#decided to post the whole page at once since the panels are nearly identical
everyusaida · 3 months
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here's Usaida falling asleep during rehelsal and Kamitani hitting him with lightning speed to wake up
Scan translation by AshitakaxTaiyou on Mangadex
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daresplaining · 5 years
Could you maybe make a post with some of the most inspiring Daredevil pages? Stuff like him overcoming the Purple Man making him more depressed and hopeless in Waid's run, or the "I am Daredevil, and I am not Afraid." page from Soule's run. Those kind of pages always help me when I'm feeling down, it would be cool to see more in that vein.
    I love this request, and yes, I can definitely do that! I draw a lot of inspiration from Daredevil too (and superhero comics in general; that’s one of the purposes of the genre, in my experience), and refusing to give up when everything is falling apart is one of Matt’s trademark moves. Here are a few of my favorite moments– and I’m including the ones you mentioned, since I love them and want to make sure other people have seen them too. 
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[ID: The Kingpin is brutally beating up Matt, who is in civvies. Matt falls on his back, his face bloody.]
Matt: “Never give up– never–”
Let’s start with a classic: 
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[ID: Daredevil is fighting Namor. He tries electrocuting him, but the blast knocks him to the ground. As Namor walks away, Daredevil reaches out and grabs his ankle before passing out.]
Namor: “This is madness!! Does your own life mean nothing to you!?? Have you no sense of fear??”
Matt: “Sure! But I seem to have carelessly misplaced it somewhere! Now, just stand there for a second, fella– I want to try something!”
Caption: “Taking one last desperate gamble, Daredevil joins the two live wires, hoping to stagger his super-human foe! […] But, once again, the power of the Sub-Mariner is greater than any could suppose, and it is he who recovers first– while the Man Without Fear, despite his insulated gloves– lies weak, and dazed, and helpless…! Yet, how can one measure the limitless courage of a fellow human? Although on the brink of unconsciousness– although racked with pain and fatigue– still the sightless crusader reaches out–!”
Matt: “Come back! You– you mustn’t fight the others–! They’re innocent– mustn’t be harmed– mustn’t–!”
Namor: “[…] I have fought the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, and other super-powered humans, but none has been more courageous than he, the most vulnerable of all! And out of respect to the courage of Daredevil, I shall not injure any humans! I shall fly above the waiting armed forces– and return to the sea where I am supreme!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #7 by Stan Lee and Wally Wood
    The issue that introduced the red Daredevil costume also crafted one of the first memorable depictions of Matt’s boundless resilience. Namor the Sub-Mariner comes ashore to sue the human race, and hires Nelson and Murdock to represent him. When the situation goes awry, Namor becomes violent, and Matt tries to subdue him. While he gets thoroughly thrashed in this fight, Matt’s persistence impresses Namor enough to make him leave the human race alone (for now). That image of a nearly-unconscious Daredevil clinging to Namor’s ankle is fairly iconic, with– I feel– good reason. 
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[ID: The Hulk backhands Daredevil a good distance, where he crashes into some trash cans. He is injured and bleeding, but he struggles back to his feet as the Hulk stands over him, deciding whether or not to finish him off.]
Hulk: “NO! Banner made the Hulk a monster and Hulk will find him, even if it takes forever!”
Matt: “Hulk… *koff*… you won’t find Banner… *koff*… this way. You can’t… *koff*… find Banner this way. The police… the authorities.. I-I want to help them understand… *koff*… and… *koff* … I want to help you. …But you’ll have to trust me.”
Daredevil vol. 1 #163 by Roger McKenzie, Frank Miller, and Glynis Wein
    This is, thematically, a very similar situation to the first scene. The Hulk goes on a rampage and Matt tries to stop him. Just as in the Namor situation, Matt loses this fight– he is nearly beaten to death, and is confined to a hospital bed for quite a while afterward– but his courage breaks through the Hulk’s rage enough to calm him down. This is a recurring theme in their friendship. Matt first meets Bruce Banner when he is hired to represent the Hulk in court, and from the beginning, Matt has been vocal in his support of Bruce and sympathy for the Hulk. Despite the danger, Matt never hesitates to put himself within smashing distance of the Hulk for the sake of helping him. 
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[ID: A taxi is resting at the bottom of a river with its hood bashed in. Matt Murdock is unconscious in the front seat. We see a close-up of his eyes as they open in a defiant glare. The next few panels show the Kingpin standing at a window looking out, and photos of the cab after it has been pulled out of the river.]
Caption: “Unconscious but living, Murdock is placed in a stolen checker cab… The cab is driven off Pier 41 into the East River. Its safety belt and doors are corroded shut by a chemical process that is identical to rust. Murdock is drenched in whiskey. A bottle, open, is laid in his lap. The owner of the cab is beaten to death by Murdock’s stolen billy club. Days pass into weeks. Still Murdock is never far from the crimelord’s thoughts. He imagines one last, terrible moment of realization… of Murdock thrashing wildly, desperately, hatefully… screaming soundlessly into the poisoned water… The Kingpin shudders at the thought, in pleasure… The world seems flooded with sunlight. Daily business becomes a joyous, childlike game. He has disgraced, destroyed and murdered the only good man he has ever known. This is his triumph of the spirit.
