innerchorus · 4 months
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The one that binds (or rather, bound) the Snake King is the exception, surely?
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anusharao96 · 4 months
They are Arslan's real mother and father for me.
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I don't care what the canon says :3
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daryun · 2 months
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One thing about Arslan Senki is that we have a few characters who aren't Parsian.
So I am curious about Jaswant's reaction to this foreign county's mythology actually being bleeding true. (What kind of implications does this have for Shindhuran mythology?)
n'awwww Jimsa seems to have left the picture after chapter 123, I think this is the last we see of him and he had a horse packed and ready to go.
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I would love to have seen Jimsa also swearing at the gigantic Parsian Snake Monster. We'd be learning so much colourful Turanian.
In terms of our heroes in chapter 126
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I really need to see Daryun's reaction. I need to know for legal reasons if he is the "If it's real I can kill it, obvs" or if he needs to overcome a "holy shit" moment.
I will patiently be waiting for chapter 127, it's bound to be a good one.
(The downside to this version of the story is there will be no Daryun catching Alfreed on Mt Damavand during an earthquake moment, unless that comes later? I just love him looking out for her)
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tired-reader-writer · 29 days
Arslan Senki Reread
Commentating through brain fog because I seem to have fallen sick, do forgive me if there isn't much!
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I wonder if this riverbank is the same one where Vahriz was killed.
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They've been working so hard, I feel them. I too collapsed of relief when holidays finally came, LOL.
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This panel with the stack of flatbread reminded me of a Tasting History video I watched a while back, quote:
“And while I don't know this for a fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the rather stackable loaves we're making today are the same type of bread mentioned in a document from the reign of Mentuhotep III.
"I advance with an army of three thousand. The battle arena extended to the river in desert, I gave every man a skin of hide and a long stick to carry things as well as two buckets of water, and twenty loaves of bread for each day's ration."
I mean, twenty loaves, they've gotta be pretty stackable to carry them around I think.”
It's from this video:
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No particular commentary, I just really loved seeing these panels.
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See this discussion I had with @lanonima about Arslan's character, how his development involves not him getting rid of his core traits (kindness) but growing so that he may keep being the person he wishes to be.
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Just accept the appreciation, my boy. You deserve it.
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I wonder what Narsus meant by “All this is but an illusion. Pay it no mind.”
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lanonima · 2 months
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120/213 rows done.
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Azar was appointed the highest military rank in Maar (I know you gave it a name but you were considering changing some names so does that include the title?) at a very young age, 22 if I recall, though you said you might change that. Nonetheless, she was very young when she got the rank. You said it was a matter of survival for her. I assume it has something to do with her half-Maaren half-Parsian lineage, as she'd be half foreign in Maar. Did something happen to facilitate her scrambling to rise through the ranks? Was she discriminated against? Were her relatives (evil aunt?) involved in that? Oh and how old is she actually, by Pars era 320? 22?
(It's a lot of questions, I know, and I know you usually don't like spoiling stuff but it's been weighing on my mind since I saw you mention “it was a matter of survival for her” and I just have to give it a try.)
Finally getting around to this.
I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who has Azar brain rot and that you all love her as much as I do!
So, small correction. Azar is 100% Parsian.
She does have family in Maar but only through second degree. The sister of her father married a Maaren farmer and built a family there (a pretty big one... I should maybe make a separate post for that). And it is at their, like, inn/tavern/farm in the village Rus where she grew up after being brought to Maar by said sister and, to some extent, Vahriz when she was one year old.
Now to the question that sparked your ask, probably.
Her "evil" aunt was part of the reason. Vahriz knew her when they all were young (or rather when he was young and they (also meaning Daryuns dad and Azar's mom) even younger) Their families were friends since their fathers were old friends.
So, a little spoiler for the AU, Azar's "evil" aunt (she does have a name, will do a post/poll about that later maybe with a few options)  was the one who killed Azar's mom. That's why Azar lives in Maar right now as her dads sister and Vahriz thought that she was safer there than in Pars. But that was proven false when the "evil" aunt ambushed Rus and gave Azar her first scar on her back (she tried to protect a few children in a church during the raid) when Azar was very young. After that the aunt attacked one more time and scared Azar's uncle (the farmer).
