#ew this one is a scary cryptid lol
souptual-remade · 5 years
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hide-behind + black for @countrysundae
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lgbtsheep · 6 years
my aj characters
buckle in pardners cause this is gonna be a looong ride
ya this is gonna be a really long post lol
i finally got a membership!!!!!! so i can make a post with all my characters!!!! which ive been wanting to do for AGES
i’ll put my Main Kids here and then put a read more for those who are interested!
so get ready folks because this is like a big dysfunctional family
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the “main” boi, the face of the whole group
usually manages stuff like den stores and trading
genderfluid, will go by any pronouns
very friendly and sociable! he’s the one you see and think “i should talk to them”
lives in peck’s den, but needs to redecorate it
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he loves his bedroom, even if desert went a little crazy decorating it...
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this is his pet, Mumbleimus:
he’s a star and he knows it
will probably strike a pose for u
gender roles whomst? he only knows fashion
occasionally makes bad puns
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secret mira fanboy
kind of edgy
tries to act mean or secluded but he’s not really that mean
he/him but he isn’t totally a binary dude
his sexuality is a mystery to everybody, even himself
his bird tendencies are. through the roof. he is just. so very bird.
wants to become a therapist stationed in the basement of secrets
lives in peck’s den or the treehouse
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he......... lov his bed................
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this is his pet, Musicalfrost!
desert’s PRIDE AND JOY, he would kill for this little gal
punk rock
might try and attack you
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me, but cooler
Hip With the Kids™
starts celebrating halloween in august
probably a demon
cryptid and space enthusiast
lives in any of the dens, but most primarily peck’s den and the enchanted hollow
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what a nerd.
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this is their pet, Oddpebble!
a little fucking rascal
very good at percussion (he has many hands)
definitely a demon
lovable weirdo
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very first animal, ever
literally just me
has anxiety issues
tries very hard
huge nerd
lives with greencloud in the default den, but is putting together another den to move into
one of the nonmember kiddos
goes on the land missions/adventures
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they really like plants
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this is his pet, Windowbee!
kind of creepy but aesthetically pleasing
a lot like onion from steven universe
those feathers he’s holding are what remains of his enemies
Magical loves him
that’s all the main kiddos! the rest are under the cut!
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was going to be a tertiary, but he complained so much he became a primary
the cooler Magical
probably cooler than you
also hip with the kids
unmedicated ADHD
kind of annoying
acts like he isnt trying, but he really is
lives in the default den
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this is his pet, Silverysky!
quiet, tiny punk
kind of shy
is actually pretty cool when you get to know him
likes metal and screamo
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kind of freaked out by all the other animals
lives in the default den, but is rarely ever seen there
always weirded out but tries to go along
heterosexual (or... attracted to women?? idk) aromantic
the other nonmember kiddo
never talks to anybody
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this is his pet, Misscrystal!
the mom friend
all of the animals adore her
she loves u
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goes on the water missions/adventures
isnt lgbt but is a very enthusiastic ally
lowkey a softie
lives in either the treehouse, the lost ruins den, or the sky kingdom
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this is his land pet, Microbook!
he’s very old and kind of kooky
has embraced the pirate aesthetic
wants to be a pirate just like his dad
gets very excited about adventures
loves adventuring w Pear
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this is his ocean pet, Summershell!
he loves her to death
isn’t necessarily fond of the pirate aesthetic but doesn’t mind it
she especially loves when Pear gets excited about dressing her like a pirate and coos over her
loves attention
was the product of a crappy trade but Pear didn’t want to get rid of her
not as enthusiastic about being a pirate
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an absolute ray of sunshine
very carefree and friendly
there’s a running gag between the animals about Apple and Pear being a duo called “the fruit bowl”
doesn’t talk very much but will make sure u know he loves u
asexual aromantic
lives in the lost ruins den, but they really need to decorate it
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this is their pet, Uberimus!
he’s pretty spooky but actually very friendly
needs more friends. he scared all his old ones off
just wants to be loved
gets lots of cuddles from Apple
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avid australian
very adventurous
tomboy aesthetic
loves all the freaky animals out there. the more exotic, the better
wants one of those shows where they go to australia and do a lot of dangerous stuff with the wildlife
“that over there is the most venomous animal in the world!...”
