opcaoturismo · 2 months
Açores integram “Leading Destinations of the World”
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“Já somos Nível IV Prata na certificação como «Destino Turístico Sustentável» e pretendemos atingir o Nível Ouro este ano, demonstrando o nosso compromisso e empenho convictos com os princípios da sustentabilidade e com os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Agenda 2030”, disse Berta Cabral, secretária Regional do Turismo Mobilidade e Infraestruturas dos Açores. O programa "Leading Destinations of the World" proporciona aos destinos turísticos sustentáveis o estabelecimento de contactos e partilha de ideias num ambiente aberto e em conjunto com outras regiões do mundo. Como parte integrante deste programa, os Açores juntam-se a um grupo de destinos turísticos sustentáveis com valores compartilhados e com uma forte visão em nome da comunidade local e um mandato formal para a ação, além de uma liderança comunitária apoiada por um plano de ação e um compromisso com resultados de desempenho significativos. Todos os destinos que integram o referido programa têm a sustentabilidade e a gestão responsável no centro da Marca Destino, bem como experiências e produtos únicos que celebram os valores da comunidade local e com sentido de lugar mantido e protegido. Read the full article
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queretarotv · 10 months
Busca Querétaro ser un destino turístico inteligente
Con la intención de avanzar en la búsqueda de convertirse en un “Destino Turístico Inteligente“, personal de la Secretaría de Turismo del estado de Querétaro (SECTUR), participó en el Foro Internacional Virtual del Grupo Técnico de Turismo de la Alianza Pacífico, Turismo 4.0: Hacia la transformación de un destino turístico inteligente. En este foro, Juliette Rojo Hernández, jefa del departamento…
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gobqro · 2 years
Impulsa SECTUR consolidación de la Sierra Gorda como destino sostenible alineado a estándares internacionales
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Con el compromiso de hacer de la Sierra Gorda de Querétaro un destino turístico sostenible, la secretaria de Turismo en la entidad, Mariela Moran Ocampo y la presidenta del Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda, Martha Isabel Ruiz Corzo, acordaron impulsar importantes acciones para mejorar las prácticas ambientales y la regulación de la actividad turística en la región. En conferencia de prensa, Mariela Morán recordó que desde el inicio de la administración se asumió el compromiso de llevar a Querétaro al siguiente nivel como destino turístico, lo que se traduce en elevar la competitividad del destino a los más altos estándares internacionales, e incluye esfuerzos para consolidar una industria turística más verde, accesible e incluyente.
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Informó que, en conjunto con el Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda, se trabaja con autoridades de los tres órdenes de gobierno, para buscar la certificación internacional “EarthCheck”, que avala a destinos turísticos que aplican sistemas claros para abordar problemáticas sociales y ambientales, enfocados en combatir el cambio climático, la reducción de residuos y la gestión de recursos no renovables; es decir, se apega a la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas. “Aspiramos a ser un destino más competitivo. Confiamos en obtener el reconocimiento ‘bronce’ a fines de este año, y para lograrlo debemos alinearnos a los más altos estándares de calidad y a las políticas internacionales. Por eso establecimos el objetivo de implementar políticas públicas que coloquen a Querétaro como un destino sostenible; la Sierra Gorda, como ese gran tesoro natural que tiene nuestro estado, debe ser la prioridad”, expresó.
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En su momento, la directora del Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda, recordó que desde el año 2013 la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra Gorda fue el primer destino en Centroamérica que completó el Programa de Adoptantes Tempranos del Consejo Global de Turismo Sostenible. Ruiz Corzo destacó la colaboración del Gobierno del estado, a través de las secretarías de Turismo y de Desarrollo Sustentable, para diseñar estrategias de comercialización y promoción turística para la Sierra Gorda, basadas en acciones de cuidado del medio ambiente y en coordinación con las comunidades receptoras. Durante la conferencia se entregaron 11 reconocimientos “Sello Sabino” a microempresas que integran la Red de Servicios Turísticos Comunitarios de la Sierra Gorda, y que demostraron trabajar con altos estándares de calidad en el servicio, higiene y prácticas enfocadas en el cuidado del medio ambiente.