So  Vahriz brought her to the capital of Maar, Visgard, to receive proper training and that's when Azar became a squire. Vahriz felt guilty that he failed to protect her so he was very strict with Azar's training. He was so strict in fact that he exhausted her and brought her to her absolute limits. Others thought that Vahriz was maybe even too extreme. It was a very rough and hard time for Azar but for Vahriz, it seemed necessary. So she can protect herself with utmost certainty because he knows he won't always be there and he does still have a nephew he also has to look after. He basically drilled her and that's why she rose through the ranks so fast.
In the end it was Vahriz paranoia and guilt that drove her up the ranks so fast. A lot of people lost their lives the day Azar's mom died and Vahriz swore to protect and take care of Azar. But he failed in his eyes - twice. So he taught her everything he knew, drilled it into her, so she had a chance of survival when she came face to face with her aunt.
And due that and her vast skill set she proved herself to be a capable knight and leader. So she got appointed Almennt (I won't change the name for this one as in georgian it would be called generali and that does not sound serious at all (I do not say that as to mock the language, mind you. It just doesn't fit Azar at all)). I will probably change her age at the time to 23. Seems more fitting
And since we are at the topic of age and you asked how old Azar is in Pars era 320 (for those who don't know - that is our current time in ArSen) - she is the same age as Narsus, 26. She would probably be a few months older than him. So it has been three-ish years since her appointment.
(I hope I have answered everything you wanted to know!)
If anybody has other questions that you want to be answered regarding Azar/Firelight AU or any other OC I had mentioned or shown - my inbox is always open! I will write if it is something I won't answer if I regard my answer too spoiler heavy.
Edit: forgot the discrimination part. I have not really thought about that yet but considering where Maar's citizens originally came from it would be highly hypocritical. But there were (and still are (this time out of jealousy)) probably some squires and knights who were discriminating against or at least hated her due to King Farzin showing interest in her and sometimes training her personally alongside Vahriz. She probably got more discrimination against her with being a woman in one of the highest ranks in Maar since all of her predecessors were men.
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xbuster · 3 months
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inthebamboogrove · 4 months
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Here is the first drawing of 2024. Don't know what to draw? Draw Daryun! Handsome, boring and soulless.
(on this art)
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choujinx · 4 months
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ARSLAN SENKI (2013-?) by arakawa hiromu
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nanamiwifeyy · 13 days
Headcannon: Being Daryun's S/o pt.2
Part 1 here
Anime: The heroic legend of Arslan
• Doesn't admit it, but he LOVESSSS it when you pamper him: brushing/playing with his hair, body massages, cleaning his armor so he can rest ect
• Loves to see you all dressed up, espacially during festivals with the commoners
• Like celebrating a season, for example summer. You would be dressed in bright colours, hair dancing with the wind ect.
• He would be leaning against a wall, trapped in a trance as he sees you dance with others in the center of the place.
• He is too shy and can't dance well like you can
• You try to convince him to dance, but he just plants himself against the wall
• He tunes in at home when you are just dance silly around the house
• Tries to learn instruments for you to dance at
• Sometimes the prince if he is present
• This man enjoys the small things in life, knowing how fast a life can be lost. He wants to spend time with his loved ones.
• The guy engine is mainly powered by the prince and you. This man existens is to protect and care for you two
• And you and the prince love this man to dead
• Can't imagine the worry of this man when Ecbatana fell in the hands of Lusitania
• You were present in the castle and have escaped by sneaking in a carriage
• You two will find each other, one way or another
• Like the time when you were pushed in a wave of people and got pushed in a whole another part of Ecbatana
• This man, jumped with his horse from roof to roof to find you
• But also when you lost him as you were looking around the market for clothes
• You didn't feel him behind you and looked around for your tall, handsome husband
• And girl, they better count their blessings when you saw YOUR husband surrounded by other women
• You saw your husband politely refusing them, but they kept going. Talking, touching, carressing
• You felt the ancestors come out of you and I swear, the sky darkend when you made your way over to them
• Of course, you went ballistic on them
• Poor Daryun had to physically remove you away from them with much effort as you wouldn't let go of the girls that had the audicity to even talk to him
• This man is on high alert for everything, an enemy from another land but also to other women for their safety or else they will spend their silver and gold coins on cosmetic facial reconstruction
• That explains why he is always ready to run when a commotion happens when he is cleaning his horse.
