#ethan is a white tail deer
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derpastein · 1 year
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My preciousesss, introducing:
Brent - German Shepherd
Ethan - Doberman Pinscher
Tyler - Dingo
Edna -  Timber Wolf
Cassidy - Border Collie
Kyle - Mountain Lion
Owen - White Rhinoceros
Shawn - Siberian Tiger
Martin - Grizzly Bear
April - Red Panda
Lucas  - Cheetah
Wyatt  - Stoat
Jeremy - Italian Wolf
Kelly  - White-tailed Deer
Earl - Koala
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rina-writes · 4 years
Calm Waters (Part 2)
Part 1: x
A/N: Thank you for all the kind comments on part 1 :D Please continue to give me feedback on this fic as this is my first multiple part fic in a very long time haha
Summary: Grayson suspects that something fishy is going on and enlists his brother, Ethan, to track down everything they can find out about “Aurora”.  During their search, they find out more about the real you.
Warnings: Same as the last one...mentions of abuse, captivity, and bullying.  Also lots of fluff.
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During the day, their tank opened up to the entire park aquarium, so they had a bit more room to swim.  It still sucked in comparison to the ocean, but like you, they appreciated their freedoms.  Nelson, Doris’ mate, made a figure eight with his nose when he saw you coming toward them.
You’re late.
You clutched your chest lightly.  
I’m sorry.
Doris came up and tapped her tail fin three times. 
Nelson let out a squeaking sound that you recognized as his laughter, making you blush.  You realized that Doris must have brought him up to speed about Grayson.  
Dolphins thrived off of gossip.  They spread it like wildfire and had great memories to boot.  You tossed them their fish, and moved around the area to give the other dolphins there share as well.  You made sure to give the new recruit some extra.  You hadn’t give him a name yet.  Dolphin names were quite difficult to understand, because they were in their tongue, and did not translate well into to sign language.   You often gave them human name equivalents and you would use them in the shows. You would teach them the signs for their name, once you made up, so they knew who you were calling on during the performance.
Doris was your first friend, so her sign was three taps on top of your heart.  Nelson, being Doris’ mate, got two taps on the heart and one on the stomach.  You hoped to give the new dolphin something strong to uplift him.
You moved on to the hammerheads.  They did not talk as much as the dolphins, but were always polite.  They spun in counter clockwise thrice in order to say thank you and always asked about your day.  Occasionally, Hunter, the hammerhead that was “rescued” when you first arrived would inquire more if you seemed sad, but sharks really didn’t like to talk about feelings.  
You didn’t mind because it allowed you to think about Grayson more.  How his finger tips were so rough, but his hands in general felt soft.  How he laughed loudly, but then would always stop himself short before he would start to snort.  How he lit up when he talked about his family, especially his twin brother. You wished you could see him again.  
When the park was closed.  You walked over to the shed that when you were in a good mood you called your closet.  You hung up your uniform, and changed to your other pair of underwear.  You washed the one you were wearing in a sink nearby with hand soap.  You hung the underwear to dry in your closet and went to wash your mouth out.  One of the scientist that would experiment on you would periodically bring you travel size toothpaste and a toothbrush.  You figured it made them feel like less of a monster.  
You stood in front of your reflective glass and looked at yourself. You looked different today.  Your skin was more radiant and your dyed red hair didn’t look so bad. You realized it was because you were happy.  You hid your toiletries and your drying underwear so no one would find it the next day.Then just before the top of your cell closed automatically, you jumped in.  As you sunk to the bottom, you heard the top of your cell click.  About three minutes later, you heard footsteps that walked by to make sure no one was upstairs.  The steps stopped by your cell, the person most likely looking for you red hair.  Upon spotting it, the person walked away.  You looked up and to your surprise saw the gap on the corner of your cell was still there.  It must not be noticeable from up top.  You smiled to yourself as you curled into your ball.  You didn’t have to rock too much to fall asleep as your mind was excited to dream.
The next day, you awoke as usual to the sound of the cover leaving your tank.  You swam upward and pulled yourself out. You jiggled your legs a little bit and took a deep breath to let the air fill your lungs.  After years of being under for 12+ hours, holding your breath was second nature.  However, there was nothing like feeling air.  
“Oh my god…”  You heard from your right. That was the door that led to the roof. 
You turned slowly, goosebumps appearing on your skin.  Your eyes met Grayson’s hazel ones, and your jaw dropped.
 You were too afraid of the conclusions that Grayson had made from seeing you crawl out of a tank that him seeing you half naked was not that big of a deal.  Grayson started to back away, slipping and causing himself to fall on the ground.  Your heart sunk to your stomach as you squeezed your chest to cover yourself.  You couldn’t tell what worried you the most:  the fact that you secret was out, the thought of what would happen to Grayson if your uncle found out, or, your own punishment that would be waiting for you.  No, the worst thing was that now, the one person who you thought could understand you realized what you really were and you were going to die knowing you were a freak.
“I-I should have knocked…” Grayson stammered, as he tried to look away.  “I had a suspicion you were living here, but I wasn’t expecting you to be naked.”
You were stood there, paralyzed by fear, holding yourself as you stared at him blankly. 
Grayson did his best to tear his eyes away from you.  There was a part of him that was terrified by what he just saw.  He could hear his heart thundering in his ears and his legs were itching to run away.  However, staring in to your eyes and seeing his Rory with an even more petrified expression, he just wanted to hold you.  He wanted to protect you and save you, just like you saved him.  His eyes wanted to continue to scan your body, for multiple reasons, but one in particular stood out.  He angled his body towards the view that you admired each morning when you woke up.  He stared straight ahead and signed.
