#eldarya recap
party-in-eldarya · 5 days
I had to log into NG to read wonderful recaps from PL team (girls- you are the best that is happening in Beemoov right now. Never stop), so I thought why not waste free PA/hearts and play those two episodes?
Now, what I will write, I write with hesitation. I remember that after Fire Event we lost translation of PL episodes, so TO was uploaded in ENG. I remember replaying TO and thinking "huh, this game is actually not bad? I remember that differently, maybe I really am a bitter bitch" (I am, but honestly- translation was just awful). But I also remember quite a lot of fans crying over the fact they were forced to play ENG.
I know that PL version is on a verge of being unprofitable, and I know for a fact that Beemoov didn't hire a professional translator for PL version. And it fuking shows.
Remember Jason with "toothless smile"? Well, behold "Thomas, with blue eyes" (it's green ffs). Grama mistakes. Spelling mistakes. Characters speak like they were aliens, who technically know what the speech is. Everyone has the same pattern of speaking- our teenage sister, nerd at job, boss, everyone. Amanda and her speech abt "luxurious items" is full of phrases that plp on forum are trying to decipher. It's rubbish.
Personally, I would prefer to play ENG version, the characters and story is bland but it would be a smooth ride, but again- I think that lots of players would stop playing so.
I knew from the start that NG would be just another beemoov's game, with Beemoov's quality- with same writer and same translator and (probably) same company's spirit, but honestly, even LL which was rather low, had better writing. Two adult men are arguing like 10 years boys over who stole whose Pokemon card, IN FRONT of their potential client.
OFC the new episodes could be awesome, but realistically they worked whole 2 years on it, and you would think that first eps will be very polished.
My only er, advice for Beemoov that I think has a sliiiigh chance to be taken (metaphorically, I am not stalking their employees SM, don't worry) is to improve wardrobe. For PC it is quite painful to play a dress up, and that was always Beemoov's forte.
The game had potential- the personality option is interesting, room decoration, etc, but with the story so bad, my interest went down.
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Still, I tried this and honestly, I wish Beemoov all the best (if only for not taking down Eldarya servers too soon)
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licuadora-nasir · 2 years
She has probably already forgiven Lance, since we have been explicitly shown that all of Eldarya has forgiven him during this 7 years. Lance was in prison for only 1 year for his crimes and then became a boss immediately after being released, by then I suppose that Cameria, after "regenerating", will have seen Lance as a boss. (I suppose that Cameria's regeneration from ashes to a human figure will have lasted at least 1 year).
Hi there!! 💞
Well, I don't think everyone on Eldarya has forgiven Lance. And I don't even think the HQ has forgiven him. The things he's done are unforgivable, and I don't think it's about forgiving or not but about moving on, something they've been able to do cause they've seen his redemption, something the people that left the HQ or disappeared (Cameria, Leiftan, Erika) haven't seen.
Let's recap: Lance spent a year imprisoned and six years in liberty. We know he didn't became the obsidian chief inmediately cause Chrome and him took the charge at the same time, so a couple of years in which he was still very much hated had to go by before he took the position.
Cameria left the HQ probably a long time ago according to Jamon, either when Lance was imprisoned or when he was still in a trial period.
Anyways, what I want to say is that even if she acts normally, cause I don't think that in that tense situation the first thing they're gonna do is get into a fight, she surely still hates him for what he's done. The thing is whether we'll see it or not.
Buuuuut we all know Beemoov, so yeah, probably everything will be chill and cool and Cameria will forget that he was a mass murderer, lol. Or maybe not and they've turned her into another woman who unreasonable hates men in power, who knows!
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tetrakys · 3 years
Eldarya A New Era - episodes 1 and 2
Let’s start with a brief recap and then my comments at the end.
Not much happens plot-wise, which makes sense since the first chapters are always about exposition and introducing the characters.
Episode 1: 
We wake up in the new Crystal room and are swiftly taken by Huang Hua to the infirmary, we are perfectly healthy and have a chance to meet one of our old friends. Since we have been revered as a deity for the past 7 year sin the Crystal, Huang Hua has to make an announcement to the whole HQ saying that we are back into the living world, then we can finally explore HQ, meet old and new friends, get a new outfit and later attend a party in our honour. This is pretty much the plot of the first episode. 
