#do you realise how many old ladies will die this winter because they literally can’t heat their homes??
quaxslay · 2 years
I knew this kind of shit would start happening
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For anyone who doesn’t know, Martin Lewis is a journalist specialising in money saving advice. He’s been one of the most prominent people speaking out about the cost of living crisis occurring in the UK, particularly the increase in energy prices, and is constantly trying to provide the best and most up-to-date information to people who are extremely concerned about how they will be able to afford basic necessities in the coming months as prices soar.
Tonight he posted tweets providing updated advice regarding energy bills, which many people are currently having to navigate following announcements from the government earlier today about tariffs.
And so many replies were along the lines of “this is not the time, have some respect”
You know what’s not respectful? Telling someone who is simply trying his best to help people not freeze or starve to death in their own homes that he shouldn’t be sharing important, time-sensitive information about how they can save money, just because a 96 year-old who never had to worry about affording anything in her whole goddamn life died!
I’m already sick of people acting like the major issues of this country suddenly don’t matter because the Queen died. That somehow the problems affecting the millions of people in this country living in poverty can be quietly swept aside for the coming weeks and months, despite this being the most crucial time for action to be taken to prevent mass suffering.
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Empires on the Horizon IV
Jason is a CEO: Part IV
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff 
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new beginnings
look fragile
like glass
but when grabbed
like diamonds
“Good morning Mr Grace,” Grover Underwood smiled from his usual spot behind the coffee machine.
“Morning, how are you?”
“Much happier for seeing you less like someone kicked your puppy,” He gave Jason a knowing look.
“There are some things the brain cannot hide, matters of the heart are often one of them.”
He didn’t really have any reply to that, so he gave the man an awkward smile and shrugged.
“Your usual then?”
“Yes please, and an iced coffee for Hazel.”
“Ah where is the darling this morning?”
“She’s coming into the office later, something about needing to go home first? She must have stayed at a friend’s place.”
Grover raised a dark brow, “Mhmm and where is your driver this morning? I noticed you drove yourself in today.”
“Uh I think Frank took the day off,” He frowned trying to piece the conversation he’d had with his friend in his sleep-deprived brain.
“Oh interesting,” Grover’s chocolate brown eyes twinkled in amusement, but before Jason could question him a warm cup was being shoved into his hand and he was being ushered away to wait for the iced coffee.
Collapsing into a chair, he pushed his glasses up his nose and wrapped his scarf tighter around his neck. Winter was beautiful but gods it was cold. He glanced around the café taking in the familiar forest green walls and dark wood floors. There was no sun streaming through the windows today so the gold accents on the tables were dulled and dark, like hidden bronze. He traced his fingers around the edge of his cup, losing himself in the motion, in the feeling of heat on his cold fingers, in the small gusts of wind against his cheeks as the door opened and closed, in the noise of a bustling store, in the–
“Hello Jason,”
“Luke,” He took a deep breath, “Fuck off.”
“Aw don’t be like that,” He sniggered.
“Please Luke, I don’t have the energy for this right now,” Exhaustion was a thousand-ton weight on his bones.
“That’s your problem Jason you never wanted to take things head on. It was always let’s wait for this, let’s get their opinion first, let’s just give it a couple weeks. You could have had the world begging at your fingertips if you just went for what you wanted.”
“Are you done?”
Luke’s responding laugh was malicious, “You are so-“
“Leave.” His voice was stone.
His ex-boyfriend scoffed, “Pathetic.”
Jason watched as the face he had been so in love with sneered at him, the scar running down a pale cheek twisting into malice. His soul ached for what could have been, it burned for what now was. It always surprised him how drained he felt after every interaction with Luke- like crashing down from a potent high. Being with Luke was a high, was euphoria and hope and sin. What the fuck went wrong? 
His phone buzzed in his pocket.
“Talk to me,”
“Why do you insist on answering the phone like you’re some sort of mafia boss?” His sister grumbled.
“Hello to you too Thalia,”
“I just wanted to let you know that I’ve set you up on a date tonight. Six-thirty at Sun and Songs.”
He groaned, “No. I am not in the mood.”