“...I’m gonna poke it with a stick.”
she/they (usually they)
lives in the treehouse
the only time they’d be seen without their aviator’s hat is if they were dead
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Desert got to decorate the bedroom, and, uh... yeah.
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this is her pet, Macroimus!
she would kill for this “dapper little fellow”
used to have a top hat and monocle
recently went into an anime phase
loves adventures
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loves pink
has a very masculine build that he is very happy with
loves flowers and cute things and everything girly
lives in peck’s den
sexuality? who has time for that? i only have time for fashion.
probably asexual homoromantic (but he’s never really looked into it)
total fashionista
fuck gender roles
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this is his pet, Toyturtle! (sorry for the bad picture oops)
very pampered
the sweetest little turtle
loves her little beetle friend
friendly but a little airheaded
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is an artist
a nervous nerd
likes anime
grey asexual panromantic
lives in the enchanted hollow
shy, but once you get to know her she never shuts up
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this is her pet, Sircrystal!
very much like King George’s depiction from Hamilton the musical
probably plotting your murder
he is the best. everybody else in inferior.
thinks he’s an actual king, higher then the alphas
“i’ll kill your friends and family to remind you of my love”
Lilac is kind of terrified of him but she still loves him
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obsessed with nature
an actual child
has to be closely monitored or else she’ll probably make stupid decisions
ridiculously friendly
a mildly annoying ray of sunshine
she’s a literal child she doesn’t know romance
the equivalent of like an 8 year old
lives in the mushroom hut with her brother (she needs to decorate it though!!)
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this is her pet, Gummyturtle!
can kick ass
kind of like a tiny bodyguard for Sunny
loves being dressed up
essentially teaches Sunny how to take care of her and properly treat pets, since Sunny does behave much like a child
kawaii as fuck
big,, floppy ears,,,,,,,,
likes spicy food
from Japan
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DJ Kawaiimoon
demands you call him by his full name while staring him in the eye
tsundere type
secretly soft
likes screamo bands
bisexual but still figuring it out
the equivalent of 13 years old
Sunny’s brother
lives in the mushroom hut
relatively quiet, but usually complaining if he’s talking
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this is his pet, Jellyninja!
DJ Kawaiimoon LOVES him
is like the only person DJ Kawaiimoon is nice to
friendly and boyish
really likes sweets
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still figuring out what the hell her look is supposed to be
frenemies with Lilac
the bad kind of weaboo
pretty problematic
probably posts edgy things in hopes of getting attention
probably fetishizes “yaoi” (ew)
calls herself bisexual to look “cool” but is actually straight
lives in the enchanted hollow
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this is her pet, Snowytitan!
love-hate relationship with Juniper
absolutely loves everybody (except Juniper sometimes)
if you feed him he’ll keep you in his heart until he dies
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is a witch
very very creepy
takes the hyena laughter trope to heart
freaks everybody out
not as mean or scary as everybody thinks she is
they’ll still hex your ass if you wrong them though
demisexual aromantic
lives in the sky kingdom
not many of the other animals understand her; only really Mellow, Atom, and Magical
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this is her pet, Puppyfrost!
also very creepy
spooks everybody
probably posessed
River’s loyal assistant
can receive prophecies and communicate with spirits
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just trying to get by
nonchalant and just sort of accepts all the weird shit that happens with the group
mildly edgy
bisexual demiromantic (has a preference for dudes)
lives in the volcano den
gets along with Bean
sometimes helps River with their magic
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this is his pet, Mirrorfrost!
he adores her
sometimes mischievous
quiet and very intelligent
from China
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is a dj
“yooooo that’s radical dude!”
surfer dude personality
very leisurely and kind of lazy
bisexual, but the type of person you wouldn’t expect to be lgbt
lives in the volcano den and needs to decorate it
very friendly
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this is his pet, Zippynote!
