nonsimsical · 3 years
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| Happy Valentine’s Day |
,,and Happy Birthday Yuri!! Look at how cute Miki is in these pictures! Yuri’s new friend, Katie, took these adorable pictures of Miki! They turned out absolutely ADORABLE!!! Yuri cannot wait to hang these up in her house! Thank you so so much!
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bethisims · 3 years
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Dancing in the kitchen in the pale moonlight               Only care in the world is that our kids are all right Daddy loves momma and momma loves him               Tomorrow we get to do it over again
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lillysboutique · 5 years
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Wonderland Bare Boppy & Cover
17 & 18 Seperate swatches
found under clutter & kids decoration
Search [LB] to find all my cc
Credit to @curiouslyclementine
Download HERE
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bethisims · 3 years
Odd OTPs for Katie and Aiobhe (who need a ship name tbh)
You have to answer them with me, ya fuckin’ nerd.
Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
Well, Katie is already a koala, so there’s not really a way for either of us to be ‘pulled closer’. But if there was, I fully expect that she’d be the one pulling me into a bear hug in the middle of the night.
What movie do they watch when they both had a bad day and just want to turn off their brains for a little while?
Well our little Lochness Monster really lives up to his nickname, because he loves ‘water’ themed movies, eg: Moana, Finding Nemo (and Dory, obviously) and Shark Tale. There’s a 95% chance that one of those will be playing somewhere in our house at any given time, so it’s gotten to a point where our brains just shut off automatically. 
How do they hype one another up?
I stick to the standard way of hyping Katie up, by telling her that she’s breath-taking all the damn time, but especially before she leaves to see her clients. My god, my wife is STUNNING. Katie, on the other hand, likes to hype me up to her Tik Tok followers, and makes a ton of cliche Tik Toks about me and the kids. She’s so cheesy!
Who tries to playfully scare the other person and who always knows where the other person is?
I have mama senses, so Katie tries but rarely succeeds. It’s cute though, she gets so excited, I almost wish I was scared.
When their partner has a bad day, what is something the other picks up to try and make their day a little better? Ex - Fast food, flowers, a punny card, etc.
Orange flavoured chocolate is a safe bet for both of us, and Katie has a stash of it hidden away from Loch because he can sniff it out like a truffle pig. If I’ve had a long day though, Katie will usually bring home dinner which is always a huge weight off my shoulders. For Katie, I know that if a chocolate orange won’t help, I can usually cheer her up by giving her a cuddle and making sure that she eats properly.
What song reminds them of each other?
Katie says that for her it’s “In Case You Didn’t Know” by Brett Young, which is incredibly sappy and sweet. The song I associate with Katie is “Forever After All” by Luke Combs. As you can probably tell, we both unironically love country music!
What small quirks do they love about each other?
Katie likes it when I snort laugh, and I hate it. As for what I love about Katie.. Hmm.. I mean, the fact that she lives off little more than coffee -- while unhealthy -- is honestly inspiring. She also hates driving, and has a slight tremor; I call it her Jazz Hands. 
What are somethings that they do for one another because they know their partner hates it? Ex- do the dishes, phones to make an order, talks to sales clerk, etc.
Katie does the laundry because I hate it, and she actually enjoys doing it. She says it's warm and it smells nice. I drive everywhere because Katie hates driving, and I don't mind it, I didn't spend so much money on a car to let it sit in the driveway after all.
Who likes to nuzzle their head into their partner’s chest?
We both do, but Katie does it more and I love it when she does because I get to smell her shampoo, and it instantly makes me happy.
Who runs up and hugs their partner and who stands arms wide open to catch their partner?
Katie likes to yeet herself at me whenever she can, and I have always caught her, though it's gotten a little out of hand once or twice.
Would they much rather go on a romantic date or a laid back date? Explain why.
Laid back, absolutely. Neither of us enjoy flashy, romantic dates, there's always too much pressure and too many people for us to really enjoy it. If we do go out, which is rare -- with the pandemic and a newborn -- we go to a small pizzeria a few miles from our house, we know the owners and it's always pretty chill, and the food is always delicious.
Who is the one who makes their partner laugh so much that their face hurts?
I am, because Katie laughs at my laugh, which usually makes me laugh harder and so the cycle continues.
Who accidentally drinks too much caffeine and who has to deal with their partner bouncing off the walls?
Katie lives on caffeine, and it honestly has little to no effect on her. I'm sure she'll have to deal with me bouncing off the wall when I can finally drink caffeine again.
