#especially when Jily and/or Prongsfoot are RIGHT THERE
acewitch-writes · 6 months
I took a break from fandom for 4 months and let me tell you I was devastated to see that Jegulus is still a thing
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jamesunderwater · 8 days
Thank you so much for the tag @thecasualauthor!
🍓 how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I've joked about this before, but on the forums of Neopets!
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
HP, Supernatural, Dark Angel, Smallville, Twilight (regrettably), Sailor Moon, and BBC Merlin. Most of these were were RPs, though, not fanfic - for fanfic I think it's just HP & SPN.
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I think this year marks 20 years... Wow. Off and on, of course, but yeah. Since that first Neopets foray -- 20 years.
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Definitely write more than I read, but I've been making a point to read more lately, so it's more balanced than last year.
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
I'm learning to not be so redundant in my writing, to be more intentional with how and where to use fluid prose, and to actually make sure my sentence structure is ordered correctly, lol.
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
Getting too wrapped up in editing what I've already written instead of moving on to write the next bit; not sticking to a solid writing routine; getting stuck on making sure the scene is "right" instead of just writing it and working out the details later.
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I still think researching the history of toast in Britain was pretty weird, especially given the fact I never even used it in the fic xD
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Ones that are play-by-play reactions to the story, and/or tell me specific parts of the story that they enjoyed and why. But really, ANY and all comments make me so, so happy. I feel touched any time someone takes the time to leave me a comment.
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I am not aware of anyone else currently writing Trans Jily fics (though point me in their direction if you know of someone who is!)
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Strictly canon-compliant fics. It's too much to remember all the tiny details to make sure I've gotten everything just right. And enemies to lovers. I've discovered I really enjoy rivals to lovers, but enemies to lovers just doesn't make sense to my brain. I don't know how to get them from A to B.
🍏What is the easiest type?
Angst, angst, angst. xD Especially canon or canon-adjacent angst. And I know it's not a story type, but man, do I love a story with a lot of banter in it.
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I use Google docs for the most part, but I will write ideas and random snippets of scenes in my Notes app when I'm not at a computer.
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/ intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I'd love to write some Korrasami, as I've mentioned to Kelsey before. I'd also love to do a crossover Marauders fic with either PJO, THG, or ATLA, but I'm afraid it'd end up feeling kitschy or something. But my BIG magnum opus idea is a canon-compliant centered around Sirius, probably just through his Azkaban escape. Well, that or a multi-chap Prongsfoot fic, but that is something I'm actually pretty confident writing. The other one is a LOT more intimidating.
🍇What made you choose your username?
I wanted it to be something that had my name in it + one of my personal motifs, so I played around with James/Jamie and different terms for ocean, trees, and sunshine. Came up with a list, narrowed it down to 2-3 top choices, and ended up choosing this one because it just flows in my brain in a way I like. Plus, it goes well with my blog title, the Noah Kahan lyric, "my head is an ocean."
these were so fun!! tagging: @theresthesnitch @roalinda @missgryffin @thelighthousestale @annabtg
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theresthesnitch · 1 year
What's your opinion in the rise of Kingsley ships?
Sirius x Kinglsey (StarKing)
Remus x Kingsley
I'm struggling to stray away from my love of Wolfstar.
Ah, I’m a multi-shipper at heart, so I can’t deny that I love tossing Kingsley in the mix. However, I’m wolfstar trash at heart.
Send me an ask about anything or nothing for Anon Ask Day!
Wolfstar and Jily will always have my heart as my OTPs, but they’re my little paper dolls and I love shoving them together and seeing what comes out the other side. The thing about multi shipping is I don’t have to pick just one. It’s not Starking to the exclusion of Wolfstar. It’s a little bit of both. It’s let sixteen year old Sirius fall for the quiet boy with the books and the scars in this fic, then have Azkaban escapee Sirius hide out as a lovable stray dog with the Auror who is in charge of tracking him down and accidentally catching feelings.
(This is not to say that anyone is wrong for OTP shipping everyone. There’s something just as beautiful about having a one true love when no one else matters as there is with playing paper dolls with them all.)
Now, for me, for any of James and Remus and Sirius to be shipped together, the other can’t be sad and pining. I don’t want Moonchaser with Sirius looking on sad and wondering why his friends don’t want him. I don’t want Prongsfoot with Remus thinking they don’t want him because he’s a monster. So if I’m going to ship them, I need the third to either be (a) ace/aro, or (b) happily committed to someone else. Kingsley is great for that.
As far as the specific ships you mentioned, I adore Starking. I’ve written them as a background ship before — Black Ties and White Lies is Moonchaser with background Starking, and while Sirius hasn’t made an on screen appearance yet, Lessons in Defense has background Starking as well. I’ve also got two Starking main pairing fics coming out in @hpknotfest — Knot the Minister and Knot in my Job Description. (Keep an eye out when that starts posting on Feb 1). I also will never be over postcard from Paris by @greyeyedmonster-18, which is a lovely depiction of Starking.
As for Remus/Kingsley…… eh. I think my HC of Kingsley would never put up with Remus. I think they’d hook up and maybe even date, but I don’t see that going anywhere. I also don’t think Remus would particularly enjoy dating Kingsley, and especially not if he’s an Auror. I’ve definitely written them hooking up though. See Watchdog and…. Well, my third knot fest fic, which doesn’t have a title yet. Neither have a primary ship of Remus/Kingsley, but they do have some fun.
Regardless, Anon, I don’t think you have to like Starking just because they’re going through a bit of a popularity sweep right now. Even though I’ve written two and a……sixth Kingsley/some amount of wolfstar recently, doesn’t mean I’m writing any less Wolfstar. Wolfstar is just too delicious to let go of, even if I let them venture out every once in a while. (That two and a sixth figure will make sense later. 😂)
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eastwindmlk · 3 months
Jegulus fans can be annoying in a way you look at Jegulus and roll your eyes. I look at the word jily and take a panic attack because it was my comfort and the fans are so hateful and pop up at the worse moments going full on bullying and spewing hate to any blog I see who ships James with someone else or even on my own. Idk what to make of that especially because I ship jily too
Hey, so to start off. I am sorry that you have experienced that. While certain shippers annoy me to high heaven (nowadays it is Jegulus but back in the day it was Snily), my main gripe is their tagging habits.
There will always be parts of the fandom and niche communities that are unpleasant and even toxic. As far as I'm aware the direct circle I interact with is not that. We're mostly just old and tired and want to be able to find our content without having to wade through masses of posts incorrectly tagged. Or worse tagged for reach.
Most of us don't seek out posts to leave comments or blogs to harass. The few that do, generally do get tolerated in the spaces I personally find myself.
You might not know this about me, but I also write and/or interact a lot with other ships. Most relevantly: prongsfoot, wolfstar, wolfstarbucks and jilypad content.
I have personally only ever experienced hate when I write Jily. Both on AO3 where I have pulled stories because of nasty comments and most notably on Omegle until it shut down. There the Jily tag was unusable because people would troll and harass people with some extremely triggering stuff.
Fandom, despite being niche, is still a very large place and sometimes it is difficult to find the right type of people. But they are there for all ships.
I hope that you can find a place that you feel safe and comfortable going forward.
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