DJ thinks he’s such a weird little fellow
and he is
very quiet
kind of just there?
relatively friendly
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moved from India
think’s he’s the “chosen one” picked by Zios to defend Jamaa
wants to be part of “the fruit bowl”
self-proclaimed air-bender
lives in the sky kingdom
doesn’t really know anybody
heavy accent
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this is his pet, Starrymantis!
he ADORES her. he thinks she is the absolute most adorable thing
he still needs to dress her up though
very sweet and friendly
loves cuddles
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Mister Wonkybuddy
literally just. a dad. he is dad
lives in the volcano den to “keep track of those rascal teenagers”
really likes mythologies
used to be an adventurer and even got to meet sir gilbert
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this is his pet, Gummypeach!
quiet and kind of creepy
it’s probably just because of his outfit though
Mister dressed him up when he was really absorbed in a book on Egyptian mythology
loves his dad and Mister loves him
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the newest member to the family!
like, she is BRAND SPANKIN NEW. she doesn’t even have a pet
soft pastel nature aesthetic
clumsy due to her masculine frame
socially awkward
heterosexual (shes been experimenting with girls though)
lives in the treehouse
i really hope you love my kids as much as i do!!!! if you like them please reblog them!! i’ve put so much energy into these kiddos. my children. i love them
if you’ve made it this far, holy shit thanks this took me a really long time to put together
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draconicroyalty · 7 years
A Squad Isn’t a Squad Without a ChatRoom
My excuse for this is that I love chat room fanfics. Also, huge crossover and massive oc x canon.-
Fandoms: DMC, Bayonetta, Inuyasha
Genre: Crack, with a side of romance
Chapter One - Furries, Monster Fuckers and Dinner
                                     [BALDER created Group Chat]
[BALDER changed the name Group Chat to Fucking Insomnia]
[Balder added DANIYAL]
DANIYAL: who tf is creating group chats at 4am BALDER: me, dipshit, i can't sleep DANIYAL: well boo hoo, suck it up and bang your head against somethin BALDER: why are u so cranky DANIYAL: it's 4am and my first class tomorrow is maths do you really wanna ask me why tf i'm mad BALDER: fair enough BALDER: is sparda awake DANIYAL: nah DANIYAL: has been snoring for a good 5 hours BALDER: wait, he snores?? DANIYAL: ya BALDER: omg DANIYAL: what about dog boy BALDER: playing dating simulators DANIYAL: you're kidding BALDER: i wish i was DANIYAL: YO DOG BOY WTF TOUGA: TF U WANT DANIYAL: STOP TRYING TO GET INTO A BISHIE'S PANTS U WEEB, GO TO SLEEP FFS TOUGA: why are u awake BALDER: yeah nice question DANIYAL: um DANIYAL: studying? TOUGA: bullshit BALDER: bet you're playing lol again and mad cuz of the trolls DANIYAL: IT'S 4AM, TROLLS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE, WHY DO I ONLY GET YASUOS IN MY TEAM BALDER: there there, baby, there there SPARDA: Dafuck is all this noise DANIYAL: u r awake??? SPARDA: yah, someone mutters what they type a bit too loud DANIYAL: srry bae SPARDA: np bby TOUGA: stop DANIYAL: why BALDER: you're reminding him he's single DANIYAL: that's cuz he's a furry SPARDA: LOOOOOL DANIYAL: before anyone asks spar actually laughed while typing that TOUGA: ASHFKDSKGHKSJAHL BALDER: touga, words. not keysmashes. TOUGA: IMF NSOT A FURRTY DANIYAL: what??? SPARDA: i think the poor furry is trying to type he ain't a furry
[DANIYAL changed the name Fucking Insomnia to FURRY CONFIRMED]
