 Noc thinks Gab is rly cool and inspiring and Gab just loves this teddy bear of a man
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Hue is Sammy's roommate and bad influence akfhjsf He gets on Sam's nerves sometimes but he knows Hue just want him to have fun more. Oh and Cinder keeps those two in line lmaoo
Noc and Cin belongs to @sleepyeule, Hue belongs to @oriiduckko
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synchronousemma · 2 years
2nd June: Mr. Knightley’s suspicions grow
Read the post and comment on WordPress
Read: Vol. 3, ch. 5 [41]; pp. 224–225 (“When he was again in their company” to “Frank Churchill and Jane”).
Mr. Knightley is again in the company of Jane Fairfax and Frank Churchill; his observations seem to support his suspicions that Frank and Jane like each other.
We know that this occurs soon after the beginning of “June” (vol. 3, ch. 5 [41]; p. 224).
Note that this write-up contains spoilers.
Readings and Interpretations
Coo-Coo for Cowper
As Mr. Knightley once again observes the two in company together, he could not “avoid observations which, unless it were like Cowper and his fire at twilight, ‘Myself creating what I saw,’ brought him yet stronger suspicion of there being something of private liking, of private understanding even, between Frank Churchill and Jane” (pp. 224–5). The allusion is to William Cowper’s 1785 blank verse poem The Task (Book IV, “The Winter Evening,” 25–9):
Me oft has fancy, ludicrous and wild, Sooth’d with a waking dream of houses, tow’rs, Trees, churches, and strange visages, express’d In the red cinders, while with poring eye I gaz’d, myself creating what I saw.
Mr Knightley uses this “image of Cowper seeing shapes of things in the fire, to express the idea of looking at events in such a way as to make the interpretation of them entirely fanciful. […] This becomes a superb symbol, accentuating the mystery surrounding Jane Fairfax” (White, p. 68). William Deresiewicz argues that, though this is “more obviously [an] allusion[]” to Cowper, it is also an allusion to William Wordsworth’s Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey. This “double allusion sets Wordsworth against Cowper” in terms of their approach to imagination, “precisely as Wordsworth himself does in the passage to which the allusion points”:1
while Knightley is thinking of Cowper, Austen knew that her readers would be thinking of Wordsworth, of the use he makes of Cowper’s famous line in “Tintern Abbey”: “ . . . eye, and ear,—both what they half create,/ And what perceive” (106–107). For what Knightley is doing at that moment, after all, is precisely “half-perceiving, half-creating”—observing signs and imagining, correctly, what lies behind them. This is not quite the kind of imaginative half-creation Wordsworth has in mind, but it does offer the same contrast to Cowper’s (and Emma’s) creation-from-whole-cloth—a responsible use of the imagination, grounded in careful observation, to discover hidden truths. And this is exactly the use of the imagination Austen demands of her readers throughout the novel, both through the many puzzles and riddles she has us play along with her characters and, more important, through the very structure of the novel itself, a grand mystery story or puzzle-text that continually forces us to read clues and guess at the hidden truths that lie behind them. (p. 9)
Allusions to and quotations of widely read and respected literature were a common and even “obligatory” feature of contemporary writing; Austen, however, tends to ridicule this convention, “surrounding allusions with ripples of irony” (Stabler, pp. 46–7). Here, “Austen, in making her Wordsworthian reference, plays a complex and sophisticated double game” (Deresiewicz, p. 8).
For Alistair Duckworth, the usage of the quote represents Knightley’s appropriately cautious attitude towards his own “well-grounded suspicions”:
By allowing us access to Knightley’s rational consciousness, we [sic] are granted an awareness of the permissible use of the imagination. Careful to avoid the errors of the undisciplined imagination (even as he speculates, Knightley reminds himself of Cowper’s line, “Myself creating what I saw”), he is able to intuit a “something of private liking, of private understanding... between Frank Churchill and Jane” (344). […] Secrecy and concealment, the scene allows us to see, are not invulnerable to the intelligent and responsible mind. (p. 173)
The fact that these observations take place over multiple occasions is worthy of note—Knightley first feels a suspicion based on certain observations, then pays attention on subsequent occasions to see if further observation confirms his suspicion. Michael Suk-Young Chwe writes that Knightley, as one of “Austen’s strategically thoughtful people,” “tr[ies] to be self-critically aware of potential bias”; his calling up of the Cowper quote shows him to be aware of the danger of “confirmation bias” in this instance (p. 157). This passage as a whole is also notable for being a meta-analysis of perception, observation, drawing conclusions, and cognitive bias from the perspective of a character in a novel that is concerned (motivically and on the level of structure) with all of these things.