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Las empresas galardonadas fueron:  Fonda La Cabaña y Taller de Bordados con Motivos de la Naturaleza, del municipio de Pinal de Amoles, así como Comedor Conchita, Comedor Doña Chole, el restaurante Las Orquídeas, Cabañas Rincón de Ojo de Agua, Taller de Remedios Valen, Cabañas Sierra Gorda, La Casita Ecológica, la Fonda Doña Chila y Fonda Doña Juanita, del municipio de Jalpan de Serra. Asimismo, la dirigente del Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda entregó un reconocimiento “Sello Sabino” a la secretaria de Turismo, por su compromiso y trabajo a favor del desarrollo y de una actividad turística sustentable en la región. Como testigo de honor participó Jorge Moller, director del Consejo Global de Turismo Sustentable para América Latina, organización internacional que establece los criterios y reconoce los estándares de los destinos sustentables, a través de certificaciones como “EarthCheck”, “Green Destinations”, y “Biosphere”.
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zmyzone23242 · 15 days
המדריך האולטימטיבי לנסיעות בר קיימא: טיפים למגלי סביבה ידידותיים לסביבה
הקדמה: ככל שהחשיבות של שימור הסביבה הופכת ברורה יותר ויותר, יותר מטיילים מחפשים דרכים למזער את טביעת הרגל תקליטן לחתונה האקולוגית שלהם ולאמץ שיטות בר-קיימא תוך כדי חקר העולם. נסיעות בר קיימא כרוכה בקבלת בחירות מודעות כדי להגן על הסביבה, לתמוך בקהילות מקומיות ולשמור על משאבי טבע. בין אם אתם מתכננים חופשת סוף שבוע או הרפתקה עולמית, הנה טיפים מעשיים שיעזרו לכם להפוך לחוקר ידידותי לסביבה ולקדם תיירות אחראית.
1. בחרו מקומות לינה ברי קיימא: בחרו בהתאמות ידידותיות לסביבה המעניקות עדיפות ליעילות אנרגטית, הפחתת פסולת ושימור הסביבה. חפשו מלונות, אתרי נופש או צימרים אקולוגיים המוסמכים על ידי תוכניות קיימות מכובדות כמו הסמכת LEED, Green Key או EarthCheck. שקול אפשרויות לינה חלופיות כגון אכסניות ידידותיות לסביבה, בתי הארחה או השכרות נופש המקדמים שיטות קיימא וממזערות את ההשפעה הסביבתית.
2. ארוז קל וחכמה: קל בנסיעה לא רק מפחית את פליטת הפחמן מתחבורה אלא גם ממזער את העומס על משאבי הטבע. ארוז רק את הדברים החיוניים ובחר בציוד נסיעות ידידותי לסביבה העשוי מחומרים ברי קיימא כגון פוליאסטר ממוחזר, כותנה אורגנית או במבוק. הבא פריטים לשימוש חוזר כגון בקבוקי מים, שקיות קניות וכלים כדי למזער פסולת פלסטיק חד פעמית ולהפחית את טביעת הרגל הסביבתית שלך בדרכים.
3. תמכו בקהילות מקומיות: אמצו טבילה תרבותית ותמכו בכלכלות מקומיות על ידי התנשאות על עסקים, בעלי מלאכה ומסעדות בבעלות מקומית. בחר חוויות אותנטיות המספקות הזדמנויות לעסוק בקהילות מקומיות, ללמוד על המסורת שלהן ולתרום ליוזמות תיירות בת קיימא. רכשו מזכרות ועבודות יד ישירות מבעלי מלאכה מקומיים כדי לתמוך בפרנסתם ולקדם שימור תרבותי.
4. הפחת את פליטת הפחמן: צמצם את טביעת הרגל הפחמנית שלך על ידי בחירה באפשרויות תחבורה בנות קיימא כגון הליכה, רכיבה על אופניים או שימוש בתחבורה ציבורית במידת האפשר. בחר בדרכי נסיעה ידידותיות לסביבה כגון רכבות או אוטובוסים על פני נסיעות אוויריות למרחקים קצרים יותר, ושקול תוכניות לקיזוז פחמן כדי לצמצם את ההשפעה הסביבתית של הטיסות שלך. נסיעה בקארפול, שיתוף נסיעות ושימוש בכלי רכב חסכוניים בדלק הם גם דרכים יעילות להפחתת פליטות במהלך נסיעות בכביש.