BALDER: lol BALDER: dan u r aware that he will try to kill you tomorrow DANIYAL: np i got a spray bottle TOUGA: KLHAFDSHGKGH FUCK U DANIYAL: MY PARTNERS DO THAT BALDER: sometimes i forget our boy's poly DANIYAL: i love all my boyfriends, girlfriends and significant others equally and if anyone hurts them i'll pull their guts out and eat them TOUGA: ew BALDER: scary SPARDA: i say him throwing a guy that was harassing one of his classmates into the trash once DANIYAL: i was practicing slam dunks and he looked like a basketball TOUGA: how does a guy look like a basketball DANIYAl: he was wearing orange and black BALDER: fair enough SPARDA: like this is fun but SPARDA: it's 4:22 am SPARDA: we should sleep TOUGA: alright mom BALDER: goodnight mom SPARDA: mom?? pretty sure i didn't conceive such ugly children DANIYAl: OH SNAP BALDER: SPARDA WE'RE LITERALLY TWINS?? SPARDA: LOOK AT ME, I'M THE PRETTY ONE BALDER: BEAUTY MARKS DON'T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE U THE PRETTY ONE TOUGA: aaaand there they go DANIYAL: babe stop angrily typing SPARDA: he started BALDER: NO I DIDNT??? DANIYAL: i know babe i know BALDER: HE LITERALLY STARTED THIS??? TOUGA: give up bal it's better BALDER: jsfslghjhg im going to bed TOUGA: nighty night BALDER: stop playing dream daddy and go to sleep too TOUGA: make me DANIYAL: WAIT U PLAY DREAM DADDY??? TOUGA: YA DANIYAL: favorite dad? TOUGA: brian DANIYAL: ....your fave's the bear. u furry. TOUGA: shUT UP TOUGA: who's your fave?? DANIYAL: matt TOUGA: why am i not surprised DANIYAL: he's a cINNAMON ROLL AND I WILL PROTECT HIM WITH MY LIFE SPARDA: babe log off lol DANIYAL: but babe...the IP.... SPARDA: tomorrow, babe, tomorrow DANIYAL: fine...night, u furry TOUGA: aadlkfjsghAHJSGHSKJ NOT A FURRY BALDER: furry [BALDER is OFFLINE]
TOUGA: fuck y'all [TOUGA is OFFLINE]
EVA: baby! DANIYAL: babe! AMASIS: what tf is this DANIYAL: balder couldn't sleep and created a group chat DANIYAL: so since i liked the idea and was super supportive when he created it i thought about adding more people AMASIS: oh JUURAH: LMAO IS THE NAME OF THE GROUP CHAT ABOUT TOUGA DANIYAL: scroll up bro JUURAH: omg that furry MAALIK: why tf were you all awake at 4am DANIYAL: balder had insomnia, i was playing league, touga was seducing daddies and i woke up spar MAALIK: that game's not good for u, i'm tellin ya DANIYAL: too bad i don't give a fuck MAALIK: ow DANIYAL: where's my baby boy? NATHANIEL: for the last time i'm 2 MINUTES YOUNGER THAN U DANIYAL: baby boy <3 EVA: (*^_^*) thats cute DANIYAL: you're cute
SPARDA: you're both cute AMASIS: sparda is summoned as soon as eva and dan start being cute, wow SPARDA: you do it too AMASIS: not with eva AMASIS: no offense darling EVA: it's ok (*´∀`*) DANIYAL: so pure MAALIK: if we're talkin about being cute and stuff MAALIK: i have some baby dan pics DANIYAL: *softly* dont MAALIK: don't try to meme your way out of this LUKAH: give them to us EVA: Lukah, you're here! (*^.^*) LUKAH: ...pure maiden LUKAH: i mean hi love LUKAH: anyways SPARDA: pics now AMASIS: i demand pics DANIYAL: pls no [MAALIK sent chubbycheeks.png] EVA: AWWWWWWWWWWW JUURAH: omg is that his old bib??? that thing was so cute SPARDA: brb dying cuz of cute AMASIS: i'm saving that and nobody can stop me LUKAH: !!! LUKAH: baby freckles LUKAH: omg
TOUGA: i'm saving it as future blackmail potential DANIYAL: fuck u SPARDA: dog boy don't lie SPARDA: u also think he was cute af TOUGA: nah TOUGA: maybe a little TOUGA: ok look he has really chubby cheeks and he's hugging a dog plushie, I AM WEAK EVA: Daniyal never lost his cuteness over the years ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ DANIYAL: aghgihrhgrih that'snottrue SPARDA: oh he's blushing AMASIS: you're his roommate, pinch his cheeks for me LUKAH: and for me EVA: for me too!! ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ JUURAH: why do you like those emojis so much eva EVA: they're adorable DANIYAL: ow ow ow SPARDA MY CHEEKS SPARDA: they're so soft omg AMASIS: now kiss them better SPARDA: done AMASIS: u know what i'm going there EVA: count me in! LUKAH: im on my way rn
