#erik/lnd sexbot
jennyfair7 · 1 year
i just wanna tell u that youre strong for being an erikquin shipper god bless u for this. its one of those ships that are so sick and crack it actually sounds cool. good for u man
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One phan's crack is another phan's OTP and I will die on the Erik/Mannequin hill, so I appreciate your support 😆 I'm also gonna use this as an opportunity to plug my Erik/Mannequin phic:
Moment of Weakness
Moment of Madness
Minific - Fluffy
Minific - Things you said at the kitchen table
Minific - After she went home
Minific - Tea party
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(586): Being alone has allowed me to flourish into a complete weirdo.
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catcorsair · 5 years
AAAH if you are still accepting filth requests can I please get some with my OTP Erik/Mannequin? (Or Erik/LND sexbot) 🙏 That mirror piece was 👌
Let me just tell you that writing this has made me a full on Erik/Mannequin convert.  For @jennyfair7 :)
Bread and Oil
“Another glass, my love?” he sighed, all politeness, all charm. He raised her cool fingers reverently to his lips, let them slip from his palm and drop again to the floor, adding, “I shall return! Do not go away!”
On the carpet before the hearth Christine Daaé waited with her knees folded neatly beneath her. She bowed her head in elegant modesty as the delicate backs of her two white palms lay flat upon the floor. Her wedding-gown hovered loosely about her smooth, demure shoulders, split open atop her sweetly rounded spine. A hundred little buttons scattered about her, littering the blue ocean of the oriental carpet like so many lovely pearls.
“My Christine!” announced her companion now, bearing two short glasses of deep-burgundy port in his hands. His dressing-gown, a weighty construction of elegant, embroidered silk, fell neatly about his naked legs. He had reordered himself in the kitchen.
“Have you missed your Erik?” he said, thrusting the glasses high before him, such that liquid sloshed about his fingers, “see him return, and with libations!”
Erik dropped lightly to his knees before her. He secured his two glasses upon the brick hearth-front next to an untouched platter of fresh bread and oil. With an exhale characteristic of some mild exertion, he sucked at his wine-stained fingertips and cast his yellow stare upon Christine.
Never leave me again, Erik.
“Ah, my love,” he said, lifting her chin with a careful palm, “you mustn’t fret so when I am not at your side. I am never very far from you, you know.” He took up his drink and downed the bitter syrup in a long sip, and replaced the glass upon the bricks with a hollow clink.
“Oh, dear,” Erik tutted, drawing a thumb along the lower lip of her open mouth. Christine looked on, perfect petal pout, gentle doe-eyed stare––oh––the very picture of lovely chastity––"what a mess you have made of yourself, sweet girl. Where are your manners?“
His skeleton’s fingers crept between her parted lips, one, now two, exploring inside as he chewed at the taut gash of his own lip and stared. The back of her hand slid flimsily upon the floor; Erik drew his away with a soft pop.
“No, no, too dry, I think, Christine––” he said raggedly, as his palm dragged atop her porcelain cheek, “Erik will have to remedy that––”
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jennyfair7 · 1 year
That is an inanimate object and a whole ass man 😟😥
That is a whole ass fictional character and his equally fictional love doll 🤷‍♀️
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jennyfair7 · 5 years
Came for the Erik x Mannequin content, stayed for the lovely person, who's obsessed with it :P
Aww thanks @timebird84​! 💖 
(What can I say? I love my girl...and so does Erik 😆)
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jennyfair7 · 5 years
Fandom asks: C,G, L, Z!
Thanks for the ask, @a-partofthenarrative! 😊
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never willErik/Raoul. I can appreciate quality content for pretty much any ship, but I'm not personally into it.
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in itGoooo...this is a hard one! I don't think it was my very first ship, but a very early ship I remember was Ted & Brad on "Hey Dude" because she was the brunette horse trainer and I am brunette/was SUPER into horses. (Honestly, a lot of my childhood/adolescent ships were self-inserts with various cartoon characters 😬)
L - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask forFor fan artist, something inspired by one of my fics. I know my fics are more feeling-driven than visual, but still - I think any author would love art of their work! For a fellow fan author, anything Erik/Mannequin or Erik/LND Sexbot 😆
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go goUmmmmm so when I met Ramin at the stage door after seeing POTO in London in 2008, he was very nice and we chatted about Phantom for a bit, and he talked about how E/C can never really work and it kind of messed me up creatively for a while. (I was also in a not great place personally at that moment, so it was less about E/C and more about my own Issues.) Does that count? 🤷
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