“Your skin is so beautiful.” Grayson remarked, still avoiding your eyes.
Your skin?  You looked down and suddenly remembered the one thing that marked you differently from “normal” humans.  When your skin was wet, parts of your body as part of the drying process turned a turquoise blue color, that almost looked like gems.  They kind of looked like the scales with reflective property that made them look like part of a rainbow from certain angles.  Looking at it now, it was clear to you how the myth of mermaid fins came to be.  They were irregular shapes all over your body from the tops of your thighs, the sides of your legs and even down the middle of your chest.  You learned from the “experiments” that this attribute of your skin also helped you to rebuild more skin cells quicker. 
You finally snapped out of your “deer in headlights reaction” and walked over to your closet and pulled out your uniform.  You put on your clothes and waited for Grayson to say something.   You attempted to look on the bright side.  He didn’t gasp or take pictures of you like your uncle’s colleagues did.  He seemed more embarrassed to see you naked.  You weren’t sure if it was a compliment or insult.
For the first time in the 48 hours you knew Grayson, it seemed like he didn’t know what to say.  He just stared at the view as if trying to gather his thoughts.  As you got dressed, you took the opportunity to look at him.  This could be the last time you ever got to see him.  You wanted to etch his image into your mind.
Today, he was wearing a cap backwards with his uniform.  He always had his lifeguard whistle around his neck, but today, he also had his red lifeguard towel draped over a shoulder.  Around his waist was a fanny pack that matched his towel and he was wearing white vans to go with the uniform.  He looked like a model, especially turning to the side like that.  
“What are you thinking?” You asked, breaking the silence.  You stood by the sink as you attempted to tidy up your hair.  “Aren’t you afraid?”
“I wouldn’t say afraid...” Grayson said after a long pause.  “I mean, I legitimately thought you were an angel when you saved me that night.  How else could I explain how someone who was nowhere to be seen before it happened saved my life when I needed someone most.”
Grayson smiled and turned to look at you.  His eyes seemed to reflect the orange and pink hues of the sun.  He was the one who looked unreal.  
“I guess,” Grayson said with a soft smile. “I should have guessed you were a mermaid.”
Your mouth got dry and you walked over to him.  “I’m not a mermaid.  There is a logical explanation for all of this.” You realized that saying there was a logical explanation for something did not make it anymore believable. However, you needed to buy time to think of something.
Grayson bit his lip.  “I know you’re not Aurora.”  Grayson said, sadly, looking up at you as he sat up with his legs stretched out.  “Because there is no one in this town named Aurora.  But I do know of someone named Y/N Y/L/N, who was said to be at boarding school, but is not registered at a single one in the country.”
It felt like the ground beneath you was shaking. You hadn’t heard your name in so long that it brought tears to your eyes.  You eased yourself down to the ground and slowly crossed your legs.  
“H-How much do you know?” You asked, finally.
12 hours earlier - Gray’s POV
Grayson waited by the gate of Pete’s Ocean Land until closing in hopes of running into Aurora before she left.  He knew he was being annoying.  After all, Aurora clearly stated she did not want to walk home with him.  At the same time, he could see how happy she looked around him.  He loved the fact that she was able to open up to him and everything he was able to learn about her.  She was funny, charming, and a little weird, but in a good way.
There were a lot of mean rumors about her that Grayson assumed was started by some of the female workers.  Things like she didn’t shower, she was poor, she talked to the animals, anything to explain why no one saw her outside of work.  The threat of Aurora was that  most guys admitted that there was a beauty to her that they couldn’t place. However, no one want to confess to liking the “freak show of the park.”  So, the rumors piled up, and everyone kept their distance.
It wasn’t just employees either. Guests adored her character during performances, but still would treat her like crap when asking for favors outside of her job description.  On Grayson’s first day, he even witnessed someone pretend to bump into her and toss her drink on to her and her food.  She just sat there with a blank expression before she took off running.  It was a little comical, like watching a cartoon. Grayson was ashamed to admit that he chuckled himself. Making fun of her was the norm and like everyone, Grayson just wanted to blend in.  While he didn’t partake in her bullying, he didn’t do anything to stop it. 
And then he was the butt of the jokes.  A couple girls asked him out and suddenly he was the guy everyone was trying to put down.  He was stupid to think that when they invited him on one of their late night adventures that it was an olive branch.  They were all drunk, deriding him for not drinking with them.  In order to prove himself, they said would have to stick his hand into this tank. It was supposed to have some monster.  It was closed off, and not even people who worked there could see what was inside.  They all had done it,they said, he just had to do it too. Everything told Grayson this was a dumb idea, but if it meant that the teasing would stop, he was willing to do it.
They pointed to a crack in the retractable cover that was quite large.  As Grayson stuck his hand in he felt a push.  He lost his balance and another push sent him into the pool.  He was paralyzed by fear and the unknown darkness surrounding him. 
He blacked out and then next thing he knew, he saw her.  She was staring at him in the tank, and she was glowing.  Her skin looked like aquamarine crystals, and her eyes were reflective.  He assumed it was the oxygen slowly returning to his brain that made him hallucinate, but he couldn’t deny that even without the sparkle she was beautiful.
Now that he spent lunch with her, he knew for sure that she was the most beautiful person he had met inside and out.  He was going to convince her to be his.  He would protect her from all those assholes and he would make sure that she got out of this dump amusement park and doing what she really loved.
Except, she never came out.  As the security guard closed up the park, Grayson asked if there were any workers staying behind.
“Nope.” The security guard confirmed in a gruff voice.  “Even Pete’s gone home.”
