#colt seavers drabble
luveline · 1 month
Maybe colt comforting reader when things for her film aren’t going right 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Colt comes to your rescue (clumsily) when you have a hard day. fem!reader, 1k words
Very minor plot spoilers for The Fall Guy (2024) if any
“I think he’s mad at you.” 
You pause where you’d been scrubbing your eyes with your hands, though you don’t look at him. Colt Seavers seems to follow you everywhere you go, and consequently plays witness to your many breakdowns. “Thanks, Colt. That’s astute.” 
“Are you mad at me? Why are you mad at me? It’s been ten seconds,” he complains. He has a unique talent for sounding flirty and needy at once. 
“No, Colt. I’m tired, it’s been a long day.” 
Colt is grinning when you meet his eyes. He has blood, fake or real undetermined, drying in the scruff of his facial hair. You gesture to yourself in a slow circle in the approximate area, to which Colt smiles again. 
“You look perfect,” he says confidently. 
“You have blood in your beard.” 
“Oh, right.” 
You sigh heavily, taking the few paces back to a stack of safety mattresses for a quick break. You’ll get up and help whoever needs helping as soon as you can feel your toes. Colt stays where he is, squinting against the sun, strands of blonde ends kissing his tan forehead. The summer shoots are good for him, he always looks so beachy. You’re exhausted all the time. 
As he notices. “Are you getting enough sleep?” he asks. 
“‘Cos I was sleeping badly and then I got this new mattress that has four hybrid layers, there’s a foam layer, and then there’s titanium springs,” —he sees your distant expression and his own flickers— “anyways, you could try it if you want. Test it out with me. Or– Not with me. With me if you want. We’d have fun. But not with me if you don’t want to.” 
You’d laugh if you had the energy. “Do you wanna sit down?” you ask. 
“God, yes, please.” 
He has another talent for being insanely handsome no matter the day. You look like you’ve been badly rewarmed before serving, where he looks like he rolled out of bed with a smile. He’s smiling at you now, the foolish kind that’ll fluster you if you let him do it for too long. “Stop,” you say quietly. 
“You’re doing amazing.” 
“Thank you. You’re the only person who thinks so, unfortunately.” 
You smile at him weakly. Worried you look pathetic, you turn your face to your lap and clasp your fingers together. 
“That’s not true. Mayview is old-fashioned, that’s all, he was around when they were still killing horses on TV.” 
You grimace. “Yikes.”
“But it’s the modern era. He doesn’t get to make you feel like shit, or I’ll make him feel like shit.” He pretends to charge a sucker punch. 
You lean forward a touch, not quite hugging your knees but tempted to fold in on yourself nonetheless, the heat of the sun a memory on your neck as the evening begins and cloud cover floods in. 
The safety mattresses beneath you squeak and shush against each other. Your weight and Colt’s slides together slowly. He might be pushing himself a little with his boot, but you pretend not to notice as his hand comes to rest between your shoulders. 
“I just can’t do anything right,” you mumble. 
As soon as you’ve said it you’re hoping he can’t hear you, but he does. He might have injured pretty much anything that can be fractured, sprained, or just plain broken, but he has stellar hearing. “You do everything right. You do!” he says, quietly and passionately at once, “They don’t realise it, but you’re the glue keeping this whole thing together.” 
“What are you?” you ask, bemused.
His hand is warm on your shoulder, unafraid where he hesitates to answer, “I don’t know. The test dummy? The guy who gets set on fire a lot?” 
“How is that?” 
“Warm,” he says, beaming, his face so unexpectedly close that you can see the glucose shining in the blood on his cheek. Fake blood. “You wanna try it? I’m sure I could convince the guys.” 
“No, I’m okay.” 
His voice turns silky. “Good, I wasn’t gonna let you anyway.” 
“Let me?” 
“You could get hurt.”
You give in, melted maybe by his warm tones, or exhausted by a day of playing mom for a director who can barely tell his left from his right. Your face presses to his shoulder and your spine sags under his hand, prompting Colt to pull you flush against his side. He always waits for your signals for stuff like this, no matter how desperate he might confess to being. “Can you make them all leave me alone?” you mumble into his jacket, the fabric rough against your nose. 
