#feels like there wasn't much this year.. hmh
multapohja966 · 5 months
some fav things this year
Detransition, baby - Torrey Peters' book. just adding a one more assurance that it is just as good as everyone says.
Shopping Star as a semiotechnical code modulating Greek femininity in pharmacopornographic capitalism - fun opulence of hard words discussing interesting things. (article utilising Preciado's analysis tools to discuss (post)recession Greece)
Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw - Rei Mikamoto's insane gory gross, hard to explain, manga about a girl with a chainsaw trying to kill the person responsible for turning her classmates into grotesque minions.
One Piece - caught up finally. yes, it is worth it.
67,292 Things Car Guys Can Teach Transsexuals by Adrian Glenn - part of the 2 Trans 2 Furious zine. as a car guy associate and transsexual i deeply loved this one.
The Shape of Premodern Nonbinarity: A Conversation with Leah DeVun - I'll never stop talking about this article.
Bronson - Tom Hardy movie, biography of "Britain's most violent prisoner " Charles Bronson. It doesn't completely highlight everything essential about his story (having a less than nuanced view on untreated mental illness and its relationship with incarceration) but it's such a good fucking movie!! And at least artistically very loyal to who it's depicting (insane and absurdist).
this video of jack harlow at a chiropractic appointment - we live such weird fucking times. like it isn't heartfelt but it isn't disgusting either it's just, w-what? eh?
Little chinese everywhere - vlogger Yan who travels though less tourist heavy provinces in China, really respectful look to everyday life in more rural communities. these have given me a lot of peace and joy. a lot of extremely intresting architecture as well.
Inflatables and the adults who love collecting them - by furry youtuber Ash Coyote. Truly a gem of respectful by fandom, of fandom documentaries. Touching and lovely!!
MerPeople - don't touch netflix anymore but this documentary of the mermaid community and industry is incredibly good.
this rose ramdin x html jones vid - the well read terminally online gen z musical artists who get their estrogen money from twitter shitposting are the modern greek philosphers. in the sense that i'd sit on a stone public square step and listen to a convo like this for the whole day.
A normal creepypasta retrospective - there's hope for youtube actually
Cat soup / Nekojiru-sou movie
Earth Maiden Arjuna - early 2000s environmentalist anime series lovers make some noicee. this one is sooo lovely and gorgeous. real hidden gem.
Sabaton - as expected, bit of a weird vibe in the crowd demographic :--------D but show itself is an insane fucking spectacle I'm happy I saw. You can really sense these men are swedish, the "my country hasn't been in an active war for two centuries" theater kid energy is wild. Tank on stage.
Death Grips - I'm pretty sure this rebooted my whole brain. Went with close friend, pretty sure my biggest bruise came form her hands.
Antti Tuisku - Farewell gig of the best pop performer in finland. I do not understand how he doesn't pass out on stage with everything he's doing. The jesus allegory album is forever my favorite, it's so genious in how it discusses fame so well while staying funny and self-avare. Neck hurt for the next week due to headbanging.
Suistamon sähkö - small gig yet one of the absolute best this year. (i cried) You need to see these guys live, the vocal ability of the main singers is absurd, it doesn't come through fully in recordings. And they create a very special atmosphere and community within their gigs, literally joined hands and danced in a circle.
