#compassion!!!! best power my beloved my beautiful i am going FERAL
htub · 2 years
Me going into GLTAS: eh i never cared much for GL but I wanna watch it for completition reasons
Me one day later, buying a t-shirt: THIS IS WHO I AM DAD
4 notes · View notes
Of Blood and Roses*
Chapter One
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Sequel to Balance on the head of a Pin
Pairing: Loki Odinson X Lauren   |  Word Count: 7590 Warnings: Fluff, smut, NSFW
There was a wrenching feeling like her stomach was trying to lead the way to wherever it was they were going. Pain from the blow to her head had Lauren moaning in distress.
“Almost there, darling. A few seconds more.”
The voice seemed to come from very far away, but she curled into it, desperate to keep her stomach from succeeding in leaving her body. When it all came to a halt, Lauren gave a hard gasp and prayed not to vomit.
Softness pressed to her lips, then cool, soothing magic slipped down her throat and settled everything, letting her stomach return to its original location.
When his mouth lifted, Lauren kept her eyes closed but smiled until the cut in her mouth pulled and murmured, “Loki…”
Knelt to a knee on the golden floor of the observatory dome, Loki cradled Lauren to him and gently touched her cheek. “Can you open your eyes, my love?”
“Head hurts,” she whimpered.
“I know, darling. I will take care of everything once were are in the palace. Once I know you are safe.” Still, he traced his fingers over the bruises, numbing her skin.
She relaxed again, slipping back into the semi-conscious state she’d been in when they left Midgard.
“Loki,” Thor murmured. “She would not want to be seen in such a state, and you have her blood on your face.”
Loki cared not about the blood on his face, but his brother was not wrong. Lauren would hate if the first impression people had of her was one of her less than immaculate. Not because she was vain, mind you, but because she would want to put her best foot forward. He pulled the cape from his back and draped it over her.
“Why not just use your magic and clean her up as you are want to?” Thor asked.
“Because,” Heimdall answered before Loki could, “he intends to take her to the pools.”
Loki only smirked at the observant Guardian, but Thor chuckled, patting Loki’s shoulder when he got to his feet. “Ah. I should have guessed. You are smart to do so.”
“I would have done so even had she not been injured. It will accelerate her conversion, bringing her further into our world and closer to her true self.” Loki made certain his cape covered her adequately, cradled her close, and brought her bruised cheek to his chest.
“I called for them to bring horses,” Heimdall murmured.
Loki glanced at the big male in the golden armour. There was compassion in his eyes and soft affection when he looked at Lauren. “Thank you, Guardian.”
“No poofing?” Thor waved his hand.
“You saw the trauma the magic of the Bifröst caused. Until she is fully healed, I dare not risk it.” Loki brushed her unmarked cheek. “He struck her so hard. I fear there is damage to her head I am not seeing. Until I can take her to the healing pools, I will not do more than primary care.”
Hoofbeats racing down the bridge had Loki’s head snapping up. There were far more than needed, and a low warning growl rumbled in his chest.
“Loki.” Thor held up his hand and peered at him quizzically. “We are home. There is no danger here.”
He relaxed but only a little when the four people strode into the observatory. The Warriors Three and Lady Sif. He should have suspected.
“My King!” they cried out together and rushed toward Thor only to jolt to a stop when Loki stepped back.
Holding Lauren tightly to him, he summoned his staff to his right hand. Edgy and defensive, Loki took a second step in retreat and brought the weapon to bear.
“Loki. Brother.” Thor let his hammer drop to the ground. “No one here wishes your Lady any harm.”
“There has been trouble,” Hogun murmured. “Should we call a healer?”
“I can heal my own,” Loki snarled.
“Of course, my prince,” Heimdall said softly, moving to stand with Loki. “Hogun meant no insult.”
Loki looked to Heimdall, to the golden eyes which saw much, and found understanding. “I am… uncertain,” he said so only Heimdall would hear him.
“You are bonded all of a day. That you are wary of those powerful enough to harm your Lady when she has, already, seen harm is not an oddity. Come.” Heimdall motioned toward the door with his sword. “I will see you to your horse. Then, you can see to your wife.”
The three warriors exchange a look of incredulity at the word wife.
“It’s not… possible,” whispered Fandral.
“The binding is finished? Already?” Volstagg asked, looking at Thor.
“Just. Last eve she took the final step,” Thor smiled fondly at Lauren. “She is a remarkable woman.”
Loki ignored them all, moving when Heimdall did, keeping the Guardian between himself and the others. Lauren whimpered, the pain in her side beginning to throb through their bond. Her brow furrowed, and she mewled a sound of distress.
“Thor!” Loki snapped, striding purposefully toward the doorway and vanishing his staff. “We must go!”