“Jason Grace,” She started; he could feel a rant coming on, “You cannot stop living your life because you have a wanker of an ex-boyfriend. You have been in a slump since Luke and it is affecting you in ways you’re too scared to admit.”
“It is not affecting me,” He was tired of having this fight, “I literally dated Piper for like three months.”
“Mhm and were you happy? Did you put all you could into the relationship?” She didn’t wait for his response, “No, you may have been a little happier, but you weren’t you. So you will go on this date tonight and in five years when we’re planning your wedding you better be thanking me in your speech.”
“Gods Thals,” He snorted, “We haven’t even gone on the date yet and you’re already planning a wedding?”
“Wait does that mean you agree to it?” She squealed through the phone.
“Yes loser,” He held in a laugh, “I’ll go on the date. But if it doesn’t work out you drop all of this. No more setting me up, no more interfering.”
“Yes sir. Now, how work’s going?”
“Besides the fact that Project Hestia is on hold because of this stupid contract everything is good.”
“Isn’t your fancy lawyer lady sorting it out?” She muttered.
“Reyna is a great lawyer and you know it.”
“Yea but she’s also my ex-girlfriend so I get to be a little resentful.”
He snorted at that, “Of course, and how are you?”
“I’m good. The Conservatory is still standing so I can’t be doing too many things wrong.”
“Didn’t you guys get cheetah cubs this weekend?”
“Oh Jase!” His sister cried, “They are just the absolute cutest things. Did you know cheetahs are so shy that some conservationists and wild-life biologists recommend giving them emotional support puppies?”
“So what you guys got puppies and cubs?”
“We haven’t got the puppies yet; they’re only arriving this week.”
“Well send me pictures when they’re together, maybe I’ll have them framed and hung around the office as a morale booster.”
She laughed, the sound crackly through the speaker, “Will do little bro. Listen I have to go but call me tomorrow to tell me about the date.”
“Wait!” He yelled, ignoring the weird looks from the café patrons as he walked out, “What’s her name?”
Jason was nervous. That was the only explanation for his shaky hands and the zoo of creatures in his stomach. He had gotten to Suns and Songs fifteen minutes early with a lavender and daisy bouquet in hand. The restaurant his sister had reserved was nothing short of incredible. Dark maroon draped over each table, and opulent candelabras sat in the center, lit only if the table was occupied. Glass and crystal chandeliers swung slowly from the high wooden beams, catching on the light and making a kaleidoscope of the room. Even the way the air smelt was decadent here. Like wood smoke and perfume, some hint of chocolate, maybe. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he wanted to bottle the scent and bathe himself in it. Trying not to be suspicious he took another deep breath in; it calmed his nerves if nothing else.
“Mr Grace?” someone put a soft hand on his shoulder, “Your guest,”
He thanked the waitress, getting up to greet his date and pull out her chair. He tried to muffle his gasp when he finally turned to her. She was stunning. Midnight skin contrasting elegantly with the pastel yellow dress she wore. Braids intertwined with glittering strands; it cast a pale silver halo around her head. Small hoop earrings glinted as she moved, and the bracelets at her wrist clinked gently when they shook hands.
“Hi, Jason Grace,” He smiled.
“Zoe Nightshade.” She flashed beautiful white teeth.
He handed her the flowers, “You look unbelievable.” He truly was in awe of her.
“Thank you,” Her smile was soft, but her voice was crisp and direct, “And these are gorgeous.”
“Would you like to order drinks?”
They scanned the menu quickly; Zoe ordered a cocktail he hadn’t heard of and he ordered the first thing he saw that didn’t have tequila in it.
“So,” He asked, and then cringed at himself internally. Starting any conversation with so was bound to make it awkward.
He cleared his throat, “How do you know Thalia?”
“We work together at the Conservatory. I moved here a couple months ago because I got transferred from the wildlife center in Germany.”
Jason didn’t know what but something about her voice made his insides melt. She said everything so undiplomatically– like if it wasn’t a fact it wasn’t worth uttering.
“Oh that’s cool. What do you do?”
“I’m a veterinarian. You?”
“Well I was a structural engineer but somehow over the years I got roped into being a town and regional planner.”