“Obviously I can, but… We could run away.” 
“Where would we go?” 
“I don’t know. Somewhere sunny. You can rub sunblock on my back, I can hold the umbrella over your head while you read.” 
“They have stands for that sort of stuff. Or you can shove it in the sand, you know.”
“I wanna do something nice for you,” he interrupts, the sound of a smile in his voice as he gives you a friendly jostle. “That’s the point.” 
“You’re plenty nice, Colt.” 
And he is. He saw you were upset and he came jogging upto you valiantly, and your side-armed cuddle is really pushing the pep back into your life. You take a few deep breaths under the weight of his arm before turning to him, brave, ready to go back to work if it means he’s gonna drive you home tonight. “Thank you for caring.” You kiss his cheek, careful of the fake blood. “You’re super nice.” 
You miss the heat of him the second you stand, but there really is work to do. 
“I’m super nice?” he calls. “How nice is super? Nice enough to get another one of those, or what? Are they by the metre?” 
You bite back a smile. 
“Hello? Can you hear me?” He must catch someone’s eye. “She can’t hear me. It’s cool. We like each other.” 
Nobody saves face quite like Colt. 
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drivinmeinsane · 7 months
COLT SEAVERS {Scene Partner}
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{ drabble } ※ { masterlist }
※ Pairing: Colt Seavers x GN!Reader
※ Summary: The stunt guy gets recruited to stand in for your scene partner during a sex scene for a highly anticipated blockbuster.
※ Rating: 18+ for highly suggestive content (simulated sex)
※ Word count: 1,157
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“If I’m not going to be the main focus of the lens, then forget it! I spent too long in the gym to get sidelined like this.”
You’re leaning against a headboard on the movie set watching as your co-star throws another tantrum. This is just another one of the many that he’s had over the course of filming. It’s been a rough two months and you’re already behind schedule as it is due to his theatrics. You groan and sag against the mattress. You hadn’t even particularly wanted to do the scene with him, but at this point you would gladly let him flex and posture all over you just to get it done so everyone could move forward.
The director desperately tries to talk him down, but he keeps shouting at her. Finally, he throws his hands up and loudly announces that he is not getting in bed shirtless with you because it won’t be a glamorous sex scene. He actually walks off set entirely.  There are a few tensely quiet moments while his agent chases him down and tries to beg the actor to set aside his arrogance and come back on set. The moment the agent returns empty handed with a defeated shake of his head, chaos erupts around you. 
They scramble to find a solution. Two of the crew are sent to find another blond man who could plausibly stand in as a body double for the scene. While they are away, the director and the writer desperately think if there is any possible reworking they can do for the script. Can they make this a solo scene? Edit your partner in later? And on and on they go.
The crew members come back shortly and they’re not alone. With them is a blond man, taller and broader than your co-star. He introduces himself as Colt from the stunt department. He’s distractedly handsome in a rugged sort of way. The stuntman is nothing but polite when he shakes your hand and greets you personally. His eyes crinkle when he smiles at you. You instantly agree to work with him.
The two of you get into position after he’s been prepped by the intimacy coordinator and had a brief explanation of the scene’s requirements. Your hands are on his waist, resting on the leather of his belt. He, for his part, has his fingers pressing into the arc of your spine, coaxing you towards his body with the lightest of touches. He looks almost shy. His hair is falling into his eyes in a way that makes you want to brush it back for him.
“Be gentle. It’s my first time,” he jokes.
You don’t have time to laugh before the scene director is calling quiet on set. You wipe the smile off your face and relax. Colt sobers up as well, looking deadly serious, like he is about to do something life threatening.
“Action!” The clapperboard snaps closed.
The scene starts with the two of you all but lunging towards each other. You meet in a kiss and your scene partner’s beard is rough against your face. His mouth is soft, he’s kissing you like he means it. Your hands clench on his waist and he moves things right along. The stuntman walks you back into the door that is pivotal for the scene. He kicks it open, hard, too hard. It slams into the wall with enough force to knock a hole into the plaster. You gasp into his mouth. A quiet groan answers it. 