“At last the cab is discovered. There is blood, and bloody evidence of a struggle. There is a shattered windshield… a safety belt, severed by the windshield’s glass and what must have been a hideous effort of will. There is no corpse.”
Daredevil vol. 1 #228 by Frank Miller, David Mazzucchelli, and R. Lewis
    This is, of course, from the famous “Born Again” arc, and I had a hard time choosing a scene, since the whole story is essentially a seven-issue-long depiction of Matt being knocked down and then standing back up. (I highly recommend reading it if anyone hasn’t, and I also summarized it here. I also cheated by including another scene at the beginning of this post…). However, the scene above is a turning point and possibly my favorite moment in the whole story. At this point Matt has lost it all: his friends, his career, his reputation, his money, and his home. In a fit of desperate, delirious anger, he attacks the Kingpin, who beats him unconscious and then– in the scene above– tries to kill him once and for all. The above issue starts with Matt curled up on a bed in a hotel room, unable to force himself to even move. He seems thoroughly beaten, and the Kingpin assumes the same, which is why he decides to stop toying with his victim and just finish the job. But in spite of all of this, Matt freaking Murdock refuses to die, and he somehow finds the strength to physically fight his way out of this seemingly unsurvivable situation. The fact that we don’t see him do it– that we only get the Kingpin’s reaction and that panel of Matt’s defiant glare after regaining consciousness– makes this act of resilience all the more powerful.       
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[ID: Daredevil is fighting the Vulture (the Spider-Man villain). Daredevil pins him to the ground and starts punching him in the face.]
Matt: “A while ago, you said I secretly wanted to die. You were wrong. Cowards want to die. I’m no coward. I’m proving it– to you and to myself– by beating you… you– and everything you represent… the death and decay that eat away at a man until he surrenders… the horror that pulls you down into the pit! Well, I’m not the surrendering kind, mister! Got that? I never give up!”
Daredevil vol. 1 #225 by Denny O’Neil, David Mazzucchelli, and Ken Feduniewicz
    Matt is not at all a suicidal person (I’ve seen some fans claim otherwise, but he really isn’t), and this scene comes from a rare issue that covers that topic. It takes place shortly after Heather Glenn’s suicide, and it explores how the spectre of her death haunts Matt and Foggy’s lives afterward. In this story, the concept of death is represented by the Vulture, who Matt discovers trying to rob Heather’s grave. Later, he appears at the offices of Nelson and Murdock, which have just gone bankrupt. Upset by this loss, Foggy wanders up to the roof and contemplates his life, at which point he encounters the Vulture. Matt, fearing that Foggy might kill himself, goes up after him in costume and tries to fight the Vulture off. For a moment, during the fight, Matt contemplates whether he actually wants to lose, before returning to his senses and defeating both the Vulture and his own dark thoughts. 
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[ID: Daredevil is fighting a huge crowd of grotesque-looking demons while carrying a lit torch. He holds up the torch and the demons scatter.] 
Matt: “My whole life, endless fighting. What a fate. I wonder, could I change that fate? No matter how many I kill, they keep on coming.”
Mephisto: “Ha ha ha ha ha! I love it! That’s it, you big hero. Keep fighting. Fight till you drop that torch.”
Matt: “What if… what if I just stopped? If I just stopped fighting. If you stop fighting, isn’t the fight over? Yes. Yes, yes, yes. They can’t touch me. Okay, Mephisto. I’m coming for you. You made a mistake. You believe your evil breaks a man. Sometimes it does. But when it doesn’t break a man– it makes him even stronger.”
Daredevil vol. 1 #281 by Ann Nocenti, John Romita Jr., and Christie Scheele
    This is from Matt’s literal trip to Hell in Nocenti’s run (Hell is a cosmic setting in the Marvel universe, and Mephisto is a recurring antagonist, so this isn’t quite as bizarre as it sounds…). While trapped in a seemingly endless wasteland and attacked by hoards of demons, Matt musters enough free will and spirit (as represented by the fire he’s carrying) to not only survive, but to actually challenge Mephisto. It’s great. 
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[ID: Matt is crouched on the side of a building at night, in the rain. He is wearing the Daredevil suit but has taken the mask off. He puts his hand to his face in emotional anguish.] 
