#debunking cc nonsense
feyredarlinq · 2 months
sjm/fandom rant
so i was thinking.. as much as i can’t stand that side of the fandom, the huge problem here is actually sarah (and/or her team i guess?) and how she has been handling this mess ever since acosf came out.
>starting with that cursed bonus chapter: lets be fr there’s now way she didn’t know what she was doing. but let’s say she truly didn’t. let’s say that at the time she truly wasn't expecting gwynriel to become popular and for them to not pick up on the fact that the bonus chapter’s ending was definitely not a romatic set up. all this time she could've put a stop to it but she never did and she's been perpetuating this shipwar by not saying anything specific about acotar instead.
>elain hate and everyone diminishing everything she's done in the series: she's partially at fault for that too. for example she is the one that made nesta take all the credit for killing hybern without a rebuttal, she made her almost nonexistent in acosf then in cc too and gave the spotlight to azriel instead. and i know that the number of appearances =/ importance, i know that elain doesn’t need further set up, but at the same time does sjm really expect people to remember little details, crumbs and to analyze the text after years? if you don’t talk about elain, they’ll forget about elain. if you write more and more about azriel, why would they expect anything other than for him to be an important character? and yes he will be, with elain, but where is she? what about her?
>gwynriels’ misogynistic takes: i will NEVER justify them but, again, sarah is the one that decided to include in her books women changing their anatomy to bear their partners babies. it took her three years to to vaguely acknowledge how disgusting the takes around that topic have been in that one conversation in hofas.
>same goes for gwynriels saying azriel's only lusting after elain. anyone with at least one working braincell knows it's not true but at the same time can we really blame them for thinking otherwise given with how sarah made azriel act with rhys and that whole necklace fiasco afterwards? and yes, i know that there’s been a subtle debunking of basically every single gwynriel ‘theory’/proof in cc but, again, she knows how obsessed they are. she’s not doing enough and at this point it’s hard to think she’s not aware of it.
i guess my final point is: do i think this mess of a fandom is ONLY sarah's fault? of course not. but has she been CONSCIOUSLY playing a big part in it? i think so. so far she's done close to nothing to end this nonsense. she could've but she's choosing not to. we should all acknowledge that instead of fighting with each other all the time.
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Darren Loves Mia
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jikookuntold · 2 years
I urge people to stop going to accounts like Georgia's on twitter or any other account that help instigate this stupid ship "war" with Taekookers. The proper way to handle Taekookers is to ignore them. That's not to say they should not be called out on their b.s. but any account actively looking for stupid Taekooker comments is fueling and instigating. She in particular did the same thing when she had a CC. She would constantly post the nonsense from them instead of ignoring them. Giving them attention just fuels and spreads the idiocy even more because most of us don't go searching for taekooker nonsense. We enjoy the content we get and stay ignorant to what awful things they're saying and lying about. Like I said, if you see them spreading lies, of course correct them, but to search and retweet those comments all so people can get mad and some even doubting Jimin and Jungkook's bond no matter what their status actually is, they seem very close so to doubt that because of ridiculousness is annoying. I don't want to see what taekookers are saying. I don't think it's healthy at all to be so involved with what they have to say. And I'm kind of sode eyeing any account that claims they have no problem with Tae and Jungkook's close friendship yet will post Tae with any other member but Jungkook. Things have just gotten so toxic and I'm just sick of people running to accounts that blog about Jikook every time Tae and JK interact because they now view this whole thing as a competition because they're either looking for the dumb things taekook shippers are saying or involuntarily being exposed to it because certain accounts are tweeting about it. I've had to unfollow Jikook accounts I enjoyed and leave group chats because I refuse to be exposed to that toxicity any longer. I want to enjoy my BTS fan online experience. Enough of the negativity ya know?
Do Georgia and other accounts like her, instigate the ship-wars in our fandom? I don't think so. These ship-wars always existed, and they are not the result of some specific accounts' activity. But it's undeniable that there is more toxicity in the fandom right now than it was before, which is the inevitable result of growth in the number of fans and shippers. Naturally, when there are more shippers, there are more toxicity and more ship-wars.
Ignoring doesn't work, Anon. They do fallacy to debunk Jikook and always end up disrespecting JM or JK or both. Accounts like Georgia bring these tweets to Jikookers tl by quoting or replying, and seeing them might be hurtful for most of us, which is understandable. But I don't like to stay in my "echo chamber", I want to know what happens outside, I like seeing the topics from different points of view and analyzing (not that type of analysis) them with open eyes. If someone doesn't want this, I don't blame them, they can block any account they don't like and live in their jikook paradise, but it doesn't make the hates disappear.
We can't stay silent when they call JM horrible names every time he approaches JK. We can't close our eyes on big accounts spreading false and fake information. You say calling them out is necessary, but have you ever done it to their faces? How did they take it? I guarantee you that I have one of the most peaceful and unproblematic jikook accounts of this fandom, but I have been attacked multiple times only for posting Jikook, let alone debunking lies or fake stuff, that's why I'm not active anymore and found my safe place here. Taekookers are three times more in numbers and 10-times worse in being toxic. Every time they feel defeated (Jikook having big moments or taekookers' lies debunked, etc) they use their aggressiveness to turn everything into a nightmare, a war, a war that they know they will win because they have the numbers, and in Twitter and social media in general, only numbers matter.