“Take my mount,” Sif said, appearing on the opposite side of Heimdall. “He has the smoothest gait and won’t jar the Lady Lauren.” She motioned to the chestnut with the four white socks.
With a nod, Loki transferred Lauren to Thor’s arms and stepped astride Sif’s gelding. The horse shifted restlessly, but Sif was there to keep him calm. Thor transferred her back, but Loki’s cape slipped, revealing the blood which had dried on her throat and caked the torque around her neck.
The four gasped, but it was Sif who placed her hand on his boot. “Tell me they are dead.”
“There was no other outcome for the ones who hurt her.” Loki gently tucked his cape around Lauren’s shoulder and brought her close to him.
Sif nodded before swinging into the saddle of a big white mare. The Warriors Three mounted around them, and Thor swung astride another gelding at his side.
Loki focused on Heimdall, the Guardian standing in the doorway, and gave him a nod of thanks. “Heimdall.”
“Welcome home, Prince,” Heimdall said and tilted his head.
“Sif,” Loki murmured, turning her gelding to face the city. “My Ástvinur has shown me the error of my youthful misdeeds. I sincerely apologize for taking your hair.”
Her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open in shock, but she nodded slowly. “Thank you… prince.”
“My dear, Sif,” Loki smirked. “When have you ever called me prince?” Without waiting, he set his heels to the gelding’s sides and took off down the bridge at a gallop.
As expressed, he had quite a smooth gate, the gelding, but when each hoof connected with the ground, it sent vibration through the horse’s frame and caused Lauren to flinch.
Loki sent a wisp of green magic tumbling around the equine’s hooves and between one beat and the next, all sound ended as he began to run an inch above the surface.
The gelding’s ears flicked, and he snorted, a large dark eye rolling back to look at Loki.
“Easy. You are fine,” Loki murmured to the horse. “Just run for me.”
He snorted again and stretched out, his strides lengthening as they ate up the ground.
Loki released the reins, allowing the horse to do his job, and lifted his now free hand to Lauren’s cheek. “My heart,” he murmured, stroking her face. “Open your eyes, my heart.”
“Loki,” she whimpered.
“We are on the rainbow bridge, my darling. Do you not want to see it?”
Her lashes fluttered open, but before she could look down and likely grow dizzy from their speed, he turned her chin to look toward the city.
“Oh my… stars,” she whispered, the wind nearly stealing her words. “How beautiful.”
“Welcome home, beloved.” He gently kissed her temple and let the wind wisk the tears from his eyes long before they could fall.
Her head tilted back on his shoulder to peer up at the sky. “Amazin’. It’s just like you showed me.” A smile curled her lips but her lashes fluttered closed, and she drifted again.
“We are almost there, my heart. Soon you will be well, and then we can rest.” The sun had not yet crested the world, dawn a few hours yet from breaking, so when the gelding left the bridge to race through the streets of the city and climb his way toward the palace, there were few to see their arrival.
At one time, he would have been put out by such a homecoming. No fanfare. No pomp. No revelry. No joyful shouting or flowers spilled at his feet. At one time, nothing would have satisfied him more than returning home as the saviour of Asgard. As the prince worthy of both throne and exaltation.
Today, he could not have cared less that no one witnessed his return. His mind had a singular focus. A singular task. Nothing and no one mattered but seeing Lauren reached the healing pools beneath the palace.
The twisting maze of streets fell away behind him as his steed ran without flattering. Once the initial shock had worn off, it appeared Sif’s mount enjoyed the lack of sound created by his airborne hooves.
He put quite a bit of distance between himself and the others, leaving Thor to his escort. But Loki felt better without others too near.
Perhaps Heimdall was correct. Maybe it was the newness of the binding and the injuries Lauren had received which made him anxious. Still, he could not shake the feral feeling welling inside him. The need to protect, provide, and claim was overwhelming as if the instincts of the wolf he’d worn had not faded when his body had resumed its human shape.
Something about it seemed… different, but Loki could not put his finger on the how.
He pushed the thoughts aside when he arrived at the steps to the palace, and the gelding slowed to a halt, his feet gradually returning to the ground. The guards on duty came to attention, his helmet and horns hard to mistake.
Loki threw his leg over the horse’s neck and dropped lightly to the ground. “Thank you, swift one,” he murmured to the horse. It wickered and walked off toward the stables, blowing only a little.
He could not wait for Lauren to be well. She would adore them, the horses of Asgard. They could run for hours and never tire. Jump heights unimagined by humans. He would take her to the barns and let her choose her own. A mare, perhaps. Something with spirit but without the bullheadedness of the males.
“Prince Loki.” The two approaching guards drew his attention. “We were not aware of your return.”
