#do you ever imagine them with accents matching their whats the word w-.. cus i cackle at the thought of aussie nick... hes so special to me
dizzybizz · 6 months
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baguette but three different versions because i couldn't settle on one
i hate these losers so much did you know that they occupy a normal amount of my brainspace
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a lil close-up on the faces bc i really like lynn's expression hereasgghsfafgafsghafadfghashsahgdf
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rurifangirl · 3 years
oc asks💅💅
If you had to choose a single object to act as a symbol for your oc, what would it be? Why?
How much has your oc traveled? Why is this? Would they like to travel more? Or are they perfectly fine with staying home?
How competitive is your oc? Is every little task something that they can win, or are they just in competitions for the fun of it? Is there anyone they’re most competitive with?
What is your oc’s immune system like? Are they invincible to illness, or are they compromised completely from the slightest of dirt?
Does your oc do anything “just for the aesthetic”? Or are they completely practical in everything?
How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
What topics does your oc know the most about? Are these obvious or would these be surprising to others?
How easy to annoy is your oc? Do they have common pet-peeves or are they stoic in response to everything? What is their reaction if the source doesn’t stop?
How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
What topics does your oc know the most about? Are these obvious or would these be surprising to others?
What is your oc’s vocabulary like? Does it match the way they talk? How would you describe their speech?
What time of day is your oc most awake? What about most tired? Do they get up at the same time every morning without need of an alarm, or is their sleep schedule all over the place?
Ty for asking em my fave Scp 🤍/j
Many things would work for his symbol tbh, Id say either a dog or a schyte?
There's many things he had great connections w, and for someone like him that cares bout litteraly anything and everything that is around him, It would be hard to settle down onto a specifical one.
Writing this, I feel like he'd choose a schyte, cus even though that's probably the least pratical thing he's good in, it's still a part of his character that Is sorta overlooked and probably gotta work on so-
She went into far more missions than Kayn ever did, and she did visit many places, other than sometimes resting in South Italy that Is.
She's mainly been used for abroad missions too, until the whole Japan thing started and she had to return back, and even if she stayed lil time there, she has a pin collection of every place, and occasionally shows it to close friends, and did It w Kayn after they got time to get along.
She also got the first pin, which her husband bought for her since she spent almost everything, and that does bring her some nostalgia bout It, in the good and in the bad.
Sometimes when she gets drunk, she'll start ramble bout every single embarassing moment she had there like it's nothin. And even when she'll wake up, Kida wouldn't do anythin to deny It.
Just, proudly stating that she did It.
They're mostly chill, kinda in everything, until it gets onto their interests.
They don't really care about being the best in a random task, like if that would change the world of something, but if that meant the safety/getting more gems, then oh boy, ya got the perfect contestant for ya.
But if they could be competitive w anyone, It would be with Naexi.
They just can't even pin point way, it just, is.
And also if you'd tell them that they had to kill someone for gettin a diamond, they'll do It. That's how far and competitive they'd get for It. So in that case, absolutely.
She suffers normally of a morning sickness, and has to take some medication to treat some sounds she had even before getting into the gang, but other than that, she's pretty healthy.
I mean, both compared to the rest of the cast and ignoring some eating problems she had to get through of, but currently, she's doing just fine.
But she does have an allergy for some flowers, so during spring she has kinda an hard time alone.
Like, yeah he does have many traditional outfits, but that's mainly because he's more tied up to his family traditions that, even if they hurt him in the past, he can't let go of.
But, those do look good and he likes wearing these kinds of outfits, so it's fifty fifty.
Though it's safe to say that, the outfit he wears normally isn't really practical, considering in which events he gets into, but for him It doesn't really matter.
Basically just the "be depressed but well dressed".
They do have an accent, and probably the most prominent one out of the cast.
Considering they've also been travelling through many different places, learning their coltures and sometimes having to learn their language, Qiran doesn't have a specifical accent, just, a mixture of almost anythin.
Though, if ya could hear them, you'd also get they're Southern, in a way or another.
They also tend to shorten words whenever they can, just to go straight up to the answer.
Absolutely almost any folk tail in human's history. They just have been so interested in that for even hundreds of years, she's just deeply sucked into them.
One thing they also really like to do Is revisiting them to their gang, and even clearing up some details in the meanwhile. Or even giving more fun facts, or how she personally interpretetated it.
She doesn't do It often to people, even to those they're close to, and mainly ramble about It to their dolls.
He's mainly the one to bully rather than the bullied, but it's safe to say that if ya could really annoy them, It would be poking their making, or weapons per say.
In the sense that, she's really proud of them, and having those being unrighfully judged onto their eyes is really, REALLY frustrating to see.
Plus, since they're thecnically the least powerful member of the gang, it's normal that they Hide that feeling pretty well, under some teasings to subdoly vent bout It.
So even teasing him about that makes them really annoyed, since you'd 'invade" the space they created for herself.
Honestly, I can't blame myself enough for this, but, just Imagine Rainbow Dash's voice on him.
Yes I'm serious.
Just that energy that voice has onto her, the cracks and just, everything. Naturally It would be toned down by a LOT, considering she hasnt got a voice as childish.
Im not good w describing voices and should work on that tbh, but i hope this voice claim counts 😭😭
Magic/Spell related topic, since that's what he's most interested. He's got many interests, that can go to many different topics, but he doesn't have as much interest as that.
He knows especially many counter attacks and even some potions to defend himself during a real fight.
In his time w Myst, she helped him learning even more facts and through that, setting free Eris, so that would be It.
It's a normal vocabulary? Like, a polite One for sure, since it's not used to the human world and didn't get enough habits to speak like a normal person would.
They just have that solemn touch to it, y'know?
It does match with how they speak though, even if sometimes they have an hard time understanding Myst's words, since he also likes to throw popular wordings n a little of dialect here and there.
Moon's trying its best.😭
She's most awake during the evening, or night that Is, since it doesn't have that much of a good concept of time and will go with anything that goes for her.
Though surprisingly, she's hardly tired, because she doesn't want to seem that weak even to itself, so even if she's gonna be a lil dizzy, she's almost always gonna be there.
Especially to kick some asses >:D
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