Once in the room, you break the kiss and start fighting to get his shirt off. His hands meet yours and you’re working together to pull it over his head. The minute the garment is off and tossed aside, Colt is crowding against you, catching your mouth in another kiss while your hands splay across his chest. They're going to have to edit out his piercings, you realize faintly. If you were touching him under different circumstances, you would explore him in earnest. Learn everything there is to know about his body.
The backs of your knees hit the edge of the bed, and your mind short circuits when Colt wraps his hands around your waist and tosses you back onto the mattress like you weigh nothing. That had not been in the script. You’re not sure if you’re breathless from the impact or because he is suddenly crawling onto the bed after you. Your legs fall open automatically at the sight of him. For the scene, you’re wearing  modesty undergarments and an oversized shirt that suggests that it’s actually the only thing you have on. 
He slots himself easily between your spread legs and braces himself over you. He rests his forehead against yours and rolls his hips. The pressure is barely there from all the intimacy padding but all the same, the action has you clamping your thighs tightly against him. Irrationally, you wonder what he would feel like for real. You’re barely aware of the cameras, barely aware that this is a scene. It feels too real, too good to be acting. 
The blond man tucks his face against the side of your neck, hiding it from the camera’s eye. You feel the press of his mouth against your skin as he kisses the juncture of your shoulder. That wasn’t a necessary action, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. You bring a hand to the back of his head to encourage him, clenching your fingers into his hair. You feel more than hear the moan he makes when your nails scratch lightly over his scalp. Heat floods you at his indication of pleasure and-
“Cut!” The director’s voice cuts through whatever was building. “Excellent work, everyone. I think we got it.”
Colt lifts off of you and rolls to the edge of the bed where he sits for a brief moment before standing. You catch the barest glimpse of a scar on his back before the stuntman is on his feet and getting decent. By the time the director and supervising staff let you get dressed and off set, your impromptu scene partner is nearly out of sight. 
You take off running, ignoring the startled looks of the crew. You might be a total fool, but it had felt like there was something between the two of you in that fake bedroom. Weaving through the milling production staff, you get within yards of him before you slow down. 
“Hey, stunt guy!” You yell, winded.
He stops, startled, and turns to look back at you. He’s not the only one staring. It feels like everyone in the vicinity is watching the performance you’re putting on. You close the gap even further, coming to stand in front of him.
“Hey.” His tone is soft, questioning.
“I think we probably should have had dinner first, but will you accept after?”
He laughs, eyes squinting with the width of his answering smile. “I would like that.”
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I Was Made for Lovin’ You, Baby
Colt Seavers x gn!reader (drabble)
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Summary: You and Colt share a moment on the beach. Title inspired by the KISS song
Warnings: Suggestive content at the end of the drabble
A/N: I tried my best to flesh out this drabble to try and turn it into a one shot but the words just weren’t coming to me. I hope you all enjoy this small drabble regardless!
Word Count: 465
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Perfect. It felt perfect; the way you two swayed under the evening moonlight, a grin threatening to tug up the sides of your mouth and a grin already wide on his face. The pair of you had been previously dancing a strange mix between the Waltz and some other ballroom-esque dance. The footprints in the sand you both stood on served as a reminder of the activity that had long since passed.
Colt pressed a soft kiss upon your head, continuing to sway with you on the beach. Both your arms were wrapped around each other in a fond embrace. It was you that had suggested an evening walk along the beach to end the day. Colt, on the other hand, seemed to have more ideas than a simple walk. He had grabbed both your hands before engaging in his own interpretation of a ballroom dance, pulling you right along with him.
Your cheek had been pressed to his chest before you looked up at him, pulling away slightly and finally letting the grin reveal itself on your face.
“This is so silly.” You laughed, feeling the presence of the empty beach around you. There wasn’t a soul in sight; just the two of you on the soft sand.
“I don’t think it’s silly.” Colt remarked, gazing down affectionately at you.
You smiled softly, gazing right back at the stuntman. When you’d first met Colt on a set all those years ago, you hadn’t expected to find yourself growing so close to him. All it took was a warm smile flashed your way and you were hooked. With every moment that you shared with him, you only ever found your heart growing with adoration.