Something didn’t sit right with Grayson.  Because when he looked up at where the tank of the “mysterious creature”, the dolphins and the hammerheads opened up, he saw a man standing on top surveying the tanks.  And that man looked like Pete to him.
When Grayson got home, he immediately enlisted his brother Ethan to help him research everything on Aurora.  Ethan, Grayson’s twin brother, with shorter brown hair, narrow hazel eyes and a chiseled jaw, was only awake for four hours when his brother stormed in. 
“You could knock.” Ethan groaned, pulling off his gaming headphones.  He was only wearing a pair of red shorts when he swiveled around in his gaming chair.  Today was Ethan’s day off from working at the bicycle store in town where he fixed all non-motorized vehicles.  Ethan was hoping to enjoy it by sleeping in and playing games.
“Can you look up a girl named Aurora?” Grayson asked, about to sit on Ethan’s bed.
“Please don’t sit on my bed with your dirty clothes.” Ethan complained.
Grayson knew Ethan was just cranky about him ruining his afternoon plans.  He figured he would be equally obnoxiously and just strip down.  If you aren’t petty with your brother, then are you even siblings?
Grayson shrugged.  “Fine.  You’re lucky I showered after work.” Grayson stripped down to his boxers and socks before sitting on his brother’s bed. 
Ethan had already begun typing, “Any last name for Aurora?”
“Nope…” Grayson said.  “No idea.”
Ethan hummed as he started his search.  He was quiet for a bit despite clicking on various links and searching for different keywords.
“There’s no Aurora who was born in the last 16 to 20 years anywhere in our county, or the nearby one” Ethan informed Grayson.  “Did she just move here?”
“No…” Grayson shook his head, thinking back to this afternoon.  “We talked about the park near our house and how one of the swings was always broken.  There’s no way someone who just moved here would know that.”
“Well she’s definitely from our area. Is she our age?” Ethan asked.
“Yes.” Grayson confirmed.  “18.”
The sound of Ethan typing filled he room.  Grayson laid back on the bed and closed his eyes, trying to think of information that could help Ethan’s search.  The last of the sun was peaking through Ethan’s windows and warming Grayson’s abdomen, making it harder for Grayson to fight back the tiredness of being by the pool all day. 
By the end of the summer, he and Ethan would have enough to live anywhere.  They were hoping to move to Los Angeles and now, Grayson wanted to take Aurora with them.
“Do you remember that girl Y/N Y/L/N?” Ethan asked, breaking Grayson from his thoughts.  
“As in Peter Y/L/N? The owner of Pete’s Ocean Land?”  Grayson asked, sitting up on his elbows.  “Not really….”
“Remember like 5 years ago, her house burned down and her parents died in it? Then Pete adopted her and sent her to some cushy boarding school so she could have a new start?” Ethan backed away from the computer to gesture to a newspaper article.
“Not really...” Grayson said, sitting up suddenly.  
Ethan slid over to unblock the monitor and Grayson leaned in to see to read. His eyes scanned the page with a furrowed brow.
Local Tragedy
The house of {Your Father’s Name}, brother of Peter Y/L/N,  was caught on fire by which, police speculate, was caused by a cooking accident. The house was engulfed with flames, prompting the {Your Father’s Name} and his wife, {Your Mother’s Name} to toss their 13 year old daughter out the window, sacrificing themselves.  Their bodies were not found, but firefighters claim that with the intensity of the flames and the rubble, it’s not surprising.
Y/N Y/L/N is currently in the custody of her uncle Peter who has decided to give her a new chance.  “It can’t be easy for a kid to lose their parents.  I can’t replace my brother, but I can give her the life I know he would have wanted her to have.  I’ll make sure she has the best education money can by and the opportunity to have a normal adolescence.”  Peter said to news on Monday.
Grayson sucked in a breath.  “I don’t really remember this, but it’s terribly sad.  You don’t think that has something to do with Aurora, do you?
Ethan nodded as though he was hoping Grayson would ask that question.  Ethan opened another tab, and continued to flick through multiple tabs for Grayson to see. The first tab was some cushy boarding school Grayson had never heard of where Ethan had searched Y/N without any results.  The next was another boarding school.
 Ethan looked up over 20 boarding schools across the country, none with a student with the name Y/N Y/L/N.
“How is it possible that the only results for her are these news articles, but nothing about her at schools?” Ethan asked. 
“Well, maybe she got a fake name to make sure that she wouldn’t get connected with the case.” Grayson suggested.
“Exactly.  Like Jenna, or Kirsten or…” Ethan trailed off.
“Aurora…” Grayson continued.
“Exactly.”  Ethan pulled up a yearbook picture of the middle school you attended.  He found a few photos of you including you in your class photo and a few pictures of you in a musical.
“That’s her!” Grayson said, squinting.  “Sure, she looks a lot older now, and her hair is that red color, but that’s definitely her.”
“Now, why would Pete lie about sending her to boarding school and force her to work at his amusement park?” Ethan asked.  “I mean it doesn’t make sense, right? He could have just sent her to school and then had her work part time.  No one would have found that strange.”
“Unless she couldn’t leave the park…” Grayson said mostly to himself.  He grabbed Ethan by the shoulders.
“Dude, you’re scaring me, what’s going on?” Ethan asked, startled by the sudden movement.
“This is going to sound crazy, but what if Pete is keeping Aurora...err, Y/N, captive in the park because she’s different…” Grayson said, not sure how to find the right words.
“What do you mean different?” Ethan asked.
Grayson explained in detail what happened two nights ago when you saved him, including your bedazzled looking skin.  He was impressed that Ethan didn’t crack a smile and only nodded to show he was still listening. 