BALDER: y'all really love him don't you SPARDA: balder. brother. good friend of mine. he's literally a ray of sunshine that covers anything that's evil and putrid in this world AMASIS: he's the personification of a cool breeze in a warm summer day EVA: he's huggable like a teddy! LUKAH: ... LUKAH: thicc. LUKAH: jk, he's literally a mix of everything that's good and sweet DANIYAL: ASFJKGSHG STOP IM CRYING I LOVE U ALL SO MUCH TOUGA: SOME OF US ARE STILL SINGLE DANIYAL: that's cuz you're a furry TOUGA: stop DANIYAL: i saw your internet browser history bruh TOUGA: I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT A FURRY WAS DANIYAL: SO U RESEARCH IT ON TUMBLR 2 TIMES A DAY?? DANIYAL: yeah right bro TOUGA: im pulling out the receipts Dan DANIYAL: do not TOUGA: i may be a furry, but have you seen the amount of times you're in the terato tag?? TOUGA: u monster fucker
[Touga changed the name FURRY CONFIRMED to DAN WANTS MONSTER D]
DANIYAL: hOW DARE SPARDA: tbh, unsurprised AMASIS: like, he blushes when there's big creepy monsters in movies EVA: i heard him saying a monster lady could break him in half and he'd thank her LUKAH: ya dan's always been a monster fucker JUURAH: i can confirm that MAALIK: wait so all those trips to find big foot were due to Dan's horny ass NATHANIEL: nah that was me NATHANIEL: he's more of a loch ness monster guy DANIYAL: Nessie is a beautiful independent lady and also gay af so we're just besties MAALIK: i'm kinkshaming DANIYAL: u can't kinkshame if kinksame MAALIK: what DANIYAL: one word. actually, one cryptid DANIYAL: mothman MAALIK: ASDFGHJKL SHUT UP BALDER: honestly BALDER: i think being a furry is worse TOUGA: thanks for the damn support bro, wait til i kill you while u sleep SPARDA: did u just confirm you're a furry TOUGA: fUCK JUURAH: i always knew it NATHANIEL: i mean why would he nickname himself dog boy BALDER: lmao do u have a fursona touga?? TOUGA: fuck off TOUGA: why not tease Dan for being a monster fucker?? AMASIS: if u dated him you'd know he's into even kinkier stuff SPARDA: yah EVA: yah LUKAH: yah TOUGA: wait what DANIYAL: qwertyuiioponfds save m BALDER: what is going on over there AMASIS: we're drowning him in affection and i think he broke LUKAH: bara machine broke BALDER: tf's a bara TOUGA: urban dictionary says it's a person (usually male) with a large, somewhat muscular, and fairly hairy body type NATHANIEL: lol JUURAH: if there's something Dan ain't, it's hairy EVA: tru SPARDA: never caught him shaving tbh DANIYAL: i'll never reveal my secrets TOUGA: late bloomer DANIYAL: iM NOT DANIYAL: i simply dislike body hair on me TOUGA: what about other people DANIYAL: it's their body and they can do whatever they want and honestly?? cute. BALDER: why not apply that concept to yourself DANIYAL: never MAALIK: i know we are all having fun chatting and stuff MAALIK: but like MAALIK: it's almost dinner time MAALIK: so go get somethin to eat DANIYAL: but daaaad MAALIK: im not dad. dad is straight. NATHANIEL: lmao, right JUURAH: our family is so gay i sometimes forget that DANIYAL: mom's bi af tho JUURAH: i took after her DANIYAL: anyway if u don't mind im getting my lovely gfs and bfs something to eat AMASIS: we could eat u AMASIS: out DANIYAL: thank god u said out cuz if not i would kick u DANIYAL: this is a vore free chat SPARDA: vore is strictly banned TOUGA: kinkshamers BALDER: ... DANIYAL: touga wtf
BALDER: tbh?? he deserves this EVA: what's vore LUKAH: such a pure innocent soul SPARDA: don't tell her DANIYAL: guys. eva's anything but a pure innocent soul. DANIYAL: at least when it comes to stuff LUKAH: ok, tru SPARDA: u woke the femdom monster in her DANIYAL: and you're grateful for that SPARDA: can't say i'm not AMASIS: can we go eat now DANIYAL: actual dinner or ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) BALDER: is your lenny face winking MAALIK: that is extremely concerning NATHANIEL: welp, people, im outtie JUURAH: same, wanna eat MAALIK: im escaping before this gets anymore sexual
BALDER: im going to find touga and kinkshame him
AMASIS: so SPARDA: hm EVA: mcdonalds or subway? (´∀`) LUKAH: i'm in the mood for mcdonalds DANIYAL: yeah same SPARDA: can we watch a movie too?? since we're going to the mall AMASIS: sounds like fun DANIYAL: im paying LUKAH: no ur not wtf DANIYAL: I PAY
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