#daemon × nettles
mejcinta · 9 months
The Bias Problem with HotD Relationships and Character Dynamics.
I have a big problem with how HoTD goes out of its way to make otherwise good Fire and Blood relationships bad just for spectacle sake and to shame certain characters while elevating others as the 'better' choice.
You see this with Laena and Daemon's show! marriage where they're miserable, and Rhaenyra is presented as this eternal love that Daemon will abandon his wife's memory for in a heartbeat during her own funeral. Just note that in the book Daemon's motive for marrying Laena wasn't clear, but Laena wasn't described as being miserable in her marriage. In fact, Daemon was quite loving and caring, even to her death day.
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Also, when it comes to parenting, notice how Daemon is positioned all over the Strong boys and not Baela and Rhaena. He's not even uttered a single word to teen Baela and Rhaena directly in season 1.
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Furthermore, Aegon and Helaena are very different in the show, with the emphasis being put on Aegon's infidelity instead of how he navigates his, need I say 'free', marriage with Helaena. It was always interesting how in the book Helaena seems hyper aware of his actions and responds with sass to people demanding she discover where Aegon is. It was not uncommon for princes to behave the way Aegon did in his marriage, but Aegon's conduct is treated as a unique case and a blemish on his character and Helaena's on the show, where even Daemon and his whores are offered more grace. The Dyana situation did not help their portrayal either.
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And let's not forget Viserys and Alicent's marriage. Whereas in the book Viserys is said to do all that he could to please BOTH Alicent and Rhaenyra, the show hammers in the point that Viserys cares jack shit about Alicent. Even what he does to 'please' her, like letting Alicent choose who Helaena should marry instead of Rhaenyra, is never shown explicitly as an effort he makes to appease his wife. "I'm going to bed, Aemma" was also a painful and invented callback to Cersei and Robert's miserable marriage, despite of Alicent and Visery's marriage in the book and show being radically different from Cersei and physically abusive Robert.
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Moreover, Viserys is somehow not allowed any scenes with his children with Alicent. Aegon and him especially have not spoken in depth at all, yet Aegon is the male heir he's always wanted and was willing to sacrifice his first wife Aemma for. And no, Visery's hostile interrogation of Aegon in ep 7 doesn't count as an interaction. Meanwhile, we have countless scenes of Viserys with Rhaenyra and Daemon.
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On the family front, everyone that's NOT Viserys, Daemon or Rhaenyra look like losers.
Additionally, it goes without saying that ALL these changes have served to elevate Rhaenyra and Daemon as the ideal union and dynamic on the show. The general audience that have not read the books often see them as the symbol of an ideal couple and the media continues pushing this narrative as well.
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All this leaves me wondering: what changes and sacrifices will they make with Nettles or even Alys and Aemond to maintain this image of Rhaenyra and Daemon that they have constructed and elevated as the ultimate power couple at the expense of other Fire and Blood relationships?
You know it is still possible to have other couples shine in their own right, and have their merits much as they are flawed...without taking from another couple. I don't think Ryan and Co believe in this concept, though. That is why other characters and their dynamics with others have been and will be compromised.
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amuelia · 3 months
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Daemon Targaryen and Nettles / Aemond Targaryen and Alys
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qyburnsghost · 16 days
They deleted Nettles to make Rhaenyra look better, but invented Dyana to make Aegon look worse!
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drakaripykiros130ac · 19 days
Believe it or not, scrapping Nettles and giving her storyline to Rhaena is a big disservice towards Team Black.
Because Rhaena being able to hatch a dragon after Rhaenyra died (whereas the Greens couldn’t), was a symbol of hope for victory for the Blacks (the right side). Even the Greens were scared of what Morning being born meant for the Realm.
It was basically proof of the Gods favoring the Blacks, and it’s what inspired Rhaenyra’s forces to strike and defeat the usurper.
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atopcat · 1 year
Super worried about how they’re going to handle Nettles, my only hope is that the show makes parallels between how Daemon groomed teenage Rhaenyra to how he interacts with another teenage girl.
I want a scene where Rhaenyra realises the kind of monster Daemon has always been. This man would openly insult his “bronze bitch” older wife whilst fawning over his 14 year old niece. She’s the new Rhea Royce whilst Nettles is the new her, that realisation should hit like a ton of bricks.