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bethisims · 3 years
All for the one you reblogged from me :angel:
We both have to answer them, why do we do this lmao
1. Who plans a romantic night and who can’t stop making puns the whole time?
This could apply to both of them, but Aiobhe will always be making puns. She’s the queen of puns.
2. Who can’t stop giggling when they are supposed to be serious which then makes their partner start giggling?
Bold of you to assume that Katie could ever be serious. Katie makes Aiobhe giggle in the middle of important calls, and Aiobhe has to apologise for snorting in the person’s ear.
3. Who says funny things in their sleep? What do they say? Does the person who sleep talks believes they are saying these things?
Aiobhe sleep talks when she’s super tired, but most of the time it’s more practical than funny. Like she’ll start making note of things she needs to do, or groceries they need to buy -- and Katie, who’s still awake, will stroke her hair and agree and add everything she says to the grocery delivery.
Though the occasional funny ones are recorded by Katie, and uploaded to her tiktok.
4. Who likes to play with their partner’s hair?
Both of them, of course. They both thrive on physical touch, and are pretty much glued to each other every second of the day.
5. If they had a podcast what would they primarily talk about?
Queer parenting, most likely. They’d tell funny stories about their kids, and give mommy advice -- but also talk about the not so nice things too.
6. They are grocery shopping and this turns into a race on who can get their half of the list completed faster. Who wins?
Aiobhe. Katie would get distracted in the book aisle, and Aiobhe would find her 20 minutes later, propped up against a shelf with her nose in a book.
7. They decided to throw their pet a birthday party, who do they invite? Close friends with their pets? No one?
They have too many kids to be throwing parties for pets, but the kids would definitely make it happen somehow, probably by tricking their parents into baking cookies and making party hats for their poor animals.
8. Who would be more likely to buy their partner a scarf with planets on it?
Katie thinks that scarves were created by Satan himself, and Aiobhe’s always hot so a scarf would be more than useless to her. So neither of them.
9. Who would go out of their way to do something silly to make their partner laugh?
Both of them do. They love making each other laugh.
10. Who is causing the ruckus and who has to try and stop it?
It can go either way, but it’s more likely to be Katie. 
11. Who playfully hugs their partner from behind when they are cooking/prepping food?
Both of them would, but Aiobhe cooks more so it’s usually Katie. 
12. Who high fives the other when they do something cool?
Aiobhe, absolutely. Gamer to the core!
13. How do they playfully roast one another?
Is... Is there more than one way to roast each other? Are they gonna sign at each other? (Though they totally could.)
14. What songs are on their road trip playlist?
Anything you can scream with the windows down; the kids think they’re insane. Also sea shanties. 
15. Who is the one who continues to use cheesy pick up lines after years of dating?
Both of them, they’re disgustingly in love with each other.
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bethisims · 3 years
All of the tea for all of the O’Doyles including the parents 😈
Cinnamon: What’s your favorite smell?
Lochlan: Coffee and stout
Elena: Laundry detergent and fresh baked bread
Eoghan: Sacha’s aftershave and baby shampoo
Aiobhe: Katie’s shampoo and newborn baby
Cabhan: Bacon and freshly mowed grass
Tierney: Pine trees and spiced apples
Vanilla: How long does it usually take you to fall asleep?
Lochlan: He has the dad ability to fall asleep immediately.
Elena: She usually falls asleep pretty quickly.
Eoghan: Quickly if Sacha’s there, if not, he just doesn’t.
Aiobhe: She falls asleep super quickly, but wakes up easily.
Cabhan: He’s pretty restless, so quite a while.
Tierney: He’s in a constant state of tired, so he could fall asleep while standing.
Jasmine: Are you currently in a relationship?
Lochlan: Yes
Elena: Yes
Eoghan: Yes
Aiobhe: Yes
Cabhan: No
Tierney: No
Peppermint: Sweater weather or beach days?
Lochlan: Beach days
Elena: Beach days
Eoghan: Sweater weather
Aiobhe: Sweater weather
Cabhan: Beach days
Tierney: Sweater weather
Dandelion: Have you ever tried to garden?
Lochlan: No, it’s not really his thing.
Elena: Yes, and she loves it.
Eoghan: Yes, but he’s not great at it.
Aiobhe: Yes, but she finds it dull. 
Cabhan: Yes, but he prefers cacti as they’re lower maintenance. 
Tierney: No, he doesn’t really care.