“To summarize,” Ethan ruffled his hair with a sigh.  “You think Aurora is being held captive in a water tank where she can somehow breathe over night and has reflective scales on her body.”
Grayson paused.  Was that really what he was saying?  
“Yes.” Grayson confirmed out loud.  
“You’re right that is crazy.” Ethan nodded.  But he didn’t laugh.  Nor did he dismiss it. Instead Ethan sat on the bed, coaxing Grayson to sit down as well. 
“You know Travis?” Ethan asked.
“Yeah, the owner of the bike shop?” Grayson asked.
“Yeah.  Apparently, he comes from a long line of fishermen.  Since our town is so close to the water, a lot of them would live here and then travel by sea to catch fish and sell them in other areas.  His family believes in mermaids and they said…” Grayson cut Ethan off.
“Okay, I know my story is crazy, but I don’t think she has a fin dude.” Grayson said, putting up a hand.
“Wait for it…” Ethan said, “That’s the thing, they don’t have fins.  Instead, their skin and hair blend in to the color of the bottom of the sea like chameleons. The only time you can see them is when they come up for air.  Apparently, they do breathe air, but they can hold their breaths for crazy long times.  The legend was that if one of these maidens fell in love with a fisherman, she would bring him all the fish that he needed.  It was seen as a badge of honor because they only trusted men that were kind and good to the sea.  There are other legends where they would cast doom on fishermen that brought harm to the ocean.”
“So you think Aurora...err Y/N is one of these water creatures?” Grayson asked. He let out a long sigh as he looked at his brother blankly for moment. This had to be the most ridiculous thing they had ever come up with and that was saying something.  “I mean, it’s a little far-fetched don’t you think?”
“Sure…” Ethan agreed, nodded slowly.  Up until ten minutes ago, Ethan and Travis only discussed the legends while Travis got high on his break.  Ethan never expected for it to be the missing piece to a mystery involving the girl of his brother’s affection.
Ethan took a deep breath.  “At the same time, it connects a few dots, doesn’t it?  Let’s assume that Pete isn’t one of these creatures, then his brother probably isn’t either.  That leaves Y/N’s mother.  So, she’s one of the water creatures and her daughter becomes one too.  Pete tries to convince his brother to put the ladies on display, his brother says no, and then he mysteriously dies.  But, custody of the daughter suddenly becomes local news and Pete would look like a monster if he put her in a tank.  So, he keeps her there, probably pimping her out to the government, while using her for free labor.”
“Because she can talk to the animals!” Grayson said.
“Okay...that’s a bit far-fetched.” Ethan said, putting his hands up in surrender. 
“No come on.” Grayson explained.  “People used to hear her talking to the animals..  Maybe that’s why she does all the shows, because they trust her.”
“Dude,” Ethan grabbed Grayson’s shoulders.  “Do you realize how insane this is? If any of this is true, you’re practically dating a real life mermaid.”
“If it is true.” Grayson said, grabbing Ethan’s arms. “Then, I have to save her.  I can’t let her suffer in that place anymore.”
“Well, we can’t just bust in there with the police.”  Ethan reasoned. “At least not without proof.”
Grayson thought for a moment.  The last time he went to find her, he went straight to the roof at the beginning of his shift.  She was already there with her uniform on.  He wondered if he got there just a bit earlier if he would be able to run into her.  The morning security guard was really laid back, so as long as you were quiet, he would let you in.  He was sure he could sneak in Ethan as well.
“We could go there tomorrow morning.” Grayson suggested.  “See what time she arrives.”
“Yes.” Ethan said, slamming his a fist on his open palm.  “Tomorrow morning, we’re going to Pete’s Ocean Land bright and early to see if she emerges from that tank.  Or, maybe we just go late at night and wait it out.”
Grayson tapped his chin.  This was the most insane thing he had ever done, but he was willing to give it a try.  “Alright, let’s do it.”
Present moment - Your POV
You felt overwhelmed with emotion as Grayson explained the events that led to this current moment.  Part of you was mildly impressed.  To job to those conclusions you had to be just the right combination of observant, resourceful, and a little childish.  You weighed your options.  You could deny it, but there was so much of your story that you would have to build up.  You never spoke to anyone before, so Aurora didn’t have a back story.  There was also the fact that he saw you emerging from a tank of water with scales on your skin.  You could pretend that you were just doing some performance, but that was even more unbelievable than his theory.
You let out a shaky breath. “Is Ethan here now?”  You asked.
Grayson pointed with his thumb behind him to his brother who took a “mini-nap” and was now completely knocked out.  You chuckled softly, a weak laugh, but it made Grayson smile as well.
“So uh...how crazy are we?” Grayson asked. 
“All I can tell you is that you’re not crazy.” You said in a measured tone. “But you can’t tell anyone what you learned.  Pete is not the nice guy everyone thinks he is and you two are in grave danger with everything you know.”
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dolanswhore · 5 years
Moonlight. (6) The Wild Within.
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Series Masterlist. || Chapter 5.
warning: blood + sexual stuff ig?
"I can't do this!" Aggravation clearly seen on the creases of her forehead, the two males following behind her, stomach clutching in hunger, feeling as if it should've eaten hours ago.
"Concentrate!" Ethan’s hand fixes her head forward from his direction to the forest. It isn't rough, but enough to let her know, he is serious.
"It's like teaching the pups of the pack, she can't concentrate." Grayson adds as Y/N's soft skin of tongue is exposed, sending blant disrespect towards him. Hair beads clanking together in the movement.
"Put that tongue away, before I make you my half." Grayson's tone is serious, but he doesn't mean it in anyway, if anything loves the playfulness that she shows. The wolf inside wagging it's tail.
