#diz makes music for fics
dismalzelenka · 3 months
I updated the epilogue of It's Called Freefall by Rainbow Kitten Surprise to add my cover of its namesake song instead of the Paris Paloma version that's on the playlist. If you're an old reader who's already finished the fic but would like to hear the song, here it is! Love you guys, thanks for all the love you've sent my way, and I hope you're all having a wonderful day. 🥰
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velvethopewrites · 1 year
Ten Lines Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @startanewdream! Are these from posted works or WIPs? Hmm. This made me realize I haven’t posted a damn thing in an entire year (almost) so I’ll do both. 😬
Rules: Share the first lines of your ten most recent fics (or as many as you like if you don't have 10) and then tag some people.
From Crossroads:
The one thing about grief, Harry thought, was that it had no time limit. No rhyme nor reason, either. Indeed, it seemed to thrive on showing up and popping in whenever it felt like it.
From Loving is A Journey:
Ginny weeps at the funerals only.
She cries so hard for Fred - gut-wrenching, body-sobbing tears that she is embarrassed to think about. Then she cries for Tonks, knowing she will never see her friend's funny faces again. And finally, for Professor Lupin and his short, painful life. Ginny even cries a little bit for Teddy, who is of course, not dead, but now an orphan. His is a life that has barely begun but is already filled with so much pain. And it is pain that will wait for him until he is old enough to comprehend it.
From my unpublished first destiel, Accidentally On Purpose:
Sleeping together. Literally sleeping. (One half of them, at any rate)
The first time it happened, it happened sort of by accident. (Dean hated to think it had happened on purpose, but then again who knew about these things…)
(I admit I am not happy with the start of this fic at all and it has been re-worked 10,000 times until I wept and gave up, hence the ‘unpublished’, and me not posting for a year)
And from my other unpublished destiel, Two Guys & Some Pie:
Ah, yes. Early morning. That time of day that poets loved to wax…well, poetical about.  From the “fresh” start of the day, and the cherished alone time, to singing the praises of that sweet indulgence of the first cup of coffee. Not to mention the stanzas dedicated to the quiet, yet somehow musical sounds of the city just waking up, and the near ethereal sight of the sunrise breaking across the sky in various hues of purple and pink as the image warmed your soul and let you know your place in the world.
Dean, however, was not a poet.  He knew that all of that was complete bullshit.
From my unpublished (probably forever) original mystery story, simply going by the working title ‘Canyon Mystery’. (Great title, I know)
Hi. I’m Disney Jacobs. No, I don’t go by ‘Diz’ or anything else even resembling a nickname. Just Disney. And that’s enough. Yes, my parents were Disneyland freaks. Well, my mom was. She’d take us every year, until she got too sick to travel, but that’s another story. And the us refers to me, my older sister, and my younger brother. Yep, that’s right, I’m the trouble making middle child. The middle child with the weird name. My two siblings were given normal, run of the mill names. Heather and Aaron, to be precise. I’ve often wondered about the private bet my parents clearly had running and why Dad only lost it that one time (he got to name Heather and Aaron; me, not so much).
And I tag whomever wants to do it since no one does my tags, anyway, lol well, okay I’ll tag @late-to-the-fandom but I am fairly sure they’ve done it already, lol
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schibi12 · 2 years
Heyyo!! So this post may get long and a bit personal if you are not interested by that you can keep on scrolling no problem.
Last year I did a post where I told how Tumblr was a huge support for me during the whole quarantine and how I met amazing people in it and strangely enough the same thing happened this year, so take this a YouTube rewind of sorts where I talk about all the great people I've met and befriended and how much I've grown as a person since last year, this is a Tumblr Reblog if you will.
My blog has changed a lot from 2020 to 2021, last year only did occasional reviews and memes for DuckTales and other Disney properties but this year oh boy, I've done a bunch of AUs, I've done art for my AUs and fanart in general,I created Ocs and sonas, I've rambled a lot this year about not only Disney properties but about Looney Tunes, Animaniacs, Marvel, Musicals and just so much more I feel like I have expressed more of who I am to you guys.