Hibiscus: Where would you want to go on your next vacation?
Lochlan: Somewhere warm and all inclusive.
Elena: LA to see her grandbabies.
Eoghan: Somewhere secluded, maybe camping.
Aiobhe: Ireland to see her family.
Cabhan: Rome, to see all the historical buildings.
Tierney: Australia.
Peach: Can you cook or bake?
Lochlan: He knows how to cook enough to keep his kids alive.
Elena: Yes, she has a ton of recipe books, and loves learning new dishes.
Eoghan: He’s okay at cooking, and likes baking with the kids, but it’s not exactly gourmet.
Aiobhe: She’s pretty good at both, she enjoys cooking more than baking though.
Cabhan: He enjoys cooking but baking frustrates him.
Tierney: He’s not very good at either, but enjoys getting baked xo
Chai: Favorite color combination?
Lochlan: Classic black and white.
Elena: Coral and teal.
Eoghan: Yellow and blue.
Aiobhe: Navy and white.
Cabhan: Blue and red.
Tierney: Purple and black.
English Breakfast: Have you eaten today?
Lochlan: Yes, all three meals.
Elena: Yes, but not lunch.
Eoghan: Yes, though he wasn’t very hungry.
Aiobhe: Yes, she’s eating more because she’s breastfeeding.
Cabhan: Yes, he got takeout.
Tierney: No, but he’s had 4 coffees and an energy drink.
Earl Grey: Do you like your middle name?
Lochlan: It’s Ruairi, and he thinks it’s okay.
Elena: She doesn’t have one.
Eoghan: It’s Malachi, and he likes it.
Aiobhe: It’s Grace, and she’s indifferent.
Cabhan: It’s Tomas, and he likes it.
Tierney: It’s Gideon, and he thinks it’s a kickass name.
Matcha: Iced tea or hot tea?
Lochlan: Neither, coffee.
Elena: Hot tea, with a small splash of milk, no sugar.
Eoghan: Hot tea, milky with two sugars.
Aiobhe: Iced, but she’d prefer iced coffee to iced tea.
Cabhan: He’s not a fan of either, he doesn’t really like caffeine.
Tierney: He doesn’t like tea, but loves coffee.
Raspberry: Do you have a work-out routine?
Lochlan: He has quite a physical job, so no.
Elena: She goes to aqua aerobics every tuesday evening with Mags.
Eoghan: Does chasing the kids around count?
Aiobhe: Not really, though she does her best to be active.
Cabhan: He goes on a jog every morning.
Tierney: He’s basically immobile, but he has a fast metabolism.
Lemongrass: Favorite childhood bedtime story?
Lochlan: Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
Elena: Winnie the Pooh
Eoghan: Dogger
Aiobhe: Madeline
Cabhan: The Gruffalo
Tierney: We’re Going On A Bear Hunt
Spearmint: What’s an interesting fact about you?
Lochlan: He’s ambidextrous.
Elena: She can multitask so well, it’s almost scary.
Eoghan: He has epilepsy. 
Aiobhe: She hates the smell of sage.
Cabhan: He’s deaf.
Tierney: He might have a kid, but he doesn’t know.
Chamomile: How would you describe your laugh?
Lochlan: Loud and dad like.
Elena: Almost musical.
Eoghan: Shy.
Aiobhe: Loud, and she snorts a lot.
Cabhan: The literal sound of joy.
Tierney: He’s a silent laugher.
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bethisims · 3 years
If I have to do all of them ✨so do you✨
Ughhhhhh.. fine.
what song makes you feel better?
Dinner’s Ready by Lucy Spraggan. It reminds me of being a kid.
what’s your feel-good movie?
Moana, no question.
what’s your favorite candle scent?
Vanilla, I guess. I’m not a huge fan of floral candles.
what flower would you like to be given?
 who do you feel most you around?
My wife and our beautiful children.
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
I like my smile, my tattoos and my eyes. And I like my sense of humour, who I love deeply and my need to make people happy.
what color brings you peace?
Navy blue, the colour of my childhood bedroom.  
what calms you down?
When Katie wraps me up in her arms and holds on tight. It makes me feel like every cell in my body relaxes.
what’s something you’re excited for?
Katie’s first ultrasound! I know I can’t be in the room with her, but I’m still excited.
what’s your ideal date?
Something lowkey, and somewhere with good food.
how are you?
I’m.. worried, and scared for what’s to come. But I’m hanging in there.
what’s your comfort food?