I don't defend Georgia. We have been moots way before she became a big account, I'm not a friend of her, and I don't approve of everything she does or tweets. Her CC was problematic and she got rid of it thankfully. She does hype Tae's ship moments which makes you think she doesn't like Taekook if your focus is only on Taekook, but she also doesn't tweet about Vmin, or any other ship including JM or JK except Jikook because she believes that's the only possibility, and I don't see anything wrong with that. I don't deny that there are several accounts with toxic behavior between Jikookers and they don't deserve the platform they have, but I'm only talking about Georgia here.
Georgia is not the source of toxicity, and you should not jump on the bandwagon just because Taekookers and non-shippers don't like her. She doesn't spread fake news, she doesn't make analyses and doesn't make money like Taekook-lives. She earns nothing except hate and harassment on daily basis, and I admire her strength because if I was her, I would have deleted my account a long time ago. If half of Jikookers had only 10 percent of her stamina, antis wouldn't become this brave in hating Jikook. We have given in so much, and they felt safe and free in hating Jikook. Many unproblematic Jikookers left or lost their accounts in the last few months because of harassment, today they come for Georgia, the next day might be my turn, or yours until none of us left.
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indradragomir · 3 years
@indradragomir: Right, here it is. I hide behind flirtations and jokes and indifference on here because none of you know me, nor do you have any right to my personal life. I don't make statements, and I won't be starting now with half truths just to debunk what is mostly lazy, childish nonsense.
@indradragomir: That said, I shan't stand for any kind of disrespect towards my friends or coworkers. My past is mine and it isn't public domain, but Isaac is a good man. His personal life is exactly that: personal. We are just friends, and even if we weren't, it would be nobody's business but our own.
@indradragomir: As for Lottie and Alex, we have not had a threesome, nor will we ever. We are all adults, and any consensual sex shared between me and Alex, or me and Lottie, is completely natural and for our own enjoyment, not public scrutiny. Lottie is a lesbian, and they are NOT dating Alex. Additionally, Lottie uses she/they pronouns, so have some respect.
@indradragomir: cc: @isaaclancasterofficial @lottiechuart @alexanderwright @thedailyrumour
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ok but gensrs the “anything negative about tommy -> abuse apologist” is going to get so bad if Ranboo's lore starts moving again, and I think the ccs are probably aware of that fact
Yeah, I won't deny that I worry that's part of why it doesn't. Not because those people will dislike it but not wanting to deal with their disruptiveness. Even if I understand Ranboo's just a bit burned out on minecraft at the moment.
Obviously there's no realistic direction where Ranboo's just an unfeeling utterly supportive extension of Tommy's will, and no direction but that would satisfy the Tommy-centrists. But even without speculating about the direction Ranboo's character goes from here, the history of their relationship does not reflect particularly well on Tommy-as-pure-saint.
The one protection Ranboo has is his fandom is built on exploring implication and complexity, they're literally arg players. His fans are accustomed to looking at little hints or small comments to understand what's going on. They're established, vocal and ingrained.
Trying to speak positively, I love Ranboo's lore and it's been a long time since Ranboo has had anything to do with Tommy. I absolutely love Ranboo as a character and think his contributions to the world both in story and in grinding are so amazing.
I miss Ranboo and I want him back on the SMP so badly. I would do pretty much anything to make the situation right for him to feel energized to anything on the SMP.
It's always worth remembering there are a small number of crazy people going around harassing and making these outlandish claims, while they are loud and noxious they aren't any more common than they are in any other fandom.
While I'm definitely guilty of it especially today repeating their nonsense even to debunk them doesn't actually help.
What does help is waiting and listening for if Ranboo (or any CC for that matter) tells us what will help for them, and doing everything we can to create an environment that where playing feels as fun and rewarding for them as it is for us when they play.
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ajw720 · 7 years
to add to the "who is w" thing: they've made W be the public BF for years & need his fans to believe it. if C were to contradict that directly right now, it'd take all his fans' attention, derail tlos promo, & i'd even argue, put his & other's privacy/safety at risk. 2nd: if C ends or debunks c/hill, it affects D, & the whole pr story that's been drawn over the past 5 years. whenever that happens, everyone involved has to be prepared. so yes, in this context, that's the only way C could answer.
Anon, as I said, I fear that IF Chris had uttered or even hinted at the truth, I truly wonder if he would have made it out of that room in one piece. Having been to these events, I know the composition of the crowd.  
Further, I agree, TLOS right now is the priority.  No one would want focus to be taken away from the book and Chris’ accomplishments.
And a very valid point. The minute either of these public relationships ends, a huge spotlight will firmly be placed back on CC.  That is the reason there was ever a need for W in the first place. To close the door on the possibility. 
So if c/hill was put in a negative light, at this time, that would have an adverse affect on Darren and the PR narrative and clearly, for whatever reason, he is still not in a position to tell his truth.  And I think we all agree, the last thing Chris wants to do is something that would hurt Darren. 
No question, when the truth if finally revealed, it needs to be done in a manner that is well planned (so hopefully devoid of input from team incompetent) and that has taken into consideration the safety of all parties, and that includes (and i say this reluctantly) the public plus ones.  There are some fans who are really invested in the PR nonsense.
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
it's just another "congratulations you played yourself" moment for Abby. she got high on her own supply, started believing Chris might go hang out at the same party as Darren on NYE, and is now infuriated she was wrong (while implying it's part of the "convenient" conspiracy and Chris might actually still be there, hanging from the rafters no doubt, his favorite past time). this is what they always do. never admit they're wrong, bc every time reality contradicts them, it's the conspiracy at work
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Absolutely!!!!!!!! She has no idea why she’s angry but there is no doubt it’s because once again she spent hours and hours predicting what Darren would do. She’s never right when she plays this game but she never learns.  
