lordtonic · 5 months
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doodling dr.dgen and tidy (the kitty cat) to GET THE JUICES GOING!!!
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yoohyeon · 28 days
✨️How Pinterest Sees Me✨️
Tagged by @honeydewtual thank you 🥰
🌿Search: character, season, place, quote, color and celebrity & add it all up together🌿
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Tagging : @librapropaganda @wonbini @heartattackbychuu @mygirljunhee @jcebeom @shanbini @niteview @hoshifromkpop @lenteur @possession1981 @kimjunnoodle (if you want to do it)
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readyplayerziggy · 18 days
Certainly doesn’t help those bits of gluttony keep coming back again and again
Basically every time she gets hungry. Which is still a lot. She once unloaded her gluttony onto a traveling party of 20 and barely an hour later was out hunting for bear meat she was so ravenous.
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vinecovered-mech · 4 months
i do realize how this sounds but as the days go by the more i realize that on paper im just built like konata where irl im just like
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fantrollology · 5 months
do u wanan send asks? do u want ppl to send them to? okay well
i had a busy day yesterday and another busy day today and have another busy day tomorrow probably so idk if I’ll be able to get to asks (u can send them ill just take a min to get to them) but I would love it if people sent some asks to these guys, cuz i get super shy about sending baity asks and i think all of them are super interesting even if you dont ask them about my guys / the reasons i list here. and then i can read them when i get home or when i take breaks
@sasster Colmea & Myriad — stern mushroom scientist and his psychic daughter who can talk to said mushrooms (my boy Gus works w Colmea) or Mantle or Deimic or Retcon (fleet psionics and their dad handler) OR AELIUM who got stabbed and then died and then didn’t die and is having a crisis about it. or Demuye bc i like him (and knows Gus!)
@contrastparadoxx Contra!! bother her pls. Gus decided not to spore her cuz she’s friends w Demuye and she likes that guy. u can also ask her about her dad
@sunnetrolls Antare I like that guy. hes also quads w Contra & Demuye and works as body cleanup?? hello???
@roetrolls Nymira or Somnia or Veylin my wife Veylin. ask her things that make Roe use the sundress sprite please and thanks. I dont have anything w these guys they just have stuff going on and are my wife. oh yeah u can bother chase sasster about the dream sequence arc too vía Cylion who fuckinf hates me
@asks-n-trolls Mirage................. besties w Rilakk <:)
@quiescent-trolls Arunae!! Fledge and her live on a space station together after ditching the fleet and Fledge recently dropped some previously unknown lore (starts on second post) and... Arunae might not know as much about Fledge as she should! you can also talk to Beau (a beautiful beautiful man) about Aether, who is his apprentice. you should also bother him about his history with his cavern & what drew him to what he does now <:)
@lordtonic recently made a silly guy Dgen who works w Colmea, u can bother him. u can also bother Sid in general & id love that. he has a moirail now <3
@damistrolls has Hisset, who worked with Colmea in the past... Petasi and Spyke recently became moirails, Petasi is also helping Aelium while he is super depressed. u could also bother nihoko about Cee and echnir
@byrdstrolls bother FAERIAAAAA about all her business! shes developing some kind of weapon.. thing... see i know but yall dont so bother her PLEASE and also u can bother her maybe about Alaska. i also really love The Architects new sprites so u should ask her stuff... uhhh i love Diante and would love to see more w him...
uhh thats everyone i think of right now i might add more later or tomorrow but im gonna go lay down cuz im sleepy and have. a ton more work to do tomorrow.
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wrathful-reptile · 1 month
I scried one of the G1s in your last chances tab as a Dusthide, big fan of this one specifically, I like the purples and pinks
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Your scry
the dragon
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saltminerising · 11 months
anon........ anon hickory butterfly doesn't even HAVE purple accent colors in it. what are you talking about...
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sasster · 4 months
💫💫 spec wants MORE colmea
Even though he really depends on takeout foods for the convenience, he is a decent enough cook. He cooked more when Myriad moved in but now that she’s older and “fends her herself”, her words, he doesn’t bother unless she asks him to specifically make one of her favorites. It happens few and far in between the older she gets, but sometimes she’ll sidle up and ask him to make that stir fry she really likes and he’ll oblige. Maybe he was in the mood for stir fry too, shut up.