Standing up on your toes, you attempted to press a kiss to Colt’s cheek but he moved, capturing your lips against his instead. When you went to pull away, his grip on your waist tightened, deepening the kiss. After a few moments, you moved your hands, planting them flat to Colt’s chest, coaxing him into pulling away. When he did, the look he had on his face was nearly enough to have your knees buckling. His lips were slightly red and swollen, eyes gazing down at you with a desperate look masked behind them.
“As much as I would love to stay with you here,” you started, trailing a finger down his chest before beginning to walk away, “I don’t fancy getting sand everywhere on us.”
You felt Colt’s eyes boring into you as you moved further and further away from him. You felt your heart rate pick up slightly in anticipation of what was to come. Soon, Colt began trailing after you, almost tripping over his own feet and face planting in the sand in his excitement to follow you.
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hederasgarden · 4 days
Ryan Gosling Character Masterlist
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The Grey Man
Safe With Me (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Mature | 2.7K)
Six is a hard man to read up until the moment he isn’t.
Daylight (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Explicit | 1K)
You spend an early morning in bed with Six after he returns from a mission.
The Signal (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Gen | 706) You take pity on Six after watching him suffer through a number of terrible dates.
Operation Elevator (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Gen | 780)
Claire plays matchmaker when she realizes Six need a little help wooing their new neighbor.
Tender Loving Care (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Explicit | 900)
You help Six relax after a hard mission.
Dom AU (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Mature | 500)
You reach out the famous Dom Sierra Six to explore your submissive side and work on your anxiety and confidence issues. 
Just Pretend (Sierra Six x F!Reader | Mature | 780)
For a moment, Six thinks about how his life could be different. 
Wall sex with the gloves HC 
Sierra Six + Kinks
Sierra Six + Kinks Part 2
Sierra Six Housewife Kink
What kind of job would Six get after he retires?
Overstimulation Kink
Eating you out and body worship with Six
Six taking care of a partner with depression/anxiety
Crazy Stupid Love
Top Shelf (Jacob Palmer x Plus Size!F!Reader | Gen | 1.3K)
When your tinder date turns out to be a dumpster fire of a person, your evening is rescued by a handsome stranger.
Need (Driver x F!Reader | Explicit | 600)
He’s quiet, even when he’s fucking you.
Blade Runner 2049
Interlinked (Officer K x F!Reader | Mature | 1.9K)
Stepping in to help K is instinct, but what comes after is a choice, one that’s easy to make.
The Fall Guy
First Kiss (Colt Seavers x F!Reader | Mature | 400)
Your first kiss with Colt is different than you imagined.
♡Main Masterlist♡
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velvrei · 2 years
velvrei’s masterlist
- i do not give permission for my work to be posted elsewhere.
drabbles !
⋆·˚ ༘ * colt seavers !
⋆·˚ ༘ * eddie munson !
⋆·˚ ༘ * mike schmidt !
⋆·˚ ༘ * chad meeks martin !
⋆·˚ ༘ * xavier thorpe !
⋆·˚ ༘ * eddie munson !
full works !
mike schmidt ! (josh hutcherson)
⋆·˚ ༘ * devotion ̗̀➛ 1k words, filthy smut
reader is abby’s baby sitter and has had a crush on mike sense she started the job. one morning while abby is asleep she finally makes a move and seduces him.
⋆·˚ ༘ * jokes aren’t funny ̗̀➛ 1k words, fluff + angst
mike and reader get into fight & are on the verge of a breakup, abby stops them & makes them happy again.
⋆·˚ ༘ * icebreaker ̗̀➛ 1k words, suggestive/no smut
mike has been wondering what kind of books his lovely girlfriend has been reading. one day he looks for himself and is surprised. not only by what you’re reading, but how badly he wants to try all of it.
chad meeks martin !
⋆·˚ ༘ * my cowboy ̗̀➛ 2k+ words, filthy smut
multiple girls are flirting with chad at the halloween costume party and chad is too naive to notice & flirts back. reader punishes him for it. (includes use of handcuffs & blindfolds)
⋆·˚ ༘ * watch and learn ̗̀➛ 2k+ words, filthy smut
reader walks in on chad getting himself off and decides to help out. only with her words.