And the amazing people I've met in this quite literal hellsite lol, have been so kind and supportive to me that they I am gonna do a roll call/ shoutout to you incredible people and if I forgotten one of you i am so sorry but remember you are great too!!
@blue-main & @joyseer24 I am forever grateful for meeting you two you've been incredibly kind, supportive, helpful and just the greatest friends I've ever had and for being my first internet friends I am glad that it was you guys.
@tophthedaydreamer I am so intimidated to talk you sometimes I don't know why I feel like you are just so much cooler than me even though you are just as dorky as me but you are so talented and thanks to you I've seen the Beetlejuice musical also thanks to you I started doing AUs because I did a silly post about how Iron-Man and Captain America reminded me of Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse and you left a nice message in your tags about how this was big brain and how I should continue it and I didn't want to do it but your comment motivate me to do it and I've done a bunch of AUs because of that message in the tags so thanks and I hope to talk to you more in the future.
@lexi0507 thanks to you we have a Discord server and we met a bunch of cool people and you're so cool, unapologetically yourself and supportive and I love your art and ocs.
@wastelandchannel I know we haven't talked recently but thanks to you I think we wouldn't have the Toon Tykes so thank you and I hope you are doing and feeling better.
@ohmymabe you are so nice and I love your art and how creative you are, and you're also kind of a founder of The Toon Tykes with the many AUs and ocs you did of the children of Oswald and Julius y Eres una muy Buena Amiga!
@dizbunny Diz with the Gifs you are so sweet you always have something nice to say and I know you started your journey with art and it's not easy just have patience and don't be too hard on yourself.
@su-nioj We haven't talked that much but you have made amazing art I like to call you the ninja silent but talented and I hope to get to know you more in the future.
@dalia1784 we haven't interacted as much as I want to. It we do follow each other Tumblr and Twitter and we tagged each other on tag games and I hope to get to know you better, but you make amazing art and deserve so much attention and appreciation like literally go follow her she has amazing ocs designs and stories.
@you-big-palooka & @amelia-bedeliaa you keep posting about Disney ducks and Mickey and friends respectively your post always bring me joy or discover a good fic or follow someone who makes amazing fanart and keep on reblogging.
I think that's it if I missed one of my mutuals or you don't take it personally you are amazing and great it's just I listed more people in this post than last year so I might have forgotten a few.
And once again thank you from the bottom of my heart I am forever grateful that I have Tumblr in my life because without it I wouldn't have met all these amazing people and I wouldnt be drawing so thank you to all my followers, mutuals and friends and here's to another year!!
Muchas gracias los quiero mucho!!! 💛
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Why Chapter 39 of My Immortal was due to an actual hacker
After considering some findings, I’m confident in this theory. And thus, I’m confident anyone who claims to be Tara Gilesbie while claiming the hacked chapter was faked is not being honest. Below I will explain why I believe so and how I came across this information in the first place.
All this was from a long chain of breadcrumbs. Let’s go back... all to the mid 2000s in the LiveJournal days when Tara Gilesbie had a dedicated fan club.
The Tara Gilesbie Fan Club
One thing that particularly stuck out was members mentioning finding Tara through IMDb. Yes, you heard right.
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[ID: Two comments on the Tara Gilesbie Fan Club LiveJournal.
The first is from ‘golden_helikaon’ on 2008-01-19 writing, “I found it on the Order of the Phoenix IMDb board. There were several long threads dedicated to ripping her apart with every new chapter.”
The second comment is from ‘heartdreamerz’ on 2008-01-20 writing, “It was almost 2 years ago and I've told this story many times. I knew Tara a month before My Immortal was published. It was on IMDb's board for My Chemical Romance. When the story came out I knew about it but didn't pay attention because I wasn't into HP at the moment. Then, like icarus_malfoy wrote, there were the threads about her and that's when my interest started. There were also another troll on the His Dark Materials...” (Image cuts off.) End ID.]