Matt: “I’ve got to pull myself together. My world is falling apart and I am helping it every single step of the way. I have to focus. Focus. Foggy is right. My entire life– everything is up for grabs. Everything I’ve built– everything I am– can be taken away from me. Have to center my energies. Have to think. Focus. Center and focus. Center and focus. Don’t listen to their camera motors and their cell phones. Don’t listen to them. The phone calls. All I hear is my name over and over: Murdock. Murdock, Murdock. That name is not theirs to say. It’s not theirs! It’s mine. They’re stealing it from me. No! Stop it. Center and focus. Center and focus. Center and–”
Mugging victim (off-panel): Noooo!”
Matt: “Focus.”
Daredevil vol. 2 #35 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, and Matt Hollingsworth
    I love this little moment from Bendis’s run. It’s small and subdued, but highly moving in the context of what Matt is dealing with in this story. His identity has been made public, there are crowds of reporters camped outside his home, his entire life is at risk of falling apart, but he takes this second to pause, think, and regain some sense of control.  
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[ID: Matt stands up and prepares to fight. He is armed with two tonfa, and is wearing black clothes reminiscent of his Man Without Fear costume, but without a mask. His head is bandaged.]
Matt: “You think you can… turn me into a blubbering wreck… by preying on my fears… but I’ve already faced them– and come out the other side! You understand me, Calavera? I know what I am… who I am… and I am not afraid!”
Daredevil: Reborn #4 by Andy Diggle, Davide Gianfelice, and Matt Hollingsworth
    The Reborn mini-series follows Matt’s attempt at emotional recovery in the aftermath of “Shadowland”. Having quite literally lost his identity and had his spirit broken by getting possessed by a demon, he goes out west and, through helping right some wrongs in a small town in New Mexico, he reaffirms his sense of self.  
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[ID: A stormy winter night. Ferry pilots (Sid and Ronnie, off-panel) are waiting for Daredevil to resurface from the river. As their ferry moves away, Daredevil hauls himself out of the freezing water and onto a dock.]
Sid: “It’s been a while, Ronnie– think he’s still down there?”
Ronnie: “Sid– you a moron? Where else would he be?”
Sid: “Beats me. Just askin’. It’s too bad– looks like he went back down there for nothin’. ‘Cept maybe to die.”
Ronnie: “Well, I’m not givin’ up just yet.”
Sid: “No? Why not?”
Ronnie: “’Cause I don’t think he would.”
Daredevil: Dark Nights #2 by Lee Weeks and Lee Loughridge
    The first Dark Nights story is a celebration of Matt’s willpower, as he travels through a blizzard to deliver a heart transplant to a dying little girl. I particularly love this scene, in which Matt dives into the river to rescue the heart and the pilots transporting it from their crashed helicopter, and despite the cold and his exhaustion, he powers through and survives the experience.
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[ID: Daredevil is bleeding and horribly injured, and crouched in the mud under a bridge. The Purple Man is standing above him, about to hit him with a plank of wood.]
Purple Man: “Shouldn’t you be angry? Shouldn’t you put up a struggle?”
Matt (caption): “But that’s how far down the pit I’ve fallen. I can’t even respond to his orders. 
Purple Man: “Come on. This is too easy. Don’t rob me of a victory I’ve waited years for.”
Matt (caption): “All I can do is sink into the blackness. I can’t feel pain. I can’t  move because I have nothing to push against. Nothing.”
Purple Man: “Show me some fear.”
[ID: Daredevil kicks the Purple Man, then falls back to his knees. ]
Matt (caption): “That. That, I know how to fight. Get up. You have momentum now. Don’t lose it. Don’t let the shadows pull you back in. Inertia is the enemy. Do something. Move. Move, Matthew.”
Daredevil vol. 4 #10 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Matt Wilson
    I’m glad you mentioned this scene because it’s one of my favorites too, as is this story arc as a whole. Waid’s depiction of depression is visceral and heartrending because it’s something he himself suffers from, and that realism makes Matt’s struggle to move forward and fight against his despair all the more impactful.  
    As an extension of the above moment, Matt’s decision to talk with Kirsten at the end of the issue (which I discussed at length here) is also breathtaking.  
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[ID: A black page with a red heart monitor readout at the bottom. It flatlines, then spikes once.]
Matt (caption): “I cannot see the light. So I will be the light. I am Daredevil. And I am not afraid.”
Daredevil vol. 5 #612 by Charles Soule and Phil Noto
    And this moment– there’s nothing more badass than Matt literally willing himself back to life! “I am Daredevil. And I am not afraid” is a refrain that is repeated throughout Soule’s run, which is a neat way of tying his run together and emphasizing Matt’s relentless determination. 
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[ID: Matt is alone in a gym, struggling to walk between two parallel bars. He falls, then, with a huge effort, pulls himself back up.]
Jack (off-panel): “Fear’s of no use to us, Matt. We have to live with it, but it’s not for anything. But pain? What’s pain for, Matt? What’s pain for?”
Matt: “Pain keeps us going.”
Man Without Fear vol. 2 #5 by Jed MacKay, Danilo Beyruth, and Andres Mossa
    The new Man Without Fear was another great recovery story, and gave us this really great moment when Matt, after suffering through the physical and emotional destruction of being hit by a truck, finally regains his fighting spirit.