⋆·˚ ༘ * my cowboy ̗̀➛ 2k+ words, filthy smut
at the party, multiple girls are flirting with chad in his cowboy costume, he doesn’t even notice, reader scolds him later that night and chad can’t help but be attracted to her when she’s mad.
ajax petropolus !
⋆·˚ ༘ * nsfw headcannons : ̗̀➛ 2k+ words, smut
mini blurbs with everybody’s favorite gorgon, details with how filthy he really is
robby keene !
⋆·˚ ༘ * ruin me : ̗̀➛ 11k+ words, smut
the top fighters of the cobra kai dojo are rivals until a party at kyler’s changes everything.
⋆·˚ ༘ * challenge excepted : ̗̀➛ 3k+ words, smut
robby and the reader go to prom and later to kyler’s after party, what happens when robby misbehaves and annoys the reader?
⋆·˚ ༘ * trip to paris : ̗̀➛ 10k+ words, smut, 3some
reader and her friends go to east valley college, where the parties have an amazing reputation and hawk and robby think it’s the best time to make their move, together.
hawk/eli moskowtiz !
⋆·˚ ༘ * caught : ̗̀➛ 2k+ words, smut
you catch hawk in an interesting position and decide to help him out
⋆·˚ ༘ * trip to paris : ̗̀➛ 10k+ words, smut, 3some
reader and her friends go to east valley college, where the parties have an amazing reputation and hawk and robby think it’s the best time to make their move, together.
one hit wonders !
⋆·˚ ༘ * get to work : ̗̀➛ barry (outer banks, obx), smut
rafe gets grounded but is in need of his supply, so he sends y/n to get his stuff for him.
⋆·˚ ༘ * benefits : ̗̀➛ jay (descendants), smut
jay & the reader are friends with benefits but one day after tourney it feels different
requests are closed !!
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ken-dom · 17 days
pleaseeee write something, anything for colt! all this fall guy press has me SO EXCITED for the film! xx
Hi anon, I’m SO sorry I let this ask slip away from me!! I hope you’ve found the bits I have written for him in the meantime — I will link them all below for you. And I promise there will be more! I hope you enjoyed the film if you’ve seen it yet!! Isn’t he just CHEFS KISS
Anyway I’ve got a fic here and a fic here and a drabble here and if you click the ‘colt seavers x reader’ tag in one of those posts you’ll find some other gorgeous bits for him I’ve reblogged from other writers too!
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drivinmeinsane · 1 month
i need you to talk more about colts nipple piercings please
I hope some filth will suffice. Any mention of tits (especially with pierced nipples) is enough to pry me off the projects I'm working on and drag me out of my cave to post a drabble. I’m a simple person.
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Colt Seavers x GN!Reader ※ { drabble } ※ { masterlist } ※ { ao3 }
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※ Summary: Colt's chest gets some appreciation. ※ Rating: 18+ for explicit mature content. ※ Content/tags: Male Breast Worship, Consensual Use of Restraints, Nipple Play, Cumming in Pants, Bottom Colt, Edging, No Use of Y/N, No Pronouns Given for Reader ※ Word count: 1028 ※ Status: One-shot / Complete
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Muffled sobs and the creak of a bed frame pollute the room’s silence. It’s not something that can be helped. Not when the creator of the noises is so fraught with the desire to be used.
There, put on display atop the mattress, is Colt. His mouth is stretched open wide, jaw straining to accommodate the gag tucked between his teeth. The stuntman’s hands are bound over his head and secured to the bars of the frame. He’s anything but relaxed. How can he be when he’s still wearing pants? His erection is straining at the material of them. Moisture is pooled at the place where his cock’s head bulges the distressed fabric of his jeans. If he were not also confined in his underwear, you’re sure you would be able to see his flushed skin and dribbling slit through the unraveling threads.
He’s been left leaking for a long time. You have reduced the blond man to bucking in place, squirming, in the attempt to find the friction you’ve not been granting enough of. Tears are leaking from his eyes and rolling down his cheeks until they are stopped by the strap holding the gag in place.
You like Colt spread out like this. Maybe moreso than when you have him on his knees. He is more desperate this way.