According to this, Tara Gilesbie was already tyrannizing the internet before she posted My Immortal. This actually is very consistent with the fact “Tara Gliesbie is totlly Gottik” was a petition that existed in November 2005. (My Immortal was posted in March 2006.)
This IMDb profile seemed very intriguing. It hasn’t been mentioned much, and isn’t considered to be official by most people. Was it a legitimate account? If so, was there gothicness we were deprived of all along? I searched to try find out more about it, hoping screen captures or something would turn up. Luckily, one of the same members copied and pasted Tara’s bio in another comment.
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[ID: A comment on the Tara Gilesbie Fan Club LiveJournal by ‘heartdreamerz’ on 2007-05-05 writing, “All her posts are deleted now. I can still visit her profile because she's on my friend list. Her bio:
‘hi im tara. im a goth (n prode!). i have died blak hair n blu eyez. i wer eyeliner a lot of da time. i hav a bf. his naym is justin. he rox! i liv in Dubia.
likz: eyliner, goffik makep, beng goffik, GOOD CHRALOTTE, death, sleting my rists, drak colorz, hot topik _
dizliks: beng alive, bo, pop music, brite colors, pink, brabie, hiraly doof da music i lik: linen prak, GOOD CHRELOTE, evinezenz, simpl plan, akon, arvil levine, blink-183, panik! at da disko, foll oot boi, mcr. HIRALY DOOF IS A PSR!
fav moviez: when a stranger kallz, da grudge, da grudge 2, korps bird, da nitemare b4 krismas, da ring 2, da ring, shrak attak, undreworld 2, da texas chonsow massakre da bogenning
ps 2 all da prepz nd pozers tryin 2 diz me u r jus jeloz!!!! so yolsentik nd hartdremer u kan go fok ur momz 4 al i ker ok U SUK!!!111′
I feel so special to be personally insulted by her on her profile.” End ID.]
People like to copy & paste things stupid things to laugh at all the time (no offense Tara), so I thought: why not Google some of the bio? Maybe whoever did that posted additional stuff.
And it worked! (I found more content from Tara’s supposed IMDb, but more on that for a different post.)
When searching the bio, a Reddit thread about Rose Christo popped up.
During Rose Christo’s brief reign, a user said Rose’s claims seemed to check out. This user actually happens to be the same commenter, Heartdreamerz, in the LiveJournal thread. (Which makes sense, considering she’s the one who originally had the bio I was searching.) 
If you don’t feel like clicking the Reddit link, basically she confirmed Rose’s claim that two Filipino users from the forums hacked the account.
Because of Heartdreamerz’ long involvement in My Immortal and the fact she never claimed to be Tara or Raven, I take a lot of trust in her word.
Heartdreamerz linked the FF.net profile of the original hacker: Coruscate Corruption.
Looking up “Coruscate Corruption” had me come across this from the LiveJournal fan club, which implies that there were two hackers.
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[ID: post on the Tara Gilesbie Fan Club Livejournal by 'nicespice' on Dec. 28th, 2006, writing, “Just a little thing I drabbled down. Hope it's not too horrible. What do you think?
There is an evil on FF.net and All who encounters it feels their Respiratory system give out And become too scared to scream. Gruesome, it is. The anti-christ fanfiction, My Immortal, written by a total idiot. Does she Leave you to cry tears of blood, because I have before. EarnestInBerlin and Coruscate Corruption, the hackers, Sought to bring My Immortal redemption. Too Bad the real Tara had to come back so soon to ruin the fun. I wish she had at least continued her story, I look at her fic Everytime I go online, wishing she'd just update so I could laugh at... Tara Gilesbie." End ID.]
While searching “Coruscate Corruption”, a few posts popped up from a forum for The Bartimaeus Sequence called Bartiforums.
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[ID: Two images showing 3 forum posts by Mwamba.
The first post was a reply to, "Mwamba, how did you crack both passys? Just guessing or what?"
On December 8th 2006, Mwamba replied, "Tara's was just pure luck. It didn't take long to get. The password was tara. *snorts* Post's was just guessing too, but I remembered when his passy was cracked on here, so I tried out the same password. It worked. Oh yeah, and I wrote a fanfic for Post, it's a rip off of Tara's story, but meh.”