Poor Chris, not he’s hanging in the rafters why everyone else parties.  
Let’s be real- who looks at this photo��
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and believes Darren is miserable and not happily married? Who looks at  
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this picture and doesn’t see a happy newlywed couple? Who looks at both of these photos and still believes he hates Mia and doesn’t want her around? Who  sees all of the happy pics
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 and STILL insinuates that there is a chance that Chris shows up in the Carribean to be with Darren ....and Mia?  It isn’t rational to conclude their marriage is fake. 
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Tinhatters- someone is SCREAMING at you. Are you listening?
In reality-ville- Jensen Ackles’ bodyguard and then Jensen himself wrote a thing calling out tinhatters for being evil:
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I’m gonna put on my tinhat and claim that Darren must be secret friends with Jensen because it’s obvious he ASKED Jensen to post that. It’s obvious since Flowers JUST wrote a post about how Darren has never pushed back (He has). 
@flowers254 ....They could BOTH shut this down properly and finally, but here we are in 2019 and that hasn’t fully happened yet.People need to think about that....
Well Flowers, Darren Jensen DID just shut you down properly.  ARE YOU LISTENING? Are you capable of listening? It’s time tinhatters face the reality they create- it’s an ugly world and it isn’t fair to the innocent people involved.    
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Oh, the hypocrisy. Mia was decimated for her heart initial tattoo.
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flowersintheattic254  God I love these two so much and I have enjoyed everything they have shared publicly and it’s amazing to see how happy Lena is.
#relationship goals.
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Let’s Debunk another cc moment
Always the damn gifs to misdirect, alter reality and change the storyline.
@ajw720 For those who may not know what’s the point of this gif.
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Btw, it was “What’s my secret power?” and D’s card read “powerful thighs”.
Except when Chris is shaking his head in the gif he didn’t know whose card it was. He was only responding to the joke itself, not that it was Darren’s joke or Darren’s thighs. 
Check 3:31 below 
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
just as an addendum to my last message, Abby doesn't even pay any attention to tagging. I see more commitment to "documentation" from gif makers and fanfiction writers here on tumblr. and she's doing this to save someone's life? talk about lack of work ethic.
Part 1: abby talks about how her blog is "documentation" but it's pretty sloppy, isn't it? I've seen people organize their tumblrs and provide navigation to make everything easy to find. if someone wanted to research darren's horrific abuse, how is abby's blog really going to help? or if there's a particular day you're looking at, you have to wade through post after post of snarky comments, in-jokes, gifs, and the equivalent of subtweeting to understand what was happening. is this admissible evidence?Part 2 is above- I published before realizing it was two parts. 
 IDK know how exactly she is “documenting” Darren’s horror.  Saving publically available social media posts just isn’t that clever or helpful.  Her diatribes laying out all of the lies she’s told and the erroneous conclusions she’s reached over the years are not evidence of anything except Abby’s mental health.  If she believes her blog is the evidence, then yes, it's a bloody nightmare to wade through- I know, I do it often enough. Most of the time the only thing that makes it doable is if I can use a keyword.  Abby keeps telling her “Newbies” to look for cc evidence by going through her archive- Tumblr archive isn’t set up for reading and Abby’s blog is full of nonsense and petty bullying. 
Abby has claimed she is compiling documentation for several years and yet she has yet to lay down one piece of concrete evidence that I have read.  Maybe she has great evidence but she just can’t share it with us because she respects Klaine too much ;D
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Dear cc Fandom,
You would rather be angry at Darren than accept he is actually the straight, cis-gender dude he’s said he is for the last 10 years? It’s really time to question what you are doing. Let’s look at the evidence: Darren has always identified as straight- going back to interviews in 2009, he’s only dated women and he’s married to a woman he expresses love for in words and actions. Nobody would look at this evidence and conclude he’s gay. To conclude he’s gay-but lying or gay-but his team forces him to say things you don’t like to hear are both irrational and illogical conclusions. Darren is straight and to imagine anything else is simply wishful thinking. 
Pretending he has “babysitters” who force him to say all the things you guys don’t want to hear is not rational.  Darren isn’t living the Godfather with a bunch of Ricky’s hitman ready to break his knee caps or pull out his fingernails if he speaks his gay truth. I’m sure most of you know deep down that this is a silly fantasy that doesn’t happen to actors in real life. 
crissvoncolfer asked: Let’s remember he also has babysitters with him at interviews to make sure he says the proper words. I find it hard to believe D would use the words straight and cisgender on his own.
ask 2:  The “cisgender, straight” words are what are problematic for me. D could have used other words especially knowing he is not one. He either doesn’t know what those words mean or was lying. Is there another option? I’d love to think so. I always thought he didn’t like labels.
AJW: Sadly “straight cis” dude/guy is a label his team stamped on his head during the H/edwig tour, taking a statement he said out of context and from that moment on, it has been repeated frequently.  D has now adopted it as it is how his team has publicly identified him and he really has no choice. And yes, AB or RR are always present during this interviews and he is on an extremely tight leash. 
Oh, Abby...honey, his team didn’t “stamp it on his head during Hedwig” Darren has identified as a straight, cisgender dude since 2009. Can you imagine Michael taking a crowbar to Darren’s knees or Ricky pulling out his fingernails as he screams “Ok, ok, I’m straight”? Hollywood has its problems but managers forcing actors to lie about their truth or risk the mod coming down on them isn’t one of them.  