    I also wanted to include a few scenes of other people being inspired by Matt’s courage and resilience, because there are some great ones. Here’s one of my favorites, from Waid’s run:
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[ID: Foggy is sitting in a circle with a group of fellow cancer patients. They are all wearing Daredevil shirts.]
Foggy: “Ah, excellent. You all dressed for the occasion. I’ll be straight up with you folks. I have a friend. He’s probably the bravest man I’ve ever met. And no matter how much I beg him to teach me to be like him… in the whole time I’ve known him, I’ve learned only one thing about fearlessness: it’s contagious.”
Daredevil vol. 3 #31 by Mark Waid, Chris Samnee, and Javier Rodriguez
    I love this aspect of Foggy’s cancer plotline– the fact that Foggy uses Matt as a source of inspiration for facing his own fear. These two have always been emotional anchors for each other, providing moral support and guidance in difficult times, and that’s part of what makes their friendship so powerful. Here, Foggy is largely on his own. Matt can’t punch cancer, and Foggy doesn’t even tell him about the symptoms at first. But from the very beginning, Foggy latches onto Matt’s fearlessness as a way of fending off his own terror about the diagnosis. As I said at the beginning of the post, part of the purpose of superhero stories is to serve as inspiration for their readers to be kind and courageous in their own lives, and it’s wonderful when characters within those stories are impacted in that same way by the superheroes around them. To take this concept one meta step further, Foggy’s cancer story– the whole thing, including his drawing strength from his best friend– is in itself a hero story for readers who may be going through similar experiences. 
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[ID: Flashback panels colored in black and white with hints of red. Matt (in civvies) is attacked by a group of ninjas on a city street. He fights them while Foggy runs and hides around a corner.]
Foggy (caption): “When you were around, it was different. The fear wasn’t so real. I was still freaked whenever anything happened… my nerves were a car wreck… but even as I was sweating bullets, I somehow knew I was safe. Because of you.”
Daredevil vol. 2 #88 by Ed Brubaker, Michael Lark, David Aja, and Frank D’Armata
    …And another great Foggy and Matt scene, this one from “The Secret Life of Foggy Nelson”, one of my favorite issues of Brubaker’s run. Foggy has been separated from Matt against his will, and in his isolation and fear, he reflects on their friendship and draws strength from Matt’s example. 
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[ID: Luke Cage is sitting comfortably in a chair, legs crossed, directly addressing the reader.]
Luke: “Daredevil. I know him pretty well, actually. Well, as well as he lets anyone know him. End of the day, without question, he’s one of the best. Ever. I’m not going to get into who he is and how he became who he became. And I know there are a lot of people who think they know all there is to know about Daredevil and all of his secrets. But I can tell you from personal experience that the information that’s out there about him is pretty much crap. Let’s just leave it at that. All you need to know about Daredevil is that this man has sacrificed everything to try to make this city safer. He has lost more and suffered more for his dedication to you than, well, anybody I know. And I know some people who’ve suffered and lost. He ain’t the strongest of us, and he ain’t the flashiest… but Daredevil cannot be brought down. It cannot happen.”
New Avengers vol. 2 #16 by Brian Michael Bendis, Mike Deodato, and Rain Beredo
    And last but not least, here an excerpt from a great speech Luke Cage gives after Matt joins the Avengers. Even other superheroes– all of whom tend toward superhuman resilience– are impressed by Matt.  
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perfectackeracy · 7 years
Shingeki no Kyojin chapter 90 review (+ theories)
This is it. 
We’re finally concluding the arc beginning with Grisha’s flashback at chapter 71 and ending with the basement’s discovery and the amount of deal-breaking contents, leading us to the last phase of the manga, with this month’s chapter as being the ultimate wrap-up.
Lasting 5 volumes, it would be wise to write an arc review in a separate post, since it covered the unfinished business left from the first volumes: taking back that portion of the territory surrounded by titans, the mystery between Grisha Yeager and the contents of the basement and eventually the truth behind this world. Too bad I wasn’t around when the first chapters have been published because it would’ve been fun to pick every theory around and check which ones were actually closer to the facts; remember people trying to guess the Beast Titan’s identity? Eren using the coordinate to invoke the wall titans during the battle?
But anyway, the point of this post is more about commenting the chapter in an itself and guess what happens next, as always. 
I’ll start by a general commentary: I had... mitigated views about this chapter overall. Not because it felt like a huge letdown for my birthday (because let’s face it, nothing can top Edgetolt) but because it just shows it’s a rather quick wrap-up when we’re preparing the final phase.
I’ll use the MangaStream translation while waiting for the CR scans. It’s not top-quality but the translations are usually on-point (and they seldom mess up bubble order or in this month’s case... PAGE ORDER).