He enjoys the company of the strange people the come through his hive (Dgen, twins, Gus, etc), even if the last thing he would do is admit that to any of them. They don’t need to know all of that, but they do give him some perspective for the kind of hermit he’d turned into. Made him go “Oh this is weird” (he would never voice that), so he goes out now. As infrequently as it is.
Deposit 💫(and a specific guy), get fun fact
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palaeophis-fr · 10 months
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hear me out: striation
( image link if it doesnt appear: https://www1.flightrising.com/dgen/preview/dragon?age=1&body=96&bodygene=86&breed=17&element=4&eyetype=0&gender=0&tert=162&tertgene=25&winggene=35&wings=72&auth=656270c54bf058724700ab329a93c3a98e776542&dummyext=prev.png )
Oh damn that does look really good... I'm quite tempted to go for somethin like Poison/Eel or Skink/Myrid with basic or Spines tert but I will also ponder this one and add it to the bio
Thank you for the scry! :D
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sketching-shark · 2 years
are yaoguai similar to djinn? also are they the same as the yokai/oni?
Okay so as per usual I do have to give my disclaimer that I am pretty ignorant when it comes to work mythology, but from what I do know it seems that yaoguai (of China), djinn (of Arabia), and yokai/oni (of Japan) ARE similar in that they are all supernatural entities who while often malevolent towards humans can be benevolent as well (unlike the Western concept of demon, who are always [at least traditionally] hostile). There also seems to be a huge variety among the shapes they take and places they dwell in, so that seems to be another point of commonality. That said, each group of supernatural creatures are quite unique in both behavior and geographic local to the point where I'd say that while they have their similarities you DEFINITELY can't call them the same.
Here's how the Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures by John & Caitlín Matthews defines the djinn:
"These are the primary species of demons in Arabic tradition and are widely known throughout most of the Islamic world, especially in the Sahara and parts of the northern and eastern Mediterraniea. There are many variations to their names including Dgen, Dschin, Genie, Ginn, Jann, Jinn and Junun. There are actually several classes of Djinn, including the powerful Marid, the Afreet, the Shaytans and the Jann. Not all are evil and some can be quite helpful--like the Genie of the Lamp in the story of Aladdin. However, the majority are very ugly and savage in nature. They can take numerous shapes and have been known to appear as human beings, monsters, cats, ostriches, dogs and snakes. When they do take human form, it is often that of a beautiful woman, who may only be detected by the fact that the pupils of her eyes have vertical slits. The evil Djinn cause sandstorms and water spouts, and for this reason when the Zoba'ah, a whirlwind that forms itself into a pillar of sand stretching to enormous heights, sweeps across the desert the Arabs believe it to be caused by the flight of one of these evil demons. Almost the only defence against the Djinn is iron, and as in the traditions of European fairies, any iron object can bind them.
According to Koranic tradition the Djinn were created from fire, or have fire in their veins instead of blood. Their first leader was called Taranushi, but in time he was overthrown and they have since possessed many chieftains. Other traditions say that the Djinn are composed of air and were created 2,000 years before man, who they will not outlive, since it is prophesied that they will be destroyed at the Last Judgment. Some traditions say that the Djinn are governed by 40 (or 72) kings named Suleyman. One particular tradition describes a battle between Djinn and angels in which the Djinn were the losers, being driven from the mainland to the islands in the Arabian Gulf. One young Djinn, named Azazel, was taken prisoner and brought up among the angels. In time, he became their leader and took the name Iblis. When Adam was created, God commanded the angels to worship him; the only one who refused to do so was Iblis, and for this disobedience he was turned into a devil and became the leader of a race of Djinn called Shaytan, from which the Western name for the devil, Satan, derives.
Djinn mate and produce families like human beings, and when they are thus domesticated they live in a far-off country called Jennistan, the capital of which is the City of Jewels. But the Djinn seem to be seldom in this place, as they are found mostly in wells, rivers, ruined places and, sometimes, in market places. Earth Djinns dwell in drains, toilets, cemeteries and dark damp ruins. Water Djinns inhabit any water source, be it river, fountain or well. They are deemed particularly malevolent and like nothing more than to entice humans into the water so that they can drown them. Tree Djinns inhabit the trees and are the most benign of the species, with the exception of the Djinn that inhabits the fig tree, who causes humans to quarrel with each other if they chance to rest beneath the shade of its branches. Stories are told of humans and Djinn marrying but while a human man may marry a female Djinn, a human female may not marry a male Djinn. The offspring of such marriages will appear human but have the magical abilities of the Djinn, including the power of flight, the ability to walk through walls, and extreme longevity. In general, Djinn are very hard to kill and are extremely long-lived, but men have found ways to kill them, and in their own wars the Djinn can destroy each other. It is also said that comets flung from heaven will kill them."