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what-if-queen-camilla · 10 months
Chapter 21
23rd January 1993, Part 2
"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!", Theodora cheered beyond excited as Andrew, accompanied by Mr Rabbit, stuck his head through the door of Charlie Shelburne's office, where she was still helping the Earl with his correspondence, but immediately jumped up from his lap and ran over to Andrew who opened his arms for her, picking her up and twirling her around which made the little girl chuckle and giggle. "How's my little Princess?", he asked her after they'd ended their little cuddle session and sat down on the sofa together, Thea taking place between Andrew and Mr Rabbit whose long, fluffy ears she immediately fell in love with. "Thank you, Daddy, he's sooo cute!", she gushed, pressing the bunny against herself. "I'm happy you like him! You know, I saw him standing outside Buckingham Palace, obviously searching for a little girl to love and play with him.", he told her in all seriousness, and Thea's eyes widened in excitement. "So I quickly stopped and let him hop in.", he went on, adding: "... and he wasn't the only friend I met there. I brought Sir." "Sir is here???", Thea asked and her whole little face brightened up in delight. "Where is he?" "He's with Mummy.", Andrew said and Thea lowered her eyes. Though she was only just five-and-a-half years old, she was incredibly sensitive regarding people's feelings and always attentive to interpersonal vibrations. Of course, she hadn't forgotten what Mummy had told her the other day, which she still hadn't completely grasped, but maybe Daddy could explain it a bit further…? "Are they talking about the secret?", she asked cautiously, looking at him in a mixture of curiosity and fear. "What are you talking about, sweetheart?", he asked, as he knew that Camilla would have hardly told her anything… but, then again, of course, Thea would have asked questions, understandably and rightfully so. God, what were they supposed to tell her? How were they supposed to explain it to her? "Mummy said she had been sharing a secret with Sir but some evil people uncovered it and they're now angry with them.", Thea bubbled. "That's why Mummy couldn't leave the house last week. The angry people were in the driveway and garden.", though she didn't seem to understand what exactly she was talking about, Andrew had noticed her insecurity and uncertainty and it simply broke his heart. "That's not very nice of them, is it?", he carefully asked and Thea shook her head. "Have you been afraid?", Andrew wanted to know, slightly afraid of the response. Though Thea wasn't his biological child, he loved her just as much as he loved Tom and Laura - he had been the one who literally brought her to life after all - and the mere imagination that his little Princess could have been in fear made him angry, but being the brave girl Thea was, she shook her head anew, explaining: "No, I wasn't. But I think Mummy was…" "Oh was she?" Thea nodded and looked so upset, that he couldn't help pulling her into his arms again. "Mummy thinks I didn't see it but I heard her crying every night.", she revealed and sighed. "Has Mummy told you about her and Sir's secret?" "She said she couldn't because she had promised him, and the point of secrets is not to tell anyone." "Oh, did she?" "Hmh…" "Okay… well, actually Mummy is right, but as we've both always told you: family is an exception. You can always tell us anything, and never need to be afraid or ashamed, okay, sweetheart? You can always trust us. Perhaps wen can ask Mummy and Sir themselves whether they'd share their secret with us later, what do you think?", he suggested and Thea, after visibly intense considering everything, agreed.In order to avoid bumping into a private moment between his wife and the Prince, Andrew convinced little Thea to play with Mr Rabbit for a little longer and promised her that Mummy and Sir would surely join them for dinner and they would best do it afterwards.
Meanwhile, Charles and Camilla, too, had decided that they needed to talk to Thea and tell her at least an age appropriate version of the story so that she’d learn about their relationship from them instead of hearing it somewhat cruelly from other children at school or something. Before dinner, while Fiona had taken care of Thea, the three of them had discussed it together and, much to Charles' regret, he had been outvoted by Camilla and Andrew that they should tell her all together. He'd have preferred to do it with Camilla alone but she insisted that Andrew, as her father - the only father she knew about and a rather wonderful one - as she said, which felt like a stitch in his heart, should be there as well. The fact that he had accepted Andrew's role in his daughter's life didn't mean that he liked or appreciated it but he quite simply had no choice.