This chapter can be decomposed into 4 phases:
The truth about the titans
The ceremony
The timeskip
The ocean and Eren’s resolve
I’ll detail my review under the cut:
The truth about the titans
Historia made her mind and decided to make the information held public... If anything, that underlines the fact the basement was a turning point for the story, despite the sudden influx of information. 
This is huge since it was the point where Eldia stepped out of their cycle of ignorance and progressively started to realize the true nature of this world. As Historia said: this is retribution.
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Historia letting Eldia know - Ch. 90
Just wanting to point a funny thing here.
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She really looks like her father here - Ch. 66
Since a huge war is coming, it would make even more sense. I still don’t believe in that unity spirit however. While it may be effective in times of war against a common enemy, it’s not in times of peace. 
And according to Roy and Peaure, it’s apparently too brutal to stir an episode of nationalism or more precisely, a feeling of general agreement that the world they lived on was limited to a single huge island, weren’t part of Humanity in general but as a race labeled as “the descendants of Ymir”, that they’ve been the monsters all along and they’ve been isolating themselves from each other, having the rest of the humanity as a common enemy. 
Peaure took note of three types of reactions:
People who accepted the truth as it is
People who think this is a huge joke
Conspiracy theorists who think there’s some Illuminati members in the military
The first category will be easy to rally. The second one needs some time to digest the information or need better evidence. The third one is... well...
While living with the truth seems to make things better and ready for advancement (it’s always better than a situation where people make their growth stagnate), they now realize they’re the target of the rest of humanity who isn’t ready to change their minds. There simply isn’t any room for peace.
And that’s why I’m not feeling particularly salty about the titans being nearly wiped out. Grisha’s logs were the last knee-slapper as their role as mighty oppressors. I’ve said it in a post concerning Bertolt and his role as the Colossal Titan: the same analogy can be applied when they started as being those freakish humanoid looking creatures hellbent to devour humans and forced them to retreat behind walls, decimating anybody who dared to venture in their territory. Then revelations happened:
Humans can turn into titans.
Pure titans actually don’t have a proper conscience and are either trapped in a nightmare or bent on one particular desire.
With titans being humans it means “Humanity” was killing humans all along.
Not every titan can revert back to a human. Only 9 of the whole population can.
The user of the Coordinate can use them as slaves to their bidding.
Titans as well as most humans inside the walls belong to the same people, meaning they were fighting a war against themselves all along.
Titans are only wandering on one island while the rest of the world is free from them.
The wandering titans are actually part of the oppressed minority from another country sentenced for several types of crimes, often unfairly. 
All of this implies the SC was executing already sentenced people of their own kind, essentially finishing Marley’s work.
This whole path depicts them as the mere rank of victims rather than predators. Now that they learned who the real enemy is, titans are all demoted from that position, which makes me not so regretful they were eliminated by the guillotine, not to mention the flashback made sense as to why they were all trapped between Wall Maria and Wall Rose.
Eren’s lifestyle is to hunt predators and he already fixed his next target. Notice how at the end of the chapter he referred to the crawling titan as a fellow instead of an enemy he once sworn to kill? I’ll come back to it later.
One of the nicest part of the chapter was getting a peek from Hitch, eventually giving Marlowe’s death closure. Jean was giving her the classical speech of how brave he was when he fought for the recapture of Wall Maria. It could’ve gone smoothly but the little problem remaining about his honors was...
Flocke was probably the most controversial character from the chapter. Never in the spoilers tag have I seen so much vitriol for a character who started to make himself relevant in the second-last arc. I’m going to make myself clear about him:
He’s absolutely right.
I’ve seen so many fans call him a piece of shit, him thinking too highly of himself (when he called himself a coward?) or him being too harsh but in the situation where the SC is and as a stock-filling recruit, why should he sugarcoat everything when his first operation was one where he had to brave a giant monkey throwing rocks?
He wasn’t lying when he stated those facts about Marlowe. Being honest is still better than putting on a brave face, which made Hitch go ultimate tsundere and cry while missing how much of a self-absorbed idiot Marlowe was.
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“Even though Marlowe Freudenberg was only recently recruited to the Survey Corps as part of the emergency listing just like me, he was still able to help unite us all. The Survey Corps were driven into a corner and faced certain annihilation. The situation seemed hopeless. While everyone else was vulnerable and frightened, he alone kept encouraging and inspiring us.” - Ch. 81 (Pic)
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“But in the end... I’m sure he regretted ever going to that place.” - Ch. 81 (Pic)
He wasn’t too happy of dropping the truth on Armin either. He wasn’t fond of Erwin but in no way he would deny him a chance to a second life when there’s a way of breaking through the crack that is despair.