“Have things changed so much I am required to announce my comings and goings?” he snapped. “Remove yourselves from my path. My Ástvinur requires my attention.”
They had drawn close enough to catch sight of the blood on his face, but Lauren was well covered with her bruises hidden against his chest.
Still, they asked, “Do… you require a healer, highness?”
“I do not.” He walked past them, continuing up the stairs and through the high doors of the entrance hall.
A clatter behind him announced the arrival of the others, but he was already striding away through the Hall of the Ancients. A voice called to him from the shadows, but Loki paid it no heed, continuing on past the early risen servants when a familiar face caught his eye.
“Selvina,” he called out to the woman who had been housekeeper to the palace for as long as he could remember.
“Prince Loki!” she gasped and curtsied deeply. “We did not expect you back yet. The King was going to send word so we could prepare for your arrival.”
Loki stepped beyond the shadows yet blanketing the hall. “Expectations changed when they tried to take what is mine,” he growled softly.
She inhaled sharply, her eyes darting to the blood on his face, then down to the woman cradled in his arms. “I… I will see your rooms prepared at once.”
“Thank you, Selvina. Lauren and I will be in the caverns.”
“Oh, the poor dear. Will she be alright?”
Loki looked down at Lauren, at the dark bruises of fatigue beneath her eyes. “She will be. See food and mead are also waiting. We will return in one hour.”
“Yes, my lord.” She bowed again as he walked away, heading for the stairwell which would lead down into the caverns where the healing pools waited.
He stopped. “Now is not a good time, Father.”
“How badly is she injured?” Odin asked, stepping into the corridor at Loki’s back.
“I have taken care of what I could be certain of. She took a blow to the head and when we travelled the Bifröst it… hurt her.”
“I see. You know which pool to use?” Odin asked, moving closer.
“I remember my lessons,” he snarled. “I am not some child.”
“You are still my child,” Odin murmured. “You have said so yourself.”
Loki looked at the ceiling and sighed in resignation. “I was a son of Odin for many years, but there are also many harsh words and harmful actions between us. This is not the time to discuss reconciliation, Father.”
“You are correct, of course. Might I at least… see her?”
Odin took another step closer, and Loki turned his head to see his father over his shoulder. “Not now. It would… distress her to have anyone see her so.”
“I care not for the nature of her dishevelment,” Odin scoffed. “I wish only to see the woman who will save my son.”
“And so you shall. After she is healed.” Loki walked on, avoiding any more arguments. He would not allow anything but the most favourable first impression. She was his wife and a Princess of Asgard. Already rumours would fly to become fodder for the masses of how he arrived here, bloodied, wearing his battle gear, with his unconscious Ástvinur in his arms and gone straight to the pools.
People would judge him for losing her, for having her stolen out from underneath his nose, but once they met her, saw her, grew to know her, they would see how special and lovely and unique she was. They would no longer be surprised someone had tried to take her from him. It should be no surprise they failed.
Two guards stood watch at the entrance to the caverns. They straightened but made no move to stop or question him. He was their prince once more and went where he wanted when he wanted.
Soft lights flared one by one as he descended into the moist heat of the cavern. While these pools, hot springs really, were for private use by the royal family, they did drain together into one giant mineral spring which was available for the public to use at will.
Bathing in the water of the combined pools would cure much of what ailed one, but the two pools beneath the palace were unique. Each worked in its own mysterious way. One healed the body. One restored magic. Both trickled over into a waterfall which drained out through stone, mixing and diluting the waters with runoff from the underground springs until they became the healing spring for the city.
His Father believed he was only here for the first, but he would lead Lauren through both before he took her to their chambers. Odin was not yet aware of Lauren’s state as his bonded or he would not have questioned Loki’s choice of pool. Had she still been of Midgard, allowing her to bathe in the waters of magic could have been dangerous, but as she was now of Asgard, the waters would only bring her closer to her true self.
Her radiant beauty would shine for all to see.
He paused at the base of the stairs and breathed deeply of the mineral scents and warmth, the musty cave smell which would last forever. A flick of his finger sealed the doorway to keep out would be intruders. Another shed him of his clothes. A third had a handful of candles flickering on a rock outcropping.
Loki let his cape fall to the rock and walked into the water with Lauren still fully clothed. She hissed when her feet came in contact with the warmth, then whimpered when he sank deeper still, making his way across the sandy bottom until he was chest deep and Lauren floated in his gentle hold.
He cupped and poured handfuls of the water over her damaged cheek, tenderly stroked wet fingers over her blackened eye, watching as the bruises faded away. He freed her hair and washed the blood from her throat. The water glowed softly, a milky white which hid much of her from view, and he continued to card his fingers through her hair, letting the water work until her lashes fluttered open.