Mac n Cheese, but homemade. Not Kraft. Never Kraft.
favorite feel-good show
Bob’s Burgers, same as my wife.
fairy lights or LED lights?
Depends on the room. Fairy lights for the bedroom, and LEDs for my streaming room.
do you still love stuffed animals?
I still have a couple on a shelf in my bedroom.
most important thing in your life?
My family. 
what do you want most in the world right now?
For my sister-in-law to magically pull through. 
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
You fall in love, and it’s definitely not something you expect, but it is the most amazing gift you’ve ever been given.
what would you say to your future self?
I just want to know that everything’s okay.
favorite piece of clothing?
The sweater that Katie always steals from me, but it’s okay, she looks super cute in it.
what’s something you do to de-stress?
I give my wife a cuddle, play with the kids, or take a bath.
what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
Literally anything because it means they’re thinking of me.
what movie would you want to live in?
I’m fine where I am, in the real world.
which character would you want to be?
Myself. Though, I guess I could be a badass superhero.
hugs or hand-holding?
morning, afternoon or night?
Night, but I usually pass out as soon as Roisin’s asleep.
what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
The smell of Katie’s shampoo, and the baby lotion we use for the kids.
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bethisims · 3 years
Pride for my ladyyyyyy
💪 - what’s their ability they brag about the most?
She’s not really one to brag, unless she’s in full on gamer mode when she streams, in which case she likes bragging about how good she is and making men rage quit. 
👑 - what’s the possession they brag about the most?
Hmm.. Probably the house. Well, more the fact that she owns it with no debt or mortgage. It’s something she’s really proud of.
🌟 - do they enjoy being at the center of attention?
It depends on what kind of attention, and who it’s coming from. But on the whole? Not really.
👁️ - what do they think about their appearence?
She’s a little self conscious about her belly after having Roisin, but other than that, she’s pretty happy with herself.
👿 - how do they take criticism?
Depends on how the criticism is presented. If it’s harsh, then she has a harder time not taking it as an attack, but if it’s well meaning, then she tries her best to not get defensive and take on board what’s said.
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bethisims · 3 years
Could you do all the Valentine's Day questions for a couple? Aiobhe and Katie!? Like instead of answering them singularly, maybe you could use them to answer what they have done together or what they both enjoy about one another. That sort of thing?
I can try! I’ll ask Riley for their input too :D
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
They’re both huge cuddle bugs, and Aiobhe likes looking after Katie, like making sure she eats and doesn’t just live on coffee or fast food.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
Aiobhe does, but Lochlan got sad when they died the last time she got a bouquet. She likes daisies, and sunflowers. She has sunflowers tattooed on her knees. Katie’s not really bothered, and likes plants more than flowers. She likes Marigolds. 
There’s an understanding between them that while flowers are nice, they’re not really practical or necessary when it comes to showing love for each other.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
They both love orange flavoured chocolate, and it’s always on their grocery list because it’s the quickest way to cheer them both up. 
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Obviously their ideal dates are with each other. Neither of them are a fan of going out, but if they do, it’s to a tiny hole in the wall pizzaria that they know won’t be busy. The owner loves them, and the kids, and always tries to give Lochlan ice cream which he’s a huge fan of.
Due to the pandemic, and the fact that they have a newborn, date nights are home based -- not that they mind -- and usually consist of them getting take out of various kinds, and eating together at the table when the kids are sleeping. It’s perfect for them.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
Katie’s love language is physical touch, so Aiobhe usually wakes up already in a hug. And Aiobhe knows just how much Katie responds to physical touch, so hugs are a must for her. 
Katie’s a clinger, so she hugs with everything she has, and Aiobhe loves picking her up so she can wrap her legs around her waist. She loves feeling those hugs in every part of her.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
Katie is obnoxious when it comes to flirting, very cliche frat boy flirting, which Aiobhe hated when they first met, and Katie may or may not have been punched in the face for it. Aiobhe got in trouble because she was a lot older than Katie, obviously.  
Aiobhe’s more subtle, and uses body language more than words.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Katie finds gift giving super stressful, and always ends up overdoing it because she’s worried about getting it right. Aiobhe’s good at giving gifts, but loves winding Katie up by getting her cat themed gifts.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
They were both super quick to give their hearts to each other, they’re married after being together for a little over 3 months. But it feels right to them.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
They both find it super easy to say to each other, but Katie finds it hard to believe due to her past trauma. So Aiobhe goes above and beyond to make sure she does little things to let her know. 