Would honestly add so much more nuance to the story rather than it being Angry Wife vs. Teenage Mistress.
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bohemian-nights · 10 months
People really are missing the point of a character like Nettles. Being the a non-Valyrian dragonrider is what makes her different(in every positive definition of that word) and helps to serve a larger purpose in this story.
Valyrian blood is not special. It’s not needed to do great things. No one is special because of what family they happen to be born into.
A non-Valyrian Nettles shows that we are more than the circumstances which we are born into. Our birth, our names, and our very blood does not define us. Our actions are what do. We can overcome so much and rise to become absolutely extraordinary with a little bit of determination, patience, and a dash of help along the way. Nettles exemplifies that to the fullest extent.
She's more than a Black Valryian. She doesn’t have to be Valyrian. She shouldn’t have to be Valyrian.
She’s a survivor. She’s a final girl. She’s a Black low-born girl likely without a drop of dragons blood that tames a wild dragon with patience that killed countless others who had dragons blood. She survived the Dance where others high and low alike fell and perished to become a firewitch to the Burned Men.
Her legacy is immortalized in the history books(and by the Burned Men cause they still worship her) as one of the last(if not the last) dragonrider(s) before Dany all without having any known Valyrian ancestry.
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florisbaratheons · 20 days
God, I cannot stand it when people get on their high horse about folks being upset that adaptations defer greatly from their source material. "It's two different canons! You should be happy with what you get! If you're not happy, then go read the book!"
How about no? I saw all of this in the Shadow and Bone fandom, and season 2 suffered from it's great deference from the books and shoving huge arcs from the source material into little 10 second scenes to try and cover everything at once.
Being upset that a character like Rhaenyra is made out to be a goody-two-shoes when she was fucking nuts in the source material is not being a "book purist". It only erases what the story was actually about and takes these characters that are pretty much show inventions and slapping book names on them.
Being upset that Alicent is written as a giant waffler and tying her to Rhaenyra when she should fucking hate her is not being a "book purist". It's called respecting what her arc should be, not this lazy crap that the show is pedaling.
Being upset that Nettles has been cut and her arc combined with Rhaena and likely Addam is not being a "book purist". It's called being upset that the show is writing black people as being interchangable and reducing them down to dust. It also erases the back half of Daemon's story in the war, reduces him to an anime villain when they take all of the rotten choices Rhaenyra made and give them to him.
Fire and Blood wasn't a well written book, but it had a good baseline. But if the HOTD writers cannot even stick with that, then what's the point of calling it an adaptation? Look at how much GOT suffered when they started deferring from the books in seasons 5-6? But course, the show made money, it made GRRM money, so yeah, he's not gonna be upset about it. Of course he's still gonna allow people to adapt his work. That's not the issue here.
Folks are allowed to be upset. Let them be.
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lovedreamer11 · 1 month
What kind of love affair are we talking about between Daemon and Nettles?
This man has a type. Think about the main women in Daemon's life. Hot in her youth Mysaria from Lys, Valyrian hot beauty Laena, Realm's Delight - Rhaenyra. Thin, dark-haired with crooked teeth and a scar on her nose, foul-mouthed Nettles, who grew up on the streets, did not know how to wash herself properly and how to use a comb, is somehow very different from the women listed above.
And besides, Daemon is GRRM's favorite Targaryen. He strives to give his favorite character the best. Daemon got an epic death, he was a legend, his children lived, his sons and grandsons were kings. GRRM also gave Daemon the most beautiful women. I would believe in a romance between Daemon and Nettles if Nettles was described as some kind of unrealistically beautiful demigoddess. I feel like if GRRM wanted to give Daemon a young lover, he would have created someone like Shiera Seastar rather than Nettles.
And why does young Nettles need a fifty-year-old married man who has daughters just a couple of years younger than Nettles herself?