Tearing your eyes away from the pretty picture he makes all wet and eager for your attention, you focus your gaze elsewhere. You’re not here for his cock. It’s an afterthought. It’s his chest that you’re interested in. All bare and reddened from where you have already mouthed at the tender flesh long enough to drive the bound stuntman insane, it waits for you.
In gestures of proper care, you have let him have a rest that he did not want, but needed. You had offered him water, carefully angled the glass so that the liquid slid into his mouth with ease before gagging him again. Even his arms and hands had been rubbed to ensure his circulation is satisfactory. It’s time to resume your play.
“Are you ready?” you question only to get a frantic nod in response.
Pleased by his enthusiasm, you slowly get onto the bed. He’s nearly shaking with how badly he wants this. Catching his raised knees with your hands, you push ever so slightly. He lets his legs fall open, hoping you will finally give him what he has been not so silently begging for—a filled hole.
You’re not.
Instead, you shuffle forwards, feeling the mattress shift under your weight, until your own knees are nestled in the apex of his thighs. You lower your body, draping yourself over his. His cock twitches, eager, underneath your stomach. Colt tries to rut against you without permission. Your shirt gets rucked up in the attempt, smearing the precum that has beaded up through his pants against your bare skin. Punishment for the infraction comes quick.
The fingers of your left hand clamp down hard around his left nipple. Upon receiving the harsh contact, Colt moans around the gag and throws his head back. The motion bares his neck, highlighting the sweat gleaming tantalizingly over the curve of his Adam’s apple. It makes you want to lick the column of his throat. You resist.
Letting up on the pressure, you roll the nub between your fingers. It’s hot to the touch, nearly as firm as the bar adorning it. His piercings had seemed so impractical at the time, but they’ve quickly become a source of entertainment for the both of you.
Needing to chase your own release, you brace your knees against the bed and swing one leg over to straddle his thigh. It’s thick between your own. Setting a steady pace, you grind your pelvis down against the firm appendage. Having just had a reminder, Colt knows that he is not allowed to move with you, to race to completion at your side. He keeps himself still even as your mouth seals around the nipple that is not being caressed long past the edge of over stimulation by the dry brush of your thumb.
Your tongue traces over the ends of the barbell, flicking lightly at the metal rather than his skin directly. It drags a guttural, pleading moan from the man underneath you. You raise your head, sucking firmly on the stuntman’s nipple as you do so. It leaves your mouth with a wet pop, swollen and used.
“Not yet,” you tell him.
Spurred by his quiet whines, your pace becomes hurried. Your underwear is soaked through, chafing against you with every thrust of your hips. You’re hovering on the edge. This session is rapidly reaching a conclusion.
Colt shifts under you again as you stop teasing his nipple with your fingers and switch to cupping his other breast with your right hand. You adjust your position on top of his body to lick over the newly abandoned teat with slow passes of your tongue, wetting it. At the newly introduced sensation, the stuntman jerks, drawing his legs up just enough to give you a better angle to rut against. Your licking turns into sucking bites of the soft skin under his nipple.
Like thunder rolling over the plains, your orgasm hits you. You ride him as you ride it out, hips stuttering and pressing against the tensed muscles of his thigh. Your release leaves you panting wetly against his chest. Your lips are grazing his sternum as your hips slow and finally still.
As a reward, your hand leaves his tit. You drag your fingers down the blond man’s sweat-slick body. His abdomen tenses in anticipation when your touch graces it before reaching his belt and then finally one of the places where he’s been craving your touch. Not bothering to undo the button and fly of his jeans, you press the palm of your hand against his erection. You rub it against Colt, traveling along the swell of him. Your fingers find and circle the head of his cock through the layers. His precum clings to your digits, sticky. He cums, making a further mess of himself.
“Good boy, Colt.”
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Do not repost, copy, or reproduce my work to other sites or in other media formats. Do not use it for anything to do with AI. Thank you.
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drivinmeinsane · 7 months
Colt is going to be the love of my life and I don't think you should be writing about him so soon. YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM. You're probably just projecting harmful thoughts onto MY BABY like you do with Ken. Cut! It! Out! ✂️💥
The wonderful thing about liking characters that are in the public eye, everyone will have differing thoughts on those characters and the ways they wish to interact with their source material. I appreciate the message, it inspired me to assume even more things about Colt Seavers. <3
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{ masterlist }
※ Summary: It's golden hour at the beach. You and Colt have some waves to catch.