She frowned, tilting her head assessingly, “You did not finish your engineering degree?”
“Oh no I finished and got my masters in structural but then I started my company and I realised I needed other qualifications to run it the way I wanted to so I had to go back and get a degree in urban and regional planning. By the end I felt like I had been studying since the dawn of time.”
She laughed at that, and a look of surprise crossed her face, as if it was as unexpected to her as it was to him. “I know how you feel. I love animals and I’m passionate about my work but when I was done studying, I vowed never to go back. Studying for seven years after school and then trying to do it all over again feels like a one-way ticket to the end of the road.”
He mirrored her smile, “How did you get into veterinary sciences anyway?”
“My father was always busy, and my sisters were… interested in anything that could make them more beautiful, or richer. So I was pretty alone for most of my childhood. At some stage I convinced my father to get me a dog, Ladon. We were inseparable. But he got hurt when this man,“ She said it with such disgust he almost flinched. “This man hurt him. Kicked Little Ladon out the way when he was just trying to say hello. We had to take him to the vet, and I remember them being so sweet and kind to my dog and I knew I wanted to be exactly like that when I grew up.”
“Any chance you know where this man is so we can kick his ass?”
She laughed, raspy and bursting, “Don’t worry little eleven-year-old me kicked Mr Alcides as hard as I could in the shins.”
“Good,” he nodded with conviction, “He deserved more but you found your passion so there is some balance.”
She hid her grin behind a sip from her drink.
“Sir, ma’am,” Their waitress stepped to their table, “Would you like to order?”
Hours later, cheeks flushed from the liquor, laughing over Thalia’s antics and their shared need for structure, they finally decided to call the dinner to an end.
“The focaccia was to die for,” Zoe groaned, patting her stomach.
“Honestly, I may have to marry the pasta.” He sighed contentedly.
She giggled, and he knew it was a rare thing for her because her face caught that surprised look again.
“Want to grab dessert?”
“Oh gods no,” She shook her head in alarm, and then frowned as the realisation of what that meant washed through her.
“I had a really great time tonight,” He started softly.
“Do you want to walk to the park? We can stop and have gelato?” Her dark eyes were full of nervous hope.
He blinked at her, a little shocked she wanted to continue the date, “I thought you didn’t want dessert?” He teased.
“Maybe the walk will burn off some of these calories and i’ll have space for a little ice-cream.” She scunched her nose.
He knew the gelato was just an excuse, so with a grin that lit up his whole face he grabbed her hand and nodded, “Let’s do it Miss Nightshade.”
Her face glowed with relief and enthusiasm as they tucked their chairs in and exited the restaurant.
“Tell me about your family. How come you weren’t interested in the rich side of life like your sisters?”
“I guess being the youngest kind of made it all seem pointless. I had seen what happened when their vanity became malicious and I didn’t ever want to turn into something I couldn’t recognise. I went to stay with my Aunt Diana through high school. She owned a bird sanctuary. That’s where I interned in my college years.”
“Wow,” He looked down to her, awe evident in his face, “And it didn’t bother you to be so far away from your father and sisters?”
“Honestly, I’m not even sure they noticed when I left.” She shrugged, “It was a long time ago. I really only see them for family functions now.”
“And your aunt?”
“She still has the bird sanctuary, but she mostly works in the background now. My cousins, Bianca and Phoebe, run it full time.”
“Do you miss it? Were you guys close?”
“Much closer than my sisters and I. I do miss them, but I definitely can’t say I miss the sanctuary. Some of those birds were evil.”
Just then a loud squawk came from above them. She scowled at the sky, “I’m talking about you Auretta.”
He tried to hold in a laugh but Zoe stuck out her tongue childishly and they both bent over in laughter.
“Maybe we shouldn’t hurl insults while we’re out in the open.” He managed to gasp.
“Good thing the gelato shop is right there.” She grinned, grabbing his hand and sprinting towards the small, illuminated store at the end of the cobbled street. Her dress shimmered, moved like rays of light. She looked like a star.
“Come on,” She yelled, tugging at his hand harder.
‘Alright, alright,” He snapped out of his admiration and let her lead him into the shop.