The last two posts were made on January 14th, 2007. The second post wrote, "It was me. I had complete control for two days. And then EarnestInBerlin had to hack in too and change the password. But then she told what it was and then the real Tara had to come back and rechange her passy so nobody could get in. But that's old news. That account is most certainly not mine. I could not continue that fic for 39 chapters, I'd get bored after the first fifteen.”
The third post wrote, “*Shrug* It doesn't matter. Call me whatever. Though if I have to pick, I suppose you can call me by my FF.net name, Coruscate Corruption. What book category are you writing this fic in? Just curious.” End ID.]
Chapter 39 was posted late November 2006, so that first post was only a few weeks after it happened.
The password was “tara”... does that ring a bell at all?
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[ID: A screencap from Rose Christo’s now-deleted blog. It says, “And My Immortal? You can come to your own conclusions. This was really never about the fic; it was the marketing team at SMP that decided to make My Immortal the main part of the story. Our email address was [email protected] and our password was tara.” End ID.]
-- Rose Christo’s claim before deleting
 You may be asking, “Rose Christo? The woman who lied about her family, being Native American, and writing My Immortal to sell a book?” Yes, that Rose Christo. Yes, she was a fraud and a scammer, but she peppered in some little-known true details to make her claim seem more legit. For instance, she talked about a Voldemort rper in the reviews, and that ended up being true. You can actually find this Voldemort reviewer in the web archives of Raven’s stories. (Apparently, that Voldemort even came out and said “hey, that’s me!” Cannot find it unfortunately.)
Keep in mind the only way I found any of this was because Rose Christo made that claim. Without it, Heartdreamerz wouldn’t have made that post that led to Coruscate Corruption and those posts on Bartiforums. It’s possible Rose somehow came across the same information I did, but it’s more likely she was there. Rose Christo may not be the author of My Immortal, but it was likely she was a spectator as it all went down. (As I was a spectator for Rose’s ordeal when it all went down.)
 Since it was said the hackers posted on the fanfiction forums, I sought to find it by searching “Tara”, “My Immortal”, etc. on FFnet’s search. The posts are unfortunately long gone, but there is a surviving forum called “My Immortal Forum Tara Gilesbie is a genius!”
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[ID: A screencap of “My Immortal Forum Tara Gilesbie is a genius!” from Fanfiction net. Someone named Ebony Dark’ness wrote, “I have personally logged on to Tara’s account when her password was revealed after she got hacked.” End ID.]
TL;DR: Multiple, separate people made consistent claims over the span of years. Because of this, I personally believe Tara’s account was legitimately hacked.
(Sources/links will be added in a reblog.)
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vivipixels-notepad · 5 years
Hypnovember 2019, fic 13
Fae Trickery
Mild Noncon
Usurping Control
After that incident that made it clear to the world that magic was real, a large number of forests had been declared protected area by local Fae. Of course, they were immediately recognized, because the government didn’t know what to do and was kind of in shell shock about the literal portal to hell that had temporarily opened. Not every Fae had come out and declared their forests protected, some simply chose to keep their wards up, and to turn away those who entered. It was surprising to Vincent that nothing had happened as the camper drove into the abandoned camp ground. Most of these had either been claimed, or were heavily warded. The intrepid trio, Dizzy, Vincent, and Aes, had decided to take a vacation of sorts. Vincent tugged on his collar. Dizzy had fitted him with his own collar. He was grateful, albeit nervous. He’d never given someone so much control before, but... it felt good. The camper came to a stop.
“Vincentious, honey. Can you get that solar generator set up outside? We’re gonna want power soon.” Dizzy’s voice was in his head, part of how the collar worked.
“Yes...” Vincent tired to hide his blush as much as he could as he stood up.
“Yes what?” There was a small jolt that ran through Vincent’s head. He’d already disobeyed a command.
“Ahh.... Yes Mxster.”