5. עיסוק בתיירות אחראית של חיות בר: כאשר עוסקים במפגשים עם חיות בר ובפעילויות מבוססות טבע, תעדיפו שיטות תיירות אתיות ואחראיות המכבדות את רווחת בעלי החיים ושימור בתי הגידול. הימנע מתמיכה באטרקציות המנצלות או מתעללות בבעלי חיים למטרות בידור, כגון מופעי חיות בשבי או טיולי פילים. במקום זאת, בחרו בשמורות חיות בר ידידותיות לסביבה, בפארקים לאומיים ובפרויקטי שימור המקדמים תיירות בר קיימא וחינוך סביבתי.
6. חסכו במים ובאנרגיה: תרגל הרגלי חיסכון במים ובאנרגיה כדי למזער את צריכת המשאבים ולקדם חיים בר קיימא במהלך הטיולים שלך. קח מקלחות קצרות יותר, כבה את האורות והאלקטרוניקה כאשר אינן בשימוש, והשתמש במכשירים ובאביזרים חסכוניים באנרגיה בחדרי האירוח שלך. בחר פעילויות ידידותיות לסביבה כגון טיולים רגליים, שנורקלינג או רכיבה על אופניים המאפשרות לך להעריך את היופי של הטבע תוך מזעור ההשפעה הסביבתית.
7. השאר לא עקבות: היצמד לעקרונות של השאר לא עקבות בעת חקר אזורי טבע ויעדים במדבר. ארוז את כל הפסולת, השלך אשפה באחריות וכבד את בתי הגידול של חיות הבר על ידי הישארות בשבילים ייעודיים והימנעות ממערכות אקולוגיות רגישות. צמצם למינימום את ההשפעה שלך על סביבות שבריריות על ידי תרגול קמפינג אחראי, בטיחות אש וגינוני השממה, והשאר את הטבע ללא נגיעה כדי שהדורות הבאים יוכלו ליהנות.
8. למדו את עצמכם ואחרים: הישאר מעודכן לגבי נוהלי נסיעות בר קיימא ומאמצי שימור הסביבה ביעדים שבהם אתה מבקר. קח את הזמן כדי ללמוד על סוגיות סביבתיות מקומיות, יוזמות שימור ותרבויות ילידים כדי להעמיק את ההבנה וההערכה שלך למקומות שאתה חוקר. שתף את הידע והחוויות שלך עם אחרים כדי לעורר בחירות נסיעות מודעות ולקדם תיירות אחראית בתוך הקהילה שלך.
מסקנה: טיול בר קיימא הוא לא רק טרנד אלא הלך רוח ומחויבות לשימור כדור הארץ שלנו לדורות הבאים. על ידי שילוב שיטות ידידותיות לסביבה בהרגלי הנסיעה שלך, אתה יכול למזער את ההשפעה הסביבתית שלך, לתמוך בקהילות מקומיות ולתרום לשימור המורשת הטבעית והתרבותית ברחבי העולם. זכור, לכל בחירה בת קיימא שאתה עושה כמטייל יש את הכוח ליצור שינוי חיובי ולהגן על היופי והמגוון של הפלנטה שלנו לשנים הבאות.
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vrspreeta00282942 · 2 months
Reducing food waste
Full-service hotels are implementing food waste management methods, such as smaller displays and à la carte buffet preparation. More than 190,000 pounds of leftover edible food were donated to local organisations. Nearly 7,000 tonnes of food waste were composted rather than landfilled. Moving to a circular economy Hyatt has announced three steps to decrease single-use plastic waste, adding on prior instructions to eliminate non-essential items such as laundry covers, cotton swabs with plastic stems, and single-use bottled water in its offices.
Replace small shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion bottles with larger ones.
PURCHASE RESPONSIBLY: Increasing Certified Products
Hyatt Place and Hyatt House hotels in the US and Canada now use Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) certified linen manufactured and supplied by OEKO-TEX® STeP facilities. Food. Thoughtfully sourced. Carefully served. Introduced new coffee with beans from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms. In restaurants, banquets, and function areas of Grand Hyatt, Hyatt Regency, Destination Hotels, Hyatt, Hyatt Centric, Hyatt Place, and Hyatt House hotels across the US and Canada.
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Environmental Sustainability Reduce GHG emissions and water use:
In 2014, goals were declared to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per square meter and water per guest night by 25% in each region by 2020, compared to 2006. In water-stressed areas, we intend to minimize water consumption every guest night by 30%.
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Build Smart: Alila Villas Uluwatu has acquired EarthCheck Platinum certification, adding to its prior gold certification.