He smiled and cupped her cheek. “Welcome back, my heart.”
“Where… where are we?” she asked, allowing her feet to fall down until she found the sandy bottom. “What is this place?”
“The Pools of Neth,” he murmured, stroking her wet hair back from her face. “You were injured, my love. I feared more severely than I could fix. So I brought you home. To Asgard.”
“So… I didn’t dream the bridge or the city?” Her gaze dropped to his bare chest, and her hands soon followed.
“No, darling.” His body stirred with her tender touch.
“And the water is really glowin’ like a lit up milk bath?”
He chuckled at her description. “It is.”
“Is there a reason I’m still dressed?”
He waved his hand, and she wasn’t. “Your reaction to the magic of the Bifrost concerned me. Often, a head wound can be hard to detect, even for me, but can make one sick when such powerful magic is used. I would have had to take you to an actual healer or bring you here, to be certain of your recovery. I chose here.” He cupped her face and bent to kiss her hungrily before sweeping Lauren off her feet and heading for the pool’s edge.
“Loki,” she moaned and buried her face in his throat.
“I am only switching pools, my love. Then I will return to what I started.” He walked from the water and up a gentle incline to find the smaller of the two pools. Here the water was a soft lavender, warmer than the first, and at its deepest came to his shoulders. Stepping down into it, he felt the surge of renewing strength begin to flow through his veins.
Lauren groaned in delight and threw her head back. “Oh… wow…”
“The first pool was for healing the body. But this one renews magic and the heart of an Asgardian. Being in it will speed your conversion. You will grow stronger, faster, become harder to injure,” he whispered and delicately touched her throat. “You will heal with a swiftness not known to man. Your beauty will know no limits. You shall be a goddess. My goddess,” he crooned, pulling her out in the pool with him until she had to cling to him to stay afloat.
Her arms went around his neck. Her breasts flattened against his chest. Her thighs brushed against his, and he knew she could feel his arousal. “Once you are fully of Asgard, I will worry less about silly things like shoving at guns,” he scolded.
“It seemed like a good idea at the time,” she muttered.
“Most definitely not,” Loki grumbled but kissed the tip of her nose. He took his hands over her back and down her side, trailing his fingertips over the place where she'd been wounded. “You terrified me today. Watching the blood soak into your dress.” He nuzzled his nose beneath her chin. “Watching it run down your throat… It was terrifying, Lauren.”
She tilted her chin back and tightened her hold, almost purring when he kissed a path along her jaw to suck lightly at her pulse. “I wasn't scared. I knew you'd come. I heard you howl and it was like all my fear melted away.”
“You were rather calm,” he murmured, nipping her ear. “Even bloodied and bruised you were...  magnificent. Still,” he sank his fingers into her hair and pulled her head back to see her heavy-lidded eyes, “I’d prefer you not do it again.”
“So would I. Loki… I feel…” She shuddered, and her eyes gleamed with his magic.
“How do you feel?” he whispered and bit at her jaw.
“Warm and… like somethin’ is strokin’ my nerves.”
He jacked her up to bring his mouth to her breasts and began to lap at them slowly, biting gently to make her nipples harden. “It’s the magic flowing through your veins. Exquisite, isn’t it?”
“Oh… god…” she moaned. Her legs lifted to wrap around his waist and her scorching hot core came to rest against his hard cock.
Loki growled and dropped her down to take her mouth, kissing her hungrily again as he moved them through the water to the edge where he pressed her back against the smooth basin and began to rock his hips into her. “The water enhances your senses. It sends its magic bubbling up inside you like a geyser until it crests and pours back out. Those who are truly powerful can spend much time soaking in the waters. Those whose magic is less need only minutes before it becomes too intense. Shall we test your limits, darling? Shall we see how strong you are?”
“Loki,” she whimpered, burying her hands in his hair. “It feels so good.”
He grinned at the flush forming on her face. “The water, pet?” He rocked his hips into her core and adored her shudder. “Or is it something else you are speaking of?”
She opened her eyes enough to show him the gleam of green emeralds. “Both.”
Loki growled excitedly. “My little minx. Are you trying to seduce me?”
Her lids lifted a little more, and she smiled a curl of lips so sultry it stole his breath. “I assure you, sir. I don’t need to try.”
“No. You certainly do not,” Loki murmured, nipping his teeth into her bottom lip before pulling her from the wall to lift her up and sit her on the ledge.
Her body gleamed, sheets of lavender water cascading back into the pool and splashing over Loki’s chest. Her hands were on his shoulders, his held her waist, gentle but firm. He stepped between her knees, nudging them apart, and brought his hand up to caress her side. The tender touch made her giggle, but he paid it little mind, needing to be assured she was whole from the wound she’d taken.