※ Rating: T for suggestive remarks.
※ Word count: 609
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“I can carry my own board,” you protest as you watch your companion begin sliding the epoxied piece of polyurethane from the bed of his lifted truck. Colt pauses to look at you, an easy smile on his face. The sand is cool under your feet. The entire beach is awash in a golden hour glow. It was bordering on being too cold to be riding waves, but that wasn’t enough to make the stuntman hesitate. He lived for pushing the limits.  “I’ll be all weirdly lopsided if I don’t,” he jokes, dramatically tipping to the side under the weight of his surfboard that he’s already tucked underneath one arm.   You roll your eyes at him, but drop it. He’s too stubborn to argue with when he gets it in his head that he wants to do something nice for you. You latch the truck’s tailgate for him once he has both boards in his possession. The two of you start off towards the lapping ocean. This section of the beach is deserted, it’s only you and Colt out here. Even the gulls were absent, off harassing visitors on the more populated stretches of sand. “You think we’ll be lucky enough to see Bruce this time?” He asks over his shoulder. He turns just enough that you can see the laughter lines crinkle around his eyes at his own commentary. “Only you would be excited by the idea of getting eaten by an oversized fish.”  “I mean... whose idea of a good time doesn’t involve someone getting eaten?” He quips in response, tone flirty. You know that if the two of you were facing each other, he would have dragged his graze slowly up your body to further the remark. Torn between embarrassed and exasperated, you briefly cover your face with your hands. They do absolutely nothing to muffle your groan. You hear Colt chuckle when he sees your reaction out of the corner of his eye. He really could be the most insufferable person alive, but damn, if you didn’t love him all the same.  The water is cold as the waves push over your feet. You hiss at the sensation, but take your surfboard from Colt all the same. You both lean down to secure your ankle tethers. Upon straightening back up, Colt squeezes your shoulder. His hand is hot on your bare skin and you lean into his touch, chasing the warmth. “Ready?” You ask him. “I was born ready,” and with that, you’re both plunging into the water.  You shout encouragements at each other as you attempt to maneuver through the ocean. During one particular effort to crest a wave, Colt wipes out spectacularly. He somersaults through the air with a shrill shriek before he hits the water. You laugh so hard about it that you lose balance and pitch headfirst into the waves yourself. He’s right there when you resurface, hair plastered to his forehead and sitting on his surfboard with a sheepish grin spread across his face. He watches while you pull yourself back onto your own board. He paddles closer, until your knees are brushing. “Hey,” he says, leaning in.  “Hey yourself,” you answer, closing the distance.  He cradles the side of your face with one large hand. His thumb makes slow passes over your cheekbone, caressing. You allow yourself to get lost in the firm press of his mouth against yours, the taste of salt on his lips, and the warmth of his body. If Colt’s favorite fictional shark were to pull you down underneath the water right now, you think you would die happy having been loved by this man.
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velvrei · 15 days
colt seavers drabble masterlist! ;)
note: all works here written by velvrei, do not take my work and post on third party apps or translate it either.
❦ = smut, ☼ = suggestive, ✿ = fluff
thigh riding w/ colt ❦
colt talking you through it ❦
dom!colt eating you out ❦
hair pulling with dom & sub colt ❦
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ryanspinkfuzzyblanket · 4 months
✩°。⋆ Info and Masterlist ⋆。°✩
Hello everyone I’m Cazmo! I am deep into my Ryan Gosling hyperfixation and have finally decided to make a sideblog for it! Although I’m not new to posting fanfic on here, I am new to posting in this fandom so please be nice and we can all have a great time :)
I don’t take requests but my inbox is always open to any ideas
Indefinite Upcoming Fics:
Almost (Sweet Music): Court and Claire (ao3)
Yearning: Colt Seavers
My ao3
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Blade Runner 2049: Officer K
No Artificial Colours or Flavours
The Fall Guy: Colt Seavers
I Was Made for Lovin’ You, Baby (drabble)
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