So, after dinner, they took her to one of the Drawing Rooms and sat down on the floor with her, on a very soft, red carpet, right in front of the fireplace. Camilla emptied her second glass of wine in one go and drew Thea into her arms. "Daddy, Sir and I would like to talk about something with you, darling.", she started and Theas eyes widened in expectation. "Are you going to share your secret with me?", she asked and Camilla sighed. Her poor little daughter probably thought it was going to be something cool and exciting… hopefully it wasn't going to hit her too hard… "We are. But I'm afraid it might not be the sort of secret you're expecting.", she replied, looking at Andrew in uncertainty, nonverbally asking him to take over as she didnt know how to start. "See, Thea, the most important thing for you to know is, that we all love you very much and always will, no matter what happens or what might going to change, right?", he said and Camilla sighed in relief. Nevermind his failure as a husband for her, he undoubtedly was and had always been an exceptional father for all of their children. "I love you, too!", Thea replied, playfully rolling over to Andrew, who sat to Camilla's left, and then to Charles who had taken place on her right side, who pulled her onto his lap before taking over: "You know, little darling, sometimes love can be a bit complicated and the heart simply won't do what you tell it.", he said. "Sometimes, we develop feelings for people we shouldn't have feelings for. And… that's what happened between Mummy and me." "You're best friends.", Thea stated casually what she'd been told since like forever, and both Charles and Camilla nodded. "That is true, sweetheart.", Camilla confirmed, before adding: "But, a little while ago, Sir and I noticed that…", she paused and looked to Charles who gave her a reassuring glance. "We are more than just friends. Actually, we have fallen in love, you know." Thea frowned her forehead and sat up, irritatedly looking from one to the other. "But you're in love with Daddy.", she said, crawling over to Andrew again, who took her in his arms immediately. "Mummy and I were in love a couple of years ago, very much so, and we are still very fond of each other. I think we can say that we love each other like you love Tom and Laura. But… we are not… in love anymore." "Are you going to divorce?", Thea asked, suddenly sounding rather anxious. She had heard similar stories of some of her friends' parents who had divorced and though she didn't really know what exactly a divorce was, in her friends' cases it had meant that they didn't see their Daddys as often as they used to anymore and she didn't want to see less of Daddy. However, Camilla assured her that they were not going to divorce and that, no matter what, they'd always be her parents and always be there for her which seemed to soothe her little.
After a few minutes of silence, an important question crossed her mind: "But if you are in love, why don't you marry? That's what people do when they're in love.", she asked and Charles had to turn away for a moment because he was having a hard time pulling himself together. She was such a clever girl, and of course, she was right. That's what people did when they were in love. Of course he wanted to marry Camilla, the sooner, then better, but… "The trouble is, I'm not allowed to.", he said. "Because, you know… I'm… a Prince. And there are different rules for Princes." "I don't understand that.", Thea said, rolling over to her Mummy and looking at her in pure admiration, tenderly stroking Camilla’s hair with her little fingers. "But Mummy can be a Princess. She's beautiful and has a kind heart.", she said, as if it was the most normal thing in the world, and Camilla threw her head back laughing, whereas Charles had to swallow a few tears. He had always thought exactly the same. "Well, maybe, one day, things will change and Mummy can, indeed, be a Princess.", he said, lovingly looking at Camilla, who rolled her eyes. "And even if: perhaps I don't even want to be a Princess.", she remarked, which left Thea maximum confused: "Why should anyone not want to be a Princess?", she asked. "I think it's lovely. You can wear nice dresses and crowns and live in a castle." This time, it was Charles rolling his eyes, however not in a negative but more in an amused way. "I'm afraid it's not quite like this, darling.", he said. "I might tell you one day." "Yes, please, Sir! Tell me everything!", Thea cheered, climbing up on him, wrapping her little arms around his neck. "I'm sure Sir will be more than happy to do so at some point - but not today.", Camilla interrupted them. "That was all more than enough to take in for one day and we should all try and get some sleep now." "But I'm not tired!", Thea moaned but a heartfelt yewn, much to all of the adults' amusement, revealed that she was, indeed, very tired.
"So, whom of us would you like to bring you to bed, sweetheart?", she asked and Thea's answer came as quick as a shot: "Sir!" Of course, Charles was delighted and only too happy to fulfil his little angel's wish, and after they'd left the room, Camilla and Andrew went over to the sofa, Camilla immediately sitting down with a sigh and Andrew heading to the side table, pouring two glasses of Whisky before sitting down next to her and handing her a glass. "Thank God everything went well.", she said, and he agreed: "Yes, so far she seems to cope well." "She does. But she's still too little to understand everything to the whole extent…", Camilla replied and he nodded. "For the moment, the most important thing is that she knows she is loved and feels safe with us. And everything else will fall in place somehow. But she must never get to know who her real father is." It almost sounded like a threat and Camilla swallowed heavily. "I know, Andrew. That would turn her whole life upside down and put her at enormous risk. I promise, she won't. " Andrew took her hand and looked at her seriously. "Milla. Don't promise anything you have no control over."