“Loki.” Lauren cupped his cheeks and lifted his chin. She smiled when their gazes locked. “I’m fine. I promise. I feel… really, really good actually. Really good.”
“Really good, darling?” He smirked up at her. “Are you certain you could not feel… better?”
Her feet and lower legs dangled in the water still, keeping her connected to the pool’s magic, but Loki pressed her knees further apart. The slow glide of his fingers up her thighs had her panting and quaking, her desire growing to connect them through his heart stone, the torque a shining adornment around her throat.
“I’m pretty sure I could feel better,” Lauren sighed, carding her fingers through his hair when he began to press sucking kisses to her abdomen.
“Oh, I know you could,” he chuckled and dragged his tongue over her serpents. He delved lower, licked and nipped and sucked at her thighs. Her scent flourished to mix with the minerals in the air, and it was heavenly. “You smell divine, my love.”
He looked up, watched her face as he nudged her closer to the edge of the pool, and slicked his tongue up her core. Her breath burst out on a moan and a shudder and her hands clenched in his hair, but Loki was lost to the taste of her. Too intent on forcing more of those sultry little moans from her lips, he paid the sharp tugging of his scalp no mind.
He licked at the ambrosia flowing from her, savouring every drop as her cries grew louder, and the tension of her core grew tighter. She moaned, and it echoed, making him chuckle when embarrassment fluttered in his heart stone.
“Don’t laugh!” she scolded only to jolt when he brought his hand to her slick folds and pressed his fingers deep.
“I like laughing with you, pet.” He stroked his fingers through her walls and curled them up into the special spot inside her. She gasped, and he grinned. “But I like making you moan as well. Will you come for me, love? Come apart on my fingers so that I can bring you back into this pool and have you come apart on my cock.”
“God, Loki!” she cried out, then mewled like a kitten when he caught the hard berry of her nipple between his lips and worried it with his teeth. “Enough!” she choked, dragging his head back by his hair. “I just want you, peaches!”
She kicked off the ledge, falling into his arms, and nearly sending them both under when he stumbled backward.
“Lauren,” he murmured, locking his arm around her waist to keep her still when she fought to bring her legs around him. “Wait.”
“No. I want you,” she whined and took her teeth to his throat.
“Dammit, woman! You'll have me in a moment! For one bloody second will you look at me?” he barked.
She jerked back in shock. “Loki!”
Hurt laced her voice. “I'm sorry, my love, but I need you to look at me,” he murmured and cupped her cheek.
What was that? He frowned as he peered into her eyes.
“What? What's wrong?” she asked.  
“There is a spark… or…. I thought there was,” he frowned and stroked her cheek. “Whatever was there is gone now.” But he was certain he’d seen something.
“A spark of… of what?” she asked, sounding concerned.
He smiled for he didn't want her to worry. “Of magic, darling.”
She gave a bark of disbelief. “Uh huh.”
Unwilling to argue with her, Loki changed the subject. “Perhaps we should take this back to our room where I can make love to you properly?”
“Because you're so concerned with proper,” Lauren teased and wrapped him in her thighs. “Please, Loki. Valhalla is callin’. The water feels… delicious. Take me now,” she whispered, licking his mouth before moving down to slick her tongue over the moisture on his chest.
“You're going to be the death of me, woman,” he growled but gave in, shifting his hold to her ass. He lifted her up, notched his head against her opening, and slowly sank her down his cock.
She moaned at the stretch, her forehead coming to rest against his. “God…  every time,” she whimpered. “I love it.”
“You fit me so well, my heart,” he murmured, beginning to rock her gently.
Gentle went out the window the moment she moaned, “Harder.”
Tight walls gripped him with every stroke, fluttered and quaked as he took her hard and fast, standing in the middle of the pool. The magic bubbling in his veins became an intoxicating counterpoint to the singing lust and desire.
Sweat beaded on his brow and dripped from his chin, the heat of the pool nothing compared to what was slamming through his body with every upward thrust of his cock.
Lauren wrapped her arms around him, bringing them as close as possible, causing their bodies to slide together. He could feel the hard points of her nipples drag on his chest. Her nails dug into his back when the pleasure became too much, and she screamed her release, the wave of ecstasy riding her body along with the magic from the pool.
Her body reacted so forcefully, Loki was helpless but to follow, roaring out his own climax when the magic surged back through him.
Gasping for air, he stumbled through the water to grab the pool’s edge and cling to it while Lauren hung limply against his chest.
“Damn…” she breathed against his throat and made him shiver
His body stirred with renewed life and the desire to have her again, causing her sheath to spasm and grip him, doing nothing but stirring the cycle all over. “Woman,” he growled softly when she snorted a giggle. “If you are so insatiable, I'd prefer to hold round two on a flat surface where I will not drown when you wear me out.”