Alila Hotels has achieved a new milestone in their EarthCheck priority. 28 hotels use renewable energy systems, such as solar thermal and photovoltaic technology, to generate some of their own electricity. Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa upgraded from Silver to Gold LEED accreditation for existing buildings, making it the first in Hawaii to do so.
Innovate and inspire: For almost a decade, Hyatt has been an active member of the International Tourism Partnership. With the relaunch.
As the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, we are committed to working together to address crucial environmental and social concerns, especially as we rebuild from COVID-19.
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harpreetaa00286226 · 2 months
Environment sustainabilty
Goals announced in 2014: Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per square meter and water per guest night by 25% in each region by the end of 2020 compared to 2006. In water-stressed areas, we aim to reduce water use per guest night by 30%.
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Goal announced in 2014: Every managed hotel will divert >40% of its waste from landfills by the end of 2020. Tackling food waste • Ongoing focus that includes full-service hotels creating food waste management plans such as smaller displays and à la minute food preparation for buffets. • >190,000 pounds of excess edible food donated to local charities. • Nearly 7,000 tons of food waste composted rather than landfilled.
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Goals announced in 2014: Choose more sustainable alternatives for at least eight purchasing categories by the end of 2018. Food. Thoughtfully Sourced. Carefully Served. • Introduced new coffee featuring beans from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms that is offered in restaurants, banquets, and function areas at Grand Hyatt, Hyatt Regency, Destination Hotels, Hyatt, Hyatt Centric, Hyatt Place and Hyatt House hotels in the U.S. and Canada.
Collaborate with owners and developers to design, build, and renovate more efficient, lower impact hotels.54 managed and franchised properties have been LEED certified.Alila Villas Uluwatu achieved EarthCheck Platinum, building on its previous Gold certification and marking a new milestone for the Alila hotels’ EarthCheck priority.
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Hyatt has been an active member of the International Tourism Partnership for over a decade. With the relaunch of the organization as the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, we have cemented our commitment to continue in collective work to address critical environmental and social needs, which will be even more important as we rebuild from the impacts of COVID-19.
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a00286229 · 2 months
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CUT WATER AND GHG EXHAUSTIONS 2014 goals were declared: By the end of 2020, each region should have reduced its water consumption per guest night and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per square meter by 25% from 2006 levels. Our goal is to cut water use each visitor night in water-stressed areas by thirty percent. DIVERT WASTE Objective declared in 2014: By 2020, all hotels under management will have diverted more than 40% of their waste from landfills. meal waste control plans, such as smaller displays and à la carte meal preparation for buffets, are being developed by full-service hotels as part of an ongoing focus on this issue. Over 190,000 pounds of extra edible food were donated to nearby nonprofits. Approximately 7,000 tons of food waste were composted as opposed to being dumped in landfills.
BUY CONSCIENTIOUSLY Objectives declared in 2014: By the end of 2018, select at least eight purchase categories with more environmentally friendly options. Food. Carefully Sourced. With Care Served. In restaurants, banquet spaces, and function areas of Grand Hyatt, Hyatt Regency, Destination Hotels, Hyatt, Hyatt Centric, Hyatt Place, and Hyatt House hotels in the United States and Canada, a new coffee utilizing beans from Rainforest Alliance Certified TM farms was introduced. Construct a smart Work together to design, construct, and refurbish hotels that are more impact-free and efficient with owners and developers.LEED certification has been obtained by 54 franchised and managed properties.Building on its former Gold accreditation, Alla Villas Uluwatu attained EarthCheck Platinum, a significant achievement for the Alila hotels' EarthCheck priority.