Writing this actually took me ages because it's made me quite emotional... I so enjoy this little AU but at the same time I'm glad it didn't reallt happen that way to be honest. Just imagine going through everything they had to go through and at the same time having to take care of a child... and I'm afraid thr worst is yet to come... 😭 But since some of you wished for a carefree, happy story, I'll try and give you and them - a little break from the drama in the next chapter!
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izayoichan · 3 months
2, 4, 7, 17, 30, and all creator questions for my boi :)
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For the boi!
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh? Very easy, he is the type that can laugh about almost anything, even when they hit their toe against something sharp, they just can't help but laugh, even though it fucking hurts. He also has a very contagous laugh, the type that if he starts and really gets the chuckles, no one in a room could either not smile, or start laughing too.
4. How easy is it to earn their trust? He is far from the worst with it, although I think he is good at giving people some trust to begin with, and then let them prove to him that they are worth more trust that just that little bit in the beginning. So you have to work a bit to get into that proper inner circle of trust. Outwardly that makes him seem really trustful to most.
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? There are two things that are equal for him nostaliga wise. (this is a bit of a spoiler, but ah well) watching pairs skate is something that triggers nostalgia for him. After him and Ye-Min's accident he never got a new partner to skate with, but went solo. He doesn't mind that feeling, but it is bittersweet for him. It's hard to wonder what if. The other thing is helping out at the shelter. It brings back all the memories he had a child, and he loves the feeling it gives. It's simply comforting. So yes, he brings his daughter along, to hopefully give her the same feelings as he has when there.
17. Are they easily embarrassed? Suprisingly yes. He has learned how to hide it well due to his job, but yeah, he is quite easily embarrased. He doesn't blush easily, but a tell tell sign is shuffeling of feet and twiddeling his fingers when he gets embarrased.
30. Who do they most regret meeting? Hmh... I don't know if he regrets meeting anyone, he has been lucky that way. The only thing that comes to mind, is some of the kids that were bullies when he were younger, saying that his love for figure skating wasn't good. And then for me: A: Why are you excited about this character? Because he is so different from the normal character I make. I tend to make the happy couples and all that, and Rylan simply deviates from that norm, and I adore him for that. B: What inspired you to create them? He kinda did himself, I do play the kids a little, I made him a teen, and no matter who flirted with him, no one was interrested. So first I was thinking a bachelor, to find that spark, but after talking about it with @mahvaladara i realized I didn't feel that was right. He shouldn't have to fall in love with anyone if he so clearly did not want to. C: Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story? Yes, because my brain followed my standard they shall find someone and live happily ever after in the end, but they wanted differently. D: Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? They aged up pretty much the way they looked now, I had to add the horns, scales hair and eyes, but other than that he is basically just how he grew up. E: Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you? Yeah, I think we would get along, We share a few traits, and some ways of thinking.
F: What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? A half a year ago: Frustration, because i did not know what to do with them, none of the original idea felt right. Now, exitment and pride in who I feel they chose to be.
G: What trait of theirs bothers you the most? He is a athletic one.. so he always wants to exercise, mostly skate tbh, but its every single time I try and do something, like poses, he breaks out and does pushups, goes to skate and so on.
H: What trait do you admire most? His devotion to his family, specially his daughter and her mother. Even though they are not together, he cares deeply for both of them, and his family in general. He is very very family oriented.
I: Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe? I don't mind him going a bit in the fantasy direction on occasion, or an AU if it comes to mind. As long as his little one can come with, I'm happy with whatever my silly mind can come up with.
J: Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character? Luckily not. He had no big canon other than being part of the story I have.
thank you for asking!
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written-in-my-pages · 3 months
Scrapped chapter!
I have a chapter that was supposed to be chapter 14, but I didn't like it and want to share it for everyone else to enjoy as just a little side-thing! Content warnings: panic attacks, cussing. if theres one i missed please lmk Characters mentioned: Dazai, Chuuya, Arahabaki, Mori
Of all the places Chuuya has woken up in, he never expected one to be in water. He immediately panics and tries to swim to the surface, only to find out--he can breathe? No, this isn't right. Why can he breathe?
Theres no sight of Arahabaki near--even then, his gravity manipulation dosen't work underwater.