“I wear you out?” she teased, her amusement practically humming on the air. “Who was the one comin’ here for recovery purposes, hm?”
Loki chuckled and grinned at her smile, but when her lashes lifted, his heart skipped a beat. The spark was back but had become a swirl of violet twisting with the green of his magic. She blinked, her lashes brushing the flush on her cheeks brought on by the heat of the pool. Then, they lifted and whatever had been there was gone.
“Loki?” she frowned up at him.
“I am simply astounded by your beauty,” he murmured and it was no lie. The pool had done exactly what he’d wanted it to. “Look at you sparkle.” He took her by the waist, swept her into his arms, and walked out of the pool.
Lauren laughed and threw her arms around him, bussing a kissed to his cheek. “Flirt.”
“Is it flirting when it is the truth?” he asked, letting her body slide to the ground.
Once she was stable, Loki stepped back and waved his hand, producing a full-length mirror. “Look, my darling.” He glided around behind her and pressed himself to her spine. “You are stunning.”
She gave a soft gasp and brought a hand to her lips. “What…? How?”
He stroked his hand up her creamy, soft skin and cupped her breast. The light glow she’d had after finishing their bond had become a radiance, a golden luminescence. He’d dried her hair, and it fell in waves and curls down her back to her waist. Her face had thinned but only a little, sharpening her cheekbones and jawline even further.  
His fingers continued upward to circle around her throat and tilt her head for his lips to walk the line of her jaw. “You bathed in the Waters of Neth. Now, now you are much closer to your true self. You are as you would be had you been born of Asgard. Only a little different, an enhancement of your beauty.” He brushed his fingers on her thigh, needing to touch her for she was just so incredibly soft.
Lauren let her head fall back on his shoulder, nearly purring in pleasure. “Y’all keep touchin’ me like that, we may as well just get back in the water,” she teased, sliding her hands behind her to grip his hips.
“I am considering it,” he murmured, kissing her pulse point.
“Or…” she moaned, “you could show me a little of the palace. Like… the corridors which lead to your rooms?”
She pressed her ass back into his cock with a wiggle that had him gasping for breath. “Minx!” he groaned.
“Not sayin’ I don’t like it down here.” She took in the cavern with its soft glowing lights, luminescent waters, and sparkling roof full of silver flecks. “But… I would like to see somethin’ of the place you grew up in.”
“Would you, now?” he crooned before sinking his teeth gently into her shoulder. “You wish to sightsee instead of staying right here with me?”
“Well, I did say on the way to your room,” she snickered.
“Our. Our chambers, my heart. What is mine is now yours.” He released her slowly, moved around to stand before her and sighed. “Such a pity to cover such perfection.”
“Oh, hush!” she huffed and blushed.
Loki chuckled, but waved a hand and garbed himself in the long day coat he preferred, rather than the armour and cape he had been wearing. “Now you, my love. Whatever shall we put you in, hm?”
“You’re the fashionista, peaches. I’m just the mannequin.”
“And a most fetching mannequin you are.” He stepped forward, placed a gentle kiss on her lips, and let his magic flow, wrapping her in it until he was certain she would be utterly exquisite in the gown he’d created. “There,” he smiled. “Befitting the newest Princess of Asgard.”
Her eyes darted to his, but she made no protest, only glanced toward the mirror and froze. “Oh, my stars!”
She pressed her hands to her waist, to the white fabric and its wide golden belt. The dress, a simple v-neck which showed off her torque, was unadorned except for the belt bearing his symbol in twisted coils and knots, and the clusters of intricate flowers created in gold which capped her shoulders and held her cape in position. It descended in a v part way down her back where a small clasp appeared, both ornamental and to keep her cape from dragging too far behind her. He’d returned Frigga’s bracers to her wrists, the circlet to her brow, and highlighted her features with smoky eyes and her lush, wet mouth. He’d created tiny braids, wrapped them in beads of gold, and left them to catch in the curls he’d tightened in her hair, sweeping half up in her customary tail, while leaving the lower mass to rest on her shoulders and stream down her spine.  
“By the Norns, I want to kiss your mouth until all that shine is worn off,” he growled.
She smirked at him coyly. “When we get where we’re goin’, I just might let you.”
A rumble of hunger left him, and Loki collected her hand, leading her carefully toward the stairs out of the cavern. He flicked a finger at his cape, making it vanish, and a hand at the candles before assisting her up the stairs.
Winding they were, but they did not take long to climb in her enthusiasm. The toes of her boots were silent on the stones, but without hesitation until they reached the turn which showed the exit and she paused.
“I’m… really nervous,” she whispered when he frowned down at her.