• About the baby dream? Yeah, you two are working on it
• He found the perfect wood tho.
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strangeshipper · 5 months
"I have a mage!"
Arslan Senki : : Narsus, Daryun, Zandeh, Gurgin
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(All is clear now about Narsus & Daryun quarrel :D And oh you know it's just a joke, I'm big fan of Narsus & Daryun, really.)
Interesting, Tanaka says Narsus dislikes magic a lot, but nevertheless he know how to resist it. How do you think, could Narsus learn magic? Or one needs some king of innate superpower to become a sorcerer?
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innerchorus · 19 days
Arslan Senki Chapter 127
The long-awaited encounter with Zahhak is here! I'm tagging my posts for new manga chapters with 'arslan senki spoilers' but here is your reminder to look away (and probably avoid my blog until you've read the chapter) if you don't want to find out what happens.
Turns out I was right about a few things and my suspicions about something else seem likely to be correct, too.
The chapter opens with the legend of Zahhak and his defeat by Kaykhusraw as the Parsians know it. The title page features Kaykhusraw's open sarcophagus with his wrapped body and Rukhnabad inside, inside the tomb. This is clearly from an earlier time (presumably his burial?), well before Hilmes ventured down there, and given the chapter title it feels... ominous. (And it's right to feel that way, as you'll see when you get to the end of the chapter.)
The legend is conveyed in the typical stylised carving/illustration style that Arakawa has used for mythological history before.
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Look what appears as a decorative border to one of the panels!
It might just be a nod to the existence of these creatures in the novels, but I really hope that their presence here makes it more likely we might actually encounter them before the end of the manga... DARK TEMPLE PLUS CREATURES, ARAKAWA PLEASE
Very much has the feel of something that has been mythologised, the details probably don't match up exactly with how it really went down, but the main points are there...
...and 300 years later, the Snake King appears to have returned
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Farangis's raishal reacting like this is a nice touch and shows just how extreme the presence of evil is here. (Also I didn't know it could do that so I'm filing this detail away very happily.)
Those snake heads are really very freaky, the fact that they are so humanoid yet totally animalistic and driven by instict and hunger for human brains. Top notch horror!
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Daryun's warrior instinct comes to the fore and overrides his shock!
The Zot do their best but one gets chomped pretty quickly, sadly. I'll go ahead and say it now, the Zot being the only casualties in this encounter was exactly as I called it, but Arakawa does her best to ensure their deaths don't feel trivial, as we later learn the names of those who fell, and even though we never got to know them it's clear that they meant something to their comrades.
Some very exciting combat scenes follow and Team Arslan enter the fray and get to grips with their frightening new enemy! Some key details about Zahhak rapidly become apparent: his blood is corrosive, and his wounds can heal.
The key is to keep moving! Alfarid realises this; one of the Zot tries to encourage her to flee, but is struggling with his terrified mount, but thanks to Elam and Alfarid loosing arrows at one of the snake heads he is spared.
Don Ricardo is in abject terror, but his behaviour later this chapter was a surprise for me, in a good way!
Estelle saving Don Ricardo just in time, and putting her life on the line to stand before him even though she's trembling in fear! 👌👌👌
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She's so brave!
She doesn't know that the snakes have spotted/sensed Rukhbanad... but Don Ricardo does! Let's hope he will now give that 'junk sword' the respect it deserves. Anyway this is the part where he surprised me, as he breaks out of his terrified state to call out to everyone to rally to him and gather round the sword! Remember when I said 'quick, everyone group hug Don Ricardo'?
Of course, he's speaking in Lusitanian, but Estelle translates in an instant... and Gieve quickly grasps why!
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"Is it truly Zahhak...?" This is the line that makes me think I might be on the mark when I say that Zahhak, although freed from Mount Damavand, may not have returned to full consciousness yet. I think those head jars may have something to do with a final ritual to bring about his true return.
So, it's now a stalemate. Zahhak cannot attack them, but they can't attack it either. But there's an ominous shape in the mist (and you can take one look at it and just KNOW it's going to be fucked up and even take a pretty good guess at how)
Before Team Arslan can get a good look at it, Zahhak withdraws, whether due to the arrows they fired at it it because of some other unknown reason isn't clear... Team Arslan leave without even being able to spare time to bury the bodies of the fallen, which clearly weighs on them, but night is drawing closer and they can't remain safely.