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Cassie: "Nonnie, I do get where you're coming from. I think C just realizes D is worth it and I do believe, in my heart of hearts, it won't always be this way." If your bf is choosing to live a fake life and expects you to just go along with it for X number of years, he is not worth it. I don't care if he is Darren Criss or any other attractive famous man, no person on Earth is worth the heartache that ccChris has probably been through whilst watching his "hubby" constantly choose fame over him.
Cassie’s answer really blew me away. She’s has chugged down all of Abby’s Kool-Aid and she’s fully buying into Abby’s juvenile ideas about relationships, sacrificing for love, and the power of love. THE 5 have clearly read Twilight one too many times! Everything they know about love, they learned from Bella and Edward who taught them with the idea that love is all-consuming, that there is no sacrifice that is too much as long as he loves you, and that in the end, happily ever will save the day. 
You’re right, there are a lot of scenarios where love is not enough and you have to walk away for your own mental or emotional well being. Sometimes it is an abusive partner making bad ccchoices and sometimes it is a wonderful partner whose future no longer looks like yours. One of my favorite Youtubers just announced she split with her husband 2 years ago and kept it a secret- even wearing her rings in the first half of this video! They broke up simply because they reached a point where they realized there was a fundamental difference in what they each wanted in life and the relationship couldn’t go forward (she wouldn’t say what that was). My husband’s cousin got divorced after her husband realized he wanted to be a dad and she wasn’t interested in children. Another YouTuber I watch called off their engagement after they realized she wanted a picket fence on a cul-de-sac and he wanted to a cave in the middle of nowhere (he was dead serious).  Their goals were incompatible and asking one to compromise wasn’t fair or healthy. ccDarren chose fame over ccChris and their relationship. ccDarren is unwilling to risk his position in Hollywood in order to openly love ccChris. He is so caught up in being THE actor, musician, and executive producer Darren Criss, that he married a woman he despises and spends all his time with her. She enjoys the lifestyle his fame has provided for him while ccChris has to hide in the rafters and scurry around ccDarren’s life completely unseen. ccDarren is incapable -or unwilling -to rid himself of his toxic team whose main goal is to “ccruin him” and by extension, ccChris. I don’t believe that the same man who gave this interview would choose to stay in a relationship where his feelings and needs always come second to ccDarren’s career.  Spending 1:00 am-7:00 am spooning the night away is hardly compensation for having to keep their relationship hidden and standing by while his lover lives his life with another person. Scurring in the dark and in disguise certainly isn’t enough to keep a relationship alive and healthy for 10 years.
(My comments are in italics below)
Anonymous asked: I love Cc, but I just can’t imagine C agreeing with all this and if he did, my heart still hurts for him.
cassie1022 answered: Nonnie, you’re more than entitled to your opinion. I, respectfully, disagree. C is not a victim in all of this. He made a conscious and willing decision to stand with D. He’s just as culpable in all of this as D is and he’s tried to show that on more than one occasion. I’m not heartbroken for C and I don’t think he would want us to be. At the end of the day, he has a love most people only dream about. Many people perceive C as being the more fragile of the two, and I think that’s a grave mistake. C’s the glue that holds them together. He’s always had to fend for himself and the world wasn’t always kind to him. D grew up in this seemingly perfect little world where he trusted everyone and thought people were mostly good and that’s part of why he’s in this situation. (Cassie et. al believe that love makes it all ok and that ccChris chose to stay so making him as culpable as ccDarren. It’s an interesting theory- basically, she’s saying that anyone who is an abusive relationship is culpable for the abuse because they chose to stay in the relationship. This is a dangerous and harmful belief because it ignores all of the barriers that keep people in abusive relationships- lack of money, lack of a safe place to go, fearing for their lives if they leave, low self-esteem from the abuse-to name just a few. I realize that Cassie is just turning ccChris staying in an abusive relationship into ccconfirmation bias, but she’s speaking to a lot of young people who don’t understand that and are learning that they should always stay because love makes everything ok.  “At the end of the day, he has a love most people only dream about.” Besides the fact that that kind of love exists in fanfiction and Twilight, I am gobsmacked that a middle-aged adult would imagine she knows this about Chris Colfer’s love life. The most Chris has ever said about his love life is to say tell a young fan that his dedication was to his boyfriend, to acknowledge to Andy Cohen that he had a boyfriend, and to acknowledge to Sandra Bernhart that Will was his boyfriend. Oh, and he said several times that he was not in a relationship with Darren. To believe he has a “love that most people only dream about” she would have to fabricate every detail single details she thinks she knows.  That is not the behavior of a healthy adult.   Big strong ccChris who went through hell and came out so strong that nothing touches him now. He’s the “glue that holds them together” and the “Captain of the ship” even though he’s literally being ignored while ccDarren lives a very full life with Mia by his side. Poor widdle, innocent ccDarren who grew up wealthy and since wealthy people live perfect lives and everyone around them is kind, he never learned who to trust. Gag)  
flowersintheattic254 You only have to watch the impact theory interview to see what drives C. C is strong and he stands up for those who are marginalized. C is tough and stronger than people give home credit for and he’s loyal too. (See the video and my transcript below. Notice that Chris never mentions his love life in any of the statements that Flowers believes are 100% about his relationships) 
I agree with @flowersintheattic254. This is such a good interview
Anonymous asked: I guess it makes sense that C’s the rock. I guess it’s just me thinking that since C’s out and proud, he deserves the same from his partner. But as you said, D was too trusting and I guess C is his strength, keeping him from giving up on everything shitty he’s going through. (Such a good little minion, repeating everything she’s groomed to believe) 
Cassie: Nonnie, I do get where you’re coming from. I think C just realizes D is worth it and I do believe, in my heart of hearts, it won’t always be this way.