Vincent was hit with a rush of pleasure and assurance.
“There you go, honey. Good boy. Aes? Why do you get out an take a look around?”
Aes climbed out of the camper, following Vincent. They had stopped in a clearing. It was just large enough to hold roughly 2 campers, with some space. She began to walk the perimeter. The underbrush was thick. After staring at it for a bit, Aes picked up a faint hint of magic. Like someone had caused some extreme growth. She kept walked, now on high alert. In the distance, seemingly brought on the breeze, she heard... singing. She stopped in her tracks. It was only there for a moment, then gone. Aes turned towards where the sound came from. There was a spot where the brush was gone, a path. Another breeze, another hint of song. She had to know what it was.
“Vince, hun?”
Dizzy was lounging on one of the couches in the camper. Vincent had just come inside after gathering some firewood.
“Yes Mxster?”
“Have you seen Aes? I told her to take a look around an hour ago, but she never came back.”
Vincent’s stomach dropped.
“What? Why didn’t you say something sooner? Have you not felt the magic in the air here?”
“Well, I figured that was just the three of us. You know we’re all worth our salt in terms of magic skill. ‘Specially you, incubus.”
“Hellfire. Get off your ass and help me look for her, she might have wandered off.”
Dizzy stood up. Bushing themselves off.
“She’s got an invisible leash attached to me, she can’t have gotten far, it won’t let her.”
“She’s what?”
“Vincent, Aes wanders a lot. I put an invisible leash on her to keep her from going too far.”
“That’s.. okay, well... we still need to find her.”
The two exited the camper.
“If I remember, she was doing a perimeter while I was setting up the generator.”
“So if we find what stopped her check...”
“We’ll find her.”
“Alrighty. Show me where she started.”
Dizzy followed Vincent over to the edge of the clearing. They followed the edge, until they found an opening in the brush.
“Hey Diz, I think she went this way.”
“What’re we waitin’ for, let’s find our rabbit.”
They had been walking in silence for a while. The brush had grown significantly, becoming heavier, making the path darker as they walked.
“Hey Diz?” Vincent asked, anxiety growing in his chest.
“Can I ask... uh... whatever happened to... uh... to-“
“Caroline?” Dizzy interrupted.
“...yeah...” Vincent knew it was a touchy subject.
“Well, as you know, she got herself caught up in the little... disaster... that was the portal to your homelands opening up. Of course, we know it wasn’t her fault. It was that.. ‘King’ fella. Anyway, a whole bunch of people started calling for her arrest, some calling for a trial, the public wanted her hide. So, she did what any logical person would do. She went into hiding.”
“She’s in hiding?”
“Of course! You didn’t think she’d been retaken by King, did you?”
“That’s... what I had been starting to believe.”
“Well, she’s doing just fine. Found herself a nice place to hide, a good group to hide away with.”
“That’s.. good. But why hasn’t she said anything? Why didn’t she say anything?”
“I can’t answer that. Not because I don’t want to, I just don’t know myself.”
They two stopped abruptly. Something had changed.
“Hey.. Diz do you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
Dizzy looked at Vincent, who was staring straight ahead. His posture looked looser than before.
“...that singing? It’s... it’s beautiful.”
Dizzy thought for a moment, then plugged Vincent’s ears.
“Can you still hear it, honey?”
“I... can...”
That wasn’t possible. Unless... Dizzy went for the collar, but Vincent easily pushed them aside, and kept walking.
“Vincent, honey, I need you to take the collar off. Whoever is singing knows they operate on a specific frequency, and is singing on that frequency.”
The only other person who knew that was..
Dizzy took off after Vincent.
With each step, the music grew louder. It drew him in him, captivated him. He didn’t know how fast he was walking. Or was he running? It didn’t matter, he just had to get closer. Closer. Closer. Finally, he breached the dark path, into a clearing. The singing stopped. In the center of the clearing, there was a pond. Crystal clear water, with colorful crystals lying the bed. He looked around, to see Aes, kneeling before a short woman, with jaw length minty green hair, that curved outward at her jaw. She was wearing a simple dress, with a crown of flowers in her hair. She turned, and Vincent gasped. Her electric blue eyes seemed to glow, they most certainly did not belong to a human. She smiled warmly, and walked towards him.
