#do you understand or do i sound mad.
chilapis · 1 month
I think every moment is eternal in its own right and we hold no authority to deny it that status. Even if it is a forever that will escape our memories, it’ll still exist as a forever in the history of time. In the memories of no-one but the Earth itself. In the records kept and made by no-one, where everything is stored for all time to come. No love is lost and no existence truly unacknowledged.
#even the moment that one may spare to read this post; it’ll be a second dedicated forever in the records of time just to this simple post.#fleeting moments of attention and acknowledgement that aren’t so fleeting at all because they still existed and still do in a way.#it is tragic that we must associate a certain event to a date for it to become a joyous occasion. there’ll never be another 1/5/24.#is that not enough for it to be special itself?#one may argue that they have nothing to remember random days by and that is true.#but not every moment of delight and pleasure is to be remembered I think. to be entirely honest with you I barely hold any memory of#literally anything prior to 2022 perhaps.#but that doesn’t mean that those moments didn’t exist or don’t hold their own importance.#because even if I don’t remember and even if any other parties don’t remember. those moments still exist forever in history in a way.#And even if we don’t remember. The earth surely does; right? The ground must remember the weight and shift of our feet as we walked.#I just think it’s bittersweet that even if ‘forgotten’; nothing truly ceases to exist or be truly forgotten because it still existed.#there is a moment dedicated in this world’s history — into matter how short in duration — dedicated entirely to that event.#whether it be something as simple as just going for a week and appreciating the setting sun.#do you understand or do i sound mad.#i don’t know; i have a feeling it might be because my birthday is approaching soon and i’ve had a-lot on my mind.#neutral things mostly so fret not.#i think i need to go for a walk.#🥀#‘2022’#this is a blatant lie actually I don’t even remember 2023#i am. trying my best to recall my last birthday and nothing seems to be coming up so. do with this what you will.
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grim-faux · 8 months
a massive headache of an analysis of two very terrible people in my projected ideas and observations
I mentioned this on the discord that I think that the fandom is coddling Noone a bit too much. but hear me out before you "she's just a child, you monster. She was subjected to emotional abuse and Otto is a terrible guy for being a doctor and a trusted adult in her life."
That's all valid. but one thing we should ALL REMEMBER is that the children who are approached or ensnared by the Ferry/Candleman, are not targeted because of the "sordid and sympathetic story of bullying and internalized trauma". Under my observations, I would say the Ferry/Candleman pursues children that are vulnerable and easily manipulated. And of course he's not monitoring these children for any specifics or potential, his role is to catch kids and drag them to the Maw. For profit.
And I wanna sympathize with Otto - very carefully - cause this man is a mess. He's terrible, he's a jerk, he loses control over himself over a >10 child call out on his toxicity. AND HE SHOULD HAVE APPROACHED THE SITUATION DIFFERENTLY, WHICH WOULD HAVE MAYBE SAVED NOONE FROM THE FERRY/CANDLEMAN AND THE NOWHERE.
And I would wager that this last betrayal and abandonment by Cece2.0 tossed Otto the edge of all moral practice. Otto was a horrible guy, he betrayed his patient and Noone's trust - but all of that was not done for himself per say; he didn't throw Noone to the Candle/Ferryman for glory, for discovery, for personal promotion. He was doing this out of his childish desperation to find or at the very least see his sister. Yes, that is absolutely selfish, yes he hurt someone along the way, and he will continue to hurt other kids on his journey to finding Cece.
But Noone also isn't completely blameless. She is of course a child, she is a flawed, sad, and a broken child. Of course when someone said to her, "escape the pain and awful world you live," she leapt at this opportunity, no questions. No thoughts, head empty. But Noone is far from innocent, and she will not stay that way when she goes native to the Nowhere-ville.
Over the course of the podcasts, we see evidence that Noone- among the children she encounters - adapt to this hostile world. Children actively ignore Noone when she calls to them (see Ref noisy children die), others are swift to abandon her when the terrors find them kiddies. And Noone herself begins to react and fight at the hostilities in her environment - this proven in Chapter 5, when a girl tried to take the nome (see Ref mushroom fairy), she threw A FUCKING BRICK AT HER ARM. And especially in Chapter 6, she slammed a bottle over the marionette pinned to the table, killing it probably. Subjected to the Nowhere and the violence there, children either adapt and defend themselves, abandon others - or they die.