"Brother, i think she's doing fine considering she has no help from her wolf."
Her nose rises to the warm air, breathing in the smells of the forest. A small hint of vanilla and cinnamon mix together, the earthy smell of leaves, cleaness of water, but no sign of berries.
Belly turns in hunger, the sounds of the two males began to growl as well, needed energy to continue to walk. Grayson steps to the front , eyes closed she barely notices until she's met with his scent stopping quickly.
"What happened? You smelt the dead deer on Ethan, and the me smoking the meat yesterday. The river I walked through and the berries Ethan had." She sighs, head hanging lowly but lifts at the thought that hits. Feet crunching under leaves, closer and closer until the weight of her breast press his chest.
All breath stops, caught inside Grayson's throat as sparks of head run through his body. "I'm hungry. Please help me find us some food."
It was a natural instinct to provide for mates, keep them fed with full bellys. Ethan's breath is gone too as she pulls him towards her, groin pressed against the back of her. Nose against her skin breathing in the sweet aroma of skin. Y/N nose presses against Grayson's neck. Ethan so far was the biggest push over, always giving in, sticking up for her in anyway, now to win the stubborn male over.
Grayson closes his eyes, letting pleasure run through thick skin, goosebumps rising in its wake. Lips against his neck had legs visibly shaking, at the mercy of his mate.
So close to giving in, but instead his mouth falling against her neck smelling the sweet skin before nipping her neck. "Oww, you bit me!"
"Don't do that again. You find food or you starve." Eyes hard meeting Ethan's. Ethan's jaw clenches, slightly annoyed of the pull she has against him. "It was a nibble. "
"Most people don't go around bitting people."
"I am a wolf after all?" Eyes challenging with the nickname so often used from her lips.
"Nose up. Find the barries and we eat." Ethan's tongue is cold, which is unusual, meaning he was serious.
Grayson's soft hand causing a sting of heat to fingers, "what do you smell?"
"All I smell are you two. It's impossible to concentrate!"
"We will give you space." Ethan suddenly feels guilt for being so hard on her, the moon being the reason she can't provide.
"We believe in you mia regina." Soft fingers move to her cheek, pressing softly before backing away a few feet. With the smell of sweetness gone, suddenly a wave of dirt hits her nose. Feet crunch the fallen leaves, closer and closer as sweet strawberries have her stomach doing flips, mouth watering at the sight as she rounds the corner.
The males aren't far behind, big smiles that reach cheek to cheek, proud of the female. "It seems you two are my weakness."
"As you are ours." Ethans sweet words send a deep crimson to skin. Ethan and Grayson watch carefully but eyes meet theirs questionably.
"You told me the Alpha takes first bit."
"In a group setting. I would rather see you full than myself. You found them, you earned first bite." Grayson's answer is quick, stomach growling but would rather see her eat. What was unexpected was her handing a strawberry to each male, "together."
Hearts swelling at the gesture, showing that they are equals. Even though she didn’t know it, the qualities she shows would make a great Luna. The berries were sweet against lips, pink juice leaking between lips and down the chins of the twins, suddenly she felt hot, wanting to lick the sticky juice from their chins. 
An even sweeter smell than the strawberries filled the air quickly, noses in the air as cheeks pinched pink in embarrassment. Her arousal scented the air, heat reached between the three, the power of the moon was too strong as fingers buzzed for skin against skin. Nothing else could explain it, never had she held such strong feelings for someone. With these males, she felt safe, loved and finally she belonged somewhere. The affect that had was something magical, even seeing it herself she still couldn’t believe the moon had gifted her two mates, all for herself. Something was different, a feeling deep inside her stomach, her wolf growing stronger everyday. Smells were longer, and further, seeing grew and grew everyday from ants right next to her to a deer fifty feet away, but most importantly how much Grayson and Ethan affected her body.
Ethan was the first to approach her, nose against the skin of her neck, scent calming him instantly. Fingers reach out to the thick skin of his chest, finger tips warming at the touch, hot skin making a flash of pleasure rib through her chest, Grayson touched followed, intensifying the feelings even more, goosebumps on skin, lips falling open in complete pleasure as a soft moan of shock leaves her lips.
Grayson was completely lost to the moon, shifting his hips to press against her, to press his hardness, his want against her rear. A small growl leaves Ethan's chest, rumbling deep inside his throat as jealously of his brother's touch washed over him. Grayson's lip follow the shape of her neck and shoulders before his hand reaches around from the back of her to her face, arm using his neck as support as he turns her head, lips meeting her jaw roughly.
Ethan is lost as well, falling to his knees in front of her, filled with so much heat, he spreads it against the skin of her thighs with his finger tips. Higher and higher until the hem of her dress begins to rise, throat dry knowing she is wearing nothing under it. The smell of her arousal hits their noses, a soft groan falling from Grayson's lips as his lips leave her. Face squeezing in pain as he takes heavy steps away from her. "Brother stop."
Y/N whines at the loss of contact from Grayson, wanting to reach out and feel his heat again but is more concentrated on Ethan, who's fingers burn a trail on the inside of her thighs, nose sniffing her throbbing mound. Ethan sends a warning growl towards his brother, its deep, a sound directly from nature. Grayson growls even louder back, fighting every cell in his body saying to join them.
Ethan's eyes grow yellow, large Caine's extending from his gums, protecting what is rightful his by the moon goddess herself. "Ethan stop!"
He doesn't listen, nose nuzzling into her thighs with small kisses. Grayson's hands squeeze into fist, knuckles tightening white. He doesn't want to fight his brother but at this point Ethan's letting nature take its course, and leaving no other option.