(I wonder whether they will still continue to Mount Damavand? Perhaps Arslan will appeal to Kaykhusraw's spirit to seek his approval to wield the sword? Or maybe priorities will have understandably changed and they'll change directions. Personally I think we'll at least get a scene that indicates Arslan has the right to wield Rukhnabad!)
Anyway Zahhak's also in a hurry to get somewhere and although Team Arslan didn't manage to glimpse the true horror, we do!
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Well, now we know what happened to Kaykhusraw's mummified body? I did think that Team Zahhak would use him as a vessel for the Snake King, thinking this might occur in Ecbatana, but nope, that looks to be the case already.
The torso ending in a cluster of snakes, ugh.
I wonder whether Kaykhusraw's spirit is aware of what has happened to his body now that it has been possessed like this?
I wonder whether the intention is for Zahhak to retain this form? Because at the end of the chapter you see the host body's brittle-looking arm disintegrate where one of Team Arslan's arrows struck it, and it looks different to Zahhak's snakes pushing arrows from their bodies and regenerating. So maybe this takeover of Kaykhusraw is a temporary thing, and Team Zahhak are planning to transfer Zahhak to a new body once he reaches Ecbatana? And that new body... who better than another descendant of the Parsian royal line? 👀
I feel like with any luck I might get my wish for Hilmes to come face to face with Zahhak and in a moment of horror realise exactly what the sorcerers have been using him for and what he's helped to bring about...
(I want Team Zahhak to be planning for Hilmes to be a host for Zahhak but I don't want for it to actually happen! I'd love it if Team Arslan managed to step in just in time... augh my brain is racing into visions of Hilmes captured for a head jar ritual below Ecbatana)
Oh and Zahhak really is heading towards Ecbatana as I thought, so it looks extremely likely that all final showdowns are going to take place there. I feel like this direction was actually hinted at when the corpse of Kaykhusraw was slithering towards the setting sun. It's a panel I really like, as it both indicates the sun (which represents the Shah) setting on the royal line and Pars alike, and as the sun sets in the west and Ecbatana is west of Mount Damavand, you can tentatively extrapolate where the Snake King is heading.
So now Team Arslan have seen the Snake King. One day soon, they will have to defeat him for good. And given that everyone survived this time, can we hope for the same to happen again when they next meet in battle?
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marchdancer · 9 months
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So I actually have created a small and simple timeline for my Arslan AU. ( I am actually writing a new chapter for the story and yes I am really, really slow). The Timeline is not fully complete, for example the year where Narsus became Lord of Daylam missed and I am not really sure with every canon data. So they will mixed up a bit with my AU and the canon data. A big thanks @tired-reader-writerfor the help to collect some year numbers and canon events.
In the timeline are some events from my AU that are a bit of a spoiler and I hope I can dissolve them with the new chapter I actually write. Hopefully I can posted it in a few days xD.
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daryun · 10 months
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(I come back from a weekend of LARPing and I cannot express how feral chapter 120 makes me feel)
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tired-reader-writer · 29 days
Arslan Senki Reread
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Some Elam appreciation! Narsus looks like a proud dad.
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Arslan is so excited he's literally jumping at the chance to spoil Elam, lol. What a good bean.
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Good panel!
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Azrael looks so proud. I swear this bird understands it's being praised 😭
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It's the reason Kishward couldn't/didn't choose to come with Arslan, after all. The conflict of loyalty/duty. Daryun does realize that.
Makes me wonder why Narsus chose to go with Arslan's wishes here. What did he seek to gain?
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Zaravant: *all puffed up and excited for the honor*
Jimsa: ...weirdo.
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Things I liked here:
Merlaine standing where everyone else is kneeling
The peeps leaning back to stare.
Arslan's lil “please?”
Merlaine folding immediately (so much for your tough act, boy)
Not even a “fine, I'll do it” or “sure” he says “As you wish.” politely? His speech bubble is shaky? Adorable.
Am I reading too much into it because it's my ship? Possibly, but I don't care. I like this ship, therefore I will overanalyze it.
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lanonima · 3 months
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113/213 rows done, only 100 more to go!
I also included a picture of the back, in case anyone was curious as to what it looks like hehe
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