#crimson rr
totaldrama-showdowns · 6 months
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Best Total Drama Outfit Showdown Finale
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Crimson: “The fishnets are the highlight for me tbh”
“Best team best outfits what else is there 2 say…”
“her outfit is everything gwen should have been”
“what if gwen's fit was Good?”
TDA Chef: “Go off king”
“slaying the house DOWN with a sheer hot pink gown pink gloves AND hat. not to mention his REAL diamond necklace and earrings. yes god”
“name a more iconic outfit. YOU CANT!”
“he slayed!”
“It’s iconic especially with the matching hat and gloves and the jewelry??? 10/10”
“i mean look at him”
“she 8”
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tddoodles · 6 months
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ma cutie-patooties
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enteringdullsville · 9 months
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I’ve always loved TD’s exaggerated running animations, but special mention goes to:
Jay, with his mantis-esque posture that Mickey distinctly doesn’t have (to the point that the wiki counts it as an error whenever they accidentally switch animations).
Leonard, Crimson, Ennui, and Kitty, whose arms barely move when they run. I could’ve sworn I’ve seen Chet run like this too.
Geoff, who has no elbows.
Josee and Jacques, with their outstretched arms, to the point where it’s jarring to see them run normally in the finale.
Noah, who’s been italicized.
And Owen, who actually has the sense to lean forward when he runs, but has tragically been covered up by the CN logo.
The stupid compression destroyed Lenny’s legs entirely
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vampozer · 1 year
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oh my god… they’re turning them emo!
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nikaturtleemoji · 5 months
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Y’all can’t say I haven’t been doing anything recently 🤞
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brookiidookiii · 8 months
yuri requests you say... perhaps crimson and kitty?
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I am a lesbian kitty truther
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qdkdraws · 7 months
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It's kinda fun that the creators of the series just wanted to add a couple of freaks for jokes, but ended up accidentally creating a super healthy couple that most of the audience approved of.
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acacia-may · 2 months
Star In A Dark Sky (TDRR Crimsennui Fic)
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When a haunted house fails to live up to Ennui and Crimson's expectations, it seems their date night might be ruined, but a game of ring toss might just save the day.
Crimsennui Slice of Life and (Fluffy?) Goths In Love.
Rated G. No warnings only fluff.
A/N: This fic was a gift for @randomsprinkles who has been insisting I post it for the world too, so I finally conceded put it up on AO3. I honestly wasn't planning on cross-posting to Tumblr, but this is for you @repo-net (I hope you enjoy it!)
Also highly recommend checking out the song "Star In A Dark Sky" by BATZZ in the Belfry (Spotify link; YouTube Link) which inspired this fic and provided its title. It's one of the most goth love songs of all time (in my opinion) and definitely makes me think of this pairing.
This story is meant to be read in their monotone, emotionless delivery and shouldn't be taken too seriously. That said, I hope I managed to give this amazing ship some well-deserved fluff.
Link to the fic on AO3 and full fic text below the cut. Thank you so much for reading! 🖤
“That was a let down.” Even though Ennui’s voice was monotone like usual, he saw the way Crimson was blinking at him and knew he was getting emotional. It was hard not to feel disappointed. That haunted house had gotten such good reviews, but it wasn’t scary at all. The blood wasn’t even realistic, and the supposed jump scares were pathetic. The actor playing the deranged chainsaw killer actually screamed when he turned to find Crimson, allegedly, sneaking up behind him, but she was really just standing there.
If Ennui was being honest, it was the best part. Watching Crimson terrify the haunted house employees made a feeling flutter in Ennui’s chest, and he didn’t hate it. Being with her made him feel like a new man—made him feel things, period. It was a strange but not unpleasant sensation. He just wished he could show her a better time than a pathetic, unscary haunted house.
“Sorry. I thought that would be scarier,” he said emotionlessly blinking at her, but when she just blinked back at him, he couldn’t tell if she was disappointed. She was so much less emotional than he was.
“It’s okay,” answered Crimson in her monotone voice. “It’s not your fault that they completely misused their budget and hired bad actors.”
Ennui supposed Crimson had a point. The problem was probably misappropriated funds, unscary actors, and bad writing. Still… “It was the only reason we came here. I would have never brought you to this carnival if I didn’t think we would get scared.” He paused—blinking at the bright, flashing carnival lights. “It’s too bright.”
Crimson nodded in agreement, but she said, “Walking past that petting zoo and watching you get mobbed by cute, fluffy animals was pretty terrifying.”
Ennui’s eyebrow twitched. The emotionless monotony of Crimson’s voice was so comforting. She knew just what to say.
“You would expect a carnival to be a little more creepy, but they really cleaned things up around here,” she continued, and Ennui nodded. He missed the days when the pier was dirty and dingy—filled with old, dilapidated buildings and shady carnies who smelled like cheap box wine and musty cigarettes.
“Things have really gone downhill around here thanks to the new management.”
Crimson nodded in agreement, and they quietly made their way to the exit. “We’re just not carnival people,” she said. “But I guess some of the games are okay.”
The colorful stalls of carnival games Crimson had just mentioned suddenly caught Ennui’s attention. Maybe he could make up for this dud of date by winning her a prize.
“Do you want to stop at one on our way to the exit?”
Crimson blinked. “Okay.”