Yaoguai, for their own part, are mostly malevolent animal spirits (such as the Demon Bull King, the King of Spiritual Touch [Guanyin's goldfish], and arguably Sun Wukong in his time as the Quitian Dasheng) or fallen celestials (such as Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing) who acquired magical powers through Taoism. While they are often mischievous and/or horrifically violent towards humans, their overarching goal is to gain immortality and this become deities. They also have a wide variety of origins, from being the Earthly reincarnations of former celestial figures to originating from humans remains (a was the case with the White Bone Spirit). They do seem to have a preference for mountainous caves and lonely places, but can be found everywhere, with some even pretending to be human rulers. It is apparently possible for humans and yaoguai to have children, but these kids look like and seem to have the same power as any other mortal. In any case, there does seem to be a fair amount of fluidity between humans, yaoguai, and deities, with the cycle of reincarnation and possibilities of transformation meaning that one could definitely go from a high spot in the celestial realm to a very lowly position as a human or yaoguai on Earth, and vice versa.
Finally, the Japanese term "yokai" is apparently a derived from the Chinese "yaoguai" and does refer to similar kinds of creatures. The "true" Japanese equivalent is the term "mononoke," with that being an umbrella term of "evil spirits." "Yokai" however seems to be even more of a catch-all word, as it refers to monsters, spirits, as well as strange and inexplicable phenomena. More recent years have seen it particularly used for tangible and Japan-specific creatures though, such as the kappa, tengu, and kitsune. While they can been viciously harmful towards humans, yokai have also demonstrated a kinder side and helped humans out of various troubles, with some even falling in love and marrying humans. As with the yaoguai, there also does seem to be quite a bit of porousness between humans, yokai, and deities, with it being very much possible for one to turn into the other. That said, there are plenty of notorious yokai; the oni (ogre) Shuten doji, the tengu Emperor Sutoku, and the kitsune Tamamo-No-Mae (whose stone body/stone prison split early this year!) are even known as Three Great Evil Yokai because of the violence and chaos they caused.
This is just a very brief summary of but a few of the similarities and differences between these three types of supernatural entities, but I hope you find it a good starting point to understanding these interesting supernatural beings, anon!
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
✨mollie’s list of gossip master posts✨
hi friends! this index will get updated periodically as things happen- and as i have time to go back and make elvis press tour master posts. but if there's anything specific or niche you want me to do a master post or explainer/theory dump on pls slide me an anon and i'm happy to add it to my list!
for 100s of gossip posts/anons sorted by tags click the first first few tags on this post! they aren’t fully updated yet but i’m getting there! cactus and sofa is my tag for v*nessab h*dgens chatter to keep it out of her name tag
- deuxmoi/pop culture chat subreddit threads that discuss austin [my reddit is rolltidepod37 and anything you see frm that user is yours truly]
- auslivia part 1, shirtgate
- auslivia part 2, the lily rose gate comment olivia liked and misc information + a cute photo from 2019
- auslivia part 3, the deuxmoi fallout of lily rose gate
- auslivia part 4, where i think they currently stand
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lordtonic · 2 months
Dgen is evil??? Or one of the good guys?🤔
"Silllyyyyy, there's no such thing as "gyood guys"" He dropped his work to make quote fingers,
He lifted a large canister with a HGHH onto a port that clicked as it set in the chamber. CLCKK
"Everyone has the capacity to hurt someone else." He said with a cheerful tune, fingers to his chest like an opera. His glasses slid right down his nose.
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tenitchyfingers · 1 year
Hetero hypers*xual fujoshi who fetishizes gay men being a dgen. I'm shocked! Fic about real or fictional kids under 14 is consiered CP in Europe. In the USA, the owner of a fanfic site got prosecuted and is now in jail. Look it up. "But horror movies!--" watching horror movies is not the problem. Getting off to the ppl being violently tortured, r*ped and killed is. If you get s*xual gratification from the abuse of kids, animals, and helpless elderly ppl, you show signs of s*x offender behavior
And is this heterosexual person you’re speaking of in the room with us right now?