I listened to Chris’s interview and he was asked about ambition:
Chris: ... I was really good at playing that character (Kurt).  People really do think I was playing myself and although we were experiencing very very similar things, I was very different from that character.  I was much more cynical than that character.
Tom: In fact, I am glad you brought that up. I heard in an interview someone asked you if you were a character in Game of Thrones and you said ‘I want to say that I would be the Mother of Dragons but I think I am actually Cersei’. 
Chris: I‘m sorry but she is a woman who knows what she wants and she goes out and she gets it. Her methods-her strategy- is a little questionable but I just love any woman with a drive. I remember when I was in my senior year of high school I was chosen to put on my own show. It’s called the senior show.  Every year one senior in the drama class got selected to basically put on whatever they want and usually they would put on an SNL-type variety sketch kind of show, but I was like “Nope I’m writing a musical” and I gender-reversed Sweeny Todd and called it Shirley Todd so I could be Mrs. Lovett so I was Mr. Lovett.  Because we were all seniors, no one wanted to do it and I ended up blackmailing all of them to be in it.  It was a great show. 
Tom: Walk me through how that drive and ambition has manifested in your life. Is that something you value in yourself? Is that something that you’re skeptical of in yourself because when you answer that question- and I fully understand that was a little tongue-in-cheek, but when you say “I fear that I’m actually Cersei” is there part of you that is very cognizant that there is a line that you can cross with drive and ambition or...
Chris: Oh I think so, I think that ambition is so much a part of who I am-maybe to a fault- but I’ve never got to the point where I was so ambitions that I was causing harm. I think growing up, ambition and hope and goals and dreams was literally all that I had. My family didn’t have money and I wasn’t good looking and I wasn’t athletic, I could act and I could sing, I could write but there aren’t many areas for you to do that when you are a young person- at least when I was a young person they weren’t. So I think my ambition sort of just became my imaginary friend. It was a survival tool, it wasn’t narcissism, it was survival. 
Tom: In that, I can be somewhere else, I can be bigger than this, I can go places was that the sort of your savor mechanism?
Chris: Yeah, I think it was  Making a treasure map to a life that was better than what the life I was in currently. That is what it was for me.  Hence, why I also identify so much with fantasy and superheroes and Greek mythology and literature it was all part of ...yeah, I always use fictitious people as my examples of getting somewhere.
Chris: To go back to what you said about bullying, I’m in a weird place right now because I played a bullied kid on national television, you know for 20 million people a week watched me get pushed into lockers and thrown on floors and called “a faggot” called “queer”... all these negative things and I experienced all that myself in real life.  I really let people know that was one of the reasons why people connected to my performance because it was coming from such a real place and I let people know i was bullied horribly when I was a kid. I was bullied so horribly in middle school that my mom pulled me out of school and homeschooled me because the harassment got so severe.  But I’m at his weird place right now that I feel like I’m so not a victim anymore ...that I kind of- maybe it’s my ego- I don’t know, but I get tired of being associated with someone who is bullied because I don’t allow that to happen anymore. At all! I’m proud of where I’m at now because the minute I see someone who tries to take advantage of me or isn’t kind... I have the option to walk away now- which I didn't when I was a kid. But I feel like I have to stop talking about it because I’ve told millions and millions of kids around the world that it is something you get to leave behind.  Because of my circumstances, I don’t get to leave it behind because I’m always asked about it and it’s a good thing to talk about because it’s still going on but as a certain point, I feel like I’m doing the kids who look up to me a disservice when I keep talking about it becuase it does-maybe for them-  seem like it doesn’t leave me. Does that make sense?
Tom: If this was the last words that you speak on the subject of being bullied what would you say that was your process to close that chapter.. to feel good about yourself.  I’m definitely putting words in your mouth, being born in some way where that is not who you are anymore? 
Chris: It is really about just knowing that you get to move on from it. That is the thing... adolescence is the toughest time in your life because you have no freedom but you have all this responsibility. You are expected to make adult decision but you don’t get the benefits of being an adult and you’re literally trapped in an environment- high school- unless you are homeschooled. You have no control of who you are around and probably the lesson or the bridge that I crossed in my life that has given me the most relief is knowing that I don’t have to be in any environment that I do not want to be in. I think that would be the message that I would give to kids who are being bullied. But also the world is full of assholes. Bullies, they do go away at a certain point, but there will always be people in your life that you don’t like, that are mean and rude and when you do go through a period of harassment- especially when you are young- you do learn how to overcome that and how to maybe have inner peace but you can’t ever control the world around you but you do learn a lot of good communications skills. I think. 
Chris makes it very clear that he is NOT Kurt
Chris identifies with a character who knows what she wants and goes out and gets it. That is very different from ccChris who is sitting back and accepting that he is not a priority for 10 years and counting. 
Ambition and drive are very important to Chris- ccChris is allowing Darren to drive the relationship.  Darren is getting everything he wants while Chris continues to make all of the sacrifices.  