He knew, of course, how could he not, but Loki cupped her cheeks. “You have nothing to be nervous about. You will do amazing here. I have complete faith in you,” he whispered and kissed the end of her nose instead of messing up her lips.  
With a little tug, she started forward again, and he led her out into the hall past the two guards on duty. Both snapped to attention, causing their armour and weapons to resound at her back, and sent Lauren scurrying forward to cling to his arm and turn to see what had made the noise.
“Goodness! Y’all gave me such a fright!” she half scolded, half laughed.
Loki watched the mouths of both men fall open in awe and just managed to contain his laughter. Collecting Lauren’s hand, he brought it to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “As Thor has so recently reminded me, none who call the palace home would ever dare harm you, elskan min. Even if they do make a ruckus.” He smirked at the men as he tucked Lauren’s hand in his elbow and led her away. “Their current posting has them guarding the caves. A most boring posting to be sure as we rarely use it.”
“With how good I feel, I’d think y’all would be down there more often,” she murmured, but her attention was elsewhere, taking in the coffered ceilings, the detailed panelling on the walls, and the heavily carved doors and doorways. “Loki… this is incredible!”
She stopped before an open doorway, but only so she could reach out and touch the animals etched in the wood. “It’s so beautiful.”
“One could say the same of you, little sister,” Thor chuckled, appearing in the doorway. “White. Why am I not surprised?” Thor teased. “It is good to see you well. Come!” He clasped Loki by the shoulder and tugged. “Now that you are healed, there are introductions to be made.”
Loki resisted. “Thor, can this not wait? It was late when we left Midgard and dawn is but hours away. She is fresh from the pools but will grow weary soon enough.”
“You’re doin’ that thing again,” Lauren said.
“What thing, darling?” Loki asked.
“That thing where you talk about me like I’m not standin’ right here. Don’t make me tweak your ear again.”
It was not quite a glare she levelled his way, but it was close enough. “I simply do not wish to wear you out, my heart. It has been a long, emotional day. Introductions could wait.”
She smiled at him, that smile, the sweet one that always saw her getting her way. Then she brought her hand to his face and stroked his jaw, and he knew he was lost. She could have whatever she wanted.
“Elskan min,” she purred. “I wouldn’t want to be rude. Just a few minutes? Please?”
He sighed but nodded, glared at Thor, and stepped past his brother into the room, finding precisely who he’d expected to. Though it annoyed him, this deviation of his plans, Loki didn't feel the need to draw weapons to keep people away from her this time.
Volstagg smirked from where he was sat, bent over a half-finished carcass. “What happened to the unyielding God of Mischief? How easy you give in to your woman!” he laughed, causing Hogun to smile, while Fandral, lounging with one leg thrown over the arm of his chair, laughed along with him.
Sif only arched a brow, her demeanour stern but curious from her place beside the fire.
“Have a care how you speak to my brother, Volstagg. Especially as his bonded Ástvinur has been known to be quite vocal in his defense.”
“He’s not wrong,” Lauren said as she stepped out from behind Loki, allowing the four their first real look at the Princess of Asgard.
There was a beat of silence before the mad scramble began. Volstagg stood so swiftly, he nearly turned over the table. Hogun was quick to right it. Fandral tried to exit his chair only to come close to falling on his face in the process.
He was the first to cross the room, coming to a stop when he was a few feet away to offer Lauren a sweeping bow.
Her hand had wrapped around Loki’s elbow, and she’d stepped into him with the first explosion of movement, seeking safety in his shadow when their action disconcerted her.
“Highness,” Fandral crooned, glanced at Loki, and offered his hand. “You are fairer than the softest spring day. I dare say you are more radiant than the moon at its apex. I am honoured to make your acquaintance.”
Lauren blinked at him, a blush rising high in her cheeks when she looked up at Loki.
“Fandral, beloved. One of the Warrior’s Three and Thor’s companion,” Loki supplied.
“Oh!” Her eyes widened in understanding. Mischief blossomed in their green depths, and she smirked up at him for a moment before focusing her attention on Fandral and offering her hand.
He was quick to accept, but before he could actually kiss the back of her hand, she struck.
“Hm. The women of Asgard really are blind. Pretty enough, but I much prefer my brooding dark God,” she murmured softly, in a voice so sweet one could not take insult from it.
Fandral’s head whipped up in shock, his eyes enormous. He stared aghast at Lauren who continued to smile and blink at him with her big doe eyes until Fandral threw his head back and laughed.
“She is definitely a match for the God of Mischief!” he crowed, giving back her hand.
Lauren giggled, Thor’s laughter boomed, and the others joined in, leaving only Sif standing alone.
Loki magicked a cloth for Volstagg before he offered Lauren his hand, allowing Hogun to beat him to it.