I'm not sure that Daemon and Nettles were in a romantic relationship and that what was written in the chronicles was true. People often tried to describe Rhaenyra as worse than she actually was. Rhaenyra was constantly being followed, watching what she eats, who she communicates with, how she dresses, Septon Eustace tried to count how many times Rhaenyra had sex with Laenor, and Mushroom told everyone his sexual fantasies about Rhaenyra and assured that it was true. Rhaenyra was gossiped about and slandered in everything: her appearance, the sexual preferences of her first husband, the circumstances of the birth of her children. During the war, all possible gossip began to be created about her second marriage.
Then no. I definitely don't believe Daemon and Nettles were in love with each other.
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daemonxnettles · 2 months
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Maester Norren writes that "the prince and his bastard girl" supped together every night, broke their fast together every morning, slept in adjoining bedchambers, that the prince "doted upon the brown girl as a man might dote upon his daughter," instructing her in "common courtesies" and how to dress and sit and brush her hair, that he made gifts to her of "an ivory-handled hairbrush, a silvered looking glass, a cloak of rich brown velvet bordered in satin, a pair of riding boots of leather soft as butter." The prince taught the girl to wash, Norren says, and the maidservants who fetched their bath water said he oft shared a tub with her, "soaping her back or washing the dragon stink from her hair, both of them as naked as their namedays."
Fire & Blood🔥
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ride-thedragon · 7 days
Find time in the day to be with them.
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Keep up with certain rituals.
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Know that there will be rumours.
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Accept their little gifts.
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Know that they'll protect you.
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And by then, you should have claimed a dragon.
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lady-clouves · 10 months
Daemon and Rhaenyra’s relationship not only embodies what a grooming relationship looks like but also with how it progresses once the minor grows up. Not every person who was groomed is going to admit that it happened to them because it make the situation so much more real. And sometimes the person who was groomed doesn’t even realize that it happened to them until years down the line.
And the saddest part about their relationship and people who are in similar relationships in real life almost always go back. Because that person has been with them through their entire life and has quite literally seen them through thick and thin(even if the abuser was the cause behind it all) and it make the victim believe that the abuser could never be a bad person. We see that when Daemon celebrates Aemma and Baelon’s death by toasting Nyra’s brother as, “Heir for a day.”
Then Daemon goes on to steal the egg she chose for her brother and effectively take over Dragonstone-the castle of which she is now Princess of. And when he comes back to court after being away for four years at war she just forgives him since he’s the only person she has left at court. Even years later, when Harwin and Laena are both dead and Laenor is becoming increasingly depressed because of his sister’s death, Rhaenyra goes back to Daemon because she’s associated him with a relying hand who can help her at court.
She’s so convinced that he’s only looking after her to the point that when he starts an affair with teenage Nettles, all Rhaenyra thinks is that it must have been Nettles who ‘lured’ Daemon into her bed and sends word that she wants Nettles killed.
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mejcinta · 2 years
As for the claims that Laena will be: unhappy in her marriage to Daemon; he will kill her to pursue his plan with/for Rhaenyra or that Laena will let Vhagar incinerate her to death... let's just wait and see what will happen next week first.
I know the producers have deviated from the book but some of y'all are getting way ahead of yourselves and Mysaria and Nettles haven't even had their turn yet, lol.
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Rhaenyra blaming Alicent for Viserys deciding to marry her its gonna parallel in such an insane way her blaming Nettles for Daemon's cheating.
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qyburnsghost · 15 days
If they give Nettles to Rhaena then they could give Daeron’s storyline to Helaena. I mean she doesn’t do much during the Dance but one event. This way she will get to fight and have something to do, and get to actively participate!
See how fucking crazy that sounds? They are two different fucking people and imagining either one in the other position doesn’t make sense since they have their own personalities, their own plots(even if it isn’t extensive) , their own purpose and their own journey. They aren’t interchangeable just cause their both white.
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(It was also be very stupid for Aemond to absorb daerons storyline as well)
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karsoliar · 11 days
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Nettles, also known as Netty, was a dragonseed and the first and possibly last dragonrider of the dragon Sheepstealer.
Nettles was a small, skinny, brown-skinned girl, with black hair and brown eyes. She had crooked teeth and a scarred nose. According to Archmaester Gyldayn, she could not be called pretty.
Nettles was foul-mouthed, filthy, and fearles.
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princesssszzzz · 17 days
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Modern AU with Nettles & Baela in Rhaena’s room for sleepover
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