Chris is adamant that he will not be bullied every again and that he will wake away from anyone taking advantage of him. The cc fandom heard this and saw it as confirmation bias because he is still in a ccrelationship with ccDarren aka he doesn’t see the relationship as being abusive or that he’s being taken advantage of therefore ccChris just confirmed CrissCofler is real and that ccChris is in control. 
The final paragraph is once again confirmation bias- Chris no longer has to be in an environment he doesn’t want to be in- hence he’s happy with ccDarren. By saying that people are still assholes, he confirmed that Ryan Murphy, Mia and Darren’s team are all assholes but he’s in control now and it doesn’t let them ruin his life.. 
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
This is not about being a “hater”. This is about helping you understand that Crisscolfer is based on faulty logic and lies. It’s about caring about the truth.
Abby wrote what I call a “masterpost” of the most recent proof she has that cc is still together. It’s the information she’s using right now to reassure herself that she’s right. The problem is that the conclusions she draws for why each social media post was made are illogical and erroneous conclusions. They aren’t logical, methodical, reasonable conclusion...period. 
Social media posts can be misleading and people certainly do make posts that portray a certain storyline. But it isn’t reasonable to conclude that Darren or Chris are using Instagram to tell their deepest darkest secrets to complete strangers. Neither man divulges much about their personal life on social media. In fact, the cc fandom mentions that often. Chris has a quote they love to repeat about not living on social media and Darren has said many times that he takes a lot of photos but he doesn’t post it online because he’s too busy living the moment. 
Let’s look at the post and analyze why Abby’s conclusions are wrong (my comments are italicized in parenthesis). 
Anonymous asked: why do you think they're still going strong? all evidence points to an amicable split a couple years ago
@ajw720 answered: not at all nonnie, not at all.  First, have you read ATOM?  I beg of you to read it if you have not. (I am reading it and it isn’t at all about Darren and Chris. It’s a story about children who are ostracized for being magical. It’s an allegory for being gay or being different in ways that society doesn’t accept. The children are sent to conversion therapy. It’s irrational and unreasonable to conclude it is a cc bible. The facts are: It’s a children’s book series, Chris isn’t interested in sharing his personal life at all with fans let alone, his deepest darkest secrets. Chris didn’t write an “It gets better” book for LGBTQ children only to use it to out Darren. Gay men don’t out other gay men by writing children's books. Chris has never said -or even hinted- it is an autobiography, he’s never suggested it is a love story based on his life. He started the series when he was 8 or 9 which included the character Froggy. Chris has several messages he likes to tell in his stories and he isn’t subtle in his lessons. He isn’t a subtle writer, yet Abby claims that at least 5 or 6 characters in TLOS are Darren and just as many are Chris. Instead of reading the book and hearing Chris’s message, she uses it for confirmation bias in a variety of characters and storylines. She finds the parts that FIT her PRECONCEIVED  idea of the cc storyline. It’s a fantasy-not realty. 
Second, have you seen the excessive use of the PA since october 25?  i believe a pic and/or video has been posted of him about 23 times in just about 4 weeks.  That is up from 0 in the 5  months that preceded it.  w is only required to be held out as the fake bf if cc is on. (This theory is predicated on the theory that Will is important to “cc is real”. This is another erroneous assumption that Abby concluded long ago as a way to explain why Will is around Chris so often. WIll is around because he is Chris’s boyfriend. Chris has said so with both his words and actions. Using Will’s presence on Chris’s social media as proof that cc is going strong- that Will is “mac and cheese” to the fandom is illogical-for one, out gay men do not have beards. There is no reason that Will showing up in Chris’s posts would prove cc is still together. That is another erroneous conclusion Abby reached long ago when she needed to explain away why Chris is posting pics of Will. The fact is that Will is always in Chris’s Halloween pics, their annual Disney trip, and Will’s birthday post. This year Chris also happened to post some other events they attended together so that he posted 10 pics of Will in the last 2 months.. Coming to the conclusion that Chris posting more pics of Will is proof of anything related to cc is like arguing that 1+1=322. Will being on Chris’s Instagram has nothing to do with Darren. The “23 videos and photos” include posts made by fans, friends and other people. It’s preposterous to claim that fan pics of Will or a friend posting his pic are because of the cc storyline).  
Did you watch the recent interview c did?  first it is brilliant so you should watch it.  and then he said this;
It is unfortunate that for some people you want to apply that phrase “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” to the mental side of things too.  But sometimes what doesn’t kill you, makes you suicidal. And it is really up to you “am i going to let this kill me or am i going to let this motivate me.” and sometimes when I hear people say this, i want to throw things at them, so I am going to say this very tongue and cheek, sometimes it really is a a choice, not a choice, sometimes I don’t think your point of view or interpretation  of things you are going through can be a choice.  Sometimes things are just so tragic that you just have to feel what you are feeling so it can work itself out.
(There is nothing in that quote that suggests he’s speaking about the last 5-6 years of his life or Darren Criss or a secret love or TPTB forcing Darren in the closet. He said that “sometimes the shit of life gets you down and how you respond matters”. He could be speaking about a lot of things that are very difficult for young adults. Claiming he said anything else is an irrational conclusion based on confirmation bias. She hears him speak about Darren because that is the storyline she already believes is true but Chris isn’t saying anything that suggests he’s speaking about Darren). 