Scholars largely hold The Task to have influenced Wordsworth’s Tintern Abbey: see for example Jones.
Discussion Questions
What is the utility of calling up a quote with which a contemporary audience would be familiar? Is there any sense in which the usage of this quote is not straightforward?
How is Mr. Knightley characterized in this section?
Austen, Jane. Emma (Norton Critical Edition). 3rd ed. Ed. Stephen M. Parrish. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, [1815] 2000.
Chwe, Michael Suk-Young. Jane Austen, Game Theorist. Princeton: Princeton University Press (2013).
Duckworth, Alistair M. “Emma and the Dangers of Individualism.” In The Improvement of the Estate: A Study of Jane Austen’s Novels. Baltimore, ML: John Hopkins Press, 1971, pp. 145–78.
Jones, Myrddin. “Wordsworth and Cowper: The Eye Made Quiet.” Essays in Criticism 21.3 (April 1971), pp. 236–47. DOI: 10.1093/eic/XXI.3.236.
Stabler, Jane. “Literary Influences.” In Jane Austen in Context, ed. Janet Todd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2005), pp. 41–50.
White, Gabrielle D.V. “Emma: Autonomy and Abolition.” In Jane Austen in the Context of Abolition: ‘A Fling at the Slave Trade’. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan (2006), pp. 52–72. DOI: 10.1057/9780230506138_3.
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projectthauma · 1 year
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Apollo Justice
Bella Goth
Caster (Merlin)
Edalyn Clawthorne
Haurchefant Greystone
Nero Turner
Reki Kyan
Sage (Ling Ying Wei)
Sam Graye
Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)
Touya Todoroki (Dabi)
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Viper (Sabine Callas)
Sybil Reisz
Aki Hayakawa
Atlas Hawke
Ayato Kamisato
Bruno Buccelatti
Cain Knightley
Chloe Collins
Cinder Fall
G’raha Tia
Ichigo Kurosaki
Ritsuka Fujimaru
Rustica Ferch
Tim Drake
Claude Von Riegan
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Fecto Elfilis
Figaro Garcia
Joshua Kiryu
Miorine Rembran
Raiden Shogun (Ei)
Soraya Minora
Suletta Mercury
Yusei Null
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starry-sky-stuff · 3 years
Lion Primaries Pairings
Explanation: The character on the left side has the sorting of the heading and their love interest on the right side has the sorting in the parenthesis. Inside the square brackets is the piece of media the characters are from.
Lion/Lion (36):
Cordelia Chase {Lion/Lion} + Angel {Snake/Badger} [Angel]
Leia Organa {Lion/Lion} + Han Solo {Snake/Lion} [Star Wars]
Ron Weasley {Lion/Lion} + Hermione Granger {Lion/Bird} [Harry Potter]
Gale {Lion/Lion} + Katniss Everdeen {Snake/Lion} [Hunger Games}
Pocahontas {Lion/Lion} + John Smith {Badger/Lion} [Disney]
Petunia Dursley {Lion/Lion} + Vernon Dursley {Badger/Bird} [Harry Potter]
Chloe Decker {Lion/Lion} + Lucifer Morningstar {Badger/Snake} [Lucifer]
Thor {Lion/Lion} + Jane Foster {Bird/Lion} [MCU]
Lady Lucie {Lion/Lion} + Tristan Ballentin {Snake/Bird} [League of Extraordinary Women]
Rikki {Lion/Lion} + Zane {Snake/Lion} [H2O]
Emma Woodhouse {Lion/Lion} + Mr Knightley {Snake/Badger} [Emma]
Alanna {Lion/Lion} + George {Snake/Badger} [Song of the Lioness]
Tyler Lockwood {Lion/Lion} + Caroline Forbes {Snake/Lion} [TVD]
Alina Starkov {Lion/Lion} + Mal Oretsev {Snake/Badger} [Grishaverse]
Jesper Fahey {Lion/Lion} + Wylan van Eck {Lion/Bird} [Grishaverse]
Emily Gilmore + Richard Gilmore {Snake/Badger} [Gilmore Girls]
Cordelia Chase + Xander Harris {Lion/Badger} [BtVS]
Amanita + Nomi {Lion/Badger} [Sense 8]
Riley + Will {Badger/Bird} [Sense 8]
Lily Evans + James Potter {Snake/Lion} [Harry Potter]
Sophie + Howl {Badger/Snake} [Howls’ Moving Castle (Book)]