Grayson pounces quickly knocking Ethan to the ground. Grayson has the upper hand being a little bigger than Ethan. He doesn’t use any teeth or claws trying to stop him with only his strength but with Ethan’s teeth in his shoulder he growls loudly.  Blood squirts from his rough skin as his teeth show to his brother, hand running over the wound blood staining fingers quickly. 
“Stop!” Grayson repeats himself, the atmosphere tense as Y/N makes her way towards him, the smell of blood fills her nose quickly as her body begs to touch his, to comfort him.
Grayson gives her a gentle push away to protect her from Ethan jumping onto him, claws swiping across his chest, more blood pooling from the tears against his broad chest. “Ethan you’re pissing me off. I’m giving you one more chance! Our traditions do not allow her to be taken this way and you know it!”
Ethan didn’t listen though, the wild inside taking over completely. The natural instinct to have what is rightful to him. “Ethan stop!” Y/N yells loudly catching his attention just enough for Gray’s arm to wrap around his neck. Ethan’s claws scratch his arm, as his face begins to turn a deep crimson color, lungs begging for breath. “Gray... he can’t breath.”
She walks closer to them, her hand falling against his shoulder. “I know. He’s out of control, once he’s out I’ll stop, I promise.”
Her hand is now on Ethan’s forehead, pushing the dark strands back from where the sweat began to gather. Her lips meet his cheek, silently begging for him to stop fighting Gray. Ethan’s lip raises teeth seering at her, hand extending to her cheek, ripping the skin of her jaw but it isn’t as deep as it could be since Grayson pull him away roughly. 
“Why would you do that?!” Ethan is out cold next to them as Gray’s hands touch her cheek softly, as if he was trying to soak up the pain she was feeling. 
“Gray I’m okay.”
Suddenly his chest was tight, lips twitching into a small smile. His name falling from her lips for the first time instead of calling him wolf. Without even thinking kiss lips press against hers with such urgency, with such strength she felt as if she was going to be knocked over by his power. Lips move together without a second thought, everything in her body telling her it was right no matter how much her mind told her not to. Veins fill with heat, pleasure making it’s way deep inside their stomachs, feeling so right. His touch is so gentle, his hands against her cheeks treating her as if she was glass, not wanting to break her. 
“Gray.” His name sounding so sweet from her lips as she breaks the kiss. He ignores it, wanting a taste of her again.
“Grayson... we should get Ethan back..”
The walk was quiet, Ethan draped across Grayson’s shoulders as his right hand holds Y/N’s, without Ethan to protect her as well, these woods were dangerous. Y/N holds his hand tightly, blush across the skin of her nose. “This way sweetheart.”
Winter was coming soon, days becoming shorter. Darkness taking over quickly as he helps her maneuver through the woods avoiding any sharp rocks or sticks. Finally home was insight, the small candle light inside shinning through the window. Once inside Gray places his brother gently across the furs as he turns towards Y/N. “What happened?”
“His wolf took over. It’s hard to control it. Especially because of how long we have been condemned to them.” 
“It is a story for another time my half.” The nickname she grown to love so much. “I’m worried about him Gray.”
“He is strong, a warrior. A born Alpha, strong blood runs through him. I just calmed him down is all.” Gray pauses, “I have spent many years worried about him, but he is stronger than I.”
Her softly fingers touch the pale skin of Ethan’s cheeks hoping it would warm his face. Her lips press against his head now, something inside of telling her to lay with him, feel his skin as it would bring him great comfort. “I will find food, stay with him.”
Grayson didn’t leave any time for discussion as he stalks away into the night. Placing her head against his chest, she looks to the ceiling, thoughts swarming her head. These males already meaning so much to her but the desire to go home was still deeply felt. She could go home, but why couldn’t she bring them with her? 
Surely they would never agree to it, to admit on rejoining the pack that didn’t want them. She didn’t understand. Gray returned quickly with fruit, enough to feed all of them but she didn’t feel hungry anymore as she stares down at the bowl in front of her. “Eat.”
Her eyes meet Grayson’s but than revert back to Ethan who was still unconscious. “I’m not hungry.”
“Tomorrow you train in fighting. You will need the energy, now eat my half.”
“No. I am not hungry.” Her words come out with so much fire, Grayson’s cheek warmly in anger at them. “And I don’t want to train.”
“Stop fighting us about everything. You were born to lead. Born to be a Luna, you’re defiance will only weaken the pack.” Gray takes the strawberry from his own bowl pressing it towards her lips, “Take a bite, please.”
Arguing was senseless to him, no matter what he said, she wouldn’t listen to his words. Such a strong headed woman but admittedly one of his favorite things about her. Strong, independent, a mere human that would fight two wolves and win with only her words. Her lips wrap around the food, taking it because despite how much she argued she wasn’t hungry, the smell was to sweet. Her lips rub against his thumb and pointing finger as he lets out a pleasureable growl, thoughts of her lips filling his head quickly.
 “You’re so beautiful.” The words being the first that come to his mind as her cheeks grow red. The most beautiful smile she’s ever seen fills his lips, touching her cheeks adding even more heat to them. “I like the affect my words have on you.
“Well I don’t.” She argues as he rolls his eyes, pushing his chair out and stand to get closer to her. Just like that she forget she’s angry with him as his hand touches her forearm gently, bringing her to his touch. 
“I think you do, you just want admit it my half.” Grayson’s lips meet her cheek right where Ethan’s claws marked her, creating a swirl of heat inside of her stomach. The need for him filling the air, scent heavenly to his nose. Grayson takes a small patch of fur holding it against the wound, hoping the bleeding will stop soon. Dry blood is smeared across his shoulder and chest, drying up to form solid clumps. 
