#cylus cormac
hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
Riordanverse OC: Cylus Cormac, Son of Hestia
Full Name: Cylus Cormac
Alias/Nicknames: Embers, House Husband, Cinnamon Roller, Heart Breaker
Godly Parent: Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth, Fire, Home, and Family
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birthday: March 12th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hairstyle, Hair Color: Wavy medium length, charcoal black
Eye Shape and Color: Upturned and Hazel
Lip Shape: Thin Lips
Nose Shape: Straight
Face Shape: Diamond Shape
Body Type: Mesomorphic, toned welterweight mixed with a swimmer physique 
Extra Traits: Light freckles along the bridge of the nose
Scars: Drakon claw marks on his back, a sword stab into his left shoulder, and a spear on his right lower abdomen
Height: 6'0"
Skin tone: Cinnamon brown
Ethnicities: Puerto Rican, Irish, and Greek
Personality: Calm and passive disposition, shy, compassionate, and rational
Flaws: Pacifism, dissimulation, self-deprecation, and shyness
Strengths: Loyalty, humanity, temperance, and compassion
Likes and Hobbies: Kind individuals, cooking, swimming, martial arts training, pegasus riding, guitar, dancing in private, heavy rock, and reading 
Dislikes: Arrogant and violent individuals, minotaurs, liars, country music, forced physical contact, and wasted food
Voice: Similar to that of Aaron Dismuke's character in RWBY (Oscar Pine)
Fears or Phobias: Genophobia, glossophobia, and atychiphobia 
Favorite Color: Persian Green
Favorite animal: Red Wolves
Favorite possession: A leather necklace with a hearth charm
Favorite food: Thai hot chicken pad thai
Least Favorite food: Pickles
Love interest: TBD
Best friends: TBD
Friends: TBD
Enemies: Extreme children of Priapus, extreme children of Aphrodite
Rivals: TBD
Species: Demigod
Fatal flaw: Low self-esteem
Past Visions
Serenity Inducement
Food Generation
Culinary Arts
Celestial Bronze cane sword
Stygian Iron and Silver alloy karambit knife
Fighting style(s):
Wing Chun
Backstory: Cylus Cormac, was born through parthenogenesis in a hearth, out of a whim from Hestia and at the whispers of a prophecy three thousand years ago. Hestia was unsure what to do with her child as she only birthed a few in secret in her unusual manner. Cylus specifically was born in the hearthe of an abandoned home that belonged to an Irish immigrant in the forest of Puerto Rico. Cylus would be founded by a satyr named Natalia Bellerose, who named the infant after the former owner of the house. Natalia would take Cylus to New Athens to be raised in its orphanage until he was of age to train.
At camp, Cylus wouldn't be claimed until the day of his 13th birthday. Oddly enough, he was already settled in the Hestia cabin and would have awoken to a box by the hearthe in the cabin area addressed to him. Grabbing the box, he opened it to find his cane sword though he was unaware of it being a sword for some time. When he pondered his thoughts at breakfast, a symbol of a warm fireplace with a mild fire appears above the child's head and a Celestial bronze fire poker landed on his lap. While he was happy to be claimed there was an omen in the air of something off as he glanced to the Oracle cave within the hills of the valley of Camp Half-Blood and New Athens green lights began to flash. The next Great Prophecy to come...
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
Who says a demigod can have the easy way out?
Cylus, slurring his words: OOOPS! Got your desire to die! Want it back? Well, too bad! Because if I got to live through this shit so do you. No easy out on my watch, so buckle up buckaroo! We’re in this for the long haul!
Chiron:…who spiked Cylus Cormac tea?!
*Hermes cabin members running for the hills*
Cylus: Uh, Chiron? What happened? I got a headache and feel dizzy. I didn’t do anything crazy?
Chiron: Of course not my boy. *in Chiron head* He must never know.
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
Riordanverse OC Moodboard: Cylus Cormac, Son of Hestia
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“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
- Marcus Aurelius
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
How to Win over campers
Chiron: Ah, Cylus! You’ve come from the kitchens without permission to the meeting with the head counselors, why were you late?