Besides, it wasn’t just his opinion. Everybody else wondered why Erwin wasn’t chosen. Erwin was right in their grasp and he was denied the serum. That’s how it happened to an outsider who only read the reports. People think the SC became nuts, and Flocke nailed what the problem was. For people who dedicated their hearts about serving a cause, they let their feelings get the best of them. “Somebody who can’t sacrifice anything can’t change anything.” Flocke used the same logic Armin does and that’s why it resonated with him in that panel.
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“Someone who can’t throw anything away... will never be able to change anything” - Ch. 27 (Text)
Armin thinks the “useful evil” is good, which is why it made sense for him and Flocke to bring Erwin back instead of letting emotions getting the best of them.
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“The three of you let your feelings get the better of you, took the injection for your own means, and made an irrational choice. In short you just couldn’t let go of someone important to you, could you?” - Ch. 84 & 85 (Pics)
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“Eren... You’re one of those people who believe deep inside they’re always right. that’s why you never give up, just like some unreasonable child.” - Ch. 84 (Pic)
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“In that regard, Mikasa was the grown-up in the situation. Because when push came to shove did she give up” - Ch. 84 (Pic)
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“You people... You didn’t oppose the senior staff, nor did you try to stop Eren and Mikasa. You just stood there and watched.” - Ch. 84 (Pic)
Well, in defense of Jean, Sasha and Connie: the three of them arrived late and Sasha had a shrapnel her arm, so... 
Flocke was mostly narrating what really happened on that roof, which in perspective makes the situation look like a complete dramatic joke, which eventually gives the SC a bad rep where its only members are just a bunch of teenagers who only care about themselves.
Notice the stares from the other officiers oriented in the same direction than Flocke’s. It’s pretty telling the future recruits should watch out for the SC.
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On another note, Flocke calls himself a coward. While it’s true he cried about him not wanting to die and not being remembered, he was the only one advocating for Erwin to be brought back before Hange showed up, even standing in front of a Mikasa ready to slice him. He faced Zeke’s attack alongside Erwin and Marlowe, survived miraculously and lost every single one of his comrades in the process. He has the right to have a word in this whole mess.
Armin also nods, making the same disappointed face than the one from chapter 85:
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I swear to god, it’s the exact same - Ch. 90 & 85
Armin’s opinion didn’t change since chapter 85: Erwin should’ve lived. Eren this time tried to rile him back in by bringing up the exact same tirade he brought up when he was talking about the outside world, completely cut by his own intentions, associated with a picture of Faye being eaten by the dogs: freedom.
The ceremony
I have no idea why it popped up in his mind but as he touched Historia’s hand and had that detailed flashback with Grisha and Frieda, maybe using trigger words serves as a means to make the memories of a certain person flow through your brain:
When Eren pronounced the word “freedom”, he immediately shifted on Kruger’s perspective, seeing Fay eaten by the dogs.
When Frieda and Grandpa Reiss heard demands about solving the titan problem, the memories of the First King flowed through.
That would explain why Eren began having visions of Grisha and Kruger’s memories: the logs probably contained a lot of trigger words invoking the memories of both men, hence why Eren got a better hold of the coordinate when he couldn’t before.
Thanks to those flashbacks he managed to discover the real key to trigger the coordinate and still hasn’t told anybody about this. Not fully believing to be able to stop the imminent treat, you have two pages dedicated to his self-doubt, him feeling down.
...That expression reverted to anger when he got the full input of Grisha’s memories and perspective. The flashback wasn’t over.
Frieda, as the First King, must have ushered words so powerful they were enough to amp up Eren’s morale to the max. They were also powerful enough to make Grisha lose it, steal the power and make sure nobody from the Reiss family would seize it again. The details apparently made Eren keep the power to himself, as he initially believed the Reiss line was the only one able to defeat the titans with a bit of conviction.
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Eren believing Grisha did wrong - Ch. 65
Remember how Kruger and the other restorationists stated how cowardly the King was? That probably what made Grisha lose his marbles and steal the power.
The timeskip
This is where my biggest complaint came from and while it doesn’t represent a huge portion of the chapter (two to thee pages), it was the major detail I was unhappy with. While the way they got rid of titans was understandable, it would’ve been nice to get at least a couple of pictures of everybody’s situation inside the walls during these months. Maybe (and I’m saying maybe) it’ll be used as an opening for next chapter but in any case it feels inappropriate.
Isayama mostly detailed that under the scenes of the seasons in Trost. It at least indicates the Shiganshina battle happened in late autumn/early winter (if that’s any indication for character’s birthdays, because I definitely believe Reiner and Bertolt are born the same year, Annie’s born a year later, the rest is born two years after Reiner and Bertolt and Armin turned 16 between the Uprising and the Battle of Shiganshina arcs). I still find that more underwhelming than having a picture of a ceremony for the fallen, the rest of the titans being wiped out by the military, giving Rico a cameo, Hange falling asleep on their desk after too much paperwork, Levi staring at the window remembering Erwin, Jean/Sasha/Connie paying visit/homage to their families, Armin staring at Eren being concerned but he coordinate shenanigans... All of this could’ve sat nicely on a page, just like this one:
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The situation in the walls - Ch. 82
It really feels like nothing important happened and they reached the coast as if it was just the day after, while it’s probably the biggest timeskip of the manga.