“Let’s go clean ourselves up. We’ll come right back. Ethan will be okay.” He understands her reasoning for not wanting to leave, just as much as he understands his own. It was romantic what he felt for her, but in a brotherly protective way, his best friend since birth.
Unsure, she nods as Grayson takes her hand again, it isn’t a far walk but only five minutes before she met with the body of water again. Grayson enters the water first, turning away, allowing her to pull her dress over her body and enter the coldness as well. Grayson’s eyes don’t stay on her long but he can’t help but take peak at her breast, so close to exposing the nipple, which he assumed was hard and erect because of the cold water. His eyes fall to her face, eyes taking in every muscle from his belly button up, braids pushed back showing the real, raw beauty she possessed. 
“Let me help you Gray...” Her hand take the bar of soap running it over his chest, and then his shoulder. He closes his eyes, contempt with her skin against his, she actually wanted to touch him.
“Y/N.” Her name sounds so good from his lips. “Thirty days is all we have before we return to our pack.” He pauses as her fingertips press against his chest. “Promise me you will listen to us. No more fighting us, no more games. You need to be strong enough to defend yourself, any wolf will take down if given to chance. Please promise me.”
“Gray -”
“Promise me you will try. Without you me and Ethan will never be complete.”
“I-I promise Gray.” She answered despite being a little afraid of the words he said.
Ethan wakes minutes after they left, memories of early resurfacing. Blood is on the floor, and judging by the smell a mixture of Grayson’s and Y/N. What he caused, he hurt his gift from the moon. He follows her scent, only to finger her in the water with Grayson. It felt so wrong watching the intimate moment between them, she was washing him, caring for him. Despite causing this, he felt like he was going to throw up from the jealously.  
“Ethan?” He was too distracted in his own mind to realize they have seen him, Y/N feeling his jealously in the pit of her stomach. His name never sounded so beautiful, so sexy from anyone else’s lips. Eyes roaming her skin, sick to his stomach as he sees the scars he’s given her.
“I’ll just leave you two alone.” Coldly, he gives his back to her. Shoulders slumped in sadness. He caused this, her pain, his brother’s pain. Why would she want him? The smell of her was barely there, only covered in Grayson’s scent.
To say his heart was broken was easy, his heart squeezed inside his chest, as small tears of regret and rejection fill his eyes but he doesn’t allow them to fall. Y/N is a few minutes behind him, she had to get grayson to turn and slip on her dress before running after him. 
“Ethan stop!” He didn’t listen, instead took a sharp turn to steer her away from him. Thick trees and foliage block his tall figure quickly, but she will always smell his scent no matter how far he goes. 
A few minutes longer her hands wrap around his, surprising him entirely, she had somehow managed to get in front of him. “Ethan, what’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong? Look what I did to your face!” His hand rip from hers as they raise into the air with anger. “I took the most precious gift the moon as given to me and ruined it. You like gray better.”
“Stop Ethan, I do not like Gray better. He explained it to me, it was your wolf not you.” No matter how much he wanted to move, he couldn’t find himself to move from her warm touch as she buried her head into his neck, like he often did. 
“Then why do your lips smell like him? You kiss him but not me..” Gray watches closely from a distance, just to make sure Y/N had safely made it to Ethan, he turns away from the scene in front of him, heading back to the house, allowing them to have this time alone.
Her fingers meet his cheeks, wiping the small tear that fell from his eye. Ethan from the beginning being the more sensitive twin. “You didn’t mean to hurt me.”
“But I still did. What is wrong with you? Why are you still here! Go be with grayson.” Jealously warming his belly as Y/N’s lips touch his softly.
“I feel just as much for you as I feel for Grayson.” Her lips touch his again but more eager as her lips mold against his, kiss after kiss all of his insecurities are wiped away. Hands lifting her up by her thighs, legs wrapping around his waist as sloppy, quick lips fight each other. Her words repeating in his head, she feels for you as well.