Episode 2:
In the second we have the chance of picking a Guard to belong to, Huang offered the Light one but Erika refuses because she doesn’t feel ready yet. We also get a new sword that Jamon has created for us and we can train a bit with him, afterwards we join a mission and go the forest. Once there we realise there is something wrong, as if some areas looked corrupted. We find a hurt companion and a very human shotgun bullet next to it and an evil-looking companion who attacks us causing us to end our very first mission at the infirmary, as usual. Once we are back on our feet we talk to Huang Hua about the bullet and realise that there is something she is hiding from us, then we help Ewe making a potion to save the companion. The companion got attached to us so we decide to adopt it.
Now a bit of info dump about the characters:
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Huag Hua is the new head of the guard since Miiko went back to her family obligations. She is no longer the Phoenix apprentice although we don’t know why yet, she is in a romantic committed relationship with Ewelein who is still the head of the infirmary and member of the Light Guard. 
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Aleja and Sonse got married and left, Colaja joined them and she and Jamon broke up since he stayed. He was sad for a bit but then got over it. Kero left when most people left no one knows where he is. Ezarel left with Twilda and Mary Anne to try to make a new life for themselves. Memoria disappeared and no one knows what happened to it and all the dragon spirits. Karuto is still he chef and he became much nicer in time, also is food much better after fruits and vegetables in Eldarya became edible. There is speculation about his relationship with Feng Zifu who is still very polite but much older looking, however nothing confirmed yet.
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Huang Chu is the new head of the Absynth Guard, she looks and acts kinda strict and matter-of-factly but she is also surprisingly open-minded, she encourages Erika to think with her own head and never blindly accept anyone’s order not even her own. She doesn’t get along with Mathieu at all.
Koori is a kitsune member of the Absynth Guard, she is funny, provocative and flirty. She wants to become friend with Erika and even flirts a bit. We see her both flirting with and mercilessly teasing Mathieu, not sure if she’s actually hitting on him or playing him, but this seems to be her normal behaviour. 
Chrome is now the head of the Shadow Guard, he and Karenn are still together and while he is the official head it seems that she is his boss as usual so hierarchy is a bit blurry. The both became more mature in time, she is less into gossip and he went through a rough self-blaming patch, but he looks pretty happy right now, eating a lot and constantly making lame jokes, and she seems to have become a real fighter (everyone is recommending to never train with her).
Adalric is a sylph, Erika comments he kinda looks like a genie. He has constantly his head in the clouds forgetting all the most trivial tasks, he talks with the stars and the wind apparently.
Ophelia is this little girl we see for just a moment, we feel that she has the same aura as the Oracle, we hug her but she just smile and leaves. We are told she showed up after the White Sacrifice and no one actually knows anything about her, not even if she sleeps and eats and where. 
Mathieu is a human who stumbled in a mushroom cricle about one year ago, he was sort of a recluse with no friends nor family on Earth, only thinking about fantasy and adventure, so he is very happy to be in Eldarya and couldn’t care less about going back to Earth. To his dismay the test assigned him to the Absynth Guard and he’s constantly hoping to be reassigned to the Obsidian instead. He’s the happy-go-lucky type but seems to also have a certain depth that we will hopefully find out.
Nevra is now a member of the Light Guard and Huang Hua’s right hand (he basically got Leiftan’s old job). He looks more severe and it seems that the events of S1 hardened him. He is back to his slutty ways but in episode he admits frivolous relationships don’t bring him happiness. 
Leiftan got out of the Crystal with us but it took longer for him to wake up. He says that he needs to find himself and wants to put distance between him and everyone else, in fact he refuses to rejoin the Guard. When Erika asks him to train her aengel powers he refuses and says that he won’t ever touch a blade again and will never be responsible of further violence. Nevra can’t stand him at the moment because he thinks he is escaping his responsibilities. 