Speaking of the ocean...
The ocean and Eren’s resolve
Y’know what? My theory was that the ocean was permanently out of reach because of the tensions inside the walls or it would be saved for the very last chapter. Instead, it was shown in the last chapter of the current arc and the issue was quickly buckled up at the end by Eren’s interruption.
Discovering the ocean also contributed to the underwhelming feeling, but after Isayama posted an entry about it, I’m wondering if closing the matter on six pages and not the ending of the series was actually intentional? The goal of the story was never about reaching the ocean but it felt more like a whim from one character who turned out to be overwhelmed with a major sin at the price of one life that should’ve been selected instead. When Armin reaches the ocean, he isn’t staring at it with the same “dreamy” eyes Eren envied. It’s only after Mikasa stepped in the water he felt joy again.
And of course Eren doesn’t even remotely care. As expected. Instead, he’s focused solely on finding a way to reach Marley and destroy every citizen here. I think that shell Armin found symbolized the beginning of the parting Isayama wanted to illustrate. Armin was probably riddled by survivor’s guilt because of Levi’s choice. Eren told him in this chapter he had to see the ocean he himself already saw but it’s eventually revealed it mattered so little to him. The shell represents Armin’s discovery about things no living Eldian has ever seen before but Eren immediately turns away, preferring finding a future where he walks around and nobody can stop him. It looks like Armin’s actually holding the shell back, isn’t he?
Anyway, that seals my review and I suppose the final arc will be solved on Marley: there’s literally nothing else to do on Paradis and the catastrophe is bound to repeat again. Eren made his mind and follows into his father’s footsteps, knowing how to trigger the coordinate. Getting into Marley is either going to be through infiltration or complete invasion. Since the SC has few members, the former is easier to accomplish if they can hijack a boat.
It’s weird we haven’t heard signs of Reiner or Zeke during these months. They have to be up to something and they’re probably luring the SC into a trap, where Zeke expects Eren to come to Marley by himself. The two of them have to meet in order for chaos to go down, because Marley is ridiculously powerful compared to Eldia. 
For some reason I’m expecting Eren to not only touch Zeke but also eat him as well. There’s many points we need to solve about Marley as well. I’m paraphrasing this post here:
What pushed Zeke to join the Marley warriors?
How were the warriors trained?
Were they several promotions?
Is Zeke actually an exception to the rule (somehow answered with Ymir Fritz dying 13 years after but contradicted by Zeke being recruited at least in his late teens)?
If so how did he manage to have a word with the higher-ups? Was he a vet in a previous war? An experimental test?
Is Marley aware Zeke is the last Fritz?
How was the original promotion of the seven warriors?
How did they organize themselves in two parties, with Zeke being the titan outside and Reiner, Bertolt and Annie as the infiltrates?
How come Zeke only manifested himself after Annie’s crystalization?
How is Marley dealing with their enemies in the East?
What about that Titan Chemistry society?
How come Reiner’s last name figure on the Armored serum Eren swallowed?
Is the fact that Reiner and Zeke share the same birthdays nothing more than a joke?
Speaking of Reiner, how come he and Bertolt never mention their family? Orphans? Taken in at a young age?
How did they keep the seven shifters in control?
How did Kruger get his shifter power?
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Avada Theme Review: Is This The Ultimate WordPress Theme
Getting Began With the Avada WordPress Theme When you’ve put in and activated the theme, you’ll be prompted to put in the required Fusion Core plugin, and the advisable premium LayerSlider WP and Slider Revolution plugins. wplocker
Due to the usage of the required plugins installer, including these to your website solely takes a couple of clicks, after which you'll arrange the theme to fulfill your wants.
In the event you check out the entrance finish of your web site, you’ll discover it appears to be like nothing just like the demo model of Avada. Nevertheless, you've got a few choices at your disposal to get issues wanting a bit extra palatable.
You'll be able to both import all of the demo content material or recreate chosen pages from the demo model. The second possibility might be achieved through the use of the Fusion Builder instrument and its potential to recreate particular person pages from the demo model. Alternatively, you may manually copy and paste the code from the documentation for the pages you wish to construct.
Import Demo Content material
Each choices are very simple, and it is best to quickly have your web site up and working.
The Avada Theme Choices Management Panel Clearly, you received’t wish to use your complete demo model to your web site, so that you’ll want to go to the theme choices management panel to begin personalizing its look and performance.
Avada Theme Choices Management Panel
As you may see, the theme choices management panel is one thing to behold, and provides you entry to numerous choices for customizing and tweaking your web site.
To get essentially the most from Avada, it is best to most likely spend a while going via the out there choices. Nevertheless, once you’re simply getting began, a greater method could also be to find any settings you wish to modify as wanted — fairly than getting misplaced within the again finish of your web site.