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
They have so much trust in each other, and with them both having jobs that expose them to a lot of people, any jealousy would be super unhealthy. They’re each others biggest fans, and Aiobhe even takes some of Katie’s “accounting” pictures.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
They’re both satisfied with each other, and they’ve had a lot of experience with other people, and none of them have compared soooo... They’re pretty happy.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
Each other, obviously ;)
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
....this is exactly the same question as D..
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
Aiobhe’s definitely the more dominant one, which is something only she knows, and they’re both pretty adventurous when it comes to trying new things. 
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Katie does but not if it’s planned, she gets all jumbled and panicked. Aiobhe’s pretty smooth, she’s always been good at getting out of trouble.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
They’re both a sucker for tattoos. But physical looks don’t really matter to either of them, Katie needs someone to match her wit and who doesn’t take her shit, and Aiobhe just needs someone she can have fun with and who doesn’t take themselves too seriously.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
Neither of them really asked? It was more of a joke between them in a group chat they’re in, and then it just happened? 
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
They’re both romantics, they wouldn’t have gotten married three months into dating if they weren’t.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
Aiobhe didn’t, she dated a lot but none of them really meant too much to her? Maybe the first girl she dated, because she was the one that helped her figure out what she was feeling.
Katie dated her catholic school roommate for 4 years, and it kinda fucked her up.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
Katie believes in soulmates, and Aiobhe says she’s just happy to believe in whatever makes her wife happy, though she’s secretly a huge sappy monster and believes in everything to do with love. 
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
Yes, in fact, Aiobhe was the first one to break Katie’s heart (and her nose.) 
Aiobhe’s had her heart broken a few times, but tries not to hold onto it.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
They got married on Valentine’s day, so it’s safe to say that they like it and are massive gay clichés. 
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
See the above question, lol. But Aiobhe never really planned on getting married, that’s why she started her family alone. Katie’s always wanted to get married, and give her kids the life she never had.  
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Katie likes nicknames, but not cutesy ones like honey/wifey/sweetie. She’s fine with babe and baby, which are the primary ones that Aiobhe uses unless she wants to be annoying, in which case she calls her Kitty.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Katie does, especially when it comes to the kids. Aiobhe’s pretty chill, but she likes it when Katie gets protective of her.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
Too many. But they only matter to each other now.
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bethisims · 3 years
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Roisin Crib -- Newborn & Lowered Mattress Included.
You can see the height difference a little better in the second pic. It's not perfect, and the mattress mesh belongs to @curiouslyclementine -- so thank you for that, Roo.
X Non Functional.
X Don't claim as your own, please. That'd make you a huge dick.
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nonsimsical · 3 years
I have been working on multiple projects!
Been renovating a house for Freeman and Faye in an empty world. Also been working on lots for the that world as well to fill it as they will have a farm! Just at a stand still rn cause I'm playing around with lots surrounding their house and barn. I'm leaning towards a cornfield though! @charsimatic
Have also decided that Ivy and Tobias will NOT be taking over Bennette's farm. Instead I have been trying my hand at giving the "Abandoned Farm" a face-lift and tearing down walls inside. I've talked with Tobias creator @blessyourpixels and we agreed to move their ship to another empty world different from the one Macie, Ivy's older sister, is in and diff from Fayemens. So I've been working on lots to fill that world. Here is a teaser to what I have done so far..
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I've also started a new project separate from my ships! I am working on an apartment complex and thanks to all the amazing simmers in "The Village" discord that @curiouslyclementine started, I now have an idea of how I want to go about finishing it!
I'm also trying to fix my save with Boothe and Tobyn cause have yet to take pictures of their sweet baby girl! @ohsimtastic
And of course in the middle of all these projects, I've been working on custom skins for OC's, making new sims, and setting up for certain sims to have their own home etc. As well as making over sims for friends! AND TAKING PICS FOR COLLABS!!!
This is all in between work, appointments, birthdays, and sleeping (cause that's a thing). Migraines have been horrid though, so.. that's set me back timeline wise which is why I'm putting a soft pause on all sims timeliness, this includes any AU's!
Anyways, enough rambling!
Hopefully I'll have more pics to post soon!
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bethisims · 3 years
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2/3 happy kids ain't bad.
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bethisims · 3 years
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bethisims · 3 years
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Lil cuddle babies
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bethisims · 3 years
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Mothers Day Dinner Pt 2
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bethisims · 3 years
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a baby with a big ol' belly~
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