Since people liked the expression I’m going to repeat it again, let’s address the elephant in the room first. (Guys “elephant in the room” is a figure of speech, it’s not a real elephant lol).  No one mentioned who is the head of the Obsidian Guard, when Erika tries to ask one time the subject is swiftly changed and people seem to go out of their way to not go there. Everyone, including their grandparents, their cousins, neighbours and the cousins of their neighbours has figured out that the head of Obsidian is Lance, who is name dropped constantly. I know that there are some people who still like to live in denial, kudos to them. BV all but told me that Lance is coming in episode 3 before Christmas, the release pace is like MCL’s so I’m expecting episodes every second Wednesday of the month at this point, but we’ll see.
The situation with Nevra and Leiftan is heavy not gonna lie. I’ve only played the episode with Nevra so far and my heart broke in tiny pieces, but I want to savour the angst and enjoy the ride. I don’t blame either of the two, Leiftan went from traitor to saviour in a matter of what two days? He had not time to think about his choices and properly reflect on himself. I think it’s fair that the writing his giving him a bit of depth as a character now and not just using him for his abs and to kill and save people when needed. So yeah, I approve him going to therapy or whatever is going to do to achieve self-growth. 
Nevra is a bit trickier, he spent one year moping in front of the Crystal every day, then moved on simply out of survival, and he’s well aware that the life he has now brings him no joy so one would think he would jump into Erika’s arms immediately? He is probably still very much hurting about everything that happened and he still has a fight or flight reaction about everything regarding it, his subconscious reaction when he saw Erika must have been DANGERDANGER RUN. Sleep around is easier because he doesn’t care and can’t be hurt again. While I can understand this, I also think it’s pretty cowardly and I would’ve liked to have given the reaction to get mad, to demand him to spend time with us, because yes he hurt but we spent 7 freaking years in a coma and no time has passed for us, the day before we were swearing love to each other and now this coldness. And yes I could’ve chosen angrier options with him instead of being understanding, but then my LoM would’ve dropped. 
So what I think I’m trying to say is that I would like to have the option of getting mad without having devastating consequences on all the relationships. I know that the next episode is called Rage-something so I am hoping Erika will blow up. We are probably going to run into Lance, find out that he’s been forgiven and working with the Guard and go full violent mode. And hopefully she will get mad with the other guys as well. Homegirl needs to unleash since episode 13 AT LEAST.
Also, since Leiftan refused to train her, I’m expecting that Lance will at some point. Sweaty training sessions with a strict instructor who she kinda hates but also kinda thirst for... 😏😏😏 I have expectations now.
My general comment is that I like the writing so far, I see much improvement from the previous season although it’s too early to judge. I loved the shade thrown at Miiko and the Guard test, you can really tell the writer’s thoughts sometimes, he uses Mathieu to tell us what he thinks. 
The one think I didn’t like is that, while I can understand most of the choices and the events of these two episodes, I don’t understand how the writing can justify Erika not looking for Ezarel if she were on her route. No time has passed for her, anyone would go looking for their lover in a situation like this, not just “oh well, he’s gone”. I know he can’t be brought back, but give me a good, logical reason in game. (Also, I hope to never see him and Valkyon as secondary non-datable characters because I would die inside).
About the other characters, I like Koori and Huang Chu, I don’t like Adalric, just personal taste, he seems to be the type of person who would be into yoga and spiritualism and it’s just not me at all lol.
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lucycassiopea · 3 years
A recap of what happened with Eldarya
I see a lot of people confused about the whole situation, why some ppl are mad, why some aren’t, what is going on, what will happen in the future, so...
Short version: - There was a fire a month ago - European servers are down - Backups were in the same place as the original files, so they are probably gone forever - Beemoov is 99% sure we won’t get our data back - We will have to create new accounts and they will give us some special currency for free to buy back our stuff.