“Hi, what can I get you?”
“Want to share?”
“Sure, you choose,” He waved a hand towards the abundance of flavours behind the glass.
“Please can we have one scoop of chocolate, one scoop of vanilla and,” Her brow furrowed as she scanned the tags, “And one scoop of cookie crumble.”
“Why did I think you were a sorbet girl?”
“Sorbet in the summer, anything else for the rest of the year.” She said matter of factly.
He nodded solemnly, “Yes makes sense.”
She swatted his arm, grabbing the cone from the lady with a thank you, “Gods I feel like a teenager again,”
“I know what you mean,” Her excitement was infectious.
“I have to ask,” She swallowed a chunk of cookie crumble, “What on earth were you thinking when you decided to eat a stapler?”
Jason groaned, “Why did Thalia tell you that? She swore she wouldn’t tell anyone and if asked I would say I fell off my bike or something.”
Zoe giggled, “Come on, spill.”
“Okay, first of all I was two,” He sighed, embarrassment heating his cheeks, “And it was shiny, and it made a cool clicking noise, and I wanted to know what it tasted like.”
“I can just picture a little Jason crawling onto the kitchen counter and trying to bite down on a stapler.” She teased.
“Yes well now I have this scar,” He pointed to his upper lip, rolling his eyes.
“Battle scars. Very worthy.”
He shoved at her shoulder lightly and they dissolved into laughter once more.
It was almost midnight by the time he had dropped her off at home and stepped into his apartment. He looked at his phone to see a couple work messages, and something from Hazel– things he could reply to in the morning he decided, tugging off his tie and discarding his clothes as he walked to his room. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow, his phone still glaringly bright and open on the chat with his sister.
You were right. We’re going on a second date.
Grover is like some other worldy deity that spews life lessons every time they meet and i am so here for it! Anyway what y’all saying??? How are we feeling?
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lupin-bun · 7 years
Whatever. I’m bored.
200: My crush’s name is: Des ( @thezombiewithglasses will understand this one) 199: I was born in: 1991 198: I am really: .......???? Tired!?......A VAMPIRE!?!? What is this question asking????? 197: My cellphone company is: Vodaphone 196: My eye color is: Hazel (Green with brown flecks) 195: My shoe size is: 8 (yes, I’m a kangaroo) 194: My ring size is: Fuck knows 193: My height is: 5′8″ 192: I am allergic to: Certain cleaning fluids (and literally almost suffocated at work once. That was fun) 191: My 1st car was: PAH HA HA HA!!!! ME BEHIND THE WHEEL OF A VEHICLE!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! GOOD ONE!!!
190: My 1st job was: Waitress 189: Last book you read: The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents by Terry Pratchett 188: My bed is: Wonderful 187: My pet: A tuxedo cat called Thomas <3 186: My best friend: Char-char!!! <3 <3 <3  185: My favorite shampoo is: Anything by Fortune Cookie Soap 184: Xbox or ps3: Neither. PC 183: Piggy banks are: For people who are better with money 182: In my pockets: Fluff 181: On my calendar: Dentist on Tuesday and Doctors (AGAIN!!) on Thursday 180: Marriage is: *Non-committal noise* 179: Spongebob can: ??? 178: My mom: Is amazing and beautiful! 177: The last three songs I bought were? HAHAHA!! “Bought” HAHAHAHA!!! 176: Last YouTube video watched: Making Art with Ketchup by Fun2Draw 175: How many cousins do you have? 7 174: Do you have any siblings? 2 brothers 173: Are your parents divorced? .... Technically yeah but I call my stepdad “dad” so... 172: Are you taller than your mom? No! My mum’s a freaking giant at 5′11″ 171: Do you play an instrument? Piano 170: What did you do yesterday? Worked and got stressed out [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: Honestly.... I don’t know. I think so. 168: Luck: Yeah 167: Fate: Definitely! Fo sho! 166: Yourself: ....Pass 165: Aliens: Yup! 164: Heaven: No and... 163: Hell: ...no. Afterlife, yes. 162: God: I’m a Pagan so GodSSSS!!!! 161: Horoscopes: Yyyyyeah. I think there’s some truth there. 