And my Discord did have a big analytical study and discussion over Rusty - the trapeze boy from the circus. Rusty was an interesting character, not only because he was a teen - probably inhabited Nowhere for a long time - but he was hinted to knowing a way out of Nowhere. This latter factor, I doubt - I do not think Rusty had any real knowledge of how to escape Nowhere, and all he wanted at the end of the day was escape the circus. We choose to ignore the giant pillars stretching to the ceiling not important no siree. That's the best case scenario. But Rusty and his group suggested one of two things (or all of these things). Kids left to Nowhere REALLY REGRET THAT DECISION EVENTUALLY (maybe you get older and realize how much of a dumb brat younger you was). Or, and also, Rusty was not there because of the Candle/Ferryman guiding him to Nowhere. Otherwise, Rusty would be property of the Maw, since Ferry/Candleman gives not two ceramic dolls who has a kid or what entity wants a kid - Ferry/Candleman will escort that child to MawcDonalds.
So Rusty and his trope came to the Nowhere on their own accord - either through a liminal space or other mysterious and obscure portal people should really avoid in the normal world. And they did not know really how to find their way back to the world they lost.
The last problematic matter of Rusty, is he is sus, like a lot of characters of the Little Nightmares world. He's invested in his survival and happiness and safety. So when he and the group are presented with Noone, they jump at this opportunity. It's not crazy to think Rusty was very invested in getting himself away, and ditch anyone else along the way. Case in point when he suggested Noone to be the lookout (wink-wink, nudge-nudge, teehee), "for the man in the purple suit." Noone later realizes she has no idea what the real plan for escape is, aside from alert Rusty that the man in the purple suit is there. She's told only to signal Rusty nonverbally, but she decided to scream at the teen "big top", which he thinks is a good idea. Yes, of course he would. And apparently whatever happened to Rusty was so horrific, it locked Noone in a panic attack. Which is terrible, since it is most probable Rusty and his group only needed Noone there to draw the attention of the man in the purple suit, use her as bait - but that didn't work out. F for Rusty, you big L.
These incidents with the children - of being exploited and bullied, not just in the Nowhere but from her world, drives Noone closer to the edge of the metaphorical doorway. And Otto exasperated the condition by pushing her closer to the threshold of commitment, all to seek a hint that Cece was still there and he might find her. But it was also Noone who took the plunge, despite Otto beseeching her to wait for him - this is the moth to the light, flying closer to that which is enticing and promises comfort, only to be snuffed out when the moth reached the flame.
One of the running themes of Little Nightmares is that of children succumbing to a fate or falling into the same cycle of torment, they are fighting to avoid. For Six, she becomes the next proprietor of the Maw, unable to leave - only so she can survive. With Mono, we follow him through his struggle to find and free his friend from the Tower, only to get thrown aside and abandoned; then he becomes the thing that he fled from, and eventually destroyed - the Broadcaster of the Tower. The children of Nowhere are not escaping a terrible world for another terrible world, they are accepting of the violence and malice that shaped who they are, and turn that back onto the world that inflicted it - perpetuating the trauma which forged them. There are no happy endings of Little Nightmares, only acceptance.
Otto succumbs to that fate as well. He doesn't seek to help Noone so much as he sought to fulfil his own selfish needs. Noone did not wait for Otto to confront the Ferry/Candleman, or wait for him to turn the Candle/Ferryman away - she took the hand offered and abandoned Otto. Which, in turn, leads to Otto's descent into his tragic villain arch. To be clear, Noone isn't responsible for this adult man who should know better, Otto is far from her responsibility. But this mindset may have been what drove Cece from her lil brother Otto - a clingy child she wanted nothing to do with. And ill reiterate, Noone was not responsible for Otto or his actions, as he was the one who swore to help her, he was the doctor and the figure of authority in her life - Otto was supposed to come to her aid.
But when Otto was at his most vulnerable and had no power over Noone any longer, and he begged her to wait. She did not. As with all monsters of the Nowhere, when the child has the upper-hand or has discovered a clever trap, the child dispatches their tormentor.
As equally as she despises Otto, she favored the Ferry/Candleman for the lies he gave her. For the truth he wove amongst the promises.
Though we can dissect Noone's character and grasp what led to her actions, her story is not one of triumph or escape - it is of acceptance and defeat. She does not overcome a great adversary, she submited to the conditions of the world that created the monsters she hated. Her story has only begun in terms of the Nowhere, and it is far from over. She is not journeying through the Nowhere to reach some enlightenment or to become stronger than the shadows that will chase her, or overcome the hazards that await her. Noone becomes another cog in the machine which keeps the Nowhere and its inhabitants gleeful and fulfilled.