Long version: So, for those who don’t know... Last month there was a fire at OVH (server providers), where the european servers’ data is kept. OVH was able to retrieve My Candy Love and Henri’s Secret data no problem, after just a couple of days, but the situation is different for Eldarya. The problem is the backup data was in the same exact place the original data was, so basically we lost both. Beemoov is SAYING (can we trust them? no) that OVH is not communicating with them so they don't really know if the data is ACTUALLY lost forever (there are some conspiracy theories going on here, but I'll leave those out as well as my suspicions), so Beemoov is assuming that everything is lost. For this very reason, they are creating a system so we can get some of our old stuff back, using "Ancient Coins" that will be given to us for FREE. Will we get maana? Gold coins? What about familiars? Illustrations? Clothes? And what if I made a purchase? I'm glad you asked!
-Maana: they still have to tell us the amount of maana we will actually get. For now, what we know is that we could get no maana at all. They said we will get 1000 maana, but the information about these 1000 is kinda cloudy. It's still not clear if only french players will get these 1000 or everyone. Beemoov explained that the 1000 are compensation for 2014-2015 players because they have no way of calculating an amount of maana for those years since the data is gone.
-Gold coins: they said we will get 100 gold coins. Plus, if you ever purchased gold coins/maana you will get that back (more explaining on this matter in a bit)
-Familiars and Illustrations: EVERYTHING will be available for purchase (with ancient coins) in a special boutique.
-Clothes: we will get EVERYTHING from "The Origin", with Christmas 2020 and Saint Valentine 2021 included, in a special boutique. Everything will be purchasable with ancient coins.
-Purchases: this, again, is kinda cloudy. They said that there will be a special page on the new site where we can tell them if we made a purchase. What we purchased will be given back to us in maana or gold (based on what we actually purchased) plus, we will also get more ancient coins to purchase the exclusive outfits we had. They said that they know that some players don't want to share personal information, so they are working on a system so we don't have to give Beemoov receipts of our purchase... But then today they said that we need purchase proof to get maana/gold coins we purchased. I guess we will know more about this matter with time. It's sure that we will get SOMETHING back.
-Ancient Coins: we will get 350.000 ancient coins. In theory, it sounds A LOT, but for all we know the prices in the special shop could be 5000 coins for ONE item, so wait before you get too excited, please. These ancient coins will be the currency for playing The Origin, you will NOT use maana to play "the origin", only ancient coins.
So, NO, our old account won't be coming back. The exact amount of maana we had won't be given back to us, even if you have a photo of your profile showing how much maana and gold coins you had. We will have to make a NEW account. We can use our old email and our old nickname if we so desire. We will be able to create a new account, hopefully, next week (April 12-16). I know everyone wants to get their own nicknames, but try not to assault the site or it could create more problems. All new accounts created will get ancient coins and the possibility to get old stuff. It doesn't matter if you started playing in October 2020 or in March 2017, you will get the same amount regardless. Is it fair? No. Can we do something about it? Also no (except for bitch about it, like I'm gonna do for a long ass time).
If I got ANYTHING wrong please tell me so I can edit this post. I want this to be as informative as possible for everyone. Hope I shed some light on the situation for everyone who was confused!
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redheirsette · 4 years
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I still have hope Lance could become a LI. There are too much clues. Beemoov didn’t draw him deeply bad, he is a character with many shades. He is full of anger, of hatred. But he fells these emotions just because he is alone. And I think you know, “a dragon alone in the world is a dangerous thing” ;)
Let me recap.
Lance born in a volcano. When he got out of his egg, he was alone. No parents, no brother yet (Valkyon was still in his egg), this could traumatize the poor child he was. Next of that, his brother born. They decided to leave the island and start their lives in a little town. 
He lived peacefully there, in the kind town. But he felt his first disappointment. While he started to master his dragon powers, his own brother refused to become what he is, he refused his dragon nature, what united them. So the Lance’s loneliness got worse. He had the feeling he was the only dragon in this dragon, he hadn’t any dragon family or any congener who could help him to understand what he is and how to master his powers. Lance is emotional, we could see this in the episode 26 when he was angry rapidly, and the bad feelings make him crazy, because he is blinded by anger and hatred, he loses his discernment. And this information is essential to understand the dragon.