160: Soul mates: Yup! 159: Ghosts: Yes. We live with one 158: Gay Marriage: YYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 157: War: Fuck off. No. 156: Orbs: *Gropes chest* .... Er.... yes? 155: Magic: Yeah. I’d like to think so [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs 153: Drunk or High: Neither. I’ve only been both of these once in my life and hated both 152: Phone or Online: Honestly, neither. Both scare me. 151: Red heads or Black haired: Redheads 150: Blondes or Brunettes: I don’t have a preference 149: Hot or cold: Cold 148: Summer or winter: Both my least favourite 147: Autumn or Spring: Both my MOST favourite 146: Chocolate or vanilla: Depends what it is. Chocolate CAKE but vanilla ICE-CREAM 145: Night or Day: Night 144: Oranges or Apples: Apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: What even...!? 142: McDonalds or Burger King: Eew 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate 140: Mac or PC: PC 139: Flip flops or high heals: So I’m choosing between “annoying as hell” and “ouch”... I choose ouch 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: We talking about looks or personality here?? Because if they’re a nice person, I don’t care what they look like 137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke 136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 135: Burried or cremated: Set adrift on a flaming boat into the sea 134: Singing or Dancing: Dancing 133: Coach or Chanel: ??? 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: ????? 131: Small town or Big city: ????????? 130: Wal-Mart or Target: I’m a Brit 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller 128: Manicure or Pedicure: 127: East Coast or West Coast: 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas (I’m mentally 7) 125: Chocolate or Flowers: I’d say chocolates but I WAS given an amazing rainbow rose once <3 124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney (what’s the other one???) 123: Yankees or Red Sox: [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: It’s a waste of time, money and lives 121: George Bush: Twat 120: Gay Marriage: 100% for it!! 119: The presidential election: You had 1 job, America.. 118: Abortion: If it’s necessary for whatever reason, who is ANYONE to judge? 117: MySpace: Dead 116: Reality TV: Trash 115: Parents: Mine are pretty cool :)  114: Back stabbers: Can suck my ass 113: Ebay: Good for a lot of stuff but tread carefully 112: Facebook: A curse 111: Work: Long hours for little pay and way more stress than it’s worth 110: My Neighbors: Awesome 109: Gas Prices: Thanks but I’m not 80 yet. I don’t really have an opinion 108: Designer Clothes: If you want to pay £200 for a pair of sunglasses, you go for it. I’m cool with my holographic skull Halloween shades I got on Ebay for 99p 107: College: Nyeehhh.... NYEEEHHHH. Bad time in my life so let’s not go there. 106: Sports: *SNORE!* 105: My family: Supportive and cool 104: The future: Honestly... bleak [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: About 3 minutes ago 102: Last time you ate: Am currently eating 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Like... 4 months ago or something 100: Cried in front of someone: Yesterday 99: Went to a movie theater: Last Friday 98: Took a vacation: May 97: Swam in a pool: Last Tuesday 96: Changed a diaper: NEVER AND WILL NEVER 95: Got my nails done: Also never 94: Went to a wedding: Bleh. I dunno. 8-ish years ago 93: Broke a bone: Does breaking my tooth on a humbug in April count? 92: Got a peircing: Never 91: Broke the law: I stole a monkey nut from a health food shop when I was 6... 90: Texted: About 6 hours ago [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: CHAR! 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Already left home and I really miss my old bedroom and also my cat 87: The last movie I saw: Hotel Transylvania 2.... what? I told you I’m mentally 7 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Holiday to Cornwall in September 85: The thing im not looking forward to: Dentist on Tuesday  84: People call me: “Oi... thingy!” 83: The most difficult thing to do is: Pretend to be happy. WHOOPS!! That’s literally in my job description!!! HAHAHA!!! *Cries inside* 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Don’t own a car so... 81: My zodiac sign is: ...Wait. Zodiac or Starsign? My zodiac is the sheep and my starsign is Pisces 80: The first person i talked to today was: The lady who runs the canteen at work... that’s depressing 79: First time you had a crush: When I was 5 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: My mate Brandon!! I swear that guy’s psychic!! I’ll THINK my face is neutral but I’ll suddenly hear “What’s wrong? I’m getting negative vibes here.” 