"What the fuck?!" He exclaims out loud, before he swims forward and thunks into a glass chamber. Oh, no.
No. no, no,
no, is he back in the lab?
He can't be. It blew up, theres no way--
"Goodness gracious," A voice cuts into Chuuya's thoughts and a smiling Dazai Osamu walks into his feild of view. "Who knew you fish-folk were so. . .rude?" Dazai smiles softly, and Chuuya chokes on the water despite how he's able to breathe perfectly fine. fish-folk?!?
Chuuya looks around the large water tank, eyes widening as he notices a scarlet red fish-like tail with spikes flowing in the water behind him, yet he has legs. He's certainly not a mermaid, so maybe 'fish-folk' would be better terms. His tail holds various white markings, which look like spirals and eyes in certain areas, and as he looks at his arms and thighs, he has scattered scales across those, too. They aren't fully coated in scales, but in the areas that there are scales theres markings on those, too.
"rude?!" Chuuya snaps, looking at Dazai as what he said fully processes. "Oh, says you, i'm trapped in a tank!" Chuuya yells angrily, and Dazai simply frowns.
"You have to stay in there, i apologize deeply." Dazai mumbles, watching Chuuya. "However," He starts, and Chuuya visibly perks up, tail swaying slower amidst the water in the tank.
"I can talk to the man in charge and see if we could allow you out." Dazai pauses. "That is, if you dont end up suffocating from lack of oxygen."
Chuuya seethes, eager to just get out. He feels too trapped, and it reminds him of certain white walls and floors, reminds him of a certain blonde-haired french man, reminds him of a machine wiith tubes connected on it which host a god. Everything he can see in this place besides the tank he's in, reminds him of times he'd much rather forget. A time filled with a numbness Chuuya could never begin to describe in words.
"I dont care if i suffocate. Just let me out." free me, a eight year old voice begs in the back of Chuuya's head let me go home.
"Hmh." Dazai huffs before he walks off, leaving Chuuya with his thoughts, his memories. Everything Chuuya hates about his past surfaces. And he hates it.
Dazai never cared much for all life that was living--especially not humans. He himself wasn't human, so he looked down upon mankind. It was simple, yet oh so complicated. No matter what Universe he lives in, no matter what paralel version of him existed, no matter who he ends up sticking by, he looked down upon. His subordinates in any Universe, his higher-ups, anybody who even so as smiled at him will get a hostile glare in their direction.
Why he was like this, nobody except he and few other people knew.
But, currently, where he stands in front of a ravenette man with fierce blood-colored eyes whom holds the name of death like its a crown, he wishes he could pound his head into the concrete.
Mori Ougai isn't a good person. Dazai knows he never will be, no matter where he goes, what life he leads.
"You are telling me," Mori sighs, leaning backwards in his chair, eyeing Dazai calmly in a way that makes his skin crawl. "You wish to let a possible threat to our facility out?"
"Yes." He says, tone harsh and snappy. He dosen't want to be here, in a room with a man that has done horrible things--such as mutating a large sea beast which lay unmoving in a massive tank, down in the basement of the facility.
"Tch." Mori scoffs, yet Dazai can tell he's thinking about saying no. Truly, if he says no to this, Dazai will just let the sea creature out himself. He saw the look of pain on the creatures face, the way his body stilled at the word of freedom.
"Fine. But it has a limited amount of time out, and you are to use anesthetics if it tries to leave--or kill it." Mori says finally, and Dazai huffs, not at all amused at such words.
With a destination in mind, Dazai leaves the room with no need to listen to Mori's permission of his dismissal. He could care less, really.
He yawns, regretting not having slept for long last night. He couldn't escape the nightmares that plauged his mind. "Why so tired?" a booming voice rattles around Dazai, and he stops in his tracks to stare at the huge tank where a massive sea beast lay unmoving. perhaps Dazai was still in a dream--so he pinches his hand, only to be met with pain. He's very much awake.
"How are you not dead?" Dazai blurts, stepping closer to the tank and staring into the murky green water, dirty from years of not being cleaned. Mori still wanted to keep the tank and the creature held within. perhaps it held value to Mori, or it could sell for a fortune on some black web.