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eyeontw · 2 months
交通部觀光署日前舉辦「第一屆台灣觀光金獎」頒獎典禮,交通部部長王國材親自頒獎給50位優勝得主,其中,晶華國際酒店集團旗下的台北晶華酒店、台南晶英酒店與太魯閣晶英酒店在觀光旅館及旅館業團體獎、觀光旅館及旅館業從業人員-高階主管與觀光旅館及旅館業從業人員-基層主管等三項目中總計榮獲四項殊榮肯定,晶華在致力於永續經營臺灣觀光,提升觀光產業服務品質及國際競爭力之餘,也期盼能持續實踐「將世界最好的帶進台灣,將台灣最好的帶給全世界」的集團使命。 台北晶華酒店和台南晶英酒店分別獲得觀光旅館及旅館業團體獎,兩者在疫情期間積極強化同仁多面向職能,近年更積極整合永續發展的各項計劃並融入到服務及日常中。台北晶華酒店加入全球性永續旅遊認證組織EarthCheck,成為台灣第一家全面實踐永續目標的五星級酒店,2024年初也啟動2024永續餐桌計劃,以自助餐廳栢麗廳為示範指標、導入AI廚餘系統、在餐廳後花園��造香…
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punch-media-digital · 4 months
In today's hospitality news, Banyan Tree Krabi has been recognised for its sustainable environment practices and is the first hotel in Krabi to win Silver Certification by EarthCheck, the leading scientific organisation for the hospitality industry. More at https://punchmedia.co.th/2024/01/sustainable-environmental-practices/
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omagazineparis · 4 months
Les initiatives pour promouvoir l'écotourisme
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L'écotourisme est une forme de tourisme axée sur la préservation de l'environnement, la sensibilisation à la nature et la promotion du développement durable. De nombreuses initiatives visent à promouvoir l'écotourisme et à encourager les voyageurs à adopter des pratiques responsables tout en explorant la beauté naturelle du monde. Voici quelques-unes de ces initiatives : Certifications et labels écotouristiques Des organisations telles que Rainforest Alliance, Green Key, et EarthCheck attribuent des certifications et des labels aux destinations, hébergements et tours opérateurs qui respectent des normes strictes en matière de durabilité et d'écologie. Ces certifications aident les voyageurs à identifier les options écotouristiques fiables. Éducation et sensibilisation De nombreuses initiatives écotouristiques incluent des programmes éducatifs pour les voyageurs. Ils peuvent participer à des visites guidées qui mettent en évidence la biodiversité locale, la culture indigène et les enjeux environnementaux. L'éducation des voyageurs est essentielle pour encourager des pratiques de voyage respectueuses de l'environnement. Conservation des écosystèmes Certaines initiatives investissent dans la protection des écosystèmes fragiles en levant des fonds grâce aux activités écotouristiques. Par exemple, les frais de parc ou de réserve naturelle peuvent être utilisés pour financer la conservation de la faune et de la flore locales. A lire également : Révolution verte en ville : composter en appartement, c’est facile Promotion de l'économie locale L'écotourisme met l'accent sur la promotion de l'économie locale en encourageant les voyageurs à acheter des produits locaux, à séjourner dans des hébergements gérés par la communauté, et à soutenir les petits entrepreneurs locaux. Cela contribue au développement durable des communautés locales. Utilisation de transports écologiques Les initiatives écotouristiques encouragent l'utilisation de moyens de transport respectueux de l'environnement, tels que les vélos, les transports publics et les véhicules électriques, pour réduire l'empreinte carbone des déplacements. Gestion responsable des déchets Les sites écotouristiques mettent en place des programmes de gestion des déchets pour minimiser leur impact sur l'environnement. Cela inclut la réduction, la réutilisation et le recyclage des déchets générés par les voyageurs. Promotion de l'écotourisme au niveau gouvernemental De nombreux gouvernements reconnaissent l'importance de l'écotourisme pour la préservation de l'environnement et l'économie locale. Ils travaillent en partenariat avec des organisations écologiques pour développer et promouvoir des destinations écotouristiques. Limitation des visites et de l'impact Pour protéger les écosystèmes vulnérables, certaines initiatives limitent le nombre de visiteurs par jour dans les zones écotouristiques. Cela permet de minimiser l'impact humain sur ces environnements fragiles. Partenariats avec les communautés locales Les initiatives écotouristiques collaborent souvent étroitement avec les communautés locales pour s'assurer que les avantages économiques du tourisme bénéficient directement à ces populations et encouragent leur participation active dans la gestion des sites. L'écotourisme joue un rôle essentiel dans la conservation de la nature, la protection des cultures locales et la promotion du développement durable. En choisissant des destinations et des opérateurs écotouristiques responsables, les voyageurs peuvent contribuer à la préservation de notre planète tout en profitant d'expériences de voyage enrichissantes. Read the full article
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pamelalovenyc · 8 months
Eco-Friendly Travel: Tips for a Greener Journey
With the rise in global awareness about environmental issues, travelers worldwide are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprints and embrace sustainable travel practices. Eco-friendly travel isn't just about preserving destinations for future generations—it's also about immersing oneself in the natural and cultural beauty of a region responsibly. Dive in to discover a multitude of ways you can make your journeys greener and more sustainable.