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Craig asked me for a coffee just as I’d opened my mouth to ask if he wanted a coffee about half an hour ago. Does that count 76: Right now I am talking to: The internet, like a fucking loser 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I WANT to work as a concept artist in films 74: I have/will get a job:.... Again, what are you asking me? 73: Tomorrow: ...Saturday 72: Today:..........??????????????????? Ok, I’m lost 71: Next Summer: WHAT!? 70: Next Weekend: ...-_- 69: I have these pets: I TOOOOOLLLLLLLD YOU THIS ONE!!! 68: The worst sound in the world: Open-mouth eating 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: *Coughs* 66: People that make you happy: My friends and my family xx 65: Last time I cried: Last night 64: My friends are: Awesome 63: My computer is: A pain in the butt 62: My School: [Sings] My house... in the middle of my street... my house... (I was home-schooled by the way) 61: My Car: Uuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! 60: I lose all respect for people who: Need a list..? 59: The movie I cried at was: GotG2 58: Your hair color is: Currently mousie but I’m gonna dye it blue 57: TV shows you watch: Not connected. I don’t watch TV 56: Favorite web site: Youtube, I guess...? 55: Your dream vacation: Anywhere I can see cool animals and go swimming.... so, Australia! XD 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Physical or psychological? 53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium 52: My room is: A rubbish dump 51: My favorite celebrity is: Danny Elfman for reasons 50: Where would you like to be: Part of your wooooorrrrrllllllllld! 49: Do you want children: NO! 48: Ever been in love: Yes 47: Who’s your best friend: You’ve asked me this... -_- 46: More guy friends or girl friends: Actually, now I think about it, the majority of my friends don’t identify as EITHER! XD 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Finishing an art piece 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My mum. I didn’t get to see her on her birthday 2 days ago 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: The only thing on it is “Buy a house”... 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Yes. Including “swim with sharks” 41: Have you pre-named your children: Yup. “Invisible” if it’s a girl and “Non-existent” if it’s a boy (Of course, they’re welcome to change it to whatever they wish if they grow up to realise they’re a different gender) 40: Last person I got mad at: A customer who fucking WHISTLED AT ME to get my attention 39: I would like to move to: The country but that will never happen 38: I wish I was a professional: Concept artist [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: Mini eggs 36: Vehicle: Pirate ship! 35: President: Brit 34: State visited: Brit 33: Cellphone provider: Ugh! 32: Athlete: Andy Murray 31: Actor: Don’t! I have no idea! I have so many! 30: Actress: Ditto 29: Singer: Danny Elfman, David Bowie or Michael Jackson 28: Band: Oingo Boingo 27: Clothing store: Thrift stores 26: Grocery store: Sainbury’s (but only because it’s closest) 25: TV show: Red Dwarf (I have the DVDs) 24: Movie: Can’t choose! 23: Website: See question 56 22: Animal: Birds (I don’t know WHAT bird. That’s too specific) 21: Theme park: Uh uh 20: Holiday: Newquay Cornwall with my family in 2013 <3  19: Sport to watch: None 18: Sport to play: HAHAHA! Ok... 17: Magazine: Nope 16: Book: Harry Potter (any) 15: Day of the week: Whatever day I have off that week 14: Beach: What?? The one near my parents’ then I guess 13: Concert attended: Stiff Little Fingers at The Waterfront in Norwich 12: Thing to cook: Pancakes. They’re fun, even if I do end up with floppy quesadillas most of the time 11: Food: Depends on my mood 10: Restaurant: Bella Italia 9: Radio station: Again... not 80 8: Yankee candle scent: I don’t know if it was technically a Yankee candle but I recently bought one that smelt of pomade that was pretty nice 7: Perfume: The Captain by Fortune Cookie Soap 6: Flower: Sweet peas 5: Color: Aqua blue followed closely by purple 4: Talk show host: They’re all tossers these days 3: Comedian: Billy Connelly 2: Dog breed: Labrador 1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Mostly.... ¬w¬
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