Sophie + Howl {Lion/Lion} [Howls’ Moving Castle (Film)]
Tenth Doctor {Lion/Lion} + Rose Tyler {Snake/Lion} [Doctor Who]
Anna {Lion/Lion} + Kristoff {Snake/Badger} [Disney]
Prince Naveen {Lion/Lion} + Tiana {Snake/Badger} [Disney]
Othello {Lion/Lion} + Desdemona {Snake/Badger} [Shakespeare]
Shahrzad {Lion/Lion} + Khalid {Snake/Lion} [The Wrath and the Dawn]
Audrey Rose Wadsworth {Lion/Lion} + Thomas Cresswell {Snake/Bird} [Stalking Jack the Ripper]
Matt Murdock/Daredevil {Lion/Lion} + Karen Page {Lion/Bird} [MCU]
Danny Rand/Iron Fist {Lion/Lion} + Colleen Wing {Bird/Badger} [MCU]
Annabelle Archer {Lion/Lion} + Sebastian Devereaux {Lion/Badger} [League of Extraordinary Women]
Laurel {Lion/Lion} + William {Bird/Badger} [This is Us]
Kat Stratford {Lion/Lion} + Patrick Verona {Snake/Snake} [10 Things I Hate About You]
Amy Pond {Lion/Lion} + Rory Williams {Snake/Badger} [Doctor Who]
Jon Snow {Lion/Lion} + Ygritte {Badger/Lion} [ASOIAF]
Lion/Snake (17):
Padme Amidala {Lion/Snake} + Anakin Skywalker {Snake/Lion} [Star Wars]
Drusilla {Lion/Snake} + Spike {Snake/Snake} [BtVS]
Jaime Lannister {Lion/Snake} + Brienne of Tarth {Badger/Lion} [GOT]
Rhett Butler {Lion/Snake} + Scarlett O’Hara {Snake/Lion} [Gone With the Wind]
Elizabeth Swann {Lion/Snake} + Will Turner {Badger/Lion} [Pirates of the Caribbean]
Princess Jasmine {Lion/Snake} + Aladdin {Snake/Snake} [Disney]
Lyra Belacqua {Lion/Snake} + Will Parry {Snake/Badger} [HDM]
Cosette {Lion/Snake} + Marius {Snake/Lion} [Les Miserables]
Wynonna Earp {Lion/Snake} + Dolls {Bird/Bird} [Wynonna Earp]
Wynonna Earp {Lion/Snake} + Doc Holliday {Snake/Snake} [Wynonna Earp]
Isabelle Lightwood {Lion/Snake} + Raphael Santiago {Bird/Badger} [Shadowhunters]
Lorelai Gilmore {Lion/Snake} + Luke Danes {Lion/Badger} [Gilmore Girls]
Elizabeth Swann {Lion/Snake} + James Norrington {Bird/Badger} [Pirates of the Caribbean]
Olivia {Lion/Snake} + Kevin Pearson {Badger/Badger} [This is Us]
Cleopatra {Lion/Snake} + Antony {Snake/Lion} [Shakespeare]
Jake Peralta {Lion/Snake} + Amy Santiago {Badger/Bird} [Brooklyn Nine-Nine]
Olivia Pope {Lion/Snake} + Fitz {Badger/Badger} [Scandal]
Lion/Bird (14):
Bruce Wayne/Batman {Lion/Bird} + Selina Kyle/Catwoman {Badger/Snake}
Hermione Granger {Lion/Bird} + Ron Weasley {Lion/Lion} [Harry Potter
Mulan {Lion/Bird} + Shang {Lion/Badger} [Disney]
Zoe Washburn {Lion/Bird} + Wash {Badger/Bird} [Firefly]
Lady Sybil {Lion/Bird} + Sam Vimes {Badger/Lion} [Discworld]
Ruby {Lion/Bird} + Sam Winchester {Snake/Lion} [SPN]
Rapunzel {Lion/Bird} + Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert {Snake/Snake} [Disney]
Jackson Whitmore {Lion/Bird} + Lydia Martin {Bird/Bird} [Teen Wolf]
Catherine {Lion/Bird} + Peter {Snake/Lion} [The Great]
Wylan van Eck {Lion/Bird} + Jesper Fahey {Lion/Lion} [Grishaverse]
Kala {Lion/Bird} + Wolfgang {Snake/Badger} [Sense 8]
Kala {Lion/Bird} + Rajan {Snake/Badger} [Sense 8]
Hera Syndulla {Lion/Bird} + Kanan Jarrus {Snake/Lion} [Star Wars]
Cinder {Lion/Bird} + Kai {Badger/Snake} [The Lunar Chronicles]
Lion/Badger (17):
Steve Rogers {Lion/Badger} + Peggy Carter {Lion/Lion} [MCU]
Steve Rogers {Lion/Badger} + Sharon Carter {Bird/Bird} [MCU]
Castiel {Lion/Badger} + Dean Winchester {Badger/Bird} [SPN]
Tom Branson {Lion/Badger} + Sybil Crawley {Badger/Lion} [Downton Abbey]
Dan Humphrey {Lion/Badger} + Serena van der Woodsen {Bird/Lion} [Gossip Girl]
Dan Humphrey {Lion/Badger} + Blair Waldorf {Snake/Badger} [Gossip Girl]
Eve {Lion/Badger} + Mazikeen {Snake/Lion} [Lucifer]
Leslie Knope {Lion/Badger} + Ben Wyatt {Bird/Bird} [Parks & Recreation]
Snow White/Mary Margarte {Lion/Badger} + Prince Charming/David {Badger/Lion} [Once Upon a Time]