It is fair and fine to sympathize with Noone and her fate, she is a child and a victim to all that was set upon her - left with no protectors or sympathizers. And she fell prey to a master manipulator, as did Otto. in this story, the only one who claims success is the Candle/Ferryman, who orchestrated the whole thing.
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ukrainianstruggles · 10 months
I'm not naming any names, but there is something about certain big media people on tumblr sharing resources to help lgbtqia+ community in Russia, yet not even mention how to help Ukraine once
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yuyokunoshishi · 9 months
i watched the 2007 rgg movie tonight just to see what its like and i have a lot to say about it but for now i just doodled my favorite scene bc i could not handle it
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gibbearish · 2 months
once again theres nothing thatll realign your understanding of reality faster than Explaining something to another person
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Okay, so I wanted to send my mutual an episode of KikoRiki to familiarise him with Pin — a character I really like (one episode isn't enough to say EVERYTHING about him, but dear god, he's the best, I love the kid robot's German mechanic dad :> )
Which meant I had to watch one episode to see what his name is, since some were changed in the English dub
And holy hell........
(English dub)
The difference is driving me insane. Literally
I know that dubs aren't always good at conveying the original's intent, look no further than Gumball's Russian dub with its censorship of "harsh" words like "butt", but THEY STRAIGHT UP CHANGE LINES TO SOMETHING THAT BARELY MAKES THE DIALOGUE FLOW AND THE VOICES ARE KILLING ME
so yeah i found another thing to be mad at
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
I can’t describe how much I love Bugs Bunny. Like, it’s more than love, I adore Bugs Bunny, he is my beloved, he is my squishy, he was my first Blorbo, I was and still am obsessed with him, I watched the entirety of Tiny Toons Adventures for the brief snippets of him, I love Bugs Bunny.
But like, I love him because he wins! I love him because he is the epitome of staying calm in a bad situation! I love him because he likes to crossdress just for fun! He is an asshole and ego-centric and the absolute cockiest bastard on the face of the planet and I love every little thing about him.
I was gonna make a joke, like “Here’s my ten billion word essay on why I love Bugs-“ but it would just be screencaps of every episode of anything he’s ever been in and me gushing about why he’s perfect.
And his fluffy design!!!! He is fluff!!! He is a cotton ball!!! He is the cutest little thing!!!
Anyway, Bugs Bunny hours are always on, but now I’m being loud about it.
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sysig · 11 months
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Got ‘im (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Captain Sterling#KUP#I guess lol#He's new! Though I have been tossing around the idea of co-opting the nameless design I made years ago and retroactively making him KUP lol#I thought of this Very Funny joke on the way home and was so excited to implement it and use VUK ZIX - which is not mine btw lol#I'm not entirely sure how to credit it? AFAIK they're not here on tumblr but I'm not sure? Big big credit to eco_mono on LJ!#It's a very cool alphabet! :D There are still some parts I don't understand - like R being a vowel but O being a consonant?#Would that make ''TRO'' an acceptable name by VUX standards? :0 I do like the idea of it being a kind of push-sound I think it's neat :)#But as you can intuit by my not actually spelling his name with a C - there wasn't a C listed in the alphabet and my silly joke crumbled :'D#But when has that stopped me! I can figure it's because C is kind of phonetically extraneous with both S and K as consonants so use K!#Sterling would probably intentionally soften the ''K'' sound so it implies a ''C'' and KUP gets so mad about it lol ♪ ''I can hear that!''#Something something harshness of tone/strength of breath while speaking - subtleties of spoken language since they're so visually different#It's fun to think about ♪#There's also something funny to the difference of ''>o<'' to a human and ''>O<'' to a VUX lol ♪#And then more thoughts about phoneticisms and translation - specifically thinking about VIJ writing the Captain's name for him#I'm still going back and forth on whether Sterling's name would be translated as two or three syllables in VUK ZIX - I kinda like both tbh#Either ''SER LIN'' or ''SET TER LIN'' - the latter with emphasis on the middle syllable and a drop-off on the first#Which would take priority? Matching syllables or the consonant T break? Maybe both for different contexts??#As well as the fact that -ing sounds wouldn't really have precedent being a vowel at the beginning followed by two consonants#So the rounded G sound at the end of his name would be completely skipped over - would they even have a soft palette to constrict??#Ahh <3 It's really fun to think about!! ♫#Anyway he goes back to explain later and KUP smacks him lol#''Do not make a crass joke at the expense of my name >O('' lol
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dollfat · 4 months
im enjoying having gale as a bard, especially because he can learn spells from other classes. next time im gonna make wyll one of the fighter bards. im defo gonna be a paladin
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Every day I unfortunately hear Pitt!Louis’s miserable deadpanned voice in my head saying “I caaaant 😐😐😐”
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afieldinengland · 1 year
no idea how many of you were here to observe the depths of my religious insanity in the winter of 2021 but i want you to know that it was far far more intense than i ever expressed and that’s saying something
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floralovebot · 1 year
I'm probably gonna word this a little weirdly but taking a character of color and changing their race isn't cool ever, even if they're still Not White. If I take Aisha and make her South Asian instead of black, that's not adding representation, it's erasing black representation.