Ennui and Crimson stopped at one of the carnival stalls for a game of ring toss. When Ennui won, he was so enthused his eyebrows twitched. From the blank stare Crimson was giving him, Ennui could tell she had definitely seen that gross display of emotions. It was embarrassing, but he couldn’t help it. Crimson brought out a very emotional side of him.   
After giving them many confused looks, the barker told Ennui he could pick a prize. Unfortunately, most carnival prizes consisted of brightly colored cotton candy and plushies of fluffy animals. Crimson wouldn’t like anything he got her here.
He let out a heavier breath than usual without even thinking to stop himself. He should have thought of that before.
Just as he was about to give up, he saw a ripped and crumbled plushie of a grey bunny hidden behind the others. It was missing an eye, was covered in dirt stains, and one of its arms was hanging on only by threads. It was perfect.
“I’ll take that one,” he said pointing to it. It took the barker several attempts and multiple directions of “Not that one. The one behind it” before he finally picked up the ripped bunny.
“Are you sure?” he asked in confusion. “This one fell off the truck.”
“Even better.” Ennui could feel the corners of his mouth twitch. It was gross, but he didn’t care. He handed the bunny to Crimson who blinked at it.
“It looks like its been through a woodchipper.” After a long pause, she looked up at him and added, “I love it.”
“I love you,” said Ennui. He paused. He hadn’t been meaning to say that even though he had been thinking it for quite some time.
Crimson merely blinked at him. Her blank expression was more unreadable than ever.
His eyebrows twitched again. Had he ruined their evening? “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make things mushy,” he said monotonously, but Crimson cut him off.  
“It’s okay.” She met his eyes—her deep, serious, and unemotional gaze sparkling like a star in a dark sky. Looking at her now, Ennui couldn’t help but think that even if sunlight was overrated maybe starlight wasn’t. And when she said, “I love you too” in that beautiful monotone way of hers something fluttered in his chest again.
Yes, Crimson made him feel things. But maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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crimson-chaser · 2 months
RAHHHH 🦅 🦅🦅🦅🦅
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stupendous-peem · 10 months
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The Goths fanart
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totaldrama-showdowns · 6 months
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Semifinals Match 1
Crimson: Best team best outfits what else is there 2 say…
Damien: unmatched t-boy swag
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tddoodles · 6 months
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"It's... beautiful. In a good way"
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lovelightdecadent · 2 years
enjoy my attempt at making crimson
i couldn't find an accurate belt at all so don't mind the one she has on sjfjsjd
the neckline of the dress not being as sweethearty also bugs me a bit but out of my options, i liked how this one looked in the overall outfit
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goths & bestfriends poly anyone…. please its so dark in here
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silvertws · 8 months
Oh... you thought my hyperfixation was over didn't you ... WELL THINK AGAIN! >:D
Currently updated list of different Steve sagas I have watched or I'm currently watching:
1) LOTB (Legend of the Balancers) (first one I've come across, where it all started, thanks for the hyperfixation :D)
2) RR (Ruined Reality) (I'm not saying I have favourites but...)
3) Steve Saga (The one by EarthlyCrown)
4) Bedrock Rising
5) OQP (Ore Quest Prime)
6) Crimson Life Origins, (if anything happens to the triplets I'll throw hands, for legal reasons, this is a joke)
7) Fragmented Realities (AH-! I FINALLY FOUND IT AGAIN >:D),
8) A Dark Soul (ok maybe I slightly do have favourites)
9) Rainbow Quest, (sobs aggressively in Orange Rainbow Steve)
10) Steve Legends, (still sobbing over Seer and Colle? Yes.)
11) Twisted Rainbow, (I'm literally obsessed with Sabre's insane arc)
12) Before We Fell
13) Elemental Quest
14) Elemental Quest Air
15-16) Elemental Quest Commander (I put them as 15-16 because I watched both Air and Ocean povs)
17) The Dark Steve Saga (honestly??? Slay. I would too sell my soul to be the mc lol)
18) The First Saviour (I can totally see nothing will go wrong here, what?? Noooo definitely not going to have a traumatized mc)
19) Shattered Origins
20) Fragments
21) Alex Era (*sighs* I have given into the Darkside and went back to watching it)
22) Tale of the Spirit Walker (it was funky, I like funky)
23) Lost transfiguration (the mc naiveness is hurting me, also he's definitely being played by Plague, COME ON. IT'S LITERALLY PLAGUE.)
Series that I'm unsure if I'll finish for...reasons
Steve Saga (yes, Sabre's one this time)
Purple Legends
Series that I want to watch:
Elemental Quest (oh yes, all of them, leave me be) and literally whatever else I can find >:3 your recommendations, hand them over.
Update: I watched them >:3
This should probably be my wake up call that I may be slightly obsessed over the funky Minecraft men, but whatever.
It's fine.
The Steve-verse is full of limitless possibilities.
I hate the fact that I have an idea for a storyline that I'm never going to make.
Why do I do this to myself you may ask?
I just do.
If only I had the motivation to make some funky animations or animatics about the silly goofy traumatized Minecraft men.
Hand your motivation over. Now.
Oh... and another thing... I've watched... many, many Minecraft roleplays in my life... so.many. and let's not talk about the animated series??? Like hello?????? Some of them are just ✨ the urge to make fanart is strong.
But studying for two upcoming tests is stronger TwT
Back to make my brain explode I go.
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totalpollsdrama · 7 months
Gingers from all season ( rr if u want)
Ooh great idea!
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