As for the rest,
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themauvesoul · 2 years
Hello. Wishing all in*est and ped* shippers a happy go *** in a fire. Would you want to know if one of your followers is a transphobe or racist? Or are you also not entitled to this information? I want to see you defend a transphobe the way you defend freaking ped*philes. Both are wrong and have real victims. Also, I reported Ao3 to the police because it hosts CP. Supernatural freaks are the biggest dgens on earth. Go f*p to wee*cest, you clowns.
Uh huh. And did the officers clap when you called the police on the fanfiction website?
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dawningfairytale · 4 months
chapter 36: repressed bisexuality and bitching about Business
(that's not what i'm calling it but IMAGINE) (i feel like i should clarify we have no hi/dgens)
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berliethebee · 9 months
[center][b][font=Engravers MT][size=7]Boutique lore![/size][/b][/font][/center] [columns][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/flightrising/images/f/fd/Region_Light.png[/img][nextcol]It was a warm summer evening, nearing sunset, when Berlie found himself roaming the Sunbeam Ruins. He was on a voyage, traveling the lands in hopes of taking the first steps towards finally achieving a dream he'd had since childhood: owning and running a boba shop! The ruins had been the target destination for his voyage ever since hearing how busy and bustling the area got during the summer, especially on the day of the summer solstice. It would be an amazing area for business and he would be able to conduct research on the dragons that passed through his shop, getting to learn more about them and their customs. Since he was a boy, Berlie had always had a fascination for researching dragons, the different breeds, and how customs varied between them. He'd also always loved drinking, making, and experimenting with boba, so why not put himself in a position where he could do it all? [/columns]
Noticing that sunset would be upon him in a matter of minutes, Berlie decided to make his way towards the Mirrorlight Promenade. He'd heard stories of how beautiful it was at sunrise and sunset and wanted to experience it for himself. As Berlie sat, boba in hand, watching the sunset and all the reflections and refractions of the Promenade, he thought he noticed something moving in the corner of his vision. The creatures in this area weren't known to be hostile towards humans, so what's the worst that could happen, right? Before much deliberation could occur, his curiosity took over and he decided to investigate. As he inched closer, Berlie noticed the tip of a clay-colored tail covered in taupe fur, with the rest of the creature hidden behind a column within the ruins. [nextcol][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/flightrising/images/5/55/Mirrorlight_Promenade.png[/img] [/columns] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cP69oES.png[/img][/center]
He recognized the tail structure almost immediately. He'd done extensive research on the breed and it happened to be his favorite of the ancients. As he knew that Aethers were the more curious and experimental breed of the bunch, he figured he could lure it out with his boba. So, he placed it near the column and began his wait. Just as he suspected, it didn't take very long. Only seconds later, the furry head of a hatchling Aether emerged from behind the column. Berlie had never seen one in person, and anyone who could see him would be able to tell just from his expression. Berlie was in awe. The dragon looked just as it had in the textbooks, albeit slightly larger than the pages made it seem. The hatchling inched closer to the cup of boba, just as awe-stricken at the sight of Berlie and the unknown substance. The hatchling cautiously craned its head toward the straw and took a sip. [/columns]
[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cP69oES.png[/img][/center]
It was obvious that the hatchling enjoyed his first experience with what Berlie thought to be the best drink in existence. After taking his initial sip, the Aether looked up at Berlie for no more than three seconds before returning to the drink and finishing the entire thing. Although the last of Berlie's boba was just stolen, he knew it was worth it for the opportunity to witness something this extraordinary. The Aether drank the boba with no knowledge of what it was or what it could do to him, a risk that Berlie was convinced no other breed would have thought to take. Berlie thought Sagittarius would be a fitting name for such an adventurous creature. After asking the Aether and receiving what Berlie interpreted as a yip of approval, it was settled. From then on, Sagittarius followed Berlie wherever he went. Whether it was for the companionship or the boba, Berlie didn't know, but either way there were no complaints on his part. Berlie decided that it would be a good idea to open his boba shop within the ruins, with Sagittarius as his co-founder. From that day on, Berlie and Sagittarius were the best of friends and spent their time creating and experimenting with new and crazy flavors of boba, selling it to the dragons that passed through, and becoming popular among those in the area. Berlie was able to follow his dream of making boba and researching dragons, and better yet, he got to do it with an amazing companion![nextcol][center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3269223][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/f89ca9c30fb6f48570340dcd24f0e7e8/b4f70577925c1ea7-0a/s250x400/62ba70e43f2000fdf9cb0c6041e46f1b0cc5ff17.png[/img][/url][/center][/columns]
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