“Have you heard the Mistress’s song too? Her newest pet was explaining how to call you.” Her voice was way too chipper for this scenario.
“Newest pet? Who are you, what’s going on?”
“You’re asking too many questions, and I don’t even know who you are yet. May I have your name?”
“It’s-“ he stopped. Oldest trick in the book.
“Hmph. You seek to have my name. Very well, you shall know what to call me. I am Prince Vincentious, son of Azmarius, heir to the throne of lust. You should know better than to try to trick the likes of me.”
“A prince?” The voice came from the pond. It make Vincent’s very core shudder. “I see no prince before us. Simply an outcast, bastard son, who needs to be taught manners and respect.”
“S-show yourself! I will not be insulted through anonymity!”
“Very well, Vincentious.”
A chill ran through his spine. The singing began again.
He fell to his knees. Though the word ‘Kneel’ never actually appeared in the song, he heard the voice say that. He heard the singing in his head. He heard the commands in his head. It was overwhelming to the senses, in the most wonderful way.
“Strip. Show yourself.”
He did as he was asked, staring at the shape rising from the pond. Green hair, prismatic eyes, pale skin. The figure was not clothed, and her lower body was covered in scales that shimmered in every color. She stopped singing.
“So this is the young bastard.”
He felt her eyes searching his entire body. She was enormous, probably 14 feet from head to fin.
“You will apologize to my steward, Rikali. She didn’t mean you any harm, yet you approached her as a common foe.”
He felt a twinge from his neck, and he lurched forward.
“I... I am sorry, Rikali, I meant no ill will.”
“Good. Now you may know my name. I am the Siren of the Silent Grove.”
She was exuding some kind of mental pressure, now that she was staring at him. He started to squirm under her gaze.
“You are more than I thought you were. Misguided, you are. Tell me, Vincentious,”
Another shiver throughout his body.
“What brings you to my humble grove? Don’t try to lie like your friend over there did. There are punishments for lying.”
Vincent looked over at Aes. She was kneeling still, her head pitched upwards, staring wide-eyed into a swirling disk of dancing lights. A small trickle of drool traced its way out of her open mouth.
“We-we were just camping nearby. We had no idea this was your grove, I swear it, your ladyship.”
“Funny, that’s the same lie your friend told.”
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skull-grunt-judi · 6 years
“Judi” Amelia Lindburg
The girl from Kanto
Name: “Call me Judi...” Real name is Amelia Judi Lindburg, but she despises her first name due to her father.
Age: “I’m 21.” She tends to look in the younger side because of the way she dresses, acts, and interacts with people.
Gender: “I identify as a female.”
From: “...Kanto.”
Height/Weight: “I’m 5’6 and uh... I don’t remember how much I weigh.” [Depending on what version of her you get it can be a few things in terms of weight.]
Sexuality: “I don’t judge... love is love and I’ll love whoever my heart wants me to.” Pansexual 
Looks: She has brown eyes the become a golden hazel closer to the pupil. Her hair is brown and reaches down to the middle of her back, the Alola heat makes it frizzy. Quite pale but has a bit of color to her skin from the Alola sun. Covering scars from her past, the most obvious one is a scar that cuts through her lip. Shes covered in freckles and its the one aspect of her body that she actually quite likes. 
Personality: She is very meek, any sudden movements or change of tone will freak her out. It takes quite a bit to get her to talk about herself or to others comfortably, she cautious because of her past. She’s kind though and does her best to make sure others kindness doesn't go unnoticed. 
Background: She ran away from home when she was twenty-one, her birth mother died after she was born. Judi doesn't know who her birth mother was, only that she apparently takes after her looks very much. 
Her father never explicitly tried anything on her other than groping and drunken threats, and if he did she would always manage to escape and lock herself in the bathroom until he fell asleep. 