“Hogun, highness.” He bowed over her hand.
“Hogun’s hound Ming is the mother of Usun,” Loki murmured, causing Lauren to look at him sharply.
“Really?” she whispered. When he nodded, she turned back to Hogun and threw her arms around the startled man. “Thank you! Thank you so much! Y’all don’t know how much they need him!”
“Lauren, darling. You’ve quite thrown poor Hogun off his game,” Loki chuckled as the man looked at him frantically. “She’s a bit of a hugger.”
“Hush, you!” Lauren huffed, pulling away, her cheeks now quite red. “Usun is a blessin’. You may have thought of him, and Thor may have brought him, but I’m sure Hogun had somethin’ to do with bringin’ him up! Until we can get the kids away from her, he’s their last line of defence!”
Worry instantly filled the heart stone, and Loki cupped her face between his palms. “They are alright, my heart. The others will inform Maria and she will be certain to keep an eye on them. Do you trust me, my love?”
“In everythin’, Loki,” she whispered.
“Then trust me now. I will let nothing happen to the children. Nothing!” he vowed.
“What children?” Volstagg asked.
“Lauren’s niece and nephew are… in an unpleasant situation,” Thor murmured. “One which would not stand on Asgard.”
“Rescue mission?” Volstagg’s eyes lit up.
“Not at this time,” Loki murmured, caressing Lauren’s cheek. “Breathe, my love. I promise they are protected.”
“Okay,” she sighed. “I just… worry.”
“I know. Let us continue the introductions so you can then rest. The portly one is Volstagg.”
“I beg your pardon!” Volstagg pounded a fist to his large midsection. “Tis all muscle!”
“A man with a hearty appetite is appreciated where I come from. Us southerners like to eat, after all,” Lauren offered kindly.
“You are as sweet on the inside as you are lovely on the outside, highness,” Volstagg said, his smile lifting the corners of his moustache.
Lauren blushed and tightened her hold on Loki's arm. “I wish y’all would just call me Lauren. If he can be Thor to everyone, can't I just be Lauren?”
“I'm afraid my love’s title is still a touch… unsettling to her,” Loki said smiling down at Lauren. “But if that is what you wish, darling, I see no harm in it amongst Thor's companions.”
“Because I need your permission to request such a thing?” she scoffed, and Volstagg snickered.
“Mm. I shall reserve the right not to answer loaded questions like that one.” Loki chuckled, collected Lauren’s arm, and moved past the three men and his brother to approach Sif before the fire. “Lady Sif,” Loki smirked. “Meet my Ástvinur, Lauren before I succeed in saying something else foolish.”
“See? You can teach an old dog new tricks,” Lauren teased before turning to Sif.
“I remember you,” Sif murmured and nodded her head. “We met once before.”
“Mostly in passin’, not really an introduction when Thor wanders by and points me out before carryin’ on without so much as a hello,” Lauren laughed. “But I’m ever so pleased to finally meet you. Thor talks about you so much, I can’t help but admire a woman like you.”
Sif looked taken aback before a rather shy smile spread. “He talks about you, too. The woman who tamed the God of Mischief.”
“I wouldn’t call him tame,” Lauren snickered, glancing up at Loki. “Housebroken, maybe?”
“Teasing wench!” Loki gasped and bared his teeth in a snarl. “Watch it, woman.”
“My what big teeth you have,” she quipped.
“I’ll show you teeth,” he growled, snaking his arm around her waist to pull her in and nip into her bottom lip.
Lauren smacked his chest. “Behave you big oaf!”
“Big oaf? I bring you all the way to Asgard, and this is the thanks I get,” he huffed, feigning hurt.
Her brow arched. “Mmm hmm. And what of Asgard have I seen? Caves, walls, and a single room.”
He pulled her in tighter and lowered his head. “Did I not show you the rainbow bridge? A view of the city? Pleasure unimaginable?”
“Loki!” Lauren gasped, her face flushing crimson. “Such a cad.”
“Ah, yes. But I am your cad,” he grinned, brushing their noses together.
“And a terrible tease,” she grumbled but buried her hands in his hair.
“Mmm,” he hummed against her lips. “But a fantastic flirt,” he whispered and kissed her deeply.
“Does this happen a lot?” Sif asked.
Thor snickered. “Yes. They lose themselves in each other, and the world disappears around them.”
“Incredible,” breathed Fandral.
“The bond is solid,” Hogun murmured.
“Have you tried this boar? I swear the meat is succulent as hell!” Volstagg stated.
Loki broke the kiss to lift his head and peer down into Lauren's eyes. A sea of green gazed back, and he smiled. “I swear, nothing here changes,” he murmured for her alone. “It is good to be home.”
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