1. Sustainable Transport: Embrace Slow Travel
The journey often contributes more to your carbon footprint than the destination itself. Opting for trains over planes, biking instead of driving, or even walking can significantly reduce your impact.
Tip: On shorter routes, consider overnight trains. They combine transport and accommodation, saving both time and emissions.
2. Light Packing: Less is More
The weight airlines carry directly affects their fuel consumption. Packing light not only eases your travel but also reduces emissions.
Tip: Adopt a minimalist approach. Use versatile clothing, pack only essentials, and consider eco-friendly materials.
3. Eco-Friendly Accommodations: Sleep Sustainably
From eco-lodges to green hostels, the rise of sustainable accommodations makes it easier for travelers to choose responsibly.
Tip: Look for certifications like EarthCheck or Green Key to ensure genuine eco-friendly practices.
4. Respect Local Ecosystems: Leave No Trace
Whether hiking in forests or snorkeling in coral reefs, ensure your activities don't harm local ecosystems.
Tip: Stay on marked trails, avoid touching marine life, and always carry trash back with you.
5. Local and Organic Dining: Taste the Authenticity
Opting for local and organic meals not only offers a genuine taste of the region but also supports local farmers and reduces carbon emissions related to food transport.
Tip: Frequent farmer markets, local eateries, and ask about the source of ingredients.
6. Refill and Reuse: Limit Single-Use Plastics
Plastic pollution is a global concern, particularly in popular tourist destinations. Carrying reusable water bottles, bags, and utensils can make a significant difference.
Tip: Invest in a quality water purifier or sterilization pen to ensure safe drinking water without resorting to plastic bottles.
7. Digital over Physical: Go Paperless
From e-tickets to digital guides and maps, opting for digital versions reduces paper waste.
Tip: Store documents in cloud storage for easy access and backup. Apps like Maps.me offer offline maps, reducing the need for paper versions.
8. Support Local Communities: Invest Back
Choose local artisans over mass-produced souvenirs, and consider community-based tours. This ensures your money supports the local economy and promotes sustainable practices.
Tip: Look for Fair Trade labels or directly engage with artisans to understand the source of their products.
9. Conserve Resources: Mindful Consumption
Even simple acts like turning off lights, taking shorter showers, or reusing hotel towels can have a positive environmental impact.
Tip: Treat your accommodation as your home. Be conscious of water, electricity, and resource consumption.
10. Educate and Advocate: Spread the Word
One of the most potent tools for sustainable change is awareness. Share your eco-friendly travel experiences and educate fellow travelers about the importance of green practices.
Tip: Document your sustainable journeys on social media platforms or blogs, and engage in conversations about eco-friendly travel.
Eco-friendly travel is more than just a trend; it's a responsibility each traveler holds to ensure the beauty, diversity, and essence of our planet are preserved for generations to come. As the renowned conservationist Jane Goodall aptly said, "You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."
As you set forth on your next adventure, let it be a journey marked not just by the destinations you explore, but by the conscious, sustainable choices you make along the way. Here's to greener pastures, azure oceans, and a world where travel is synonymous with care and conservation. Safe and sustainable travels ahead!