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little-owly · 6 years
Aw, little pet play is the CUTEST THING! Of the little ones you write about, what animals do you think they lean most towards? Holly's obviously a birb babe but I'd be super interested to hear some headcanons about the others! :)
AGE PLAY AND PET PLAY AAAAAAA [rubs hands together]gru//mpsarin -- baby tiger, he loves to roar!! he only drink warm milk from his baba because 'tigers only wike warm milk!' he shakes his lil butt and tail around a lotsuzy -- baby kitten, she has a silk purple and black collar with a bell!! she loves curling up on her caregiver's lap. she meows loudly when she wants to be played with!! danny -- baby puppy, he has a tail that straps around his waist so he can wiggle ❤️also loves eating bone shaped cookiesbarry -- baby bear, he and arin giggle and get into roaring contests, and he sure does love honey with his snacksross -- baby mouse, has big grey ears and a cute long pink tail. eats cheese and crackers as a snack, and squeaks as he plays hide and seek from his caregiver!! holly -- baby bird, wears a bird kigurumi and makes happy bird noises when she flaps her arms for her caregiver, pretending to flyjack w. -- another baby puppy, whining and butting his head against his caregiver's knee. barking and giggling while tugging at their shirt, "bork!! 'm puppo!! wan' snackies!"vernon -- baby crow, has a kigurumi, giggles as he tries to make bird noises, loves going 'woosh' as he 'flies', gets along with with birdie holly!!brian -- baby monkey, carries a plushie monkey with him, has a cute monkey tail attached to his diaper, and only wants banana flavored milk in his baba and banana bread in his tummy!!te//am//ip//liermark -- baby puppy, has a collar with a leash, drinks from his baba or drinking bowl, barks and nibbles at his caregiver, "cause puppies gib bestest nibbles!!"tyler -- baby bunny, has floopy bunny ears and bunny tail on the back of his pull ups, drawn on whiskers, hops over to his caregiver and gets fed carrot cake!!ethan -- baby raccoon, has a striped tail on his diaper, a raccoon hoodie two sizes too big for him, and black mittens, hides away from his caregiver and goes through all the places he can just like raccoons do. ❤️(green) jack -- another baby bear, has a cute lil tail on his diaper, likes running around outside and climbing up trees, and like barry, loves honey!! sometimes he roars when he needs the potty or needs a change bc hes a blushy baby bear!!te//am ed//gematthias -- baby deer, has little deer ears on a headband and tail that attaches to his waist. gentle and quiet as he plays with his stuffies (that are animals from the woods -- like him!!)bryan -- baby puppy, just an energetic as them too!! playing with dog toys and barking for his caregiver, "dada/mama/baba, hungry!! wan' sippy!!" he whines as he paws at his empty sippy cupjf//red -- baby sheep, surprisingly quiet and carries a plushie sheep with him. crawls around and goes "baaa" just to make his caregiver smile, wraps himself up in a fluffy white blankie when its too cold!!gu//nner -- baby panda bear, wears panda jammies and roars (very weakly), likes eating celery sticks with peanut butter bc it reminds him of bamboo!! likes playing with bryan when hes a little pet!!samantha -- baby bunny, has tall bunny ears and likes to wiggle her lil padded butt with her bunny tail!! she curls up like a bunny on her caregiver's lap and eats baby carrots!! she doesnt like eating from a water or food bowl -- "its icky!!"bobby -- polar bear, wears white snow jammies and pretends to "catch fish" by picking up his fishie plushies with his mouth, roars the loudest out of all of them!!other 'tubersdodie -- baby kitten, yellow kitty ears and collar to match, meows gently and crawls over to her caregiver, blushing while she pats at her diaper, needing a change.vano//ss -- baby owl, goes "hoot hoot" when happy, has a blue owl kigurumi, nuzzles into his caregiver and makes happy bird noise, is a big boy and goes potty all by himself!!dan (no//t on fi//re) -- baby puppy, floppy doggo ears, tail around his waist and rests on his pull ups, barks at his caregiver and growls/blushes when he gets called a good dog(am//azi//ng) phil -- baby lion, goes roar, has fluffy ears, and wags his tail!! he lays on his back and sips at his bottle while his caregiver praises him, "such a good baby lion, big and strong!!"ma//xmo//efo//e -- baby otter, has brown fur paws, wiggles and plays on a baby blue blankie so he can pretend he's swimming, has his caregiver draw whiskers on him "wike real otters!!"jo//ji -- baby bird, chirps and coos, has a cute little 'beak' he wears and whines because "wanna fly wike weal birds...", only way to keep him happy is to give piggy back rides so he can pretend he's flying!! id///ub///bb///z -- baby puppy, much more aggressive, growls and nips at his caregiver, wears a collar with a leash, but calms down and barks quietly as his caregiver gives him belly scratches!!theres TONS more i write for but we'll stop it here bc its turning into an essay and i doubt anyone read all of them D: but these are just what i think everyone would be!! :D
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snarkyowl · 7 years
Centaur AU
Introducing to you, the public, the list of breeds(and species) for the centaur au that I’ve been working on with B for a bit!
Kind of a mess because it’s straight from my notes ^^;
Mark- Friesian
Dark - Friesian
Wilford - Arabian || Cremello
Doc - Camarillo white horse
Host - Orlov trotter || Bay
Bim - Arabian || Black with left back white stocking
The Jims - Mustangs || Jim N. || Buckskin || Jim W. || Bay
Google B - Akal-Teke || Grey
Google R - Akal-Teke || Bay
Google Y - Akal-Teke || Cremello
Google G - Akal-Teke || Dark bay
Silver- Clydesdale || Grey
Ed edgar- American Paint || Brown and white
Bopiplier- Welsh pony || Black
Yandere- Misaki horse || Dark bay
King- Fjord
Beaiplier- Spiti horse || Dark brown
Artiplier- Appaloosa || Dark Bay
Red man- Appaloosa || Chestnut
Jack- Tinker horse || Chestnut tobiano
Jackibea- Curly horse || Chestnut
Jacques- Selle Francais || Bay
Angus- Australian Brumby || Bay
Robbie- Zebra
Anti- Tinker horse || Blue Roan
Schneep- Holsteiner || Grey
Chase- Morgan || Dun
Margaret- Morgan || Palomino
Miles- Morgan || Buckskin
Jackaboy man- Shire || Brown
Marvin- Arabian || Black w/ white stockings
Madpat- Marwari || Black with white socks
Natemare- Peryton, deerman shapeshifter
Signe- Cervitaur || White tailed deer
Amy- Fae || Fairy that generally just looks human
Tyler- Elf || Wood elf?
Ethan- Thoroughbred || Black and white tobiano
Kathryn- Water spirit
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About Me
  Hi, I’m Ethan Rice and I am a hunter; I am writing this blog for those that do not understand what are hunting ethics, the complexities of the population management of white-tail deer without hunting. Before I get to much into this let me tell you more about myself, I am a freshmen at Unity College and I am studying Conservation Law Enforcement. I am very passionate about this topic because I have grown-up hunting with my father and those are the best times, getting out with my dad and connecting with him on a new level. Throughout there will be pictures of my achievements at hunting with my dad because, to me that is the best thing in the world.
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