Cylus: I brought sweets. Fresh sweets.
*Cylus moves a clothe off the large tray he carried with multiple cinnamon rolls, cupcakes, and pastries*
Daugher of Styx: I call dibs on the cinnamon rolls!
Son of Nemesis: No fair!
Daughter of Aphrodite: You got a girlfriend?
Cylus: No, I’d prefer to remain single. So please don’t try to seduce me.
Son of Ares: You’re trying to be someone’s husband with all these sweets?
Cylus: hm? Not really. Though anything is possible. I don’t think I would be good at that though I wouldn’t mind giving it a try.
*Cylus laughing as the camp counselor stare at him in a while thinking*
Counselors thoughts in unison: I am going to marry him!
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
Riordanverse OC Quest Headcanon: Cylus Cormac, Son of Hestia
When Cylus was fifteen, he went on a quest on as a number of incident of demigods being kidnapped or going missing and one of them being his friends. Cylus along with a son of Ares and a daughter of Thanatos set out to find the missing demigods in hopes of saving or burying their fallen fellow demigods.
In the midst of the quest, Cylus learned that old kings from both Greece and Rome were being resurrected but the ones who were cruel, arrogant, and the causes for many actions of the past that gave the Greco-Romans many of their tales. Among them was one of the worst and most hubris of the Trojan War, Agamemnon.
During his battle with Agamemnon, Cylus resorted to wit and careful words to cause the spirits of the soldiers Agamemnon had resurrected for an undead army stay their blades as Cylus ripped into the failure that is Agamemnon and how he cost his fellow Greeks their lives in Troy. Agamemnon would be insulted gravely and try to rally the army by force of an mythical item that kept the souls from resting. Cylus would use that to his case on how Agamemnon can’t rule without a tool used for fear rather than the respect, merit of his own, and their loyalty.
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
Riordanverse OC Headcanons: Cylus Cormac, Son of Hestia (Pt.1?)
 Cylus finds joy in cooking before CHB counselor meetings, mostly because he feels that food keeps everyone civil and from acting out. He even takes request days before from each of the counselors and makes separate batches for each of their cabins. He also is adamant they return the containers he uses or Cylus will refrain from baking unless all containers are brought.
In the early mornings and late evenings, Cylus would tend to the fire in the middle of CHB dining pavilion. While the flame maybe eternal, he finds it soothing to tend to in hopes of bringing recognition to his mother, Hestia, for the mere sake of showing that there is someone who will value her not simply as a goddess but as a son who respects their mother.
During capture the flag games, Cylus tended to avoid joining unnecessary maiming as he found it not the best way to test his skills. He’d determine certain campers based on their skill level and compare to his in order to choose an opponent who’d be a good fight. Not simply for the sake of fighting but to improve his and his opponent skills. Though he wasn’t the best with swords and shields, his cane sword often through combatants for a loop.
One summer at CHB, Cylus was spotted playing a guitar on the docks though no one knew he could play it. He wasn’t as good as the Apollo kids or those who were just skilled in music, Cylus played for him self and the joy of doing something peaceful in his home at CHB. Apollo wished to adopt the boy as one of his own however Hestia had few short and precise words with Apollo to refrain from “adoptnapping.”
Cylus was often attached to the embassy talks to New Rome, mostly because he held some odd weight of power over the Vestal Virgins. He hated such ask from the leaders of New Athens (CHB equivalent to New Rome, fan-made), but he did see it as an opportunity to strength bonds with their western counterparts and to learn how the Romans worshipped his mother Roman equivalent.
Cylus is pretty wary of children of Priapus and Aphrodite, while it’s unfair to judge the demigods, their parents aren’t the best example about love or intimacy at times. There is even a rumor around camp and New Athens charmspeak doesn’t work on him. That isn’t the case but rather those who’ve attempted to he held no attraction to and wasn’t ignorant of the games of the less than respectable members of those cabins. Though he does believe he may find love but not a love with children of those two gods.
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