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opcaoturismo · 2 months
Açores batem todos os recordes no setor do turismo
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26FEV24 - Em 2023, os Açores bateram todos os recordes no setor do turismo, com os alojamentos turísticos a registarem cerca de 3,8 milhões de dormidas e de 1,2 milhões de hóspedes. Os últimos dados divulgados pelo Serviço Regional de Estatística (SREA) indicam que, no último ano, “o total de dormidas foi de 3,8 milhões, representando um acréscimo face ao ano anterior de 15,1%. Relativamente aos hóspedes, o número total foi de 1,2 milhões, valor superior em 14,8% relativamente ao ano 2022. Neste ano, a estada média situou-se nos 3,18 dias”. Segundo o SREA, estes são os valores mais elevado desde que há registos (2001). Já em 2022, o número total de dormidas tinha superado o valor mais elevado até então, verificado em 2019, antes da pandemia de covid-19, que afetou o setor nos dois anos seguintes. A subida registada em 2023 foi superior à verificada no país, que apresentou um “acréscimo face ao ano anterior de 10,7%”. Refira-se, ainda, que se gerou um valor recorde de 157,8 milhões de euros em proveitos nos estabelecimentos hoteleiros, marcando 2023 como o primeiro ano de sempre a superar os 150 milhões de euros de proveitos totais na hotelaria dos Açores. O último ano foi, para o turismo açoriano, não apenas o ano de todos os recordes, como também aquele em a Região recebeu alguns dos mais importantes prémios mundiais do setor - a começar pelo galardão de “Melhor Destino Mundial de Turismo de Aventura”, atribuído pela World Travel Awards. Os Açores são a primeira região arquipelágica do mundo com certificação de “Destino Turístico Sustentável” e, em 2023, garantiram o “Nível IV de Prata”, que reforça a liderança em matéria de sustentabilidade turística, visando atingir o “Nível Ouro” em 2024. Esta evolução na certificação surge “porque a Região respondeu aos critérios do ‘Global Sustainable Tourism Council’, organismo internacional de acreditação para a certificação de turismo sustentável”. Os auditores independentes da ‘EarthCheck’ avaliaram várias infraestruturas em diferentes ilhas dos Açores e o resultado foi “subir mais um patamar no processo de certificação”. O normativo adotado pela ‘EarthCheck’ estipula um processo de certificação evolutivo que impõe a conquista progressiva de quatro patamares (prata, ouro, platina e ‘master’).
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Também a National Geographic destacou os Açores na categoria “Natureza”, revelando tratar-se de uma “terra nascida do fogo, mas agora envolta em verde”, salientando que “os Açores trabalham para garantir o seu futuro”. Esta revista tinha destacado os Açores com um dos destinos de eleição para 2023, no final de 2022. Paralelamente a estas conquistas, o Projeto “Rotas Açores – Itinerários Culturais e Paisagísticos venceu o Prémio Nacional do Turismo na categoria “Turismo Autêntico”, iniciativa do Expresso e BPI, enquanto a Madalena do Pico foi distinguida como uma das “Best Tourism Villages”, pela Organização Mundial de Turismo. Recentemente, já em 2024, a Região Autónoma dos Açores renovou o galardão Quality Coast, prémio internacional atribuído pela Green Destinations que distingue a qualidade ambiental costeira para um turismo sustentável. O desempenho turístico da Região e os vários galardões e prémios internacionais demonstram a evolução positiva do turismo dos Açores, os elevados níveis de qualidade oferecidos no destino e o reconhecimento internacional que a região conquistou num dos mais competitivos setores da economia mundial. Recorde-se que os Açores são o destino nacional convidado da edição deste ano da BTL, que decorre em Lisboa a partir de quarta-feira. Read the full article
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queretarotv · 1 year
Presenta SECTUR prácticas de turismo sustentable de Querétaro ante ASICOTUR
La secretaria de Turismo en la entidad, Adriana Vega Vázquez Mellado, participó como ponente en el Primer Taller “Enfoque Turístico de los Proyectos de Cooperación para el desarrollo“, organizado por la Asociación Internacional de Cooperación Turística (ASICOTUR); donde expuso las políticas públicas sustentables aplicadas al sector en el estado de Querétaro. En este foro, la Secretaria resaltó…
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bietthuhotram · 10 months
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𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙖 𝙍𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨 - 𝙑𝙞ê𝙣 𝙣𝙜ọ𝙘 𝙦𝙪ý 𝙜𝙞ữ𝙖 𝙡ò𝙣𝙜 𝙃ồ 𝙏𝙧à𝙢
Vào ngày 14/04, “viên ngọc” Angsana Residences Hồ Tràm do tập đoàn Madison Land kỳ công “mài dũa” nửa thập kỷ đã hoàn thành và bắt đầu hành trình kiến tạo những kỳ nghỉ dưỡng đẳng cấp. Angsana & Dhawa đã chào đón những vị khách đầu tiên vào ngày 01/06 và nhận về rất nhiều phản hồi tích cực.
Cùng điểm qua một số yếu tố tạo nên sức hút đặc biệt của dự án Angsana Residences Hồ Tràm đối với giới đầu tư cũng như du khách trong và ngoài nước ngay sau đây!
Dự án nằm ngay trên cung đường ven biển Hồ Tràm, cách TP.HCM chỉ 2 tiếng di chuyển.
Vẻ đẹp quyến rũ đầy mê hoặc với cảnh quan thiên nhiên hài hòa giữa một bên là rừng tràm bạt ngàn, một bên là biển xanh mênh mông và đất trời bao la.