The Fusion Web page Builder Instrument Avada comes full with its personal proprietary web page builder instrument, which can be utilized to create a brand new put up or web page.
Avada Web page Builder Instrument Button
Its interface is fairly intuitive: Step one is to decide on a column format, after which you'll populate the format with content material.
Avada Web page Builder Column Choices
Relating to including that content material, you may insert any of the various builder components into the format after which customise them to fulfill your necessities.
Avada Builder Components
The layouts might be as superior as you want — permitting you so as to add a number of rows, every with their very own column format. Components might be added to every of the columns and rows, permitting you to construct wealthy pages that basically do break freed from the constraints of the default WordPress editor.
Avada Builder Structure
Whilst you don’t get a stay front-end preview of your work as you employ the builder, you may simply preview the put up or web page, simply as you'd a daily piece of content material in WordPress.
By way of the builder, you may also save any layouts you create for reuse, or apply one of many prebuilt templates.
Put up and Web page Choices In addition to the Fusion Builder, posts and pages have an choices panel under the primary editor space that lets you customise how they give the impression of being and performance on a person foundation.
Avada Web page Choices
These choices cowl a variety of settings, comparable to including background pictures, configuring how the sliders and header are displayed, which sidebars to show, and a complete lot extra.
These selections are solely utilized to the person put up or web page you’re engaged on, which means you actually do get a number of flexibility in how the person items of content material in your web site look and performance.
Different Choices, Settings and Options of Avada In addition to the put up and web page choices, the customized put up varieties that Avada makes use of — portfolio and FAQ — every have their very own set of choices, and their very own customized taxonomies that can assist you manage them extra effectively.
Avada Portfolio
Avada additionally offers you the choice of making a number of sidebar areas to your web site, which may then be displayed on single or a number of pages. This provides you whole management over the precise widgets that get displayed alongside every kind of content material.
There are additionally settings to show a number of menu places, a sticky header and sliding bars that show widgets, and the choice to show your website in a one-page mode — plus there’s additionally an enormous library of customizable shortcodes.
On high of all that, you additionally get entry to the premium LayerSlider WP and Revolution Slider plugins for including wonderful animated content material sliders to your posts and pages.
The Downsides of Avada and Multipurpose Themes Having so many options and instruments at your disposal does have the potential to encourage you to go overboard when creating your web site. Simply since you now have the flexibility so as to add sliders, animation results and a complete vary of different thrilling components to your posts and pages, doesn’t imply it is best to — since including too many options to your web site can negatively impression web page load occasions and value. Generally adopting a less-is-more method to internet design is definitely a greater manner of doing issues (relying on the outcome you’re after, after all).
The identical reasoning can even apply to the myriad customization choices on supply. Once more, simply because Avada makes it simple to select from a variety of fonts, background varieties, and different design components and results, doesn’t imply you ought to be utilizing all of them.
Exercising some restraint might help you to keep away from the pitfalls related to an excessive amount of alternative, and make it easier to to ship an understated web site that your guests will love.
This isn’t a difficulty that’s in any manner distinctive to Avada, after all — it’s really one thing that applies to all feature-rich themes.
One other potential problem that, once more, isn’t distinctive to Avada (however remains to be price highlighting) is the difficulty of resolution fatigue — one thing that may happen when working your manner via the number of settings and choices on supply, and might often restrict your potential to make good design choices.
Moreover, having so many configuration choices, format selections and different potentialities, will increase the possibility of you changing into overwhelmed when constructing your web site, which may hinder your potential to construct the calibre of web site you and this theme are able to.
Nevertheless, in case you go into your challenge with a transparent concept of what you wish to obtain (versus being led by the options and choices on supply) you’ll have a great probability of success.
Pricing Avada is offered from ThemeForest for a one-time charge of $58, which allows use in a single finish product (i.e. on a single web site).
Last Ideas Avada is a theme that’s dense with settings, choices, options, and even exterior plugins, comparable to LayerSlider WP and Revolution Slider. The bundle comes with a formidable web page builder instrument that features a big number of prebuilt layouts to get you up and working as rapidly as attainable.
Nevertheless, regardless of the demo content material, the person web page templates, and the useful person documentation, it’s necessary to not underestimate the duty of mastering Avada. At occasions, this theme can really feel like a complete different piece of software program that sits on high of WordPress, upgrading nearly each function and aspect, and including a big number of customization settings and choices into the combo!
In the event you’re contemplating this theme, it’s important that you just perceive what you’re getting earlier than making the ultimate resolution. Nevertheless, in case you’re ready to place in some work to become familiar with all Avada has to supply, then the constraints relating to what kind of web site you may construct are, because the promotional materials implies, just about limitless.
To get a greater concept of what Avada can do to your web site, head to ThemeForest and try the official Avada demo website.
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