So Lance and Valkyon lived in the little town, then they lived in the fenghuang temple, and they decided to join the Eel Guard. Everywhere Lance was very popular (not only with the women ;) ). I have the feeling he was a good mentor, someone who could help you to become the best version of you (and I hope in the future he could help Erika to master her powers, and not to be afraid about them). And this is how he managed to become a chief guard. But this advancement, this popularity didn’t delete his feeling of loneliness and his misunderstanding (why his parents sacrificed themselves ? Why he is still alive ? Why his parents didn’t sacrifice him at the same time ? Many questions and no dragon to answer it). Lance is a clever man (he knows many things, he knows how to master his powers, he knows the ancient Greek, he read of lot of books, etc.), and he wanted to know everything about the Blue Sacrifice, he wanted to understand. That’s why he spent several days in the archives, he learned many things about the Sacrifice but it was not enough. He started to read evertything about the dragon, and it’s at this moment he learned about the obliged sacrifice of the last dragons by the faeries, the genocide perpetrated against the last descendants of dragons. It was the straw that broke the camel. He had the feeling his loneliness is the consequence of the actions of faeries. He didn’t have any dragon family or any congener just because of them. He had the feeling the sacrifice of his parents was vain because they protected monsters. Thus Lance has become blinded by his anger and his hatred, all he wants is to destroy this world because this world killed his parents who sacrificed themselves to create it and because this world is full of traitors, of monsters, of killers who don’t deserve his parents’ sacrifice. 
This is how the nice Lance became the bad Lance. Lance decided to join the dark side. And his first decision was to destroy the Crystal. During his first attempt, he failed to destroy it completely. But he met an unexpected ally ... Leiftan. Leiftan doesn’t want to destroy the crystal, that’s why I think the two bad guys met during this event (Leiftan was the one who “succeed to repulse Lance”). Leiftan succeed to convince Lance not to destroy the crystal, and to become his ally. He promised him he could bring back to life the great dragons, so his parents. So Leiftan brought hope to Lance, he could not be alone anymore. That’s why he decided to become his partner. But Leiftan manipulated Lance, he fueled his hatred against faeries, he became a bomb (that’s why Leiftan wanted to eliminate him before he exploded). 
Then Erika arrived on Eldarya. First, she was a funny curious thing to Lance. Later she became a possible ally (that’s why he decided to reveal her some informations the guard tried hiding her). Then, she became an obstacle when he realized Leiftan didn’t want to execute their plan because it meant to kill her because she was the chosen one by the Oracle. Thus he betrayed Leiftan, thus he tried again to destroy the Crystal, thus his hatred amplified, thus the bomb exploded. 
When he kidnapped Erika, he started to appreciate her, she was kind like the inhabitants of the little town (if you decided to be nice with him). There is an important thing about the episode 26, Lance belongs to the dark side, but he has still a light side in him (we could see this when he covered Erika with a blanket, when he gave her some water, when he talked to her on the cliff and she could see in his eyes he was sorry for everythink, and in the episode 28 he doesn’t want the kappas genocide, the situation escaped from his control). But in the end of the episode 26, Erika betrayed him, she became a traitor like any member of the guard, that’s why he tried to kill her. 
Then he managed to escape Memoria with his brother. He wanted his brother to join him in his fight, but he was, once again, disappointed by him. Valkyon decided to join the guard side. The Lance’s hatred got worse, he was betrayed by his own family.
Lance is not a real bad, evil character. He is just a lost character, who felt lonely, betrayed ... But we have clues he could join the light side again. I hope he could see his mother and talk to her. To my mind it is the only way to help this character to join the light. I hope the Erika’s vision in episode 29 means the Leiftan’s plan will be applied, and the dragons could be brought back to life. Lance, thanks to his mother, could join the light side, he could have a fantastic redemptive bow (like Leiftan). Then he could also become an LI.
If you agree with me about the Lance’s future as a LI, you could join us on @welovelance, the (French) FC of Lance. Nothing is over, the battle begins ! Join the Lance army !
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poulpydev · 7 years
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Bienvenue sur le DevBlog de Family Story !