Dự án tiên phong về phát triển du lịch bền vững tại khu vực Hồ Tràm, vinh dự đạt chứng nhận Bạc từ EarthCheck.
52 căn biệt thự có thiết kế đậm chất bản địa với những mảng màu trầm thanh lịch kết hợp với những chi tiết nội thất được lấy cảm hứng từ đặc điểm độc đáo của cây Tràm.
Bao quanh các căn biệt thự là dòng suối Thảnh Thơi đem đến cho du khách cảm giác hòa mình vào thiên nhiên.
162 phòng tại khách sạn Dhawa có thiết kế dạng kén độc đáo, view hướng biển, có thể ngắm được cảnh bình minh hoặc hoàng hôn.Chuỗi tiện ích 5 sao tạo nên một kỳ nghỉ dưỡng sang trọng với đa tầng trải nghiệm.
Trong vòng bán kính 2km là những địa điểm tham quan nổi tiếng như rừng nguyên sinh, suối nước nóng Bình Châu, làng chài…
Ngoài là điểm đến lý tưởng cho những du khách muốn thoát khỏi nhịp sống xô bồ, vội vã nơi phố thị và tận hưởng trọn vẹn vẻ đẹp của tự nhiên, Angsana Residences Hồ Tràm còn được giới chuyên gia đánh giá là cơ hội đầu tư giàu tiềm năng sinh lời.
𝙏ì𝙢 𝙝𝙞ể𝙪 𝙩𝙝ê𝙢 𝙫ề 𝙙ự á𝙣 𝙩ạ𝙞: https://www.bietthuhotram.vn/angsana-residences-ho-tram/
𝘽𝙞ệ𝙩 𝙩𝙝ự 𝙃ồ 𝙏𝙧à𝙢 - 𝙐𝙮 𝙩í𝙣 𝙩ạ𝙤 𝙣ê𝙣 𝙩𝙝ươ𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙞ệ𝙪!
Website: https://www.bietthuhotram.vn/
Hotline: 098 726 0333
Địa chỉ: Tầng 7 Tòa nhà GIC, 211 Trần Não, KP.3, P.Bình An, Quận 2, TP. Hồ Chí Minh
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luxurynews · 1 year
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vrspreeta00282942 · 2 months
Environmental Sustainability
Goals announced in 2014: Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per square meter and water per guest night by 25% in each region by the end of 2020 compared to 2006. In water-stressed areas, we aim to reduce water use per guest night by 30%.
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Tackling food waste
Ongoing focus that includes full-service hotels creating food waste management plans such as smaller displays and à la minute food preparation for buffets.
>190,000 pounds of excess edible food donated to local charities.
Nearly 7,000 tons of food waste composted rather than landfilled.
Shifting to a circular economy Announced three efforts 2 to reduce single-use plastic waste, building on previous guidance of eliminating non-essential plastics like covers used for onsite laundry, cotton swabs with plastic stems, and single-use bottled water in Hyatt offices.
Transition to large-format bathroom amenities to replace traditional small bottles of shower gel, shampoo, conditioner and lotion.
Increase the number of water stations in key public spaces at hotels for guests who wish to refill reusable water bottles.
Serve water in carafes or other containers for meetings and events; bottled water will be available by request.
Increasing certified products
Transitioned to linen made of cotton certified to the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) and manufactured. and distributed by facilities certified to STeP by OEKO-TEX® for Hyatt Place and Hyatt House hotels in the U.S. and Canada.
Food. Thoughtfully Sourced. Carefully Served.
Introduced new coffee featuring beans from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms that is offered. in restaurants, banquets, and function areas at Grand Hyatt, Hyatt Regency, Destination Hotels, Hyatt, Hyatt Centric, Hyatt Place and Hyatt House hotels in the U.S. and Canada
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Alila Villas Uluwatu achieved EarthCheck Platinum, building on its previous gold certification and marking a new milestone for the Alila hotels’ EarthCheck priority.
28 hotels generate a portion of their energy through onsite renewable energy system, including solar thermal and photovoltaic technology.
Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa became the first resort in Hawaii to increase its LEED certification for Existing Buildings from Silver to Gold.
Hyatt has been an active member of the International Tourism Partnership for over a decade. With the relaunch of the organization as the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, we have cemented our commitment to continue in collective work to address critical environmental and social needs, which will be even more important as we rebuild from the impacts of COVID-19.
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