When she stole her very first pokemon, a Kanto starter, Squirtle she made the plan of running away from home only to be caught by her father. This particularly nasty fight almost killed her if it weren't for her stepmother, giving her the funds to run away Judi decided to take a trip far, far away and go to Alola where her father wouldn't be able to get to her. 
Pokemon Teams/Versions
-Healing Sound- 
Tag: [ D r o p T h e B e a t ] x HealingSound
This is the normal AU I will be used by default unless specified that another AU wants to be used or touched on. 
Judi ran away from home and joined team skull because of her terrible home life, and found team skull through the madness. Ended up going to one of her first beach rave parties in Alola and fell in love with the way music made people feel. The escape it gave some of them, so she's been very interested in hopping into the DJ scene. 
Since she's not made of money she can be often found taking apart old appliances to mess with her own custom set, digging through junkyards, or going to old used electronics stores to make her own turntables. 
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Squirt Lv. 32
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Vilobe Lv. 20
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Dew Lv. 18
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Diz Lv. 18
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Rory Lv. 24
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Swalla Lv. 20
-Once Upon A Time- 
Tag: [ A written story ] x OnceUponATime 
Currently, I'm writing a fic about Judi with a close friend of mine, this version acts and differently and has a slightly different backstory and will be one of the primary verses I use with her Muse! You're more than welcome to interact with her! Who knows maybe your muse will make an appearance in my fic! 
But Judi is from Kanto still and Judi is her real name in this AU, and she is an ex-champion to Kanto! She never joins team skull here but knows lots about the notorious team! 
*Judi doesn't battle despite her pokemon having levels 
Find it here at Under her skin!
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Blastoise Lv. 100 *Can mega evolve
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Scolipede Lv. 75 *Shiny
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Luxray Lv. 75 
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Swoobat Lv. 70
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Zorua Lv. 50 
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Riolu Lv. 20
Tag: [ S h e D o s e n t E x i s t A n y m o r e ] x BrokenJudi
Warning: Explicit content pertaining to this universe; Discord exclusive 
Judi is forced to join Team Skull against her will, has her pokemon taken from her until she proves herself time and time again. She is punished for any wrong moves she makes, when she does finally get back her pokemon she’s a changed person, cruel and pessimistic. 
Drawn back she fills her team with dragon pokemon, these types are her preference because she sees them as scary and powerful when in reality they can be the weakest.
She will eventually go on to kill her father when he tries to take her home, team skull doesn't get disbanded in this universe after the Aether program situation. She is a mean machine and will do what it takes to survive, but under that hard shell, there is a girl who's scared of getting hurt again. 
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Blastoise - Lv. 70
Kommo-o - Lv. 60
Noivern - Lv. 60
Tyrantrum - Lv. 60
Hydreigon - Lv. 50 
Turtonator - Lv. 50 
-Abandoned Judi-
Tag: [ G r o w i n g U p S t r o n g ] x AbandonedJudi
Judi never joined Team Skull but they did take an interest in her Kanto starter, pursuing her again and again in hopes of nabbing the pokemon. They do eventually give up because the effort is far too much for such a Pokemon, team skull doesn't disband in this universe.
She’s homeless in this universe and lives off the beach, she will eventually get a job at the daycare and help pokemon. In the process, she learns to catch a few of her own creating a lovey team. 
Judi does eventually face her father again and with the support of her friends, they manage to send him away. 
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Blastoise - Lv. 60
Alolan Raichu - Lv 50
Comfey - Lv. 40
Lycanrock (Midday) - Lv. 40
Mimikyu - Lv. 30
Ribombee - Lv. 30
- Mermaid AU -
Tag : [ S c a l e s A n d S o n g s ] x MerJudi
Random AU where Judi is a Mermaid and she was taken from her mother at a young age by the man she came to know as her “Father” who would rip her scales out to sell and put her on display for the world to see. 
She managed to escape during a transport with the help of some protestors who considered what her father was doing to be “kidnapping” and “human abuse”. She now wanders the seas in search of her biological mother. 
And in search of her people. 
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