If I take Musa and make her anything but Asian, that's not representation for someone else, it's erasure. Same thing for Flora, Nabu, and every other character of color in winx.
I understand that some of the characters are more ambiguous than others - I'm not mad that a child would see Flora as asian or Nabu as a black man - but if you're an adult? Fully aware of their intentional coding? And Still deciding to change their races? Like?? Please have some self awareness. We already have to fight hard for representation. You don't get to take it away.
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coquelicoq · 1 year
les misérables:
Cela même lui avait été plus facile qu'à Roméo; Roméo était obligé d'escalader un mur, Marius n'eut qu'à forcer un peu un des barreaux de la grille décrépite qui vacillait dans son alvéole rouillé, à la manière des dents des vieilles gens. (IV, 8, I, p. 341)
me: that's weird, isn't gens masculine? guess i'll look it up on wordreference in case it's also a feminine noun meaning something different.
Inflections of 'gens' (nmpl): pl: gens Toujours au pluriel quand gens = les hommes en général ou un nombre indéterminé de personnes. L'adjectif qui précède s'accorde souvent au féminin.
me: what the
frick frack
#um?? french?? why would you do that?????#'s'accorde souvent' WHAT IS EVEN THE POINT OF NOUN-ADJECTIVE AGREEMENT THEN?? IF YOU CAN JUST CHANGE IT UP RANDOMLY????#the other thing i don't understand is why it's des vieilles gens rather than de vieilles gens#bc i thought that if you have a preceding adjective in the plural then it's de instead of des?#but i'm not upset about that. it's whatever#it seems like one of those things that people ignore half the time bc the default 'des' makes perfect sense#like 'des' for pl nouns is the rule and 'de' for pl nouns preceded by a pl adjective is the exception. it's just ignoring the exception#but to use vieilles instead of vieux! that's ignoring the rule itself. that's like. going out of your way to mess with me!!!#vieux is actually the bane of my existence. i only learned a couple years ago that when spelled vieil before a noun starting with a vowel#you don't pronounce the l! you pronounce it as a y sound and call that a liaison!!!#i guess TECHNICALLY the y sound (the palatal-labial approximant [ɥ] to be exact) is a consonant. but it's a vowel-ass consonant!!!!#IT'S SO VOWELLY. HOW CAN WE BE CALLING THIS A LIAISON#french#my posts#i love screaming at the french language. i just read the argot chapters which act like slang is some kind of deformed demon#so i'm just here to say: STOP ACTING SO SUPERIOR STANDARD FRENCH! YOU ALSO ARE FUCKING BONKERS!!!#language is beautiful but it's so fun to be mad at french specifically. for a couple reasons but the main one is l'académie française#fuck those guys in particular. you want to interfere with the natural progression of language so bad it makes you look SO stupid#got all these fucking fossilized rules and you don't even follow them. zero legs to stand on#if this were any other language ignoring grammatical gender agreement on a whim i'd be like okay sure that's how language goes#but since it's FRENCH. on se bat à l'aube. en garde motherfuckers
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nomaishuttle · 8 months
the two rules of sweeney todd cast recordjngs is 1. theyll never be better than 2012 london cast talk to the hand 2. theyll never be worse than 2005 broadway cast talk to the hand
#sry im literlly such a 2005 castrecording hater like im such a huge anti. i hate jt so baddd sounds like ass. they took the entire#orchestra out back and shot them dead leaving one piano player and.told him to judt make it work and then told sweeney that his entire#family died in a horrific fire immediately b4 he started rcording.#like im sorry ik sweeneys like a sad guys obvi i would be too yk sucks sucks Pooor thing better you should think she was dead yes i lied#cuz i looove you id be TWICE the wife she was i LOOOOOVE YOU HOW COULD THAT THING HAVE CARED FOR YOU LIKE ME !!!#anyways. but he just like. ik this sounds mena but his voice Sounds like a voice somebody would do to make fun of sweeney.#like it sounds like somebody mocking a mopey guy. but thats just the voice the guy uses 4 sweeney like..#also sry. im pretty sure the final scene lyrics they use in 2005 r the same as the original script from the 80s however. those lyrics just#dont flow as well ss the slightly edited version for the 2012.. like. hold on let me compare..#so the original Your Lucy!A crazy hag picking bones and rotten spuds out of alley ashcans!#Would you have wanted to know that she ended up like that?#whereas in 2012 its Your Lucy a mad hag. picking bones and rotten spuds out of dustbins#would you have wanted to know thats how she ended up ? and it just FLOWS BETTER SRYY.