"I'm far from death, mortal." The voice echoes, letting out a laugh that rattles Dazai's entire body as he places a hand to the dusty glass of the tank. "I'm an ancient being. truly, i am considered young." It says, and Dazai can hear the deep intake of breath it takes before speaking once more.
"Mortal," it starts, and Dazai wipes the dust off his hand on his pants before stepping back and crossing his arms. "Bring me my. . .child. I wish to see him."
Dazai pauses, brows furrowed. "Child? I dont know where he'd be, i-"
"You do. You did just ask for his freedom, no?"
His neck is suddenly freezing cold, and his skin turns to ice as chills run up his spine. "How do i-- how?" He mumbles, more to himself than the sea beast.
"He can breathe with no water, yet only for an hour. Bring me him. Put him in this tank with me." It demands, and Dazai forces himself to step further away from the tank. He feels like he cant breathe, god why cant he breathe? His limbs are heavy, and he's planted firmly in place as the world spins.
"Oh, goodness. You should go get him before my powers effect you more." A distant voice says, and Dazai can only let out a choked whimper as he nods and forces himself to move. He walks out of the room, into a different area of the basement where far more active tanks reside.
A emptiness seems to burrow itself inside Dazai's mind--something not rare, yet uncommon at most times--and he finds himself silently climbing the ladder to reach the top of the smaller tank which in resides a sea creature that Dazai had admired since he laid eyes on him.
"hey." The sea creature mumbles, his blue eyes the softest color of the sea and the sky. Dazai's breath catches in his throat and he scoops his arms into the water. "Climb in my arms, please?" He mumbles, watching the sea creature's eyes light in a fiery joy before he moves into Dazai's arms.
"Hmmh." The sea creature hums, content to reside in Dazai's arms for the time being it seems. . . . .
And that's the end! hope you all enjoyed <3
P.s the ACTUAL chapter 14 is being worked on!! just stay patient and keep your eyes open, everyone!
Reminder to go check out WIMPBMP on A03!!
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keepyourlife · 2 years
The fuck, that sucks! I mean at least you found out that he is a weak asshole rather in the beginning of your relationship. But it's probably still difficult, especially how happy and in love you were. You deserve so much better!
I hope it's getting better, so much bad things happening to you in such a short time. If we can help you let us know.
All the best from Spain!
bestie this is a whole essay, i put it under a read more.
to be fair, we were together for three months and a half. he broke up right the weekend he was supposed to meet my mother. the fucking funniest part?? i noticed something was off the saturday before that. sunday he was being weird, too, but well, i was good enough for sex that night. then he pretty much ghosts me every day and replies like once, twice a day. on wednesday he comes over, we have a seemingly nice evening. and on friday he's like "hey this isn't working out". his reasoning for everything was weak, and he pretty much told me that the things i am dealing with were too much for him & i should've just.. not mentioned them. like, when i had tonsillitis, i was in massive pain cause it was a strep infection. i had a 40 degree fever, every time i just swallowed, i had to mentally prepare for the pain. i had to fly across the atlantic feeling like that. i land in hamburg, we go to sleep (i was sick, i was in pain, doesn't care, but i was able to have sex with him, so whatever i guess) next day we went to a doctor, i apologised to him in the car about the day not being the way we imagined. his reply: "yea, it's not. but whatever." hmh. two days later he sends me paragraph on how he has this positive mindset, while i'm negative all the time. literally half the time we were together at that point i was sick BECAUSE OF AN IMMUNE DEFICIENCY. man's didn't care about that. i wasn't "positive" and super happy all the time. because he is. 24/7. every single day of the year. his exact words.
also, apparently i am not the person he wants to spend his life with. note, we're 21/22.
i mean, yes. i was very in love, i was very happy about being in love for the first time in years. i obviously trusted him, i told him things i haven't even told my closest friends and the only thing he did when i said those things was be silent and then change the topic.
so, yea, i do deserve better. i especially deserve someone who doesn't blame me for the bad things from my past & goes on and expects me to act like we broke up on good terms, everything's fine and a-okay. and then is pissed when i'm visibly hurt.
idk how anyone can help rn. i'm trying my best to forget about him. i'm visiting my family in the south soon, maybe that helps a bit.
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