Luke Danes {Lion/Badger} + Lorelai Gilmore {Lion/Snake} [Gilmore Girls]
Xander Harris {Lion/Badger} + Cordelia Chase {Lion/Lion} [BtVS]
Xander Harris {Lion/Badger} + Anya {Snake/Snake} [BtVS]
Nomi {Lion/Badger} + Amanita {Lion/Lion} [Sense 8]
Jem Carstairs {Lion/Badger} + Tessa Gray {Bird/Lion} [TID]
Michael Cordero +{Lion/Badger} Jane Villanueva {Badger/Bird} [Jane the Virgin]
Clay Morrow {Lion/Badger} + Gemma Teller {Badger/Snake} [Sons of Anarchy}
Castiel {Lion/Badger} + Meg Masters {Snake/Lion} [SPN]
Sebastian Devereaux {Lion/Badger} + Annabelle Archer {Lion/Lion} [League of Extraordinary Women]
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
Hi, I’m the same anon asked about the aesthetics/armor and character development stuff from a while ago! Thank you for replying to my ask, makes me happy that you’re active enough to reply with us folk who are genuinely interested in all this. This isn’t really another ask or anything, but I was rewatching The Chorus Trilogy from Red vs Blue, and it made me realize how perfect “Felix moments/allusions” would be for Knightfall.
Like I said, I think that them having aesthetic changes to reflect how close they are getting to one another would just be top notch storytelling, and it would only take a few tweaks to have Jaune’s armor look a lot like Felix’s armor does, just add some more plates/pouches on the front and put some black/orange paint on it and it would look SO CLOSE. I think it would also be a bitter irony if, if Jaune ever manages to beat Cinder in a fair fight in Canon, he says something like Felix said to Tucker like, “I guess at the end of the day, if we both know that I’m stronger than you and I’m better than you, than that’s better than killing you will ever make me feel.” It would be such a good way to show how far he’s come as a Huntsman and person.
Aside from that, keep up the good work, I’m eagerly waiting for Chapter 10, and can’t wait for how the drama you write will pull at my heart-strings. Have a nice day!
Hi again! Lovely to hear from you!!! I'm glad you liked my reply! I'm always happy to receive asks and chat, my blog is a really great place for me to never shut up. I have a terminal case of Talks Too Much, it's a consistent character criticism I receive IRL so I try to minimise it. But yeah always happy to talk about the ship or anything really, especially romance, romance all the time. I have a lot of fun.
Oh yeah I was into RVB for a long time because my older brother watched it. I downloaded RVB episodes and put them on my iPod Nano to watch at school lol.
Yeah nah I wouldn't really go for a Felix-like design because he's so overtly villainous, like he's committed to the cause, unlike Locus, who even gets a living redemption. I see you, Miles!
Personally the orange lining on the hood (and armbands) to match Cinder is already enough for me, the lining is a significant detail because Ruby's red cloak and Summer's white cloak are such defining features.
Also Tucker/Felix is not romantic... so I'm not sure that really works either, their relationship is very depressing and sad and involves betrayal, so I don't like that in my romance for Knightfall, and if Jaune is at a point like that emotionally (where he's not trying to kill her, which he's already past) I think there is some potentially really interesting complicated emotional dialogue, I mean even in their first confrontation together he's emotionally challenging her, he's not condescending, meanwhile that quoted line is condescending. I don't like condescension in my romance personally, I mean even in an Emma/Mr. Knightley scenario, he speaks to her frankly when he chastises her (in fact the chastising is what makes them equal).