C made sure to have an alibi the night of the fraud in NOLA. (Why would he need an alibi? The logical conclusion to why he posted about going to a friend’s show on Darren’s wedding night is they aren’t close friends and his post had nothing to do with Darren at all. But I’ll play along for a minute and imagine cc is real: If the love of his life was marrying someone they both “despise”, Chris would have been devastated, not out enjoying a night of entertainment-and walking a red carpet/photo op.  He barely does that ever- he certainly isn’t going to do it on his worst day.  He was with Will and he didn’t post the pic himself. If he was pushing a narrative then he would have posted the pic. It’s very unfair to claim that things that other people post are messages he is sending-it’s putting words into his mouth. Chris had no reason to prove he wasn’t in NOLA, he clearly wasn’t in the wedding photos. Claiming he went out to a show with his long-term boyfriend to prove he wasn’t with Darren at his wedding is a silly argument.)  
They walked around NYC dressed like twins on October 1, 2019.  And the hickey. (Concluding that two people who were wearing jeans, glasses and dark shirts are “dressed alike” is wrong enough but concluding that similarities in their lives prove they are a couple is preposterous. We all know that wasn’t a hickey for so many reasons from the shape to the fact it was gone in photos taken later that day to Darren wouldn’t walk around on a press day with a huge hickey on his neck. You can see from photos taken that day, they hardly looked like twins. There is nothing rationale about looking for similarities in their lives to prove they are in a secret relationship. They are nothing more than coincidences. Claiming it is a hickey after she was told by so many people that it wasn’t- including ccer is a great example of how Abby doubles down on lies if it suits her needs.  She isn’t interested in the truth- only proving she’s right.) 
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C’s SM.  He just recently posted his second pic of him in a tinhat, the 1st right after the encage.  You know, the day he wore the shirt that says “everything you know is a lie.”  He really has had some blatant posts.  also, sometimes  reflection is a really interesting thing. (Again,  unreasonable conclusions are made: Chris’s “second tinhat” photo was a pic of him getting his hair highlighted with foils-a very common technique for highlighting hair. He posted it to garner publicity for his book tour.  It’s irrational to conclude that he was sending a secret message to a small group of fans to reassure them that he supports “tinhats” when Chris has actually said several times that he isn’t in a relationship with Darren and has expressed anger over fans’ comments about them as a couple. He also wrote a book that included the main character with Chris’s initials expressing his anger with fans shipping him with his costar. The first photo was not a support of Crisscolfer tinhatting but a reference to Chris’s own belief in aliens- he’s holding an alien stuffed toy and wearing a shirt that has aliens on it.)
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halloween when they set up the perfect SM riot. They started with the release of pics with CC in the background, proving to the haters that they in fact our friends and then 2 weeks later, AF posted a pic that included C and PBB but no D. (Here we have an example of how Abby’s conclusions are based on several erroneous assumptions leading up to one big faulty conclusion. The tops of Chris and Darren’s heads were photographed at a busy, crowded party proving they were speaking and nothing more. Abby’s claim that they purposefully caused the riot assumes 1. that they planned the photograph, 2. they distributed the photograph or knew the right people would see it and get their message, 3.that either Chris or Darren- or both- are very interested and motivated to make sure that complete strangers know intimate details of their personal lives and that they both want to spread this information via very impersonal and public social media. Claiming that Ashley posted a pic of Mia to prove “cc is real” is another unreasonable conclusion.  Let’s address the assumptions: 1. There is no way they could tell the tops of their heads were in the camera frame. Even in an uncrowded room, it would be difficult but with several people between them and the camera, it just isn’t possible to know that the tops of their heads were within the frame. 2. They had no way of ensuring fans would get the message.  They couldn’t be sure that fans would stalk the party photos and find the tops of their heads in the background. If they wanted a photo of them talking seen by fans, they had several avenues of making that happen- they both have PR teams and their own social media accounts, and Darren’s team was there. 3. The theory that they intentionally caused a “cc riot” by doing nothing more than standing and chatting at a party isn’t logical. There is no reason for them to even want to share something like “Darren is closeted” or “Chris and Darren are in a relationship” with complete strangers and they would have no control of the messaging. Smart celebs don’t release info about themselves using a method that takes all control away from themselves.  It’s the same reason that I know Darren would never stand on a car and scream “I’m gay” to a bunch of strangers-it’s not smart. Claiming they intentionally wanted the world to know they were together at the party and therefore “still going strong”  means they purposefully put a deeply personal part of their private lives into the world in a way that gives something valuable to the cc fandom-reassurance- but gives Chris and Darren nothing in return. They lose control of their personal info-something important to both men- but they get nothing back. Neither Chris nor Darren share much information about their private lives and they certainly don’t do it on social media. When they do share personal stories, it is during interviews. Rationalizing that Ashley posted a photo of Mia to prove cc is real is another erroneous assumption. Nothing about that photo proves Chris and Darren are in a relationship-it proves that Ashley felt that photo was a good one to post for reasons she didn’t indicate but there is nothing to suggest she posted it on behalf of Chris to shade Mia)   
they are absolutely still going strong and I would say pay attention to the details, but at this point, you don’t even really need to look that close, it is incredibly blatant. (The confirmation bias in the cc fandom is all-encompassing. Abby simply cannot be wrong and she analyzes everything to find the “cc still going strong” storyline. She doesn’t look at the situation and learn from it, she twists reality to FIT HER storyline. “Pay attention to the details” is a euphemism for “twist the truth to make it cc positive”. It’s deeply disrespectful to both Chris and Darren to refuse to HEAR what either man is saying-or SEE how they are living- and instead, spend all of your time and effort rewriting their life stories. Basing your conclusions on faulty logic leads to misdirections-it’s how you find yourself believing untrue stories for a decade and counting. The question isn’t whether Chris and Darren’s private lives are different from how they present them- it is their prerogative to keep their personal lives private from the public. The question is why can’t you respect that their personal lives are theirs and only theirs and that fans have no right to debunk their truths? Why can’t you understand that going on their social media and posting about Crisscolfer is the most disrespectful and cruel thing you can do. Believing you know the truth about a stranger’s life because you are “paying attention”  while simultaneously ignoring everything that proves you are wrong is hurtful to Chris and Darren but it’s more hurtful to you. You are teaching yourself how to draw illogical conclusions and to make erroneous assumptions.You are literally grooming yourself to believe lies and it cannot be contained to the cc fandom, it is something that will sneak into the other parts of your life until you have no ability to make assessments and draw accurate conclusions about important things in your life.You will never understand when you are being conned because you’ve spent some -or all -of the last 10 years methodically teaching yourself how to disregard the truth, ignore facts, and draw illogical conclusions. 