Il s’agit d’un Visual Novel Français Amateur développé à travers mes petites heures de temps libre :3 Depuis quelques années déjà, j’avais pour projet de créer un jeu de ce genre et celui-ci voit de plus en plus le jour ! Actuellement, mes passions sont le codage, l’écriture, la composition et le dessin. Comprenez donc que je fais tout toute seule et qu’il est probable que des signes de vie soient longs à venir ;u; 
A terme, je souhaiterais que mon jeu soit publié sur le Play Store d’Android >< (et terminé !), je pense que ce serait une grande fierté o/
Sans plus tardé, un petit recap de ce qu’il est possible et ce qu’il sera possible de faire dans le jeu !
• Choisir son prénom/celui du personnage principal
• 3 à 6 fins selon mon temps de travail
• Plusieurs chapitres, publiés au fur et à mesure de mon avancée, un peu dans le genre Amour Sucré/Eldarya
• Une ribambelle de personnage aussi tarés les uns que les autres
J’espère que vous apprécierez mon travail >u<
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tetrakys · 4 years
Hi ! I following your account since moonlight lovers begins. Firstly thank you for what you're doing. I have a weird hypothesis about the system (like an intuiton). Maybe it work with a LOM and depending of the LOM we have an associated probability of having the illustration ? The higher the LOM is, the greater the probability is (but never 100%). Sorry for my weird hypothesis > propability).
Hi anon, yes my main hypothesis is that it's all about an invisible LoM, not sure if there is an associated probability (like with the old AP system when walked around the school looking for people), because it would be extremely random. I repeated the episode 4 times, it feels more like my LoM isn’t high enough to pass over a certain threshold minimum value to obtain the illustration. This would also explain why the FAQ says that illustration depend on previous choices, not the choice per se but the cumulative LoM given by adding up from the previous episodes. 
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I really hope they won’t use this system in the other games, I don’t think people would keep playing for long if that was the case. Eldarya’s events are already messed up enough, i wonder how many people are just buying the illustration. And if we could at least buy the illustration on ML there would be no problem then, like in Is It Love?, a couple of euros and you can have it, now it’s just replay over replay and at some point people will give up.
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I’m going to do my usual episode recap in a bit, I’m a little busy right now, haven’t even had the chance to play Beliath yet.
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It would make sense on Vladimir’s route, but then on Beliath’s? It would be a little anticlimactic if, from now on, there was always the same murderer connected just to Vladimir. Maybe there are different murderers on different routes?
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Another anon asked me about this a few days ago. It could be, even though the events on FB sounded non-canon to me, but they may still introduce the character, who knows... it’d be someone trying to connect the murders to the mansion, I bet the vampires would just hypnotise him though.
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I’ve never been a big fan of the style of the sprites anyway, I haven’t played Beliath’s episode yet but his looks really odd.
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tetrakys · 5 years
i've already see two teasers from eldarya, please tell me beemoov didn't plan to release another episode next week T~T
As I work for Beemoov I can say with absolute certainty that....
anon I have no idea, but personally I think they just fucked up their social media post release like many other times in the past.
We should’ve had just a small recap this week, instead we had two brief teasers. Also, knowing they are still working on episode 27 bugs I doubt the next is coming any time soon.
But who knows! Anything could happen with this company, nothing surprises me anymore.
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tetrakys · 5 years
is the US ED server still bugged? What is still going on in the USA server in Eldarya if you could tell me please?
I don't have specific news on the USA server, the last time I played on it was on release day. If anyone has any information can you please message/comment? But I think these problems are happening everywhere. As a recap:
- people are not getting the option to chose to sleep or not with the LI if the've slept with him in the past (if they never did they should have the option).
- many people are not able to unlock the illustration and we don't understand the reason. Some say it depends on the dialogue with the LI before dinner, but players have used guides for that answer and they've still not been able to unlock it. BV support has implied that there are other factors to consider, but we're not sure if this is true or there's something else going on since they have then admitted with the mods that there may be other problems.
- the other reason that seems to indicate that there are still bugs is that some of the players who miss the illustration don't receive the message "illustration missed" while others do.
Also, some mods have suggested not to do replays and check the announcement sections, so I guess (and hope) we will get some comunication this week.
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