I think Jaune was just getting comfortable in his character arc where he was a healer/support/Paladin properly after learning from Cinder vengeance really wasn't worth it (are you gunna let her die, too?) and he's just had a major disruption to his identity because of her again. He killed when he's supposed to heal, Penny brushed away his hands and made him reach for the sword. You know depictions of Joan of Arc in art often depict her with a sword, but specifically in a motion of nonviolence.
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It's a really major shift in his character and imo why him using the shield/sword combo in V4/5 was related to his vengeance for Cinder, and then he started using the shield more and kitted it out in V7. I think they work as sword and shield together... but she's made him use his sword again.
Anyway I don't think it's his armour that needs to change, he's already had black/white/orange going on for a while, the question would be if Cinder gets white in hers. I don't think they need to go really ham, the metallic stuff and celestial symbolism is necessary to get right (if Cinder stays gold/her whole performative schtick is ongoing I think that's probably an indicator of not-canon, other than like, every other gross indicator) so as long as she's silver to his gold it's fine. If she goes warm blue/warm purple/silver then it works, he actually doesn't need to change bizarrely enough.
Onto the last point: thanks for enjoying the fic, that means a lot! Feel free to leave a comment on AO3 if you feel like it... *twiddles fingers*
Hope you have a lovely day. Also hope my reply isn't offputting but I had to be honest about how I like my romance lol, and I am generally honest (and hopefully kind!) on my blog. <3 <3 <3
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GOOD MORNING to elephants, those eating waffles, those who read while eating, those who need to wash their hair, those who have washed their hair, asexuals, those who give their friends nicknames, those who accept those nicknames, Kiera Knightley, those who have intolerances, people from Poland, people whose names begin with K, people who speak Arabic, Crescent Moon Darnel, Linh Cinder, Captain Thorne and space nerds
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bloodraven55 · 5 years
You know I feel only bumblebee shippers only ship them together cause of the gay? Like blacksun has real chemistry and isn’t forced.
I know this could be sarcasm making fun of people who think we only like BB because it’s gay, in which case good job, anon 😂
But since there are really people who do genuinely believe that we only ship it because it’s two characters of the same gender, and in case it’s actually someone who legitimately thinks that, I have two lists I’d like to share.
Here are just some of the straight ships I do ship just off the top of my head:
Angel x Cordelia (from Angel)
Aang x Katara (from Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Delenn x Sheridan (from Babylon 5)
George x Nina (from Being Human)
Mitchell x Annie (from Being Human)
Jake x Amy (from Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Willow x Oz (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
The Doctor x Rose (from Doctor Who)
Emma x Knightley (from Emma)
Fry x Leela (from Futurama)
Chase x Miranda (from gen:LOCK)
Chase x Yaz (from gen:LOCK)
Kenzi x Dyson (from Lost Girl)
Kenzi x Hale (from Lost Girl)
Steve x Peggy (from the MCU)
Fitz x Simmons (from Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Arthur x Gwen (from Merlin)
Drake x Morwenna (from Poldark)
Darcy x Elizabeth (from Pride & Prejudice)
Ren x Nora (from RWBY)
Jaune x Pyrrha (from RWBY)
Sun x Weiss (from RWBY)
Flynt x Weiss (from RWBY)
Mulder x Scully (from The X-Files)
Wynonna x Doc (from Wynonna Earp)
Wynonna x Dolls (from Wynonna Earp)
I don’t like all of them to the same extent, but I am a fan of all of them. And there are definitely more, but from a quick flick through the shows I’ve seen that’s what I got.
And now here’s a list of the gay ships that I don’t ship from just a few of the shows I’ve watched:
Buffy x Willow (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Blake x Ruby (from RWBY)
Blake x Weiss (from RWBY)
Cinder x Emerald (from RWBY)
Ruby x Weiss (from RWBY)
Yang x Neo (from RWBY)
Yang x Weiss (from RWBY)
Yang x Winter (from RWBY)
Waverly x Rosita (from Wynonna Earp)
Wynonna x Nicole (from Wynonna Earp)
Gabrielle x Callisto (from Xena: Warrior Princess)
Gabrielle x Ephiny (from Xena: Warrior Princess)
Gabrielle x Najara (from Xena: Warrior Princess)
Xena x Callisto (from Xena: Warrior Princess)
And that’s just the ones I can remember. I should note that I don’t necessarily think any of those ships are bad (though some of them certainly are), but I personally don’t actively want them together romantically at all.
So I’ll leave it at that and let other people decide if I ship things simply because they’re gay or if I ship things because I see potential in the relationship and think the two characters have chemistry together.
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