I don’t know if Christian Bale actually said this, I can’t find it on his feed, but the sentiment is still 100% accurate-other celebs have expressed the same feeling 
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#crisscolfer tag take back
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Abby, Leka, and Flowers have never seen someone play “air guitar” LOL.
I can’t with this conversation.  One only needs to watch the “10000 wedding videos” they complain about to comprehend that Mia competently plays bass  OR watch one of the Guns N Hoses videos from shows like the one they are obsessively stalking as we speak. But instead, they sound like obtuse idiots as the use their own stupidity as confirmation bias-served with a heady dose of arrogance.
ajw720 I keep imagining the BTS for the E/very S/ingle N/ight video where he had to show her how to play the bass………..
flowersintheattic254 Oh!!😱. Look what I found,
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leka-1998 @flowersintheattic254 since you asked, I’m adding this:
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flowersintheattic254 Ah @leka-1998 the classic of how to try to fake like you can actually play the bass and do it without sticking you tongue 👅 out. Yay!!!!
ajw720 And to think, for $15 I could see her pretend in person!  Perhaps this is why there are still tickets available……
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
None of this is important but this post just annoyed me so I bring some reality to it: (the post is below my points)
1. Abby still refuses to listen to White Christmas even though it has very little resemblance to the Klaine version. 
2. Claiming that Darren should have “fought for a different song” is once again Abby’s need to make everything into confirmation bias- and anger- rather than learning from the situation. The rationale and logical conclusion is that Darren wasn’t bothered by the song- he either didn’t associate it with Klaine or he isn’t in love with Chris. But Abby never learns from her erroneous conclusions so she turns it into something. 
3. Both Flowers and Leka excuse Abby’s frequent attendance at Darren’s events while bitching about the “NYC fans” who stalk him.  I cackled at Flowers claim that nobody should see him more than 3 times in American Bulffalo...could it be that Abby bought tickets to 3 shows?  Why is 3 the magic number that is ok, but 4 is too much? LOLOLOLOL.   
4. The audacity of Flowers feeling bad for Darren because of the NYC stalkers when there is nobody stalking him online more than the cc leaders.  
Anonymous asked: Do you think D will join LM at her Xmas shows next week? I am torn as to whether I would like him to be there or not. I love them performing together, and if he is part of the show, I totally look forward to seeing those videos. In the flipside, it puts him in the path of the NY stalkers, who will hunt him down to get their 1,537,490th picture. I am sure they are already making plans to follow him around in Feb when he starts rehearsals for AB. (once again the cc fnadom is creating problems that don’t exist yet.  If Darren and Mia aren’t doing enough to bitch about they have to fabricate things.)  
ajw720 answered: If his schedule permits, he may be there. I hope not only because i won’t watch, still haven’t listed to WC and not planning on doing it it for a live version.  And yes, I am sure they are already making plans to stalk him all over the city. But honestly i would rather NYC than LA.  No bar and hopefully less of the wifey.  Please may she not follow him to NYC for the entire run.  
flowersintheattic254 D seems more his authentic self in nyc (really? how often do we see him the city just being Darren? Most of the social media we get in NYC is stagedoor so he’s still working) and I like his interactions with LM and having heard the song it’s different to the klaine one so although I understand @ajw720 feelings about it (although what? You have to add a second clause if youare using “although”. As much as she bitches about Nonnie’s English skills I’m suprised she left us hanging)
I’m sure M will want her selfie with LF and SR so I can’t see her not being there and it’s not like she cares enough about the bar to stay behind in LA. 
On the stalkers I feel sorry for him. If you need to see anyone more than 3x in a play you need to check yourself. (LOLOLOLOL)
leka-1998 The return of the grueling work schedule. No, thank you.(Huh?)
D deserves to enjoy this without having to deal with the same people who feel entitled all the time. Sure, there will always be some who are able to do much more than others, but toning it down is allowed. ( I can’t) 
ajw720 To clarify, i have no doubt she will see AB, though her presence is required and frankly is embarrassing to D, i meant she does not take up a 4 month residency in NYC.
On WC, I don’t care if it is a different version, i am against it in principle and still think it was a slap in the face to K/laine fans. That is not going to change and it is better if i ignore its existence as it makes me very cranky and one of the few things that makes me get a little annoyed with D. There were a ton of songs to pick from, he should have fought for something different. (if you are angry about something that your celeb crush isn’t mad about, it’s time to really question yourself).  I am tired and cranky and in a terrible mood. (Abby’s cranky, must be a day that ended in “y”)
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