#ik its also partially bc most sweeney iterations r set. when sweeney is actually set where as 2012 sort of uses the framing devide of#disgruntled workers inn. i wanna say the 1920s? somewhere around there. which btw genius i love that devision.to draw parallels between the#working conditions of both time periods its quite genius babes. loveee to 2012 london cast recording. and it bangs far harder than those#other girls..#but like basically..imelda staunton if i ever get the opportunity i will genuinely give you 5billion dollars i dont think Aybody could ever#top her eprformance as mrs lovett. lifechanging. showstopping incredible#and michael balls sweeney is sooo good as well likee. he does such a good job balancing between like. i understand this guy. like i get him#i know his kotivationa and also This guy is fucking scary as hell#like he plays sweeney as far more like. Enraged than depressed. and i think it works RLY well for his interpretation of the character..#basically 🫰 <- thats for 2012 london cast. I wish that cast recording had all of the songs on its rly rather sickening.NO PIRELLIS MIRACLE#ELIXIR. LIKE IS IT A JOKEEEE DO YOU WANT ME DEAD ON THE STREETS? YOU SIR? ANYBIDY? GENTLEMEN NOW DONT BE SHY?#whatever. the one positive ill say for 2005 sweeney is that his performance. at times..is hysterical#i hate their version of final scene due to 2012 final scene being My favorite sweeney song. however. his like. Oh my god and also the judge#when he kills the judge and he says barker like hes powering up. he goes barkeeEEEEERRRRRR. whys that more acting than he did the entire#rest of the show. like its weird bc he was simultaneously over acting (as was the rest of the cast imo) and underacting ? like they were so#over dramatically sad that it looped back into them being completely flat and emotionless. its tly kind of impressive#but in fjnal scene when he goes OH NO !!!!! oh gOOOod. that was so funny
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gibbearish · 3 months
eternal fight between wanting to correct a misconception abt cats but also knowing that it was just a silly joke and i shouldnt take it so seriously but also something being a joke doesnt mean you shouldnt still point things out but also i have no expertise beyond just "i have multiple cats and spend way too much time watching them and thinking about the way they interact w each other and what that means about how their brains work" which means i would just be talking out of my ass anyways because i have no way of telling if my interpretations are right or if im anthropomorphizing them
#origibberish#anyways. your cat isnt trying to steal your food#he doesnt understand 'your' food vs 'my' food he just understands 'food'#and sees you as another cat and when cats are eating and another cat wants some they just. walk up and partake#so if youre having issues with that you gotta start using cat language to tell them to back off#like growling/hissing at your cat is allowed they do it at each other all the time for a reason#actually slight correction they do understand 'my' food but only in terms of 'i caught this so it is my trophy'#food thats just Around is communal#so think like a cat and say no this is MY kill in cat words#i killed this sandwich and IM going to eat it#like theres a part of me thats like 'no you cant hiss at your cat thats mean!' but thats looking at it through human eyes#we see hissing as mean because its The Mad Sound and mad is Bad and Angry and Personal#but for cats mad is different#theres no values or anything behind it‚ mad just means 'stop what youre doing or ill hit you'#and like you know actually hitting your cat would be shitty and abusive and that threatening smth like that to a child would be equally#and abusive so in ur brain ur like 'i cant threaten him in cat speak'#but like its not a threat for them!! its just a warning so that they know the other cat Doesnt Like What Theyre Doing!!!#thats how they establish boundaries!!! so not only are you allowed to use it i would even say trying to actually bring yourself to your#cats level in terms of communication is probably like. better?#but i mean again. this is all based entirely off of half remembered cat facts books from childhood and spending way too long#watching the endless drama between my children#so. take literally all of that with a grain of salt#actually scratch that ive decided i am an expert now. universities i am willing to be a professor of cat psychology
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biblionerd07 · 1 year
There is someone (I’m assuming it’s the same person every time despite using different anon names) going through all my Shameless fics and leaving shitty (and weird) comments but from the content of these comments, they are reading the fic. Like…okay? You’re the one going through them all and reading them…
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